Cathy's E-mail letter to her friend Jenny BY M.C. Hi Jenny; Cathy here. How's your summer vacation going? Can you believe it? In less than two weeks we'll be starting high school. Isn't that just too cool? The reason I'm writing this is to tell you about the awesome day I had yesterday. But first a bit of background before I go into the gory details. My parents finally went on their dream vacation to Hawaii last month. Because Ricky (my brother) is seventeen and I'm fifteen, they felt they could leave us alone for a month - they've been wanting to go on this trip for years. Just before they left, my mom took me aside and told me that since she felt I was more mature than Rick, she's expecting me to watch over him and make sure he doesn't get into trouble. Can you imagine that? My mother wants me to look after my tough, macho varsity basketball playing brother? (giggles). Well anyway, I promised I would so she could leave with peace of mind. The first two weeks went by uneventfully (well, there were a few minor incidents, but nothing serious), Ricky did his thing and I did mine. But yesterday the shit hit the fan. Rick went over to the park to play basketball with some of his friends while I was watching 'The Lord of the Rings' for about the tenth time. About an hour after he left, he came back. I noticed he was bleeding from the nose and appeared to be crying. He ran up to his bedroom without saying a word and slammed the door. Remembering the promise I made to my mother, I followed him upstairs. "Ricky, what happened?" "Leave me alone Cathy, I don't want to talk about it." It didn't take a genius to figure out that something was terribly wrong here so I decided to take the bull by the horns. "Ricky, if you don't open the door and let me in this minute, I'm going to smash it in... just like I did last week. (Ricky was very nasty to Sharon, one of my best friends, last week. Since our parents were away, I kicked in his bedroom door and slapped him around until he agreed to apologise to her). Open it now Ricky, you have exactly ten seconds!" I started to count out loud but only got to five before he unlocked and opened the door - being a black belt in karate definiately has it's advantages (wink). "What the hell happened to you Rickey? You look like shit!" He did actually. My brother not only had a bloody nose, but also a black eye and a swollen jaw. "Who did this to you?" When he didn't answer me immediately, I grabbed him firmly by his shirt collar and said,"do you want me to take you across my knee again and spank you like I did when you refused to do your chores last Saturday? Answer me now! What the hell happened?" Well that did the trick and he opened up. There's nothing like a little 'feminine persuasion', (giggles). "We were playing basketball in the park when George Watson and a few of his friends showed up and took over the court. When I complained about it, he beat me up." "Oh he did, did he? Well he's not going to get away with that. We're going back to the park right now!" "Cathy, you don't understand. George is the biggest and strongest boy in our school. Everybody's afraid of him; even the teachers." Still holding Rick by his shirt, I yanked him down so that we were literally eyeball-to-eyeball (he's six feet-two inches tall to my five feet-six). "Now you listen to me and you listen good. You're my big brother and I love you very much; and nobody - but NOBODY - treats you this way (except for me of course, but that's only when he needs to be shown the error of his ways; and I'd never dream of roughing him up this badly). You and I are going back to the park right now and I'm going to straighten this big bully out." "But Cathy..." "No buts Rick. Get yourself cleaned up, we're leaving in five minutes." "But..." "END OF DISCUSSION!" (Boys, they can be so hardheaded sometimes). We walked the three blocks to the park in silence. As we approached, I saw a group of boys playing on the basketball court. "That's George," Ricky said pointing to the largest of the group. "Are you sure you want to do this Cathy? As you can see, he's huge." My brother was certainly right about that. Looking at him I'd estimate George to be at least six feet-three inches tall, probably around 250 pounds and very well built. In short, he was a real hunk. "No problem Ricky," I replied as I tied my long brown hair back into a ponytail. "What's the point of a little girl studying karate for ten years if she can't even protect her big brother from bullies; tee, hee, hee."(For some strange reason Rick didn't seem to find my attempt at humor very funny). "Now you just stay here and watch your little sister in action." I reached up and gently pinched Ricky's swollen cheek, removed my sandels, and walked over to the basketball court. As fate would have it, just as I arrived an errant pass sent the ball out-of-bounds where it rolled over to where I stood. I put my left foot on the ball and my hands on my hips. "Can we have our ball back?" the large boy asked as he approached me. "Sure you can George, just as soon as you and I finish the little *chat* we're going to have." "And what would that be about?" "About your punching out my brother Rick after he complained about you and your friends pushing him and his off the court. Now, if you go over there and apologise to him and promise never to bully him again, I just might let you off with a light beating." I was baiting him of course. Both of us knew, as did the small crowd that was beginning to gather around us, that this big, strong hunk would never do what as I asked; not willingly at least. Imagine, a six foot-three inch, 250 pound muscular guy backing down from a five foot-six inch, 125 pound, 15 year-old girl; and in front of his friends no less! "O.K. girlie," the big brute said,"I don't know who you are but you've got five seconds to give me back the basketball." "Or what?" I smiled up at him. "Or I'm going to take it from you...and pound your brother again for your arrogance!" (He'll beat up my brother again but won't hit poor little ole me. Do they come any nicer?) "I'm afraid you've pounded my brother for the last time George. If you want your ball back then you're going to have to take it from me. Unless, of course, you're afraid of a little girl; in which case your reputation as the biggest, toughest guy in your school is unwarrented (now I'm giving him some slack in the line, toying with him)." George looked back at his friends and smiled, then he shrugged his huge shoulders. "O.K. girlie," he said as he began to approach me,"have it your way...but I warned you, didn't I?" (Just for the record, he did warn me; a true gentleman). WHACK! With my left foot still on the basketball, I shot out my right and caught the big lug squarely underneath his jaw. Though it wasn't anywhere near as hard as I can kick, it was still strong enough to snap his head up and drive him back several feet. I remained where I was, no need to rush things. With most of the students at the dojo where I train on vacation, I haven't have a good workout in a few weeks. So I figured that this was a good opportunity to practice. I don't want to get too rusty. As I was waiting for George to recover from the shock of being whacked by a girl, I picked up the basketball and tossed it towards the basket about twenty feet away; and wouldn't you know it - SWISH - nothing but net! "That's one point for the little girl and zero for the big bully; tee, hee." (Like Rick, my attempt at humor seemed to fall on deaf ears. What is it with these guys anyway?). George shook his head from side-to-side; angry now, he stormed back over to me. "I'll get you for that you BITCH!" he screamed (why do guys always use the "B" word? Well, I'll make him pay for it). He took a swing at me which missed by a mile. Then he took another - he may as well have sent it by snail-mail, it arrived so slow. After his third punch sailed harmlessly over my head he left himself wide open; so I counterattacked. WHAM!...POW!...SMASH!...CRACK!...THUD! With a series of punches and kicks, I drove the huge boy back again. SLAM! And with a final kick to his face sent the big bully flat on his back. Standing over him, I put my hands on my hips again and teased," what's the matter big boy; is a 15 year-old girl too tough for you?" The look on his face when he heard this was priceless. (Damn, why didn't I bring my digital camera). He rose to his feet and, realizing he underestimated me, assumed a boxing stance (yes, he can be trained). I began bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet," O.K. Georgie, let's see what you've got." "Nobody calls me that!" he screamed,"NOBODY!" (Obviously I struck a nerve here, so why not play on it?) "Georgie, Georgie, Georgie; tee, hee, hee. Can't you even beat a little 15 year-old girl Georgie?" (It's time to start reeling him in). Furious now, he starts throwing wild punches at me which I easily avoid. "Georgie, Georgie, Georgie; tee, hee, hee (this is just too easy, there really ought to be a law)." "Stand still you BITCH!" he shouted. "My what a dirty mouth you have there Georgie. It looks like I'm going to have to wash it out with soap." I looked over at Ricky and winked. About a year ago, during an argument over what T.V. show to watch, he called me a naughty name. So I took him into the bathroom and washed his mouth out with soap. Not surprisingly, he never called me that again; or any other for that matter. After George missed me with another wild haymaker, I resumed the offensive. "KICK!...KICK!... WHACK!...BAM! Two hard kicks to his face followed by two solid punches into his gut and he was stopped in his tracks. Not only was George stopped, but I had hurt him too. I could tell, he had that dazed look in his eyes that I'd seen many times before. I then began to land more blows, taking care not to strike vital body parts though. My goal here was to punish the big bully for beating up Ricky and teach him a good lesson, not to maim him. His balls, for example, were off limits. Striking him there would make it too easy for me anyway (giggles). With the huge boy now on the defensive, I could pick my shots. I began to use his large body as target practice for my hands and feet. You may think that a 15 year-old girl wouldn't stand much of a chance in a fight against a big, tough guy who weighs twice as much as she does. But I've been studying martial arts since I was five years old and earned my first degree black belt by the age of thirteen. I know where, when and how to strike my opponent, and can do it in the blink of an eye. My sensei says she's never seen a student who works as hard as I do. I practice four to five days a week and teach the beginners class at my dojo; and someday I hope to have a dojo of my own (though that's still way in the future). George may be big and strong, but I'm twice as fast. And surprising as this may sound Jenny, I can also hit harder than he can - as the numerous welts and bruises now appearing all over his body attest to. My fists may be small, but they can break bricks and punch through wooden boards. I'll never forget the thrill I had when I shattered my first board - I was twelve at the time. If George tried to break a brick or a board with his hand he'd most probably wind up breaking it...his hand that is. Bullies like him (and I've fought a lot over last couple of years) almost always depend on their size and brute strength to win fights; they seldom have to rely on fighting skills. And when they do, they're in George is today. I can probably smack this guy around all afternoon, while he'd be lucky to land even one single punch. WHACK!...WHACK!...WHACK!...WHACK!...WHACK! With another series of punches and kicks, I drove George back against a tree. Practically everyone in the park came over to watch now and all seemed to be cheering for me. "You don't seem to be too popular around here Georgie," I teased,"even your friends appear to be rooting for me." (It was true, they were. I guess George isn't exactly Mr. Popularity). He threw another wild punch at me but I simply darted out of range, then countered with several more solid, well-placed blows of my own after which he appeared to be completely disoriented. It was time to finish him off. THUD! I sent my right foot deep into his stomach, then SOCK! sent him to the ground again with a powerful uppercut to the jaw. Looking over at my brother I smiled and said,"Gee Ricky, I haven't even started high school yet and I'm already the toughest kid there; tee, hee, hee." You should have seen the look he had on his face Jenny when my brother realized that the toughest kid in his school now was none other than his little 15 year-old sister. "So you'd better treat me with the respect I deserve (wink)." When George tried to get up I slammed him to the ground again with another hard kick to his already abused jaw. I guess he realized that it was safer for him to remain there because he made no further attempt to rise; or maybe it was because he wasn't able to. I sat down on his chest and looked him straight in the eye, the one that wasn't swollen. "Well Georgie, I guess you can still call yourself the toughest *boy* in school; but I'm afraid your bullying days are over. Now, this is for beating up my brother...and for calling me a bitch." I then began to slap him back and forth across the face while practically all of the onlookers cheered. We must have been a very strange sight for those watching: a five foot-six inch, 125 pound, 15 year-old girl sitting on the chest of a six foot-three inch, 250 pound muscular guy whom she had just beaten up; slapping him silly while he lay helpless beneath her. Battered, beaten and now completely humiliated, 'Big Bad Georgie' (as I began to call him) started to cry. "Awww, poor baby. Was the little 15 year-old girl too much for you?" God how I love this part. The bully is beaten and completely at your mercy. He's yours to do with as you please and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it - and he knows it. Chalk up another victory for the kick-ass karate girl! "Are you ready - SLAP! - to apologise - SLAP! - to my brother now?" SLAP!...SLAP!...SLAP! "Yes!" he cried. "Yes, I'll apologise to him. Please stop hitting me!" I held my open right hand back, poised to strike this pathetic whimp below me again (and I do mean pathetic. There are at least half a dozen females in my advanced karate class that can that take this guy to the cleaners without even working up a sweat). "Well then what are you waiting for?" I motioned for Rick to come over and smiled up at him when he did. "Ricky, I believe this naughty boy has something he wants to say to you; don't you Georgie?" "Rick...I...I'm sorry I punched you out earlier today (he then looked up at my hand which was still in the firing position). I'm REALLY, REALLY SORRY; and I'll never do it again, I promise." "Do you accept his apology Rick, or should I play patty-cake with his face some more?" My brother was staring down at us, still, no doubt, trying to come to terms with what he was seeing - his little sister sitting on the chest of the toughest boy in his school, slapping him silly. "Well big brother?" "It''s O.K. Cathy. I accept his apology." I moved my right hand down rapidly as if I was going to slap him again, but stopped an inch from his already battered face - I just wanted to see him wince (giggle). Instead, I playfully pinched his cheek. "O.K. Big Bad Georgie, I hope you've learned your lesson today; leave my brother alone! Because the next time, I'm going to spank your bottom in front of the whole school." That was no idle threat either. One of the first bullies I *tamed* - a tough 15 year -old boy in Junior High School - I gave a public spanking to after beating him up. He was so humiliated that he never picked on anybody again. I was only 13 at the time. "I...I won't Cathy. I promise." "Very well then Big Bad Georgie, this is how it's going to be from now on. As the new 'toughest kid in school' I'm going to be watching you. You're going to be a good boy from now on and behave yourself. If you misbehave I'll kick your ass all over the school...and don't think I won't. Your bullying days are officially over!" I love talking tough, with attitude as they say; it's such a turn on. And as I got off him, I had to admit that sitting on top of this big guy's muscular chest while having him completely under my control was very erotic too. But the most interesting thing about all this was the fact that even though I had pounded bullies into submission before - many times in fact - this time it felt different. Was there something else at play here? Could it be that my 15 year-old female body's hormones were finally waking up? Up until now the only thing that really mattered in my life was studying martial arts; and it was to that effect that I devoted just about all of my time and energy. I rarely dated and, when I did, it was usually one of my fellow students from the dojo. It was never anything serious though, we'd just go out for a meal or maybe coffee after a lesson. But as I watched the battered and still crying George limping away, something definiately felt different; I felt aroused in a way I had never felt before. I turned towards my brother and smiled. "I guess you can use the basketball court now Ricky, it appears to be vacant. But don't thank me or nothing (wink)." Then I looked back at George again and an uncontrollable urge overcame me. "Hold up there big boy!" I called out as I walked over to him,"I'm not through with you yet. Let's go somewhere private, I want to have a talk with you!" Not well versed in the social graces, I simply grabbed the battered ex-bully firmly by his shirt and marched him off into the thick bushes near-by. "Don't anybody follow us," I warned the spectators. Well for the record Jenny, I kept my promise to my parents not to engage in sexual relations until I'm sixteen...but just barely. Having this big, strong, handsome hunk alone in the bushes proved to be almost too much; but I did manage to stop myself from raping him and settled for some heavy petting instead. But the day I turn sixteen his ass is mine (wide grin). Anyway, I told him he's my boyfriend now - isn't that the way it works? And tonight we're double dating with Ricky and Sharon. Oh right, I forgot to mention that after forcing Rick to apologise to Sharon they became boyfriend/girlfriend...with a little push from you-know-who of course (wink). I just thought they were so right for each other. Hey, I promised my mom I would look after Ricky didn't I? What are little sisters for if not to steer their older brothers in the proper direction? Ricky and Sharon are a perfect match in my opinion...and that's the only opinion that counts. Anyway Jenny, Georgie's coming by to pick us up in his car soon so I'd better get ready - I want to look pretty for my new boyfriend. Hope you're enjoying your summer vacation as much as I am. Take care and see you soon. Love and kisses, Cathy