The Errand by M.C. A mother sends her small teen age daughter out on an errand "Cindy," the large woman in her mid-forties said as she entered her daughter's room, "I'm swamped with work and I need you to run an errand for me as soon as possible; it's urgent." "Sure mom," her 16 year old daughter replied as she sat on her bed watching television,"how can I help you ?" "I need you to go to the bank and deposit these checks before it closes. I would also like you to make a cash withdrawal. It's Friday afternoon and you'll have to get there before three; the checks must be deposited today." "No problem," the pretty blond said," I can leave in two minutes." "Thanks honey, this will really help me out a lot." She reached into her purse, took out a $50 bill and handed it to her daughter. "And when you've finished, you can buy that pretty blue dress you've had your eyes on for the past month." A broad smile appeared across Cindy's face when she heard this."That's great mom, thanks." Cindy took the money and the checks and stuffed them in her purse."I'm outta here," she said as she left her house and began walking to the bank. On her way the small, but surprisingly muscular, high school gymnast thought about how she'd look in her new dress."Perhaps now Greg will finally notice me," she said to herself. When she got to the corner, Cindy stopped and paused briefly in front of the house where Greg lived. A very good looking boy whom she had known (and liked) since she was around twelve years old, Cindy wondered why he never paid any attention to her. Then, remembering she had an errand to complete, Cindy crossed the street and continued walking to the bank. Passing through a near-by park, she noticed a group of boys playing of whom was Greg. Pressed for time however, Cindy could not afford to stop and watch."Maybe they'll still be playing when I get back," she hoped. Entering the bank, Cindy got on line and patiently waited until there was an open teller. When one became available she stepped up and said,"I'd like to deposit these checks and make a withdrawal please." It took only a few minutes to complete the transactions. Cindy then put the money - over a thousand dollars - in her purse. As she prepared to leave, the bank teller looked at her and remarked, "that's quite a lot of money for a little girl like you to walk around with all by yourself. Are you sure you'll be all right ?" "I'm sure nothing will happen," the five foot-one inch, 110 pound girl replied and added with a wink, "nothing that I can't handle that is. Thanks for your concern though." Cindy gave the teller a strange smile as she turned around and left the bank. So wrapped up in thought about the pretty blue dress she was planning on buying, Cindy didn't even notice the two large, tough-looking men who left the bank at the same time as she did and began to follow her. After a short walk, she entered a large department store and took the elevator up to the women's section on the sixth floor; still paying no attention to the men shadowing her. They pretended to browse around the floor as Cindy tried on the blue dress. Satisfied with the fit - and the way she looked in it - the happy teenager made the purchase, put the dress her purse and walked back to the elevator. Pressing the button to go down Cindy waited, completely oblivious to the two large men that were now standing directly behind her. When the elevator door opened, the three of them went inside together; the men nodded at each other as they entered. Patrons waiting to use the elevator watched the lights as it began it's decent from the sixth floor.  Five...four...three...and then it stopped - much longer than you'd expect if people were just getting on or off. Several times shoppers on the ground floor waiting to use it pushed the button, but to no avail; it appeared to be stuck. Just as they were about to call maintenance and report the elevator problem, it began to move down again; then the doors opened. The waiting shoppers were greeted by the pretty smiling face of a small 16 year-old girl. "Sorry to keep you all waiting," she calmly said as she exited the elevator. The patrons stared in shock as they watched her emerge; dragging two large and badly beaten men behind her. Holding each one by the back of his shirt collar, the little girl seemed to have no trouble dragging the semi-conscious men over to the security guard who stood at the entrance of the department store. She laid them at his feet."These naughty men tried to rob me in the elevator," Cindy said in a sweet voice,"please do whatever you do to people like this." Before the stunned guard had time to react, Cindy left the store and began making her way home. She thought about how her appearance in her new dress might affect Greg as she walked."Maybe this will do the trick." When she reached the park, Cindy noticed that most of the boys that were playing football had already left. There were, however, three that seemed to be hanging around; Greg and two others. Her errand completed, Cindy began walking over to where the three of them stood. As she approached, she heard them shouting in loud, angry voices. They appeared to be having an argument of some sort; about what though, she couldn't tell. Suddenly, the two boys - both very big and strong (they were starting players on the high school football team) - attacked Greg and began  punching him with their fists. As they were each well in excess of 200 pounds, to Greg's 175 or so, it wasn't much of a was more like a massacre. While they were pounding him, the boys heard a female voice from behind them say," well well, what have we here ? Two against one ? That hardly seems fair to me." Turning around one of the boys yelled,"get the hell out of here little girl, this is none of your damn business." To his surprise, not only didn't the little girl didn't leave, she began to approach them with an angry look on her face. "You bullies take your hands off him this minute !" she demanded. The two boys then began to laugh. "And if we don't ?  What the hell are you going to do about it you little shrimp ?" Cindy removed her purse from her shoulder and placed it on a near-by park bench. She then took out a rubber band from one of her pockets and tied her long, beautiful blond hair back into a ponytail. "I'll show you what I'm going to do about it," she said as she walked up to them,"but don't forget, I warned you didn't I ?" The five-foot one inch, 110 pound girl approached one of the boys who stood a foot taller and weighed well over 100 pounds more than she did. Reaching up, she grabbed him by the front of his sweatshirt with her left hand and, with her right, grasped him around the belt buckle. Seemingly without effort, Cindy lifted the surprised boy off the ground and raised him above her head in her outstretched arms. "You two bullies have been bothering the kids at school for way too long," she said as she held him up in the air," it's about time somebody taught you both a good lesson." With that, the amazingly strong girl threw him at his friend, knocking them both down. Though stunned, neither was hurt. They quickly got to their feet and - consumed with rage - began to close in on her; fists clenched."Greg, be a dear and please watch my purse for me while I deal with these two toughies," Cindy said in a soft, sweet voice. Then, turning back to the boys who were now only a few feet away, she growled,"O.K., it's time to teach you naughty boys some manners." The first one to reach her, Bob - the one she tossed - threw a punch. To his surprise, Cindy put up her small left hand and caught his fist in mid-air. As she did, Jeff - his friend - also threw a punch...which the amazing girl caught with her right hand. She then began to squeeze their hands with her incredible strength. It wasn't long before both boys began to cry out in pain. "Oh, poor babies," Cindy teased," is the 'little shrimp' too strong for the big, rough, tough football players ? Tee, hee, hee." "Let me go," Bob began to shout,"you're breaking my hand !" "Oh dear, and we wouldn't want to do that now would we. Then what would you use to hit the smaller, weaker kids like Greg ?" The pressure she was applying forced both Bob and Jeff to their knees and nearly brought tears to their eyes. All the while Cindy had a calm expression on her face. She looked over at a very surprised Greg and smiled. Had she have wanted to, Cindy could have easily broken their hands; such was the amazing strength of this little 110 pound girl. But that wasn't her goal and she released them. Bob and Jeff stood before her, holding their bruised hands in shock. Cindy looked up at them, grinning with her hands on her hips."Well now, have you boys had enough ? Are you ready to apologize to Greg now and stop bullying the other kids at school ?" Perhaps it was their wounded pride that wouldn't let them see the obvious; or maybe it was their indignation at having been so easily overpowered by a much smaller girl; but, for whatever reason, both boys refused. "No fucking way," Bob blurted out. Jeff bunched up his good hand into a tight fist and slammed it hard into Cindy's exposed stomach; this time she made no attempt to stop him. " THUD !" There was a look of shock on Jeff's face as he noticed the little girl didn't budge; she just stood there smiling at him. "Very well then boys," Cindy sighed,"have it your way." The next thing Bob and Jeff knew, the five foot-one inch girl wrapped one of her small but powerful arms around each of their waists and lifted them both off the ground. She then began to carry their combined 430 pounds over to the park bench as if they were nothing more than large stuffed animals. In desperation, they made fists with their good hands and began to beat on her back; Cindy just laughed. When she reached the bench, Cindy tossed Jeff lengthwise across it and, with Bob still draped over her shoulder, sat down on top of Jeff. "My, what a comfy seat you make Jeffy," she giggled. "I guess what you boys really need is a good, old-fashioned spanking; so I'm going to give you one." Ignoring his struggling, Cindy then yanked Bob across her knees and pulled down his pants; he was helpless to stop her." Maybe this will teach you not to pick on people smaller than you are." She then began to whack his bare bottom with her strong right hand. A minute later he was crying like a baby. "There, there Bobby," she teased,"is the 'little shrimp' being too hard on the poor, weak boy ?" "Please stop this," he cried," I won't bully anybody anymore, I promise." Cindy called Greg over and made Bob apologize to him. After he had done so she let Bob get up but forced him to watch as she then spanked Jeff to tears. After he too apologized to Greg, Cindy gave both of them a stern lecture about how she expected them to behave from now on. She then marched both boys over to the edge of a small duck pond in the middle of the park. In yet another amazing display of her strength, Cindy lifted Bob up above her head again, held him there for a few seconds and then tossed him out at least ten feet into the water. A few seconds later he was joined by Jeff. "Ta-ta boys,"Cindy giggled, "it sure was fun." She left both Bob and Jeff in the pond, crying in their pain and humiliation. "Well," Cindy said as she smiled up at a totally stunned Greg,"I don't think they'll be bothering you for awhile. If either they or anybody else does though, you be sure and let me know about it, O.K. ?" She  walked back to the bench and picked up her purse. "Come Greg, I'll walk you home." For a few minutes they walked together in silence. Greg, because he was still trying to come to terms with what he had just seen this incredible girl do and Cindy, because - quite simply - she didn't know what to say to the boy she had a secret crush on for the past four years. It was an awkward moment for both of them. Finally, just before they reached his home, Cindy reached over and gently grabbed Greg's hand...and he spoke. "Cindy, that was the most amazing display of strength I have ever seen. How on earth can a small girl like you possibly be that strong ?" A smile now graced the beautiful face of the blond supergirl. "Well Greg, it's a rather long story." "That's O.K. Cindy, I've got plenty of time." With her heart fluttering - this was the first time Greg ever paid any special attention to her - they entered his home and sat down on a couch; and Cindy began... "I was born premature, two months early. As I child I was always small, weak and sickly; the doctors didn't even think I would survive my childhood. My parents looked everywhere for a solution but couldn't find any through conventional medicine. Then one day - when I was nine years old - a strange woman visited our home. She said she was doing research on genetics and might be able to help us with my condition. She stipulated that it had to be kept a secret; no one was to know. Though wary, my parents by this time had just about given up hope of my ever becoming a normal child; so they agreed to let her experiment on me. Once a week, usually late at night, they would drive me to the university's science lab where this woman would inject me with some sort of serum. She never told us what it was but, within a few weeks, I began to feel stronger, much stronger...stronger than I ever felt in my life. The *treatments* continued for about two years, until... " One night the woman didn't show up. As she never left a phone number, my parents didn't know how to get in touch with her. The next day we heard on the news: "Dr. Mary Stewart, a brilliant scientist in the field of genetic research, was fatally injured last night in an automobile accident on her way to the university..." and just like that she was gone. But she did leave behind a Whatever it was she was experimenting with, it increased my physical strength many times. Though I always remained small, by the time I was twelve I could easily lift the front end of my father's station wagon off the ground; by fourteen, a small truck. In my estimation, I have at least twenty times the physical strength that a girl my size should have; maybe even more. "Which presented both my parents and me with a dilemma - what to do with my unusual 'abilities' ? Should I become a professional football player ? As a running back I'd be practically unstoppable, I'd smash through anyone who tried to tackle me. A boxer ? How do you think the world would react to a five foot-one inch, 110 pound teen-age girl who could easily beat up the heavyweight champ ? I didn't want to become a curiosity, a freak. That's why I took up a 'safe' sport like gymnastics. All I want is to have a normal life, like every other teen-age girl. You know, shopping at the mall with friends, being one of the group...having a boyfriend. Do you think I can have that kind of life if all the kids knew I was some sort of supergirl ?" Cindy paused after she said this and looked down at the floor. Then she felt Greg's hand gently grasp hers." Cindy, I...I didn't know about any of this. To me you were always just the little girl down the block. I'm...I'm sorry." Another awkward moment of silence followed. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Greg leaned over and gave her a kiss."Cindy, the third part of 'The Lord of the Rings' just came to the cinema at the mall and I really want to see it tonight. Would you like come with me ? Perhaps we could also have dinner before it begins." It was only with the greatest amount of restraint that the small, pretty girl with the superhuman strength was able to keep from screaming out loud...those were the words she had dreamt of hearing for a long time."Yes Greg," she replied softly,"I'd love to see it with you; and dinner sounds great. I have just the thing to wear too. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my mother; I have to finish my errand. As he was walking her out of his house, Cindy bent over and picked up a thick iron bar that was lying on the ground. "Pick you up at six Cindy ?" "Yes, six sounds good," she said as she effortlessly bent the bar into a circle and placed it over his head; then added with mock sternness,"and I wouldn't be late if I were you." At six o'clock sharp that evening Greg knocked on the door to Cindy's home.