Be Careful What You Wish For - You May Get It By M.C. A strong, tough college football star discovers that the reality of female domination isn't quite what he imagined. As I looked down at the much smaller girl standing in front of me I frowned. "I'm sorry miss, but you're not exactly what I had in mind." "What do you mean?" she asked. "The ad that you put in the personals section of the university's newspaper clearly stated that you're looking for a strong, dominant girl. Correct?" "Well yes, it does. But I was thinking more along the lines of say a female weightlifter or a large, physically strong athletic woman. Someone who I could wrestle around with so that I can play out this fantasy of mine." "And what would that fantasy be? To be physically overpowered and dominated by a girl?" "Well yes, sort of. I mean it wouldn't be for real; it's just a fantasy of mine that I'd like to explore. But here's the thing, I'm Greg Wilson - the star middle linebacker on the university's football team. I'm six feet- three inches tall and weigh 225 well- toned pounds. And you're like what, five foot-five? And maybe 120 pounds? I'm sorry miss, but you're just not the type of girl I was looking for." Although without really meaning to, what I had just said seemed to be an insult to her. "First of all Greg, my name is Karen Daniels. I stand five foot six inches tall and weigh - not that it's any of your business - 130 pounds, also well-toned." As Karen spoke I noticed she walked over the table where she had placed her purse. "And I think you're being very presumptuous about my abilities." She took out a headband and began to tie her long, pretty brown hair back into a ponytail. "As you probably know Greg, looks can sometimes be deceiving. So I'd like to make a suggestion as to how we can settle this little 'misunderstanding' of ours." "What's your suggestion Karen?" I was beginning to get intrigued now. "That you and I engage in a little fight to see if I'm tough enough for you, big boy." "What! You want to fight me Karen? Are you crazy? I mean, just look at how much larger and stronger I am than you. I wouldn't want you to get hurt. After all this is just a fantasy of mine." Karen began to slowly walk towards me. "That's very chivalrous of you Greg, not wanting to hurt the little girl and all. Chivalrous, but totally unnecessary. I'm not quite as fragile as you seem to think I am." She was now standing directly in front of me. "So come on big boy, let's see if you're really as tough as you think you are." SLAP! With her open right hand Karen gave me a surprisingly hard slap across my face and then WHACK! she backhanded me on the other side. I had to admit she was surprisingly strong; her slaps hurt. But I have my masculine pride, and couldn't just let this girl come into my apartment and start slapping me around. And after she gave me another hard slap - CRACK! - I lost my temper. "You bitch!" I screamed. "You want a fight girl? Well then let's gets it on!" I threw a punch at her but she deftly ducked under it and then landed several lightning fast and surprisingly strong punches into the pit of my stomach. She then quickly followed those up with a hard kick underneath my chin that drove me backwards. I fell over a chair and crashed to the floor. "Bitch is it? What a potty mouth you have there Greggie. I'm going to have to punish you for that." Karen calmly waited for me to get up. when I did, I stormed over to her. Being nine inches taller and outweighing her by nearly a hundred pounds you'd think she would be somewhat afraid as I angrily approached her. But amazingly Karen didn't show even the slightest trace of fear as I closed in on her. To the contrary, she actually appeared to be smiling! WHAM! In the blink of an eye, she whirled around and caught me on the side of my face with a roundhouse kick. Several more rapid punches into my stomach and another kick to my chin and she put me down again. "You know Greggie, you really should try to stay in shape during the off season; your tummy is way too soft." Again I got up and attacked her, but again she nailed me with another strong series of fast, well-placed punches and kicks. Perhaps if I had been a more experienced fighter I would have realized what should have been obvious by now -- that this girl was a well-trained martial arts expert and I, by attacking her directly without any real plan, was simply playing into her hands. Because of my size and strength, my strategy when I had fought somebody was simply to overpower them with brute force. It usually worked well, especially if the person I was fighting was weaker than I was and not a good brawler. But, as I was now finding out the hard way, against this girl my strategy was useless. WHAM! POW! SMACK! THUMP! With three more punches to my mid-section followed by yet another hard kick to my head I was back on the floor again. As I struggled to get to my feet (a bit more slowly this time) Karen glanced over at a near-by mirror hanging on the wall. She untied her ponytail and calmly began to fluff up her long, brown hair. She must have seen me approaching in the mirror but, incredibly, continued fluffing her hair. And then CRACK! Faster than I could react she spun around and landed yet another hard roundhouse kick to my head which she quickly followed with several punches culminating with a right uppercut to my jaw. And after one more solid kick to the head, I found myself on the floor once again. "You really shouldn't disturb a girl while she's poofing her hair Greg," she teased, and then added with a girlish giggle, "it's bad manners." Seeing that I wasn't getting up this time, Karen tied her hair back into a ponytail again, walked over to where I was lying and sat down on my chest. "Not as tough as you thought you were, eh big boy? What do you think of the 'little girl' now? Am I tough enough for you? Actually I'm a bit disappointed in you Greg. I thought that a big, strong, rough, tough football star like you would have lasted longer. Why we haven't even been fighting for ten minutes and you're already beaten. Heck, I didn't even work up a sweat." "I-I didn't expect you to be an expert in martial arts Karen." "Oh, I've had a few lessons. Actually, I hold a second-degree black belt in Tai Kwan Do and a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and I'm also studying Kung Fu now. I teach several courses in self-defense here at the university. Perhaps you should enroll in one." Karen made a fist and playfully tapped my swollen right jaw. "You really were much too easy for me to beat up. Now, shall we continue this little fight of ours or have you had enough?" "I-I think I've had enough Karen." "All right then, we can now get on with the next part." "What next part? What the hell are you talking about Karen?" SLAP! CRACK! In less than a second this powerful girl slapped me hard back and forth across my badly bruised face. "The next time you speak to me disrespectfully or disobey me I'm going to slap you four times across the face. And the time after that, eight, and so on. Do you understand me Greg?" When I didn't answer immediately, Karen drew back her right hand, preparing to slap me again. "I asked you a question tough guy. Do you understand?" "Yes," I meekly said. "Good. Now get up!" Slowly I staggered to my feet. Although Karen stood only about three feet from me, we both knew that the fight had gone out of me (well, it was beaten out of me actually). "You have a nice apartment here Greggie. It's much larger than mine. I guess it's one of the perks of being a star football player. I'm going to like living here, although I can already see that I'll have to make a few changes." "What do you mean by that Karen?" I asked incredulously. "We'll discuss it later Greg. But for now, let's go into your bedroom." Stunned by what was taking place, and not really knowing what to make of it, I led Karen into my bedroom. "Nice," she said as she looked around, "but I will have to make a few changes here too." "What are you talking about?" I asked again. "And I told you we'd discuss it later. But for now, take off all your clothes." "You've got to be kidding Karen. There's no way in hell that I'm --" SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! In literally the blink of an eye, Karen slapped me - with both hands this time - four times hard across my face, just as she said she would. "I warned you, didn't I Greg? The next time you disobey me I'm going to slap you eight times, and then sixteen. Now take off all your clothes, and don't make me repeat myself!" Without saying another word I meekly did what Karen ordered me to do. "Good," Karen said as she gave me a very long look-over. "That's quite a nice body you have there Greggie. I glad I went easy on you." (Easy! She beat the crap out of me and she calls it going easy) "Now, you still need to be punished for calling me a bitch." She sat down on the edge of my bed and motioned for me to lie across her knees. When I hesitated she said, in a very firm tone of voice, "If I have to get up and get you Greg, it'll be ten times worse for you. NOW GET OHERE!" With whatever was left of my pride now completely in tatters, I did as I was told. "You were a very naughty boy today Greggie, so mommy has to give you a good spanking." And so she did. "Please stop this Karen," I begged after about twenty hard spanks (I was literally very close to tears at this point). "Oh hush up you big crybaby. I'll decide when you've had enough." SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! Mercifully, this strong, dominant girl soon did decided that I had had enough and stopped spanking me. Then she tenderly ran her fingers through my hair as I lay draped across her knees, sobbing. "Oh you poor thing you," she cooed. "A big, strong, rough, tough macho guy like you beaten up by a girl half your size -- and then she spanks you to tears. I'll bet it must be quite devastating for that chauvinistic male ego of yours, isn't it?" "Why?" I asked. "Why are you doing this to me? All I asked for was a strong girl to play out my sexual fantasies with. And you beat me up and now you're humiliating me. Why are you doing this to me Karen?" "Because I have sexual fantasies too, Greg. Like to physically overpower and then totally dominate a strong, tough macho guy like you. And that's exactly what I'm doing. So you see we're both fulfilling our sexual fantasies today." "But I never intended it to be for real Karen. Now you want to move in with me? So you can dominate me all the time?" "I'm afraid so Greggie. You see, for you it was just a game, but for me it's real. When I read your ad in the student newspaper, I said to myself 'maybe this is the guy for me. He wants a strong, dominant girl and that exactly what I am'. I know it's an old clich? Greg, but I think that under the current circumstances it's worth repeating: "Be careful what you wish for - because you may get it'. Well Greg, you wished for a strong, dominant girl, and now you have one: me. So my advice to you is: learn to deal with it. Because tomorrow, whether you like it or not, I'm moving all of my things here." "And what if I refuse, Karen? What are you going to do then?" "Well then Greggie, I guess I'd just have to beat you up and spank you in public, say in front of the student union tomorrow. Then the whole university would know about it. Just think of the consequences for you Greg. You'd be totally humiliated in front of everybody. Your tough-guy reputation would be ruined. In all likelihood you'd probably wind up leaving the university -- and you could probably kiss your football career good-bye. No Greg, I really don't think that refusing me would be a smart move on your part, and you know it. So let's face it lover boy, I'm moving here tomorrow, and there's nothing you can do about it." Reluctantly, I had to admit that Karen was right. A few moments of silence followed before my dominant new roommate-to-be said, "O.K. now Greggie, get up." I did as I was told. Karen got up from the bed, walked over to her purse and took out her hairbrush. She then stood in front of the full- length mirror that I had in my bedroom. "Come here, Greg," she ordered. After I had done so, she handed me her hairbrush. "Now, for your first chore I want you to brush my pretty hair, and you'd better be gentle. Do I have to remind you again that any disobedience on your part will be dealt with harshly?" "No Karen, you don't have to remind me. I'll do as you ask." Obediently, I took Karen's hairbrush and gently began to brush her long, brown hair. As I did so, I couldn't help but notice her reflection in the mirror. Karen was smiling with her hands on her hips. She was no doubt relishing in the complete control that she had over me. That she, a relatively small girl, could be dominating a much larger and stronger man with such ease, it must have been a great feeling for her. But not content with merely dominating me, Karen decided to humiliate me some more. "Don't I have pretty hair Greggie?" she asked in a cute little girlie voice. When I didn't respond right away, Karen reached back, grabbed my penis, and gave it a firm squeeze. "I asked you a question big boy, don't I have pretty hair?" "Yes," I said in a low, subdued voice. "What did you say Greggie? I didn't hear you." She squeezed my penis harder. "Yes! Yes!" I shouted out. "You have pretty hair Karen." Just for good measure she made me repeat it several more times. "And you like brushing my pretty hair, don't you?" "Yes Karen, I like brushing your pretty hair." I was very close to breaking down and crying again, such was my humiliation. "Why are you doing this to me?" '"It's like this Greggie. For you, being subservient to a female was just a sexual fantasy. But for me, it's a way of life. This for me is what female domination is all about: totally dominating a big, strong guy like you. And unless you're a strong, tough, dominant girl like me, you simply can't appreciate the absolute joy -- indeed the erotic feeling -- that I'm experiencing right now from dominating you. First, there was the beating I gave you with my fists and feet, breaking down your physical resistance to me. Then I followed that by giving you a good, hard spanking to further break down your macho attitude. And now, by forcing you to brush my hair and tell me how pretty it is, I'm crushing what's left of your chauvinistic, tough-guy image you have of yourself by bending you to my will." After about twenty minutes of brushing her hair Karen finally said "O.K. big boy, that's enough for now." Then she flashed me what could only be described as an evil grin. What did this dominant girl have is store for me now? I wondered to myself. I didn't have long to wait for an answer. She put her hairbrush back into her purse and took out what appeared to be a small package. "Guess what Greggie? On my way over here I stopped by the mall and bought you a nice present to start off our relationship on a positive note... for me that is." She was standing in front of me now as she unwrapped the package. When I saw what was inside I gasped; it was a pair of pink panties! "Extra-large Greggie. I think they'll look nice on you, tee, hee, hee." Then she got serious, "Put them on, NOW!" "Please Karen," I pleaded, "Please don't make me wear those panties." But my pleas fell on deaf ears. "Is that an act of disobedience I'm hearing Greg?" Karen said as she drew back her open right hand and prepared to slap me again. "Let's see, I think we're up to eight slaps now, aren't we?" When she saw the look of trepidation I must have had (I really didn't think my face could survive eight more of her powerful slaps), she relented somewhat. "I'm going to give you one more chance to avoid my slapping you Greg, but just one." She held up the panties in front of me. "PUT THEM ON NOW, OR ELSE!" Reduced to nothing more than a sniffling child by this strong, dominant girl, I meekly took the pink panties and put them on. "My, my, don't we look pretty in our new pink panties," Karen giggled, again relishing in the complete and total domination she now had over me. "You look so cute in them. I think I'll make you wear them all the time around 'our' apartment; tee, hee, hee." She thought for a minute and added, "But we'll have to buy you a few more pairs then, won't we? What colors would you like Greggie? Blue? Yellow? Lavender? I guess after I've moved in here we can go shopping and you can pick out the ones you like (smirk)." Karen then ordered me to lie down on my bed, crosswise so that my head would be hanging over the side. She then took off her clothes (I was surprised at how muscular she actually was) and sat down on my chest so that her pussy was only a few inches away from my mouth. "All right now lover boy, you're going to pleasure me until I tell you to stop." Karen grabbed the back of my head and forced me into her. "PLEASURE ME!" she demanded, and pleasure her I did. I must have pleasured Karen for at least an hour before she finally let me rest. She then made me lie lengthwise on the bed and mounted me. Looking down at me, my dominant new 'girlfriend' smiled and said, "Yes Greggie, I think you and I are going to have a long and loving relationship together, a VERY long relationship (smirk). I'm so glad that I noticed that ad you put in the student newspaper. And trust me when I say this, Honey (it was the first time Karen called me that), someday you'll thank me for what I did to you today. I know you probably hate me now, but eventually you will come to realize that everything I did to you -- and will probably have to do several more times until you've been trained -- was for your own good. Mark my words Greg, this was for the best." Epilogue It's been eight years since the events I described above took place. And, as much as I hated to admit it at the time, Karen did indeed prove to be right. For, despite the severe beating and humiliations she put me through that day (plus the several others she subjected me to until she finally crushed my macho male ego once and for all), Karen's 'tough love,' as she called it, forced me to come to terms with what was really important in my life. That what I really wanted (needed actually) was a strong, dominant woman, and Karen was it. After crushing me -- both physically and psychologically -- my strong, dominant girlfriend then proceeded to build me back up from scratch. She changed me from being the arrogant, conceited, self-centered jock who thought only of himself that I was, into the kind, loving and giving person that I am today. It's amazing what a few good, comprehensive beatings followed by some hard spankings and then humiliation from a girl can do for a guy. A few weeks after we graduated from the university, Karen and I got married. Almost immediately afterwards she entered law school and is now a high powered attorney for the largest law firm in the state. I'm a coach for the local high school football team and we just won our second straight state championship. I've already received offers from several universities about coaching positions -- who knows where this will lead. Karen and I are now the proud parents of three year-old twin girls. Karen has already started their martial arts training. "I want our daughters to be as strong and as tough as their mommy," she told me, and I have absolutely no doubt that they will be. So, for all you guys out there that are reading this, let me give you a bit of advice: Be careful what you wish for, because you may get it. Although (as I found out) maybe in not quite the way you might have imagined. (Side note: Karen didn't actually make me wear those pink panties around the apartment all the time. They were just her way of testing whether she did indeed have complete and absolute control over me. After she was convinced that she did, she brought them back to the store and got a refund. They were, after all, much too large for her).