Don't Get Mad...Get Even: Conclusion by M.C. Diane and Kevin battle it out for top honors in the city martial arts championship. Diane Sanders looked surprisingly confident as she faced off against the dreaded Kevin Williams in the open division of the city's annual martial arts tournament. Even though her female students had literally wiped the floor with his best fighters, the 40 year-old attorney- turned-martial-arts-instructor wanted to make it a clean sweep; and what would be a more fitting conclusion then to defeat the tough, chauvanistic, macho sensei herself. By taking five of the six divisions (crushing all of Kevin's entrants in the process) Diane's girls had already sown up the championship for her dojo. Now she wanted the icing on the cake, or the 'piece de resistance' if you will. And besides, why shouldn't she also have some fun? As the five foot-six inch, 140 pound woman prepared to battle the six foot, 210 pound man for the city's open martial arts championship, she reached into a pocket of her gi. Diane smiled to herself when she felt the small piece of paper inside. "Good. I was afraid I neglected to put this in...I'll need it later." Satisfied, the intrepid woman put her hands up, assumed a fighting stance and nodded over to the referee. When Kevin did likewise, the referee gave the signal and the battle of rival senseis began. Confident that his superior size, strength and fighting experience would prevail over the much smaller woman, Kevin attacked her immediately. Fully expecting this maneuver, Diane decided not to meet his attack head-on but fight instead on the defensive - at least for the time being. Diane felt that she could rely upon both her skillful technique and quickness to defend herself until her opponent presented her with an opportunity to counterattack. "Take your time and wait for an opening," she always told her students before a tournament,"sooner or later you'll get one." For the first minute or so Kevin hurled a continous barrage of kicks and thrusts at his female opponent. It's doubtful that many people, even those well trained in martial arts, could have stood up to his assult; but Diane did. Using the skills she had honed and perfected over her thirty-five years of studying martial arts, the attractive, expertly trained woman managed to block or avoid most of Kevin's blows. The few that did manage to get through were only glancing blows that Diane hardly seemed to feel. Many in the capacity crowd looked on in disbelief, unable to understand how a woman could be holding her own against the most feared fighter in the city. But then they really didn't know very much about Diane Sanders... Diane's mother and father - both successful attorneys - wanted to be sure their daughter would be able to defend herself against bullies in school (as well as overly aggressive boyfriends) so they enrolled her in the local self-defence school when she was just five years old; and from that moment on, Diane was hooked on martial arts. By the age of ten, the precocious girl began studying at an advanced dojo specializing in Korean karate where she earned a first degree black belt two days after her 15th birthday. Wanting to expand her knowledge to other forms of self-defence, the pretty (and surprisingly tough) blond then began studying Judo while continuing with her Tae Kwon Do. Diane was so adept and dedicated that by the time she graduated from high school, the 18 year-old girl had her second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do as well as a first in Judo. Now qualified to teach, she became a martial arts instructor and worked her way through both college and law school by teaching self-defence; predominiately to women. Diane continued to expand her expertise in hand-to-hand combat by studying Kung Fu, and shortly before her 21st. birthday added yet another black belt to her growing collection. As an instructor, Diane would incorporate all of the disciplines she knew and cater them to fit the needs of her students; which may explain why they did so well in tournaments. She loved teaching martial arts as much as studying it. Nothing gave her greater pleasure than to watch the girls and women she taught gain confidence in themselves and take control of their lives. Unfortunately however, real life was about to throw her a curve. When she was 22 years old, and in her first year of law school (Diane had always wanted to be a lawyer like her parents), she became pregnant. Diane married the father who was a fellow law student and six months later Cindy was born. She realized too late what a mistake it had been in marrying just because she was pregnant as her new husband was proving to be both arrogant and irresponsible. Tensions between them rose until that fateful night when he came home very late with three of his jock friends. They had been out drinking and were in a very rowdy mood. Completely fed up with his behavior by this time, Diane confronted him and demanded that he send his friends home; it was time to have a serious talk. His responce was to slap her hard across the face, which proved to be a big mistake. Furious, the martial arts expert then proceeded to give both him and his friends the beating of their lives. In fact, Diane beat her husband up so badly that he had to spend several days in the hospital recovering. Not surprisingly, a divorce followed shortly afterwards. What this meant was that in addition to juggling law school and her martial arts, Diane now had the additional responsibility of raising a daughter all by herself. Somehow though, this amazing girl did it - and even managed to pick up her third degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do along the way. But when she began her law practice, the workload became too heavy - even for her - and Diane was forced to let the martial arts go. That's why when Cindy was old enough, Diane enrolled her in a self-defence school; even though she'd really have loved to teach her herself. As the years went by, Diane realized just how much she missed studying and teaching martial arts. But while working her way up in her law firm, the single mother just didn't have the time to even consider it. When Cindy was fourteen, Diane's firm moved her to a new city. After making several inquires she decided to send her daughter to the dojo taught by one Kevin Williams who had the reputation of being the best sensei around. It was a decision Diane would come to regret after she discovered how pompous and chauvanistic he was. Back to the tournament. Kevin attempted a hard roundhouse kick that missed badly and, in the process, left himself wide open. Diane now had the opportunity she had been waiting for. Moving in quickly, she slammed her right foot into his jaw, WHAM!, then whirled around and sent her left foot deep into the pit of his stomach; she followed that with another solid kick to his jaw. In just ten seconds, the great Kevin Williams found himself flat on his back with the attractive, 40 year-old woman smiling down at him."Not bad for an old lady, eh?" Diane laughed with her hands on her hips."I guess my girls and I are just too tough for you and your boys Kevin." She was baiting him now, and loving every minute of it. "NO FUCKING WAY!" Kevin screamed as he got to his feet. He stormed over to her and launched another vicious series of thrusts and kicks, all of which his female opponent either avoided or deftly blocked while she waited for him to get careless again. This time she didn't have to wait too long. WHACK! "What was that you said to me last year Kevin?" she teased after landing another hard roundhouse kick to the side of his face,"that we females are too interested in our hair or shopping to be any good at martial arts?" The beautiful blond then fired off a series of punches and kicks of her own which, unlike Kevin's, were right on target. Practically all of the women in the crowd began to cheer now as they watched Diane drive the larger man back up against the ropes. "And speaking of my hair, THUD! (Diane drove her right foot deep into Kevin's stomach again) what do you think of my new hair-do? CRACK! (another kick to his face). I had it done earlier today for this occasion, SMASH! Don't you think it's pretty?" She fluffed her long, beautiful blond hair in front of him before sending her right foot into his face again; WHAM! As the 210 pound master fighter staggered back into the ropes, Diane grabbed one of his outstretched arms and judo flipped him onto the floor; CRASH! "Oh, and speaking of shopping, you should see the lovely new shoes I bought yesterday Kevie. They're so pretty. They're gold, just like all the trophies we'll be putting up in our dojo tomorrow." THUMP! As Kevin's resistance began to wane, the beautiful woman began to batter him around the ring. With lightning fast, expertly placed punches and kicks, Diane was using the once dreaded Kevin for target practice while he was reduced to just trying to block her blows. "Gee, I haven't had this much fun since I beat up my ex-hubby and his friends; tee, hee, hee." She had backed Kevin into one of the corners and was slamming away at him at will. PUNCH! KICK! SLAM! WHACK! POW! The referee should have stopped the fight by now, but he was too mesmerized by what was taking place right before his eyes to say or do anything. "Way to go mom!" Cindy shouted out from the sidelines as she proudly watched her mother destroy the pompous, arrogant man who had been her former instructor. "You rule!" "Master Sanders, you're awesome," the other girls and women from her dojo chimed in,"totally awesome!" The *awesome* woman suddenly stopped battering Kevin around and looked over at her cheering daughter and students. It was then that the 40 year-old lawyer realized what had been missing from her life for the past fifteen years - her love of studying and teaching martial arts. Although being a successful attorney did have it's rewards - a very sizeable income for starters - it never gave her anywhere near the satisfaction she felt this night as she watched her 'girls' annihilate Kevin's best fighters. It was at that moment that Diane Sanders knew what she would be doing for the rest of her life; that at forty, she had found her true calling. While Diane was momentarily lost in her own thoughts, Kevin Williams realized that this might be his last chance to salvage what was left of his pride and began to approach the woman who had totally outclassed him. Diane had her back to him and was so consumed by her epiphany that she seemed to forget she was fighting in a martial arts tournament. As Kevin prepared to strike her from behind - a blow that could have caused considerable harm to the much smaller woman - she, without even turning around, stepped back and jammed her right elbow hard into his solar plexus and, in the same movement, wacked him hard on the nose with the back of her right hand. "Trying to sneak up behind me, eh Kevin?" Diane said,"why you naughty, naughty boy you." In what few of those who were there to witness it would ever forget, the 140 pound woman then whirled around and slammed her right foot into Kevin's jaw one last time. Such was the force of her blow that the 210 pound man was actually lifted several inches off the floor. He landed back in the corner; battered, beaten and unconscious. His head was drooping down and his once lethal hands were drapped across the ropes. Amazed at what they had just seen this incredible woman do, the crowd burst into cheers; shouts of "Diane, Diane" could be heard throughout the auditorium. The victorious female casually walked over to where the battered man was lying and stood over him. Diane smiled as she took out the piece of paper from her gi. On it were written these words:"Teenage girls have neither the strength or skill, nor the dedication or determination it takes to be a martial arts champion" (see part one of this story). Also written on it were the wise words her sensei had told her a long time ago,"don't get mad, get even." Diane placed the paper inside Kevin's bloody mouth and giggled, "I told you you'd be eating your words Mr. Macho Man." When Diane climbed out of the ring all of her students mobbed her. The girls lifted their sensei up on their shoulders and carried her around the arena singing,"we are the champions, we are the champions, we are the champions...of the world," while the crowd continued to cheer and shout out her name. Even some of Kevin's students who had been beaten by the girls had to confess their admiration for what these females had accomplished that night. They won all six divisions of the city-wide tournament - something no dojo had ever managed to do before. Out of the corner of her eye, Diane caught sight of Cindy and Richard Johnson (the boy she had flattened in the tournament earlier that evening) shaking hands; both had smiles on their faces. She also noticed several of her other female students mingling with some of the guys they had beaten. As she watched Kevin Williams being carried out of the arena on a stretcher she grinned. The man that had virtually dominiated the martial arts scene in the city for the better part of the past decade would, no doubt, be spending the next few days in the hospital recovering from the severe beating she had given him."It serves that pompous, chauvanist right," Diane said to herself. But when the stretcher passed by, and Diane saw the tears in Kevin's eyes and the shattered look he had on his battered face, the mighty woman's heart softened. "Perhaps I might have been a bit too rough on him," she thought. "Maybe I should go visit him in the hospital tomorrow..." Epilogue: One Month Later "Before you and Richard leave for the senior prom this evening I want to have a talk with the two of you Cindy," Diane said to her daughter in a serious tone of voice. "Oh mom, I know what you're going to say. It's not like I haven't heard it all before." "Well I'm afraid you're going to have to hear it again then young lady. Just because you can kick his ass in a fight doesn't mean you won't let your passions get the better of you. I know a little bit about what female and male hormones can lead to." "We'll be careful mom, I promise." "Sometimes careful isn't good enough honey. I was careful and, well..." Diane paused briefly, then continued."This Richard is a very handsome guy; and the fact that he can still like you after the way you pounded him in the tournament last month shows me he's also a class act. And you do kind of like him, don't you?" "Well...yes, I do like him mother. Is that why you made him the instructor of the intermediate class in your dojo?" "It was one of the reasons, but not the main one. The main reason was this: after our smashing success in the tournament last month, I couldn't handle the sudden influx of people wanting to study at our dojo all by by myself. Even with you and Rose teaching the beginner's class I still needed more qualified instructors. So after Kevin resigned from teaching martial arts and I bought his dojo from him, I discovered that Richard is really an excellent instructor. He who knows how to relate to his students which I think is extremely important - whether one is teaching self- defence or anything else." "Why did you buy Kevin's dojo mom? I really liked the old one. It was smaller but much more intimate." "I agree Cindy, I liked it too. But let's face it, Kevin's is much larger and we really do need the extra space in order to accommodate all of the new students we've been getting. I don't feel that we should turn down anyone who wants to study with us because of the lack of space." "So Kevin is out of the martial arts business altogether?" "Well, almost altogether. He still has a...small interest in it." When Diane saw the quizzical look on her daughter's face, she smiled and added,"I'll explain it to you someday honey." "Are you sorry you gave up your law practice mom?" "Not for a minute, not for one single minute. Teaching martial arts is what I was meant to do." "And what are you planning to do tonight while I'm at the prom?" Diane smiled at her daughter,"don't worry about me honey, I'll find something to do." The mother-daughter conversation was interrupted by the ring of the front doorbell. "I'll get it," Cindy said excitedly as she raced to the door. She returned shortly with her prom date in tow. Instinctively, Richard bowed before his new sensei. "Good evening Master Sanders," he said respectfully. "That's only appropriate in my dojo Richard," Diane admonished him."Here I'm Ms. Sanders, your girlfriend's mother and a simple handshake will do." When they shook hands, Richard winced at the strength of Diane's grip. "Well then young man, I hope your intentions with my daughter are *honorable* (Cindy couldn't help but giggle when she heard her mother say this), and you'll protect my helpless little daughter should the need arise (more giggles)." "Yes Mast...err, Ms. Sanders. I'll be a perfect gentleman; you have my word on that. And I promise I won't be late for the intermediate class I teach tomorrow morning." "O.K. then. You kids can go now...and have yourselves a great time." Just before Cindy and Richard left, Diane handed her daughter a small package. "Don't open this until you are at least a mile away," she whispered. Mother and daughter exchanged a knowing look; then Cindy led Richard out of the house to his car. When they had driven exactly one mile, Cindy opened the package. In it she found several condoms and a note which read:"I've booked you and Richard into the Holiday Inn tonight under the name of Mr. and Ms. Sanders. Tell Richard he needn't worry about his class tomorrow, I'm going to teach it. And please enjoy yourselves. Love, Mom." About twenty minutes later the doorbell rang again. "It's open," Diane called out. She smiled at the large, well built man who entered the house. "Well Kevin, Cindy and Richard will be gone until tomorow so we can take our time tonight. What kind of foreplay are you in the mood for? Karate? Judo? Boxing? Wrestling?...or perhaps Scrabble?" "I think I'd prefer Scrabble tonight if you don't mind Diane. I'm still a bit sore from last week's foreplay." "Scrabble it is then." The powerful and beautiful martial arts master took Kevin Williams firmly by the hand and led him into her bedroom. "But I'm still going to kick your ass," she giggled; and sure enough, she did.