The Revenge of the Fat Girl: Part 7 by M.C. Two powerful women battle it out in a test of raw female power, and other things... "Well then Big Girl, let's get it on! " Shannon, the five foot-eight inch, 150 pound   psychologist said as she closed in on Randi, a strapping six foot, 245 pound muscular high school senior,"and may the best girl win!" The two powerful females clasped hands in the center of the room and engaged in a test of strength. Randi, despite her enormous size advantage, was surprised to find that she couldn't overpower the smaller woman as easily as she thought she could. In fact Shannon was proving to be far stronger than Randi had imagined; but still not as strong as she. Using her superior size for leverage, the massive girl - who had singlehandedly forced all the tough guys in her school to toe the line - began to slowly gain the advantage over her smaller opponent; until... SLAM!  With an expert judo move, the beautiful psychologist pivoted to the side and, using Randi's weight and momentum against her, tossed the surprised girl over her hip; sending her crashing to the floor. "Not as easy as you thought it would be, eh Randi?" "No," she said as she quickly got back up again,"but one fall does not a fight make." Randi shook off Shannon's surprise move and prepared to attack again. She charged forward but her elusive opponent moved quickly to her right, grabbed Randi's outstretched left arm and deftly managed to twist it behind her back. Randi's experience fighting the bullies in her school did not prepare her for combating  someone highly skilled in martial arts like Shannon. Against the tough guys all she had to do was stand toe-to-toe with them and simply slug it out. She relied on her superior female strength to prevail, which she always did. Even when Randi fought the dreaded Tim Morgan, who stood five inches taller than she did and outweighed her by 45 pounds, the mighty girl had little difficulty beating him senseless with her fists. What limited self- defence Randi did know, she learned in her brief (though intensive) three month summer camp. But that wasn't anywhere near enough to engage someone with Shannon's expert abilities. But the she wasn't ready to give up yet...not by a long shot. Randi reached behind her and put her muscular right arm under Shannon's crotch. With a sudden burst of strength, she lifted her 150 pounds up off the floor and hurled the surprised psychologist half-way across the room. Shannon crash landed on the office couch, her momentum knocking it over. "Not bad for a fat, depressed, self-pitying, underachiever," Randi smiled as she stood in the center of the room with her hands on her huge hips. "Or a loser,"she added,"are you O.K. doc?" "Never felt better," Shannon said as she sprang to her feet," a *crotch throw*, now that's a new one on me. But you're neither fat nor depressed anymore, are you Randi? And you're certainly no longer an underachiever - that crying, self-pitying girl I met here seven months ago is gone...forever. And, as for you being a loser, well, we haven't decided that yet." As the two women prepared to go at it again, a brief smile passed between them; and then they got serious. Both now knew that their battle was far from over; but what in the world were they fighting about? Seven months earlier. The tears ran down the fat, 310 pound girl's face as she described her helplessness at watching Steve, her only friend, get pummeled by the school bully for trying to stand up for her when she was being teased."I just stood there,"she cried to the psychologist sitting across from her,"I couldn't do anything....I can *never* do anything. I'm fat and ugly. I just hate my body...I just hate myself." Shannon sat quietly in her chair for a few minutes and let the obese girl cry. When her sobbing began to taper off, she leaned over and said in a soft voice," Randi, I believe there might be a way for me to help you solve these problems of yours...but it won't be easy." "What do you mean, Dr. Thomas?" "I have been working with overweight girls like you, whose self-esteem is very low and have no confidence in themselves, for quite some time now. I tried to deal with them through many different forms of therapy but none of them proved to be very successful. Therefore, I've decided to try a more far radical approach for dealing with this problem and I'm going to test it out. I'm in the process of organizing a summer camp for teenage girls who, like yourself, need to change their perception of themselves and discover their true potential. It will begin immediately after the school year ends and run through the entire summer. Miss Simpson, if you're really serious about wanting to change the way you look and feel about yourself, then I'd very much welcome your participation in my experimental summer camp." "What does this camp entail?" Randi asked as she wiped the tears away from her eyes. "Probably the most difficult three months of your life. No, make that the *most* difficult; without question. For you it will seem like three months of hell. You'll be pushed to your physical limits, and then beyond. But, if you survive the entire three months, you'll probably never feel ashamed of yourself again. You'll have a body you can be proud of, and the self-confidence to go with it. Because, in addition to the strenuous physical workouts - calisthenics, running, weight training and martial arts - you'll hear lectures from experts about female empowerment and how you can best reach your full potential. My goal is to strengthen your mind as well as your body. But again I must warn you Randi, it'll be run like a Marine boot camp - with a real ex-Marine drill sargent no less. So, do you think you're up to it?" The 310 pound girl sat in her chair and pondered all this for several minutes. Her life had been a disaster up until now. She had no friends (except for Steve), was subjected to constant teasing or, at the very least, snickering behind her back. She had been on so many unsuccessful diets that she'd all but given up hope that things will ever improve. Randi knew she lacked discipline in her life and maybe Dr. Thomas' camp is exactly what she needed to turn her life around. While she thought about it, the 17 year-old girl rose from her seat and took a look around Shannon's office. On the walls were many plaques attesting to what an accomplished person she was. M.A., Ph.D. summa cum laude, golf and tennis championships and black belts in both Tae Kwon Do and judo. "You really are an amazing woman, Dr. Thomas." There was an awkward moment of silence as the two of them gazed into each other's eyes. "And you can be too Randi - all you need is to do is to believe in yourself. Remember: If you believe you can or can't do something - you're usually right. So, what's the verdict?" Shannon felt she had the girl on the ropes now so she decided to go for the knockout punch."Do you really want to be a fat, depressed, self-pitying underachiever for your entire  life...a loser?" "No," Randi answered after a short pause,"count me in." "Good girl! Now, if you feel you'd like to get back at me for those last remarks I made, we can meet here again in, say, seven months. But I'm warning you...I'll kick your fat ass all over the room." For the first time since Randi entered Shannon's office a smile appeared on the big girl's pretty face. "Dr. Thomas," she said,"I accept your challenge. We meet back here in seven months." Back to the present. A bit more cautiously this time, Randi approached Shannon. Since they agreed beforehand there would be no punching or kicking, the 245 pound musclegirl felt her best chance of defeating her mentor rested on knocking the lighter woman to the floor and then using her superior size and strength to overpower her. Easier said than done. When she closed to within striking range, Randi lunged at Shannon but the attractive psychologist rolled underneath her attacker, tripping her up as she did. Randy found herself on the floor again. This time Shannon quickly followed up her advantage and leaped on top of the large girl's back while she was still on her hands and knees. She wrapped her strong but lean arms around Randi's neck and began to squeeze hard. "Looks like this is the end of the line fatso." But she had spoken too soon. Had Randi been a person with normal physical strength, Shannon would have had the now 18 year-old girl at her mercy; but Randi's strength was definiately not normal. Grabbing Shannon by the wrists with her strong hands, Randi put her 18 inch biceps to work and pried the older woman's arms apart. Still holding her by the wrists, Randi rose to her feet, and tossed Shannon aside like a rag doll."Well, it seems that those  two hours a day I spend lifting weights does come in handy from time to time," she laughed. "Fatso is it? Well, we'll see about that." With her powerful arms spread wide apart, Randi began to close in on the smaller woman. Shannon recovered quickly and leaped onto the top of her desk. She then hurled her 150 pounds at the oncoming girl. Randi was so surprised by this move that made no attempt to protect herself. As Shannon slammed into the big brunette full force, they both fell to the floor.  The two powerful - and nearly naked - women then began to wrestle; Randi using her great strength, Shannon, her judo skills. As they battled for position, their strong, sweating bodies (especially their erogenous parts) came into constant contact with each other - and the longer they battled, the more aroused they became. When Randi's massive 44 inch breasts pressed up hard against Shannon's firm 36D's, their mutual erotic urges became uncontrollable; overcoming their competitive desire to win. Suddenly, Shannon and Randi found their fight was superseded by a more basic - and sensual - urge. Without so much as a word passing between them, the two women stopped fighting and began to caress each other's hard bodies. "Shannon, have a husband...and children," Randi said in-between kisses. "True Randi, and you have a boyfriend. But let's not deny ourselves this special moment we have together; it may never come again. I felt the attraction for you seven months ago when we first met here; as did you - although you probably weren't aware of it at the time. Let's face it Randi, we both want this. And, since neither of us are going to leave the men we love, let's just enjoy it for what it is; a very special moment." As she spoke to the powerful girl lying next to her on the floor, Shannon found it impossible to keep her hands away from Randi's large, gorgeous breasts. Randi, in turn, was equally enamoured with Shannon's strong, tight thighs. As the two women continued to explore each other's bodies in greater depth, whatever inhibitions they had about what they were doing  simply melted away."You're right," Randi agreed with the older, wiser woman,"let's just enjoy it." And enjoy it they did... Two hours later. Randi lay on the couch and ran her fingers through Shannon's long, pretty blond hair. The older woman was lying on top of her, using Randi's large breasts for pillows. She still had her middle finger deep inside Randi's vagina and, as she slowly moved it around, Randi moaned softly. The past two hours had been the most erotic of her young life. She looked up at the clock on the wall and frowned."We still have a few more minutes together," Shannon whispered as she followed the young girl's gaze. Randi's took her powerful, 18 inch arms and wrapped them around Shannon. "So, these are the arms that you used to tame all the bullies in your school. How did it feel to put all those toughies in their place Randi?" "It felt great Shannon, really great. I'm not a sadistic person you understand, but to see a big, tough bully being reduced to just a crybaby by my fists gave me such a powerful feeling inside. It was almost...well, it was actually...erotic. Have you ever beaten up a guy?" Shannon couldn't help but laugh out loud when Randi asked her this question."Many Randi, probably more than I can count. You see, by the time I was in college, I was already an expert in martial arts. So whenever some guy got rough with one of my sorority sisters, I was called in to avenge her. In fact my nickname in the sorority was 'The Avengin Angel'. That's how I first met Jeff, my husband - but that's a story for another time. Even now I occasionally get to kick some ass, but it's strictly for therapeudic purposes (giggle)." "What do you mean Shannon? You actually beat up men in here? For therapy?" "Yes I do Randi; when I feel it's necessary. In fact just three months ago I kicked some macho guy's ass in; and it turned out to be the best thing for him (see 'The Psychologist' in the M.C. bookshelf). He thought he was God's gift to women and was always hassling the females at the company he worked for - a company where my mother just happens to be the C.E.O. So mom sent him over to me for a few *counciling* (wink) sessions. After about a month I straightened him out and he hasn't bothered any women since." "You're incredible Shannon," Randi said as she squeezed her even tighter; then eased up when she remembered how she almost caused Steve to pass out from one of her hugs. A few more minutes of tender cuddling followed before Shannon looked up at the clock again and sighed. "I guess we ought to think about leaving soon Randi, before our menfolk begin to worry about us." After another long and passionate kiss, both women got up and began to get dressed. They then prettied themselves up, brushed each other's hair and left Shannon's office. As she was being driven home, Randi looked over at her mentor and asked,"so, how did you meet your husband?" Shannon smiled."As I mentioned before, whenever one of my sorority sisters got knocked around by guy, it was up to me to teach him a lesson. So when Joan got punched out by some Neanderthal named Bill, my *services* were required. When I got to this guy's dorm room he wasn't in and his roommate Jeff answered the door. He told me that Bill would be back soon so I decided to wait for him to return. "While I waited, Jeff and I struck up conversation and I immediately felt there was this magic bond between us; we seemed to have so much in common. It may not have been love at first sight but it was damn near. I was so taken with this guy that when his large, macho roommate  came back - and I started beating him up - I continued to carry on my conversation with him as if nothing else was going on. We talked about the movies we liked, the restaurants we ate at, what we liked to do in our free time and even what our future plans were. We talked, joked and laughed while I pounded his roommate to a pulp. I couldn't help but notice Jeff's erection as he watched me doing it (giggle). "After I finished with Bill (it took several guys from the dorms to carry his battered, unconscious body over to the campus clinic) Jeff asked me out. He even gave me a band-aid for my pinky which I had cut smashing my fist into Bill's teeth. Wasn't that sweet of him? Jeff and I have been together ever since; going on twenty years now." "Wow! That's a great story Shannon." "It is indeed. But you also have quite a story to tell Randi. About how your Steve stood by you when you were obese and being teased by almost everyone else. And how he got punched out for it. And how, when you were able to, you avenged his beating by destroying the guy who did it. Guys like Steve and Jeff aren't a dime a dozen you know. I hope you realize that you've got something very special there. By-the-way Randi, how's your love life?" The large, beautiful brunette sighed. "I thought it was pretty good Shannon, until today that is. You took me to places I never dreamed of going before; places Steve never has, or even could. And what you did to me with your tongue, that was absolutely amazing. With you, I feel like a completely new woman." "Please don't sell Steve short Randi; remember, you're both new at this. Perhaps you learned a few tricks today and can now assist him on how to better work on your erogenous zones. These things take time and experience...and love - that, the two of you have for sure. My suggestion to you is to help Steve by giving him pointers as to how he can become a better lover. But if he should ever ask you how you learned about these things, I'd tell him you read about it in Penthouse magazine." Both women started  giggling when she said this. Shannon pulled her car up alongside the curb near Randi's home (not too close though so they wouldn't be observed) and turned off the ignition. "Well kiddo, it was great seeing you again. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I'm so proud to see the changes in you Randi. You're going to be a force to be reckoned with in this world; whatever you decide to do in your life. You're well on your way to becoming a true Amazon." "Thank you Shannon, I could never have done it without your help though." For the last time the two powerful women embraced each other. "I guess this was a one time fling then Shannon?" "I'm afraid it'll have to be Randi, and it's probably for the best. A few more afternoons like this one and I might find the temptation to leave my husband and the kids overwhelming; and I just can't allow that to happen. You're an amazing girl Randi, and you're going to do amazing things in your life. Mark my words. I wish you and Steve the very best of luck." The muscular brunette opened the car door and got out. She smiled and waved to the woman who had changed her life; who had given her the strength and confidence to do almost anything she set her mind up to do. "I'll never forget what you've done for me Dr. Thomas," she said as Shannon started up her car and began to pull away from the curb. Randi watched as the car drove down the street; until it turned to the left and disappeared from her view. The mighty girl  then began walking towards her house where she knew her Stevie would be patiently waiting for her. A big smile graced her beautiful face; she couldn't wait to show him some of the new things she'd learned.