You Guys Hit Like a Bunch of Girls  - Part 3 by M.C. After destroying their football team, the sexy cheerleaders decide to replace them for the big game. " Candy, Candy...wait up !," Suzy's voice cried out over the murmur in the school hall during a break in-between classes. " What is it Suzy ?," Candy asked her friend and fellow cheerleader. " Did you hear the news ? Coach Morgan resigned in disgrace this morning." " Humph, serves him right. That incompetent chauvinist wasn't fit to be a dog catcher; let alone a football coach. I guess we showed him a thing or two yesterday." " Yes we did, but...I'm afraid that's not all to the story Candy." " What else ? " "Well, it seems were a bit too rough on the football team also. Many of them are too badly battered and bruised to play against Central high tonight. Because of that - and the fact that there's no head coach - it looks like the school is going to have to forfeit tonight's game." " What? Why those wimps! A couple of hits from us girls and those macho guys go down for the count ? What about our cheerleading routines that we've been working so hard on ? This is the last game of the season. If we don't perform them tonight, we'll have to wait until next year. This sucks Suzy; big time." Suzy simply shrugged her shoulders; Candy frowned. After a few moments of silent thought however, Candy's frown turned into a broad smile. " Suzy, I've got it - the perfect solution to our problem ! Since those wimpy boys can't play, we'll take their place. That way we won't have to forfeit; the school won't lose the revenue from the game and all the students won't blame us girls for what happened. Those cry babies were gonna get their asses kicked anyway so what difference does it make ? " " That's an excellent idea Candy; except for a couple of things. Do you really think Principal Skinner will allow us girls to play ? And - even if he does - if we're playing football, who will lead the cheers ? " Candy smiled at her friend. " Regarding the first; do you remember when Principal Skinner took over here last year ? Remember how he was giving all of us girls mucho hassles because of the way we dressed ? What did he call it...' too revealing', right ? Suzy nodded. " Well, I decided to have a little *chat* with him shortly afterwards. Do you recall he wasn't in school for a few days ? The reason for that was, he was *recovering* from our talk and, when he came back, he never bothered us again about our clothes, right ? So I don't think Mr. Skinner will have any serious objections to us girls playing football against Central high tonight. And - even if he does - he won't be voicing them publicly; not if he knows what's good for him...if you catch my drift ? " The two girls shared a giggle. " Now, regarding the second item..." It was Friday night, the last game of the season. As the Kennedy High School students and their fans entered the stadium, they were all in a kind of quandary as to what was going to happen. Just about everybody had, by now, heard the rumors ( though few actually believed them;so preposterous were they ) of a pick-up game between the football team and the cheerleaders the day before in which the sexy girls utterly demolished the boys. So badly did the girls batter the boys that only a handful were capable of playing. This led to Coach Morgan's resignation and rumors of a forfeit. If the rumors were indeed true, then who was going to play against Central High ? As the crowd filed into the stadium they looked across the field at the opposing team ready to face their opposition. But on the Kennedy side, they saw only the seven beautiful cheerleaders going through their impressive pre-game routine of acrobatics and cheers. What was going on here ? At five minutes to eight in the evening, the loudspeaker (in a female voice for the first time) blared out: " Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to announce to you that tonight - in place of the boys of the Kennedy High School football team - will be those beautiful, athletic cheerleaders that you see performing before you. They will be competing against the mighty and fearsome players of Central High. So, let's give these brave girls a well deserved round of applause and wish them all the best as they prepare to take on the undefeated Central High Titans! " Dropping their pom-poms on the sideline, the seven girls ran out onto the playing field and curtsied before the surprised crowd. Could this really be happening ? Could these beautiful girls really stand up to the mighty Titans of Central High ? Or would this be a farce ? One thing for sure...they were all about to find out. The stage was now set. The seven cheerleaders, dressed in nothing more than their sexy cheerleading outfits, lined up against the eleven tough football players of their cross-town rivals who, having won the coin toss, elected to receive the football. Candy prepared to kick off. The capacity crowd was silent. At exactly 8:00 PM, the official blew his whistle; the game was about to begin... End of part three