Little Sister Knows Best: Part one by M.C. Brenda always has her brother's best interests in mind; even if it sometimes hurts him. It was the first week of the summer vacation and I was on my way to Brenda's home. Though we weren't *officially* boyfriend/girlfriend, we had been seeing quite a lot of each other recently. So when the beautiful brunette, and star athlete of the women's high school track team, called me up and invited me to go 'hang out' at the mall with her this afternoon, I immediately dropped what I was doing and headed over to her house. As I approached, I saw a note hanging on the front door. It read: "Steve, my brother and I are downstairs in the basement. Come right in, we'll be down there. Kisses, Brenda." When I entered the house I heard a strange sound coming from the basement. "THUMP, THUMP, THUMP!" This was followed by the distinctive sound of Brenda's laughter. "THUMP, THUMP, THUMP!" and more laughter. What the hell were they doing down there? I reached the top of the stairs and looked down...and was greeted by a very strange and unexpected sight. Both Brenda and Bill, her older brother who was the light-heavyweight boxer on his college's boxing team, were dressed in shorts, T-shirts and had boxing gloves on. They were in what appeared to be a makeshift boxing ring with mats on the floor (though I'd been in Brenda's home on several occasions, this was the first time I'd seen their basement). The serious look on Bill's face told me this was not just a friendly sibling sparring session. Brenda had her long, beautiful brown hair tied back in a ponytail and it bounced up and down as she gracefully danced around the larger boy who she appeared to have on the defensive. In contrast to Bill, Brenda was grinning from ear to ear. "Hi Stevie," she said when she noticed I had arrived,"come down and watch from here. My big brother and I have some *issues* to settle and then we can go to the mall." Then, suddenly, she struck. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP! In rapid succession, the smaller girl landed a series of quick, well placed jabs to Bill's body and followed them up with a surprisingly hard right cross to his face, driving the larger boy back. "I just love to box with Billy, he makes such a nice punching bag; tee, hee, hee." Maybe it was my presence there, or the fact that his smaller 18 year-old sister seemed to be completely outboxing him (and teasing him at the same time), but Bill suddenly exploded in rage and charged her. "Don't you ever call me Billy again," he screamed as he threw wild punches at her," I hate that name!" Brenda remained calm thoughout his attack and deftly blocked or avoided his blows. "Isn't Billy just the cutest thing when he gets angry," Brenda smiled at me as she ducked under a hard right hook. "He really shouldn't leave himself so unprotected though." Brenda sent her left fist deep into the pit of his stomach. Her right uppercut to the jaw sent the six foot- one inch, 200 pound college boxer flat on his back. "Oh Billy, Billy, Billy," Brenda sighed as she stood over her fallen sibling,"when will you ever learn. You have to control your temper and fight smart. Haven't I taught you that enough times already?" As Bill slowly got up, Brenda shadow boxed near me."Billy's home from college this summer and seems to think he can just lounge around the house the whole time our parents are on vacation in Hawaii. I told him that as long as he's here, he has chores and responsibilities to do. He didn't agree so we're having it out. Don't worry though Stevie, this won't take too much longer." By now Bill had gotten to his feet."I just have to remove that chip from his shoulder... again" Brenda blew me a kiss before turning around to face him. As I watched the muscular, five foot-six inch 175 pound athletic brunette (the state high school champion in both the women's shot put and discus throw) square off against her much larger brother, I couldn't help but admire her amazing physique. Brenda's powerful arms must measure 16 inches around and her thighs, 24 at least. I knew she was a great athlete, but watching her batter her older brother around the basement - giggling as she did - gave me an even greater appreciation for her amazing abilities; this was a top notch college boxer she was demolishing. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP! Brenda now had her brother pinned back into one of the corners and began to pound away at him. He was trying desperately to defend himself against his little sister's onslaught but Brenda was connecting more and more frequently. "Ever boxed Stevie?" she casually asked me after landing a solid right cross to Bill's nose which then began to bleed. ", I haven't." "I'm going to have to teach you then. It's really a lot of fun...and great exercise." Brenda hit her nearly helpless brother with another series of hard punches causing blood to spurt from his mouth."Well, it's fun if you're not getting hit that is," she added with a giggle. Brenda stopped her punches for a moment and stood before him with her hands on her hips." O.K. Billy," she said,"let's see what you've got. Give me your best shot into my abs." Bill, realizing this would probably be his only chance to get her, wound up and fired the hardest punch he could throw. "THUD!" But nothing happened; Brenda didn't budge an inch. "Pathetic Billy, totally pathetic. Try it again." He threw another useless punch. Brenda sighed and resumed pounding him. After another minute, Bill's arms fell limply at his sides; he was through. Brenda grabbed him by his shirt, pulled him away from the corner and held her right glove a few inches in front of him. "Punch," she said as she lightly tapped him on his swollen jaw. It was enough to send Bill flat on his back again...only this time he wasn't getting back up. His victorious sister then put her left foot on his stomach and raised her muscular arms high above her head. "The winner and still undefeated champ...Brenda!" She then looked down at her battered brother and smiled, "you may be a big man on your college campus Billy Boy, but in this house you're still only second best." Brenda gave me a wink and sat down on her brother's chest. With her teeth she untied her right boxing glove and removed it, and then she removed the left. "Stevie, be a dear and bring me my hairbrush from my bedroom upstairs,"she said as she undid her ponytail and let her long, beautiful brown hair fall across her shoulders and halfway down her back. By the time I returned, Brenda had removed Bill's boxing gloves and was in the process of giving him a stern lecture. She motioned for me to sit behind her on Bill's stomach. "Now honey, please brush my pretty hair." As I began to stroke her hair, she returned her attention back to Bill. "O.K. now big brother of mine, I guess this proves I'm still head honcho here and as long as you're staying in this house, you'll obey these rules..." Brenda then began to list a series of chores and errands that she expected her older brother to do while he stayed there. As I sat behind her I could see tears forming in Bill's eyes as this proud 20 year-old boxer was forced to accept that his little sister would be the boss of the house. That despite his tough, macho exterior, Brenda could still bend him to her will. When she finished lecturing him, Brenda asked in a soft, sweet, sisterly tone," do you understand Billy?" "Yes," he said tearfully in a voice of total resignation. Brenda then leaned over and kissed her brother on his forehead."That's a good boy. Now let's go upstairs and get you cleaned up." She helped her brother to his feet and, wrapping her powerful right arm around his waist, assisted him up the stairs and into the bathroom. She then cleaned up the blood from his face and put cold compresses on his swollen lips and jaw. I seriously doubt that in his two years of college boxing, Bill recieved a beating as comprehensive the one Brenda gave him today. After the swelling subsided somewhat, Brenda looked at her big brother. "There now, you're almost as good as new Billy. Steve and I are going to hang out at the mall for a few hours. I want you to take a shower and rest for awhile; then you can start your chores for the day. Today I want you to mow both the front and back lawns. I hope for your sake they'll be finished by the time we get back." The sight of this beautiful, 18 year-old girl dictating to her older brother what he'll have to do sent pangs of eroticism throughout my body. Brenda was, in a word, awesome; a real life supergirl and even this tough college boxer had to humble himself before her. When she was finished with Bill, Brenda looked at me and said in a sweet voice,"well honeybunch, what are we waiting for? Let's go to the mall." We went outside and Brenda asked, "where's your bike Steve?" "I didn't bring it. I don't think I can pedal up that monster." The closest way to the mall from Brenda's house is up a massive hill that began at the end of her block. It must be at least a half a mile - and several hundred feet - to the top. Despite being in pretty good shape, I just can't see pedaling a bike all the way up to the top and then down the equally steep opposit side. When I told Brenda this, she broke out in laughter. "Oh Stevie, you're such a wimp, tee, hee. Come, we'll take my bike." She got on her bicycle and motioned for me to sit behind her (I could not believe she intended to pedal her bike up that hill with my 185 pounds too)."You can put your arms around my waist Stevie; I know you've been wanting to do that for quite some time now." I did as I was told (she was right about wanting to put my arms around her waist of course) and off we went. "I'll show this hill who's the boss," Brenda laughed as she started to climb. As I held on to her rock-hard abs (I can now understand why Bill's punches had no affect on her) Brenda's powerful legs began to pump and up we went. Incredibly, she didn't appear to be straining at all. Higher and higher we climbed but Brenda never wavered; this amazing girl just kept going at the same pace. "You see Stevie, there's nothing to it...if you're in good shape. I think I'm going to have to toughen you up a bit" (that remark sent shivers down my spine). When we reach the top she was only slightly out of breath. "What a great view! You can see almost the entire city from up here." And then we began our decent. "Hang on tight sweetie pie, this is going to be fun!" Fun? Fun? She calls gliding down a steep hill at 30 miles an hour fun? (athough I do admit, having my arms tightly around her waist wasn't exactly an undesirable position to be in - I'd just have prefered a different setting). As we picked up speed I felt my anxiety (read fear) level increase dramatically. We must have been a strange sight to anyone watching. A strong, powerfully built girl, her long beautiful brown hair flying back in the wind as she barreled down the steep hill on her bicycle with a lanky six foot guy clinging to her back - hanging on to her for dear life."Open your eyes Stevie, we're coming to the speed bumps now." "Can't you go around them Brenda?" "Why would I want to do that silly boy? It's the best part." Best part? We must be doing over 40 now. Hitting speed bumps on a bicycle at 40 MPH? I squeezed her even tighter. "Ooooh honey, that's quite a hug you've got there, tee, hee, hee." (Next time Brenda invites me to go to the mall with her I'm calling in sick). We hit the first speed bump and flew a good six feet in the air; then another..and another. Brenda never lost her balance though and we always landed perfectly. "WHEEEEE! Isn't this fun Stevie?" It actually might not have been so bad if I hadn't had a hard-on at the time (hugging Brenda you know). "Isn't this just the greatest thing?" (I didn't comment, just squeezed for all I was worth). We reached the bottom of the hill (mercifully) and coasted into the parking lot of the mall. My ordeal was over. "Wasn't that great Stevie? We'll have to do it again sometime." (Yea, right). Acting braver than I was, I dismounted from her bike and we entered the mall. "Hey Bren, Steve! How you guys doin?" Joan, Brenda's best friend, shouted out when she saw us coming inside. She was on her way out as we entered. "Not bad; yourself?" "O.K. Bill home for the summer by any chance?" "Why yes, as a matter of fact he is. He arrived yesterday." "Where is he now?" "Oh, he's doing a few chores. You know Bill, always happy to help out around the house." (Brenda looked at me and winked). "Do you think it would be O.K. if I came by later, Bren?" "Sure Joan, I'll bet Bill will be very happy to see you. Say around seven?" "Seven it is, see ya then." With a big grin on her face Joan left the mall. As we watched her leave, I turned to Brenda and asked,"what was that all about?" She smiled, took me firmly by the hand and led me to an ice cream stand in the food court. After I bought an extra-large hot fudge sundae for us, we sat down. "It's like this Steve," Brenda began," Joan's had a 'thing' for Bill for a couple of years now and I think she would be just great for him. But I decided it would be best if Joan waited until she was 18 and graduated high school; that way I could be sure it wasn't just 'puppy love'. Now I'm pretty sure it's the real thing and, since she's going to starting her freshman year at Bill's college next fall, I thought this might be a good time to get them together." "Wait a minute Brenda, doesn't Bill have a say in any of this?" Brenda giggled. "Sure he does...just as long as he agrees with what I think is best for him." "How can you do these things to him? First you beat him up and now you're going to decide who he should date?" "Steve, what are little sisters for if not to help their big brothers see more clearly what's good for them?" Then she became serious." I beat him up because he was lazy and refused to do his chores. When I asked him nicely to help out around the house he arrogantly said he didn't have to. I then warned him of the consequences if he refused me again; and he did. He may be a rough, tough macho boxer on his college campus but in our house I'm in charge; always have been." Brenda paused for a moment and took a bite of the sundae. "Look Steve, let me explain a few things to you. I love my brother very much, I always have. So when I see him doing things that I feel aren't in his best interests, it's my duty to straighten him out...for his own good. Since our parents both work and are away a lot, I've sort of assumed responsibility for him. Like when he was a senior in high school and began to hang out with the wrong crowd. They were a nasty group and some of them were into drugs. I felt his associating with them might jeopordize the college scholarship he was trying for. I warned him to stay away from them but he ignored me. One afternoon I came home from school and found him and a few of these guys smoking dope right in our living room; that was the last straw. I beat up his friends and told them never to come back. "How many were there?" "I think there were four of them." "And what did you do to Bill afterwards?" "Well, you have to understand Steve, I was quite pissed off at him." "So, what did you do?" Brenda took another bite of her ice cream and grinned,"first I slapped him around a bit. Then I took him over my knee, gave him a good spanking and sent him to his room." "You spanked him? He was the city boxing champion then, wasn't he?" "Yes he was, and I was so proud of him when he won that title." "And you spanked him?" Brenda nodded. "But it was for his own good Steve. He stopped hanging out with those guys and stayed out of trouble for the rest of the time he was in high school. I consider that college scholarship he recieved to be my vindication. And do you remember Mark Butler?" "You mean that huge bully in the senior class when we were sophmores?" "Yes, that's the one. Well anyway, he was a very nasty boy and always picked on Bill. One day I decided to put a stop to that. I went into the weight room when he was there all by himself, locked the door behind me and beat the crap out of him." "That was you? I remember seeing him with two black eyes and a swollen jaw. I wondered who could have possibly done that to him." "Yes, that was me (giggles), and he never bothered Bill again after that." "So what about Bill and Joan?" "Joan is my very best friend and a wonderful person. Bill is my brother whom I love dearly. It's a perfect match." "And so now you're planning on getting them together?" Brenda's smile with chocolate fudge dripping down her chin was all the answer I needed. Three hours later... I swear to God, the next time Brenda invites me to the mall, I'm taking the bus. Two trips up and down that damn hill were enough to last me a lifetime - the erotic thrill of hugging Brenda's waist notwithstanding. As we rode up to her home she noticed a strange car parked outside. "I wonder who that could be," she said to no one in particular. We didn't have to wait long to find out. "Hi Brenda," Bill said as we entered the house. He then pointed to the large, very well built blond Amazon standing next to him. "This is Susie, my girlfriend from college. She'll be staying here with me while our parents are away." Brenda frowned as she looked at her watch. It was 6:10 PM...Joan would be arriving in less than an hour. End of part one.