The Thanksgiving Dinner Massacre by M.C. Cindy meets Bob's family and has to teach his tough, older brother a lesson. November 20th I recieved the most wonderful present for my 17th birthday today, Bob's ring. We are now officially going steady. He presented it to me during my birthday dinner at (don't laugh) Hooters - I told you not to laugh (wink). Actually it was my choice to go there; I'd never been and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. So tell me, what's so special about being served by a bunch of scantily clad, sexy waitresses? Does it really make the food taste better? I know, I know (sarcastic grin). Bob presented his ring to me in front of my parents who were both very pleased. For obvious reasons I never told them about my first encounter with Bob last summer (see the first segment of "Cindy's Amazon Diary" in the M.C. bookshelf). As the Thanksgiving holiday was approaching I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to finally meet Bob's parents. With all the excitment at the martial arts tournament I never even saw them, though Bob told me they were there. I asked him if it would be all right for me to have Thanksgiving dinner over at his home so we could get together. Imagine my surprise (shock) when Bob told me that he didn't think it was such a good idea; that I should wait for another occasion. "Why not Bob, don't you think your parents would like me?" I asked when we were alone. "It's not my parents Cindy, it''s my brother Larry. He's a starting lineman for the UCLA football team. He'll be over for Thanksgiving but I'd just prefer if you didn't meet him." He doesn't want me to meet his brother? Now this is really interesting so naturally I had to try and find out why. "It's a long story Cindy. I'd really rather not discuss it now if you don't mind." Great! Bob and I have been going steady for exactly two hours and already our relationship has hit a snag. Is this an omen? November 22nd Bob (with a little feminine persuasion from you-know-who) finally told me what the problem with his brother is; in a round about way. It seems that Larry, who is four years older than Bob, is one of these all-round super jocks and Bob (if I'm reading this correctly) worships the ground he walks on. He didn't put it in exactly those words but from Bob's description of Larry I'm beginning to get the picture. Larry also seems to be one of these guys that has to put other people down in order to feel good about himself; especially his younger brother. So no matter what Bob accomplished in his life, it was never good enough for Larry. Throughout their lives Larry would constantly tease, berate and otherwise try to diminsh whatever it was that Bob did. It was in an attempt to impress his older brother that Bob began to study karate in the first place. Not that that did any good. Even when Bob told him he was now the co-champion martial artist in the city (along with yours truely) his brother was unimpressed. Because Bob has always looked up Larry, he found his older brother's rejection of him very distressing. I think I now understand the arrogant, macho attitude Bob displayed at camp last summer. It was probably all the anger he had repressed inside of him from constantly being put down by his older brother. So, what should I do about this? Mind my own business? Let it ride? It's obvious to me now why Bob prefers that I not be there for Thanksgiving; who wants to be humiliated in front of their girlfriend? But as his girlfriend, shouldn't I be there to support him? And, if I don't, then what kind of friend am I? "Bob, I would really appreciate it if you'd invite me to have Thanksgiving dinner with your family. My parents - like they do every year - are going to my aunt and uncle's and I'm always bored to tears when I go there (that part wasn't a lie either; I *hate* going there and welcome any excuse not to go). So, what do you say?" I could feel the struggle taking place inside of him. I think he really wanted me to be there but was afraid I'd see how Larry treats him. I reached over, grasped his hand and softly said,"Bob, please let me come." "O.K. win." "Thanks honey." I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek." I usually do win don't I ? (Wink) What time should I be over?" Thursday evening, November 24th - The Thanksgiving Dinner Well, where should I begin? At the beginning I suppose. I arrived at Bob's home at six o'clock sharp. I wore my prettiest blue dress - blue to match my eyes - and even stole some of my mom's expensive perfume (I normally don't go in for this sort of stuff - girl jock you know - but I felt that this was kind of a special occasion). Bob met me at the door and introduced me to his parents; Ralph and Sherri. I noticed a very large and powerfully built man slouching on the couch watching a football game on T.V. who, I assumed, was Bob's brother Larry. Guess what? I was right. Sherri, a very beautiful woman (I guess that's where Bob gets his good looks from) introduced me to Larry but I guess it was too much trouble for him to nod or otherwise acknowledge my presence. He just mumbled something totally incomprehensible and asked his mother, rather gruffly, when dinner would be ready. Larry made no attempt to hide his disappointment when she told him he'd have to wait a few more minutes. There was another family there also whom Sherri introduced me to. They were relatives and had two daughters, ages 14 and 13. While we were waiting for dinner to be served, I struck up a conversation with them. It turns out that they're both studying judo. Recalling Jennifer's lessons, I asked them to show me a few  holds and we played around a bit until we were called to the dinner table. The first part of our Thanksgiving dinner went very well, due largely to the fact that Larry was still absorbed in his football game. The girls, Bob and I discussed the relative merits of the many different forms of martial arts and I gave them my theory as to why I felt Tae Kwon Do was the most effective form of self-defense for women. When Larry's game ended, things began to take a turn for the worse. "So Bobby," Larry began," what's this I hear about you having to share that title of yours with a girl? Tell me, just how serious could this tournament have been if they not only let girls enter, but one of them even reached the finals?" (Neither Bob nor his parents had told Larry that I was the girl). Bob and I held our tongues, hoping that maybe Larry's arrogant remark would pass by and we could go on with what had been, until then, a very pleasent dinner. But Ann, the 14 year-old girl, said,"that's very unfair Larry. If a girl trains hard enough in martial arts, she can reach a level equal to or even better than the boys. I know this because I can beat every boy in my judo class." "Is that so Miss judo expert? The guys in your class must be a bunch of wimps then." "They're definiately not wimps Larry. It's just that I train and practice very hard, perhaps harder than they do, and that's why I'm better." (I'll say this for Ann, she's not one to back down from a confrontation - not even from her macho, older cousin.  You go girl!) "That's bullshit!  If you can beat them then they're wimps; by definiation. Show me a girl trained in martial arts that can take on someone like me and maybe I'll believe what you're saying. Until then you're just talking shit, girl." (I felt the urge inside of me building up at this point but somehow I managed to restrain myself. I looked over at a very nervous Bob, smiled and shrugged my shoulders). And then Donna, Ann's 13 year-old sister, looked over at me and asked," what do you think about this Cindy? You teach Tae Kwon Do and you were just explaining to us how effective you believe it is for women's self-defense (me and my big mouth). Do you think you can defend yourself against Larry?" The dinning room suddenly became quiet...very quiet. I was on the spot here; why didn't I see this one coming? Bob tried to help me out."That's a very good question Donna. Perhaps we could test it out at some future date when we're not all dressed up in our fancy holiday clothes and enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner." (That was a nice try Bob - but it seems that fate had other plans in store for us that evening). Larry gave his younger brother a contemptuous look before turning back to me and said," that's an excellent idea Donna; let's test this theory out shall we? That is if my brother's girlfriend has the guts to put her money where her mouth is." There are times in one's life when you feel you have no control over your destiny; that you're like a leaf in a stream being carried along by the current with no power to decide what direction to take. That's how I sort of felt now. Yes, it's true that I didn't have to come here tonight and I didn't have to explain to Ann and Karen about my views on women's self-defense. But I did come and I did give my views. Like it or not I had been drawn into this and there was no backing out now. "Very well then Larry," I said softly, "we'll test the theory out - if that's what you really want to do." "You bet your ass I do. Then we can put an end to this stupid discussion about martial arts for women once and for all." "And so we shall Larry, and so we shall." While the two sets of parents stood quietly by and watched as the events unfolded, the two girls, Bob and I moved all the of furnature in the living room into one of the corners - needless to say, Larry didn't lift a finger to help us." I'm sorry Bob," I said as we pushed a large couch off to the side," but in the words of Popeye the Sailor Man, 'that's alls I can stands cause I can't stands no more'. This brother of yours really needs to be taught a good lesson." "But Cindy, Larry's a very strong, tough guy. He's a also teriffic athlete; a starting lineman at a major university. He's six-feet three inches tall and must weigh at least 250 pounds. Are you sure you're doing the right thing? " I know Bob's feelings towards his older brother; though I really can't understand how he could feel that way about him. They say that people can only make you feel inferior if you allow them to do so. Bob's brother worship was, I believe, the result of an inferiority complex that Bob had due, in large part, to Larry's constant belittling of him over the years (God I just loved that psychology class I took last semester). I felt that the only way to break this hold Larry has over his younger brother was to show Bob that his idol wasn't all he's cracked up to be. In other words, beat the crap out of Larry while Bob watched. Sound psychology? I don't know. The truth is, I was so pissed off at Larry for both his arrogance tonight and the years of abuse that he made Bob suffer through that I really didn't give a damn about psychology anymore. I just wanted to kick some ass. The only problem? Larry stood a good ten inches taller than I did and weighed twice as much. He's also a muscular, well conditioned athlete in top shape. So, did I bite off more than I could chew? I wondered about that as I removed my high heeled shoes, tied my hair back into a ponytail and prepared to face off against the mighty 250 pound college football player (I hope my pretty blue dress doesn't get ruined). "O.K. Larry," I began as if I was teaching the girls at my Tae Kwon Do class, "let's pretend that I'm a helpless little girl walking along the street. Try to mug me and let's see if I can prevent you from doing so." "It'll be a pleasure," he said with a wide grin across his face. He spread his huge arms wide apart and began to approached me. "Oh dear," I said in my cutest high-pitched voice,"a big, strong man is coming to do bad things to me, whatever will I do?" Just as he was about to enclose me in his arms I shot out with a powerful kick into the pit of his stomach. As he keeled forward I landed a hard punch to his solar plexus and quickly followed that with another kick to the stomach. With the wind knocked out of him, the surprised Larry fell to his knees. Helpless before me, I could have really wailed into him had I wanted to; but I decided to hold off...for now at least. "You see girls," I said as I smiled at Ann and Donna,"no matter how big and strong your attacker is, you can always disable him if you know how - and where - to strike." I then winked at Bob. "I wasn't ready for that!" Larry angrily barked out,"you caught me off guard." "Very well then Larry, care to try it again?" Larry straightened up, took a few deep breaths, and began to come at me again; though a bit more cautiously this time. "He's coming again," I teased,"what's a little girl to do?" This time I faked a kick to the lower part of his body (which he was nice enough to go for) and then slammed my right foot hard underneath his jaw. Although I can shatter boards with my feet, sending Larry to the hospital was not my goal here. My goal was twofold:1) to teach him a lesson in humility and 2) to show Bob that the brother he idolozes is nothing more that a pompous, concieted jock; certainly not worth the adulation Bob showers on him. Oh yes, I also wanted to show Ann and Donna how a well trained female in Tae Kwon Do can easily overcome a much larger and stronger man when she needs to. The force of my kick drove his head up leaving his nice, large mid-section begging for me to strike. How could I refuse? I fired off a series of rapid punches to the selective weak spots in a man's body that I'd been trained to hit and I soon had Larry reeling backwards (I stole a quick peek at Bob now; the expression on his face as he watched me pounding his brother was priceless - damn, why didn't I bring my camera). A final hard kick to the jaw again and Larry fell on the couch - not by design, that's just where he happened to land."Maybe you'd like to rest awhile Larry,"I teased,"while the rest of us have our dessert." Ann and Donna began to giggle. "Screw you, bitch!", he yelled. "I'm just getting started." "Suit yourself," I shrugged and winked at Bob again. As Larry was taking quite awhile to get up from the couch, I turned my attention back to the young girls. "Now don't get me wrong kids, I have nothing against other forms of martial arts. In fact a friend of mine - Jennifer - is a judo expert and last summer she taught me how to flip a 200 pound boy to the ground. But when you're faced with multiple attackers, or one very large one, I feel that a woman trained in Tae Kwon Do has a much better chance of defending herself." Larry was on his feet now and coming up behind me. Seeming to ignore him though, I continued talking to Ann and Donna with my back to him. "When a woman," - THUD! - (I suddenly moved back and slammed my elbow hard into his already abused stomach) has to make a quick decision," - WHACK! - (I quickly whurled around and landed a hard roundhouse kick squarely on the side of his face) "that her life may very well depend on," - POW! - (my lethal right foot again found Larry's jaw) "she needs to know she can handle herself without question," - CRACK! SLAM! BAM! - (three more solid kicks and Larry was back on the couch again) "and I believe with it's emphasis on kicking, Tae Kwon Do is more suited to women because we have greater strength in the lower parts of our bodies." Looking over at Larry I casually asked,"had enough yet big boy?" He didn't say anything, he just lay there; so I continued my discussion with the girls. When Larry did finally manage to stagger to his feet I smiled at Ann and asked, "how long have you been studying judo?" "Nearly five years." "Do you think you can flip Larry onto the floor in the condition he's in now?" "Hmmm...I'm not sure Cindy; he's awfully big." "Well, why don't you come over here and give it a try; and don't worry about him, I'll be here to protect you." There was a wide smile on her pretty face as she rose and walked over. Larry had just recieved a fairly good beating if I do say so myself. He was still big and strong, but I had completely knocked the fight out of him; he was barely able to stand on his feet. What could be a better end to this lesson than to have his 100 pound, 14 year-old female cousin finish him off? To apply the 'piece de resistance' so to speak. She approached him and, in a surprisingly quick move, grabbed his right hand with both of hers, twisted it around such a way that his entire body followed his hand forward and  - SLAM! - she sent her large cousin crashing to the floor on his back. "Bravo Ann!" I yelled. The smile of this 100 pound girl as she stood over her battered cousin lying helplessly at her feet will stay with me for the rest of my life. Equally embedded in my memory will be the look on Bob's face as he stood there, mouth wide open, staring in disbelief. Damn, that's another Kodak moment I missed tonight. "Well good people," I said," I don't know about you but I'm ready for dessert. I suddenly have an appetite again."As I passed by Sherri - Bob and Larry's mother - I felt her hand grab mine and, in a voice barely audible, heard her say,"thank you Cindy, this has been a long time coming. I just hope Bob appreciates what he has in you." We didn't see Larry anymore after that. After sitting down for dessert we heard a car start up outside and drive off...rather quickly. Wow! This is one of the best desserts I've ever tasted; I'll have to get Sherri to give me the recipe. As we ate, I looked over at Bob who was sitting next to me and noticed he had a very serious expression on his face; much too serious for a festive holiday like Thanksgiving. I reached underneath the table, I grabbed his...well, he began to cheer up after that (giggle, giggle). Monday afternoon - November 28th "Well girls, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Forgive me for saying this but some of you look like you've put on a bit of weight this weekend. Not to worry, we'll start to work that off soon. But before we begin our Tae Kwan Do lesson today I'd like to introduce you to two new students who will be a part of our class from now on. Please meet 14 year-old Ann and her 13 year-old sister Donna."