The Marvelous Mary decides to play a little Football By M.C. When the world's strongest woman decided to try her hand at football, everybody thought it was a joke - until she began to play. *Author's Note: Readers of this website who are familiar with my stories will note that this is a recurring theme of mine - a combination of two of my favorite topics: i.e. strong, tough, sexy women and American football. I make no excuses for this; it's one my favorite subjects to write about. Because it's a rough, tough macho sport that only the toughest guys can play, to have strong, sexy women (or in this case one woman) not only playing against men but kicking their asses is a real sexual turn on for me. However for non-Americans who are not familiar with American football, (where unlike football in most of the rest of the world only one player in the eleven on the field actually touches the ball with his foot - don't ask why, it's complicated), there will be a lot of football jargon and even a few statistics in this story which you may not understand. For that I apologize in advance and hope you don't find it too boring to read (for me though, the jargon and statistics fit perfectly in with the story). So now it's on to the story itself and I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I did in writing it. 1) Mary's Strongwoman's Act The standing room only crowd watched in raptured silence as The Marvelous Mary - the world's strongest woman (who also happens to be my wife) prepared for the final feat of strength in her famous strongwoman act - the tug of war. As always, the five strongest men in the audience are chosen to try to pull the powerfully built woman across a line drawn on the floor of the big tent. And if they succeed in beating her they each would receive $250. But if Mary wins, then all they get is a strong hug and a "nice try" from her. I have been associated with this circus for nearly two years now and she's never even come close to losing. She even defeated the entire offensive front line of a college football team once (see my previous Marvelous Mary story from Feb. 13th) to prove to them that her act was not faked as they thought it was. They all apologized to her after she beat then. As the five big, strong men grabbed a firm hold of the thick hemp rope, Mary grabbed it on her side and they were ready. Then circus ringmaster blew his whistle and the tug of war began. Because the challengers were always local people from the cities and towns where the circus performs, the crowd usually cheers them on; and this night was no exception. As usual, Mary plays around with her opponents for a while - letting them pull with all their might while she simply holds them in place. Sometimes, if she's in a playful mood, Mary will even shout out encouragement to them, making them try even harder. It isn't teasing or her attempting to humiliate them however, it's just Mary's way of having good-natured fun during her strongwoman show and the audience always loves it. Finally, when Mary feels that the men are beginning to tire, she'll start to pull in earnest which inevitably brings the contest to a close within a few seconds. And as I said before, so that there won't be any hard feelings after she beats them (outside of maybe a few bruised egos that is) Mary will always give her defeated foes a strong hug and a pleasant "nice try." So for the umpteenth time, I watched my amazing wife play around with these five totally outclassed men for a couple of minutes before easily pulling them across the line. And despite having just watched their local heroes lose a test of strength to a single woman, the crowd gave The Marvelous Mary a standing ovation nevertheless. "This concludes our performance for the evening," the ringmaster bellowed out. "We sincerely hoped that you enjoyed it. Have a safe trip back home and a wonderful rest of your evening." As always though, Mary hangs around for a while after her show to sign autographs, converse with her many fans and engage in arm wrestling contests with anybody willing to go up against her. Mary has a standing offer of $1,000 to any man (and her challengers are always men) who can beat her - with either hand! And although my amazing wife must have taken over a thousand of challengers over the past few years, she has never even come close to being beaten. She really is, as her title says, "The Marvelous Mary". 2) An Interesting Proposition This evening however, in addition to signing autographs, interacting with her fans and arm-wrestling strong men (Mary would usually be talking and giggling with her fans while at the same time toying with some totally outclassed guy in arm wrestling before gently forcing his arm down), she had a different kind of visitor. And this visitor had a totally unexpected proposition to offer Mary - a proposition that would dramatically change our lives. "Mary," the attractive woman began, "please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Linda Morris. And although you've probably never heard of me, I'm a financial wizard who turned a small inheritance into a huge financial empire and am now the CEO of a large hedge fund. And with plenty of money to spare, I decided to purchase a professional football team. Unfortunately, the team that I purchased happens to be the worst team in the National Football League - I guess that's why it was so cheap to buy. In fact last season they didn't even manage to win one single game. They went 0-16 and it looks like our prospects aren't going to be any different this coming season which begins in just two weeks." "So this is where you come in Mary, provided you're interested that is. I'll get straight to the point. I'd like you have you play football for my team. I have seen your act several times now and you really are an amazing physical marvel. With your incredible strength, I think you could be a great asset for us. And who knows, with you on the team we may even be able to win a few games this season." (Little did Linda realize at the time just what Mary would do for her team. But I'm getting ahead of myself now). "Just think of it Mary, you'd be the first woman to ever play in the N.F.L. What an inspiration you'd be for girls and women all around the country who want to think outside the box. And I also believe that you'd be a tremendous draw to getting more fans - especially females who don't usually attend football games - to come out and watch you play." "Now I understand that this was the circus' last performance of the season; right? (She was correct about that. The circus was shutting down for the autumn and winter for our annual break. We'll begin again in the spring). So there wouldn't be any conflicts with your circus schedule. So here is what I'm prepared to offer you and your husband - who I understand is also your business manager - for your services." She handed us a piece of paper with a number written on it - and it was a big number; that is to say a VERY big number! Mary and I looked at each other after we saw it and grinned. "With this we'll be able to buy that lovely big house that we've had or eyes on for quite some time; won't we honey? It'll be our dream home." "With this Mary, we'll be able to buy three of those homes and still have enough left over for both a Ferrari and a Mercedes SUV." Mary smiled at her soon-to-be employer and said, "Ms. Morris, my hubbie and I accept your very generous offer. I would be very happy to play for your football team this season. So, what position do you want me to play, and when can I start?" "Hmmm, I'm not all that familiar with the finer points of football yet. I'm still pretty new at this and it's a rather steep learning curve. What position do you think would be best suited to your amazing abilities Mary?� You can start whenever you think you're ready, and you can call me Linda if you prefer." Mary and I talked it over for a couple of minutes, then she replied, "My hubbie and I think that I would best be suited for a running back on offence, and the middle linebacker on defense." "What?" Linda asked, somewhat surprised by Mary's response. "You mean you want to play on both offence AND defense? Isn't that like kind of a difficult thing to do? I mean is there even one a single player in the N.F.L. that does that?" When Mary heard Linda ask her this, she laughed and replied, "Not yet I guess, but there will be soon (wink). I really don't think it would be all that difficult for me to do Linda. You told me that you've seen several of my strongwoman shows; right? Well, as you may have noticed I am in rather good shape," (an understatement if ever there was one). And to the further illustrate her point, my amazing wife then flexed her awesome, twenty inch biceps. "To the contrary Linda, I think it would be a lot of fun for me to play on both offence and defense." Then she added with a girlish giggle, "That way I'd get to smack around twice as many big, strong, macho tough guys; tee, hee, hee." Mary and I shook hands with Linda (thus making the contract legally binding) and then left, went home and began packing for what promised to be a very eventful next six months in our lives. 3) The Press Conference A few days later, Linda held a press conference with Mary by her side and announced that she had just signed on "The World's Strongest Woman" to play football for her team that season. Not surprisingly, the announcement was met with a combination of surprise and derision by most of the press, the other players in the National Football League, as well as their fans and N.F.L. officials. The press thought it was nothing more than a publicity stunt to attract attention to what was expected to be a dismal football team. Even some of the players on her own team grumbled about their new owner's decision to bring in a woman to play football with them and many openly talked about wanting to be traded to another team. Furthermore, it also didn't go over too well when Mary announced that she would dispense with wearing the thick shoulder and knee pads that football players always wear during games. "It's definitely not flattering for a woman to wear all those bulky things; nor are they necessary. Real women don't need them." And if that wasn't controversial enough, Mary also said that she wouldn't even be wearing a helmet during her games! When a reporter asked her why, she laughed and said, "I'll be going to go to the beauty parlor before every game and wearing a helmet would only muss up my pretty new hair- do." But why did she need to go to the beauty parlor before every game? another reporter asked. "Because I want everybody who comes to watch me play to have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that I am one hundred percent a woman." The only concession that Mary did agree to make was to forgo playing in the sexy, one-piece, synthetic tiger skin swimsuit that she always wears for her strongwoman shows. Instead she'll be wearing a uniform that was being especially designed for her - one-piece swimsuit-like uniform in her team's colors with her name, number and the team logo printed on it (it was an N.F.L. rule). "It's not quite as sexy as what I'm used to wearing for my shows, but I suppose it will have to do. Just so long as the fans can see my muscular arms and legs." Mary deliberately didn't mention that it also highlighted her large, firm breasts; deeming that inappropriate for a press conference. Mary is very proud of her powerfully sculpted female body, and she showed it off a bit by again flexing her awesome, twenty-inch biceps for the reporters. And so far as the resentment that some of her male teammates, the other players in the N.F.L., the press and hostile chauvinistic fans may have towards her playing professional football, Mary seemed to take it all in stride. "I'm sure that everything will be all right once I start to play and people see just what this girl can do." Then Mary smiled and added, "I'm sure that I'll get the last laugh. After all, I always do." 4) The Team Meeting It was Thursday morning, three days before opening day when Mary would make her debut as a professional football player in the N.F.L. and I couldn't help but notice that my amazingly strong wife seemed to be a bit frustrated. "What's the matter honey?" I asked her. "Are you nervous about your big day on Sunday?" "No sweetie pie; not at all," she replied. "In fact that's the least of my worries right now." When I asked Mary what was bothering her then, she explained the situation to me. "Most of the players on my team seem to have excepted me as an equal member, especially after they saw how strong I was and realized what an asset I can be in helping the team improve this season after the disastrous one that they had last year." "But there are still a few chauvinistic holdouts who refuse to accept me as a member of the team. And as we are about to begin a new season, their effect on the team's moral can be very harmful for our chances of success. I know I'm very strong Roger, but even I can't beat a professional football team all by myself. You know football (I taught Mary all the rules as we watched games together), so you very well understand that it's not an individual sport like tennis, bowling or golf. I'll need a united team behind me if I'm going to help these guys win." "But some of these chauvinistic, macho guys secretly want to see me fail. Their male egos simply won't allow them to accept that a woman will be leading them to victories that they weren't able to achieve by themselves. And they'd actually rather lose games than win with me helping them. How can my team possibly have a successful season when some of the key players are harboring these kinds of attitudes?" I thought over what Mary had just said and suddenly a brilliant idea came to me. And when I told my beautiful wife about my flash of genius, she giggled, hugged me and said, "Oh Roggie, that's such a lovely idea. I can see now why I married such a smart, cutie pie like you; tee, hee, hee." That afternoon all of the players and coaches on Mary's football team were gathered together in the team's weight room for an important team meeting that my wife had called. Even Linda Morris - the team's owner - and I attended. The players and coaches were sitting around on benches in a large semi-circle while Linda and I stood off to the side. Mary stood in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips. And when the entire team was present and seated, my large, strong and powerfully built wife began to speak. "The reason that I called for this meeting today is that I believe we have a problem with moral that must be addressed before the our opening game this Sunday. So let me get straight to the point. I know that there are a number of you who are less than happy to be playing alongside a woman this season. But I was brought here to help you win football games, not to coddle your fragile male egos (Mary is nothing if not direct when she feels she needs to be). And win football games is what I intend to do. So, if there are any of you who feel uncomfortable about playing with me, then feel free to leave the team right now. But if you chose to remain, then we all play together as a team. Did I make myself clear?" "And who the hell are you to just come in here and tell us what to do girlie?" the extremely large and tough looking man that was sitting at the edge of the bench in the front row barked out. "I've been on this team for five years now and you haven't even played one single game. And yet you think that you can just come in here and take over the team and tell everybody else what to do? What makes you think that you have the right to do that, bitch?" (I cringed when I heard him say that because I knew exactly what Mary was thinking - and it didn't bode well for this guy). "There's no way in hell I'm playing with a woman on this team!" Without showing any outward sign of emotion, Mary calmly walked over to where this large man was sitting. His name was Edward Harris and he was the starting offensive right tackle of the football team. Listed at standing six feet-five inches tall and weighing 285 pounds, Ed was generally considered to be the largest, strongest and toughest player on the team. Mary, who stands an even six feet tall and weighs a solid 225 muscular pounds, reached out and grabbed the boorish man firmly by his sweatshirt and not only lifted him off the bench he was sitting on, but literally raised him completely off the floor - using only her left hand! "Obviously someone needs to teach you a lesson in how to talk to a woman tough guy," she said. "And it will be a great pleasure for me to do just that." Still holding the 285 pound man above the floor with her left hand, Mary then began to slap him back and forth across his face with her right. SLAP! CRACK! SLAP! CRACK! After about the tenth or twelfth hard slap (I had lost count), Mary stopped slapping him and released her grip on Ed's shirt, whereupon he collapsed on the floor; conscious, but just barely. "When you've sufficiently recovered from the slapping that I just gave you Eddie, I want you to clean out your locker," Mary said as she glared down at him. "You don't want to play with a woman on the team? Well now you won't have to because as of right now you are no longer a part of this team." Mary then put her hands on her hips again and turned to face the rest of the team, all of whom were now sitting in stunned silence after what they had just witnessed my incredible wife do. "So much for him. Now, is there anybody else here who has a problem playing football with a woman on the team?" Needless to say nobody uttered so much as a single peep. Mary winked at me (after all, it was my idea) looked again at her teammates and said, "Good. And now that that's been taken care of, we can all get down to the business of playing some serious football. So boys, what do you say we go out and kick some ass this Sunday?" Authors note: My wife is neither a cruel nor sadistic person; far from it in fact. For despite her tremendous physical strength, Mary is as kind and sweet as can be. But when the need arises, as it did during the team meeting or two years ago when she felt she had to teach the heavyweight boxing champion a lesson in manners (see my previous The Marvelous Mary story) she's not shy about using her strength either. Ed Harris was leading an insurrection of several players on Mary's team against her. Knowing that this could seriously affect the teams cohesion and thus hurt their chances of winning, Mary felt that she had to act decisively to nip the problem in the bud; and she did. For without Ed around to stir up trouble - especially the way Mary got rid of him - no one ever dared to complain about her being on the team again. 5) The Marvelous Mary Plays a Little Football The stadium was completely filled with 75,000 anxious fans waiting for what they all knew would be an historic event in the world of sports. And because of all the publicity surrounding Mary's first football game, tens of millions more would be watching on television. It was indeed an historic event - the first woman ever to play in the National Football League! "How would she do?" everyone wondered. "Is this a legitimate attempt to improve the football team's dismal prospects, or just a silly publicity stunt to get people to come to their games?" Today would be the day of reckoning. The crowd grew quiet as the players came out onto the field. True to her word, Mary had indeed gone to the beauty parlor to get her hair done before the game and, I have to say, her dark hair looked beautiful; falling over her massive shoulders and halfway down her back. She was wearing her specially designed one-piece swimsuit/uniform which highlighted her muscular arms, powerful legs and large, firm breasts. Gazing at her from the sidelines, Mary was indeed an awesome sight to behold. But could she actually play football in the N.F.L? That, we were about to find out. The players took up their positions on the field. As Mary's team had won the coin toss, they elected to receive the football first. Mary stood near the goal line and prepared to catch the pigskin. Seconds before the kickoff to start the game, my muscular wife flashed me a beautiful smile as well as the "thumbs up" sign. She was ready. The referee then blew his whistle, the kicker kicked the ball, and the game began. Mary caught the high end-over-end football at the goal line and began running towards the opposite side of the field, right at the oncoming football players from the opposing team. And although the blockers on her team did manage to stop a few of them, many more broke through and were converging on her. "Now it's time to show every- body just what this girl can do," Mary said to herself as the powerful woman prepared to meet their onslaught head-on. CRASH! WHAM! SMASH! In an astounding display of her raw female power, my mighty wife literally sent three would-be tacklers to the ground. POW! CRUNCH! WHACK! And after flattening three more, Mary now had herself a clear path to the opposite goal line, which she easily crossed. For a few surreal seconds, the 75,000 fans at the stadium sat in stunned silence at what they had all just witnessed. A single woman, dressed in only in a sexy one-piece bathing suit-like uniform, and not even wearing a helmet, literally smashed her way through almost an entire N.F.L. football team on her way to a one hundred yard kickoff return for a touchdown. And she did all that in just the first fifteen seconds of her very first game! After what they had just seen Mary do had finally sunk in, the capacity crowd erupted in an explosion of cheers and applause for their new "superheroine" and began shouting MARY! MARY! MARY! (much to the delight of both her and me). And whatever doubts that I might have had as to whether Mary would succeed in this football endeavor (yes, I do confess now that I did have some doubts about this) they had now been completely dispelled. For she not only ran for a 100 yard touchdown the very first time she touched the football, but Mary literally bulldozed her way through almost the entire opposing team in doing so. The only question now was, just how good would she be? The statistics of her first game were nothing short of phenomenal. Mary led her team, which hadn't won even a single game the previous season, to a whopping 49-17 rout that day; and it was a pretty good team too. All she did was rush for 325 yards - shattering the N.F.L. single game record of 296 rushing yards gained by Adrian Peterson on November 4th, 2007, and scored seven touchdowns, also an N.F.L. record, breaking the six that Alvin Kamara scored in his magnificent game set just last December 25th against the Minnesota Vikings (Yes, I wanted to be accurate so I did a bit of research for this story).� And do I have to remind you that this was just Mary's very first football game? What more did this awesome wife of mine have in store for us? Well as you will see, a lot. With "The Marvelous Mary" leading her team's attack as well as playing suffocating defense at middle linebacker, she singlehandedly turned what had been a terrible team until she showed up into an invincible juggernaut; literally crushing their opponents by thirty or forty points a game! My incredible wife was shattering every N.F.L. rushing record as she smashed her way to over 300 yards and five or six touchdowns every game! Nothing like this had ever been seen before. When Mary carried the football on offense, no man, no matter how big and strong, could stop her all by himself; she was simply too strong for him. It would usually take two or three strong men to tackle her - and then only after she dragged them all forward for several more yards. And when they did manage to bring her down, Mary would get up, say "nice� play boys", giggle and go back into the huddle to prepare for the next play. By the end of just her seventh game, Mary had already broken the N.F.L. single season rushing record of 2105 yards set by Eric Dickerson in 1984 - and it took him sixteen games to do it!� And she also broke LaDainian Tomlinson's record of 28 rushing touchdowns that he had set in 2006 by her sixth! Amazingly, Mary could have easily gotten far more yards and scored even more touchdowns had she have wanted to hog all the glory. But after her team would build up a comfortable lead of four or five touchdowns during a game (thanks largely to her), Mary was content to merely block for other runners so that they could score touchdowns too. And with the mighty woman plowing through opposing defenses, it made it easy for her teammates to score also. And true to her word, before every football game my gorgeous wife would go to the beauty parlor to get her hair done. Why? I asked her. "Because I don't want everybody to think of me as just some strong, rough, tough woman sweetie pie. I want them to also see my softer and more feminine side." Then Mary added with a laugh, "And what better way is there to show everybody my softer, feminine side than to play every game with a pretty hair-do while I'm mopping the floor with the other team?" With impeccable logic like that, it's kind of hard to argue with her. Opposing teams soon learned the hard way that you couldn't run through Mary when she was playing on defense - she would simply shove the blockers aside and then flatten the running back (although she would always help him up afterwards). And when she sensed a pass play was coming, my super strong wife would smash her way through the defensive line and sack the quarterback before he even knew what had hit him. In one game Mary sacked the hapless opposing quarterback twelve times! Shattering the N.F.L. record of seven sacks set by Derrick Thomas set on Nov. 11th, 1990. And just like she did with the running backs that she flattened, Mary would always help the quarterback up afterwards. In order to combat Mary's awesome physical presence on the football field, opposing teams were forced to try innovative ways to deal with her. But none of them worked because Mary, quite was simply, was too strong for them. So whatever tactics these desperate teams did try to use against her, Mary had a simple answer - her sheer brute strength against which even the strongest and toughest players in the N.F.L. were helpless and easily overpowered.� Although she never intended to physically harm any of the opposing players, sometimes when you're as strong as Mary is and engaged in a contact sport like American football, injuries become inevitable; always to the other players of course. Sometimes she would tackle a player too hard or sack a quarterback to roughly. Mary would always apologize to them afterward and, if they did have to go to the hospital (which unfortunately did happen occasionally) she and I made sure to go and visit them there after the game to see how they were doing. Fortunately, none of the injuries that she inflicted on her opponents was ever very series. And by showing compassion towards them after- wards, Mary earned the respect of most of the players and their fans throughout the league. So, with my magnificent wife smashing her way through opposing defenses and stifling their offences with her own smothering defense, Mary's team cruised to a perfect 16-0 season (that after going a dismal 0-16 the year before) and coasted into the playoffs; now the heavy favorite to win the coveted Superbowl. I've lost count as to how many N.F.L. records Mary shattered that season - records that will probably never even be approached, let alone broken. Rushing yards, yards per carry, yards per game, first downs, touchdowns, points scored, tackles, sacks - you name it and Mary's probably broken it. Leading the way, Mary and the rest of her team easily brushed aside the totally outclassed teams that they faced off against in the first two rounds of the playoffs - winning by scores of 56-14 and 63-17. So now it was on to the Superbowl and their clash against the also undefeated defending champions, and a team that had been considered to be one of the greatest football teams in N.F.L. history. A lash of titans was expected. Would the game stand up to all the hype? Unfortunately for football fans that were expecting to watch a close, hard fought game that went down to the wire, it was anything but. For my super strong wife put on a display of female strength and power that will be talked about for decades to come, if not longer. All she did was rush for a whopping 375 yards on her way to scoring seven touchdowns as she almost singlehandedly crushed the two- time and defending Superbowl champions 49-7! And the only reason that the dethroned Superbowl ex- champions managed to score a touchdown at all was because, with less than two minutes left to play, Mary had to excuse herself to use the ladies room. Taking full advantage of Mary's absence from the field, the humiliated team managed to drive for a touchdown in the final minute. When I told Mary about their touchdown, she simply shrugged her massive shoulders and said with a giggle, "Well, at least their fans had one thing to cheer about today; tee, hee, hee." Leading her team to a perfect season while smashing every rushing record as well as most defensive categories, while at the same time winning over the respect of both her teammates, her opponents as well as their fans, and then capping it all off with her magnificent performance in the Superbowl - all things considered, I'd have to say that Mary had a pretty good year. Wouldn't you agree? 6) Mary Makes Her Decision With Mary's amazing season now over, Linda Morris (the owner of the football team that Mary played for) invited us to her mansion for a little discussion. "I think I know what Linda wants to discuss with us honey," Mary said as we drove through the gates and up to her huge home. "She probably wants us to sign (with Mary, it's always us) to a long term contract to play football for her team. But I've decided not to." "Why?" I asked my incredible wife when I heard her say this. "I mean, look at what you accomplished in just this year alone Mary. You all but destroyed every N.F.L. team you faced this season - including crushing the defending champions in the Superbowl. Why on Earth would you want to quit now?" Mary smiled, took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "So I won't have to repeat myself when I speak to Linda honey, I'll explain the reasons for my decision when we meet her. And I hope that you'll both understand and respect my decision. But even if you don't, my decision is final." Like me, Linda was shocked when my mighty wife told her that she would not be playing football for her - nor anybody else for that matter - and had instead decided to retire from playing professional football. This despite the fact that Linda's offer to Mary was far more lucrative than what Mary had earned for playing football this season (and that was a lot). But Mary stuck to her guns and then began to explain to Linda and me exactly why she had come to her decision. And it was as reasoned as it was compelling: "First, I want to thank you Linda for the wonderful opportunity that you offered me to play football for your team. It was an experience that I will never forget for as long as I live. But I've come to realize that there are bigger issues at stake here. If I were to continue to play football for your team, we would crush every other team we faced. We all saw what I did to the defending Superbowl champions last week; right? We smashed them, and it wasn't even difficult for me. I'm not bragging now, I'm just telling you the truth. Yes, we all had a great deal of success and made a lot of money. But let's look at the larger picture and face a simple fact." "For whatever reason which nobody seems to understand, I'm both stronger and tougher than anyone else; male or female. But I'm also very much a woman (Mary looked at me and smiled), and try hard to remain so. That's why I played this season in the specially designed uniform which highlighted my female shape and went to the beauty parlor before every game to get my hair done; so that I would always look like a woman, even while wiping out the best football teams." "I think that this season was an anomaly, a strong, powerful woman playing football in the N.F.L. - and kicking ass while doing it. But you have to think about it in the long run. If I were to continue to crush the best football teams from year-to-year for years to come, as I know I can, I believe that interest in football will drop dramatically. I mean for how long would people pay good money to watch their heroes get smashed by a woman? Not too long I believe. And then interest in football would die out and everyone would lose money." "Linda, you gave me an opportunity to prove to everyone what I'm capable of, and for that I will always be grateful to you. But for the good of the sport I'm afraid I'm going to have to retire from playing football. But I sure had fun doing it (grin). And maybe you can use that generous amount of money that you were planning on paying me to hire some good players so that your team can be competitive next year. So I've decided to return to the circus world and resume simply being The Marvelous Mary - The World's Strongest Woman. And trust me when I say this, I'll be perfectly happy to be just that." After a long period of silence, Linda smiled and said, "Thank you for being completely honest with me Mary. And I both understand and respect your decision. You singlehandedly led my team to not only an undefeated season, but a Superbowl championship to boot; just as I suspected you might (wink). And that's good enough for me." After another long pause, Linda flashed Mary a cryptic smile. "But I'd still like to give you a little something for all that you've done for me; if you catch my drift."� Mary looked at me, I smiled and nodded. 7) Epilogue - Six Hours Later As I was lying off to the side of the large bed in Linda's huge master bedroom, I glanced over at my wife and Linda and wondered, "How long can these women keep this up? I mean it's been nearly six hours now. How many times can they bring each other to climax? And don't they ever get tired?" Noticing that I was watching them, Mary said, "Why how rude of me." She reached over and gently began to fondle my penis with her strong right hand. "You shouldn't be just a spectator in all of this honeybunny. You should be able to have some fun too. So come here and start to suckle my breasts while Linda is pleasuring me with her tongue. And after a while you two can switch places so I can judge who is better at pleasuring me." When the strongest woman in the world (Mary is actually the strongest person in the world), who can almost singlehandedly wipe out the best teams in professional football, asks you to do something, it's probably in your best interests to do as she requests. So I did, and enjoyed every minute of it. And although Linda proved to be much better at pleasuring Mary than I was, she did give me a few pointers on both her style and technique which I can't wait to try out (smirk).