White Angel By Marot, marot_j@yahoo.com A sexy teenager drives me and my friends crazy with desire... and beats us up ! This story was inspired by a beautiful and extremely sexy Dutch teenager whom I saw one day at an airport. The initial situation and the description of the girl, as well as her outfit, correspond exactly to the reality. Please send your comments, criticisms, suggestions... to We were waiting seated at the airport lounge, our flight had been delayed, and people from other flight took over the place. Among them there was a very young girl, maybe just 17, wearing a very showy white dress !, she looked really pretty !, I fixed my eyes on her, she was tall and slim, with a long mane of very blond hair, almost white !, blue eyes, and a really cute and beautiful face !. But the most stunning was the dress she was wearing !, a white top covering down to her midsection, with a white short jacket that left uncovered a slim and tiny waist. Below she just wore a very short miniskirt, the same color, that showed almost the full lenght of her stunningly long, shapely and beautiful legs !!. Her movementes were full of grace, she smiled and talked with her friends animatedly, clearly she was the most popular among that group of adolescents. Then she turned, showing her back towards the place we were sitting, and I realized that she..... no, probably it was just a reflection of the cloth, but those curves..... yes !, there was no doubt, the material of her skirt was so thin and clear that resulted almost transparent !, and below the skirt she was wearing no more than a tiny white thong !!!, revealing two small but round and tight glutes that almost made me fall down on looking at them!!!. How a girl that age could be so daring as to wearing such clothes !??. She was a real image of physical perfection !, that girl looked like an angel!. I couldn't wait more and told my friends about her, they had been talking the whole time without paying attention to the rest of the people. As they saw her they became equeally mesmerized by the beauty of that girl, and we started making comments on her appearance, praising her physique, but also comments going a bit further; we were becoming excited even though she was at a good distance from us !, in the queue to take the plane. It was a pity that such a girl was leaving in another plane; her group of friends was approaching to the check-in desk, but then suddenly she greeted them, kissing some of them and saying good-bye, all the rest were taking the plane but not her, and when we expected that she left for the exit door she seated down and waited, it seemed like she was going to take our same plane !. That could be interesting !, anyway she was sitting now several rows from us, and almost hidden by the rest of the people in the crowded room. Half an hour passed and we had almost forgotten about the girl when the loudspeakers called for our flight. It was right, she was taking that plane !, she quickly got up and went to the queue, we rushed inmediately to get as close to her as possible, but with all the people doing the same from the benches in front of us we just could situate some 15 meters behind her. Now we could see her closer, our first impression didn't change, on the contrary !, she had the most beautiful pair of legs I had ever seen !, despite of looking very young (for her face I would say she was more 16 than 17) her legs were not too thin, as often happen in adolescents, they were slim but slightly built, with some outlined muscles giving them a superb unbelieveble shape !!!, the same went on for her arms and shoulders (she occasionally uncovered them by taking off partially the jacket, it was hot in there !). But what was driving us crazy were those tight, round buttocks that were more than clearly visible under that fragile miniskirt !!, the lines of her thong were clearly revealed, going up to her beautiful hips !. I have to confess I was getting hot just by looking at her from that distance !. Now I could see also her shoes, a pair of open shoes with strips, with about 7 cms heels that made her well developed calves become evident under a perfect white and silky skin !. We entered the plane after the girl, it was impossible trying to get closer in that narrow aisle !, and inside the plane unfortunately we had to sit again far apart from her, in the front rows. The flight resulted eternal for us !, as we just waited for the moment when we could see her closer, maybe talk to her; all the way we were making plans, maybe she was going to the city for the first time, we could propose to scort her, maybe she would be reluctant before four men around 30, but she looked daring, sweet but daring by the way she dressed, it was evident that she must have known perfectly the effect of such clothes in such a body on men !!, then maybe she would show some interest for one of us.... well, a field to dream.....!. Finally the plane landed, we went out first, but no hurry, we walked slowly, waiting for her to appear. We got off to the stairs coming down the plane exit door, a bus was waiting below. She didn't come out yet, so we waited talking at the bottom of the stairs. The bus was becoming more and more crowded, and finally she appeared, she was the last person leaving the plane. She passed by us and approached the bus, we followed her, but it was really crowded now, it was going to result totally impossible to get on board !, people had to squeeze in to allow the doors to close.... and the bus left. Inmediatly a stewardess came to tell us that they were ordering another bus to come for us. As the stewardess left she looked at us and smiled for the situation we were all involved in; it was just as if saying "well, bad luck, let's hope that bus arrives soon", and then she turned to look at other places in the runaway. It had been just a second, and an innocent smile of courtesy, but we all got speechless for a while !, what we had just seen was a face of extreme beauty !!!, not just a "nice girl". Two rows of perfect, sparkling white teeth illuminated for one second a wonderfully shaped face with high sticking out cheekbones, a cute button nose and two cheerful deep light blue eyes !. From that short distance, her face made her look more innocent and naive than what her clothes suggested. We were unable even to move in that moment !, none of us could find the way to talk to her. We were normally quite bold when it came to girls, but that absolutely beautiful creature had made all of us shy and timid !. The wind moved her blond hair and pushed it often over her face, then she, with a graceful movement put it aside; that wind made her tiny skirt stuck firmly against her round glutes, in some moments it seemed as if there was no cloth covering them !!, that silhouette was the true image of temptation!!!. Though trying to be dissembled we couldn't really take our eyes away from the girl, and I think she was starting to realize that we looked at her continuously. Finally our bus arrived, she entered but didn't seat, remaining standing in the middle of the bus, looking through the opposite windows and holding the bar with both hands. We entered behind and stood very close to her. Without heels she must have been around 170 cms, with them on she was even taller than me, and just 2 or 3 cms shorter than my friends. The bus started its way. We had to profit that oportunity or we would miss definitively that girl !. Almost unconsciously we went and stood around her, looking at her, eating her body with our eyes !!. Just looking at her body made my mind imagine a thousand of fantasies!!, I couldn't take my eyes away from that thong entering the delicious deep cleavage formed by her buttocks !, and the skin of her wonderful legs, making them look as fine porcelain !. Those incredible long legs ended in two smallish feet, with delicate and very well cared beautiful toes, with red painted toe nails. Every single square centimeter of that body and face sparkled beauty and perfection!!, only in that moment I fully understood the term "sexy girl" !!. It was becoming more and more difficult to contain ourselves. Now she looked uncomforted, looking occasionally and dissembledly above her shoulder on noticing that we all were really close and looking at her, anyway she didn't seem nervious at all, just uncomfortable. John was the first who touched her, he moved a hand pretending to reach his bag to touch slightly the bottom of the girl, she pretended not to have noticed it. We were paralized by her beauty, timid and unable to start talking with her, but at the same time unable to move from that position, becoming more and more excited by her body and her outfit !. So sooner or later the situation had to explode.... and it did !. Tom put his hand on her shoulder to break the ice and tell her with a nervious and clumsy voice "Hi, do you live here ?, I mean.... is this the first time you visit this city ??", she turned slightly towards him, made a gesture of smiling, but this time totally different to the one before, cold, just polite, but showing that she was not enjoying the situation and that she expected not to be asked more questions and be left alone "No, it is not my first visit", and turned his face again towards the window. This should have been enough to deter us from trying to go further, at least in the way we were doing, but we had reached a state of excitement that couldn't stop!. Tom came back to his purposes and this time embracing her waist with his arm said "You are a really beautiful girl, my friends and I would like to invite you.......", "Yes" Robert broke in "we know many places in this city...... to go out, dance, do you like it ?" and while saying this his hand slipped towards her hip, touching it and remaining there. She didn't reply, now she was clearly annoyed by the way my friends were touching her, and her body got rigid. From the position I was now I could see perfectly the upper part of her breasts, much bigger than what was expected for a girl her age !, really firm, stiking out and stretching the material of the top, forming a cleavage that was driving me crazy again !, apparently without any bra !!, my hands trembled of desire to touch those wonderful breasts !, not resisting it for longer time, but not daring to touch them either my left hand slipped towards her slim waist, as a natural movement while saying "Yes, and places for dinner, do you like Thai food ??"; the touch of her skin bewitched me !!, it was smooth as silk !, but at the same time her waist lacked the slightest amount of fat, being firm and very hard !!. I knew we were behaving as jerks, something we never had done before !, but we simply couldn't refrain ourselves !. Then John didn't want to miss his part of the "pie" and profitting the confusion put his hand on her right glute, squeezing it softly, that movement opened the door to further abuse, Tom lowered his hand from the lateral waist through her hip and down to her leg, which he touched without any dissemblement !, I slipped my hand up to shave her wonderful breasts, but didn't dare to go any further and retired it, but Robert, already without any control lowered his hand to the lower edge of her shirt, and put the tip of his fingers in to touch directly her ass !!!; then I could see how her face got very tense, she had resisted so far waiting for us to calm down or for the bus to arrive, but none of those things had happened, and in that moment John placed his full hand on her bottom, touching and rubbing both glutes through the skirt up to her thong !!!!, I couldn't resist either, and at the same moment pinched her left glute (realizing how hard it was !!), and then she exploded !! "Hey, hey, hey !, STOP !!!", now I realized I had a real hard on !, my dick had become erect !, and probably my friends were in the same situation !. Anyway all us retired our hands after her shout, she went on with a softer voice now (a beautiful voice certainly, musical, still very childish) and showing again the air of innocence with a smile "Your proposals are very nice, but you must not be so impetuous. OK we can meet this evening to do something together, after all I had no plans for today, and it will be nice to visit the city in the company of four guys who know everything about it", we didn't know how to react to those words that we didn't expect in that moment; first we all felt embarrased for having being unable to control ourselves and having treated her in that nasty way, and then we realized that she was accepting our proposal !, if she was not lying (and she seemed sincere), she was willing to join us that evening !. We accepted not knowing what else to say or how to arrange it, then she smiled to each of us, looking directly into our eyes and said cheerfully and almost laughing "Great !, please meet me in this address at..... mmhhh, 7 o'clock, is it alright for you all ??", "Yes.. of course, sure.. we'll be there" was our inmediate answer. I don't know about my friends, but I almost melted when she looked at me with those shining blue eyes, smiling while talking !!. In that moment the bus stopped, she got off quickly to go to the baggage lounge. She picked it up soon to leave right afterwards, we had to wait for ours a longer time. We went home, and decided to be ready at 6:30 to meet in the house of Robert and go out to fetch her. Neither of us wanted to admit it, but the truth was that we were quite nervious, we didn't know what to think. It was a bit strange, maybe she had given us a fake address just to get rid of us, but she seemed so sincere.... or maybe, and this was in accordance with her way of dressing, she wanted a date with four guys for...... who knows what !. Those thoughts kept us puzzled, but at the same time excited !. With no clear ideas in our minds we arrived at the address written on the piece of paper, we were all smartly dressed, with coats due to the cold night. The address was not a house but a gym !, we then supposed that we had been teased, but John encouraged us to enter as the door was open and there was light inside. We entered, the place looked empty, nobody around and total silence. We looked in several places, in the weights room, and after, passing through a door, we found ourselves in the big and spatious aerobic and martial arts room, surrounded by mirrors and covered with carpet, it was rather warm in there. Suddenly we saw a figure entering the room, wearing a long white fur coat and high-heeled white closed shoes, it was Diane ! (that was the name of the girl, the one she wrote in the paper), a fur coat was not something that a teenage usually wear, but in her it looked perfect, as everything, and suited her very well !. "Hi guys, you are in time !". We were surprised by the scene, again not knowing very well what to do, and just smiled and greeted her. She started walking towards us. "HHMmmm !, am I not lucky ??, four handsome and smart gentlemen for a single lady like me !", she said that in a funny voice, always keeping that air of child innocence, as an unexperienced teenager, "So what are your plans for today guys ??", we looked at each other, finally it was me who decided to answer "we have thought of going to dinner first, and then.....", "Hmmm, it sounds interesting, but are you really hungry !?, I had lunch quite late so right now I can't eat more, I hope you don't mind, do you have some other idea....??", Tom answered "Well, then we can go for a beer and....", "Oh no !, I hate beer !, and actually I never drink, sorry !". The situation was becoming a bit awkward, "Well, tell us what you feel like" said Robert, "Well, I hadn't really thought much about it. Well I have to confess you that my favourite activity is sports, I practise a lot !, and I really enjoy doing it almost all the time", certainly that was easy to believe just looking at her body !, but that answer left us totally blanck, we all were dressed to go out on a dinner, party..... not to any kind of sports !, "I practise fitness and bodybuilding, martial arts (Taekwondo, Thai-boxing, Judo), gymnastics, swimming, ski and volley-ball, and are very good at all of them, having won gold medals in my categories and competing with senior people in martial arts, swimming and others, are you good at any of these sports??". She must have been teasing us !, that level of activity seemed impossible even for a professional !, but she was a teenager !; all us practised some sport, but at an amateur not high level, so we didn't dare to compare with her, somebody started "Well, I do also swimming, and basketball....", she talked again "Well, for what I saw this morning when you wore short-sleeved shirts and shorts I wouldn't say any of you is going to win any championship !", she said that almost with a laugh at the end. We felt more uncomfortable, she was humilliating us just talking with that charmful and irresistible voice and smile !, "OHhh come on !, relax !, this is not any sort of competition, I just wanted to know some more things about you", then she lowered her voice, which became more sensual and intimate, without loosing that lovely teenager tone "But to be honest there is something I enjoy much much more" and on saying that she opened her fur coat and let it fall to the floor; she was wearing only the thong and top she had this morning in the plane !, but without the skirt or the jacket !!!!. We blinked in amazement at the contemplation of that scultural, perfect body, almost naked before our incredulous eyes !!!, "What happens ?, this morning you seemed so bold and daring !, and now you are suddenly shy !". We looked at each other, there should be some kind of trick there, we looked around, everything was silent and empty, but though the situation seemed very strange and we felt it, that body before our eyes didn't leave us to think with clarity. She holded her blond hair on top of his head and moved slightly her hips in a very sexy way, everything she did was charming, bewitchering !, that body was not to be found even in a model agency !!, "See guys, sports do pay off; I feel so proud of this body, it's not so easy to keep it in this shape, but sports can do it", her body was super slim, not any fat at all, with the precise amount of muscle to shape up her arms and legs, a perfectly defined pack of abdominal muscles !, everything in her body was perfect, proportioned and beautiful !!, her torso had a pronounced V- shape with a really narrow waist and broad well developed shoulders. It was really a fitness-like model body !, again I thought that never before I had seen (or even imagined) a so sexy body like that !, and again I realized that the sole vision of that pure beauty was getting my dick hard !. "Sooo.... who is the brave guy who is going to join me showing his body ?", nobody made a movement "Come on", she aproached us slowly and smiling "let's have a nice evening, different, something we will always recall lovingly", as she talked she passed in front of us, looking us in the eyes, she touched softly my cheek with her delicate hand, and rubbed slightly her breasts against Robert. Approaching John she kissed him softly in his cheek !, and when turning she just shaved his ass against Tom !!; just those simple gestures had started to make all us hot!, we started to move, touch her body, timidly first, as we had done in the morning, it was irresistible !!!. I wanted badly to touch that ass!, I couldn't wait more !, I moved forward and placed my hand in her left glute, squeezing it, I got really amazed by her hardness !!, her buttocks were solid, muscular !, but specially exquisitely round/apple- shaped and smooth like silk when touched !!, she turned her face and smiled at me, and in that very moment I almost fainted !, I wanted that girl crazyly !!!. The others imitated me and started touching her legs, ass, breasts...... until she put apart all those hands with her own and turned to face us "Hey, hey, hey !, not allowed any more.... unless you join me and take off your clothes". We were too excited by then to think if that was normal, or if we should do it or whatever. Hurriedly we took off our coats, jackets and trousers, remaining with just the underwear, which certainly didn't do much to hide our growing hard-ons !!. We surrounded her and went on trying to touch and now even kiss her face and her body, my God !, that girl was driving all us mad ! what an incredibly sexy body!!!. Then she made her voice heared "Hey, hey !, bad guys !, don't you think you are abusing a little tiny girl just 15 years old ??", she was only 15 !???, it was incredible !, "I think that was enough, now get dressed, go back and behave as proper gentlemen, maybe we will see each other in some other occasion", what happened now !??, that was a joke we thought !. She turned her back to us and started walking, moving really provocatively that incredible ass of hers !!!, but nothing could have stopped us now !, we almost ran after her and caught her, Tom started to byte her ass and Robert to remove her bra. Then she pushed them strongly and said "Ha, ha !, you have shown me once more the fragility of men. You have no control on your bodies and minds, you are just slaves of your desires, and a sexy female body like mine can drive you mad and make you do things that are more proper of wild beasts than humans !. Now you will have to pay for your nasty behavior, you would have raped me if I had gone on provoking you but not allowing you to go further, right ?. Well, now it is my turn to punish you, to abuse you and make with your bodies (and of course your fragile minds) what I like. You are going to suffer, yes, PAIN and SUFFERING, you will beg me to stop, beg me even for your poor lives, and you will never ever forget this evening that will seem eternal to you. I'm going to treat you like shit, and force you to obey me, please me in every way I like and worship my perfect body even while it is causing you an unbearable suffering, pain and humilliation", she had taken off her shoes while talking. Despite the firmness of her voice, it was as usual, musical, very childish, she said it with a serious expression on her face but very calmly; anyway it was amazing hearing those words coming out from such angelical, beautiful mouth !. Were such words to be taken seriously, from a 15-year-old girl!?. Come on, I thought, it was part of the game, and even if it was not she couldn't even dream of matching the strenght of any of us separately !!. I was willing to go on, and so were my friends, and yes, I have to admit now that the girl had driven us to such state of excitement that probably we would have raped her.... if we had had any oportunity to!!. It was Tom the first to react, Tom was 180 cms, blond, slim and in a very good shape, he slapped the ass-cheeck of Diane very strong, and in a fraction of a second we saw that beautiful body turn while raising her right leg and with a quick and sudden movement smash her heel on Tom's face with such violence that he shouted in pain and a stream of blood came out from his nose !; he almost fall down, having to give several steps backwards. That scene left us astonished !, it was difficult to believe that a small girl could have performed such violent action that left Tom's face seemingly damaged, probably his nose was broken !. We got paralyzed for a moment. She smiled "What happen to you ?, scared of a 15- year-old girl ?", then she started to split her legs, she did it so easily as giving a normal step !, she stayed smiling at us with her legs totally split apart, then she bent her back, up to a point where her head touched the lower part of her body, put her hands on the floor, closed her legs and lifted her entire body with the arms from that position. Then split again her legs and gave two turns around, to join them together again, flexed her arms to impulse her body upwards and turning in the air landed gracely on her feet, that was an incredible exhibition of flexibility !!, no doubt now, she was a great gymnast !, she smiled again "Still dubious that with this body I can make you suffer a pain as never before you have ??. Well, it's up to you, if you want to get my body and enjoy it...... you will have to win it first", and saying that, she adopted a martial art position with her beautiful feet slightly separated and her arms crossed in front of her chest. We almost laughed at that gesture !, was that small teenager seriously challenging all us to fight !!??, that attitude of her seemed ridiculous and childish !. Anyway we doubted about what to do; that little bitch had provoked us, verbally humillited us, and hit badly our friend, she deserved a punishment !, if we stopped now we would have been humilliated by a 15- year-old girl, and that was beyond what our pride was willing to tolerate!!. It would be so easy to abuse her between all us, it was almost embarrasing !, but she would get her punishment, she had won it !, furthermore we were too excited to stop now ! and this punishment she herself had suggested what it would consist of !. Robert and me looked at each other, I saw reflected in his face my own feelings: anger, and desire to give that little conceited girl a punishment and get the price we craved for !!. We advanced some steps, Robert had a light brown hair, he was a couple of centimetres shorter than Tom, but with a more heavily- built body, he was rather strong !, while I was 174 cms, black-haired and slim. The body we had in front of us, apart from the extreme beauty it all gave off !!, didn't look really frightening, Diane was about 4 cms shorter than me, and must have weighed around 58 or 60 kilos, at least 8 less than me, and much less than Robert. We approached her, each on a different side. She had a expression of total confidence, and even relaxation in her face !. I made the first movement, trying to hold her right hand, but she avoided it by moving hers quickly, then suddenly Robert launched to the floor aiming her legs, before he could reach them she jumped agily, landing on her right foot and hitting my friend's head with her left heel, he quickly retired touching his head in pain. John entered the scene, he was 178 too, muscular and very strong with dark brown hair. He positioned himself behind her while I was in front, I understood the idea, I'd attack her to allow my friend to catch her while she was repelling my attack. But things happened quite in other way, she waited for my movement, moving herself quickly to avoid a surprise attack on her back, then after making a couple of fake attempts I launched a punch against her beautiful face as quick as I could, she reacted more than in time stopping away my arm with her left arm and hitting with incredible speed my unprotected stomach with the other, it was a surprisingly strong and painful hit that left me momentarily breathless!!, those slim arms were really strong !!, in the meantime John had tried to profit the situation jumping to try to grab her, but almost at the same time as the punch the teenage threw her left leg up and backwards, in an incredible movement of flexibility !, splitting her legs almost 180 degrees to impact her foot with a demolishing violence on John's face !!, he really felt the blow !!, shouting in pain and putting his hands on the mouth, two teeth had been broken !!. Each of us had received already a blow from that sexy girl and we hadn't even be able to touch her !!. We got more angry, and thirsty to put our hands on her and give her a very "special" treatment !. Tom had recovered, and though with his nose still hurting it didn't bleed. Tom, Robert and me approched her again, we didn't know how to attack her, we were not going to make the same mistake as John. Certainly, her reflexes and flexibility were going to make it difficult the task to attack her one by one, so it was clear we should attempt all together. So we walked towards her and, this time secure of our victory, and without hesitating more, we threw ourselves on her. In the next few seconds a number of things happened, so quickly that is difficult to recall how it really happened. First the girl threw her right foot towards Robert's head, who was on my left side, he could put his hand in time to protect from the impact, but even so the small foot of the girl stroke so strong that sent big Robert to the floor, at the same time, she flexed her left leg to jump to his right, thus scaping momentarily from Tom's reach, but not from me, who had put my arms in front ready to jump on her and inmovilize her, but suddenly she grabbed my left hand and pulled very strongly, making me almost fall, but then I saw how her knee bent and inmediately blowed my face with such violence that I felt an unbearable pain !, my vision went black for some seconds, and my head felt as if it would burst out !!. I couldn't see what happened to Tom, but it seems the little girl had stooped down to the floor with a very fast movement, stretching her left leg to sweep Tom to the floor, and inmediately going up to punch Tom on his neck, which made him release a suffocated shout, and then his face, bruising seriously his right eye and leaving it without vision for the rest of the day!!. But when she was standing up, John, coming from behind, grabbed her neck, between his arm and forearm !. For the first time she let out a yell of surprise, John was very strong, so he must have pressed her strongly and injured her !, anyway it just lasted 2 or 3 seconds, when he was trying to throw her to the floor she half-split her legs, leaving them far apart, which forced John to bend, she bent onwards, grabbing my friend's arm, and with a quick twist of her body made John lose his equilibrium, she then sent him easily to the floor with a Judo movement, in that moment the girl jumped with both legs, bent them in the air and landed onto John's stomach !, which made him shout desperately in pain !!!. Diane went up and stood above us, I looked at her, I was kneeling, as it was Robert, and John and Tom were lying; each of us had been injured in different degrees, being Tom the worst case, having his nose broken, his eye seriously damaged and still breathing with difficulty while massaging his throat !. She smiled while taking a deep breath that made her nostrils inflate sexily, she went on looking like an angel, beautiful !, but the picture was hard to believe, that super-young, smallish teenager, had defeated four grown up men, bigger and apparently stronger than her in a matter of minutes !!!. That perfect and ultra-sexy body no longer seemed to me delicate, innocent..., the reality was that that body was a feline, hyper-trained and high-rendering body, with amazing speed, coordination, strength and skills !!!, a fantastic combination of flexibility, martial arts knowledge, intelligence and strength that made that girl a perfect fighting machine !!. Those slim arms and legs, apart from extremely beautiful !, seemed now to me dangerous weapons that were able to cause real and serious damage to rivals much bigger than her !, the volume of them didn't seem to indicate that they could be very strong, but undoubtedly the combination training of fitness, bodybuilding and other sports had made them packed with the precise amount of muscle to endowe them with a strenght much bigger than their appearance !. Those sexy feet were like steel mallets whose blows were frightening !, and that angelical face did not longer appear to me as innocent, it belonged to an intelligent, determined and winner girl who knew perfectly how to use the beauty and skills of her body to get everything she proposed !!. "Is this all the threat I had to face today !??, it haven't served to me even as a little training !, did you really think in some moment that you could have sex with me !??, I am still virgin, and the least thing I could think of in this world is to loose my virginity with an asshole as any of you !. You all look weak, loosers, and probably impotent !!". She was humilliating us again !, once more her words touched our vanity and proud and made us wish to give her a punishment, which was still more desirable after the information that she was a virgin !!. But this time it was going to be more serious, we felt everything was allowed now, and we were really angry !. So I looked around and saw a metallic bar for bench press, I went up and took it, while Robert got one of the fake katanas placed on the shelves in the wall. She had injured some of our friends badly, now it was her who was going to get injured, even though we didn't intend to cause her a very serious or irreversible damage. We approached her, secure of our victory now, nevertheless she looked as calm as usual. Robert launched a first blow with his sword, she easily avoided it by bending, I did the same aiming her midsection, she jumped backwards and it didn't reach her. We decided to act together, we wouldn't fail !, Robert approached her with the sword, thrusting it from the top, at the same time I threw my bar towards her hips, but incredibly she managed to avoid both !, the girl jumped towards one side and onwards, stopping apart Robert's fist with her hand, which made the katana pass at scarce centimetres from her side !, my bar almost hit her feet, but passed below, and then I couldn't stop it and impacted on my friend, she took inmediately advantage of the confusion !, she landed on both feet and with the speed of a lighting she launched her left foot to blow mi face; her small foot stroke my mouth making me shout in pain, I sensed my lip had broken, and probably some teeth displaced or broken !. All at a time she grabbed my friend's hand, twisting it and forcing it to unhold the sword, she grabbed the fingers now and went on twisting, and twisting....... Robert started shouting, almost crying in pain !, the girl catched his wrist with her other hand..... and went on bending and forcing the wrist, he tried to stop her with his other hand but the pain prevented him to apply much strength. Finally a crack could be heard, my friend shouted desperately "PLEASE !, STOOOPP !!!" and the girl released finally his broken hand with several fingers broken or misplaced. Frightened and still with my mouth aching I gave several steps backwards. Her face showed anger now, but still totally calm, "So it looks like you are going to make this serious, OK, your choice, let's be serious from now on then !", was she showing off or what!, she talked as if so far she had been just playing !. In the meantime John and Tom had recovered, both carried a wooden bar for Kendo, actually Tom had some knowledge on it. She quickly put herself in guard and took the bar I had dropped at her feet. They surrounded her and started throwing their weapons towards her, systematically she was able to avoid every strike, jumping or bending or using her bar to stop them. When the battle seemed that would last for a very long time she decided to pass on attack, with a series of rapid movements the girl put my friends at defense !. Tom was facing her, she threw her bar to his side, but he managed to stop it, however leaving the other side unprotected, which inmediately was profitted by the girl who hit his side with her powerful right foot, this made him twist in pain. Every time she hitted she yelled a short shout accompanying her movement, in the way martial art fighters do. On her back John was about to land his bar on her head, bat she foresaw his attack and stopped it by lifting her bar between her hands to, right afterwards, make a very similar movement to the one she had made before, launching her left leg up and backwards without looking to hit with great violence and precision my friend's head !, which once more fell down for the painful impact, she rushed to him and hit with the end of her bar his solar plexus, which would leave him aching, breathless and out of combat for a while !. While doing this Tom had got closer and was about to hit her back with the end of his bar...... but there was no time, she reacted inmediately jumping, shouting very aloud this time, turning in the air and hitting with her right heel my friend's face so strongly that his cheek seemed to have been pulled out from his position while he shouted in pain once more !!!. He was holding his face with both arms, with his legs separated, then the girl stroke violently Tom's right knee from the side with her left foot!, the knee must have break as his leg bent in a weird position and he let out a horrible yell of pain !!!. To end the task she grabbed the bar from the floor and sent a blow to his left calve, it that must have been extremely painful !!!!, and resulted in his left leg bones broken !!. She launched the bar with amazing strenght out from her towards the wall while making a wild shout. Then the girl went to where Tom was lying and putting her deliciously sexy foot on his chest looked at us, smiled, and flexed her biceps in a gesture of total dominance !. I almost fainted !, that image was the sexyest conceivable !!, two fairly big and perfectly defined biceps peaked up from his arms, making her body still more sexy!!, but what was making me burnt with desire was that image of a seemingly innocent, very young pretty teenage, with that perfect body, humilliating and defeating four men in that way !!!, it was incredibly erotic !!!, that teenager was the perfect image of sexy power !!! and once again I noticed my dick getting a hard on !!. "Well, it seems that your friend is not now in the best condition to go on fighting. It's a pity as he was the most handsome !, but Oohhh ! he looks awful now with all that blood on his face !, blood always impresses me, it's disgusting!", she lowered her arms and stepped out from our friend, "OK, one less, so quickly !, but I think he is fortunate, at least he is not going to suffer more....... for the moment; but you have a long way to pass through yet, and believe me, you will envy this guy when I have finished with you". We were shocked for what the girl had done to our friend, she had practically destroyed him !, he was lying pityfully moaning in pain !. In that very moment, for the first time I sensed a sudden cold feeling taking over me, it was fear !!. It was unbelievable that I could be scared of a little girl !, but after seeing the pathetic state in which our friend was now, and after hearing her saying that it would be even worse for us, we had reasons to feel fear !!!. "Come one, are you cowards or what ???, aren't you going to avenge what I have done to your friend !??. For the expressions on your faces one could think that you would like your mother to be here to get protected behind her skirt !". Again she was humilliating and trying to provoke us, but now we didn't jump to try to punish her, we would like that nightmare finished as soon as possible !, but we didn't try to flee, it would have been too embarrasing for us, we just expected that the girl had had enough and left us alone...... but it was going to be very different. "Well, yes !, just a bunch of coward boys scared of a little girl !. OK, at least I hope that, even if you do not want to avenge him, you would like to prevent me from punishing him further", and saying that she kneeled and put his arm in the position to punch poor Tom again. That we couldn't leave to happen !!, we were going to defend Tom even if we risked being injured further!. I went up, my lip and upper gum still hurting, but I was alright to fight, Robert did the same, but with his right hand broken he couldn't fight much. And John had recovered too, he was very fit and strong, there was still a hope !. She went up again to face us, smiling !. We were conscious that any previous tactic had totally failed, so we had to try something new, maybe even tricky or dirty, now it was almost a matter of survival !. Then it occurred to me that we should apologise, make her confident, approach her in this way, and then attack her when she was totally unalert, it could work, sure it was not that difficult to deceive a young and innocent girl like her !. "Please Diane !, do not hurt more our friend, we want to apologise", she looked at me untrustfully, "See Diane, I acknowledge we behaved really nastily this morning, we deserved the punishment you have given to us !, it's true, but please, we can't compete with you. You would destroy us !, you have already injured us, specially Tom who is twisting in pain right now !, I beg you to end this now, you have proven what you wished, let us take our friend to the hospital. If you want us to do anything for you just tell us, but please !, don't go on with this fight", her expression had changed, undoubtedly that girl was very sensitive, and my words had touched her, my tactic was resulting !. After hesitating for some seconds she smiled "OK, I too think it is enough, take your friend with you and just leave", we approached where she was standing, John and me stood in front of her while Robert passed behind theorically to pick up Tom by his shoulders, she was very trustful now, and relaxed; I looked at her body once more, what a perfect creature !!!. We had the oportunity to leave things at that point... but our male pride made us waste it, looking at her there, that apparently innocent creature hadn't received a single blow from any of us while she had badly injured Tom and Robert !, we were still angry and, we had to confess, full of desire for that flaring body !!!. Robert looked at us from behind her intentionally, should he do what he was thinking about ?, we made almost unperceivable afirmative gestures that went unnoticed for her. Then Robert stroke her in the head from behind with his left fist, it was a terrible blow that left her groggy !, so then it was easy for John and me to jump onto her and make her fall to the floor. Each of us was grabbing one of her hands, she was still aching from the blow, and logically had become terribly furious ! "You bastards !!!, are going to pay for that !!!". We would pin her to the floor, Robert would situate on top of her and abuse her in the way he pleased, even he could rape her if he wanted !. But we made a terrible mistake, we should have holded her legs, while Rob embraced her arms, but her legs were free, and that detail was going to cost us a very high price........ Robert approached and bent onto her, suddenly the girl lifted her legs and clenched Robert's neck with her ankles, pressing him until he couldn't breath !, he tried to get free pushing with his big arms the legs apart, but was not succeeding, the legs of that girl were strikingly strong !!!. Our friend was being suffocated, we had to do something !, while with one arm we went on pinning her arms (hers were very strong, but not enough to overcome ours with the help of the weight of our bodies), with the other we tried to separate her legs, impossible task !. Then John holded her neck trying to suffocate her, while I hitted her stomach with the same purpose. It had a clear effect, for she loosened her grip, but then she flexed her legs and her torso in an unbelievable way !, almost like a contortionist !, and bent them until the sole of her small but powerful feet was on our heads, then she stretched her legs violently, sending us out from our position, which forced us to unhold her arms. Our advantage had been lost !, we had to act quickly !, but that girl was far too fast for us!. She went up much faster than all us, her first movement was kicking John on his face (John was not going to forget the feet of that babe for a long time !), in that very moment I went up, she turned to me and with a quick movement of her arms extended her thumb fingers and closing her arms hit me on the pressure points sitting just below the ears, it was extremely painful ! and it made me shout and remain disoriented for a while; enough time for her to punch me, first right fist on my face (broking my eyebow) then left fist on my solar plexus (I got breathless) and then again her right fist on my jaw, it didn't broke, but two of my lower teeth did !, that pretty girl had a really strong and demolishing pair of arms !!!, she could have shattered me easily in that way if it hadn't been for Robert, who embraced her waist and arms from the back, sending her to the floor with his big body on top. The situation didn't last much, that girl knew tricks for everything !, had a mental speed and intelligence to use them just at the right time, and on top of that, had a flexible, fit, strong and powerful body that allowed her to do everything she wanted !!. Once again she bent her legs, holding Robert by his waist, somehow she managed to slip one arm to move his hand towards my friend's crotch, she grabbed it and....... squeezed !, Robert shouted in pain, but tried to remain like that, she started moving her little body to the sides, twisting fiercely to got free, and continued squeezing. The pain made Robert weaken his grip, so she could use her right arm to push on the floor and in this way twist her body to the left and make Robert's body turn, staying both on their sides. Now with the help of her legs she could turn him more to put him below her, which enabled her to get her legs free. Then she pushed them against the floor, lifting her body and pushing backwards, managing to slip several centimetres upwards, enough to leave my friend's crotch exposed !; all that had happened in hardly 5 or 6 seconds !. Quickly she retired her hand and with a precise movement smashed Robert's balls with her right heel !, Robert let out an agonizing shriek !!!, but didn't unhold her, then she repeated the strike, stronger!, again my friend yelled in terrible pain, it was too much suffering !, that little fierce creature would smash his balls completely unless he let her loose. His only hope was that John, who had just got up, could reach her and hold her legs. But when he approached she moved them in such way to make him fall, hitting his ankles with one foot and his knees with the other, and inmediately she landed a third, brutal strike that finally forced Robert to released her arms. She jumped up, and quickly situated behind John, who had just got up, gripping his arms behind his nape, she forced that position until making him shout in pain, then she put her legs between his, fettering them, and push him, making him fall and crash against the floor with her on top, he knocked his head very strongly against the floor !. Then she got up and looked with a mixture of challenge and scorn at us. Robert had damaged his broken hand during the fight with the girl in the floor, so it was temporarily out of combat. I got up and so did John, partially recovered from our injuries, I had taken again the metalic bar, we surrounded her. I situated behind her and John in front. She moved one side and other and turned, to avoid a surprise attack from me or my friend, her movements were feline, gracile, perfectly coordinated !, and from behind I had the most beautiful sight I could imagine !, her perfect apple butt hidden only by a tiny white thong !!!. John, with some knowledge on karate tried this way, attacking her with his arms, she repelled his hits easily, blocking or turning them aside. I attempted a couple of strikes with my bar, but she always managed to noticed them in time and avoid them by jumping or bending, with the agility of a deer !!, every time she made these movements her glutes flexed, showing an impressive ripped pack of muscles !, it was so sexy !, I wanted badly that ass now, I'd die to byte it and rub my face against those perfectly round glutes ! I'd rape her in the ass when we managed to reduce her !, that desire made me seek with more anxiety the way to defeat her !!. John tried with his legs, same result, his movements looked dumb and slow compared to her agility and coordination !. I had the impression that she could have defeated him with extreme facility, but that she was afraid of missing one second of attention on me carrying that bar. He tried now a very quick movement, actually John skills were rather good being a karate brown belt !, he launched his punch, but once more turned it aside, this time hitting back my friend's chest; I profitted the moment to launch my bar aiming her waist, but she jumped avoiding it, and in the air, letting out a shout, threw back a straight kick with his right foot hitting me on the face !, for the first time I felt the power and contundence of her feet, really scaring ! that kind of movements didn't seem proper of a human being !, it seemed impossible harbouring such speed, reflections and strenght, and less in a 15-year old girl !!!. I was becaming tired, my breath was starting to go very fast, but that girl showed no sign of any tiredness !. The combat finished a couple of minutes later. I was in front of her, she made a threatening gesture of attacking me, but she turned to face John, I relaxed for a couple of seconds, and she took profite of that inmediately. The girl went down to the floor, stretching her right leg backwards to hit my ankles and sweep me to the floor, John threw a kick aiming her face, but once more she avoided it by moving quickly her head, and in that very moment she jumped, reaching an incredible height !, stretched her right leg forming a 180 degrees angle with the other, and in that position, with her legs splitted apart in the air, shouting with incredible energy she landed her right foot on my friends forehead, who didn't have time to protect himself. The blow was overwhelming !, my friend collapsed as if a heavy stone had fallen onto him !!, later we knew his head had suffered a slight craneal crack. I was looking astonished !, when the girl turned and looked at me fiercely, I went backwards several steps, but she run to reach me !, now she was the attacker....... and my legs started to tremble !. With a quick movement she grabbed the bar, and made it turn with a sudden strenght that I couldn't reply, my arms turned and bent, and were forced to unhold it, a fraction of a second later I more felt than saw her knee hitting my stomach, making me bend breathless and aching !, and inmediately she went behind me, placed the bar on my neck....... and pulled !. I felt as if my larynx was going to break !, I couldn't breath and it was extremely painful !. I tried to get free from that grip, I put my hands on the bar and pulled, with all my energy and strenght !, to no avail !. I don't think her arms were really stronger than mine in an equal combat (arm- wrestling for instance), though probably they were almost as much as mine. But strenght is not an objective concept, she knew perfectly how and when apply her strenght to get the winner advantage !. She was pulling the bar with her muscular and well defined biceps, and these were clearly stronger than my triceps !. Thus, I was hopeless, if she went on pressing, she could easily kill me !!. The pain was starting to be totally unbearable !, "PL...PLEEASSEEE !!!, DIAANNEEHHhh!!, STOOOP !!, YOU are going to KILL me !!!". I realized in that moment that other of the things she had told us before everything started was complying, I was actually begging for my life !!. "You see how pathetically weak you are??, a small girl can defeat you in seconds, as I had told you, you would beg for your life !!", and she pressed harder then !, her voice was not forced, was her natural, musical, charming voice of always; that girl was cool !. My energy was gradually fading, I couldn't pull that bar any longer, my life was in her hands, I tried to talk again, but I couldn't, and just a terrorized scream went out from my mouth. When everything was starting to turn black, she released me, I collapsed onto the floor, fighting to get some air in my lungs. She was a Goddess !, she was superior, invinctible !, I laid at her feet, defeated and humilliated, I didn't want to fight more, it was pointless, I was willing to do whatever she asked me in order to avoid more suffering, and I would respect, fear and worship that girl for the rest of my days !. But John and Robert were not convinced yet, or maybe it was only that they preferred to be defeated honourably rather than surrender already. They approached her, not very self-confident, but still willing to fight. "Well, this is becoming boring!, let's finish it quickly", she had taken the iniciative now !. Robert, having his right hand useless, had taken a knife in his left, from the same shelves as the false katana, but this time it was real !, he must have become really angry !, it was not that !, our purpose was not to cause that girl a very serious damage or kill her !. I wanted to shout to nag him and prevent him from using it, but I couldn't, my throat was too damaged !. She didn't wait, threw a couple of kicks to John that were effectively stopped by him, suddenly, Robert tried to hurt her with the stab !. aiming her side, she stopped the attempt with her forearm, and with her left foot, profitting the position of Robert with his legs open apart, she threw a killer blow to his crotch !, but not aiming his balls, but behind them, his prostata !, I knew that area is a pressure point specially dangerous, it could even kill a man from the sudden pain, through a shock and bleeding !. She had obviously decided to punish Robert severely for the use of that knife !. He let out an agonizing scream !, made a movement as if he would throw up, then bent his knees and collapsed, he was unconscious !, her sexy toes must have digged that area like a fork !!. She looked at John then, despite having received several important blows he didn't have yet any serious damaged, and was the only one who had been able to establish some combat with her, she smiled to him "Well guy, I have to recognise that you have a very sexy body !, I really like those muscles ! it is a pity that you are so dumb, stubborn, and a jerk like your friends !, and you look stronger than what you really are !", those words didn't seem to affect him, jumping he tried to kick her in the head; she avoided the blow, and once he landed she quickly took his right arm with her hands, and twisting it sent John to the floor over her shoulder. She let him get up, then he tried to punch her, but the girl stopped the blow, holded his arm, and sent him again to the floor in another Judo movement, she was playing with him !. John became angry, he jumped onto her, and she didn't step out this time, she hold his arms, but with his impulse both fall to the floor, there she quickly placed on top of him, pinned his arms above his head and looked him in the eyes, "OOHHhhhmmm !, I am getting hot touching these muscles !", and saying that she rubbed softly and intentionally her crotch against his. For a moment John seemed to stop fighting to remove her from top of him, obviously she was getting him hot!. She moved her ass right on his dick, and that movement was driving me crazy too !, my dick was getting hard again !, "Well, John, we are going to make love here and now, Ooohhh why that expression of surprise!?, or is it fear ??, do you feel scared that a girl like me propose you such think ?, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!". She went on rubbing her ass against him "MMHHhhh, I'm starting to feel your dick getting hard, it seems so big !!, and you have so nice muscles !", she had removed her hands from his arms and place them on top of John's muscular pecs. Honestly, I didn't know if she was lying with all that scene (I suspected that) or if it was serious. But John was getting really excited !, and not able to resist more, he put his hands on her butt, and started to squeeze it. "OOHHhhmmm little guy, your arms are so muscular !, I love these hard biceps !", she told that while stroking his arms "OOOHHhhh !!, OOOHHhhhh !, I am about to CUUUMMMMHHhhhh !!", she said that in a soft, calm way, but seemingly excited !, now I knew she was not faking, she really was excited !; I envied so much John in that moment !. John was really excited, receiving the strokes from that girl, with that wonderful body on top of him !, and with her delicious ass rubbing his dick in a vicious way !, John was also on the verge of having an orgasm !, she noticed that and stopped, "Hey, hey !, wait !, this is all you can resist!??, a couple of strokes through the material of your slip !??, yours is quite more than precox ejaculation !. Anyway, we are going to make love here, as I said, but not in the way you are imagining, I'm not stupid !. It will be a pleasure for me, but a painful nightmare for you!". On hearing that John tried to get free, pushed her apart and tried to get up and flee. No luck, the girl holded him, twisted his arm with violence, which made my friend shout in pain, and turned him on the floor with his arm folded painfully on his back "Please !, Diane !, you are going to break my arm !!!", then with her free hand she grabbed John's shorts, and pulled tearing them, she took them with both hands to tear them completely, John tried to get free again now that he had both hands free, but he had no time, she grabbed his hands again, and with amazing speed and skill tied them on his back with the teared shorts. "HHMmmm, you also have a cute ass, Ha, Ha !!", and slapped his butt with strenght, I imagined how humilliating this was being to proud and machist John!. She bent and byted his ass !, laughing, but also enjoying the moment, "It's the first time I see a guy totally naked, I like it !, you have a so nice body !, and I can do with it what I like !!". She stood up, it was true, she could do whatever she wanted with us now, she was the Goddess !; Tom was lying with his nose, jaw and legs broken, Robert unconscious from the terrible hit of her foot, John tied, and I with several teeth broken and my throat seriously damaged, and too scared to try to flee !; all us on the floor, while she standing, looking at us triumphantly !, she was enjoying her victory, actually she was no more than a little girl who wanted to win in all games she took part in !, "WWOOOUUUHHHhhh!!!, I feel STRONG and POWERFUL !!!!", she said that stretching her arms, putting her right foot on John's butt, and flexing her biceps again: perfect !, beautiful !, SEXY !!!. The demolishing girl with the angel face was starting to fully realize today about her power. "I realize it's so easy to defeat a man in combat !!, I could easily kill you one by one with my bare hands !!, it's so exciting !. I hope you realize you really deserve what you are getting, you behaved as nasty jerks !!, you would have raped me if you had been able to !, and you tried to hurt me seriously, even kill me !!. Now you have to pay back, with suffering !. The real PAIN starts now, but first I want to enjoy my first sexual experience!", and saying that she ordered John to get up. He did quickly, with his hands inmobilized on the back. She approached him with sensual movements, put her arms on his chest, then on his muscular shoulders, she really liked John's body and was enjoying it !. Next she embraced him and softly kissed his lips, almost inmediately his half- erected dick reached a full erection, she noticed that with joy, "Ha, Ha!!, this means that I kiss well, isn't it ?". She went on exploring his body, lowered her face to lick his pectorals, then downer to his abdominals. She byted and licked her well developed and defined abdominal muscles with anxiety !, she was getting really excited !, "OOHHhhmmm !, you have so lovely muscles !!!". She took off then her bra, MY GOD !, that girl had two perfect, firm and beautiful breasts much larger than what her discreet bra revealed !, with pink and big nipples that... OOHhhh GOD !, my erection was full size now !. While kissing and byting his abdominals her breasts rubbed his dick, which looked as if it was going to explode at any moment !!. Then she got on her knees, with his big cock right in front of her beautiful face, she grabbed it, and started to masturbate John. Then, she approached her lips, kissed his glande and opening her mouth at maximum swallowed it and started to suck!. John was melting in pleasure, I became more envious, I hardly could contain myself from masturbating and coming right there !!. She went on, enjoying the size and the touch of that cock, soon John was again on the verge to come and started to moan quietly, she noticed, took out his dick from her mouth and pressed the top of it to prevent him from coming, "It's going to be MY sexual experience, not YOURS, you have done very little today to deserve getting an orgasm !, if you had been keen, smart, polite, intelligent, maybe it would have been possible making real love with ". These words must have been utterly frustrating for my friend!. The girl pushed my friend to the floor, and sat on his chest, that position was really uncomfortable for him !, the she leaned back, removed her mini-thong, grabbed his hair and pulled it towards her clit, "Do you see that little pink ball at the top of my vaginal lips ??, OK, you have to lick and suck it with your mouth, get it big and hot and make me come, did you understand ??, as simple as that, if you fail to provoke my orgasm...... you will really suffer, I can guarantee you". He applied to the task inmediately. Even in his painful and humilliating position...... I somehow envied him. He started licking and sucking her, her clit as well as her lips, getting her really wet and hot, "YYEESSsss, GO OONNN!!!, OOHHhhh !". If he diminished his rythm she pressed him with her strong and sexy legs, placed on both sides of his head, and inmediately he went on faster !. The scene went on for several minutes, sometimes she nagged him "Come on !, it's not enough, you have to do faster and stronger !!", and then pressed his head very roughly !!, he almost screamed in pain and came back to his imposed task as she had comanded. Finally, and when my friend seemed he was going to fall exhausted, the little teenager showed clear symptoms that she was ready to come "OOoohhh yes, yeeeesss !, now...NOW, get your tongue in my vagina!, YYEESSSHHHhhh !!, AAAAHHHHhhh !!, AAAHHHHHhhhhh!!!", she had a really strong and intense orgasm that lasted for no less than half a minute!!. She ejaculated a huge amount of vaginal fluids, which my friend, disgusted, had no other option than have to swallow as he had been ordered to keep his tonge inside her while she came !. Finally she finished and relaxed for some minutes sitting on John's chest, while he recovered the breath and leaned backwards. Then she went up, "YES !!, it was as great as I had imagined !!!, said while jumping. She splitted her legs and put her hands on her head "MMmmmhhh, wonderful !, I like sex !, and I want more !, I'm sure I am able to come again right now !", she got up and looked at Jonh "Oooops !, sorry for having left your face so wet, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!". Now she ordered my friend to sit on the floor, she sat in front and stuck her clit to the still hard John's dick. Then she grabbed his head and forced him to bend his back until his face was right between her big boobs. "Now lick and suck my tits, do you understand ?, suck them while I rub my clit against your dick. But be careful !, do NOT come!, you have to resist without coming, OK ?, otherwise I will do punish you!!". She talked with her innocent voice, it made look all as a game !. Anyway now I no longer envied my friend, I was sure that if I were in his position....... I would come as soon as she rubbed her vaginal lips a couple of times along my cock !. And thus she started "fucking" him. She got very excited as he put his lips on her nipples !, and started to rub him very strong. The girl put her legs behind him to surround his waist and press him stonger against her. He went on sucking and licking, enjoying those absolutely beautiful breasts !, but I was afraid he was getting too excited too soon. She was clearly approaching another orgasm, her moans were louder and louder while pressed his head against her chest and his hips against her crotch with big strenght!. But then John clearly showed symptoms of being on the verge of his orgasm too !. I noticed the great efforts John was doing !, but finally he couldn't contain it !, shouting and moaning in delight he came ejaculating all over Diane's tummy and breasts !. As she noticed this she stopped her movement, "What have you done !??, didn't you hear me telling you very clearly what would happen if you came ???. You men do not have the slightest control over your bodies !!!", "I'm... very sorry, I couldn't avoid it..... you are so sexy !". Clearly, by praising her he tried to avoid a punishment, "I know I am !!!, how is possible that the body of a girl can make you all lose totally your control as you have done today !!???, and all that has prevented me to have an orgasm when I was really about to and starting almost to enjoy it !!, AAARRRGGGHHhhh!!!". She was really angry!!!, I was starting to be very sorry for my friend !. "OK" she said getting onto her kneels, "first of all clean all this white stuff from my breasts and belly with your tongue, right now !". He looked at her terrorized !, was she going to submit him to that humilliation ??, I'm sure he would have preferred to suffer a strong beating up rather than that !. "Haven't you heard me !!" shouted her threatening him to punch his face; he slowly started to lick and swallow the aboundant amount of sperm that had uncontrolably spilled over her magnificent body. It took to him several minutes to complete the task, but in the end no remains of his cum were visible on the beautiful skin of the teenager. She ordered him to get up and untied him, still very furious, frustated for her unsatisfied sexual desire. "Now, let's see if though you are not a real man in sex, at least you are a little of a man in combat !", and saying that adopted a karate position, he did the same, but without any hope, demoralized and defeated before hand !. She kicked him in his thigh, this seemed to awaken him, he tried to kick her back but she grabbed her foot, twisted it painfully and made him fall into the floor, inmediately she jumped over him and landed with both knees on his chest and abdomen. A crack was clearly audible !! followed by a desperate scream of pain !, she had broken one or several ribs !, Oh God she was going to destroy poor John !!!. But then he grabbed her hair and pull very strong, making her head clash against the floor!, this got her still more angry !. "You bastard !, I hate these nasty trick !, he repeated the movement, trying to leave her unconscious, but she grabbed his arm and twisted his wrist to try to force him to unhold her hair. He didn't, and with his other arm tried to punch her face, but she reacted in time to avoid it, with her left fist she stroke John's chest exactly where the ribs were broken; he almost fainted from the unbearable pain !, his scream digged my ears !, in this way she managed to get free, got up, grabbed his left arm, twisted it and pull violently, making him scream in pain again, she forced still more the arm until it became totally dislocated, lying in a weird position on his size !. Now she placed her right leg below my friend's head and the left above........ and started squeezing !. If her arms were strong her legs were comparatively still stronger, and very muscular !, she could break John's neck with ease !!, "How do you feel between my legs ??, still wanting to pull my hair??. You are going to beg for your life little bastard, I can kill you in seconds now with my powerful legs !" Her thighs were crushing my friend's neck, whose efforts to get free pushing with his arms resulted useless and ridiculous against the terrible power of those beautiful legs!. Even without applying much strenght she was already suffocating him "Please, stop Diane !!, you will suffocate me, stop !!!", "Beg me for your life little insect !", "Yes, I beg you, please Diane, you are much stronger, superior, leave me to live!", "Alright, I will" and saying that she made a last squeeze that bent his neck in a weird position, another crack was listened...... and she released him. He couldn't talk except whispering "I...I can't move", the girl went up "don't worry, you have several cervical vertebras broken, but not your spinal medula", after some months you will recover all your movements.... or most of them". Next she approached Robert. He had come round just seconds ago. "OK big guy, your behavior has been the nastiest of all, you have knocked me from behind and used weapons that could have killed me !. Was painful my kick? don't worry, luckily you will recover part of your sexual functions with some surgical operations. Now you can choose the kind of punishment I'll apply to you. If you kiss my feet right here and beg me to be merciful you will just receive the atenuate one, maybe you will get away with just one or two extra bones broken; if you deny..... well, I'll have to be very rough !". After having heard that he looked at her very angry, "Fuck you bitch !", he got up and tried to punch her face. Robert was very obstinate by nature, and being so big he couldn't accept that the little teenager was superior to him. She stooped down avoiding easily the blow, and hit him back with her fist on the solar plexus, that girl hit always with incredible precision !. In the second he remained static from the pain trying to recover she jumped throwing both legs onwards, one towards each side of his torso, clenched them around him, and sent him down onto the floor with a strong impact !. He was inmovilized, both arms trapped at his sides, with the right leg of the girl on his chest and the left below his back, her back facing his left side, "You bitch leave me free !!", "Shut up !, you brute better save your breath for what I am going to do to you now !". She started pressing him, the big chest of Robert didn't seem to be an easy task for the little girl to damage it !, "I am going to show you that to injure and cause pain to someone it's not really necessary any weapon, a pair of fit and strong legs can do the work", she pressed more and more, all efforts of my friend to set free were being useless, while his breath started to be difficult !. She reflected concentration in her expression, more than effort, her shapely legs were doing a hard work anyway, thick muscles were clearly visible now while she squeezed !. Somehow Robert managed to get his left undamaged arm free and stroke the back of the girl, but Diane grabbed his hand with hers, and despit his being stronger than her small one she managed to twist it in a way that left his inmobilized. She squeezed harder, Robert was already having serious difficulties to breathe now !. The scene went on for some minutes, I had the impression that her legs were closer now to each other, as if Robert's chest had flattened a little !. Probably he had been forced to expel all his air from his lungs, being able only to take very short and little breaths that kept him conscious. Then the girl bent a little her knees and changed slightly the position in order to be able to clench her ankles; now she was able to apply still more pressure !, and it was evident that the real nightmare for Robert had started !. It seemed he was no longer able to breathe at all, he tried to talk but only suffocate sounds came out, almost impossible to understand apart from "please" and "I beg you !". Suddenly a crack was heard followed by an agonizing and suffocate scream, one of his ribs had broken under the pressure !, the legs of that teenage were really powerful and strong !!!. "Painful ?, but how a big guy like you is so easily inmovilized and defeated by just the smaller legs of a girl !?". But she had not finished, now she applied her pressure in intervals, each time reducing more and more the width of my friend's chest, a second crack was heard, and seconds later a third, and a fourth !, she was literally destroying his chest !!, if she kept that pressure just one minute more she could kill him !!. I saw a thread of blood sliding from his slightly open mouth, two more cracks made me fear he was done, but then she released him, he was unconscious again, but fortunately breathing !, she had stopped just in time !. She got up and flexed her legs, thick fibers of muscle were evident under her wonderful and very white skin !, "Don't you think that my legs are really strong ??, I have worked hardly on them, but I don't want them to become too big and thick, I keep them muscular but slim, do you like them ??", she told that speaking to me, I didn't know what to reply. I had observed mesmerized what that little beast had done to my friends, but now I had to face the fact that I was the only one not seriously hurt by her yet, it was my turn !, my only hope was that she was merciful and didn't treat me as savagely as the others !. She went up and proceeded towards me. Then a feeling of fear took over me !, I was not going to fight, that was hopeless, I started trembling, I didn't dare to look at her in the eyes so I lowered mine. I saw her approaching, slow steps, as she became closer my trembling was more difficult to disguise. She stopped at scarce centimetres from me, I didn't lift my eyes, I looked at her small, delicate and sexy feet, which at the same time were terrible weapons that had broken Tom's jaw and nose and caused a lot of injuries and wounds to every one of us. "Get up" she comanded in a neutral voice. I did, she was a bit shorter than me, now I looked her in the eyes timidly, she was so beautiful !, from that short distance her beauty was almost painful !, her blue eyes sparkled with livelyness; that little angel-face teenager was adorable !. "Stop trembling guy !, it is pathetic seeing a man like you scared by a smaller and younger girl. Do you know what could have you done with that bar you used in two occasions ?, do you realize that with such instrument you could have caused me a very serious damage ??", she said this with a serious voice, "Y...yes, I'm... really sorry, please forgive me for..", "Stop !, it's enough, it is very easy trying something terrible, fail, and then apologise afterwards. You deserve a similar punishment as your friends; but I feel generous, and bored of beating all you up. Well, you are a bit skinny to my taste, but you are cute -saying this while passing a finger under my chin-, if you manage to achieve what your friend failed I'll let you leave, if you fail........", I felt enormously relieved on hearing that!, I would have an oportunity to scape from her punishment !. She smiled and got closer to me, rubbing her round and wonderful breasts on my chest, just that made me hard !. She took off my slip, and lowered it with the toes of her right foot, smiling again, that smile was melting me !, I was becoming excited very quickly......... too quickly actually !. She grabbed then my semi-erect pennis and started to stroke it. Her delicate hands stroke my member deliciously!, I couldn't avoid a moan of pleassure and excitation while my cock got full erect !. "Oh, Oh !, you shouldn't excite so much yet....., control yourself, that's the point". She looked at my dick, "Well, it's not so big as your friend's, but it can serve", then she stepped towards me, pushed me slowly to the floor, she went down beside me and situated exactly in the same position as she had been before with John. "Ready ?, come on, lick my breasts and nipples, suck them, and specially, do N-O-T come, OK ?", I nodded and started licking those exquisite boobs. It was wonderful, they were smooth, milky, but firm and hard !, her big and pink nipples soon became hard as diamonds, it was delightful !. She had started to rub her vaginal lips and clit against my dick, and started to moan. I felt it so smooth on my erect cock !, all that was getting me really hot quickly !. I tried to keep my mind absent, thinking of other things, but having such extremely beautiful creature in front of me, and doing that to me that was totally impossible !!. I felt that my cock was really about to explode !, my only hope was that she came before, but though she was very excited, she seemed to be enjoying the moment, and still far from orgasm !. She pressed my face stronger against her breasts, they rubbed my face in an extremely erotic way !, I tried to hold back, to resist...... but it was a lost battle; that supersexy girl was irresistible, her extreme beauty, and the weird feeling I felt sensing her as a dominant girl, powerful, totally in control......... it was too much !. She noticed my state of total excitation "Don't come, don't come !!!, hold it back !!!", it was too late, "I can't, I'm coming !!, OOHHhhh !, OOOHHHhhhh !!!", I had the strongest orgasm in my life !, my cock unloaded an unbelievable amount of sperm all over her !. "Fuck !, you are another impotent as your friend !, get up !!", I did, she got up too. Looking at me angrily but without saying a word she pointed at her abdomen and breasts, I knew what I had to do now. Obediently I cleaned her, it was disgusting, humilliating !, but I did submissively. I finished, I was kneeling, she looked at me from above, her hands on her beautiful hips. "I am not willing to finish this session of today without my orgasm !, so I'll get it one way or another. Then it will come your deserved punishment, but at the moment I'll keep you "entire". And the best way I can think of to get what I want now is really funny !, well........ I just hope you like it, lie on your back!". I obeyed. She turned her back to me and... sat on my chest !. The object of my desire !, the wonderful, perfect ass of that creature, the part of her anatomy that had driven all of us crazy today from the very first moment we had seen that girl, was right in front of me !!, and totally naked !!. It was the most exciting and heavenly vision I have ever had!!!!. Two firm glutes like two round globes that went deep to her still hidden ass were at scarce centimetres from my face!!, I hardly could resist byting that perfect object !, with that dazzling white silky skin !!!, but I had to, or I'd probably risk my life, it was so frustrating !!. "Well little guy, don't you like my ass ??, this is what all you were behind this morning at the airport, isn't it ?, touching it without my permission etc. Now you will have the oportunity to enjoy it, at its best !". I sensed my dick was getting erect again with that wonderful sigth !, but, in addition, would I be allowed to touch it?". She placed her feet behind my head, now her butt was almost touching my nose !. "Listen, you are going to lick my ass with your tongue, get it inside, deep and thoroughly, you have to drive me to orgasm or I will suffocate you by pressing your face against my butt. And be careful !, do NOT even think of licking, byting or kissing my glutes, just lick my ass with your tongue, or you will really regret it !!!", and saying this she stuck up her butt towards me and leaned forward, her asshole was now clearly visible between her meaty and muscular glutes, a small pink rosebud, tempting but....... what she ordered me to do was really disgusting !, but I had to do it !. I had dreamed with that ass from the very first moment I saw it with the thong through her white miniskirt, but definitively that was not how I had imagined it !!. I hesitated, "Come on !, start now or you will have a really bad time doing it anyway!". I closed my eyes, got my face closer to her butt, until my cheeks touched her wonderful white and smooth skin, took out my tongue and........ started licking her soft asshole, inmediatly she let go a moan of pleasure !. I went on like that, but after a couple of minutes she commanded, "Deeper !, inside, get your tongue inside !". I hesitated once more, she then pressed my face strong against her hard butt, I couldn't breath in that position !, in this way I was forced to stretch my tongue and lick her ass deeper, she moaned again, long and aloud, the teenager was melting in pleasure as I did that !. She started then to massage my erect pennis, and to suck it !. It was going to be a pleasure to me too after all !, or that's what I thought, because as soon as I approached orgasm she hold my dick pressing the upper part and prevented me from coming, it was frustating, and painful !, but she did it several times in the same way until I was about to explode !. Meanwhile she almost shouted in delight for my strokes in her ass. Then she started rubbing her clit against my injured throat, that was very painful !, I tried to complain, but no use, she was now feeling the proximity of her orgasm and went faster and faster, comanding me "Deeper !, go deeper and faster !!!", while pressing my face with her feet in such way that I was about to pass out from pain and suffocation !. I had to stretch my tongue as much as I could, with my mouth wide open and my lips stuck around her asshole. She started to shout in pleassure, rubbing her clit so strong that I would have screamed in pain if I had been able to !, then she came, having a delicious and extremely intense orgasm !. She ejaculated lots of vaginal fluid all over my throat, and while coming her sphincter closed strongly trapping my tongue inside !, in the middle of her climax she byted the tip of my dick !. It was a hell to me, what this morning I had imagined as the most delicious moment I could have..... had turned into the worst nightmare !!. Finally it was all over, I felt horrible, humilliated, nasty, my selfsteem deep buried in the earth. But it hadn't finished all yet. The yourg girl got up, exultating of joy ! "MMMHHHhhhhh GREAT !!!, well, at least you served for something !, eehhh, maybe I will not be so rough with you now, let me think...... have you ever done boxing ?, some martial art ?", "No, nothing", "Nothing !??, the weak boy who avoids any kind of fight, right ?, well, then you will only serve me as sparring", and saying that she went towards a place by the wall were there was a towel. Fear took over me again !. She was several meters away, luckily I could flee, I was very fast and had participated years ago in some 100 and 200 metres competitions. When she was with her back towards me I picked up my trousers, which happened to be very close to me, and started running towards the door, before reaching it she realized I was trying to leave, "EH stop !!!", I entered the big weights room, but had to stop for a second to figure out where the exit door was; that was my ruin !, she got very close to me running, I saw then where the door was and re-started my run, as fast as I could; but that girl was also incredibly fast !, she was getting closer and closer; anyway I was almost reaching the exit, she wouldn't dare to go out in the street and risk that the scene inside could be discovered. She was still at a certain distance from me, but then she did an incredible jump and reached my legs with her hands !, making me stumble, I got up and went on, but when my hand was in the door handle she jumped again and clashed against me, sending both of us against the glass of the door. I tried to get up and push her, the door was right there !, but fast as a lighting she gave me a karate knock in the throat with the side of her hand that left me out of combat, next she hit with tremendous strenght my solar plexus with her fist and I was done. Gasping for breath I bent on the floor. She lifted me and carried me over her shoulder. She took me up to the triceps machine, took out the handle, and tied my arms with the rope. Then she put on the other end of the rope all the iron blocks, thus my body was hanging from the rope several centimetres from the soil, the rope really hurt in my wrists !. Finally she took another rope and tied my ankles to a nearby bar, so I was left in the air, unable to make any movement. She left for the aerobics room. When she came back she had on again her thong and bra, and a pair of boxing gloves !, I looked at her terrorized !, "Don't worry, see that this is not serious fighting, but just a training, Ha, Ha !!", her voice was angelical, seemingly innocent, but I knew her fists were not. She started punching me, not so strong first, but enough to cause me a big pain !, I complained and shouted, then she took off the gloves, took a plaster from the medicin cabinet and put it on my mouth, and she went on beating me, harder now!. Her punches were demolishing !, she hit my stomach, chest, legs, sides. Then she started kicking me too, and that was worst !, her small feet were terrible pain-causing weapons !!; I just wished that torture finished soon !, I felt so humilliated and hopeless !!!. She was just training, that's right, a normal training as the many she performed daily in that gym probably; the trainings that had made her a perfect fighting machine!. But on top of all she was beautiful !, a teenage beauty, pure and simple, but perfect !. Those sweet eyes looked sharply when hitting me. Though she was not really beating me with all her strenght, one of her kicks, a round kick with her heel hitting my side was terribly painful !, and I sensed that it had broken my rib, but I couldn't even shout with the plaster on my mouth. I was just a toy in her arms, his slave !. The combination of beauty and power, slimness and muscles in that blond 15-year-old teenager was simply irresistibly erotic !, that was the sexiest and more exciting creature on earth !!!, and I'd fear, but at the same time adore her for the rest of my life. When she decided that it was enough all my body hurted unbearably!, I feared something else could be broken, a bone or some internal organ. She unwrapped my mouth and untied my feet and hands, then I fall like a sack to the door, at her feet; the beautiful and sexy feet that had broken my rib and caused me a terrible pain; I kissed them, adoringly, submissively, licked them from her beautiful red-painted toes to her ankles; it was a recognition of her total superiority !, she was my Goddess from now on !, but also a plea for getting her mercy and avoid further punishment and suffering. She seemed to be pleased by that. Then she tied again my hands and led me to the aerobics room where my friends were lying in the same position as we had left them 15 minutes ago. She took them one by one by his armpits to drag them together to the centre of the room, and tied all us, sitting, first our hands on our backs, all with the same rope, all together, and then some turns around our chest and belly. When she finished she looked at us charmfully; she was the Queen, the Winner, the Goddess !!, she had got a total victory, had proven true all what she had said at the beginning of that terrible evening. It had been an evening of pain and suffering, and each of us had begged her to stop, and even for our lifes !. She stood before us, not a single bruise, wound or injury on her beautiful skin, while in contrast we were no more than a collection of broken bones and teeth, bruises and dry blood on our faces and bodies. Her voice sounded musical again, "You have got what you deserved, I hope that today you have learnt that the best way to approach a girl is not what you did this morning, though....... well, I think some time will pass before you have a new oportunity with a girl. First you will have to spend some time in the hospital and recovering, hopefully it won't be more than a few months, I wish all of you the best luck and a quick recovery", her innocent voice didn't sound fake, and I was sure she honestly meant that !, "And then, well. You haven't raped me, but you would have if you had been able to, so I think it is fair that a judge decides" we started to get nervious !. She went to the beside room and when came back she had a video tape in her hands "This tape has recorded all that has happened here today, do you see the camera over there ??". Yes, there was a camera at the corner of the far wall and the ceiling !, "I will edit the film in such way that it be totally evident what you wanted to do to me, how you attacked me and how I had to defend myself to avoid being raped or injured; but I will omit the weapons, I do not want you to spend the rest of your lifes in prison !", and she smiled charmingly again !, we had to admit she had a good heart after all !, "I recognise it will be sort of humilliating for you that everybody knows you have been beaten up by a small girl, four against one !, but well, I'll leave out the sex scenes to preserve your honour intact, Ha, Ha !". John talked "You have no solid evidences, we will claim that all was a trap, that you provoked us, you have no witnesses !", "Here is where you are wrong dear !, do you remember the driver of the bus this morning. He saw everything through the rear mirror of his bus, how you harassed me, touched me... I called the airport as I arrived at home and could talk with that man. He confirmed that to me. I will say that you appointed me afterwards to come here, to apologise and invite me to something, and then...... the tape will tell the rest. I will not ask that you go to prison, but probably you will have to go for some short time, and then compensate me with a nice amount of money !; enough probably for my family to build the mansion we are projecting, and to buy the Jaguar I dream of when I can get my driving license next year !. Well, enough for today, I'll call the police and ambulances for them to find you. And now, bye, bye, and good luck guys !", we all started to talk at a time, complaining, begging her not to do that !, it was useless. I recovered soon from my wounds, the judge was not so hard with us, though I had to give most of my money to the girl, so I'll have to live on rental when I come out from prison. This will be next week, after one year in here. I swear I'll never pinch again a teenager's butt no matter how sexy and beautiful it is and how innocent and inoffensive she looks!!!.