The Confrontation by M.C. Female police officer stops the heavyweight boxing champion for speeding Sargent Susan Parker looked at her watch and smiled. It was almost 6:30 in the evening, her shift was nearly over. It had been a quiet afternoon; only a few minor traffic violations and a lost dog - which she eventually found. As the pretty, young policewoman slowly drove her patrol car along Pacific Coast Highway - not too far from Malibu Estates - Susan was lost in thought; so much so that she didn't see the fast approaching headlights until it was almost too late. So fast did the sleek Ferrari whizzed by her that Susan had to swerve quickly to avoid a collision. " That was very, very close," she said to herself, " that guy could have killed me." Susan immediately began to chase after him but, as he was driving at more than 100 miles an hour, her chances of catching him were slim. Fortunately, however, she knew a shortcut. Turning off to a side road, Susan skillfully drove her patrol car through a mountain pass that would cut several miles off the route. When she returned to the main highway, she found herself only a few hundred yards ahead of the speeding sportscar. Susan turned on the siren and flashing lights while driving in the middle of the two - lane highway, thus forcing the driver of the rapidly approaching car to jam on his brakes and eventually stop. As the slightly perturbed policewoman got out of her patrol car, the Ferrari's door opened and a very large, powerfully built and angry man got out. "Just what in the hell are you trying to do there girlie, get me killed ? " he yelled at her. " I could ask you the same question," Susan responded, her anger slowly swelling up inside of her. " Do you have any idea how fast you were driving ? " The giant of a man, who must have stood at least six feet four inches tall and weighed over 240 well - muscled pounds glared down at the five foot six inch, 150 pound woman and smugly asked, " sister, do you have any idea just who I am ? " Susan looked up at him and said," yes, you're Jeff Morgan, the heavyweight boxing champion of the world." He closed in on her and continued, " that's right honey, so why don't you be a good little girl and just continue on your way and we'll forget about this little ' incident '. You don't want to mess with me, I know people in this city; important people. You could be back on Broadway and Main street directing traffic if you don't do the 'right' thing ." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He drew two $100 bills out and flashed them in front of her. " Here you go girlie, run along now and buy yourself something pretty." Susan now found herself faced with a dilemma. She had always believed that no one was above the law. Afterall even Richard Nixon, the President of the United States, had been forced to resign because he engaged in illegal activities. Equality before the law is one of the foundations on which a democracy is built; Susan sincerely believed that. But she was not naive either, she knew how things worked. Arresting Jeff Morgan could very well create problems for her which might adversly affect her career; he was right about that. He also knew people, important people - like the Mayor and the police commissioner. But did that give him the right to drive at 100 miles an hour, endangering lives - her own as well as others? There's something very wrong with the system if that's the case. No one should be above the law; and certainly not this pompous, conceited boxer. If she were to let him "off the hook" what would that say about her and her values. As she stared up at the large, arrogent man standing a few feet away from her Susan thought to herself.....what's a girl to do? Susan slowly walked back to her patrol car and removed her hat, letting her long, beautiful blond hair fall down below her shoulders. She also removed her gunbelt and nightstick placing them on the front seat next to her hat. Finally, she took off her badge while Jeff looked on.......perplexed. When she began to slowly roll up the sleeves of her shirt, he began to howl with laughter. " Have you lost your mind girlie? Surely you don't intend to fight you ? " Susan finished rolling up her sleeves. She took out a rubber band from her pocket and tied her hair back into a long ponytail. Then turning back towards Jeff Morgan she said in a calm and relaxed voice, " what I intend to do, Mr. Morgan, is teach you respect for the law." Jeff Morgan, the undefeated heavyweight boxing champion of the world, smiled smugly and then began to remove his jacket. "Very well then girlie, have it your way. Although I don't give private boxing lessons, this should be fun." The scene was bizarre to say the least. It was a deserted part of the highway, there were only the two of them - the tough, macho boxer and the pretty young policewoman. As they prepared to go at each other Susan comely said," it's not too late to change your mind, Mr. Morgan. I'm sure the judge will let you off with just a minor fine, something that for you is probably just pocket change anyway." The arrogent smile on Jeff 's face told her that he had no intention of complying." Very well then, Mr. Morgan, have it your way. But I warn you, I won't take it easy on you just because you're a man." She had a very strange smile on her face when she said that. " Ooooh, I 'm so afraid of the tough little policegirl," Jeff said sarcastically as he put up his fists and began to approach her. " All right honey, let's see what you've got." As they circled each other, Susan suddenly shot out a lightning quick left jab to Jeff 's jaw that surprised him - both with it's speed and power. He wasn't expecting a much smaller opponent - and a woman at that - to be able to throw such a punch. Before he had time to make an adjustment in his strategy, she hit him with several more very quick jabs of equal strength. To make matters worse, she began to giggle," come on Mr. Morgan, surely you can block the punches of a little girl like me, tee, hee, hee." Angered, he threw a wild right hook which Susan easily ducked under. She then connected with several more blinding fast punches to his mid- section before quickly darting away. " You'll have to be faster than that to catch me, Mr. Morgan," she teased. Stunned by her speed as well as her surprising strength, Jeff decided to stop fooling around and teach this girl a lesson." All right girlie, if it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get. Let's get it on !!! " Susan danced around on her toes as the large man tried to close in on her. Years of martial arts training in a variety of different techniques had toughened her hands to the point of making them rock hard; she could shatter bricks with them. She also had cat - like reflexes. What's more, she had learned how to master her inner strength - the chi - the power that resides within her. And Susan had also been in more than her share of fights. In her years as a police officer, she had many confrontations with much larger men and she always prevailed. Susan had also won the State law enforcement's open martial arts competition three years in a row. But would she be able to stand up to the heavyweight boxing champion of the world in a fair fight ? That, Susan was determined to find out. Jeff threw several jabs of his own as he closed in on her but Susan skillfully blocked them. She knew her opening attack had angered him and felt if she could avoid getting hit, he would eventually make mistakes that she could take advantage of. After several more of his jabs were blocked, Susan suddenly attacked with two more blinding fast jabs of her own and followed it up with a solid right cross to his nose; snapping his head back. " Gee Mr. Morgan, let me know if I'm hitting you too hard, I don't want this to end too soon, tee, hee, hee." Her teasing, combined with the fact that he was being outboxed, was beginning to infuriate him. He angerly began throwing wild punches, which the smaller - but muck quicker - woman was easily able to avoid. She gracefully danced from side to side, never giving him an easy target to strik at. After a huge haymaker struck nothing but air, Susan darted in and fired a series of rights and lefts into Jeff 's unprotected stomach. She darted out again before he could counterattack. " I guess I chose the wrong profession; I should have been a boxer," Susan giggled. Around and around Susan gracefully danced, skillfully avoiding Jeff 's punches. Whenever the opportunity presented itself, she would strike with lightning speed and, as the fight wore on, her small but rock hard fists began to take their toll. After several minutes Susan had given the undefeated heavyweight boxing champion a black eye, a bloody nose and a swollen lip; while she hadn't even been hit once. The smug look and arrogance that characrerized his attitude eariler had long since melted away. Now Jeff had a look of anger and fierce determination. Her constant teasing, combined with his inability to hit her was clouding Jeff 's judgement. The angrier he got the more careless he became. The more careless he became, the easier it was for Susan to land her blows; blows that began to have a devastating effect as she continued to land more and more. Because there were no breaks in this fight, nor an experienced manager in his corner to give him advice, Jeff was unable to adjust his style to meet the onslaught of Susan's relentless attacks. " You should try to protect your face honey," Susan teased after landing several solid rights and lefts to his head. Instinctivly he did just that, only to recieve several more blows to his mid - section." Of course, that only makes it easier for me to hit your tummy, tee, hee, hee." Had anyone been watching this surreal scene they would, no doubt, have been stunned at what they were witnessing; The huge, heavyweight boxing champion of the world was getting his ass kicked in by a much smaller woman who never stopped laughing and teasing him. Susan's confidence continued to grow as Jeff 's ebbed. She sensed her opponent was weakening and became more and more aggressive. Jeff 's anger changed to something he had never felt in a fight before. It was written all over his face...FEAR. Susan had seen this look many times before. The look she sees when her opponent realizes that she's the superior fighter and that he's going to get beaten up. It was a look she loved to see in her opponents; because it meant that their will was being broken and total defeat was not far off. The mighty Jeff Morgan was now reduced to just trying to protect himself and rarely even threw a punch anymore. Never - in all his years of boxing - had he faced such a relentless assult as he was now being subjected to by this pretty policewoman. She was - to put it simply - giving him the beating of his life, and enjoying every minute of it." Poor baby, is the little girlie too tough for the big, bad heavyweight champ ? ", she giggled remembering his taunts earlier; before their fight began. Her punches seemed to come from five different directions at once and he was powerless to stop them." I must admit though, you make a much better punching bag than the ones I use in the gym, tee, hee, hee." Susan now had Jeff backed up against the hood of his expensive Ferrari and was pounding him at will with her fists. He had one eye closed, was bleeding from the nose and lips, and probably had a hundred welts and bruises all over his body. Had there have been a referee there the fight would have been stopped. Unfortunately for Jeff, there was only Susan; and he was at her mercy. After pounding the helpless man for a few more minutes, Susan decided he had had enough. Only his car was keeping him on his feet now. His powerful arms - the feared arms that had destroyed over forty opponents during his career as a professional boxer - now hung uselessly at his sides. His face was a bloody mess and he actually began to cry. Susan's pounding and her constant teasing had broken him completely She grabbed Jeff by the collar of his shirt and yanked him off the Ferrari's hood. She then dragged him a few feet away from his car before letting let him go. He just stood there, a battered and bloody mess, trying to remain on his feet. Susan then held her fist a few inches from his nose and gave him a light tap. " Punch," she said softly...and he collapsed in a heap on the ground. Putting one foot on his chest, she raised up her hands and proclaimed," the winner and new undefeated heavyweight boxing champion of the world...Susan Parker !!! " She then began to laugh . For a few moments, flush with the thrill of her victory, Susan entertained visions of grandure. She had just beaten up the undefeated heavyweight boxing champion of the world in a fair fight. She had reduced him from an arrogent , pompous man to a battered crybaby in just fifeteen minutes. She could - should she so desire - probably beat him in the boxing ring also. She could be ' The Champ '. The fame...the fortune, it was all hers for the taking. Susan looked down at the battered, sobbing hulk of Jeff Morgan...he could be just the first of many. Another girl might have taken that road, but not Susan; it was simply not her style. She loved being a policewoman and the bright lights and glitter had never held any appeal for her. She liked things just the way they were. Susan sighed at the thought of what might have been, then stepped off Jeff and slowly began to walk towards her patrol car. She took out her hairbrush, returned to where Jeff lay, sat down on his chest and comely began to brush her beautiful hair. " Well Mr. Morgan, it looks like our little fight is over. Now, what am I going to do about you ? " She smiled down at her battered opponent while she contemplated his fate. Shocked at what had happened to him, Jeff Morgan could say nothing at all. He just stared up in disbelief at the sexy policewoman who had just battered him to pulp.When she finished brushing her hair, Susan leaned over and began to brush Jeff 's. At length she said, " since this is your first offence, I'm going to let you off easy. If you promise me you'll be a good boy from now, obey the laws, and drive more carefully; I 'll let you off with just a warning. I won't tell a soul about our little 'confrontation' either. It'll be our little secret. You can tell everybody that the bruises you recieved came when you were attacked by twenty men - and you fought them all off." Susan paused and smiled before continuing." There is, however, one 'condition' that I will insist on..... " After Jeff agreed to Susan's terms - what other choice did he have - she got up and extended her hand to him. Reluctantly, he took it and she yanked him to his feet. Looking up at the battered man , Susan smiled," let that be a lesson to you tough guy, don't speed on my turf. Because if I ever catch you speeding here again - she made a fist and playfully punched him on his swollen jaw - I won't go so easy on you." Battered, beaten and humiliated, Jeff could do nothing more than eek out a meek, " yes officer." Susan led him to his Ferrari, opened the door and helped him inside. As the stunned man turned on the ignition, she leaned over the window and said, " don't forget my condition, loverboy." The chastized and humbled boxer, fighting back his tears, responded in a weak, low voice, " I won't forget." Susan laughed," Good, now drive safely, and no more speeding ! " It was 8:00 p.m. The desk sargent looked up to see - as always - the smiling , pretty face of Susan Parker. " My shift is over; here's my log report." Sargent Mallory glanced at Susan's report. " A lost dog I see." Susan giggled, "Yes, but I found her, so all is well." Sargent Mallory smiled, " another exciting workshift ?" Susan shrugged her shoulders," what can you do ? " As she want off to shower and change her clothes, sargent Mallery couldn't help but notice that Susan was singing. The old hand simply sighed and said to himself, "oh, to be young again." Susan Parker checked out of the police station. After a light dinner, she got into her car and began to drive up Pacific Coast Highway until she came to the exclusive community of Malibu Estates. She flashed her police badge to the guard at the gate and he let her in. She drove on until she came to a very large mansion at the end of a cul - de - sac. Susan got out of her car and knocked on the door. A maid answered," yes, he's waiting for you in the gym; I believe you'll need these." She handed Susan a pair of boxing gloves, then led her through the mansion and downstairs into the gym where a boxing ring was set up. In the middle of the ring stood a very large, muscular man. He appeared to be rather badly beaten up; as if he had been attacked by an army. Also, he was wearing absolutly nothing but a pair of boxing gloves. Susan smiled at him as she stripped off her clothes. The maid helped her put on the gloves and then left the two of them alone. " Well Mr. Morgan," Susan laughed as she climbed into the ring - she was also naked except for her boxing gloves - " are you ready for another boxing lesson ? " Whether he was or not...he got one.