Ann Warren: Loving Housewife and Super Secret Agent by M.C. Ann Warren gazed down at the solid three-inch thick block of concrete that was proped up in front of her and then smiled at the students of her newest martial arts class. "You see girls (it was a class of self-defence for teen-aged females), this block may appear intimidating, but just watch this." The powerfully built, six-foot, 220 pound woman took a deep breath, raised up her right hand, and "KI AY!" with a mighty blow, smashed the block in two. She then grinned at the stunned girls and said, "of course this only comes after years of training, but I just wanted to show you what you'll all be capable of doing someday. And believe me, once you're able do this, no one will mess with you - and I mean no one! This concludes our first lesson. See you again the day after tomorrow." "Sensi Warren," one of the new students said as she bowed before the martial arts master. "That was awesome! Do you really think I'll be able to shatter a block of concrete like you just did some day?" "Certainly my dear. All you need is to understand the power of your chi - the power of your inner strength. Once you've learned how to control that power - and through martial arts you can learn how to do that - the world will be yours." "Thank you Sensi," she said and bowed again. As Ann watched her new student exit the dojo, she thought to herself,"there's another potentially powerful female who will be ready to take on the world on her terms; all I have to do is nuture her potential. God I love this job!" Ann removed her gi and showered. And as 28 year-old, fifth degree dan black belt in karate walked out of her dojo, she turned on her cell phone and found there were two text messages. One was from her husband Richard, reminding her about the dinner party they were hosting at seven that evening. And the other was from someone named "X" which said,"meet me ASAP (as soon as possible) in the usual place about a very urgent matter". "Be there in twenty minutes," Ann texted back. She then mounted her Harley Davidson 1200cc custom motorcycle, gunned it up and roared off, with her long, beautiful brown hair flowing in the wind behind her. Whatever "X" had to tell her was only Ann's second priority right now - the first was to make an appointment to get her hair done before the evening's dinner party. As she was hosting her husband's boss and several of the other partners and their wives from Richard's law firm (Richard was one of the candidates to be a partner as one of the senior partners has recently retired), Ann wanted to look her very best for the occasion. The beautiful brunette parked her Harley in front of the beauty salon and entered."Marge," she said to her favorite beautician,"I need an appointment this afternoon; it's kind of an emergency. Can you accommodate me? Marge checked her book of appointments. "Yes Ann. I can fit you in between six and six-thirty. I had a cancellation." "That's great!" Ann replied. "I'll be here at six sharp!" Her biggest problem now solved, Ann once again mounted her motorcycle and sped off to her rendezvous with the mysterious "X". A few minutes later, the muscular woman parked her bike next to a secluded spot overlooking the Pacific Ocean, near the seaside community of La Jolla in San Diego, California. She dismounted and walked over to the solitiary figure standing near a large palm tree gazing out at the ocean. "Nice view from here," Ann said as she approached him. "Yes, but not as nice as last week," came the response. "Last week it rained." "Yes, but today it will be clear." Satisfied that the passwords had been properly exchanged, Ann got right to the point."O.K. X, I don't have a lot of time today. So what would you like me to do?" The large man wearing dark sunglasses handed Ann an envelope and, without saying another word, walked away. Ann opened the envelope in which there were two photographs and began to read it's contents: "This is Julio Mendez (the first photo) head of one of the largest and most ruthless drug cartels in the Western Hemisphere. We've recently received reliable information that he's moved his operational headquarteres to this small island (there was a high resolution satellite photograph of the island) off the coast of Mexico near Tijuana and two miles from the U.S.- Mexican border. From his new location it'll be easy for him to smuggle illegal narcotics into the United States. As the island is located completely within Mexican territory, the United States government has no jurisdiction there and can, therefore, take no action against him without causing an international incident. Furthermore, we have intelligence that a large shipment of drugs may be shipped out very soon - possibly as early as tonight - to Southern California. He is believed to have a private army of around fifty armed, well-trained men. Agent AW (Ann's code name, taken from the first letters of her first and last names), your mission is to wipe out this organization ASAP. Ann glanced at her watch; it was almost 3 P.M. Her appointment at the beauty parlor was at six. "It's doable," she thought to herself, "but I'll have to hurry." Then she added with a sigh," a woman's work is never done." Moments later Ann was speeding down the highway to the small, secluded marina just south of San Diego where her specially equiped speedboat was moored. Before heading off though, Ann phoned her husband. "Hello sweetie pie. Look, I may be a few minutes late this evening. I'm off for a swim in the ocean now and then I have a hair appointment at six. I'll phone the housekeeper and have her put in the roast at five-thirty and set the table for eight so that everything will be ready by the time our dinner guests arrive at seven." "O.K. honey. But be very careful on your swim. I heard on the news this morning that a there's a huge great white shark that's been lurking off the coast for the past few days and they're warning swimmers not to go too far out into ocean." "Will do snuggums, and thanks for the heads up. See you around seven then. Love and kisses." Ann then fired up the engines of her speedboat and off she went. As she sped south towards her destination, Ann studied the satellite photo and prepared the gear she would need for her mission. She unlocked a cabinet and took out two beretta 9mm semi-automatic pistols (her weapon of choice) and six, thirty-round magazines. "180 bullets, that should be enough." She also took out four hand grenades (no girl should ever be without hand grenades), a gunbelt with spaces for her berettas as well as the extra magazines and grenades, a pair of flippers and a diving mask. "They undoubtably have lookouts," Ann reasoned."I'll have to swim the last couple of miles so they won't detect me." When her GPS informed her that she was getting close to the island, Ann took off her street clothes and put on a black, one-piece bathing suit - hightlighting her large breasts and massive thighs. And to reduce the drag on her swim that Ann's long, beautiful brown hair would cause, she also donned a black, rubber swimmers mask. When she was two miles from the island, Ann cut the engines of her speedboat. She took one more look at the aerial photograph, studying the terrain; then packed her guns, gunbelt, magazines, grenades and a cell-phone into a water-proof bag. Finally, she put on her flippers and diving mask. All ready now, Ann jumped into the calm waters of the Pacific Ocean and began swimming towards the island. A two mile swim carrying guns and hand grenades might seem like a daunting task for any person; even with flippers. But to the superbly conditioned Ann, it was a piece of cake. She covered the distance in a mere thirty minutes - and wasn't even out of breath when she arrived. Emerging from the water, Ann quickly ran into the thick brush. She needed a couple of minutes to prepare herself for her assault on the large compound she saw in the photo where, she surmised, Julio Mendez and most of his gang would be located. Ann removed her flippers and mask, took out her guns, extra ammunition clips, grenads and gunbelt from the bag and started to get ready. But before she was completely ready, Ann spotted two guards armed with AK-47s on patrol walking along the beach. "Damn," she thought to herself."This could mess up my whole plan. If they see the tracks I left in the sand, they'll know there's an intruder on the island and alert the compound. Then I'll lose the element of surprise." Before the guards reached the spot where her trail in the sand was however, they stopped and sat down on a large rock facing the ocean with their backs towards her. Ann breathed a sigh of relief as she saw one of them reach into his pocket and take out a pack of cigarettes. He offered one to his companion and they both lit up. Ann quietly finished her preparations and then stealthfully snuck up behind the two guards. The two large men were so totally engrossed in their cigarettes and conversation, that they never even felt the strong, muscular female arms that grabbed them around their necks and strangled them in a matter of seconds. As Ann lowered the two lifeless guards to the sand, she just couldn't resist the urge to say,"didn't you boys know that smoking cigarettes can be harmful to your health?" With the guards on patrol out of the way, the mighty woman then began moving towards the well-guarded encampment. Again Ann glanced at her watch. "4 P.M. - still plenty of time to make it to my appointment at the beauty parlor." With her guns drawn and her grenades ready, Ann approached the compound. "O.K." she said to herself,"it's time to kick some ass." The first thing Ann noticed as she neared the encampment were the two twenty-foot high towers guarding the entrance to the compound; each one manned by two armed guards. POW! POW! POW! POW! Five seconds later they were each manned by two dead armed guards. With the element of surprise still with her, Ann entered the compound and began gunning down Julio's henchmen left and right (Ann can shoot equally well with either hand, or with both hands simultaneously as she was doing now). Due to the many hours she spent at the firing range, her aim never failed her. In less than a minute, twenty of the drug lord's finest guards were lying either dead or dying on the ground. Seeing themselves overmatched, a half dozen guards ran into one of the buildings, hoping to shoot down this one-woman army through the windows. It turned out to be a bad move. Ann took out one of her hand grenades, pulled out the pin with her teeth and tossed it inside. Five seconds later there were six more dead guards. POW! POW! POW! POW! Four more fell to her perfect aim. A slight lull in the action allowed this incredible woman to eject the empty cartridges of her berettas and replace them - Lara Croft style - with full ones; all in the space of three seconds! And then the carnage continued. POW! POW! POW! POW! Four more of Julio's private army were sent to their maker; whoever he may be. By now, the compound was littered with over thirty dead men. Ann looked around for Julio, who was, afterall, the main target of her assault."Come out, come out whereever you are, Mr. Mendez," she teased. "I'm waiting for you." She noticed several men hiding behind a wall, no doubt preparing to shoot at her. But after she tossed another grenade, there were several more dead guards. And while all of this was happening, Ann's cell phone began to ring. She leaped over a five foot high brick wall (clearing it easily) and answered it. "Hello Ann, this is Marge from the beauty salon." "Yes Marge, what's up? BAM! Ann shot dead a sniper firing at her from a near-by roof. "What was that noise?" Marge asked. "Oh, it's nothing." POW! another sniper fell to Ann's expert aim. "Just backfires from the car in front of me. He really should get his engine tuned up. Is there a problem with my appointment?" "A minor one. I forgot to tell you that I have to leave a little bit early today. Can you come in at 5:45 instead of six?" "O.K. Marge, 5:45 it is." POW! POW! Two more snipers fell. "You'll have to excuse me now, I'm afraid I'm a little bit busy. You know, getting things ready for the dinner party and all." "I understand. It's no problem. I'll see you at 5:45 then." "Great!" Ann said and closed her cell phone. BLAM! "They're so rude," Ann thought to herself as she blew away another sniper. "Disturbing me when I'm on the phone. These guys have no manners whatsoever. Hmmm, 5:45; I guess I'll have to end this now." The fearless woman again replaced the magazines of her berettas and rose from behind the wall. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! And with her amazing marksmanship - or markswomanship - Ann gunned down the last few gunmen left. Those that still remained alive fled, along with Julio Mendez, into a deep, bomb-proof bunker and locked the solid steel door behind them. Having eliminated most of the men of Julio's private army - with the few that remained locked along with their leader in the subterranean bunker - Ann felt she had time to take care of some private matters. She took out her cell phone and dialed her home."Hello, Helen? Ann here. As you know we're having guests over for dinner at seven this evening - important guests. Excuse me for a moment" - BAM! - Ann casually shot dead another of the guards that had escaped her notice before. "And I would like the dinning room table set for eight with fresh flowers in the vase at the center of the table." POW! Another of the few remaining guards fell. "The roast goes into the oven at 5:30 P.M. at 350 degrees (fahrenheit) so it will be ready by seven. I'll be home at around 6:40 and I think I'll wear the pretty blue dress that I bought last week; so put it out on the bed for me. Oh yes, and put a couple of wine bottles in the fridge too. O.K.?" "Yes ma'am," her housekeeper replied. "Everything will be ready on time. You know you can count on me." "Good. I know I can. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some unfinished business to take care of." Ann carefully looked around the compound. And when she was satisfied that none of the over forty bodies lying all over the place were still alive, she calmly walked over to the bunker. "There's got to be an air-vent around here somewhere," she said to herself. "Ah, here it is." Ann found a small pipe about four inches in diameter leading underground into the bunker; just large enough for her hand granades. "Let's finish this properly," Ann said as she pulled the pins of her remaining two grenades. "Hasta La Vista, Babies," she laughed, then shoved them down the shaft. >>From deep underground, Ann heard the sounds of men screeming, and then - KABOOM!!! The force of the explosion blew open the steel door from the inside and smoke began billowing out from the bunker. Except for the sound of the fire, everything else now was quiet...dead quiet in fact. The mighty female secret agent stood in the center of the compound with her hands on her hips and surveyed the scene around her. Four dead guards on top of the two towers. At least forty more scattered all around the encampment; and she could only guess how many died along with Julio inside the bunker. Not bad for what amounted to about ten minutes of work; not bad at all. Ann looked at her watch, 4:20 P.M. "Great," she thought. "I'll easily make it to the beauty parlor on time." She took out her cell phone again and dialed a number. "X? AW here. Mission accomplished. Deposit the money in my usual account." Then she hung up and left the compound. As she made her way back to the spot where she left her flippers and mask, her berettas holstered, Ann suddenly - and quite unexpectedly - found herself confronted by a guard who had an K-47 aimed at her."Foolish of me,"she thought to herself. "I let my guard down for just a few seconds and look what happens. But why hasn't he fired yet? He has me clearly in his sights; and at just ten yards, I'm a sitting duck." But then Ann noticed that he wasn't quite like the other guards that she had eliminated. First of all, he wasn't big and brawny like all the others - he was quite small in stature. And then Ann realized,"Oh my God, he's just a child." Ann also noticed that his hands were shaking,"and he's scared too." She reached for one of her berettas and pointed it at him."Please put down your weapon and nobody will get hurt. I don't want to kill you; there's been quite enough killing today." "D-d-don't m-m-ove," he said."Or I wi-will shoot." "How old are you?" Ann asked as she cautiously made her way towards him. "I'm fourteen." "Well then honey, you should be at home in school." By now Ann was just a few feet away from him and she could clearly see that he was indeed very scared."Here, let me take that from you." And in a lightning quick move, Ann grabbed the barrel of the AK-47 and easily wrested it away from the boy."Fourteen year-old boys shouldn't be playing with toys like these," Ann said as she whurled the weapon around over her head a few times. She then released it and it literally flew 100 yards out into the ocean. "There now, go home and return to school where you belong. There's nothing here for you." Ann resumed walking towards where she left her flippers and mask."I'm the son of Julio Mendez!" he shouted out after her. Ann paused when she heard this, then slowly turned around and sighed. "Should I tell him the truth?" she thought to herself. "That I killed his father and all his comrads?" After a few moments of consideration, Ann simply repeated what she had said previously. "You should go home and return to school...there's nothing left for you here; trust me, there isn't." Ann then turned and walked away - past the two dead guards she strangled to the beach from where she first emerged; a mere twenty minutes earlier! She put on her flippers and mask and re-entered the water. With her mission now successfully completed, Ann could entertain herself with more mundane thoughts as she began the two mile, thirty minute swim back to her boat. The upcoming dinner party didn't interest her right now. So instead, Ann reflected on how she - one single woman - take on a notorious drug lord and his entire private army and wipe them all out without getting so much as a scratch on her magnificant body. Ann had always been a great athlete and competed in many sports. But what she really favored was martial arts. When she was just five years old, her mother - a martial arts expert herself - began to train her daughter in her dojo. Ann took to it like a duck to water. She became a black belt by the time she was twelve and, at thirteen, won the San Diego fifteen and under martial arts tournament by knocking out the defending champion - a fifteen year-old boy who outweighed her by nearly fifty pounds. That got the attention of a certain Dr.Ruth Gordon who was doing research in genetic engineering at the University of California, San Diego. By the time Ann was sixteen, she had earned her second degree black belt and was competeing in open competitions, often against men sometimes twice her weight - and winning. It was after one such tournament which Ann won that Dr. Gordon finally introduced herself."Miss Warren, my name is Dr. Ruth Gordon, and I'd wonder if you'd be interested in a little experiment I'm conducting in genetic engineering." Dr. Gordon then went on to explain to Ann that she had discovered something in the female hormone estrogen that, when treated with a certain drug that she was working on, increased the size, strength, speed and alertness in female labratory animals with no ill side affects and she felt it was time to try in on a human female. She had been secretly following Ann's development ever since she won her first martial arts tournament at thirteen. "I think you're the perfect candidate for this experiment. You're strong, smart, extremely quick and an amazingly gifted athlete." Ann thought about it for a few days before giving her consent, and so the experiment began. Over the course of the next several months Ann received two injections a week from Dr.Gordon. For the first two months nothing out of the ordinary happened. But then, sometime after the third month, Ann began to notice certain dramatic changes taking place in her body and what it was capable of. She found her workout weights much easier to lift, even when she increased the amount. When she ran, she could go much faster than ever before, and she never seemed to tire. And her reflexes, always very good, were faster than ever. Ann also began growing again. When she had stopped, at around the of age of sixteen, she stood five feet-six inches tall and weighed around 120 pounds. But now, with Dr. Gordon's treatments, she reached five-ten and weighed nearly 180. And martial arts? With her newfound strength and quickness, Ann was now the equivalent of a master - and she was only seventeen! There's no telling where this would have gone had it not been for a tragic automobile accident that took the life of Dr. Gordon. She was driving home from the university one afternoon and a drunk driver ran a red light at an intersection and plowed into Dr. Gordon's car; she died several days later. Surprisingly, nobody even knew what she was working on. It was a complete mystery to her fellow scientists. No records were to be found on any of her computers and her cryptic notes were impossible to understand. Ann then realized that whatever it was she was being injected with, and that was turning her into a supergirl, Dr. Gordon took that secret to her grave. Without her injections, Ann stopped growing - topping out at an even six feet and 220 muscular pounds. Her strength, speed and great endurance remained. The question was, what should she do with her amazing abilities? Not wanting to attract too much attention to herself, Ann avoided competitive sports in college. She loved what her body was capable of doing now, but still very much wanted to live a normal life; or at least as normal as a girl could - given that she now had the strength of five strong men, could outrun a racehorse and probably win every swimming, track and field, boxing, wrestling and weight lifting gold medal in the the men's catagory! Ann went to the university at San Diego where she earned a degree in business administration, fell in love with a kind, sweet, gentle law student named Richard and took over the running of her mother's martial arts dojo. She specialized in teaching girls and women. Remembering how her own experience in martial arts helped her build both physical strength and self-confidence, Ann wanted to impart that same feeling to females of all ages. Ann was approaching her speedboat now. But as she neared the craft, she found her way blocked by an enormous great white shark. But amazingly, Ann remained perfectly calm. "So you're the mean ole sharkie that's been terrorizing the beaches around here lately. Well, I guess I'll have to *take care* of you too." Ann took a deep breath and dove beneath the water with the huge predator close behind. She swam down to a depth of about twenty-five feet and then suddenly turned around 180 degrees and started swimming directly at her attacker. The killer shark, not used to seeing his prey make this sort of maneuver (he's always been the one in pursuit) was momentarily confused; thus allowing Ann to strike the first blow - a mighty punch from her right fist to his nose. Even reduced somewhat by the water, Ann's punch still had tremendous strength, so much so that it stunned the beast. Ann then quickly swam underneath him and began punching his relatively soft underbelly, first with her right fist and then with her left. Such was the power of her rock-hard fists, that they were able to penetrate deep into the shark's body and blood soon began to pour out. After a few seconds of this - in which Ann perforated the shark at least a dozen times - she reached up and grabbed the shark's large dorsal fin and pulled herself on top of him. Wrapping her muscular legs around his enormous body as far as they would go, the mighty woman then began to smash her fists into the top of his head with devastating effect. The shark, now in serious trouble, thrashed about violently trying to dislodge this amazing amazon. But all his attempts proved futile as Ann's powerful legs held firm and her pounding continued unabated After more than twenty hard blows to the huge creature's head, Ann decided it was time for the coup de grace - the death blow. She dismounted from the shark's back and swam up in front of him. He was so dazed and disoriented from Ann's relentless pounding by now that he could hardly move. Ann cocked back her right fist and punched out several of the sharks large, dagger -like teeth from the top of his mouth and then repeated the action on the bottom. With the spaces she made, Ann placed her hands underneath the top of the shark's mouth and her right foot on the bottom. Then, in an awesome display of raw female power, the mighty woman began to pry the great fish's mouth open. Wider and wider she pried until - CRACK! - she broke his jaw; killing him. In a little more than a minute, this amazing female killed a two ton great white shark with nothing more than her bare hands! Unfortunately, there were no witnesses to this incredible feat; nor would Ann ever tell anyone - who would believe her anyway? A few seconds later Ann surfaced and climbed out of the water onto her boat. Outside of being a little bit out of breath, she was in perfect condition. Just as in her encounter with the drug cartel, Ann didn't have so much as a single mark on her (except for a small scratch on the pinky of her right hand that she got when knocking out the shark's teeth). Ann removed her flippers and mask, letting her long, beautiful brown hair fall over her shoulders and halfway down her back. She smiled as the lifeless body of the twenty foot long, two ton shark floated to the surface - proud of the fact that she could kill such a ferocious beast barehanded. "Well thank you for that lovely workout Mr. Shark," she giggled."I sure enjoyed it. I would have loved to have played around with you a bit longer, but I really do need to get going. I don't want to keep my hairdresser waiting." Ann then fired up the engines of her speedboat and away she went. With another twenty minutes to go before she would dock her boat, Ann removed her sexy one-piece bathing suit, dried herself off and put on her normal street clothes. She then tended to the small scratch on her pinky - the only casulity she incurred that afternoon - by putting a band-aid around it and continued to reflect on the somewhat *unusual* life she led. It was during Ann's junior year at the university that the mysterious Mr. X first approached her. "Ms. Warren," the large man in the dark sunglasses said after arranging a meeting with her through a mutual acquaintance," I am Mr. X and I'd like to have a private talk with you." "About what Mr. X?" "About how to use your, well, shall we say, rather unusual *abilities* for the public good." "How do you know about that?" Ann asked, surprised, but intrigued at the same time. "Let's just say I know somebody who knew Dr. Ruth Gorden, and was aware of the nature of her experiments." "So, what's the deal, Mr. X?" Ann doesn't much care for small talk; she likes to get to the heart of the matter quickly. "I'd like to know if you'd want to work for my organization, as a secret agent?" "You mean like the FBI, or the CIA?" "Well, sort of. But we handle the cases that they don't want to touch. We're kind of a place of last resort; so to speak. And with your special abilities, you'd be great addition to our organization. Furthermore, since we're a secret organization, we're not subject to government supervision or oversight. We are extremely well funded, thus we and can pay extremely well too." "How well?" Mr. X took out a pen and paper, jotted down a few numbers and showed it to Ann."That well," he replied. Ann gulped. "That's err, quite well." "You will have to be trained, of course, in the things that you're currently unfamiliar with - like guns, for example. But with your special abilities, I'm sure it won't take too long to turn you into a top-notch agent." And it didn't. With Ann's exceptional physical powers, she easily mastered every discipline the *organization* - as it was referred to - threw at her. In martial arts, Ann was already a master so there was very little they could teach her; ditto with her strength and conditioning. Ann's heightened sense of vision helped her become an expert marksman in practically no time. In fact, she was able to shoot quarters held in-between people's fingers at one hundred yards after only a month's training! And her super fast reflexes enabled Ann to target and shoot hand guns with remarkable speed and accuracy with both her right and left hands simultaneously (as the henchmen of the drug cartel found out). After only two months of training, Ann was deemed ready for her first assignment. But before taking it on, however, the powerful girl laid down a few rules. "I want to make this perfectly clear right from the beginning,"she told X in a strong, firm voice,"that whoever I have to kill, absolutely deserves it. My unique abilities are never to be abused! Understood?" "Yes," X replied. "You have my word on that." "And I'll only work alone. Anybody you put me with will only slow me down and I don't want to feel responsible for protecting a partner and dealing with bad guys at the same time. Agreed?" "Agreed." "O.K. then, what's my first assignment?" Ann's first mission was to take down a group of arms smugglers, and she passed with flying colors. Swimming out several miles off the Southern California coast in the middle of a wintery night - seemingly impervious to the cold - she boarded a fishing boat and overpowered the entire crew of some ten armed men. Ann then ripped open the storage bin and found a large cache of automatic rifles, RPGs, hand grenades, and even some narcotics."It was a great feeling to be able to use my abilities for good," she thought to herself. And in her second mission, Ann flew a hang glider at night onto the roof of a thirty story building, climbed down an elevator shaft and surprised a gang of criminals that had taken a rich heiress hostage, shooting all five of them dead in a matter of seconds and rescuing the hostage unharmed. Many other missions followed. And although most of them were very challenging and dangerous, Ann proved time and again that she was more than a match for anything thrown at her. She really had become a super secret agent. Ann returned her boat to the secret cove and quickly hopped onto her motorcycle."5:25. Perfect! That gives me just enough time to get to the beauty parlor," she said as she gunned her bike and sped off. At exactly 5:43 P.M. (two minutes early), Ann Warren walked into the beauty parlor and sat down at Marge's station. "Give my hair the works Marge. My hubby and I have a very important dinner engagement this evening and I want to look my very best." While Marge worked on her hair, Ann returned to her thoughts - this time reflecting on the strange double-life she leads: one, a loving wife and martial arts instructor, and the other, that of an invincible super secret agent. When she met Richard in her senior year of college, Ann was already the top agent in the organization. Yet despite that, she still wanted to have as normal a life as she could possibly have; after all, Ann was only 22 years old at the time. She fell in love and, shortly after graduating from the university, Ann and Richard got married. Right from the beginning of their relationship, Ann understood the importance of keeping her *other* life a secret - even from her husband. First of all, she really loved Richard and didn't want him to worry when she went out on a dangerous assignment (which all of her assignments were). Second, even though she trusted Richard completely, you never know what someone might blurt out accidentally after a few beers when drinking with the guys after work which Richard did sometimes. And finally, Ann wasn't sure how Richard would react if he were to find out that his sweet loving wife, who taught martial arts to girls and women, was also an incredibly strong, amazingly fast, and - when necessary - a virtually unstoppable killing machine. All things considered, Ann decided it was for the best if he simply didn't know. They settled down in La Jolla, a suburb a little bit north of San Diego, California near Ann's dojo and the law firm that Richard began to work for. "It's a good life," Ann thought to herself, although sometimes complications do arise. Like when she has to go abroad on a secret assignment for a few days. What does she tell her husband? How many times can you visit sick relatives that live in another state? Especially relatives Richard has never met because, quite simply, they don't exist. Or like today when - in-between her martial arts class and her hair appointment - she wiped out an entire drug cartel and killed a great white shark with her bare hands. "Boy, leading a double life can sure get complicated sometimes," Ann laughed. Later that evening around 10:00 P.M... Ann and her husband Richard were lying in bed and cuddling. He was running his fingers through her long, beautiful brown hair."Marge did a great job on your hair today Ann. You looked fantastic at dinner." "Why thank you sweetie pie. Yes that Marge, she's the best; a true artist. I thought the dinner party this evening went rather well. Don't you think?" "Yes dear, everything came off perfectly. I just hope we made a good enough impression to convince them to seriously consider me for a partnership in the firm." "I hope so too Richard. After all, you work so hard for them. You deserve it." "Well, you never know about these things. By-the-way honey, how was your day? And what happened to your pinky?" "Oh, it was pretty routine day; nothing out of the ordinary. I met the students of my new self-defence class and they seem like a good group of girls. Then I went for a lovely swim in the ocean before my appointment at the beauty parlor. And my pinky? I scratched it while cutting up a tomato for my salad at lunchtime; silly me (smirk)." Just then the ten o'clock news came on: "We begin our news report this evening with a startling discovery. Julio Mendez, the notorious drug lord and about fifty of his henchmen were all found dead on a small island just off the coast near the United States - Mexican border. The only survivor of the assault appears to be a fourteen year-old boy. He seems to be somewhat in a state of shock as he keeps repeating something about a massive woman. Mexican police are trying to piece together what happened. They suspect it might have been a group of highly trained SEAL commandos from camp Pendelton who swooped in, wiped out the drug cartel and left without a trace. American authorities, however, deny any involvement and said they have no knowledge of such a raid. Speaking for myself however, whoever it was that was responsible for this action is owed a large debt of gratitude for eliminating one of the most insidious and fearsome drug cartels in the world. So, whoever you are out there, I say thank you." Ann began to giggle. "What so funny dear?" Richard asked, perplexed. "Oh nothing honey. I guess it must be the wine I had with dinner this evening. It's made me a little bit giddy." "And in an unrelated development," the announcer continued,"the body of the huge great white shark that had been terrorizing the local beaches lately was found floating in the ocean just off the coast of San Diego late this afternoon. When the two ton, twenty foot long beast was dragged ashore, marine biologists from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography were called in to investigate what might have killed such a ferocious creature (Ann began to giggle again). And what they saw totally astounded them. Several of the shark's front teeth had been knocked out and it's jaw completely broken. Furthermore, his head appeared to be smashed in. But what really stunned the scientists were the dozen or so deep holes found on the underside of the shark's body. They appeared to be about the size of a human fist and penetrated between four to six inches inches into the shark. The experts are completely stumped - they have absolutely no idea what could possibly have caused them. One of them said that he'd never seen anything like it in all his thirty years of studying sharks and added that whatever did this to him must be an awesome creature indeed." Unable to contain herself any longer, Ann broke out in laughter."Honey, what's gotten into you tonight? Their talking about a huge great white shark that was beaten to a pulp and you find that funny?" "Like I said huneybunch, it must be the wine. I guess this rough, tough shark just happened to run into into something a lot tougher than he was - and paid the price for it." "But what can be tougher than a two ton great white shark, Ann?" Ann looked at her husband and giggled. "You'd be surprised honey, you'd be surprised; tee, hee, hee." She then leaned over and gave Richard a long, passionate kiss. As she did so, Ann reached for the remote control and turned the television off. "I've heard quite enough about drug cartels and great white sharks for one day sweetie pie. How about we do some serious lovemaking?" With his six foot, 220 pound, muscular wife now lying on top of him, it was an offer he couldn't - or dare not - refuse.