Barbra's Bluff by M.C. Barbra leaned back in the easy chair and glanced at the clock on the wall. " Two thirty in the morning ", she said to herself and sighed. She knew it would be at least another hour before Steve came home. He was drinking and carousing with his old college football buddies as usual. Barbra knew what he was like when she married him, of course, but she thought being married, and now a father, would have matured him. To the contrary, he seemed to be staying out even later than before; and becoming less responsible - if that was possible. As she thought over her situation Barbra decided something would have to be done about it. She still loved him too much to leave; so what other options did she have ? As she pondered, an idea came to her....and she smiled. At around 4:00 a.m. the front door opened and Steve walked in. The first thing the six foot four inch, 240 pound man saw when he entered was his beautiful five foot two inch, 120 pound wife standing in front of him; her arms folded and a stern look on her face. " Steve, we need to have a little talk ", she said. Steve wasn't too concerned, he'd seen it all before. Barbra would scold him for being immature and then it would be over. " Why can't she just stop nagging me ", he thought to himself. This time, however, Barbra said in a quiet but firm voice, " Steve, how would you like it if you didn't see me for a few days ? " Even this didn't surprise him. He knew she was pissed off at him, but he also knew she wouldn't leave him; not with a three - month old daughter. She was bluffing for sure. Maybe it was the alcohol in him, or maybe his arrogance - or a combination of both - that made Steve decide to call his wife's bluff. As he towered over her he said , " I really don't care if I don't see you for a few days ". Barbra smiled, " very well then tough guy, have it your way........ Steve didn't see Barbra the next day, nor the day after that. In fact it was only towards the end of the third day that the swelling in his eyes subsided enough for him to be able to see anything.