Cindy's Amazon Diary: Part 2 by M.C. Cindy's Junior Year in High School   September 3rd   Hello again. Since I only used up about half of the pages in this diary describing my experiences at summer camp, I decided to continue to post updates peroidically; describing my life as a junior in high school. It probably won't be anywhere near as interesting as my summer camp experiences with the Amazons (giggle, giggle) but who knows?  Well, here's a quick summary of what I've been up to since I returned home from Camp Sunshine.   I resumed my martial arts training. Since I was the youngest black belt in the dojo's history - male or female - my master said she thought it would be a good idea for me, a female, to teach the new beginners class for girls. Although I had never taught before (Jennifer being the only exception, tee, hee) I decided to give it a try. Maybe I could instill in these young women - most of whom are only eleven or twelve years old - the same sense of pride and self-confidence that I learned when I began studying Tae Kwon Do. I sincerely believe we need more strong, independent women in the world; in other words, more Amazons.   Amazing as it seems, after only one month I could already see subtle changes in the behavior of some of these girls. They seem to be walking a little bit differently, feeling better about themselves. Watching this happen gives me a great feeling inside.   My contact with the other Amazons - Crystal, Jennifer and Robin - have been mostly through e-mail and the occasional phone call. Nothing dramatic has happened in their lives since we split up. Crystal hasn't heard from Ray (well, considering the fact that she beat him up twice, I guess that's not too surprising is it) but she keeps hoping.   O.K.,  the Labor Day weekend is just about over and tomorrow is my first day back at school and cheerleading practice. Have to get up early (groan). Will write again when I have something interesting to say. Bye for now.   September 6th   Guess what? You'll never believe it. I couldn't even believe it myself. Bob transfered to my school, and he's even in two of my classes! His father got a job promotion over the summer and had to move to his company's main office which is located right here in my city. How do I know this? Because my father works for the very same company and they share an office. Isn't that wierd?   For some reason (I wonder why - wink) he didn't seem too happy to see me. I flashed him my prettiest smile and said "Hello Bob" when I first saw him. You should have seen the look on his face; shocked would be an understatement, giggle. So far he's done his best to ignore me but I don't think he'll be able to keep it up for long; we are, after all, in two classes together and his locker is located only a few feet away from mine.   Seeing as he's new in school and doesn't have any friends here, I'm tempted to just go over to him and say something like," hey Bob, why don't we just forget about what happened this past summer and start all over," but somehow I don't think he's ready for that - a little later perhaps, but not now. Anyway, I'll keep you informed. Signing off now.   September 14th   UUAAGGHH ! Why do men have to be so DIFFICULT ?  What is it about their stupid pride that makes them impossible? Today Bob got into a shoving match with Rick Davis, the biggest, strongest boy on the football team. I don't know how it started (knowing boys it could have been something as simple as looking at someone the wrong way or as serious as accidentally brushing shoulders as they passed each other in the hallway) but when I went to my locker I saw a crowd of students gathered around them. Bob was in his martial arts stance. He was trying to look brave but I could see how scared he really was. His hands were shaking as Rick got ready to pounce on him. At 230 muscular pounds - Bob couldn't have weighed more than 180 at the most - Rick would have creamed him for sure. Bob's martial arts skills were no where near good enough to make up the difference. So guess what? Little Miss goody-two-shoes had to get herself involved.   "Please break this up boys."   "This doesn't concern you Cindy," Rick replied angrily,"it's between me and the new freak here."   "If you're caught fighting in school you'll be suspended and won't be elgible to play football this Friday night Rick. Central High is tough and we need you in there. As a cheerleader, I'll have less to cheer about if you don't play, (O.K. I admit it, it was corny but hey, I was under pressure here so cut me some slack). So please guys, just settle down."   No good; Rick seemed determined to fight. It was time for action. I moved in-between them and stood directly in front of Rick. In a loud and firm voice I said,"Rick, back down, NOW!"...and back down he did. Now, you may think that a six foot-four inch, 230 pound football player wouldn't be afraid of anyone in school, least of all a five foot-five inch 125 pound girl. But Rick had learned from a previous experience with me that when I spoke to him in that tone of voice, he'd better do as I say; which he wisely did.   "O.K. Cindy," he said in a deep, stoic tone which indicated to me that he was trying to back out of the confrontation without losing face before the other students, "I'll let this creep off the hook...this time."   "Why thank you Rick," I politely responded. I allowed everyone to think that it was his magnanimous behavior that prevented the fight between us, rather that the fact that he knew I'd kick his ass if we had fought. I know that because I'd done it before...but that's another story.   After Rick stormed off I turned to Bob who was still in his martial arts stance, and still shaking. "You can relax now Bob, he's gone."   "I didn't need your help you know," he blustered (pretty tough talk considering that Rick was already halfway down the hall by now and couldn't hear a word he said) "I could have handled him myself." (Yea...right).   I looked at him for a few moments, then sighed."O.K. Bob, whatever you say."   "No, really Cindy; I could have taken that guy. Next time just keep out of it."   I just turned around and walked back to my locker. Why did I even bother ?   As I'm writing this down now I'm asking myself, do I really like this guy? Or do I just feel guilty because of what me and my fellow Amazons did to him and his friends over the summer. I mean, he's cute and all but do I really need to deal with his macho ego problems? Why does life have to be so damn complicated? I'm going to bed now, good night.   October 7th   Great news! Crystal recieved a phone call from Ray. I can hardly believe it! What happened is, Ray's high school football team (on which he's the starting middle linebacker) is traveling to play Crystal's school and he wanted to know if he could see her after the game. Isn't that just too cool? Hell, she kicked his ass twice - not to mention the humiliation she put him through the second time - and he calls her up!  Way to go Crystal and, I should also add, Ray.   My Tae Kwon Do lessons are going very well. My master says I should be ready to take the test for my second degree black belt very soon. But I have to admit that it's the course that I teach which gives me the most satisfaction. Watching how these young women have grown in self-confidence in the two months I've been training them has been an amazing experience for me. My master told me that I too would grow as a person once I began to teach others, and - as always - she was right.   Regarding Bob, nothing much has changed since that little *incident* in the school hallway. He seems to be doing his best to keep me at arms length. A few days ago I happened to run into Rick after school. Since we were both alone, I warned him to keep his hands off Bob. "What's gotten into you Cindy?" he asked, "it's not like you're dating that clown. In fact, I haven't seen you with anybody since we broke up last June."   "That's none of your damn business Rick" I said, suddenly flush with anger."And by-the-way, we didn't *break up*, you dumped me so that you could get back together with Janet, remember?"   "Remember? Remember? How could I forget Miss Kung-fu? You kicked my ass for that."   "Yes I did Rick, because you deserved it. Pretending to like me just to make your ex-girlfriend jealous. How can you be so cruel? You used a naive 16 year-old girl like a pawn in your chess game with Janet. Well, I learned my lesson. You're just lucky I was able to restrain myself or else you'd be playing football on crutches this season. Now, I'm only going to say this to you once tough guy: if you ever so much as lay a finger on Bob you'll have to answer to me, is that clear?" I made a fist and slammed it hard into a near-by brick wall to make my point ( I can be pretty persuasive when I need to be). As I watched him walk off in silence I shouted," Oh, and one more thing, it's Miss Tae Kwon Do; not Kung - fu."   Well, at least Crystal heard from Ray. Now if only Bob would chill out. Boys, you can't live with them, you can't live without them. Bye for now.   End of part 2