Maternity - pt 1. By Marmot Jake Steele angrily slammed the door of his '68 Corvette. He watched in dismay as the action sent the car rocking, slipping, falling over the embankment into the ravine below. He swore a blue streak and the totalled car, the sharp cliff, the wet highway, the state of Wyoming and the freezing rain. In his recriminations, Jake neglected to include himself and the bottle of whiskey he had finished a few miles back. Finishing his rant in an inarticulate scream, Jake kicked the broken guardrail. The rain had picked up and had already soaked through his shirt. His fleece coat was in the ravine with what was left of the Corvette. "Might as well get going," Jake told himself. "There's sure to be a town up ahead." Turning on his heel, the angry man left the scene of the crash and stalked down the interstate. By the third mile, Jake's anger had subsided, and he was feeling steadily more miserable. Jake shivered, gripping his arms tightly as he walked. Stupid 'Equality State' would have to space it's towns hundreds of miles apart. Probably was voted into law by some women, who didn't have the sense to know he would need a town nearby. It seemed all his life, Jake was smarting from some stupid women's poor decisions. The highway passed over a local road just about the time Jake lost feeling in his feet. Much to his dismay, there was no off ramp - and therefore no town. Probably some stupid woman's decision to forget the town. Grumbling angrily, Jake slipped over the guardrail and made his way down to the crossroad. The nearest town on the interstate was probably hundreds of miles away, and he needed some shelter now. Jake slipped on his way down the hill, ripped his shirt and his pants as he slid uncontrollably to the pavement. He barely made it to the underpass when the glowering sky really opened up. Jake huddled in a corner, watching the ice storm spending its fury across the countryside. Jake was from Arizona and had never seen such a storm. "'Like no place on earth,'" he grumbled. "Tell me about it." --- Jake was jolted awake by the sound of the approaching vehicle. He looked out on the frosty morning. The ice storm had stopped, but the sky was still slate-gray. And the road was a solid sheet of ice. Jake stood on frozen, unstead feet and flagged down the blue Suburban. "Please stop," he prayed silently. "I'm near freezing!" He almost wept for joy when they stopped. Well, not really - real men don't cry. The door swung open and out stepped - oh no! A dumb broad. A blonde even! She was bundled up in a scarf and a thick coat with a flower pattern. Even through her coat, Jake could tell she had nice tits. When they made eye contact, the blonde's countenance fell. She looked so worried, it made Jake uncomfortable. "Hello, little one," she said. "What's the matter, little baby? Are you lost?" "I-i I'm n-not a li-little b-bab-by!" Jake shivered irritably. He wasn't a small child, and he hated it when stupid women treated him like one. It made him feel small, like he wasn't respected. "I-i'm c-c-cold!" "Poor baby!" the blonde said. "I mean, poor big strong man. Well, I'm sure a big strong man like you doesn't need any help." She turned and said into the Suburban, " Let's leave the big man here, he doesn't need us!" "You wait, bitch!" Panic welled up in Jake at the prospect of being left to freeze here. He rushed at the blonde, trying to force his way into the Suburban. He was surprised at how big she was close up - Easily seven or eight feet tall. And the car was also huge. Must have been custom made. He slipped from her grasp and desperately tried to dive into the car. The blonde just grasped him by the arms and held him outside. "L-let me g-go, bi-bitch!" Jake screamed at her. The stupid woman was actually going to keep him outside! He struggled ineffectively in her grasp. She was eight feet tall or more. "I don' w-wanna freeze!" "I won't let you freeze, little one." The blonde didn't look afraid of him like women usually were. In fact, she looked quite angry, and it was Jake who felt afraid. "But I also won't let you misbehave. I love you too much for that." --- Jake was shocked. He hung there passively as the blonde - definitely between eight and nine feet tall - held him in one arm while pulling off his frozen shoes and socks - and his pants and undies too! When his shrunken, freezing cold member was exposed to the sub-zero air, he was shocked back to himself. Once more, he struggled against the blonde, hitting her, calling her every name he could think of as she removed his shirt. *WHAP!* Jake felt the blonde's hand on his thigh like a thousand needles. He didn't cry, of course, but he was shocked into silence once more. "Naughty baby!" the blonde scolded. "Never fight against Mommy!" She sat down on the running board of the Suburban and pulled Jake over her lap. Her warm, dry coat felt wonderful to his privates, but Jake struggled anyway, afraid of what was to come. "Let me go!" He yelled. *WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!* The big blonde spanked Jake's cold, wet behind hard with her bare hand. "Baby never, EVER hits Mommy nor any female!" *WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!* Jake held his breath, determined that this stupid, crazy woman wouldn't make him cry. "Baby never, EVER calls Mommy nor any female bad names!" *WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!* Jake finally let out his breath in a long, miserable wail. *WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!* "Baby never, EVER contradicts Mommy nor any female!" *WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!* Jake finally broke down, crying bitterly at the pain Mommy - the blonde - was inflicting on his backside. *WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!* "If Mommy or any female says you are a baby, you never, EVER argue!" *WHAP!! WHAP!!* The last two spanks really hurt more than anything, and Jake was crying like a baby. "There, there, little baby." Suddenly Mommy - the blonde lady - sat Jake up on her lap. He wept uncontrollably into her breast and was very sorry indeed. His bottom hurt so much! He was sorry he said and did bad things, and he HURT! "There, there. Mommy's got you, little baby." Jake gratefully snuggled against Mommy and let her comfort him. She felt so warm, so good. "Mommy still loves baby." Jake was so glad. --- Jake snuggled against Mommy, holding tightly to her warm coat as she looked over his clothes. They were soaking wet, mostly frozen, and filthy. He was glad to be out of them, but he shivered with cold in her arms. "Come on, little baby." Mommy kissed Jake's cold, wet forehead. "Let's get you out of the cold." Jake just nodded, still clinging tightly to her, as she brought him from the cold outside into the warm, dry car. "My, what a better attitude baby has!" Jake let himself be laid down naked on the bench seat, and looked up at the big female behind the wheel. Like Mommy, she too was a blonde, but her hair was shorter. Jake felt small next to her. She too seemed eight or nine feet tall. Jake squirmed as she tickled him with a big, soft hand. Then he realised he was naked, and felt very vulnerable between the two giantesses. "He does have a better attitude, Momma." Jake looked up at a girl of about ten or eleven. She looked big - bigger than he was - and had the driver's features. "It looks like a spanking always helps males behave better." "Only if it is given in love, Annie." Mommy said to her. "Little baby here knew Mommy loves him and only wants the best for him, so he knew the spanking was good for him, right baby?" Jake nodded despite himself. Mommy opened her coat, revealing large, round heavy-looking breasts caressed by a flannel shirt. As the Suburban started moving again, she picked Jake up and cuddled his naked body to her. Jake soaked up the warmth of her body, the softness of her flannel shirt, the nice, safe way her arms made him feel. And he felt constricted, like just being held like this was like admitting he was as much a baby as Mommy kept saying. "Who are you people?" Jake demanded. Actually it sounded more sleepy, and he was embarrassed his voice didn't have its usual edge. He tried again, unsuccessfully, to be intimidating. "Where we going?" "There, there, baby." Mommy cuddled a sleepy Jake. "Call me 'Mommy,' and this is Aunt Kate and Annie." She kissed his forehead again. "We're taking you home." Mommy pointed to the sign they passed. -Welcome to Maternity - pop. 10,000 -