The Party Crashers by M.C. Bob and Bill learn the hazards of crashing Cathy's party. Cathy was pissed.For weeks, ever since she heard that her parents would be out of town for the weekend,she had been planning this party.She had worked her ass off to make sure it would be a success.And now,all of her labors seemed to be going down the drain.Why?Because of Bob and Bill.They arrived,uninvited, (and unwanted)and immediately began to annoy Cathy's guests.It was obvious that they had been drinking and the more they drank,the more obnoxious they became.Why not just ask them to leave? Well,simply because Bob and Bill were the biggest,toughest boys in school. Both of them were stars on the football team.Combined,they were 450 pounds of arrogant muscle.Who was going to show them the door? Cathy would have preferred to have handled this differently.But she knew that if something wasn't done about these two gorillas soon,her guests would begin to leave and that would be the end of her party.She looked into a mirror and brushed her pretty hair.She then walked over to where Bob and Bill were and said in a soft,sweet voice"We need to have a little talk boys-in private".She led them to a side door which went to the basement.She opened it and motioned to the two boys to go down.The two boys entered with smirks on their faces.Cathy was one of the most beautiful girls in school;the thought of going down to the basement with her-alone-got their juices flowing.Before following them down Cathy turned to her guests and said" I'll be back in a few minutes-this shouldn't take too long".She then winked and went inside. Her guests heard the door lock from the inside.Then they heard the sound of footsteps going down the stairs.They looked nervously at one another;but no one said a word.For about a minute everything was quiet donwstairs.....and then they heard "WHAM,POW,WHACK,SLAM,PUNCH,POW,SMASH,CRACK,THUD!!! This went on for about five minutes and then everything became quiet again. They then heard the sound of footsteps comming up the stairs,the door unlocked, and then it opened.There was a collective sigh of relief as Cathy came out.She didn't have a mark or scratch on her;her beautiful hair wasn't even messed up. She smiled to her guests,then turned to the door and said firmly "Bob,Bill get out". There were gasps throughout the room as the two boys emerged.Both had been beaten to a pulp with black eyes,bloody noses,swollen lips.Mike Tyson couldn't have done a better job.Cathy led the battered boys out to the center of the room and said, "I believe you two have something to say to my friends,don't you.Bill,you first". Fighting hard to hold back his tears Bill stammered "I'm s-so sorry about m-my behaviour tonight.P-pease forgive me".Cathy turned to Bob,"your turn tough guy". "P-P-Please,I-I'm so sorry I..."that was as far as he got before he began to cry. Cathy looked at them and said "well,I'm going to let you boys off easy tonight.But don't you ever crash one of my parties again-understand".She then escorted them to the front door and sent them on their way." Have a nice weekend"she said as she closed the door behind them. When Cathy turned around she saw over twenty stunned faces,staring at her.Her friends just couldn't believe that a five foot-six inch 130 pound girl could beat up the two toughest boys in school so easily.She put her hands on her hips,smiled and simply said "girlpower". "I don't know about you guys,but I'm in the mood to party".And so they did...all night long. >From that day forward,people couldn't help but notice a remarkable change,for the better, of two certain football players...they seemed to be a little more humble.