The Babysitter by M.C. A big brother abuses his little sister until she invites her friend over to straighten him out. " Ronald, I've explained it to you a dozen times already," the exasperated mother said to the large, powerfully built boy standing in front of her." Your father and I have been looking forward to this trip for weeks now. All summer long you've done absolutely nothing except lounge around the house watching T.V. and go out drinking with your friends at night. You didn't get a job like you promised, you never helped us around the house, and you skipped summer school. The summer vacation is almost over; this is our last chance to go somewhere. You're 17 years old now; it's about time you take on a bit of responsibility in your life. So Ronald, you will stay home and baby-sit your little sister while we're away...AND THAT'S THAT ! " Ronald knew that when his mother spoke to him in that tone the discussion was over. But the thought of spending the next seven days babysitting his 15 year-old sister while his parents flew off to Hawaii by themselves was infuriating. How could they do this to him ? It was his summer vacation. He wanted to be carefree and have fun with his friends;  not spend the last week babysitting his little sister. He glance over at Jenny who was smiling at him. How dare she? He'll make her pay for this. Why should he be the only one made miserable? If he has to suffer then so will she. That, he thought to himself, will be his revenge - ruin my summer vacation will you. An hour later Ronald and Jenny's parents left the house and started up their car. As they pulled out of the driveway Ronald's mother yelled out of the window," I've left a list of chores on the dinning room table for you to do Ronald while we're gone. Be nice to Jenny and we'll see you both in a week...and have fun." Ronald watched as the car drove away." Don't worry mom," he said as he looked ominously at his little sister," we will."  Jenny felt the sarcasm in his voice as he said this but didn't seem to understand. It wasn't long before she began to however. " Listen kid," Ronald said as he towered over the much smaller girl," I have no intension whatsoever of spending the next seven days babysitting some pipsqueak girl and doing stupid chores. This is my vacation and I intend to enjoy it to the end. So YOU will do all the chores around here, not me."  " But mom said..." " I don't give a rats ass what mom said. She's not here now and won't be for a week. They left me in charge and you'll do as you're told, end of discussion." " That's not fair. Just because you're bigger and stronger than me doesn't mean you can always get your way." "Life isn't fair sis; that's just the way it is. I'll expect dinner to be ready in an hour and it better be good...OR ELSE ! " He smacked the right fist into the palm of his left hand for emphasis. Sadly, the 15 year-old girl went into the kitchen. As he watched her go Ronald thought to himself," that was easy, maybe this week won't turn out so bad after all." Jenny worked hard to prepare dinner but Ronald wasn't pleased. He criticized practically everything she did. The soup was cold, the salad wasn't mixed enough, and the steaks were too rare. After dinner Ronald demanded that she clean the dishes. " Ronald, I'm not your slave," she protested." " Oh yes you are," he responded arrogantly," at least for the next seven days." As she obediently cleaned the dishes, Jenny thought to herself," this isn't right. He thinks that just because he's a tough high school wrestler he can boss me around. There must be something I can do about it...but what ? " As she continued to wash the dishes an idea came to her...and she began to smile. Reaching over to the telephone, Jenny dialed the number of a friend of hers who lived just down the street. " Jane, I seem to be having a little bit of a problem here..." Jenny finished the dishes and walked out of the kitchen. Ronald was slouched in the easy chair watching T.V. " Finished the dishes ? " he barked. " Yes sir," she saluted," will there be anything else sir ? " Ronald looked up at her and grinned," yes, get me a beer, pronto." At that moment the doorbell rang. " Who in the hell can that be ? " Ronald growled. " It's probably Jane," Jenny said. " I invited her over." " You did what ?  Did I tell you you could invite a friend over ? " " No you didn't. But this is my house also and I'm entitled to invite whomever I wish." " The HELL you are. I decide what goes on around here and I forbid you to have friends over." Despite Ronald's objections, Jenny walked past him and opened the door. " Why Jane, how nice of you to come over...we were just talking about you." The two girls shared a giggle as Jenny's girlfriend entered the house. Jane had just turned 16 years old - one year older than Jenny and one younger than Ronald. The beautiful girl with long blond hair reaching almost to her waist would begin to attend the same high school as Ronald the following week. Like Ronald she was also an athlete; a superb one. Not only was she a highly regarded gymnast, Jane also set the state middle school records in both the discuss and shot put. Jenny and Jane had been friends for years and shared their secrets - one of which was Jane's secret liking for Ronald; she had a crush on him since she was thirteen. Being the pompous, self- centered jock that he was though Ronald was completely oblivious to this. To him Jane was just the girl down the street; just another one of Jenny's pesky friends. There was another thing about Jane that Ronald didn't know; something that he was - much to his displeasure - about to find out. Jane holds a second degree black belt in karate. " So, what's this I hear about your mean old brother giving you a hard time Jenny ?," Jane asked. " He's supposed to be babysitting me for this whole week while our parents are in Hawaii. But as soon as they left he began to order me around like I was his slave." " Oh he has, has he ? " Jane said as she looked up at the large boy standing near-by. At six feet two inches tall and weighing nearly 200 well proportioned pounds, Ronald glared down at the five foot six inch, 135 pound Jane. " Well then, I think it's time I had a little talk with this rough, tough macho brother of yours." She winked at Jenny and slowly began to remove her sweatshirt. At the same time she kicked off her tennis shoes. " Very well big boy, it seems like someone needs to teach you the proper way to behave towards your little sister." Showing no outward sign of fear, Jane began to walk towards the large boy. The two of them stood in the center of the room facing each other - the 200 pound wrestler and the 135 pound gymnast; it hardly seemed like a fair fight. Angry that his sister and her friend should challenge what he thought was his God given authority to do as he pleased in his parent's absence, Ronald - arms wide apart in a wrestling attack - approached Jane, determined to put an end to this nonsense. Much to his surprise, he was met with a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of his face and the fight was on. Ronald's head snapped back from the force of Jane's blow. Instead of pressing her attack, the pretty girl simply smiled over at Jenny and waited for her brother to recover. Furious now the large boy attacked again, swearing and throwing wild punches as he did. Years of martial arts training had given Jane the reflexes and confidence to stand up to his assault. She comely blocked or avoided his blows. When she had an opportunity to counterattack Jane would respond, either with another kick or her surprisingly strong and fast fists - fists that can shatter bricks. As the battle wore on, Jane's superior conditioning and fighting ability began to take a toll on Ronald. His face was swollen, he was bleeding from the nose and mouth and had bruises all over his body. Jane didn't even have her hair mussed. Despite his best efforts, the star wrestler hadn't landed a single blow. He was exhausted while Jane appeared fresh as a daisy. She even began to joke with Jenny while beating up her big brother. " Gee kiddo, this guy sure is a wimp," Jane smirked as she landed several solid punches to Ronald's face and mid-section." I really expected more from a varsity wrestler." A powerful thrust knocked him clear across the room and flat on his back." Maybe I should go out for the wrestling team; tee, hee, hee." Slowly Ronald got to his feet. " Ronnie, you really need to get yourself in shape," another series of lightning fast punches drove the stunned boy back again," you haven't been taking good care of yourself this summer have you ? " Jane had him backed up against a wall now and was landing kicks and punches almost at will. Ronald was reduced to trying to block or deflect her blows; something he found increasingly harder to do as the girl's attack increased in intensity. The scene in the house would have looked very strange to an outside observer now. The large, powerfully built high school wrestler was helplessly pinned in the corner while the much smaller girl - her long beautiful blond hair bouncing back and forth - pummeled him relentlessly with her hands and feet." Attagirl Janie," Jenny shouted from the sidelines," teach that big bully a lesson." " I intend to teach him much more than that Jenny...much, much more." Both girls laughed when she said this. " WHAM," Jane's right foot crashed hard into Ronald's now swollen face for the umpteenth time, sending the him down to the carpet again. This time however, he made no attempt to get up. Ronald just lay there on his back, staring up at the ceiling in shock. In the short space of ten minutes, the macho wrestler had been completely battered and beaten by a sixteen year-old girl who hardly worked up a sweat. Jane put one foot on his chest and flexed her muscles. " Don't move," Jenny called out," I want to take a picture of this." She ran upstairs, got her camera, returned and began snapping away. " Whoa, hold on there Jenny," Jane cautioned, " don't use up all of your film now. This is just the beginning...the beginning of what I'm sure is going to be a very ' interesting'  week for your brother." The two girls laughed again. Looking down at the battered boy beneath her, Jane smiled. " Well Ronnie, it looks like you weren't  as tough as you thought you were. Now, you and I are going to get to know one another better aren't we ? She playfully shoved her bare foot up his nose." Staring up at her, Ronald - beaten but still defiant - replied," Fuck you, bitch." "My, my such language. I guess we have our work cut out for us, don't we Jane reached down and, with a surprisingly strong grip, grabbed Ronald firmly by his hair. She slapped him hard back and forth across the face several times before yanking him to his feet. " Jenny your brother has been a very naughty boy today hasn't he ? " Jenny nodded. " And what do we do to naughty boys ? We spank them of course." Still holding the now helpless Ronald firmly by his hair, Jane marched him over to a near-by chair and sat down. With strength that amazed him, the athletic gymnast tossed the 200 pound wrestler across her knee and began to pull down his pants." Consider this the first part of your 'retraining' Ronnie." Then, with her bare hand, Jane began to spank his bare buttocks hard while Jenny laughed and took more photos. " Stop this right now !," Ronald demanded as he squirmed around, trying to break Jane's hold on him. But his efforts were useless as the strong 16 year-old girl held him firmly in place while she continued to whack his behind. As Jane's spanking continued, tears began to swell up in Ronald's eyes. His demands now turned into pathetic pleas. " Please, please stop Jane; I won't bother Jenny anymore." "You're damn right you won't tough guy. When I'm through with you, you'll worship the ground she walks on." Jane smiled up at Jenny as she took another picture. " I'm going to make a whole album of these," Jenny laughed. By now Ronald's spirit was completely broken. First he had been beaten up by the much smaller girl and now he was being totally humiliated as she spanked his bottom raw. He cried freely. "Aw, poor baby," Jane teased," is the little girl too tough for the big, strong macho wrestler ?" She stopped spanking him and let the once proud boy cry, flush in her victory. Jenny approached with a broad smile on her face and whispered something in her ear." Why, what a lovely idea Jenny," Jane laughed, " go get them." While Jenny gleefully bounded up the stairs, Jane began to rip off Ronald's clothes; by now he was too badly shattered to offer any resistance. A few moments later Jenny returned and laughed at the sight of her fully naked brother standing in the middle of the room. " Here, let him put these on," she said as she threw Jane the pair of pink panties that she got from her mother's bedroom," I'll bet he'll so look cute in them." " Please don't make me wear those," Ronald pleaded, " I'll be good, I promise." " I'm sorry Ronnie," Jane answered," but I really think pink is your color; put them on." When Ronald hesitated Jane approached him and, in a soft but threatening voice asked," Ronnie, would you like me to give you another spanking ? " He shook his head." Then put them on...NOW ! " Meekly, he did as he was told. "Oh, isn't he just the cutest thing," Jenny giggled as she snapped some more photos. Ronald just stood there in the middle of the room...crying. After a few minutes, Jenny turned to her friend and asked," Jane, since Ronald wasn't a very good babysitter, maybe you can take his place until my parents return ? " " What a great idea Jenny; we'll have lots of fun and I can also begin to train your brother at the same time. It's a deal. Come, l think it's time to give Ronnie a bubble bath and put him to bed. " Giggling, the two girls led the humiliated boy up the stairs. " Now take off your panties Ronnie," Jane told him as his sister prepared the bath. When it was ready Jane, in yet another demonstration of her surprising strength, bent over and lifted the 200 pound boy up in her arms. She carried him over to the bath and lowered him in. Still in a state of shock over what had happened to him that evening, Ronald just lay there as his sister and her friend - laughing all the time - washed him. After his bath, the girls dried him off.  Jane then forced him to put on the pink panties again, lifted him up and carried him into his bedroom. "It's time for beddy-bye," she teased as she plopped him down on his bed. " But first I'm going to read you a bedtime story...Pippi Longstocking." Lying helplessly on his back, tears in his eyes from the utter humiliation he had been forced to endure that evening, Ronald wept as Jane read a story about the super strong Swedish girl while Jenny looked on. When Jane finished, she tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the forehead. " Nighty-night Ronnie, we'll see you in the morning." Arm in arm Jane and Jenny went downstairs to watch a video movie,' Charlie's Angels'. That night Ronald cried himself to sleep. " Rise and shine lover boy," Jane said as she yanked the covers off Ronald the following morning," it's time to start your chores." It was 7:00 a.m. in the morning - Ronald seldom rose before noon during the summer. " What the hell is going on ? It's seven in the fucking morning." For a moment, Ronald forgot about the events that transpired the night before - preferring to believe it had all been just a bad dream...Jane quickly took care of that. SMACK ! WHACK ! CRACK !,  three hard slaps across his face brought him back to reality. " Ronald," Jane began in a stern voice," from now on there will be no more swearing in this house. If you do it again, I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap...and don't think I can't. You will wake up at 7:00 am every morning and do your chores. The first of which is to brush my hair." She held her hairbrush in front of him and said," either you use it on my hair or I'll use it on your behind...the choice is yours." For the next 15 minutes Jane stood in front of a full length mirror while the humbled Ronald gently stroked her long, beautiful blond hair. She smiled at his reflection and giggled," you're doing such a good job on my hair Ronnie, I think I'll keep you, tee, hee, hee." After he finished her hair, Jane said," O.K. tough guy, you have ten minutes to make your bed and straighten up your room; then you can start to make breakfast for Jenny and me." " What ? " he yelled, momentarily forgetting who he was talking to. THUD !  Jane sunk her rock hard right fist deep into Ronald's stomach. SMASH ! Her right foot slammed into his jaw sending him back against the wall. Five hard slaps across the face and he was in tears again." Ronnie, if you insist on misbehaving you leave me no other choice but to punish you. One more outburst like that and I'll have to spank you again. Now, straighten up your room and come downstairs...and don't forget your pretty pink panties." His will shattered once again, Ronald did as he was told. When he came into the kitchen, Jenny and Jane were already seated. " We'll be having bacon and eggs this morning Ronnie. I like my eggs over easy and the bacon crisp; Jenny wants hers sunny side up... and they better be good," she smacked her fist into her palm for emphasis. Jenny couldn't help giggling as she watched her brother cooking, wearing nothing but her mother's pink panties. " He's so cute in those, tee, hee." As the girls ate their breakfast, Jane looked over the list of chores that Ronald's mother had left for him to do." Hmmm, today I think you'll do all the yard work Ronnie; mow the lawns, trim the hedges, rake the leaves and sweep the sidewalk." "And what will you girls do," he asked contemptuously ? " We'll be working hard also...on our suntans by the pool." They both laughed. " You mean I have to do all the work around here ? Am I a slave in my own house ? " Jane sighed and slowly rose from the table. She walked over to where he was standing, grabbed him by his hair again began dragging him out of the kitchen. " You finish your breakfast Jenny; Ronnie and I are going to have a little 'chat' in the living room." As she munched away at her breakfast, Jenny heard," No, please not again," SPANK ! " I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," SPANK ! " Stop it please Jane, you're hurting me," SPANK, SPANK, SPANK...and then she heard her brother crying. A few minutes later Jane dragged the sobbing boy back into the kitchen. " There now Ronnie, I hope we learned our lesson...DON'T  EVER DISAGREE WITH ME AGAIN !! Later that afternoon... Jane and Jenny lay back in their easy chairs, sunning themselves by the pool. A short distance away Ronald was busy raking up the leaves; still dressed in nothing but his mother's panties. Jane turned to Jenny and asked," are you thirsty snuggums ? " " Why yes I am." Jane picked up a tiny bell and rang it,' tingle tingle'. Immediately Ronald stopped what he was doing and hurried over to them. " Ronnie, we'll have two glasses of lemonade on the rocks." Quickly, he ran off to the kitchen to get it for them. Jenny looked over at her friend and smiled," who would have thought that he could be so easily trained; it hasn't even been a day." Jane smiled back," it's all in the technique, kiddo; all in the technique." Ronald brought them their drinks and returned to work. " What do you plan to do with him, Jane ? Jenny asked." Jane gave Jenny a wink. " He still has a bit of defiance left in him, I can feel it. After I've broken him completely, I'll be able to get what I want; what I've wanted since I was thirteen years old...Ronnie will be my boyfriend." Jane and Jenny raised up their glasses of lemonade and clinked them together. That evening after dinner Jane and Jenny were upstairs in Jenny's bedroom laughing about something while Ronald was in the kitchen washing the dishes. Despite Jenny's objections, Jane had relented her discipline somewhat and allowed Ronald to wear regular shorts and a T-shirt. The doorbell rang. As the girls were upstairs, Ronald answered the door...and for the first time in two days he smiled. For there standing in front of him were Roy and Ed. Not only were they his best friends but both were starting linemen on the football team and probably the toughest boys in school. " Watcha been up to Ron ?," Roy asked," haven't seen much of you the past two days." " Well it's a bit hard to explain Roy, kinda personal." "That so ? We've got some beer and thinking about going over to Ed's house, wanna come ? " " You bet your ass I do, I gotta get out of this crazy house." As Ronald put on his shoes and got ready to leave, he heard a voice from upstairs that sent shivers down his spine," hold on there Ronnie; just where do you think you're going ? " He looked up and saw Jane and Jenny walking down the stairs. " Did I give you permission to go anywhere ? " For a moment he was stunned, and then he remembered that he had two 230 pound football players behind him. " I'm going out with my friends," he said defiantly. " I'm afraid you're not going anywhere Ronnie; except back into the kitchen and finish washing the dishes." Roy and Ed looked at each other and then began to laugh." I'm afraid you're mistaken honey," Roy said arrogantly," Ron's coming with us." " Oh, is that so ?," Jane said as she walked past the three of them and closed the front door. " I think not." She stood in front of the door with her hands on her hips." Ronnie's staying here with Jenny and me. Now, if you boys want to argue the point, I'll be more than happy to oblige...either one at a time or both of you together." Ed winked at Ronald and smugly said," don't worry Ron, in a minute all your troubles will be over. As the 6'2" 230 pound boy casually approached the 5'6" 135 pound girl he had a smile on his face. " WHACK ! " Janes right foot removed that smile for the rest of the evening...and for quite awhile afterwards. " WHAM ! ", she sunk her fist deep into his stomach. " POW ! " another board shattering roundhouse kick to his head sent the all-league lineman spinning around and flat on his back. " Well, that was easy," she laughed," it's your turn, Roy." Roy charged her with his arms outstretched. Jane met his attack with a perfectly executed judo throw, sending him clear across the room. With both boys partially stunned, Jane went into attack mode. In a lightning series of kicks and punches, the 2nd degree karate black belt hammered first Ed, then Roy, then returned to Ed again." I'd stay out of this if I were you Ronnie," she warned him as she smashed a hard thrust to Ed's face, While Ronald stood and stared in disbelief at what he was witnessing, Jenny cheered her friend on." Way to go, Janie. Show these big, tough macho men what girls can do." A hard kick to Roy's head sent him flat on his back only a few inches from where Jenny stood. She couldn't resist the urge to rub her bare foot all over his face. " Now, now Jenny," Jane teased with mock sternness, " be a good girl." "Oh but I just can't help it Janie, this one's such a cutie pie, tee, hee." After only a few minutes, Jane had beaten up the two strongest boys in the school she would be attending. " Gee Ronnie," she laughed," I haven't even started your school and I'm already the toughest kid there." Jane now had the battered Roy and Ed trapped in headlocks - one in each arm. They were much too badly beaten at this point to offer any further resistance ( Jenny snapped a few more photos of this just in case anybody expressed doubt about it ). "Jenny," Jane comely asked," would you be so kind as to open the front door so I can *escort* these fine gentlemen out ? " " Whatever you say," Jenny giggled. She opened the front door and Jane - still holding the two boys helplessly in headlocks - walked them outside. " Now, as much as I enjoyed this boys I'm afraid all good things must come to an end. Ronnie has to finish the dishes and then it's time for his bubble bath; I hope you understand." She opened her arms and they slowly slumped to the ground on their hands and knees; gasping for air. As a parting shot, Jane couldn't resist the urge to land a powerful kick into each of their behinds; sending them both sprawling forward onto the front lawn. " Have a pleasant evening boys," she laughed as she closed the door behind her. Walking past Jenny, she slapped her five. Jane then grabbed Ronald firmly by his shirt collar and said in a stern voice," by rights I should take you across my knee and give you a another good spanking for disobeying me. I hope that the beating I gave your two friends will teach you a lesson also; DON'T MESS WITH ME !  Now, get back into the kitchen and finish up the dishes." With the last hopes of his salvation lying in battered heaps on the front lawn, Ronald sadly returned to his chores. When he finished the dishes, Jane and Jenny gave Ronald his bubble bath and sent him to bed early for being 'naughty'. They then sat down to watch Lara Croft kick ass in ' Tomb Raider.' After tucking Jenny into bed, Jane heard a strange sound coming from Ronald's bedroom. She opened the door and saw him lying on his back, crying. "Aw, poor baby," she said as she sat down on his bed," want to tell auntie Janie about it ? " Through his tears Ronald sobbed," you beat me up and spank me at will, you make me wear my mother's panties, you force me to do all the chores around here and you pounded my best friends. You've  totally humiliated me.  Why? Why are you doing this to me ? " Jane smiled at was time." Ronnie, come here and sit on my lap." He got up and did as he was told. Despite his 200 pounds, Jane playfully bounced him up and down a few times on her knee. " Ronnie, honey, I'm going to tell you a secret that I've told only Jenny before...I've had a crush on you since I was thirteen years old. But I soon discovered that you are an arrogant, pompous bully. I looked around for other boys but couldn't escape a simple fact; you're the guy for me. I realized that sooner or later I was going to have to deal with that macho ego of yours - by beating it out of you. When Jenny called me up yesterday and told me how you were being abusive towards her, I decided it was time to take action. I know you feel hurt and humiliated by what I did to you but eventually you'll come to realize that it was for your own good." Jane told Ronald to lie on his back. When he had done so, she laid down next to him and used his stomach for her pillow. " Now, here's how things are going to be between us from now on Ronnie. Starting next Monday - when school begins - you're to be over at my house no later than 7:30 every morning; and don't be late. You'll come up to my bedroom and brush my hair. Afterwards, you'll tell me how pretty I look - girls like to hear that from their boyfriends. Then we'll walk to school together. Whenever you see me on campus, you'll smile and say,' hi Janie'. You're never to bully anybody again. After school, we'll meet at the gym and walk home together. We'll go up to my bedroom and immediately do our homework. I know you've been lazy in your studies but all that's going to change. I'm an honor student and can help you with whatever you need. After we finished our homework we can play sports. Tennis, bowling, pool, basketball...even wrestling; I'll bet I can beat you in whatever sport we play. Since I've seen what a wimp you are, I've decided to enroll you in the martial arts classes that I teach on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Jenny's also going to start taking them so we can all go together. When you get good enough you can also attend my advanced class on Saturday mornings. Friday and Saturday nights we will, of course, go on dates..." As Jane spoke Ronald finally began to realize that she was, in effect, taking over - from now on his life would never be the same. Whether he liked it or not, this 16 year-old supergirl was now calling the shots and, after watching how easily she battered the two toughest boys in his school around, there was nothing he could do about it. Jane felt his anguish but also knew that in time, her ' tough love' would pay dividends. Ronald would become the man she wanted him to be; a responsible man that she could truly love for the rest of her life. " It may be difficult for him to accept right now," she thought to herself," but someday he'll thank me for this...I know he will." And eventually he did.