Cindy's Amazon Diary by M.C. A high school girl writes about her summer camp experiences as an Amazon Hi. Since this is my first time in summer camp my mother bought me this diary and said I should write about some of the people I meet here as well as some of the interesting things I do. She said that way, years from now,  I can look back and remember it much better. So here goes... July 6th: First entry Well hello there. I just arrived here at Camp Sunshine and it is totally awesome here. The lake, the woods, the clean air...I think it's going to be a super month. First I suppose I should give you a little background information about myself. My name is Cindy Summers. I'm 16 years old and going into my junior year of high school in the Fall. I'm five feet-five inches tall, weigh 125 pounds and have shoulder length blond hair. My hobbies are cheerleading, gymnastics and martial arts - I hold a first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Well, enough about me. Today I met the girls I'll be sharing a cabin with; Crystal, Jennifer and Robin. We all seemed to hit it off immediately. Since we are the oldest campers here, we chose for our nickname - which every cabin has - 'The Amazons'. Not that we really are Amazons, well except Crystal that is. She's a five foot-ten inch, 155 pound Afro-American and boy, is she built. She must have muscles everywhere; she says she lifts weights three hours a day....WOW!  Jennifer and Robin are more or less built like me in size. Jennifer has long, beautiful brown hair and is a black belt in judo. Robin, a honey blond, is the star pitcher on her school's softball team. Well, that's the Amazons. Will write more in a few days. July 12th. Wait until I tell you what the Amazons did last night (giggle); you won't believe it. The lake near us is about a half a mile wide and on the other side is a boy's camp. Just today one of the counselors was telling us about something that happened last year. A few of the boys boated across the lake at night for a panty raid. They never found out who they were but apparently their little stunt upset a lot of the younger girls and ruined their camping experience. Well wouldn't you know it, as Crystal, Jennifer, Robin and I were walking along the lakeshore at around 11 P.M. what do you think we saw? A boat coming across the lake. Boys! We all looked at each other and smiled as they approached...this year the Amazons would be  waiting for them. We hid in the bushes and waited. As they came near, you could hear them talking and laughing to each other. Apparently they were quite unfamiliar with the art of espionage. "Hey Bill," one of them said," do you think these candy-ass girls will start screaming and crying like they did last year?" "I certainly hope so Mark," he laughed," otherwise what's the point; right Ray?" "That's right my man. And don't forget, last year Phil got four pair of panties, this year I'm gonna get me five." The boat beached about thirty feet from where we were hiding. As there was nearly a full moon we could see them clearly as they came ashore; but they couldn't see us. Bill seemed to be the first one out. He was followed by Mark, then Phil and Ray. They all appeared to be around five feet-ten inches tall, pretty well built with strong, athletic bodies. Ray, an Afro-American, was built like a football linebacker."O.K. girls," Crystal whispered as they came close,"take your pick, but leave the brotha to me." "I'll take Bill," I said," he looks like a real cutie pie." "Mark, your ass is grass," Jennifer growled. "Phil won't be getting any panties this year," Robin giggled,"I'll see to that." When the would-be panty raiders were only a few feet away we all got up and shouted in unison," O.K. Amazons...charge!" The four of us fell on our surprised prey with the fury of hellcats. Crystal tackled Ray with the expertise of an NFL lineman. Jennifer took Mark down with an expert judo throw while Robin floored Phil with a hard right cross. Only Bill, my target, stood on his feet; because that's how I wanted it to be. To my surprise - and delight - he took up a karate stance. "Oh, a martial arts man," I said with an evil smile."O.K. big boy, show me what you've got." He fired off a few thrusts which I easily blocked. Then he tried a roundhouse kick which was so slow I could have yawned before it hit me. I ducked under it and slammed him in the jaw with my right foot; a foot - I say in all humility - that can turn a wooden board into toothpicks. Bill went down like a lead balloon. I looked around to see how my fellow Amazons were doing and had to was the funniest thing. Crystal had the strong Ray totally under her control, trapped between her powerful thighs in a scissor hold from which he couldn't break free. Robin had Phil in a *schoolgirl* pin; her knees on his upper arms and, with one of her free hands, she was tweeking his nose. Mark was lying on his stomach with Jennifer sitting on his back. She had his left arm twisted back almost to his shoulder and he was crying out in pain. She leaned over and, with her free right hand, took her long beautiful brown hair and fluffed it in his face. That Jenn, she's just too cool. Bill got up...but not for long. I whacked his jaw again with my lethal right foot and down he went. "Well Amazons," I said,"looks like the panty raid has met with an abrupt end." We all laughed. "What shall we do with them now?" It was a subject that occupied us for the next 15 minutes while we kept the hapless boys under our control. During our discussion, Bill made one more attempt to rise - gotta love that masculine pride. I decided to give his battered jaw a rest and simply punched him in the stomach. As he keeled over, I grabbed one of his hands, twisted it behind him and shoved him down on the grass. Then I sat down on top of him. It was probably very humiliating for these four macho guys to have been beaten up so easily by us girls and then to be helplessly pinned, scissored and sat on while we casually discussed their fate. During our talk we giggled a lot as girls sometimes do which, no doubt, added to their humiliation. When Mark got sassy and complained about it, Jennifer slapped him hard several times across the face and warned him to "shut the fuck up." He responded by crying. We couldn't help but start laughing as we recalled what he had said in the boat about last year's panty raid. Boy's are such candy-asses. In the end, we decided to just strip them and take their clothes for souvenirs. We escorted our naked guests back to their boat and gave them a good pushoff to get them started. "Ta-ta boys," I said. "On behalf of the Amazons I would like to thank you for coming. We hope you enjoyed your panty raid as much as we did. With any luck  you'll be able to sneek back into your campsite without anybody seeing you and do feel free to come back here anytime." We laughed all the way back to our cabin. I'll write more when I have the time. July 19th Guess what? Our counselor told us that on Saturday, the day after tomorrow, the girl's camp and the boy's camp will be getting together for a sports day; they do it every session. Isn't that wonderful! We haven't seen any of our *guests* since that night, but we sure talk about them a lot (giggles). What usually happens is that the boys and girls play together on the same team in a variety of sports. It's supposed to be a non-competitive fun day. I wonder how the boys we met will react to seeing us again. Well, we'll find out in two days. Bye for now. July 21st WOW! What a great day! I can't remember when I enjoyed myself more. All the boys came over from their camp to ours and yes, our *friends* were there also. But for some strange reason they didn't seem too happy to see us. I wonder why? (wink, wink). Anyway, all the campers were divided up into age groups. The 12 and 13 year olds were together, 14 and 15, and 16/17; that's us. As fate would have it, all four of the *bad boys* - as we called them - were on the opposite team for the first event, a softball game. We didn't plan it that way, that's just the way the sides were chosen up. But it turned  out to be great for us because we got to kick their asses in again. Boy can that Robin really throw a softball! I can see now why she led her team to the city title. The bad boys couldn't even touch her; she struck them out each time she faced them. Robin did eased up however for the other players on their team - after all, this was supposed to be a fun day right? Still we Amazons smashed them  12 - 4. I even hit a home run but Crystal blasted - and I do mean blasted - two. She'd have probably hit a third but Bill, their pitcher, chickened out and walked her the last time she came up to bat. The bad boys did not look too pleased afterwards. They wouldn't even shake our hands after the game ended; poor sports. That's the way it went all afternoon for us as we creamed them in basketball - Jennifer had the greatest outside shot I've ever seen and Crystal was a terror under the boards; the swimming relay - we had such a big lead on them by the time I began my final leg that I decided to swim the backstroke; and even touch football. Carrying the ball behind Crystal was like having a bulldozer in front of you as she literally plowed the way. Only Ray - who did play football in high school - could stand up to her, and then only sometimes. Despite kicking their asses in every event, we actually tried to reconcile with the bad boys by holding out our hands to them afterwards; but they would have none of it. I guess their fragile male egos couldn't deal with the fact that we girls were better athletes than they were." That's just their fucking problem," Jennifer said contemptuously - she had little patience for 'crybabies' as she put it. Personally I couldn't help feeling a little bit sorry for them however.  Afterall, weren't they just as much prisoners of sexual stereotyping as most of society? That the male, being in most cases physically more powerful than the female, should be the dominiant one? Now, for perhaps the first time in their lives, they've come into contact with females who are their equal (or, in this case, their betters) and they simply don't know how to deal with it."That's just their fucking problem Cindy," Jennifer repeated," it's not worth even thinking about." Well, perhaps she's right. But as I watched these four boys sulking off by themselves during the barbaque after the sports day ended, while everyone else was having a great time, I couldn't help feeling pity for them. Anyway, it was a fantastic day. Will write again soon. July 31st Oooops, sorry about that. I've been having such a good time here with my new friends these past ten days that I completely forgot about my diary. Swimming, boating, hiking, archery, sports; you name it, we did it. Jennifer and I are even learning each other's martial arts. She's teaching me judo and I'm teaching her Tae Kwon Do. She's picking it up so fast it's scary. Our time here is drawing to a close; only one more week. It's sad, I'll miss my friends. Oh well, such is life. Next week is our final campfire. Well, Jenn's waiting for her Tae Kwon Do lesson; laters. August 4th Well, the Amazons went out in a big way. Let me tell you about it. After all the singing and skits at the campfire were finished, Crystal, Jennifer, Robin and I were walking down by the lake; feeling sad. Tomorrow we'd all be going our seperate ways. We did promise to keep in touch - we even kicked around the idea of all attending the same university together - but that was still two years away and very 'iffy'. We wanted to have one last fling together as the Amazons. It was Crystal (bless her) who came up with the idea. As she gazed across the lake at the boy's camp she said," Amazons, where is it written that only boys can go on panty raids? " Ten minutes later Jennifer and I were quietly paddling in a canoe behind Robin and Crystal. Unlike the clumsy boys, we were hugging the shoreline as we stealthfully made our way towards their camp; our excitment growing with every stroke of the paddle. When we were about two hundred yards from our destination, we beached the canoes and approached their camp on foot. Hiding behind some bushes, we scouted out the area. Their campfire was also over and we saw isolated groups of boys milling around - altogether we counted about twelve of them. Because it was rather dark, we couldn't see if the bad boys were there, but we all hoped they were. Quietly we formulated a plan and, when we felt the time was right, the Amazons struck. "Onward Amazons!", we shouted as we burst forth from our hiding place. So stunned were the boys that they hardly even knew what hit them. Crystal plowed into a group of three boys and flattened them easily with her powerful fists; then went over to help Robin who was battling three more. Jennifer and I took on the largest group of six. Two girls against six was a massacre, the poor boys never stood a chance. Jennifer, trying out her newly learned Tae Kwon Do techniques, smashed one of the boys in the group with her right foot and down he went (didn't I tell you she was a fast learner, or maybe she had a good teacher, tee, hee). Being more experienced, I nailed two more in roughly the same time; well, I am a black belt, aren't I? That left just three more. One of them, the largest in the group, threw a punch at me. I decided this was as good a time as any to try out my new judo skills. Reaching out, I deftly blocked his punch in such a way as to grab hold of his arm. I quickly maneuvered him into the right position and - remembering what Jennifer taught me about shifting my weight - executed a perfect judo throw, slamming the 200 pound boy to the ground. Not bad for a 125 pound girl eh? "You go girl," Jenn cheered as she watched from the side. She had the last two boys in headlocks (how she managed to do that I'll never know) and they were unable free themselves. As their resistance weakened she slowly lowered them to the ground. At about the same time Robin knocked the final boy off his feet with a beautiful right uppercut to his jaw." It's the same motion as throwing a softball, only this is more fun," she giggled. The four of us high-fived each other and then surveyed the scene. I can only answer with three words...we were AWESOME!  Scattered on the ground all around us were twelve battered boys; all of whom were either as large or larger than Crystal. And yet the Amazons destroyed them all in only a few minutes. GIRLPOWER! Unfortunately none of the bad boys were there...oh well, what can you do? We ordered them to strip off all their clothes and hand us their underwear. They meekly complied."Well boys," I said as we prepared to make our way back to the canoes," I hope this taught you all a lesson, girls rule, boys drool." Flush from our victory we headed back, and then... We hadn't gone more than a hundred yards before we heard male voices coming from the woods. We stopped walking and quietly listened. We knew those voices, it was the bad boys. "Damnit Bill," Mark said,"those bitches totally ruined my vacation." "You're right," Bill agreed," but what can we do about it now? Camp's over, tomorrow morning we're all splitting." "Much as I hate to say it guys but you gotta give them credit, those girls are something else. They beat us fair and square. Not that I wouldn't welcome another go at them but let's face it, they're good." (Of the four of them, Ray seemed to have the most mature attitude. He too was humiliated by us girls but he seemed to be able to accept it; even if he didn't like it). "Bullshit,'" Phil barked," they ambushed us that night, we weren't ready for them. If only I had another chance, I'd..." "You'd what?" Robin asked as we suddenly appeared before them. "You want another go at us Ray? Well here's your chance honey." (I always felt Crystal liked Ray, though she never actually said it out loud, it was just a feeling I had). "Mark, in case you didn't know this, 'bitches' is not a complementary term. If you apologise to me now, I'll take it easy on you. But if not, SMACK! (she slammed her right fist into her left palm with force), the choice is yours."  "Bring it on BITCH!, I'm ready for you this time." (I sometimes wonder if some guys aren't really leftover Neanderthals that somehow managed to blend into human society). I guess it was my turn now. "Bill, are you ready for another lesson in martial arts? I hope you can make it more interesting for me this time." He didn't say anything, he just assumed his position. The four Amazons against the four bad boys...what a way to end our vacation. The Amazons began to advance, each to her own victim. We all had evil smiles on our faces. The boys tried put on a brave face too but you could see the fear in their eyes...and they weren't even aware of what we had done at their campsite yet. Crystal and Ray squared off first, they were the strongest of each group. As they were exchanging punches, Jennifer whaled into Mark. Although he outweighed her by nearly 60 pounds he was no match for her martial arts skills, it was no contest. Robin and Phil appeared to be evenly matched. Although she had never taken any self-defence lessons, Robin was a marvelous athlete and as tough as they come.  And then there was Bill and me. He obviously thought himself quite the martial artist. But breaking boards that are standing still is not quite the same as thing as fighting against someone who moves; and fights back. I decided to let him come to me and fight on the defensive for awhile. Like almost all of the boys I compete against in tournaments, Bill felt his superior size and strength was all he needed to win. He probably thought he lost our first encounter simply because he had underestimated me; he hadn't expected to confront a trained fighter. It probably never occured to him that I, a much smaller girl, might actually be a better martial artist than he is. That my speed, training and technique might easily overcome his physical advantages. Oh well, he - like many others before him - would just have to learn the hard way; more fun for me. He thrusted forward with his fists (by his style, I suspect he studied the Shoto-kan school of karate) but I was able to block them all and move to the side. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Jennifer had already bested Mark. She had him helplessly pinned underneath her and was pummeling him at will. I deflected several more of Bill's blows and then saw an opening. Like a cat my right foot struck him square in the jaw. Stunned, he staggard back. A quick look around and I saw that Robin had Phil backed up against a tree. He had his arms up trying to defend himself. She was smiling as she picked her shots; I'd say she had it in the bag. Crystal and Ray were still going at each other, matching blow-for-blow. Right now I'd have to say it was a toss up. Bill recovered and resumed his attack. Funny how some people are. I beat him the first time we faced each other and I was beating him now. You'd think he'd realize that and change his tactics. But no, he just keeps coming at me. Well, so be it. I blocked or avoided several more of his blows and then - WHAM! - connected with a powerful kick to the side of his head. This time I pressed my advantage with another kick to his jaw and he was reeling backwards. I whorled around and sent my foot deep into the pit of his stomach. He fell to his knees and - just like that - Bill was all but finished. Had I wanted too, I could have really hammered him at this point but I decided he'd had enough. A light punch to his already swollen jaw and Bill was history. I turned around just in time to see Crystal land a hard right cross to Ray's jaw sending him down for the count. Robin, as predicted, had already put Phil on his ass. Four up and four down, the Amazons had done it again. We dragged our battered foes to one point, lay them down side-by-side and congratulated each other on yet another triumph of female superiority. This time we knew exactly what we were going to do to them. They begged us to let them go but we had other plans. We forced them to remove their clothes again, only this time we tied their hands behind their backs with their underwear. We then stood them all together."Well boys," I said,"it looks like you're going to get our panties after all, although not quite in the way you planned." We giggled as we removed our under garments and placed them over each of their heads. "Don't they look just too cute," Robin laughed, "too bad no one thought to bring a camera." "Is that so?" Jennifer said as she pulled out her small digital camera from her pocket. "Jenn, you're a real gem." We spent the next few minutes posing in front of our *friends*. This humiliation, coming after Jennifer's beating, proved too much for Mark and he began to cry again. He was soon joined by Phil. Only Bill and Ray bore it stoically - I have to admire them for that. "O.K. boys," I began,"this concludes the entertainment portion of our visit, we hope you enjoyed it. On a more serious note: the pictures we took will be for our private viewing only, you have our word that we'll show them to no one else. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have to be going. Big day tomorrow you know. Ta ta boys and, in the words of Bob Hope, thanks for the memories. We left their clothes in a pile near-by along with the underwear we took from the others - it never really was about that was it. As we were leaving I saw Crystal place a note in the pocket of Ray's pants. A phone number perhaps? I didn't think it appropriate ask. If, after all she'd done to him, he still wanted to call her, well then my hat's off to him. The Amazons were surprisingly quiet as we paddled the canoes back to our campsite; we each appeared to be lost in our own thoughts. Despite our great victory tonight our mood was subdued. I reflected on all of the things that happened to me during the past month; the friends I met, the things we did together. It was a month I'm sure I'll never forget and I'm sure that each of the other girls, in their own way, were having similar thoughts. While tying up the canoes at the dock we were met by Margret, the head counselor."Amazons," she began,"I've just recieved a rather unusual phone call from the head counselor of the boy's camp. It seems that a lot of the boys there were attacked by some girls; beaten up and humiliated. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" "No ma'am," I replied,"we just wanted to spend our last night together in quiet solitude; you know reminiscing. We thought a nice moonlight canoe ride on the lake was the best way to do that." There was a long moment of silence before Margret said," but of course darlings, I just thought I'd ask that's all. Now, you girls had better run along and get packed; big day tomorrow." As we walked away from her, we couldn't help but notice the strange smile she had on her face. August 5th: Final entry Crystal, Jennifer, Robin and I said our tearful good-byes to each other. The Amazons were now officially disbanded. As we all live in different parts of the state, I doubt that we'll be getting together anytime soon; it's so sad. I'm still hoping that maybe we can all attend the same university, maybe even share a room together. That would be fantastic. Well, I suppose I'll sign off now. Had a wonderful summer. Bye...