Greta, the Mighty Amazon Princess: Part 1 by M.C. A powerful woman warrior celebrates her 30th birthday. The large, fierce bull circled around the naked figure standing, unarmed, in the center of the combat arena. As he did so, the capacity crowd watched with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. The vicious beast kicked his hoof into the dirt several times as he prepared to attack his prey. There was a surreal moment of silence as the ferocious beast and his seemingly helpless victum stared into each other's eyes. Then the bull began to charge. Surprisingly, instead of trying to flee, the large figure couched down and prepared to meet the attack head-on. When the charging bull was only a few yards away, he lowered his head so that his sharp horns were in a position to impale his victum. The intrepid figure remained in position however, boldly awaiting the impact. Any other human being would have probably lost his nerve in this situation and tried to run from the fast approaching beast. But this was no ordinary human being. This was Greta, the mighty Amazon princess; and she knew no fear. There was a loud gasp from the spectators as the bull slammed into the large, powerfully built woman. Though Greta was able to grab a horn with each of her strong hands, the bull's momentum plus his brute strength forced her to retreat...but not very far. The Amazon warrior dug her feet into the dirt and, after being pushed back several yards, managed to stop the charging bull in his tracks. A test of strength then ensued between the six foot-four inch, 275 pound muscular Amazon and the 1500 pound bull. As their struggle continued an amazing thing happened, the woman began to drive the animal backwards - much to the delight of the female crowd. When she felt the beast's strength was waning, Greta, using his horns for a catapult, leaped high into the air and, with a twisting sumersault, landed on the back of the bull, right behind it's head. She then wrapped her powerful thighs around the bull's neck and began to squeeze. With what remained of it's strength, the enraged animal attempted to throw her off by jumping up and down and violently shaking it's head from side to side. But despite his best efforts the female warrior could not be dislodged. Greta, her long, beautiful brown hair flying out in all directions, smiled at the cheering crowd of Amazons and tightened her legs around the bull's neck. "Pleasent dreams big boy,"she said to her exhausted opponent when Greta sensed he was finished. A few moments later, completely starved of air, the fierce creature slipped into unconsciousness; defeated by a mighty woman. Greta then stood up and put her right foot on top of the vanquished beast and flexed her awesome muscles for the cheering crowd; their princess had prevailed again. But doesn't she always? In her 30 years of life has the beautiful Amazon warrior ever been defeated? Not one single time. Greta was, it seemed, invincible. As male slaves came out and began to drag the unconscious bull out of the arena, Greta looked forward to the next event. What else did her mother Hilda - the Queen of the Amazons - have planned for her on this, the celebration of her 30th birthday? Whatever it was, Greta eagerly looked forward to it. After the bull had been removed, a gate opened from the side and six Amazon warriors from Greta's elite personal guard emerged. They were leading a band of seven large, naked men out into the arena. The capacity crowd, composed only of Amazons, began to laugh and jeer at them. They reached the center and stood facing Greta. Suddenly, all in attendance became very quiet as Queen Hilda rose to speak."These arrogant males entered our territory to hunt our sacred golden deer," she said in a loud, strong voice."By Amazon law they should be executed. But, in honor of my daughter's birthday, I have decided to give them an opportunity to fight for their freedom." Then, turning towards the captive males, the Amazon monarch continued,"the seven of you will engage in hand-to-hand combat against my daughter. If you should prevail against her, then you will be freed and can return to your homes. But if she is victorious, then you will become slaves of the Amazons for the rest of your lives. This is my decree." Although Greta, standing six feet-four inches tall and weighing 275 muscular pounds, was easily larger and stronger than the strongest of the men, they were far from weak. Each one stood around six feet tall and weighed 200 pounds at least. All were very well built and appeared to be in excellent shape - and they numbered seven to just the one woman. As the men began to take up positions around her, apparently preparing to attack the woman from all sides at once, Greta's eye was drawn to one in man particular. He was a little bit smaller than the rest and appeared to be the most afraid. Through her many years of training and combat, Greta had learned to be in complete control her emotions. Nevertheless, there was something about this man, something that gave the beautiful woman a strange feeling inside; a feeling the mighty female warrior had never felt before. She would have to explore this sensation; later however, for now she had other plans. The Amazon Queen waited until her daughter tied her long beautiful brown hair into a braid and then rolled it up into a tight ball; least any of the men tried to grab her hair during the fight. She then held up her royal scepter. When the Queen lowered it, the battle commenced. Just as Greta expected, the men attacked her simultaneously from seven different directions. The large crowd of Amazonian women stood in stunned silence as they watched the seven men charge and then climb all over the champion warrior who, strangely, seemed to offer no resistance. Soon Greta completely disappeared from their view under a pile of male bodies. How, they wondered, could this be happening? How could their heroine, invincible in battle, allow herself to be overwhelmed by a bunch of mere men? Just when her defeat seemed all but certain, they heard a loud cry, "UUURRRAAAGGG!!!" In an awesome display of her tremendous physical strength, the mighty Amazon stood up and threw her powerful arms to the sides; sending the pile of men flying out in all directions. Three were knocked unconscious outright. The remaining four regrouped and attacked Greta again. But this time the powerful woman playfully swatted them around, laughing as she did. SMACK! Greta slapped a 210 pound man with her open hand and he spun around twice before falling down. POW! A right uppercut to the jaw lifted another several feet off the ground before he crash landed on top of the first. Only two men were left standing now; the largest, who appeared to be the leader, and the man Greta felt the attraction for. She went over and grabbed them both firmly by their hair. They responded by punching her with their fists but their strongest blows had little effect on the awesome woman; she simply laughed off their feeble attempts to hurt her. The beautiful Amazon took the head of the man she was attracted to and forced it in-between her powerful thighs - feeling a strange, erotic sensation as she did so. The other, the strongest of the men she fought, Greta held up in front of her. The huge, naked woman then started to twist her body rapidly from side to side. As she did so, she pulled the man in close so that her massive, 48 inch breasts struck him on the face. The crowd of Amazons began to laugh hysterically as they watched his humiliation. When Greta stopped and released him, the strong man collapsed on the ground; battered senseless by a woman's breasts. That left only the one trapped between Greta's thighs."Well now, what am I going to do with you handsome?" she giggled. It was a rhetorical question, for Greta knew exactly what she was going to do with her new slave."You're coming home with me loverboy," she said and easily lifted his 200 pound body up over her shoulder. Before leaving the combat arena, Greta made her way over to the Amazon Queen. She bowed reverently. "Thank you mother, for this wonderful birthday celebration." Hilda, who was only slightly smaller than Greta and the greatest Amazon warrior of her day, smiled down from the podium. "You're very welcome my dear. You have, as usual, made us all very proud and once again proven the superiority of Amazonian women. I hope you enjoy your birthday *present*." Mother and daughter then shared a laugh. Greta then motioned over to the six women warriors."These (she pointed to the battered men lying unconscious on the ground) I give to you my loyal Amazon sisters. They are yours to do with what you like." They bowed to their princess and then began to giggle amonst themselves as they looked the men over and tried to decide who gets who. Greta turned back to her mother."Thank you again," she repeated,"for a birthday I'll always remember." The invincible Amazon warrior - her awesome, naked body visible for all to see - then began to leave the arena; carrying the helpless man over her shoulder. She smiled and waved to the cheering multitude as she left. As she watched her daughter leave, the proud mother turned to the large man standing next to her - the only man allowed to witness this Amazon spectacle."Well Demetrias, I hope this time our daughter has found a suitable mate. She's thirty years old now and I don't mind saying that I am becoming concerned." Many years ago Demetrias had been one of the most powerful warriors in all of Greece. He led an army of men North to conquer the Amazons. But, in a great battle, the mighty women warriors - led by a younger Hilda - totally annihilated his army. He, along with a few other survivors, were taken to the Amazon capital where the Queen, Hilda's mother, gave Demetrias to her daughter as a reward for her great triumph. Her slave at first, Demetrias eventually became Hilda's lover (after Hilda had broken his will of course) and then her husband - and he has been so for more than thirty loving years. "I hope so too your majesty," he said. Although it was nearly a mile from the arena to the Amazon army camp where she lived (despite being a princess, Greta - like her mother before her - was also the commander of the Amazon army) the strong woman had no difficultly carrying the man the entire way. "What's your name?" she asked him upon entering her home. "Jason," he answered, trembling with fear,"my-my name is Jason." Greta tossed him onto her bed and sat down next to him. "Well Jason, you are going to be serving me for a long, long time; so you'd better get used to being here. And don't be such a crybaby. If you're a good boy and do what I tell you to, then we'll get along just fine." The large woman began to untie her braid, letting her long, beautiful brown hair fall across her massive shoulders and down her back; it nearly reached her waist."As my slave, you'll have many chores and responsibilities to do around here Jason," she said as she turned her back to him,"the first of which is to brush my hair." The powerful Amazon princess handed her new slave a hairbrush. When the man hesitated, Greta reached back, grabbed him by his hair again and yanked him forward so that they were literally nose-to-nose. In a soft but firm voice she said,"Jason, I'm going to say this once and once only: if you ever delay in carrying out an order of mine again, I'm going to punish you severely; do you understand?" Shaking uncontrollably with fear, Jason nodded. "Good, now brush my hair!" Meekly - and immediately - he began to do as he was told. "I have a lot of plans for you, you gorgeous hunk," Greta said to herself and smiled,"a lot of plans." End of part 1