What I Want by Marknew742@aol.com Cliff can remake bodies as he wishes. But what does he wish for? 1 I am close now to my second great discovery, at the "tender" age of 17. If they only knew. When I was fifteen, and a relative runt, I discovered a mind-over-matter technique that allowed me to change my 5'9" 135 pound frame into my present hunklike 6'1" 210 pound body. Gradually, of course, so that no one would be suspicious, I gave myself little growth spurt. Four inches last year, another inch this year, just so that everyone would know I'm not "done," while I decided just how big I want to be. At first I went from being a little chubby to thin as a rail, so everyone would see I'd lost my baby fat. Then, after a lot of "helpful advice," I got interested in lifting weights, even though no one expected me to accomplish very much. But lo and behold, I grew by leaps and bounds. After a couple of months of work I'd gotten as big as some of the guys on the football team. Of course, I used the room at odd hours, mostly, when no one else did. Otherwise, I'd really have to do the lifting I said I was doing, and I can tell you it's much easier to go in at 5:00 am and sleep for an hour or two before showering in the gym. Amazingly, my muscles grew just as fast that way. Must have been the extra sleep! Don't expect me to explain how I do it. It takes just minutes a day, as they say in the ads, but my technique is a lot more efficient than isometrics. My body does raise eyebrows in my generally undersized family. I get to hear them ask themselves, and my parents, "But who does he take after?" at least fifteen times a day when the gang gets together for a wedding or a christening. My male cousins stare enviously at my bulging muscles and my strapping chest, which of course grow larger and larger each time they see me. The girls just drool over me, giggling as they peek furtively, over and over, wishing their boyfriends had a body like mine, conflicted about whether to push their friends at me or keep me free of entanglements, the better to daydream over. But of course I don't need their friends. I've had the pick of the school ever since the beginning of my junior year last September, ever since I "blossomed". "Little" Melissa, only 5'2" but with firm, round breasts and an overactive wiggle. Jennifer Lynn, a senior cheerleader no less, "natural" blond hair, with high, full breasts, great legs, with that perky, enthusiastic cheerleader attitude to everything she does. Caroline, a tall, busty (see the pattern?) basketball player who loves to get rough and physical with a guy who can handle her easily enough to be "gentle" and still win. Not to mention the worshipful looks I get from just about every girl who walks by. Of course, not every girl drools over me. Rebecca Weston, I confess, has not succumbed. I sat next to her for a whole year in advanced math in 9th grade, chatting her up, passing notes, making jokes, giving her my homework, but that stuck-up bitch just looked down her nose at me, raised her eyebrows, ignoring me in all those subtle and unmistakable ways pretty girls learn. All year I fantasized about her, especially as I watched her body develop before my eyes, from slender beauty to voluptuous beauty. In fact, it was the transformation of her body that inspired me on my esoteric studies. At the time, I thought my being two inches shorter than she was the problem. Then as I mastered my arts in tenth grade I got taller. No difference. Was I too skinny? I soon filled out with a build as spectacularly masculine as hers was feminine. Still no interest. Just the other day, I walked over to her at her locker, looked down at her face (incidentally taking in those two highly distracting mounds on her chest) and suggested that the two of us would be a great pair. She said, "I already have a great pair, Cliffie, don't you think," and gracefully swung her locker door shut with a gentle tap of her hip. Then she walked away, her ass swaying to say to me no way, no way, no way, no way as she proceeded down the hall. I hate the name "Cliffie." No one else calls me that, not since my growth spurt. Except for Mom, and even she's migrating to Cliff, with the way I grimace at the no longer appropriate diminutive. But back to Rebecca. She is achingly gorgeous. Perfect body, perfect face, perfect nose. Even her lips play their own symphony of curves and color, registering, in that perfect shade of red, the most minute shifts in her moods, her reactions in every conceivable hue of scorn to the entreaties of us mere mortals who surround her. But who can focus too long on her lips, when that incredible body is so close? When she moves, each tiny part resonates with its own frequency, its own special logic of dance, all combined into a harmony that sings with teasing seduction. Did I tell you that I hate her? Did I tell you that if it weren't for her, I'd have the highest grade point average in the class? That she nosed me out for a fully paid summer study program in the Rockies, which her parents could have paid for anyway, while I ended up with a summer job and a computer course at the local college? That she managed a perfect score on the college boards while I was two ticks below? And such a goody-goody, helping out at the local hospital where her Dad has his practice, letting all the doctors ogle her in that tight white uniform they make her wear, probably giving the patients coronaries too while she's at it. And the word is she's having trouble "deciding" whether to start her modeling career or to wait until after college. After all, she doesn't need the money, just wants the experience. Well, I will have my chance. Soon, maybe tomorrow, I will not only have the power to remake myself, but also to project this power into others and remake their bodies too. Then, Rebecca Weston, you may no longer be the most beautiful girl in the world, or even in the third row of desks in your homeroom class. Just you wait. 2 Here we are, June already. It's taken longer than I expected, but I can do it. I tried it out on Marvin, our dog. Changed his spots around, just a little bit. Melanie, my brat kid sister was the first to notice. "Mom! Look what's happened to Marvie!" Mom couldn't see what Melanie was talking about, but Melanie got more and more excited and finally pulled out her photo album to show Mom, who then called Dad, who said some kind of stupid Dad thing, like "Oh yes, as beagles get older, sometimes their spots change color. It's nothing to worry about." Right, Dad. Now Melanie thought Marvin had cancer or was dying. So I went in and boosted her endorphin level a bit to shut her up. She sure got happy quickly. I ought to try it on myself sometime, but I don't do drugs. Then I felt a little guilty for messing up her head, so I took a few pounds of her extra flab around her waist and moved it up a few inches where it would look better, firmed up her tummy and her rear, and then retreated to my room, feeling like I'd been a good boy for being nice to her for a change. So what happens? As soon as she comes down from her little high, she starts screaming about how her clothes don't fit and she needs hundreds of bucks for new ones. And then she has the nerve to hit me up for some cash. Forget it, sis. So we end up fighting, because Mom and Dad shelled out a lot when I went through a new size practically every week last year and eventually she gets what she wanted, but that's the last time I'm helping her. I have to say, though, that she looks pretty foxy with the new body I gave her. Wait until Dad sees what he has to worry about now! The real fun would be at school. Ahh, hot June days, no air conditioning, hundreds of maturing young bodies crowded together in hallways and classrooms with as little covering as the regulations allow. But who will be my initial project? Melissa's too small, Jennifer Lynn's graduating in two weeks. It will have to be Caroline. I look at her from across the hall, admiring her firm, toned body from afar with my 20/05 eyes. Her complexion can be finer, her ass just a bit rounder, the bones less bony. I turn her over and inside out in my mind and realize ... no, then she won't be Caroline anymore. She'll be Rebecca Weston. This is harder than I thought. Well, for my trouble I raise her bust just a little. She looks at me again from afar, puzzled, and then a big smile and she comes toward me. I don't want to talk just now, so I point to my watch and run off the other way, only to bump into ... Rebecca, practically knocking her down. "Excuse me, Rebecca I "You shouldn't be allowed to walk around without a license in that hulk-thing you call a body, Cliffie. At least try to learn how to steer it. Maybe you can take lessons somewhere." "Hey, I said excuse me." She looks in the air, poor, long-suffering Rebecca. "Funny how half the nerds in the school bump into me by accident. Why should I expect any better from you, Cliffie? Just shows that you can dress them up, but the true form always must show in the end." "What are you talking about?" "You know what I mean. You may have the body of a Porsche, but inside you'll always be the little put-put who sat next to me freshman year." I glare at her and before I know it, I've put a huge red zit on her perfect nose. Her eyes go wide, radiating her annoyance with the intensity only her inherent superiority can justify, and then she feels her nose and her eyes get even wider. What big eyes you have, Rebecca, I think, before I think that I, of course, am the wolf. She turns suddenly and speeds down the hall, head bent. I hear she missed the rest of the day of classes. Female trouble is the word. Caroline and I have a mixed doubles match to play later. We're both good players but we're playing the second seed on the school team and his girlfriend Shari (who I know has the hots for me, but, well, another day). We're down, 4-2 the first set, mainly because he's used Caroline's serve for batting practice at my head. So I decide to get even. Brent, I say to myself, I like you. But I'd like you even better if you didn't have so much mustard on your serves, so I do a little remodeling inside and voila, Brent's arms and back are not quite what they used to be and what do you know, his serve has lost its pop. Caroline's so pleased with herself for hitting two return aces on his first serves she kisses me right on the court, while poor Brent fiddles with the strings on his racket, as if that were the problem. Behave yourself, Brent. Be a good sport and I'll give you back your strength AFTER we cream you. Then for part two, I give Caroline a little special sauce to serve. She's always had nice arm muscles for a girl, tomboy that she is at heart, but now I give her a bit of extra power, broader shoulders, stronger back, harder forearm, bigger biceps. Hey, I like it! The extra flesh goes well with her already rounded chest. She's staring at me while I work. Can she feel anything, I wonder? I never have. Well, I'm done, so I turn it off. "Come on, Caroline, let's tie it up! Show 'em what you can do." She nods, grunts (competitor that she is) and tosses the ball and whomp! A missile flies into the corner of the service box, passes Brent and burrows into the chain link fence behind, still rising. "Hey! I knew you had it in you," I say encouragingly. She looks, amazed, at the ball, which is three-quarters of the way through the fence, and crosses over while Brent struggles to pull it out. Caroline stamps impatiently then hits another ace, directly at Shari, who covers her pretty face with her racquet for self-preservation. Now Caroline gets that gleam in her eye, which makes her such a great competitor on the basketball court, and so much fun to wrestle, and takes special care with her next serve. She winds up and the ball explodes in flight past Brent for another ace. I give her the thumbs up and she gives me an I don't know what's going on but I like it look and then closes out the game with another ace, which poor Shari, relieved just not to be hit, lets sail by her. Caroline and I eat Shari's serve for dessert and I blow mine past my diminished rival Brent for the set. Not surprisingly, they beg off the second set and I let them go, to Caroline's disappointment (she loves to win, again and again, the quality of the opponent affecting only the flavor of the treat). I look at poor Brent, thinking how much more I like him when he's only a little guy, but I keep my promise to myself and give him back what was his all along. Caroline, good sport that she is, waits a decent interval, then rushes over to me and tries to crush me in her usual enthusiastic hug, which actually is now close to being a dangerous weapon. I return the favor and find that I like the extra tissue she's now endowed with. She can keep what I gave her, I decide. Why be dogmatic? I relax my hold and suddenly find she's hoisted me off the ground. This is something new, I think. I feel a great stirring in my (great) loins. Is there something erotic about powerful women I haven't yet appreciated? I must think about this. Meanwhile, Caroline is singing in counterpoint to my thoughts, "I feel so strong, Cliff and so good. You know how winning makes me feel. I just want to crush you in the nicest possible way." I know what she means. I am feeling the same way (with a slightly different metaphor of course, suitable to my equipment) and lamenting the lack of expansion space in my pants, but we have the usual logistics problem, which leaves each of us separating in heat. Awww, the trials of high school students without cars (or yachts) of our own. What more can I accomplish in one day? My new power works. I've begun to understand what to do with it. I've scored one against Rebecca. So my day is a complete success. Right? Well, maybe not. A little kink in my new powers shows up. 3 I'm up late reviewing my techniques, then go to sleep dreaming of Caroline (more than dreaming I admit and to be honest, in my thoughts, I make Caroline even more, say, developed, than she was this afternoon) and just as I'm ready to drift off, my phone rings (yes, yes, I have my own. A little privilege here and there). It's Caroline, sounding a little strange. "Cliff, I have to see you, right now." (I'm not dressed and uh, a little, uh, sticky.) "Can't it wait until morning? I can be around before school," I say hopefully. "No," she says, very firmly. "If you're my friend, and I know you are, you'll come now. Please Cliff, I need some help." There's something in the tone of her voice that makes me want to go see her, and also something that makes me want to be about a thousand miles away, but I think about wrestling, and about the cover of night, weigh it against my parents' "school night rules", consider the low probability of getting caught and the even lower probability of effective punishment, and then I'm washed, dressed and out of there. I go around to the back of her house, as she's asked, but I don't see her. "Here!" she whispers, somewhat forcefully I think, and I snap my head around to see and then, uncomfortably adjust the angle of my head. There is Caroline (how could I have missed her?) against the corner of the house, a full seven inches taller than I am, barrel-chested, barrel-armed (ok, it sounds silly, but I'm telling you...). "Oh, Cliff, this is so strange. I'm frightened." But not so frightened that she doesn't lift me and hold me against her, like I'm the well-worn stuffed bear she talks to when she doesn't want to speak to me directly. I struggle briefly against her, but, hey, her biceps are as thick as watermelons, and I'm not about to make myself a freak. Anyway, given my own self restraint, I know who's got the upper hand (not to mention the rest of her upper body). Besides, I'd just seen those marvelous muscles thirty minutes ago, in my own private little fantasy, which obviously was not just a fantasy anymore. Visually, the effect is outstanding, although I hadn't quite thought through all of the concrete implications, like one of Caroline's arms having enough strength to pin me to her mighty chest while the other is free to perch on her hip, a very sexy pose I quickly notice. One of the results of thinking with my dick, which I think guys do even more often than they'd admit. At least I'm honest. Still, given the situation, I figure I better act even more surprised than I am. "AAHHH! Caroline!! What's happened to you?!!!" "I don't know. I think it started when we were playing tennis, when I got into that serving groove. But then, I was sleeping, and suddenly it was like, I don't know, I was thinking of you wanting to make love to me (actually, Caroline, I wanted to fuck you) and somehow I started growing bigger and bigger and more muscular until, well, look at me!" "Look at you? I think I'm too close for that." "How can you joke about it? What am I going to do?" "Um, I do think better on my feet, Caroline, and aren't you getting tired holding me? I weigh over two hundred pounds." "I feel better with you to hold. Please Cliff. You don't feel too heavy to me." I feel her arm tighten against my back and then she grins. I can see that a part of her is enjoying this, which doesn't completely surprise me and bothers me a tiny bit. I reach out to feel her free arm, which is thicker than most people. Did I really make her that big in my fantasy? I'm sicker than I thought. "Cliff, what am I going to do?" "I don't know. This certainly is the strangest thing I've ever seen." "Do you hate me for being so big? Don't leave me Cliff." Her grip was getting a little uncomfortable. "Of course not, Caroline. I, well, maybe it's some kind of tidal thing." She looked at me like I was crazy, but I kept going. "Maybe it's the new moon and Saturn and it'll just reverse itself when Saturn declines from Orion. You were born with Saturn ascending, weren't you?" She nodded, then scowled. "What are you talking about Cliff? You always make fun of that stuff. Anyway, people don't grow in reverse." "Yeah? Well they also don't grow like you just did. Hey, there's probably some kind of logical explanation or maybe you'll go back to normal all by yourself." "You think so?" I shrug. "Sure." Then she gets this devilish grin, and I get a sinking feeling, the kind that never happens in the middle of my own fantasies. "Well, I hadn't thought of it that way, but if you're right, then I better enjoy this while I can!" Suddenly, I am flat on my back and Caroline has ripped off my clothes and is eagerly pushing my once again erect member (ahh, to be seventeen; tough luck oldsters) inside her. Other than the bruises her superhuman legs are producing, I survive intact, the act proceeding somewhat differently than my imagined version but no less successfully from my perspective and a bit more so from hers. By the fourth go round, however, I am not faring quite so well and I use my unusual bodily control in an unprecedented way. "Cliff, are you too tired? It's not getting any harder." "I know," I groan. "You know, long day today, school again tomorrow." She-hulk smiles. "At least we got to finish what we started." "Yeah, hey, Caroline, don't worry. I still like you." "As if I couldn't tell. You're my sweetheart Cliff." She gets that look again. "And I wanted to talk to you about Melissa." "Not now, sugar." I scamper off, leaving my giantess with a small (right!) pout and a resolution to undo this little situation early the next day before she gets too many ideas about her prerogatives. 4 I am a bit groggy at five, but after a brisk walk to school for my "workout" I realize that I have no idea how I made Caroline grow from a distance. Naturally I am thrilled that my power goes so far and the possibilities seem endless. But how do I duplicate it? How do I control it without watching the effect first hand? I don't want to make her a runt. I concentrate. I daydream. I search out Caroline's mind. Unfortunately it's not like I can hear the phone ringing at the other end, and even if I did, how would I know it's not a wrong number? This loss of confidence is highly disturbing. So I run over to Caroline's house instead, climb up the outside of her house and stand on the roof, looking at her sleeping with her legs and arms all hanging down the sides of her inadequate bed. Quickly, I start to shrink her, but as soon as it starts, her eyes pop open and she starts looking around. "Cliff? Cliff! Where are you?" Shit, I think. Can she sense me? I duck down, but then I can't see her, so I pop my head up again and there she is, looking right at me. "What are you doing?" "I...I just had to see what happened to you," I stammer as I slowly shrink her down, trying to concentrate. "It's so weird, I just sensed you watching me, and, hey I'm smaller, back to my regular size!" (Not quite.) I close my eyes, relieved that it's done. "I don't know. I think you're still a little bigger than you were." She stands up and examines her arms, feeling the hard balls of muscle that have grown on her. "Yeah, I guess so, but nothing like I was last night." She's disappointed. "Was that a dream?" I shake my head and show her the bruises on my legs and stomach, which makes her laugh with pride. "Oh well. I guess I still have something to show for it, and so do you. Want to have some breakfast?" She stretches, and I'm amazed again at how turned on I feel looking at her muscled frame. I want to jump through the window, in fact, tackle her, wrestle her and subdue her (I think I can) and then screw her (I know I can, because she wants the same thing), but the timing is bad and we both know it, so instead I nod and tell her I'll come back in fifteen minutes, when she's downstairs and dressed. She grins at me and blows me a kiss. I climb down and take a walk around the block to think for a bit, both about my sexual response to Caroline, and about this new power I have, which seems to have become almost second nature to me in no time at all. I sit on a curb, thinking, then wander back to Caroline's house. The door is open and I pop in. She's at the kitchen table, dressed in her usual June t-shirt and shorts, hair in a pony tail, freckles prominent on her smiling cheeks. The all-American amazon girl. Just then her older brother Ken walks in from his morning run. He's just back from school, a sophomore at Boulder. Ken's as big as I am, a jock like Caroline and plays varsity baseball and soccer. I don't like him. "Hey, Cliffie's growin' up. You gonna go out for a sport now, Cliffie, or are they just for show?" (Well, they are just for show, big shot, but that's none of your business.) "Ken, he hates when you call him that. Call him Cliff." "Oh yes, dear sister. I apologize for not treating him with the proper respect." I smile. "Is he here because he's eaten his folks out of house and home?" "Hey, Ken, I need to eat. That's how I got so big and strong. Are you still drinking your milk?" He raises his eyes. "You bet. Clean living wins in the end, Ken, and don't you forget it." I shrug. "Maybe. You never know, Ken. Maybe the next time you see me I'll be stronger than you." "Never, pipsqueak. You challenge me, you die." "Oh? Want to arm wrestle?" "Any day. Let's go." We sit down and I grasp his sweaty hand to start. We're a pretty even match and no one moves for about thirty seconds, but then I slowly move his hand down and pin him on the table. He looks up at me, amazed, then waves his hand and scowls. "Ahh, I'm just tired from my run. We'll do it again the next time you come over. Then we'll see who's stronger." "Sure Ken. Any day." He glares at me for mimicking him. Then Caroline pipes up. "My turn. I want to do you too, Ken." "What? Come on, sis. I don't want to hurt you." "I've gotten stronger since you've been away. Right Cliff?" I swallow. "Oh, she's pretty strong Ken." He sighs. "All I want to do is take a shower. OK, but no crying if you get hurt." "Promise." She's excited, licking her lips. I wonder if she really is strong enough to beat him. After all, I beat him. She's not as strong as I am, but she's a lot more coordinated and she might be able to pull it off. I stare at her as she settles into my seat and feel a little jealous of how natural she is. Even the added strength I gave her fits her as easily as the build she accumulated on her own. Rebecca's right, of course, about my still being a little guy, inside. I bet Caroline could handle any amount of strength without looking or acting like a freak. Oh well. I can't complain. Now they're locking hands. Caroline gets off to a fast start ... her quick reactions ... but Ken stops her advance and starts to move her hand back to vertical. Caroline puts her reserve strength in and stops him, and for a couple of seconds their hands are locked at twelve o'clock noon, shaking under the strain. Caroline's face is turning red from the effort and she strains again to push him down, but now Ken's superior strength is telling and he stops her easily and starts bending her arm back. Damn, I think. I really wanted her to blow him away. Suddenly, I see Caroline's arms balloon with muscle, her forearms swelling, her biceps growing to the size of grapefruits. I can see her chest and shoulders thickening too, straining against her t-shirt. Ken's jaw drops, just as Caroline effortlessly pushes his hand onto the table and then without even thinking, cracks the end of the table off. Ken is aghast. "Wh-wh-what's happening to you? Are you the She-hulk or something?" Caroline stands up, her mouth open too, then turning into pure exhilaration. She holds her arm out, her eyes running up and down along it, marveling at its vascular muscularity, its striated thickness. She tenses her biceps and a steely globe bursts through her t-shirt sleeve while her pectoral and lateral muscles simultaneously shred her shirt at the chest. "Cliff! Look! It's happened again!! I'm soooo-oooo strong!!!!" This time she's no taller, but as a result she looks even stronger than before. She puts her powershovel hands around my sides and lifts me like a rag doll, almost putting my head through the ceiling. "That's amazing, Caroline." "So do you still think it's Saturn?" "I...I" "I don't care. It's GREAT! Look at these muscles. I don't think there's anyone in the world who's as strong as I am." Ken finally closes his mouth, then opens it again to start talking. "What are you talking about? What do you mean by happened again? What does Saturn have to do with it? Are you on some kind of drug?" This gets Caroline angry. After all, she's as straight as they come. She drops me, turns on Ken and pushes him. Of course she has no idea of her own strength, and he flies across the room and crashes against the wall, then sinks to the floor. Caroline is horrified and runs over. "Ken! Ken! Are you all right? I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Speak to me. Say something." She bends down and picks him up to cradle him in her powerful arms. He opens his eyes, disoriented, looks up at his baby sister and realizes where he is. "Put me down! Put me down!!" Caroline lets him go and drops onto the floor, staggering, feeling his arms and his back to make sure nothing's broken, then looks at her carefully. "Who or what are you really, and what have you done with my sister?" "Ken, it's me, honest. Tell him Cliff. Tell him what happened yesterday." "It's Caroline, Ken. Really. She's uh, she's just growing. It happened when we were playing tennis and then, in the middle of the night too, but uh, she seemed to be fine this morning until now." Ken stares at me like he was trying to decide whether I was part of the alien invasion force too. His eyes narrow. "Now Cliff. You're a rational, intelligent person. Don't you find this just a little bit strange? I mean, just a little out of this world, like, may I say, impossible?" I nod. "THEN WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU RUNNING AROUND SCREAMING LIKE ME?!!! Unless you're involved somehow." He raises his eyebrows. He must be smarter than I give him credit for. "I don't know, Ken. I've never been a terribly emotional person, I guess. My approach to life is: if it's happened, it can't be impossible. Right? Now there's got to be a logical explanation." He stares at me and then at Caroline. "I don't trust either of you. You just stay away from me, and Mom and Dad too." "Ken!! I will not. You have no right to say that. They're my parents too. Just because you're older and bigger, well, you're not bigger anymore, you have no right to tell me what to do." She starts crying and runs over to bury her head on my shoulder, knocking me down in the process. I look up to her, hold up my hand and let her pull me to my feet. Nice grip she has, I like the way it feels to be handled by her. "Uh, Caroline. We'd better get going. Ten minutes until the bell, right?" "You better go by yourself, Cliff. I can't go dressed like this," she says, pointing to the open view of the right side of her chest. She glares at Ken, then goes up to her room, still sniffling. "Doo-doo-doo-doo. Doo-doo-doo-doo" I say in my best off-key rendition of The Twilight Zone motif, and leave Ken to his Wheaties. Shit, I think, leaving the house. This is not what I had in mind. Having hundreds of forty-two- inch-double-D-busted-sex-crazed-teenage-girls running around the high school would be a lot of fun for everyone, except maybe ol' soon-to-be-standout-no-longer-Rebecca, but even one superpowerful Caroline is a bit frightening (though more than a little thrilling). I'm walking quickly, completely lost in my thoughts and don't even see Melissa, practically trampling her in the process, but fortunately catching her (in a highly strategic spot, quite luckily). "Earth to Cliff! Earth to Cliff!" she says, smiling up at me and then burying her head on my chest and pushing her breasts into my stomach. I reach under her arms and pick her up, and she anchors herself by wrapping her delectable legs around my middle so that we're eye-to-eye. "You're not paying enough attention to me, favorite big boy. Something I should know about?" She sticks her pert lower lip out a little, which gets my attention, and then does the same with her chest, which naturally gets even more. "You know, I was playing tennis with Caroline yesterday. How about lunch at Ced's Burgers?" She's sucking on her tongue, thinking. Watching me wolf down a half pound burger, fries and a shake while she eats a salad probably isn't too high on her list, but then she brightens and nods. She puts her arms around my neck and squeezes and I carry her inside as the bell rings. "Thanks for the ride. See you later!" She runs off and I slip into home room under Mrs. Magruder's usual frown. I usually walk with Caroline from her home room next door to my English class, which is next to her class, but not surprisingly she's not there. So I'm on my own. I spy Rebecca leaning down to drink from a water fountain, a small Band-Aid on her pretty nose. Through her shirt, I see her brassiere jealously hugging those immense, perfect breasts. I don't allow myself any fantasies, but I can't resist a word or two. "Now I know you didn't cut yourself shaving, Rebecca. Are you hiding something that's just a little bit ugly?" She looks up at me, her face so fresh, so sweet, so dry (everyone else drips water down the chin after drinking from a fountain. How does she do it?) and so indifferent. She raises one eyebrow, lifts her hand to her face, and pulls off the Band-Aid, revealing her perfect white skin beneath. "I don't have anything ugly to hide, Cliffie, and, by the way, nothing that I do hide is little. But you'll just have to take my word for it, won't you?" She walks away, her body displaying its usual restless undulation, while I marvel at her beauty's remarkable powers of recovery. I feel more than a little pleased that she went out of her way to arrange that little show for me. I'm about to wonder why, when I realize the hall is empty. The classroom beckons. 6 I am getting spooked about this new technique. Sure, making Caroline into a superwoman with biceps that would fatigue most forms of metal, let alone human flesh and blood, was exciting. It was fun reading all of the learned opinions on her sudden growth and frightening power, and to see poor Ken slink around fearing that Caroline was the real world vanguard of the "Species" alien invasion force, but I have to say that I felt a bit too much like my old, puny self standing behind her at a few photo sessions she literally dragged me to, and wrestling with a girl isn't quite as much fun when she can lift you with one hand and pin you against the wall. Anyway, now she's disappeared into the U.S. Olympic Team, which is a blessing, because I was wondering whether I was going to exhaust myself healing the new bruises she gave me each time we got together. That's not all that's happened. There I am, watching the movie "Eraser" with Melissa one night and feeling a little bored with Arnold rescuing the helpless Vanessa Williams time and time again. I'd always liked Vanessa and saw her twice in Kiss of the Spider Woman on Broadway. Anyway, my mind starts wandering and given my new perspective on unusual fetishes I find myself thinking about Vanessa with bulging biceps, tearing the James Caan character into two pieces with her bare hands. All of a sudden I realize what I'm doing, and I look back at the screen, but of course, there's the film, proceeding as usual. Just then, Melissa starts moving her fingers around on my lap, under the cover of the popcorn, and, feeling the large mass that my little Vanessa Williams fantasy produced, giggles and starts fingering me skillfully through my pants. I turn to her and smile appreciatingly, then remove her hand before she causes an obvious mess (I know. Why didn't we rent a movie?). I go through the rest of the film with the old, familiar yearning, which is deflated but not appeased by the film's narrowing focus on Arnold's physique, to the exclusion of Vanessa, except for a nice scene with the terrorist in which she clouts him with a coffee maker. Melissa is a tease, but she always does finish what she starts, eventually, and that night is no exception. I don't think too much about my fantasy until I read an account a few days later on alt.fan.vanessa about a singing appearance she gave the night I was watching the movie. I had heard that she canceled her tour due to illness, but the story was that in the middle of a song, her body suddenly burst through her slinky sequined dress, sprouting huge, hard muscles not unlike Arnold's. I was mystified (although not only a little curious about her next action movie) at how my daydream had entirely unintentionally produced such an effect on someone I didn't even know, and without even looking at her, and I realized I was utterly clueless about what activated my power. Obviously, erotic daydreams were part of it, but if it worked every time I had a little fantasy, the world would be a different place than it is. As a result, I am a lot more cautious about using this technique. I'm wondering how I am going to get a handle on it. 7 Junior year ends, and I get a summer job at one of the posh local beach clubs. Not prestigious work, but lots of sun, girls in bikinis and good tips if you hustle. As you might imagine, I look pretty good in my beach uniform, and no one complains when I take off my cabana boy shirt on hot days. I worked here last year too, and the ladies just love to talk to me about how nicely I've developed since last summer, and I don't mind hearing it. Of course I have to deal with some jerks, and some of the rich kids there are the worst, but some of these rich bitches aren't so old, and their husbands seem to travel quite a bit. One of the other small pluses is that Rebecca's family belongs to this club, but I don't see her much. They're at the other end of the beach from where I work, and she spends more time auditioning for modeling jobs than exposing her skin to UV radiation. So, with Caroline off in Atlanta dreaming (quite realistically) about winning twenty gold medals (assuming she can survive the thousands of blood tests to prove she really is a girl and hasn't been drinking steroid shakes), and Jennifer Lynn getting into college mode, I've been spending entirely too much time with Melissa. (There's nothing wrong with Melissa, of course, that several nights a week with other girls won't fix.) I start going out to bars with the other working beach guys after work. They've all seen Rebecca once or twice at the club and are just a bit jealous that I go to school with her. I regale them with stories of her snottiness, changing a few parts where she might be seen to have gotten the better of me, but while we're laughing, we're all running a little movie of Rebecca in our heads, thinking about all those splendidly large, round attributes happened to coincide on one impossible, inaccessible body and feeling hornier all the time. So what do we do? Keep drinking, of course. They're getting more and more pissed, while I turn all the alcohol in my bloodstream to water (after the first mug, for the sake of companionship). Soon I notice a tall redhead at the bar looking at me, and it doesn't take me long to get up and talk to her, to the cheers of my mates. Her name, coincidentally enough, turns out to be Vanessa, Vanessa O'Brien. I ask her if she wants a drink, but she shakes her head and points to a mug of beer, three-quarters full, in front of her, so I grab it, down it, and ask if she'll have another with me. She puts her hand on my arm and gives me a little squeeze. "Nope. That was my drink for the night. You can take a walk with me though, if you want." "Yeah, sure," I say in my best relaxed tone of voice. We step outside and walk down the boardwalk. She's about 5'10", with long legs, a little small up top, but with deep green eyes that seem to glow each time we pass a street light or a car's headlights shine at us. Red hair, green eyes. I could spend a good amount of time learning my colors, I think. "You work at one of these beach clubs?" I ask. "Naah. The jobs for girls don't pay enough. I've got a waitress job for now. You in college?" I clear my throat. These kinds of lies always get out. "Actually, I'm going to be a senior in high school." "Get out 'a here! You're kidding me, right?" I shake my head. "Jeez. I would 'a thought you were at least twenty." I smile. "Haah! My girlfriends 'ould really laugh if I told them I let a high school kid pick me up. You are cute though." "So are you." "Yeah, I'm alright, I know. You got a car? No? That's okay. I got mine. We can go for a drive or something." We walk down to a battered Tercel and I squeeze myself inside. "I know it's pretty small for you. Me too. But it runs good. It's Japanese. My Dad was really mad when I got it. He's a cop, big on unions an' all that. Where do you live?" "Amagansett." She shoots me a look. "Not the fancy part or anything." "Sure. That's okay." She turns down a street that ends at the shore and cuts the engine. It's dark. "I think we're out a' gas," she giggles, "at least for the time being." She opens the door. I spring out to follow her as she finds a place behind the dunes, then stands there, waiting. I walk up to her to make the first move, and she laughs and starts running. So she wants a chase, I think. I turn on the speed, but she's very agile and keeps switching directions while I plow through the sand. Finally I grab her leg and bring her down on top of me. "Took you long enough. I was getting tired." I pull her against me and she kisses me. She tastes really sweet and I wrap my hands around her ass and pull her even tighter. I like the feel of her long legs against mine, and I know she can feel my stiff member through her thin shorts. She rubs against me, back and forth, sizing me up. "Mmmm. You are a big boy, aren't you? I can always tell from the fingers, you know." I grin. "You got protection, don't you?" My eyes widen. "Oh no! You're kidding, right?" "I-I-I." "Jesus!" She pushes against me and rolls away. "I should'a known. Gina tells me I ought a' carry it myself, but I like a guy to take some responsibility, you know? I mean...." "Hey, Vanessa, there's still stuff we can do...." She pulls her lower lip. "Okay, okay, I know. There's an all night place near here. I can get some." "I don't know if I'll still be in the mood." "I'll take the chance. Come on, Vanessa. Try it." She looks at me, a bit sullenly. The full moon lights up her eyes, and I'm feeling even more turned on, but I hold back. She looks like she's coming around. "Okay. You drive." I pull her off the ground and we troop back to the car and drive toward a place on the outskirts of my town. Vanessa's mood is improving, and soon she's running her hand up my leg and onto my dick. I don't know how, but her touch is firm enough to feel clearly through my cut-offs and light enough to drive me completely crazy. "I think you're going to get arrested if you get out the car," she laughs, obviously back in the mood. She takes her hand away, but I pull it back. "Quit it. There's people around." She takes my hand and kisses it, then lightly licks my palm. I'm going crazy. I park the car and get out, heedless of my obvious arousal and stride through the door and right for the condom display, grab half a dozen and reverse course ... only to slam into Melissa, practically flattening her. My eyes widen. She looks stupefied, starts to break out into a smile to laugh it off, then takes one look at what I'm holding, another look at what my shorts are struggling to hold and her face turns to stone, then fire, then water. Exploding in sobs and tears, she throws her box of Tampax at me and runs out of the store. Now I'm no longer in the mood. I pay for the stuff and walk back to the car, my shorts suddenly fitting a lot better. Vanessa's standing in front, leaning on the hood. "Don't tell me. That was your girlfriend who came flying out a' the store. Am I right?" I nod. "Yeah. She's like hysterical, then stops to look around, stares at me and bursts into tears again. She's a little thing, but she's got a nice figure." "Yeah." "Hey, don't just stand there. If you really like her, go chase her. I know my way home. I can tell you're not gonna be good for much now, and I'm too tired to listen to your story. Maybe some other time. What was your name again?" "Cliff" "Yeah. Cliff. I'll see you around. She went off to the left. I'd give ya' a lift, but I think you'd do better if you got there yourself." I smile and thank her and start running off to catch up with Melissa before she gets home. It's not too hard. She's crying too much to move too quickly. I put my arm on her shoulder. She turns and looks up at me and reaches up to slap me. I duck back and easily evade her. "Just go away! I don't want to see you!" "Hey, come on, Melissa. Don't be like that. I came back to see you, didn't I?" She's just staring at me. "We never said we were going steady or anything. You know I go out on other dates." "Yeah, well it's one thing to know that and another to see you in heat over some cheap bitch you picked up off the street. I hate you!" She starts raining her fists against me, which I can hardly feel, partly because she's so hysterical, and partly because she's so small. I notice a car stopped about a block away and I feel embarrassed being on the street getting hit by her, so I take her hands to stop her. "Just let me go! Let me go! It's no fair," she's whining. I had no idea she'd be so hurt by this, and I'm actually feeling a little guilty, which is fairly unusual for me. I do like her, after all. I look down at her body and then find myself feeling really turned on by her breasts bobbing around while she struggles with me. I want to say something, but I don't know what. Meanwhile, she's fighting with me harder and harder, and I'm a little worried someone's going to come along and get involved in this, so I pick her up and carry her down the block and through a path to a park, where it's more private. I look up and see that the car has moved too and parked, a discreet distance away. Now I know I'm being watched, maybe even being filmed, or maybe they're calling for the police. Meanwhile, Melissa's still struggling weakly in my arms, though less so than before because she's getting discouraged and tired, and I'm thinking what a creep I am, and how I don't deserve to get off so easily, and then this idea just seizes me of her deserving to be strong enough to take her anger out on me. All of a sudden, she stops moving and stares at me with her eyes wide open, and then she feels a lot heavier to me, like I can't really hold her anymore. She slides to the ground, looks up at me and then reaches up to my leg and in one fluid motion pulls me down on top of her. I think, 'Oh no, not again!', and turn my head and see that her arm mass has practically quadrupled, so that her biceps are probably thicker than they are long. She's looking at the same thing, completely awestruck, but only for a second, because she grabs me with both hands and with no more than a flick of her wrist hurls me ten feet into the air. There I am, spinning around, totally out of control. I land heavily on my side. I can feel my leg broken and I'm in blinding pain, but I quickly knit it up and stand up, before she can see what she's done. She's still coming at me though. I grab at her wrists but she just shakes me off and punches her fist deep into my stomach, knocking me flat again. Her technique is bad, but against that much strength I'm as helpless as a baby. She stands over me and she's about to stomp on my groin with a leg as solid as a sledgehammer when I yell. "Melissa! Melissa! What are you doing? Are you trying to kill me?" Suddenly, she kinds of wakes up and looks at me, clutching my stomach, as doubled over as you can be when you're lying on the ground. Her face softens and then looks totally vacant. I figure now's my chance and I concentrate on removing all of that muscle I put on her body. She opens her eyes and looks at herself, and she's completely back to normal. I repair my broken ribs, my damaged spleen and reverse the hemorrhaging that would have otherwise sent me to the hospital for two weeks and stand up, putting my arms around her (usually an acceptable male reaction to any form of stress experienced by a female, whether or not she has caused it). I can feel her slowly relax and accept my hug, until she's relaxed enough for her brain to kick into gear and she moves back to look me in the eye. "What the FUCK was THAT?" "You-you-I" She looks at me carefully. "I'm not crazy. There was a minute or two there when I was strong enough to throw you around like a piece of fluff, and don't you deny it. It was the same thing that happened to Caroline. But somehow it went away." "Yeah, I saw. I mean, how weird!" "Do you know anything about it?" I look her in the eye. "No. I mean, I saw what happened to Caroline. I mean, I was there. But, uh, no, I mean, how could this be happening?" "Did I hurt you, Cliff?" "Uh, yeah, I think so, I mean you hit me pretty hard and all." "I could have sworn I heard things pop when you landed, and when I hit you." I run my hand down my chest and up my legs. "No broken bones. I think I'll live." She stares at me and closes her eyes. Then she shakes her head. "You're lying to me." She starts crying again. "Maybe I could live you seeing somebody else, or with weird stuff happening. But the horrible thing is I don't believe anything you say. I don't trust you anymore, and I'd never believe you again!" And with that, she turns around and walks away. Even I can tell there's no point following her, not now. Damn, she's a lot smarter than Caroline. I hadn't realized that. I watch as she disappears, walking right by that parked car, which starts up and approaches me right after she passes. The window rolls down. It's Rebecca, her alabaster skin lighting up the inside of the car under the glare of the street lamp. "Life has its ups and downs, doesn't it Cliffie?" I swallow. "Yeah, I guess so." "And things seem to be spinning out of control for you. Yes, strange things are happening to Cliffie's girlfriends. Maybe I should take you for a ride sometime and try pushing some of the buttons myself." "You can She looks down at my inflating member. "Yes. I know. I can push your buttons anytime I like." The window rolls up, and she's gone. After that last jolt on the roller coaster, I just wanted to burst with frustration, not to mention pain. I activated a small hit of endorphins in my brain to take care of the minor aches from Melissa's bashing, but I've never been one to use my power to vanquish sexual frustration, as that type of suffering only makes the ultimate release more satisfying, so I sit on the curb and immerse myself in the glow of my natural high and my useless yearning for Rebecca. Well, I decide, I've gotten sidetracked. If I can't get Rebecca, I'll just have to make one. 8 The next day at the beach I cruise for a target, and it's not long before I find her, not one hundred feet away from Rebecca's cabana lies April Summers, sixteen years old, blond, friendly and cute, but most definitely not a killer. Is it her 34B breasts? Her 5'5" height? The slight jiggle in her thighs when she walks? Or maybe her laugh, which is too high-pitched and comes a bit too easily for my taste. (How did Rebecca learn how to be difficult in such an attractive way, I wonder.) Nothing I can do about that last part, but everything else is up for grabs. But first, I need to establish a bit more of a relationship, which is not hard. April is happy to meet me after work, with her Saturn (not quite in the same class of car as Rebecca's 'Z, but this is just the beginning.). We take a walk on the beach to watch the sun set, and then walk back to her car. I like the way she leans on me and laughs at my little jokes. Over burgers, we talk about people at the club, how phony they are, the usual stuff that interests girls, then I go on for awhile about my family, the car I want, where I want to go to college, and she listens and asks a few questions. I can tell she's interested, but a little unsure about why I've asked her out, so I steer the conversation a bit, in my subtle way. "You look like you're thinking about something. What?" "I don't know. You really want to know?" "Yeah, sure." "It might kind sound weird, I mean, I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but you've got to be one of the most gorgeous hunks around (hey, thanks). Why are you interested in me?" "What kind of question is that? You're a good looking girl." "Oh, I know I'm not bad or anything, but I'd think you'd be going for someone like Rebecca Weston. I mean, you guys would be such a power couple and all that. You go to the same school, don't you?" I nod. "I'm not into Rebecca Weston. I think she's very stuck on herself, you know. Not like you. But you do need more self-confidence, April. I bet you could be just as glamorous as Rebecca if you believed in yourself some more." She laughs. "I mean it. A lot of it is attitude. But you don't have to be a jerk, just because you're beautiful. You know what I'm saying." "I guess so." She reaches out, touches the back of my head and strokes my hair lightly. "I'll think about it. Maybe I believe you." I like the way it feels and I can tell this is going to be fun. So right then I take her hand and kiss the backs of her fingers, then look into her eyes while I search out her body with my mind, getting to sense how it's put together, and how I can improve it. Muscle tone first, I decide, as that will be the foundation for everything else, so I lay in some additional muscle fiber everywhere, take out some of the fat cells, firm the tummy, arms, legs, and those cute buns. She's flushed, biting her lip, and I wonder again if she can feel anything or do I turn her on just sitting here. I want to make her taller too, but I have to go slow on that, a quarter of an inch a week or so, so I stick to the subtler things. Her complexion is becoming smoother, her blue eyes deeper, richer, her lips fuller and redder, her vocal cords a little larger and stronger, for a more melodious sound. Nervous system, circulatory system, teeth, stomach, all the stuff that doesn't show directly. Her breasts, oh, I want to do her breasts, make them burst through that little halter top she's wearing, but miraculously I control myself. I can already see that they stand a little higher with the extra muscle tone I've given her. I pay the check, turning down her offer to split it, and we stand up. She almost trips, and giggles, saying that I'm making her dizzy, but I know it's the extra oxygen pulsing through her system from the improvements I've made in her heart and lungs. Amazing how the basics make a difference. I like the deeper overtones in her laugh too. Yes, this will be fun. She hangs on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. I can already sense her standing straighter, walking more solidly, confidently. She laughs again. "I don't know, Cliff. I feel so good. Do you always have this effect on girls?" "They like me alright, I guess." "Oh, I like you. I do. But somehow talking to you just makes me feel so alive. Maybe it's what you said about having more confidence. My Mom always told me that, but it's different, you know, hearing a guy say it, like he really cares about who I am." We're outside and walking to her car. She gives me the keys, so I get in the driver's side and then we're off for a drive out of town, to a quiet place I know. I look over at her and she's happy, nodding her head to the music, so I know I've read it right. I stop the car and we get out of the car and walk over to the beach, where she looks up at me and then pulls me down to her head for a long kiss, then I pull her down to the ground and we lie together, feeling each other's bodies. I already know what she feels like, having remade her from the inside, but now I'm enjoying the sensuous sleek feeling of her lithe muscles, her tight ass and the tight closeness with which she clings to me. I reach inside her halter and feel her breasts, not even a handful, and now I give in, a little, to my wish and give her another half cup size, and then another half, so that with the other changes she's probably a 36C. I wonder briefly whether I'll see her at the beach the next day, or whether she'll be too busy shopping for new swimming suits, but then she reaches down into my shorts and I lose my train of thought, at least for a few hours. 9 April's not at the beach when I get there the next day, but around the middle of the afternoon I catch her spying on me from halfway down to the shore, watching me hustle for my tips. I wave to her to show her that I've caught her, and I can see her smile and walk up toward me. "I have to make a junk food run for the Gallaghers. Want to walk with me?" She slips her hand in mine and we head off for the cafe. "Late nights don't bother you, do they?" "I slept until 11:00, and I would have come right here, but nothing fit right. I've heard of love, uh, I mean, being happy, changing your point of view, but, not your, I mean" I look down at her. Her larger breasts are definitely noticeable. Not Rebecca's size for sure, but they look completely different, and make her look much more mature. Not quite dangerous yet but suddenly more a woman than a girl. "I thought you looked a little different." She blushes. "You look great." "You think so?" Then she kind of tugs me so that I lower my head and she says quietly in my ear, "You know, I always wished my breasts were larger. I thought they were as big as they were going to get. Great timing." She gives my earlobe a kiss and kind of burrows her tongue inside, and I'm quickly becoming indecent, so I push her away, gently, and feel the nice solidity of her body. I want to make her bigger, taller, bustier, stronger right now, but I keep myself under control, order the food and then make small talk with her at the counter. The guys there are eyeing her, like she's new, which she is, in a way, and then I see their eyes snap away at something else. Without turning my head, I can guess what it is, and as I watch their heads pivot and their eyes dart, I know she's walking this way. "Well, hello Cliffie. Working hard for your pennies? You really should try modeling. I think they pay me more for getting my picture taken for two hours than you'll make all summer. But I suppose you wouldn't care for the rigors of working for Calvin Klein, now, would you? I'm sure he'd like you a lot." I grimace. "But tell me, who is your new girlfriend? She looks familiar. Are you from these parts honey?" "Rebecca! It's me, April." "Oh goodness me, April. I wouldn't have recognized you. You must be working very hard in the gym these days, just like Cliffie here did. And where did you get your breasts done? They almost look natural." "Why, no I just "Were you going to tell me it just happened? It must be love then. I've noticed falling for Cliffie does wonders for a girl. I should try it some time." She walks past me, the manifold gears and levers of her body rotating in their usual way to produce an irresistible longing in every man within fifty feet of her, drawing our dicks toward her as plants follow the sun. April looks down and frowns. "What is it about her? I felt beautiful when I woke up this morning, but now I feel so ordinary." Rebecca pauses and turns her upper body back towards us, the motion forcing her breasts outward in profile, like two battering rams against my heart. She raises one hand in the air and lightly stabbed her index finger, then continues on her way. "What was that, Cliffie, I mean, Cliff?" "She's telling me she's pushing my buttons. She thinks I'll come whenever she calls, but she's wrong." "Well, if you really want to, Cliff, don't let me get in the way. It's not like we're going steady or anything." I sigh and look at her. "I had a great time with you last night, and I don't see any reason to stop. Do you?" She shakes her head. "Good. Now I better get Mrs. Gallagher her Dove Bar, and the triple ice cream cone for her bratty daughter, or else she won't overtip me as usual and I won't be able to take you dancing tonight. Oh, and don't let her see me with you. She'll be jealous." April laughs. "Cliff, if the money's a problem, you know, I have "I'll let you know if it's a problem, ok? It's not a problem right now." "All right. It's just such a shame you have to cater to those people when we could be hanging out." "Don't I know it." I kiss her and hold her for a moment against the remnants of the hard on Rebecca gave me. We walk back and April disengages from me, but it's too late; we're in full view of Mrs. Gallagher and Brenda. I walk up and hand them their ice cream. She takes the Dove Bar, a little sullenly, and Brenda picks up right away on the chemistry of the situation and crinkles her nose at her ice cream cone. "Momma, he took too long, hanging out with that girl, and now my cone is all melted." "I'm sorry, Mrs. Gallagher," I say appeasingly, "but I came right back with it. It's just a hot day." "Cliff, I don't like to see you socializing when you should be working. We pay you a lot to work here. Do I have to put in a complaint about you?" "No ma'am, I "Make him get me another cone, Momma, and make him pay for it too out of his own money. It's only fair. This one's all drippy." I look over at Brenda and try mightily to hide my anger. She's an underdeveloped, unhappy fifteen year old with her mouth set in a permanent pout. Not that she's ugly. With bigger tits, a better disposition and a little work on her appearance she could be cute. But a makeover for Brenda is not what is on my mind at the moment. Quite the contrary, if anything. This little twerp runs me all over the beach every day, carrying her chair down to the water, carrying it back to the cabana, getting her cokes, ice cream, hot dogs, sending messages to her friends. Her family tips me well, and I know she does it mostly because she has a huge crush on me, but why should I be understanding? She flaunts her power to make me do things for her, and all I'm looking forward to is putting her in her place once I get the last $50 tip of the season. "I think Brenda has a point, Cliff. We've been very generous to you all year. I think we have a right to demand your full attention. That girl is not in your section, is she?" "No ma'am." "Well I for one don't want to see you with her when you're supposed to be working, and I'm sure I speak for the rest of us on Court B. Is that clear?" "Of course ma'am. It won't happen again." "Well," she sniffs. "All right then." She looks at Brenda, who has now finished most of the cone, which really isn't all that bad. "And that's enough ice cream for you today. You're going to get fat if you keep eating." "I'm not as fat as you." "I wasn't fat either when I was fifteen. Now why don't you go for a swim? All this talk is giving me a headache. Cliff, would you run and get me an aspirin? And then you can take Brenda and her chair down to the water. That's a good boy." I leave and turn around when I'm twenty feet away to catch Brenda staring at me. She blushes and runs back inside. This is my day. As usual, Rebecca has a point. I work my butt off to serve these snobs, and earn less than I could if I used my brain. But I'll have plenty of time for that in a few years. Right now, I decide, the sun and the view are worth it. 10 I ease off the transformations for a week or so, to let April get used to her new body, and sure enough, little by little she learns what she can do with it. Picking up on Rebecca's remark, she starts spending time in the gym, and by the end of July she starts turning those toned muscles into clearly outlined bulges on her arms and shapely calves and thighs. She dresses differently, now that she has more of a chest to throw around, and more dramatic shoulders to accentuate her waist. When we're out on the dance floor, she now draws more looks than I do, which is actually quite fine with me. By mid-August, she's grown an inch and a half in height and more muscle all around. I've bumped her up another cup size too, so that little girl is now 5'7" with a 38D bust. Going out with her is a blast. Everyone stares at us, and we take it as our due. I particularly get a kick out of watching April interact with other guys, making them keep their distance. We're out at a bar one night and one little jerk is being especially obnoxious. He's older than us, about nineteen, but he's only about 5'9", and just a little more muscular than I was before I started my growth spurt. He's hitting up on April while I'm getting us some food and I'm watching from across the room, just to make sure April doesn't need rescuing. I can see her telling him to buzz off, but he doesn't move, he just leans in closer to her. I can see her look of disgust and then she turns away, just giving him the cold shoulder. I start to think I should help her out when he puts his hand on her to pull her back to look at him. That really gets her mad. She hates when any other guy gets too familiar with her, and I see her jaw clench and her muscles tense. (Wow, I think, when I see her biceps pop out. Did she do all that herself? I have no idea.) She says something to him and then takes his hand off her shoulder, but he just puts it back on. I start to walk toward them, but she catches my eye and raises her eyebrow slightly, so I figure she's not asking for help yet and I stop. Meanwhile the guy keeps pushing his face closer to her and is clearly staring down at her tits, which are already slightly compressed against his chest. Suddenly, she slips her hands under his arms and lifts him up in the air. He looks shocked that this busty blond has just picked him up four inches off the ground and he looks down at her and, for the first time, he sees her biceps, which are now really popping. I can see her smiling, and then she throws him back a little so that he sails right onto the dance floor, crashing into a few couples and landing on his back. April claps her hands and laughs, and the whole crowd, which was watching this scene with sideways glances, now cheers her. I walk up and give her a kiss and then pick her up for a little victory twirl, and we settle down to a night of free beers and some very triumphant boinking. I wish I had all year to play with her body, but you know summer romances. They never taste quite as good when the weather cools off. As the season ends, I start to figure, well, I've had fun, and I'll be leaving her with a dividend she can enjoy the rest of her life, but it's time to move on. Besides, something happens that makes me think. Rebecca continues to be pretty scarce at the beach, and I frankly stop giving her much thought. After all, I'm pretty pleased about the way April's turned out. But one evening in late August, after I've packed up the last of the crap for the Gallaghers, I make my way over toward April's Court and I see Rebecca, her back turned to me, her hands on her hips, just waiting for her mother to finish dressing. And it's like a blast of hot air hits me. All of a sudden, it's like I've been eating supermarket tomatoes all my life and someone has just popped a freshly picked garden tomato in my mouth. Sure I've given April a spectacular figure, and somehow, consciously or unconsciously I must have made her an amazon as well, but from one hundred yards away, showing only her ass and her legs, just standing, motionless, I feel a momentous yearning throughout my entire being, and I realize that Rebecca Weston is a five course three star meal that I simply must consume. I feel her presence like a thousand year flood, and I can see that April, waving to me from halfway down the court, is only a month. That evening, April senses that I'm a little distant. There was a time when she would have blamed it on herself and felt withdrawn, then a time when she would have fought for my attention, using with increasing skill all of the new weapons of attraction I gave her. Now she simply stands up, puts her hand on her formidable hip, and leaves for the ladies' room, never to return. 11 So I've been dumped by April, and I'm not feeling badly at all about it. I pay the check and go home and call Rebecca, on her private number. "Hello?" "Rebecca, it's Cliff." "Cliff? I don't think I know a Cliff." "Rebecca, you know me, from school, the beach." "Listen, I I know she's going to hang up. In desperation I say, "You know, Cliffie." I hear a low chuckle. "Of course. Cliffie. I won't ask how you got this number. I never gave it to you, but I know you can be very clever." (I have good eyes and ears, you see.) "I want to talk to you." "So? Talk then." "Not like this. Can I come see you now?" I hear a low sigh. "No. I'm sure we'll run into each other sooner or later." "Please Rebecca. It's important." There's a long pause, then, in a lower, richer tone, she says, "OK. Come now." And I almost do (in my pants). I spruce myself up and then speed over to Rebecca's house, in the estate area, as fast as I can. The lights are all out, except for the den, where she's reading a book. Either her parents are asleep or away. She opens the door, wearing a loose robe and a sheer nightgown that's very low on top and very high on the bottom. In fact, I can't believe how much flesh she leaves exposed. It seems at least to my imagination that her gown is held up solely by the force of her nipples. I'm amazed that she's dressed this way for me. "For a boy who had to rush over to talk, you are very, very quiet Cliffie." I must have been standing, staring at her for some time, because I suddenly realize my throat is very dry. I clear my throat and walk inside, barely able to keep my eyes off her. She closes the door, the motion setting off seismic waves within her gown. "Is you mouth dry? Need a mint?" I nod. Prepared, as always, she opens her hand and places a bright red hard candy into mine. I pop it into my mouth and suck on it furiously. "So? What was so important?" The words just tumbled out of my mouth. "Rebecca, you know you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I just had to tell you." A faint smile is showing. "You mean, you've only just discovered this, Cliffie?" She looks directly at me, and my head burns from the sudden focus of her attention. "What about April? The last time I saw her she looked very appealing, almost made to order. Or isn't she your type?" "She's nothing compared with you." "Of course she isn't." She walks away from me and lounges on a sofa across the room. "We all have our special talents, don't we, Cliffie, and beauty is mine. Am I right?" I nod. "And what about you, Cliffie?" "Me? What do you mean?" "I think you know what I mean." "I-I have a talent too," I say slowly, reluctant to divulge anything, but thoroughly under her spell. "I can," I swallow, then decide it's better to show than tell, and I start to think about making Rebecca just a little taller, when "DON'T YOU DARE, CLIFFIE! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" I look at her in disbelief. Her eyes are flashing fire, her face is red. I've never seen her this way. "I didn't like that. You'd better go." "But, I-I didn't mean "I said go, Cliffie. Now." She stands and wraps herself more tightly in her robe, which only accentuates the curves of her body. I want to cry out in longing, in desire, drop on my knees to beg to stay, but I stand obediently. "I wasn't going to do anything bad to you. Please Rebecca." "Don't you ever, ever think about me that way. You have a lot to learn, Cliffie. Now go!" I leave the room and head for the door by myself and turn once to see Rebecca glaring at me from the hall, her arms firmly crossed in front of her chest like an immovable elite guardian corp defending the palace. I walk home slowly, replaying the conversation in my mind. Was this simply proof that my technique can be sensed by the object's conscious mind, or did she know more than that? She is so maddingly smart, and anyway, what male can maintain two consecutive conscious thoughts in her presence? I toss and turn in bed for hours, the taste of the mint curiously lingering in my mouth, then finally fall asleep at 3, awaking barely in time to make it to the beach for the next to last day of work. It's a cool day, and I decide not to bother setting up the chairs in advance because most of the members probably won't even show. I sit in my chair at the head of the court, dozing, my moth still dry, until I feel someone kick me. I open my eyes. It's Brenda. "You're not supposed to be sleeping. Why aren't my chairs on the sand?" I stand up groggily and look around. She's the only one in sight. "Where's your mother?" "She dropped me off. She has errands to run." I nod. "OK. OK. Give me a minute. Where do you want your chair?" "By the dunes. It's private, and I want to watch the waves and read. And I'll want you to get me lunch and snacks and stuff all afternoon. I'm having my own little party." I groan. The dunes were on the farthest end of the beach, on the opposite side from the cafe. I think for a moment. "Tell you what. Why don't I get lunch now? I'll take my beeper, in the unlikely event anyone else shows up and we'll go down together. I can sleep as well there as anywhere else, and then you can tell me when you want to go back. It will save me a few trips." She considers it and decides that having me around might be better than the fun of ordering me to trudge back and forth all morning. So I get lunch and her chair (naturally she picks the heaviest one), and we start the long hike to the dunes. We walk along the shore, and I look back toward Court E and notice the door to Rebecca's cabana is open. Probably just her mother. I set up the chairs and lunch and we eat together, both of us facing the shore. I notice that she takes sidelong glances at me from time to time, and I figure she wants to talk. Well, I'm not going to make it any easier, and I keep my gaze on the horizon. "Do you work out a lot, Cliff?," she asks, smiling a little, her voice relatively pleasant in an attempt to make conversation . I nod. "I guess you'd have to, to look like that. Men are so lucky that way, I mean, if they work at it, they can just build themselves up. The only thing a girl can do is make herself fat or skinny. Nothing I do will ever give me a body like your girlfriend April or Rebecca Weston." I laugh. "I guess not." She doesn't look too happy that I agree, and the pitch of her voice rises a bit. "You really like April, don't you?" "Actually, we broke up last night." This interests her. "Really? Why?" I shrug. "I don't know. It was just a summer thing." "God! Just like that. You didn't really love her then, did you?" She looks at me again, trying to figure out whether there's some kind of opening for her. "So, now you're, like, unattached, huh? Well, uh, could you, like, rub my back a little. It's kind of tight." She turns and arches her back, showing those pointy little booblets. I scowl involuntarily, which frightens her off. Her voice rises to its usual annoying pitch. "You're so full of yourself, you know? Just because you've got this great body, and you know it too. You probably figure you could get any girl you want just by snapping your fingers." I shrug. Of course it's not true, but I'm sure not going to talk to her about Rebecca. She starts sniffling and her lower lip swells into a pout, but somehow it just seems like an act to me this time. (Being tired makes me even more cynical than usual.) Anyway, she whines, "I only wish you felt what I feel, and I could be in your shoes for a change. That would teach you, for sure!" This is really unbearable. "Hey, Brenda, stop acting like you're the only person in the world who's ever been frustrated. You know I didn't always look like this," I start to say when suddenly I feel strangely weak, like I'm getting the flu, and I start to shiver. I look over at Brenda who looks angry, almost triumphantly so, her jaw tightly set. I try to concentrate, to identify what part of me isn't working right so that I can fix it, but I can't focus for some reason. I don't panic. This has happened to me before when I'm tired, so I lean back in the chair, try to relax and center myself. Ignoring my sudden lassitude, she goes on, "Oh yeah, like I'm sure you did. Well, who cares anyway." She smiles, beams in fact and throws her arms out to greet the ocean. "Will you just look at the surf today. I love to stand here and feel the wind blow through me. I could do it all day. You can sit like a lump if you like, but I'm going to swim. Wanna come?" I shake my head, relieved that she'll be gone for a while, and close my eyes. Thankfully, the beeper doesn't go off. About napping half an hour I hear her shouting to me, so I open my eyes. I feel a little better. There she is, standing in front of me, dripping wet and getting me wet too. She's looks different, and she's grinning too, an expression I don't think I've seen on her face before. I look her over more carefully, and realize her body has changed. Her breasts have filled out, but it's not only her breasts. Her hips are wider too. And then I notice too that her legs and arms have thickened. I even see small biceps on her arms. Nothing spectacular, just the long, low ridges some women have, but there's something there where there was nothing before. "Hey, were you watching me? I was just zooming around out there, cutting through the waves. I don't even feel cold, but then I thought I'd come back and see what you were doing. You're so lazy. Is this all you do when you don't have to work?" "No. I just didn't sleep much last night." "Why? Crying about April? Maybe she's the one who broke up with you?" "None of your business." She makes a face at me and I look at her again. She's swinging her arms around, twisting the top of her torso back and forth. It looks childish, but with her new breasts fighting her swimming suit as it struggles to accommodate her movements, it's hard not to watch. She knows it too. What was the matter with me? Why was I doing this? I sit down and concentrate, but I can't sense anything. No thoughts about her. Certainly no fantasies about her. But I must be doing it. "Hey, Cliff, notice anything different about me?" "No." "You're lying. Look at me. My breasts are bigger. And I'm taller too. I thought you were going to say something, but if you're going to pretend you don't see, well, I'm going to make you." What can I say? She's definitely popping right out of her one piece suit, which is now barely large enough to cover the bottom of her breasts and is pushing them up in a very noticeable way. And now she takes her arms and pushes her breasts together so that they stick out even more. "It's because of my wish." "Your wish? What wish?" "The wish I made. I got a wishing stone, and I made a wish on it. And it's coming true." She stands and arches her back and her round, fleshy breasts now pop triumphantly over the top of her suit, which drops sadly down to her waist. And they're absolutely lovely breasts, perfectly round, with the nipples pointed high like two extra eyes. And in spite of all of my feelings about Brenda, I'm getting turned on. "What do you mean wishing stone? Can I see it?" "No way. Anyway, it only works once, and I threw it back in the water after my wish, like she told me." "Who?" She sticks her tongue out at me. "I'm not telling. Hey, look at your thing. It's getting bigger. I can see it pushing through your bathing suit. It's me, isn't it? You wanna do it with me, right?" She's talking nonsense, about the stone of course, because she's absolutely right that I'm getting a serious hard on for her body, which is getting sexier with each passing minute. Her breasts keep growing, rounder and sweeter, while the curve from her waist to her hips is developing into a spectacular ratio. I'm guessing she's already about a 38-22-38, but I'm not a dressmaker, so don't take my word for it. Not only that, but her fitness level is increasing too. Her waist is not only small, but it's looking harder and harder beneath her little suit. Her legs are developing too, with sexy round calves and solid thighs. I want to grab her, fondle and suck her breasts, and wrestle her down in the surf to make passionate love (or fuck, as I usually say), but shit, this is Brenda. Besides, I'm still trying to get back control of my body, and hopefully of hers as well, and I can't seem to engage my power. The first little stirring of anxiety starts to awaken in me. "Tell me who you got that stone from." "I won't. Are you going to make me? So why don't you try? Afraid you won't get your big tip?" She talks in this immature sing-song voice, like she's eleven years old, even though she's fifteen and now looks like she's fully grown, and then some. And I'm starting to get angry. I don't know whether it's lack of sleep, the tension of seeing this little twerp suddenly walking around half- naked in front of me with a body that would make April die of envy, or that last taunt after a summer of trying not to show this little bitchlette exactly what I thought of her, but I stand up to face her down, to intimidate her a little with my size. Only I don't feel so intimidating all of a sudden. You see, when I stand up, instead of looming over her like I should, I'm only a few inches taller than she is. I'm thinking, of course she's growing. Where else could she put all of that shapely flesh if she were still only 5'3"? And then I look at her again and her tiny waist is even smaller than before, curving out to hips as luscious as I've seen and a tight ass that sings to me to be pinched and then flattened by my fingers as I pull her against me. She follows my eyes and wiggles her new tail and I feel my blood pounding. She stretches back again and I watch those tits stand in the air, just floating free in the wind. "Now what do you think of my bod, Cliff? Don't you wish you'd been nicer to me all summer? Take a good look now, cause I'm putting them away." And she takes the sweatshirt I'd brought and stripped off and pulls it down over her chest and damn if her tits don't fill up the whole extra- large shirt, and maybe even stretch it out even a little more than my chest does. She curls her lip a little and sniffs under the arm. "Jesus, Cliff, I'd think you'd wash this thing every so often. Can't you afford it?" And she runs back into the water and dives into a wave, pops up, squeezes herself a few times to wring out the shirt, then gets it wet again and comes out, shirt dripping and stuck tight to her chest, showing every goosebump on her tits, including two huge ones where her nipples are. She reaches underneath and pulls off the old suit, then runs her hands down her sides and cups her hands around her waist. I can't believe how small it has gotten, although intellectually I know that I haven't found any limit yet on how I can alter the human body. She does a little shimmy with her hips and puffs her lips out at me. I feel like my dick is going to bust a hole in my suit and I figure whatever's going on, there's no use in resisting what dick wants, so I walk toward her. "That's right, Cliff. Come and get it." I put my arms around her tight buns and pull her into me, feeling the springy softness of her large breasts spreading against my chest and bend my head down (only slightly now) to her lips. "MMMmm! Yes Cliff, let me have a real kiss from you," she moans, and I comply, pushing my lips further into her as my tongue finds hers and my steel hard rod probes too for its goal, frustratingly trapped behind my suit and hers. Of course, this does nothing to quench my desire, and as I strain my body forward toward hers, I'm also looking for some indication that she wants to move from the vertical to the horizontal, and failing that, to find some other way to play. But she has other ideas and breaks off the kiss. "Uh-uh-uh," she sings out, voice rising obnoxiously. "That's enough for now." And looking at my expression, she adds, "Oh, am I a tease? You'll have another chance later, if you're up to it," she says with a wink. "But right now, I want a Coke," and she snaps her fingers. "You've got to be kidding. I'm not walking all the way back there now for a Coke! I've already brought you what you ordered." "You'll do it!" she orders shrilly. Then, in a softer voice more fitting to her sex kitten body, "Don't you want to do it for me? I'll be much happier after I drink my Coke." I glare at her. Then I remember something and walk over to my carrying bag and pull out a can. "Take mine, if you really need it." She looks disappointed, but flips the top and drinks about a quarter of it, then bends down and screws the can into the sand, the motion making her breasts flop wildly under my sweatshirt. "What's this all about, Brenda?" "It's about my getting what I want." You always get what you want, I want to say, but I hold my tongue. After all, summer's ending in two days, and after that, well. "OK, you've got a great body now, somehow, and you've got your Coke, thanks to me. Are you satisfied?" "Not quite. There's still more that I want." "I'm not going back to get you an ice cream cone, or a hamburger." "That's not the kind of meat I want." Hearing that makes my dick jump to attention again and she watches it with glee. "Oh lookee! It's getting bigger again." Her lip curls slightly. "Well, I think I'm ready. Yes. You can make love to me now, Cliff, if you can get me down on the sand." I look at her like she's crazy, but I don't hesitate more than a second before I hustle over to her and put my arms around her, but she feels different than before, more solid. "Yes, Cliff, feel my body, it's all yours (in a way) for the taking, but you have to take it. Wait. I'm getting warm. I'll take off this sweatshirt of yours." I let her step back and she crosses her arms in front of her and pulls off the shirt in one easy motion. I watch her breasts spring out again, even larger than before. I also see that her shoulders are broader and her arms have little bicep curves on them. That tiny waist of hers is streaked with lines of muscle as well. And I don't feel quite right either. "What are you going to do Cliff? Just stand there and look at me? Haven't you ever seen a girl's body before? But I'm not like any other girl am I, not anymore?" That's for sure. I can feel the hard pulsing of blood in my cock looking at her, mixed with an odd feeling of fear watching the tissues build and dance on Brenda's body. "I'm getting tired of waiting," she says in her obnoxious fifteen year old sing song voice again. So more to silence that voice than anything, I charge forward again and wrap my arms around her to push her down gently, but she doesn't give as I expect. Instead, she pushes right back at me, keeping her feet firmly on the ground. Here I am, one of the biggest guys around, standing there trying to push this little twerp (yes, I know she's grown a little, but still) onto the ground and instead we're still locked in place, upright. "Yes. Yes. Try harder. I want to make you earn it, Cliff. I want to feel your strength, your power, your manliness pushing against me. Don't hold back, I can take it." I can't believe what I'm hearing, or what I'm feeling. I don't want to hurt her, but her body is driving me wild and I don't want to wait, so I reach down to lift her up, but she's heavier than I expect when I try to pull her off the ground and she twists her arms and legs around so much that it's hard to control her. "What's the matter? Can't you wrestle a little girl like me, you big, strong boy. I thought you wanted to. Why are you pussy footing around?" That mocking voice is making me even angrier, and I double my efforts, pouring on the strength I'd been holding back before. I bend her body back so that she's nearly horizontal to the ground, but she keeps her feet down and holds on tightly to my neck so that we're both as good as standing, and just as I'm about to put my weight on her to drag her down, she pushes me and slips out of my grasp again. "You're not getting anywhere." I'm really mad and now I put everything I have into it and lean into her. And I push her back a few inches. But that's all, and then she straightens out her legs and pushes me back! "Hold me tighter, Cliff. You're not going to get me down unless you really use those big, big muscles of yours. Why, I can hardly feel you trying. I'm telling you, you'd better grab on or I might slip away, and then you'll never catch me." Heedless of hurting her now, I pull her into my arms, trap her arms beneath mine to immobilize her and squeeze her with all of my strength. I feel that sweet, bosomy softness against me for a moment, but what follows quickly is a thick, firmness that doesn't make sense, in her chest, her back and even in her arms. Suddenly she tightens her arms around my unprotected sides and I feel real pain, like she's going to crush my ribs. "Ha-ha! You really flinched. Did you ever imagine I could hurt you? You better protect yourself." She slips her hands down around my waist now and squeezes them and I see stars. I grab at her and pull them off me, but incredibly she fights back and I can feel her trying to match every move I make. I struggle to keep her hands away from me, and I do it, but it's weird and worrying that I have to try so hard. I feel a kind of panic, like something's going on that I don't understand, but I have no real time to think since she's still squirming around, trying to jab her hands into my ribs and I have to protect myself from her probing fingers. I try to pin her arms down by her sides to hold her down, but she keeps wriggling out of my holds, darting her fingers deep into my abdomen, which seems increasingly unable to resist her sharp finger thrusts. I grab her wrists hard and hold them down by her sides, and finally, I have a solid enough grip that she stops trying to get away. I feel her whole body relax. "What the hell are you doing Brenda?" "Hee-hee. You were getting rough, so I wanted to show you I could too. But maybe now you're ready to be nicer. Come on, give me a hug. I won't bite. Promise." She lifts up her mouth to kiss me, and as I look down and see those huge tits squashed against my chest I remember how turned on I was just a couple of minutes ago, which puts my other problem out of my mind completely as I feel my erection coming back full force. I bend down slightly and she joins those juicy lips to mine and then gently guides my hands along her firm ass. I can feel the rest of her body adjusting itself along mine pushing closer and closer and then she slips her hands under the back of my swimming suit, pressing her fingers against my ass, and I almost come right there until I calm myself down a little. She's stroking my ass lightly with her fingers though and I keep drifting to the verge of an explosion before I settle back down again, unwilling to let her know just how much I'm responding to her body. (After all, this is Brenda, I try to remind myself! But I'm quickly losing track of that.) I settle into the kiss and feel our bodies merging closer and closer together, our breathing becoming more rapid, more passionate, the swampy odor rising from her crotch mingling with the more acid odor of my sweat. I've never felt so lost in the sensuality of any woman. I move my hands around to her breasts, and she obligingly leans back slightly to let me cup them. I'm amazed at their size and their firm weight. "Don't I feel different now, Cliff? Are you more interested in me? Would you like to suck on them?" I look down at her. Her expression is mostly welcoming, with a slight undercurrent of triumphant mockery, no doubt at my new interest in her, but I let that pass without further thought, just wanting to get my lips around those luxurious nipples of hers. My head bobs down on top of her right breast and I hear her sigh at the fierce workings of my mouth and tongue. "Mmmm, this is so nice. Don't stop, Cliff. This is just what I wanted you to do. You can just keep doing that all day as far as I'm concerned." Which slowly brings me back to thinking that nice as it is, I don't want to do this all day. I've got some pressing needs that are getting worse while I'm only pressing against her, which just isn't good enough for me, if you know what I mean. So I lift my mouth off her breast. "Uh, actually, I was thinking of something else." "Like what, Cliff. What are you thinking of?" Somewhat involuntarily, my stiff member pushes harder against her and she looks at me, that funny expression a little more prominent now. She wrinkles her nose and then smiles in a not very friendly way. "Oh that? I said you could go ahead. You have to get me down on the sand, but maybe you're just not strong enough.. I thought you gave up before when you found that you couldn't do it." She laughs, almost innocently, and then suddenly pinches my ass, hard. My eyes pop open, water a bit and I want to cry out in pain but I don't. "Don't I have strong hands? They say it's from practicing the piano a lot." She squeezes again and it feels like she's going to yank my ass right off my body. I quickly shift my hands to my back and take hold of her wrists again to pull her off, but I can't do it. "You don't play, do you? You ought to, you know, not only to make your finger muscles stronger. The music is nice too, really a lot nicer than those awful grunting sounds you're making." She starts singing a scale, increasing the pressure with each rising note until, with the last one she lifts me off the ground! "What are you doing? How can you do this!?!" "Mmmm? Am I like freaking you out?" Go on, look at my body!" I let go of her wrists and she leans backward, her hand still on my ass. My amazed hands run up her back, along hard ridges of muscle, bulging shoulders and then down her arms and I feel her biceps erupting with hard pulsating strength. But I haven't made her nearly as big as Caroline was, maybe only a little more than half as big as I am. I should be able to hold my own with her. I struggle to free myself from her grip so that I can look at her more closely and see what is happening, but she's holding on too tightly. How can this be? "Ha ha! You can't get away! Doesn't this just kill you? I've got a little meat on my body too, don't I? In fact, I'm a lot stronger than you are. Just try to get free. You'll never be able to now!" She's right. She's trapped my arms now behind her back and I can't do a thing to get them out. I try lifting my legs to push her away, but she just hooks her left one behind mine and practically cuts off my circulation, so I have to stop. Then she starts pulling me closer, pressing deadly hard muscles of her chest lying camouflaged behind those lovely breasts more and more tightly into my chest, making it harder and harder for me to breathe. "Please Brenda," I gasp, "stop it. Let me explain. There's no such thing as a wishing stone. I-I-I have this power, see, to change people's bodies, and sometimes I can't really control it. Something's happened, and although I don't know how, I'm the one doing this to you. I'm making you stronger." She looks at me, amused. "Oh yeah? That's a good one. That's about as believable as my wishing stone, and the only reason I believe the story about the stone is that my wish is working. Anyway, if this is all because of you, why would you want to make me so strong anyway?" I go on, a little more boldly now that I have her attention. "Never mind why. Just understand that what I'm doing, I can undo. So let me go. Now. Before I give you the body of an eleven year old girl. Permanently." She looks up at me, her clear blue eyes, narrowing, and almost glowing with anger. "You must think I'm really dumb if you think I'm going to believe that crap." She squeezes me more and I cry out in pain. "There now, did that feel like the strength of a young girl to you? Come on, let's see you do your worst, Mr. Magic. Better yet, I think it's time for you to see that something's happening to your body too." She throws me to the ground and I tumble roughly onto my ass. I look up to see Brenda with layers of muscularity far beyond what any woman would normally be able to achieve, but still short of my build. But then I look down at my own arms and . . . they're the arms of a normal teenage boy. That's all!! "Get it? It's your own strength you've been fighting. Your strength, your muscle is mine now. Don't you feel weak, now Cliff? Soon you'll know how it feels to be a weak girl, like I was, and I'll make sure you get to experience every part of it. This is the last part of my wish. First to dazzle you with my body, to make you want me with all of your being, and then to take from you what made you such a stud. I'm getting you back for despising me all summer, thanks to my wishing stone. I knew how you felt. I knew you were just waiting for the summer to end to get back at me. Well now it's too late for you, isn't it?" So suddenly I know the cause of the funny weakness I've sensed since I got down to the shore with her. I look up and she's smiling at me, enjoying my shock. She takes my hand and pulls me roughly back to my feet, then wraps it on her upper arm, flexes, and the force of her expanding muscle practically tears my hand apart. "Go on, Cliff, let's see your muscle now. I want to see what's left." She grabs my wrist and compresses it. I wince in pain. "Let's go! Do it, big boy! NOW!" Gulping, I try to make a muscle and incredibly see only a slight rise, barely even distinguishable as a separate muscle, and even it seems to be diminishing right before my eyes. The tight blue veins, which had run up and down my arm, had vanished, the smoothness of the skin now looking eerily feminine. Brenda is leering at me, gloating, her pleasure at my transformation unbounded. "Wondering where it's all gone, Cliff? Just lookee here." She lifts her fist and barely squeezes her arm, and I see my old biceps, looking much larger on her small arm than it did on me. "Ha-ha! And I'll keep draining your strength until you're exactly as weak as I used to be. Oh, it won't be long now. Even now you're like the 98lb. weakling in those old Charlie Atlas ads, aren't you? 'Don't let it bother you, little boy.' Is that what his girlfriend said? Well, I'm not as sympathetic. Why don't you tell lil' me what's bothering you about bad little Brenda, hmmm? Brenda not treating the big high school boy with enough respect? Brenda running him ragged with her little whims? Does big Cliffie not deserve to be treated so bad cause he's so big and so smart and has so many more important things to do? So many pretty women chasing him?" She drops me on the ground. "Well why don't you do them? Go on, I'll let you go. But first you have to take all this stuff back to the cabana. Let's see you do it." I look at the chair and then down at my bony chest, my pipestem arms, looking even thinner than Brenda's were because they're longer. I pull and I can barely drag it across the sand, much less carry it and all her other stuff back a half mile to the boardwalk where I left the cart. My weakness is frightening. Brenda sidles over closer and bumps me with her hip. I sail to the ground helplessly. "You are so pathetic now, I ALMOST feel sorry for you." She bends down, placing her small, powerful hand on top of my larger one. "But I don't, not one bit." She pushes down with two fingers and I feel my knuckles cracking under the pressure. I cry out and then faint from the pain. A few minutes later I come to. My hand feels like it's broken. I close my eyes and concentrate hard and suddenly feel my power again. I knit the bones in my hand together and then furiously I try to get some of my muscle back. "Hey, what was THAT?!" I look over at Brenda, who's sitting on the beach, admiring her body. "I just felt a new surge of strength. But where is it coming from? You don't have enough muscle left to make a mouse stronger." Oh no, I realize. She's still draining me. I try to build myself up more quickly, to get ahead of the curve, but although I can sense the technique working, I look down at my arm and there's no effect on me at all. "I don't believe it. Then you weren't bullshitting me, were you? You're using that trick you told me about, trying to get your strength back, but it's all going to me instead! Just look at me!" I am looking at her, and it is unbelievable. She's growing at an ever-increasing rate, the muscle piling on her body like air bubbles rising furiously from a boiling pot, and I can't seem to take it back. "Ohmygod! I feel so powerful, like I could lift a car." She flexes her muscles and they bulge obscenely from her arms and chest. She looks around the empty beach for something to try her strength against, but there's nothing but the sand, the waves and . . . me! She leaps over to me and picks me up like a doll. "Damn, you weigh nothing to me. I could break you in two like a twig if I wanted!" Instead, she reaches back and hurls me like a paper airplane fifty feet into the ocean, where it's all I can do with my weakened arms to keep myself from being swept out to sea. "Hey, you've stopped! I want more strength. You'd better watch out! Here I come!" She runs to the water, covering the ground in ten foot leaps, and then charges through the incoming surf as if the waves were just ripples on a pond. She reaches me in seconds and lifts me, gasping for breath, out of the water with one hand while she treads water with only her legs. "Didn't you ever learn how to swim?" Spitting out water, I cough weakly. "Of course I can swim. But it's no use. I'm just not strong enough in this surf. Look at me. I have no muscle left." She looks down at her soccer ball sized biceps, barely registering my weight, and says sarcastically, "Oh you poor thing. I feel so sorry for you. It must be so difficult for you to be so weak, I mean, like considering the way you used to tower over everyone and show off your great body. Maybe you think I should have realized that the amount of muscle on my body just wouldn't be enough for a big, boy like you, like I could have wished more carefully. Hey, but you know what? Truth is, I did think about it, and I'm so happy it's worked out this way, even better than I'd thought. Look at you, eying my bulging arms. Just like I used to look at you. And did you care? Were you ever, ever nice to me? Now are you jealous Cliff? Jealous of my bod? Of my strength? I love it, especially because for the rest of your life, every little bit of muscle you add to those itty bitty arms of yours or anywhere else on that thin body of yours will just be for my benefit, not that any muscle you could build would even make a difference to me now. But I do like being so strong. I really do. It's like a dream. Now, get back to it. I want you to make me a lot bigger, like you were doing before!" She shakes me, for emphasis, like she's disciplining a puppy. I'm trying hard, trying to weaken her somehow, but I feel totally blocked. I can't seem to act on her body at all. I'm desperate, Brenda's mocking words make me angry, but I daren't say anything. She's the only thing saving me from drowning. "Please put me back on land. I can't concentrate here. I'm too frightened." She scowls at me. "God Cliff, you are so pathetic. All right." She carries me roughly to the shoreline and dumps me onto the sand. "Now close your eyes, or whatever you do, and make me bigger, stronger, and give me giant breasts and hips and everything to match." She takes my arm. "Or I'll snap this in two!" I feel her fingers already compressing my bone. What am I going to do? Live with Brenda sucking the strength out of me for the rest of my life? Going around weaker than I've even been, hardly able to drag myself from one place to the next? It's unbearable. "I'm waiting. Did you think I wasn't kidding?" She closes her supercharged fingers around my bone and my arm erupts in fiery pain. "B-B-B-renda! Stop! I can't take it." "It's so easy for me to hurt you, and so enjoyable. Well?" I nod, quickly. I have no choice. I imagine a huge, hard block of muscle, as large as a fist, and make it real, inside Brenda's brain. Brenda's eyes pop, and she collapses onto the beach. Dead. I gulp. I can't believe what I've done, that I've killed her. I stand up shakily and walk over to her, standing above her huge form. Her eyes are lifeless, but I hear her throat still gurgling. Her legs are twitching, but soon even that stops. She's completely still. And suddenly the enormity of what I've done hits me, and I pass out, cold. Hours must have passed. I feel normal again, almost and look over at Brenda. Her body looks normal again, and I'm as large as ever, but she's still dead, quite dead. I immediately run back up to the office. Who knows what an autopsy will show, but I have to report the death, shaking like a leaf is distress, which under the circumstances isn't hard for me to fake. As I walk down to the shore with the manager and the local police, I see Rebecca's cabana is closed tight. Just as well. 12 It's two months after I killed Brenda, and I suppose I'm still feeling kind of shaken up. The investigation and the autopsy found nothing to implicate me, although no one but me would have been able to explain the massive severing of the capillaries feeding the central part of Brenda's brain. Her family thanked me for responding so quickly, but naturally they didn't give me much of an end-of-season tip, and I wasn't too surprised when the office suggested that I move on to a more "challenging" job next summer. I wouldn't have gone back anyway. I think I drifted through the first month of school without really noticing anything going on around me. Of course Melissa steered clear of me, but after seeing me walk around half-aware, most of the other girls did too. I guess it's kind of like a curse or contamination you pick up, being near someone who died strangely. It's just as well. For the first time since I discovered jacking off at age twelve, I wasn't in the mood for over six weeks. But now the fog is lifting a bit and I'm noticing all of the things that the passage of time brings. Like Melanie, for example. Her natural hormones have kicked in to supplement the head start I gave her, and suddenly she's easily the sexiest thing in the tenth grade, strutting her tits around, leaving all the guys in school in heat. If it weren't for Rebecca, she'd probably own the whole school by now, she and her less developed, but still very foxy girlfriend Jemma. Dad is totally panicked, but Melanie has him under her control, just by cooing, "Daddy, you know I've listened to you all these years. I'm still a good girl," instead of fighting for her freedom. And then naturally doing what ever she wants. Mom's amazed and a little frightened at her girl's looks, being relatively flat-chested herself, but I think she's proud too of her knockout daughter, so she lets her have her way. I mean, between the two of us, they must wonder at how we sprouted from such plain parents. Time hasn't been as kind to me. I guess maybe with the guilt I've been feeling about Brenda, I've punished myself a bit. I let my muscles go a little soft, with small rolls of fat replacing my washboard stomach, and my arms losing their tone. Nothing I can't fix, but I really haven't had the heart to do it. In fact, for a long time I didn't use my technique at all since I killed Brenda. Then I started to worry a little that without the practice I might forget how, so I fixed a nick I got shaving, just to prove I hadn't lost it, and helped old Brent out with his serve before an important match. It may seem hokey, but it actually made me feel a bit better to do something good for him, and I think that's when I started to come out of my funk a bit. Still, I haven't done anything really fun for awhile. Another sign of my return to health is I'm noticing Rebecca again. She seemed to drop out of view for awhile after Brenda died, which would have made me suspicious if my mind had been working at the time, but I can't really be sure of anything that happened back then. Anyway, she's still strutting her stuff, whenever she deigns to attend school, which I'm convinced she does just to prevent me from walking away with valedictorian honors. I haven't been pursuing her with my usual interest, and I'd like to believe that she misses it, but I can't detect a sign that she does, until, that is, she passes me an envelope in physics class with a note saying "Friday, 8:30 pm, same place," along with a button from her blouse. So, is she pushing my button, or is she going to let me push hers? I can't wait to see. 13 Friday night. I arrive promptly. Rebecca's parents are away. (Are they ever home?) She keeps me waiting at the door, cold in the November air, for a good two minutes, then opens it, a vision of paradise in a tight, red fleece dress, which itself seems amazed at its fortune to be worn by her, barely hugging her breasts, which threaten to escape from its plunging neckline, but hugging them tightly nevertheless. Instantly, I'm warm, painfully envying the dress. "Cliffie. You came when you were called. I'm so pleased." I walk in, instantly seeing and smelling the food in the dining room, soup steaming in the bowls. I ate earlier, but I'm hungry again just at the thought that she's made it for me. "Yes, come in. Sit down. I'm sure you'll eat, won't you?" I nod. "Good. The meat will be on in an hour. Let's start with soup." I walk dumbly behind her, watching her ass rotating forcefully beneath her dress, which as it hangs in her closet between wearings must anticipate with its own painful hunger the delectable workout she gives it. We sit together in a corner of the large table. I watch her lift the spoon delicately to her mouth, as the liquid disappears silently into that pink cavern. I do the same, unconsciously at first, then as the ambrosia of her cooking fills me, more quickly. "More, Cliffie? I have another bowl for you." My manners struggle to assert themselves. "Uh, sure, I mean, unless you want some." "Please, Cliffie. You are my guest, you know." I nod. "Just a moment then. I'll be right back." She waltzes into the kitchen and returns with a partially filled tureen, which she empties completely into my bowl. She sets it down on a side table, then rejoins me, motioning that I should eat, which I do while I watch her chew on a carrot. I envy the carrot. "You were free on short notice, Cliffie. Is your book a little empty these days?" "I haven't been out much, Rebecca, since Brenda." "Oh, yes, poor Brenda. Very curious. I wager you know more about that than you've told, Cliffie. Want to tell me?" I look up, a little worried, then back down at my soup, which has to be the most delicious thing I've ever eaten. I keep spooning it into my mouth, afraid to say anything. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't make you talk when you're enjoying my soup so much. Why don't we take a break when you finish. We can chat before the main event." "The main event? You mean the meat?" She smiles, beaming a sparkle from her teeth into my heart. I empty my bowl and wipe my mouth. "Come, let's go to the sitting room." She rises and I follow her to a cozy room with a fire burning. She lounges on a love seat and motions me to take the easy chair next to her. I feel funny, entranced by the taste of her soup, her presence, her enveloping eyes. "Last time you were here, you were telling me about a talent of yours. Did that have anything to do with Brenda's death, Cliffie?" I look at her, amazed. "You do find it hard to say no to me, don't you, Cliffie? Most men do. I want you to tell me all about it." She stretches, like a cat, her breasts pointing higher than I'd ever imagined, and suddenly, even though I feel very far away, I can hear myself talking. "Yes, I, well, she was draining me Rebecca. I had to do it." "What do you mean, Cliffie?" "She was draining my strength, leaving me with nothing." "But how did she do that?" "She said she had a wishing stone, that she wished to be as strong as I was, and soon she left me with nothing. And when I tried, I tried..." "Tried what, Cliffie? Don't stop. Please don't stop." Her lips look so red when she says those words, which I wish mean something else entirely, but I'm paralyzed looking at her mouth. "...when I tried to build myself up again, it kept going back to her." "Build yourself up? Were you doing calisthenics on the beach, Cliffie?" She makes a motion with her hand against the chair, like she's doing a push up. I shake my head. I can't believe I'm telling her this. "No. I...I can change my body. I can change anyone's body. But it wasn't working right. I couldn't change her, no matter what I did, and she was taking all the muscle from me." She looks at me impassively, as if I had just told her I walked home from school today. "What an amazing thing, Cliffie. Is that how you got your body?" I nod. She smiles. "Of course. April too, I'm sure." She stands up, puts her hands on her hips to smooth out her dress, and rotates her torso a little, side to side, showing off her wondrous curves. "You do like my body, don't you Cliffie? Would you do something for me? I want to see how your little talent works, right now. Stand up, would you? Show me how you would look, today, if you hadn't done anything to yourself." I stand up, looking down into her luminous eyes, and swallow. "Alright. I guess so." I concentrate and slowly I shrink to about 5'9", shedding my layers of muscle, my hair fading from rich to mousy brown, the hair on my arms thinning, my penis returning to normal dimensions. I look up at her, my eyes now even only with her mouth. "Hmmm," she murmurs in a low voice and moves over next to me, closer than she's ever been before, putting her arms around me and pulling me into an embrace. I'm too shocked to do anything at first, then I do the same, my body reveling in the sensation of the deep softness of her breasts, the alluring scent of her perfume. I want to fade into her body, feel its unique texture, inhale her aroma, and experience all of her intricate angles and curves, but all too soon I feel that the embrace is over. She's withdrawing from me, pushing my smaller body gently, but firmly away, and I'm looking up at her again. "It was so nice of you to do that for me Cliffie. I really did appreciate it. Now tell me, do you think my body is perfect? Do you think it could be improved?" I shake my head. "Oh yes you do. Don't you? Don't you like a more amazonic body? Like Caroline perhaps. Or April? I've never had that kind of strength you know." She pulls the sleeve of her dress back and flexes her arm. She's right. It's a classic woman's muscle, a slight rise along the line of her arm, but without any bunching in the middle, without that ball of power or the maze of blood vessels that would feed it. "But Rebecca, neither of them can compare to you." "Oh of course not, Cliffie. But I'm not talking about having their bodies. I'm talking about mine with a few extras. How would I look if I had that kind of muscle? Wouldn't it turn you on even more?" "But your arm is so beautiful as it is Rebecca, I" "Think about it, Cliffie. Just imagine how I could look with my arms bulging with power, flexing hugely at my will, my large breasts thrusting forcefully from a power-packed chest, my tiny waist, tight and impregnable, my shapely legs, accentuated by thick balls of muscle. Show me what you can do." I look into her eyes. The image is overpowering and I just can't stop myself. I start to concentrate, and before I know it the muscles in her arm focus, gather force and began to rise like dough. "Not just there, Cliffie. Everywhere." I swallow and soon her legs begin to thicken, her chest begins to rise under her dress, which is now contending with new forces, with vectors of movement outside its training. "Slowly, Cliffie, carefully. I want this done right." She looks down at her arms, now nearly as thick as mine had been and flexes them again, beaming with satisfaction at the round spheres that deftly grow out of her arms. She feels her hard abdomen, places her hands below her breasts, and smiles. "Very nice, Cliffie. Sit down, won't you, and look at me." I stare at her. I can't help but stare at her. It seems that the whole world has narrowed itself to Rebecca and me, and most of it is Rebecca. In fact, if someone had asked me how big she was now, I'd almost say 200 feet tall. Her face, her breasts, her muscles, her will, all seemed to overwhelm me, like I was a speck of food on her tongue that she could swallow or spit out. "Now Cliffie," I heard her say, "do it everywhere." I look up at her, puzzled. "But I just did. I" "I mean everywhere. Every woman. Everywhere. Do you think I want to stand out this way? I want to remain the most beautiful, not the most unusual." "But I" She looks down at me and picks me up in her newly powerful arms. "Isn't this what you wanted, Cliffie? Don't I thrill you now, even more than you could ever have imagined, even in your wildest fantasies about me?" I gulp and shake my head. My heart is beating two hundred times a minute. My dick feels like it's about to rocket to Mars. I hang on to her tightly, feeling her massive strength now along with her irresistible allure. But how can I do this? How can I reshape half of the entire human race, two and half billion persons? She's growing impatient. I feel her muscles tighten; her chest growing broader, her smile no longer so friendly. No. I can't do this. I can give her this power, this evening, perhaps longer. But to unleash it in women everywhere? How can I do this to my fellow men? Then she looks down into my eyes, displeased. Her eyebrows rise and her two bright blue points of light burrow into my heart, and like the rapid and unstoppable movement toward an orgasm that is coming too soon, I find myself giving in, my power building, concentrating and suddenly I'm in contact with billions of female souls, from America to Asia, from budding girls to mature coeds, from anorexic teens to obese matrons, from doddering crones to babbling infants, all of them growing muscles twice the size of normal males their age, then three times. "Yes, yes, you're doing it. I can see it in your eyes, feel it in the tightness of your puny body. Yes. More, more." She holds my limp body fast, her arms a painful, yearned for prison. I feel woozy from the release of energy and struggle to clear my head. "You're finished?" I nod. "Alright, now, Cliffie, close your eyes, visualize in your mind the organs in their bodies, the eggs of those billions of girls, even their chromosomes. Feel with your senses the interaction of the proteins, and let me describe to you how you will rebuild those strands of atoms, to change the nature of the female body on its most fundamental level and to make those changes inheritable by our daughters." I stare at her. "What the fuck are you talking about, Rebecca?" "Such language in my house! It's just a little gene therapy Cliffie. I know you can do it. Now listen closely." "No. I won't do it. I won't play God." "You misunderstand. I'm playing God. You're just my instrument. Your little belly is full and your mouth is tingling with the spices. Your mind is groggy, but so alert for more sensual pleasure. And look at me Cliffie; feel the power of my beauty. Next to me, you have no will of your own. I know how your fantasy life is connected with your power. The idea of strong women is so seductive, that all I need to is suggest it to you, and you will find a way. Am I right?" I look up at her and feel the shelf of her chest supporting me. I know she's right. I am completely in her power, or at least my power is hers to play with. Against my will, I feel my power concentrating, following her instructions, so complex, so precise, and so beyond my own comprehension, that if she's wrong the human race will end and there will be nothing I can do to save it. Finally she finishes and I beam out the last of my transforming energy. She puts me down, shakes her hair and sighs. "That's lovely, really. Already, I can feel the effects of the new hormones my organs are producing. You've done well. You can go now, Cliffie. Thanks for a lovely evening." "What?! Is that it?" "Yes. I have what I wanted from you." She walks away. "No. You can't leave me like this!" Though painfully hindered by my solid erection, I still rush up to stop her from leaving me, to hold her again, but she puts out her hand and holds me off like she's swatting away a paper airplane lazily flying her way in class. "You're so little Cliffie. So weak too. I really don't think you should persist in this. You might get hurt. I'm not at all violent, but I really don't know my own strength just yet. It's still so new to me." With a slight movement of her wrist, she pushes me and I tumble down onto my back. My arousal turns to anger, and I turn to my power to claw back the muscle I've given her, but with no effect! "Having a problem, Cliffie? Can't get to me? Of course you can't. You already protected us against your power. So is it a familiar feeling, a little like what you felt on an almost deserted beach, back in August?" She cocks an eyebrow. My mouth dropped open. "Yes, Cliffie. I was there too. I thought it was very clever of you to kill her. I hadn't thought of that way out for you, but I'm not as brutal as you are, with your little truncated "Y" chromosome. You see, we all have our special talents. I know about yours, but I doubt that you can guess mine. What good would it do you now anyway? What's been done will not be undone, Cliffie, I assure you." In desperation I turn it on myself, and with relief I rebuild the body I had shriveled for her entertainment. In seconds I'm big again, back in top shape. I spring to my feet. "Nice work. But what are you going to do, beat me up? Do you really want to hit me? Besides, maybe I'm stronger than I look." She puts her hands on her hips, her new biceps rivaling mine, her frame ten times more dramatic, with her breast-enhanced chest and her wasplike waist. But of course, what I want is to cling to her, not break her. "Rebecca!" I moan. It's no use. "Go home, Cliffie. I've had a wonderful evening, but I plan to enjoy the rest of the night without you." She turns away, completely ignoring me, and I retreat sadly to the front door, exhausted, beaten, and convinced now that Rebecca was forever out of my reach. I walk outside down the long front path to the street. The world seems altered, even the smell is wrong, as if the dreamy ambrosia of Rebecca's soup has replaced the dying leaves of the crisp autumn air. I'm dimly aware of shouts in the neighboring houses, too far from the road for me to hear distinctly, but as I pass through the business district near my own neighborhood there are people outside partying, and already I see the general effect of the night's work. The usual Friday night crowd on Main Street is in an uproar, the girls flexing their new muscles, their shrieking laughter penetrating the night as they playfully lift their boyfriends into the air and gayly wrestle them to the ground, ignoring their hapless protests. I want to intervene, but there's so much going on I don't know what to do. Then I see my sister with Jemma, part of a larger group of girls laughing as two of their friends play catch with one of their male classmates, tossing him higher and higher each time. The poor guy is crying and terrified, which seems pretty wimpy to me because they're not trying to hurt him. But it still seems wrong. Just for the hell of it, I first try using my power to take away their strength, but I can do nothing with their bodies, so I jog up to them in person to get them to stop, one way or the other. After all, Melanie and her friends are just thirteen or fourteen, and I can see that although their arms bulge impressively, they're still smaller than mine. Besides, I'm also about a foot taller and outweigh them by at least seventy pounds. If anyone out on the street is going to break it up, it's me. "Hey, Mel, Jemma. Get your friends to cut that out!" Melanie turns toward me and laughs, then whispers in Jemma's ear. Jemma motions to the other girls and points at me, and they all start giggling. The game seems to be winding down. They stop throwing him and put him down, but one of the bigger girls still holds the guy under her arm so that he can't run away. Jemma whispers back to Melanie, who laughs and nods, and then Jemma walks over to me. She's about 5'5", her small breasts now completely overwhelmed by her newly developed pectoral muscles, which push out her tight sweater close to its breaking point, just as her formerly slender hips are by her thick thigh muscles. She puts her hands on her hips and challenges me, her face with a kind of mocking tough look. "What's it to you Cliff? We're not hurting anybody. Are we girls?" They all laugh. "And I think Brian here likes the attention." I look at him. Actually, now that he's not flying through the air, he seems to be enjoying snuggling against his powerful captor, who has her hand over his crotch, massaging him. "Maybe. But you were bullying him before." "So? Were you going to do something about it? Can't you see we're not just girls anymore, we're supergirls! Am I right?" The girls all put their right arms in the air and chant some kind of stupid cheer, which sounds like one of those interminable patty-cake games they used to play in grade school. "Right. So I see. Well you may be bigger than Brian, but you're not bigger than me." "Ha, ha, tough guy. You think you could take all seven of us? We're pretty strong. I bet you couldn't even take me." She holds her fists out, like she's going to box me. "Come on, defend yourself, big shot. I'm not afraid of you. I've been fighting my big brothers for years, even when I didn't have any real muscles." The other girls start clapping in unison and form a ring around us, with others from the street slowly moving our way. This is just what I don't want, a scene. I put my open hands out in front of me. "Come on, I don't fight girls, and I don't want to hurt you Jemma. Cut it out." She shakes her head and starts jabbing her fists at me, testing my reflexes. I block her with my hands, but I can feel a real sting. Then she sneaks under me and drills a punch into my gut. It hurts, but a lot less than it would have if I hadn't restored my muscle tone when I was with Rebecca. "You're trying to boss us around? I bet you the last one hurt. Well, you better fight back Cliff, unless you want to be clobbered, 'cause we're not going to listen to you, and you haven't even felt my big punch yet." I can see the sheen of perspiration rising on her forehead as she dances around. She draws back and takes off her sweater, careless of the open view she gives me of her chest in her t-shirt, her new muscles severely taxing its integrity and pressing her breasts tightly against the fabric. I take the opportunity to slip out of my jacket too, and then strip off the nice shirt I had worn for my "date" with Rebecca. I hear some whistles when the crowd looks at my chest and arms, and then Jemma responds by pumping up her arms. I have to admit I'm impressed by the robust balls of muscle that pop easily out of her arms, stretching her t-shirt almost to transparency. She rubs her hands together and spits on them and heads back toward me, jabbing again with her right hand. I stay back, not wanting to hit her, but unable to figure out how else to get out of the situation. Little by little she's backing me into the edge of the open space, and the crowd is starting to taunt me. I decide to use my longer reach, and I extend my arms in front of me. She wades right into me and I put my hands on her chest and push her backwards. "Hey, look at this. He thinks he can beat me by feeling me up!" The crowd laughs. "You'll have to do better than that Cliff. I'm not panting yet." "I don't want to hurt you, Jemma, but you're not giving me any choice." She ignores me and comes in close again, bracing her legs this time. I reach out to put my hands on her shoulders this time to push her away, but she ducks under me and while I'm off balance from my lunge she punches me hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. Now I'm hurting. I flail back (I've never been much good at fighting) but she blocks each blow and I realize I'm not going to beat her on my boxing skills. To give myself time to recover, I slip behind her and grab her, pinning her arms under mine. I can feel her straining to get away, her muscles tensing, her body feeling much harder than I would expect a girl to feel, even with muscles like hers, and then she bursts through my grip, leaps a couple of yards away and turns to face me. "You just can't keep a good girl down, can you?," she taunts, breathing a little more heavily now. I'm breathing hard too, having neglected to beef up my endurance when I'd restored my physique earlier, and I'm too busy now to work on the more complex changes that would involve. She goes back into her boxing crouch. "See if you can stop the next one, Cliff, because I'm going to make it a good one." I don't want to find out what that means, and I circle her warily and then, catching her flat-footed for a change, I go for her legs, tackle her, and try to pin her to the ground. She struggles fiercely, but using my weight and strength I topple her over and soon I'm lying across her. "Had enough?" She looks up, nose twitching, her face steely with determination. "No fucking way!" she barks and then using her legs she twists her body and throws me off her. I roll over a few times and see her scramble quickly to her feet. I rise halfway and immediately she runs at me and flies feet first at my chest, knocking me back onto the ground and straddling me with her legs, then wrapping them around me so tightly that I can't breathe. "Surrender now, or I'll break your ribs. I can do it too!" I grab her thighs and try to pull her off me, then buck from side to side, but she's holding on too tightly. In desperation, I bring my knees up and pound on her back, which startles her and knocks her off balance, and I quickly push her off me with a well-timed blow to her chest. We're both on the ground now, breathing heavily, glaring at each other. "You're bigger than me, but I've hurt you twice and you haven't even gotten close. All you're doing is feeling up my tits." Tired as I am, I can't resist a remark. "Sorry, Jemma, but I needed to make sure they're still there." I hear a few chuckles from the guys in the crowd and I feel better, but Jemma looks angry for the first time. "Oh yeah? I'll show you what girls are made of now, you overgrown jerk." There's fire in her eyes now and she raises her fists again and comes for me with a roundhouse punch. Even I can see it coming, and I manage to grab her arm, but I've underestimated the force of the blow and it throws me back a bit. I've still got her arm though, and I try to wrestle it behind her, but I can't. She's keeping it completely rigid, her muscles as solid as iron. She twists her arm and breaks free, and then suddenly she's got my arm and starts to pull it down. I resist, but incredibly she's exerting more force with her arm than I am. I think she's as surprised as I as she twists my arm behind my back. "Will you look at this! He's got bigger muscles, but I'm actually stronger than he is." She's forcing my arm higher and higher, making me kneel down, then she suddenly releases my arm and pushes me into the dirt. In a moment, she bends down and holds both of my arms behind my back. I'm pulling as hard as I can, but she's got me completely under her control and turns me around, displaying her domination of me to the crowd. "Hey girls, we didn't only get bigger muscles than most guys, we got better ones too! If I'd known it, I would have taken care of him in seconds." I can't believe it, but pound for pound she's twice as strong as I, maybe more. Then I remember what Rebecca said about feeling her "new hormones" kicking in, and I shiver to think of just how strong I've made women, and wonder how long it will take these hormones to have their full effect. "Come on, Cliff. Why don't you try to pull my shirt down and suck my tits now, or are you afraid of what I might do if I don't like it?" She pushes me onto the ground in front of her and I glare at her while she turns her cute face to me and wrinkles her nose, puffs out her chest and balls her hands into fists. She makes a motion like she's going to hit me and I flinch, bringing my hands up to protect myself. "He's so afraid of me. Come on girls, we have more partying to do. And don't worry about him, or any other man. The world is ours." I look over at Melanie, who's a little embarrassed and avoids me, then runs off with her friends to find more trouble. I walk off the other way, taking a long route home to avoid the crowd, when I feel like I'm being followed. It's Rebecca, in her black Z. She rolls down the window. "That was funny." "I want to talk to you. Come out of there." "Oh all right, Cliffie. You've done so much for us, I suppose I owe it to you just this once." She parks the car, the sudden silence of the engine making the shouts blocks away audible again, and slips outside. She's dressed to the nines, a fur stole draped carelessly over her shoulders, her muscled arms bare. "Look what you've done. It's chaos out there!" "Oh, don't be such a worrier. It's just an adjustment phase. They'll get used to it." "Why, why, why did you do it? You can get anything you want from men as it is. Why do you have to be so strong too?" She looks serious for just a minute. "I won't tell you all the reasons. But you know, it takes a lot of effort to be beautiful, to seduce, to cajole, to tempt and then deny. And a lot of us end up miscalculating. A woman's always dancing on the edge. Why not have it easier, so we can just take what we want? Why not, when we can? Besides, Cliffie, admit it, you liked it just then, fighting with Jemma, even though you lost. Not the pain, I assume, but the contest. Admit it. That's the way men are. Before, you could have your competitions with other men, but that was messy; the loser always feels so emasculated. Well, now you're all equally emasculated, and you can have your contests with women too. You can lose, and not feel badly about it, because you'll be expected to lose. And if you fight another man, who cares who loses? You're all weaklings anyway now, compared with us. For you it's the fun of the battle. For us, we'll have your attention, which is what we wanted, and we'll be much happier, not having to fear you. I've really thought about it a lot. Someone screwed up in the beginning when they designed the sexes. I mean, it's amazing when you think about it, how stupidly it was done. Well, I've just fixed it, thanks to you. And by the way," she winked, "this is just the beginning." She's so damn logical, even though I know in my heart that she must be wrong, I don't know what to say. "But, but, there has to be a reason why nature made males stronger. You're risking total disaster!" "She puts her hand on her formidable chest. Oh my, I'm frightened. 'Never fool with Mother Nature.' Well, I suppose I can always get you to change things back if it doesn't work out, right? But I don't think that will be necessary." "What if I just use my power to build up men?" "You can try, but you'll just make a mess of things. You know that you don't have the slightest clue of what I've done to women on the molecular level. Your little tricks work well, but look how your body was turning to mush after a couple of months. Physical changes by themselves aren't enough. You have to change the body's chemistry to support and enhance them. Understand this, Cliffie, I am a genius. You don't know half of what I've done, or can do. You've got a sort of brilliance too, I admit, but you don't have the concentrated brainpower I do. No one but me could have done this, and I'm the only one who can undo it." She pushes her finger into my chest, hard, to make her point. "Don't forget that, Cliffie." I swallow hard. "Just how strong are women going to get?" She laughs musically. "I knew you were going to ask me that, and I'm not going to tell you." She turns to get back into her car. "Enjoy, Cliffie. See you soon, I'm sure." I watch the car disappear down the street and continue toward home when I hear a noise behind me and suddenly feel an arm encircling my waist from behind, holding me tightly, then another hand resting lightly on my neck. I grab the hand on my waist and pull hard to release myself, but I can't budge it an inch. "Don't bother, Cliff. It's useless for you to try, but I won't hurt you. I'll ease up if you promise not to run away." It's Jemma. I nod, and she relaxes her grip and walks around in front of me, still keeping her arm on my back. "Sorry about that before. I didn't hurt you too badly, did I?" "No." "Don't be mad. We're all going crazy you know. It's hard not to get caught up in it. And I've always been sensitive about my breasts, especially since you and Mel got such great bodies in the last year. I've had a crush on you for a long time, you know. I hated being so small. It just got to me, especially when you made that crack about my breasts. OK?" "Yeah, sure." "Please don't be mad at me," she asks again, almost begging "It's not you." I look down at her earnest face, her blue eyes tinted green by the street light looking up at me, wide-open to me. I could swear she wants me to kiss her, and I think about that hard, compact body and despite those small breasts I feel myself getting very turned on. I put my arms under hers to lift her . . . and pitch forward, off balance. She catches me in her arms, blushing a little. "I'm sorry. I'm getting really heavy, I guess. This new muscle is really solid." She's holding me up off the ground, and not even breathing heavily. She bends down to kiss me and I feel her strong tongue forcefully probing my mouth. "Easy, Jemma. I need those teeth for chewing." She looks at me, mortified, and blushes deep red this time. "Sorry, I . . . I just don't know my strength. It's growing so quickly. It's so weird." And then she starts crying. Great. Women are taking over the world and I'm caught like a fly in the arms of my kid sister's best friend, comforting her about the difficulties of getting so strong so quickly. I put my arms around her and realize it's very hard to give a reassuring hug when you're the one being held four feet or so off the ground, so I try to climb out of her arms, figuring she can put her head on my shoulder, the traditional way. But she misunderstands. "Where are you going? No! You can't leave me now!" She grips me even tighter, pressing me to her chest. I push against her arms, but they're like rocks, absolutely immovable. "You're such a bastard. I hate you!" "No, no, Jemma, please, let me explain. I just wanted" "I don't want to hear it. You get me all hot and then, and then, well, I don't care what you want. I'm just going to shut you up! There!" She clamps her mouth over mine and presses my leg into her crotch, harder and harder against her, using me like a giant dildo. I can feel her getting more and more turned on, my leg getting bruised rubbing against her harder legs, then finally crushed against her vulva. Her breathing slows and she lets me slide to the ground, her expression a potent mixture of anger and relief. We look at each other for a few minutes, not saying anything. "I know it was wrong of me to do that to you," she finally says, slowly and distinctly, "and I'm sorry if I hurt you, but you deserved it. It's bad enough that you guys used to push us around just because we were weaker, but I really hate the way you're always messing with our emotions. Well, you're going to have to learn to be more careful now and respect our feelings." She looks at me sitting on the grass, massaging my leg and eases up a little. "Do you need help getting home? I can carry you, you know. I'm going there anyway to meet up with Melanie." "I'll manage." "Really, it wouldn't be any trouble." I shake my head. "OK, be that way." She spins on her heel and walks away. Relieved that she's gone, I repair my capillaries, avoiding a massive black-and-blue mark as well as some muscle damage, and sit on the cold ground. Is this what I have to look forward to? What the fuck am I going to do now?! I tossed and turned all night, worrying about the changes Rebecca had wrought. I could have released some endorphins into my system and enjoyed a very restful sleep, but as miserable as I was, I actually felt more like being awake and thinking, then sleeping. After all, I was responsible for this new state of affairs, at least in part. I had to find some way to fix things. So at 4:00 am, I rise from my bed, do my best to clear out the toxins from my system, and take out my esoteric books to start to puzzle my way around the shield Rebecca had constructed against my powers. But I get nowhere. I can hear Jemma and my sister in her room giggling about something and I can't concentrate, so I dress and leave the house and decide to ride out to the eastern end of the island. It will be deserted in November for sure, and I can walk on the beach and think. I bicycle through the empty streets and along the shore road, speeding along effortlessly in the gray morning light. As I pass through each little village I see evidence of the celebrations from the night before. No broken windows or shards of liquor bottle glass, signs of men running wild, but plenty of shredded clothes and trampled bushes, and no small number of overturned cars and trucks. The cycling felt good. The fresh air clears my mind and raises my spirits, even if no solutions come to me. I stop in Montauk for breakfast at a pancake house. I'm the only one in the restaurant, and the cook glares at me for disturbing him. "What do you want? I can't help you, no one's showin' up for work today." he growls. "Why not?" "Why, he asks me. Because they're too busy going crazy, beating up the boys. I tell you, I've never seen anything like it. It's against God's law, that's what it is. And now nobody comes to work! Well, we'll see about that. No work, no pay. You still have to put food on the table." I think, yes, that's what I want. Food on my table. But I don't say anything. I don't think he would appreciate the joke. I shrug and leave. I see a donut shop open down the street, run by a Korean couple, probably husband and wife, the man silently mixing the dough, barking orders to the woman while she arranges the donuts in the cases. "Four plain donuts and a large coffee." She nods and deftly scoops the donuts into a bag, her biceps bulging. As I eat the first and wash it down I wonder what their night had been like. She seems so disciplined, so submissive. How long will that last? I see a Newsday on the counter. "Mind if I read it? She shrugs. The headlines take up the whole front page: UNEXPLAINED EVENT TRANSFORMS HUMAN RACE! Well put, I think. AP, ATLANTA. Late yesterday afternoon, females throughout the world suddenly gained tremendous strength. Leading scientists are unable to offer any explanation. The Center for Disease Control reports that preliminary tests indicate that the typical female is now four times as strong as the typical male. In addition, the female immune system appears to have been strengthened, her internal organs are functioning more efficiently, and her sensory organs have become more sensitive. The changes appear to be continuing, with previously unknown enzymes continuing to strengthen muscles and improve the workings of the female body. It is possible that genetic changes have also taken place. Males appear to be entirely unaffected by the phenomenon. Leading scientists can offer no explanation of what has caused these changes or how long they will continue. The head of the Center for Disease Control, Dr. Charles Talles, stated, "This event is unprecedented in recorded history. We can identify no causal agent, neither biological, nor chemical, for the changes. But we will continue to devote all of our resources to measuring the changes and determining its cause and its extent. We urge the public not to panic." [In one tragic note, doctors at hospitals across the country reported scores of cases of stillborn babies, their skulls crushed by the powerful contractions of their mothers. See related story on page 3] At a midnight White House press conference, President Clinton reassured the world that the full resources of the government would be devoted to understanding these new developments and urged calm. In his response to shouted questions from reporters, he stated that he did not believe these changes were harmful to women, but that further study was needed. Mrs. Clinton, who was at the President's side during his remarks, had no separate statement at this time, but appeared pleased. Observers noted that Mrs. Clinton wore one of the President's suit jackets and seemed as affected by the phenomenon as other women. Former Senator Bob Dole quipped, "My wife Elizabeth will now be an even stronger candidate for the Presidency in the year 2000." Other leaders have been less positive regarding the changes. The Reverend Pat Robertson observed that "This clear manifestation of God's will shows us that the mystery of divine power is ever present even in this modern day, but that man's position as head of the family remains the word of God." He warned women not to forget their Biblically mandated subservience to their husbands. A speaker at a Pentecostal revival in Pensacola, Florida proclaimed that a woman's use of her new strength to dominate her husband would be contrary to God's will and "would lead them to the devil's work." Muslim leaders in Iran blamed chemical warfare from the Great Satan and pledged no changes in their social policies, although for the first time since the overthrow of the Shah, bare-armed women were seen on the streets of Teheran, openly threatening the extremist Guardians of the Revolution. Feminist leaders exulted in the new powers of women, promising that their version of the "new world order" would benefit the poor, the oppressed, children, people of color and lesbians. One women, interviewed at a bar in New York's Greenwich Village said, "We've got them by the balls now, and they can't make us let go!" In the sporting world, the commissioners of baseball, basketball and football quickly called meetings of team owners to approve new regulations barring women from playing in existing leagues, noting that such measures were necessary to ensure the safety of current players, as well as spectators. A spokesman for the NFL commissioner's office defended the initiative, noting that separating the sexes in sports competition had "a long and honorable history." I finish my donuts and coffee put the paper down. I have to get more information than Newsday gives me, and the Times won't be available way out here. I have to get back. I pay my bill and go back out to get on my bicycle. A young girl is standing by it and looks at me as I approach. "Nice bike. Is it yours?" I look down at her. She can't be older than twelve and stands no taller than 4'8". She has blond hair, a little greasy, and her clothes look cheap and are torn in spots from the growth of her body. "Uh yes. If you'd excuse me, I need it now." "Uh uh. I'm taking it." This is ridiculous. Here I am, well over six feet tall, built like Arnold, and she's going to take it from me? "You don't think I'm going to let you steal this bike right in front of my nose, do you?" She crosses her arms in front of her nearly flat chest, and I can see her new muscles bulge. "Uh huh. You're just a boy. You can't stop me. I was just waiting around to make sure it didn't belong to a girl. So move back, will ya?" I put my hand on the bike and meanwhile make my muscles grow a bit more. "Hey, forget it, girl. Start your life of crime with somebody else's property, ok?" She looks up and down the empty street, feels her biceps and smiles. "This is gonna be fun." She puts her hand on mine and closes her fingers around it. It feels like a steel vise has slammed shut on my fingers and I gasp in pain. Then she pulls hard on my arm and sends me flying ten feet down the sidewalk. I crash onto the rough cement, my face bleeding. I look back at her. She's still standing by the bike, looking as cool as can be. Being stubborn (and having the confidence only a man who can knit his broken bones in a couple of seconds can have), I summon yet more muscle onto my frame and rise to my feet. "You're pretty stupid, you know that? I'm not even trying yet," she says, wrinkling her nose. "Oh yeah? Me neither." I walk slowly toward her. I think I'm now seven feet tall and must weigh over four hundred pounds, all muscle. She looks up at me, a little confused. "Hey, are you getting bigger or something?" I don't answer and keep advancing. Now I'm up to seven and a half feet tall, as large as I'd ever made myself. She looks a little less confident. I can reach her now with my enormous arms. Her head barely pokes over my stomach. I boom out in a deep voice. "I'm giving you one more chance. Step away from the bike and I won't hurt you." She shakes her head and I quickly launch a blow right at her stomach, bending my knees and putting all of my weight into it. She tries to get her arm down to block it, but even she' s not fast enough and my fist crashes right into her, driving her back. But just a couple of feet, as she braces her legs on the pavement. Am I imagining it, or did her feet leave small indentations in the sidewalk? And my fist feels like I've just punched a cast iron statue. I look down and see my smashed knuckles and bent fingers and then the wave of pain hit me. I howl until I can find the presence of mind to repair the bones and nerve endings. Her cocky smile returns, and then some. "Even a giant man is no match for me." She grabs my arm and holds it so tightly that I think she'll tear it off, but instead, she starts swinging me around her, faster and faster, until my feet leave the ground and the stores and street are whirling around me so quickly that I can't distinguish anything but a blur of colors. I look back at her, and see her delighted, puckish smile at her complete domination, her feet pivoting gracefully as she increases her speed and then lets go of me, sending me sailing a hundred yards down the street and crashing into the roof of a store, which gives way under my momentum and weight and sends me tumbling into a rack of t-shirts and swimming suits, triggering a burglar alarm and the sprinkler system. I put together my broken bones, my ruptured spleen, my severed spinal cord, shrink down to an inch in height and sneak out the door, then transform back into my original, smaller self, and hitch a ride home from a friendly trucker. I stumble back up to my room at about noon, passing by Jemma, who gives me a leering smile, and my sister, and shut the door. The hourly radio news reports more of the same: An announcement of one Presidential Commission to study the impact the changes would have on society, another to recommend changes in the laws and a third to consider changes in educational policies. A crash military program to bring women soldiers up to combat-ready status to make sure an enemy's female army did not take advantage of the situation. More commentary from academics, religious leaders and politicians. And finally, someone with a focus on the lighter side -- Rosanne Barr commenting that this is just another in a long line of excuses men have developed to avoid taking out the garbage. I start laughing, then crying, and suddenly feel so tired that I fall soundly asleep and sleep straight through until Sunday morning, a blissful, dreamless sleep, interrupted only by my mother quietly coming in to feel my forehead and my sister, at two in the morning, not so quietly removing my stereo from my room. I awake at eight, feeling much refreshed, though no happier, shower and go downstairs to get the Sunday Times. The headline screams at me. MILLIONS OF INFANTS DEAD AT BIRTH WORLDWIDE DOCTORS HELPLESS. In a shocking continuation of Friday's events, women in labor crushed their newborn babies as they struggled to give birth, with doctors unable to prevent this seeming perversion of life's most precious moment. Leading obstetricians struggled to perform caesarian sections at earlier and earlier times, but were frustrated by the increasing density of uterine musculature and increased blood flow. Small numbers of babies were saved, but in each case at the cost of the life of the mother, who bled to death on the operating table. In the developing world, no medical intervention appears possible, and the end of the human race suddenly appears a possibility. Well this is a surprise. Had the brilliant Rebecca miscalculated? Something told me this state of affairs would not be allowed to continue and I'd soon be getting a phone call from her. I decide that I'd let her come to me, for a change. I read a different article. INCREASE IN FEMALE STRENGTH CONTINUES RADICAL CHEMICAL CHANGES A PARTIAL CAUSE As of late Saturday night, the continuing phenomenon of the transformation of half of the human race continues. Scientists at the Center for Disease Control have determined now that the average woman is over twenty times as strong as the average man, and is continuing to grow stronger with each hour. Medical examinations have revealed that chemical changes appear to be taking place in the female body at the genetic level, with the carbon basis of DNA being replaced by silicon-based molecules. The presence of this element appears to be causing the vast increase in female strength as well as the increasing density in their musculature. The head of the Center for Disease Control, Dr. Charles Talles, stated at a news conference that the implications of this event were staggering, and still unknown, but that at this time, almost 40% of the carbon had been replaced in women's bodies, and that women already constituted an entirely different species from men. This is unbelievable, I think. Is that what Rebecca had me do? But why? I turn over the fold and started reading the related human interest story. WOMEN FIND THEIR NEW STRENGTH EXCITING, FRIGHTENING In Central Park yesterday, women of all ages congregated to talk about the amazing changes in their bodies. Men largely stayed out of public spaces, perhaps fearful of the newly dominant females. Sarah Findley, of Astoria, sat on a bench with her friends, enjoying the sun. "I think it's pretty cool. I told Jack, my boyfriend, he shouldn't be afraid to come out with me, but he didn't want to, and I guess I understand. I hurt him pretty bad this morning when I kissed him. Can you imagine, I broke two of his teeth with my tongue! I guess I have to control myself better!" Her friend, Maria Fuerza, agreed. "It's really hard, men being so much more fragile now. And it's happened so fast. On Friday, I just wanted to find one of my old boyfriends who used to slap me around, and give it to him back, but now I'm glad I didn't. I might have killed him!" When asked whether they liked the changes, both agreed it was fun being stronger than men, but they worried about the effects on their ability to have children. Sarah said, "I mean, they've got to figure out a way to deal with this. Maybe it's just a matter of time before the babies get stronger too. Or maybe we'll all have to have test tube babies or something." Maria nodded in agreement. On the softball fields, women were quickly learning that fields that were large enough two days ago were much too small for them to play. The first batter in a church league game quickly hit a softball out of Central Park, her drive disappearing over a 20 story building on Fifth Avenue, a quarter mile away. After that, the women called off the game and played catch instead. But some were interested in less innocent pursuits. A group of teenagers ravaged part of Strawberry Fields, taunting each other to see who could pull the largest tree out of the ground, and bending metal park benches with their new muscles. Park policemen warned them to stop, but were unwilling to do more, after one of them was imprisoned in a band of steel twisted around his waist and knotted around a lamppost. This is awful. Maybe I shouldn't wait for Rebecca to call me. I finish my bowl of cereal, and Melanie comes downstairs. "Well, Cliff. Finally woke up. Ready to face the world again?" She sticks her chin out at me, trying to provoke me. "Yeah, I was a little tired." She looks over at me, and put her hand on the newspaper, pulling it away. "Nice not to hear Smashing Pumpkins this morning. Very considerate of you. I hope you liked the Spice Girls. I thought Girl Power would be appropriate." I ignore her, suddenly curious to see a picture of Martina Hingis in the Sports Section. "Hey, no reading during meals, Cliffie. You know what Mom says." "Put it back," I say, then I shut my mouth. I don't really want to get into a fight with her. I know it's just what she wants. "Aren't you going to make me?" she says, holding the paper away from me. "No. There wouldn't be much point, would there?" She grins. "Nope. Guess not." She looks at the headlines. "Pretty amazing isn't it?" She looks down at her arm and flexes it, smiling as her hard round muscle bubbles up, looking more like a steel ball than a lump of female flesh. "I can bend metal, like Supergirl, you know." "Yeah, that's great sis." I can't resist. "But I guess you can't have babies without killing them." Her eyes water and she glares at me. "You're a sicko! How can you gloat about that? It's so horrible! Those poor little things!" She grabs me like I'm a popsicle stick and holds me up in the air. "I could just kill you for saying that, just like you didn't care!" I grab her wrists, but I can't even dent her skin, she's so solid. "You are so disgustingly selfish. All I can say is you better hope they solve this problem. It's not like you can have children either, you know. But then, like you probably don't even care. Guys really suck, you know?" She drops me and pushes me against the wall, sticking out her tongue. "And they're just so weak." She leaves the room in a huff. I massage my chest where she pushed me and check out the Sports Section. Hingis looks great with biceps, I decide. Then I phone Rebecca. "Hello. Could this possibly be ... Cliffie?" "How did you know?" She laughs, a deep booming laugh. "Now who else would be calling me early this Sunday morning?" "Yeah, well, are you satisfied with what you've done?" "Oh yes. Everything is working just as I planned." "Everything!? Even the babies?" "Oh, the poor babies. Yes, Cliffie, even those poor lambs, sacrificed to a greater good." "Rebecca! I'm shocked! I -- "Oh Cliffie. Don't you go moral on me." She pauses. "Come over at three. I'll be ready for you then. Maybe you'll be ready too, but regardless, I'll explain everything." She pushes a button on the phone, the number "one" if I recall the tone correctly. "I know you'll come," she adds, and hangs up. I stay in my room until two-thirty, ignoring Jemma's invitation to join her for a walk in the park "under her protection" and then head over to Rebecca's. Someone else is there too, judging from the MG in the driveway. Rebecca opens the door, her blond hair glowing, her uplifted breasts, looking as if they could play Atlas and support the world, simultaneously beckoning me and holding me at bay from her luscious body. "You look beautiful, as always Rebecca." "Why thank you, Cliffie. That's very gentlemanly of you. Do you know Nick Brown, head of the crew team at Harvard?" I look at a thin, blank-looking man who walks into the room, gazing adoringly at Rebecca. "Now how would I know him, Rebecca?" "Oh I don't know. You wouldn't of course. I met Nick when we modeled together for Calvin Klein. Right Nick?" He nods and smiles at her, saying nothing. "So, what's he doing here. Is he your boyfriend or something?" "Not exactly." This is not what I expected. "So Nick," I say, a little confused. "You just down for the day?" "I don't know," he says quietly and looks at Rebecca for guidance. "Just sit down and watch dear. I'll let you know when I need you." He smiles, relieved, and meekly sits down. "Pardon me, Rebecca, but Nick doesn't act much like any Harvard student I've ever met, and he doesn't look like a Calvin Klein model either." Nick looks concerned, like he wants to say something, but he can't seem to put his words together. "Now Nick. Just relax. I told you I'd take care of this, didn't I?" He nods, relaxed again, and resumes his blank look. Rebecca points to a picture on the wall, showing her and a rakish, ravishing man in a Calvin Klein ad. "This is what Nick looked like last summer. In fact, it's what he looked like last night." My eyes go back and forth between the classic Calvin Klein male model and the wisp of a man with the empty face. "I don't get it." "Nick, tell Cliffie what we were doing today." He looks a little nervous, then speaks slowly. "We were kissing. A lot." He smiles. "You're a good kisser. Can we kiss more?" "Not right now, Nick. Maybe later." Nick's face instantly registers his disappointment, then his hope. "Would you take your wallet out for Cliffie and give it to him dear?" He nods and pulls it out of his pants, which I can see are very loose in his waist and legs. "You see Cliffie? Harvard ID, Boston Transit card, Massachusetts drivers license." "You go to Harvard, Nick?" I ask in a friendly voice. He nods, eager to please. "Pardon me Nick, but what did you do to him, Rebecca, lobotomize him?" She smiles. "Oh no. I just kissed him. Right Nick?" He nods and gives her a big smile. "And is he dying or something? Does he have AIDS? Look how thin he's gotten." "Oh, he's perfectly healthy. He'll live a long, long time. He's just lost a little extra muscle that he really didn't need. But he's fine. How do you feel Nick?" He smiles. "Oh, very good. Very happy." "Good dear. I'm glad." "I don't get it." "Hmm. Maybe you're not as smart as I thought you were. But that's all right. I promised I'd explain. He's the new man, Cliffie. He's the first, but soon all men will be just like him." "Like him!!?? But he's a nothing!" Nick looks at me blankly, perhaps frowning slightly, but so slightly I can't tell. "I can assure you he's a lot more than nothing. He's every woman's dream." "I can't believe that!" Rebecca shrugs. "Oh you will believe it when we're finished." I look at her skeptically. "What did you do to him?" "Why, just as he said. I kissed him." She smiles. "Would you like a kiss Cliffie?" She leans toward me and I quickly back away. "Not afraid of a little kiss, are you?" She smiles again, her eyebrows raised a millimeter, her eyes so bright and sharp I could swear they're firing lightning bolts at me. And maybe they are. "I never know what to think around you." "Of course not. I'm made that way." She smiles, brilliantly. In fact, I feel as though her mouth, her eyes, her whole body is smiling at me, drawing me to her, and I can feel my heart, and my dick, pulled to her with magnetic force. I fight back, but I know I had no chance of winning. If she wants me to lose. But then she relaxes with a little chuckle and sits down next to Nick. She put her arm around him and leaned over his lap. "You wouldn't mind a little kiss, would you Nick?" Without a moment's hesitation he turns his face for her, his mouth waiting for the imprint of her lips. She pulls him closer and they sit, locked in their embrace for a full minute. Then she breaks it off. "Stand up Nick, just for a moment." He does and my jaw drops at the enormous bulge that pushes out his pants a good six inches from his waist. He seems oblivious to the display, but moans slightly as Rebecca gently caresses his back, the bulge growing more, then, as she lightly fingers the inside of his leg, his dick literally tears through his jeans, shooting to a full 14 inches, as thick as a roll of salami, and rock hard. He doesn't show the slightest bit of self-consciousness, but his eyes are closed in rapt appreciation of Rebecca's touch. "Can you guess what I like about Nick, now, Cliffie. He's much more of a man than you are, than you'll ever be." I started to say something, but she waved her hand at me to quiet me. "Oh shush Cliffie. I know what you can do. But you can't make what Nick has, not with your little tricks. Go ahead, touch it. Nick won't mind." "Never." "Oh, you silly. Touching him won't make you a queer, Cliffie." I cross my hands. "Oh, that's so silly. But I figured you'd be that way." She reaches over to the shelf of a side table and takes a ten pound doughnut weight and slips it onto the end of Nick's dick. I wince. "Oh don't worry, Cliffie. I wouldn't hurt Nick." The doughnut rests just inside the head of his dick, which continues to rise as she tickles his leg. She wiggles the weight, and he smiled. "That's nice, Rebecca. Thank you." "You're very welcome, Nick." She turns to me. "It's mostly silicon, Cliffie. Much stronger than the proteins of your body. Strong enough not to be crushed when a woman comes." "But how did you -- "All it takes is a kiss Cliffie. One little kiss. You see, by now, the genetic changes you so kindly arranged for me have generated a new substance in our saliva, which triggers more changes in the opposite sex. Nick has been transformed just as we were. His IQ has dropped significantly. I suspect that by tomorrow he'll have quite forgotten how to speak. But he'll be very pleasant, and docile, barely strong enough to kill a fly, but blessed with one attribute that will make him very popular. Of course, it won't be long before all men are like Nick. We'll take good care of them Cliffie." "I can't believe this." "Well, see for yourself." "Is this what you want? Life with witless, docile men." "Sounds good to me. If they have the right equipment. I've never known a man who has much in the way of a personality anyway. We tolerate them. Up to now we haven't had a choice. But women are much more interesting. Now men won't get in the way. They can't cause any harm. Families will be easier to run. They won't be unhappy, and they'll keep us happy, when we want them. Oh, and as to the babies. You'll be relieved to know that new babies conceived by a woman and a man whose genes have been altered this way will be perfectly safe through birth. Their silicon-based skin and bones will protect them." She smiled. "Now, about that kiss." I spring up and back out of the room. "Stay away from me!" I yell. She looks at me levelly. "Oh, don't worry, Cliffie. I'm not a vampire. It probably wouldn't work on you anyway unless you wanted it to. I'm sure you could stop the changes in their tracks, even reverse them, at least until the genetic changes began and you remain smart enough to remember your little technique. But I think it will be lonely for you. The only old-fashioned man left in the world. Whatever will you do?" "I won't let you get away with this." "But Cliffie, you have no choice. Once the changes reach the genetic level we're immune to you. Your little power doesn't work on silicon-based life. You've noticed that already, haven't you?" I'm speechless and just stare at her. I've never felt so lost, not since I'd gained my power. "You look just like Nick right now. But he's much happier than you. Poor Cliffie. You thought you'd found the secret to a lifetime of happiness and power, and see how it's been turned to my purpose." "But how, how did you ever figure out how all of this. I can't even begin to "No, of course you can't. You see Cliffie, there's a lot you don't know about me. I'm a lot smarter than you. A lot smarter than everybody. I knew how to talk when I was a month old, but I was also smart enough not to let anyone else know. I just listened, and thought, until I decided it was time to babble and learn how to talk at a year and a half. That takes more than just brainpower. It's the kind of intelligence women have and men don't. The intelligence to know not to show off, not to show your full hand, but to play the game for the ultimate victory." "Would you like to see some baby pictures of me? Some pictures of when I was seven? You didn't know me then. You've never seen these pictures; no one I know now has." She picks up an album from the side table. "This is usually locked away, but I thought you might be interested." "What's so special about these? It doesn't look exactly like you, but "Exactly, Cliffie, they're not special. I was a very ordinary girl, plain even. Just how do you think I became so pretty? It was my first genetic project." "You mean, in elementary school you "Yes. It was fun, planting the changes in my genes and then watching as I matured and my new inner beauty revealed itself." "Once that was done, and I could see how easy it was, I thought some more about what further changes I could make. I've been thinking about this project for years. The genetic changes were easy. It was the agent for change that eluded me. I could change myself, but I was just one person, and the last thing I wanted to do was to stand out in any way other than the way a woman is supposed to stand out -- through beauty. I could engineer a viral agent, but it would be vulnerable to antibodies, and a hate the idea of a job half done. Then you came along. I knew what you were up to from the first time you started changing yourself. I could tell that your physical attributes weren't genetically based. Don't ask me how, but I could. From there on, it was easy. Now every living woman has been altered, and soon the men will be altered through us, and every child born will be part of a new race." "You're sick. You're crazy." "Don't call me names, Cliffie. It's very immature. But think about my offer, Cliffie. I'm giving you a big chance. Once a girl kisses you, you're stuck with her. You'll belong to her. You'll become dependent on her DNA, the unique proteins in her saliva will be necessary for your very life." She smiles. "Why, you'd just be dying for her kisses. Now, wouldn't you rather belong to me than Jemma, or some bag lady you run into on the way home? Whoever sees you first will insist, you know. Of course, in your docile state, it might not matter to you, but then again it might. I can't be sure just how much of your intelligence will be preserved." I turn away from her and march out of the house, knowing that a part of me wants that kiss from her, and hating myself for it, but after three steps I stop. There, on the street, no more than thirty feet away, is her next door neighbor, Sally Nelson. A nice lady, head of the local United Way campaign, an elder in the Presbyterian church. But ugly. Grossly fat, even with the changes, and now grossly muscular too. She looks at me, licking her lips slightly, in a kindly, predatory way. I wave, then return inside. "Yes, Cliffie? Did you forget something? You're not afraid of dear Mrs. Nelson, are you?" "I've changed my mind Rebecca. Will you ... uh, kiss me?" "You're asking so nicely Cliffie. Yes. I'd be happy to. Come right here." She puts her arms around me and I shudder. She seems to have such a presence, to be so much more real than the rest of the world. Will this be the way she always feels to me? Her scent filling my brain to distraction, her arms cocooning me, her eyes, more colorful than the spring. I lean forward into her full lips (now naturally silicon enhanced, I think, with perhaps my last sarcastic thought), when I feel her body stiffen slightly, her head drawing back. "Oh, one thing, Cliffie. Your little power, it's so useless to you now. You'd better transfer it to me, beforehand. It wouldn't be safe with you, after you lose your intelligence. Of course it couldn't affect me or any other woman. But it could damage you and other men, and you wouldn't even know what you were doing. If you got out of control, I'd have to kill you. And I wouldn't want to do that. Think of the poor little animals too. You might do some horrible things, without even knowing it." I look into her deep blue eyes. Yes, she's right. It would be dangerous. What if I turned a puppy into a dinosaur, or a snake into a fire-breathing dragon. I've already seen my power do things I hadn't intended. I nod and concentrate, so eager to please her, trying to sense in myself the physical processes my brain uses to exercise my power, using it to make myself grow slightly one last time, then satisfied that I've isolated the sequence of events, look into Rebecca's brain and, somehow, created a similar event, training her nervous system to emit the same neurotransmitters, the same proteins. I feel proud of myself that I can effect such a change on the cellular level, on my own. It is far more sophisticated than anything I'd tried before, and I succeeded, because of her encouragement! Oh this life would be strange, and limited, but at least I will have Rebecca. I modify my own nervous system, eliminating the ability to synthesize those same proteins. I try again to make myself bigger. I can do nothing. It is done. Rebecca smiles at me and gives me a small peck on the lips. "Is that it? Is that the kiss?" She smiles again. "No Cliffie. I suppose not." She sighs. "It's not what you were expecting, wa it." I feel very strange. Rebecca is looking right at me, but once again, I have the feeling of her towering over me, and again I felt woozy. The odor of that soup is in the air again. "Are you cooking again Rebecca?" "Oh yes, Cliffie. I sure am." She looked at me intently, her face bright, her eyes bursting with color, then suddenly everything is spinning, and I'm looking up at her from her couch, seeing that red fleece dress swerving out to contain her breasts as I stare at the bottom of that peerless shelf of flesh. "Hey, where am I?" "Why, right where you've been all along, Cliffie, in my sitting room. Did you think you were somewhere else?" I sit up slowly, my head woozy, and I almost topple back over, but I catch myself. I look at her carefully. She's the same as she had been, her body bursting out of her dress, her luminous hair falling around her shoulders, her arms ... her arms, graceful, toned, with perfect skin, but definitely a normal woman's arms. It had been a dream! "What happened? I was imagining that you made me, I mean, that, wow, what a dream!" "Tell me about it Cliffie." "Oh no, I'd rather not. It would be, you know, embarrassing. How long did I sleep?" "Oh, about an hour. It's not often that a boy falls asleep on a date with me. But then, this isn't really a date." "Oh? What was it?" "Why, it was show and tell. You were showing me something, when you fell asleep, demonstrating some kind of trick for me. And telling me about poor Brenda, whom you murdered. Is that right?" I nod, unsure about what I had told her, and what I had dreamed. Yes, I remember making Rebecca stronger, and confessing to what happened with Brenda. But I had also remade the whole world, and here was Rebecca, back to normal. I was totally confused. "I'm not sure I remember," I say, stalling. "Oh, I remember very well. You said you had some kind of special power. That you could change people's bodies, and you showed me how you used to be a lot smaller, and then you made me into an amazon. It was wonderful. I felt almost godlike, I was so strong. Do you remember now?" I nod. "Good. Let's do it again, then. I liked it so much the first time." "I'm not sure I'm up to it, Rebecca. Maybe after dinner. I'm a little hungry, I think." "Oh, it's too late for that. The meat burned while you slept. Come on, make me strong again." I stare at her. "OK. But Rebecca, you won't tell anyone about this, will you?" "Oh, you can trust me, Cliffie." I think about her body, about making her muscles grow, but I don't feel right, like when I was with Brenda. Nothing happens. "I'm sorry. My mind must be a little addled. This happens to me sometimes. Maybe later." She looked disappointed. "Well, alright. We can chat a little more. Tell me, did Brenda really drain all the strength out of you? That must have made you very upset. After all, I know how you felt about her. Such a little pest she was. I'm sure she would have tormented you. But you know, the funny thing about your story is, she was exactly normal when they found her. Did you take her muscle back after she died?" "No. It must have just happened." "Really? Is that how it works? Interesting. And was she naked or something? I would have thought she would have burst right out of that tiny little one-piece bathing suit she was always wearing." "No, no, she took it off, then put on my sweatshirt, then she took that off when she ...." I was very confused. When had she gotten dressed again? She was in her old suit when I woke up. I didn't remember putting it back on her. I was asleep. And that was weird, her getting smaller again. I was too shocked to think of it at the time, but it didn't make sense. The changes I made were never reversible, not by themselves. I looked over at Rebecca again, at her voluptuous but slender form. What was going on here? "Well, it was certainly smart of you to dress her before they found her. But she wasn't the least bit sunburned, I heard. I mean, they never investigated you for molesting her, and they would have if they had any clue that she was undressed or that you did, wouldn't they?" "I guess so." "It's almost like you dreamed the whole thing, isn't it? Except for the part about killing her, of course." I swallow hard. I can't quite follow what she's saying. Things were moving too quickly. I cleared my throat. "Are you feeling alright, Cliffie? Would you like a mint?" She reached into a drawer and pulled out a hard candy, red. I stared at it. "What's the matter? Haven't you ever seen a sucking candy before?" "It's just that ... that ... that's the candy I ate the last time I was here, the night before that thing with Brenda ... when I felt so groggy the next day ... and "Did you have some kind of reaction to the candy? I'm so sorry. I make them myself, you know. I'm very handy with foods. You did like my soup, didn't you?" I stare at her. "You drugged me. You drugged me both times, didn't you? How dare you!" I stood up, wobbling a bit from the aftereffects of whatever she'd given me, but tall enough to confront her directly. "Well!" She pretends to be offended. "Not everyone can just change people's bodies around without their consent, can they? Some people have to use other means." "You admit it?" She shrugs. "Yes. I have a little talent with chemicals." She points to her breasts. "Do you think these came naturally? I was a very homely little girl, you know. I only became beautiful with the help of a little chemistry. Venus drugs, I called them. Would you like to see a picture of me 'before?'" She reaches out and pulls out a picture album. "This is usually locked away, but I thought you might be interested. Or have you already seen them?" The album looks familiar. "Of course, you showed them to me when Nick was -- but that's not possible. I'm sure I was -- "That must have been quite a dream you had. Are you sure you don't want to tell me about it?" She pretends to stretch, pointing her breasts at me. "You do want to tell me, don't you?" she opens her lower lip a tiny bit in a slight pout. God she is so beautiful. But I shake my head. The dream is fading in my memory anyway. "Oh no. I-I-I need to go Rebecca. I need to clear my head. Look, I'm sorry I fell asleep, but, hey what am I apologizing for? You're the one who knocked me out. Good night, okay?" "I'd really like you to stay just a bit longer, Cliffie. Would you like some coffee?" I look at her sharply. "Oh don't worry. It's from Starbucks." She winks. "100% natural and drug free, I promise." I look at her warily. "Ok. But only if you tell me what's going on." "Oh, I promise. I'll explain everything." She goes into the kitchen to make the coffee, while I stare at the photographs, hoping to divine some clue about her, but it's hopeless. Instead, I try waking myself up my own way, but I still feel completely stymied in using my power. I'm getting very frustrated now. Meanwhile, Rebecca returns with one cup of coffee on a silver serving tray. She sets it down next to me, and I gulp it down. "I'll be honest with you, Cliffie, and direct. The thought of your having this power has always made me very uncomfortable. No, no, don't stop me. I've known about it for some time, and I'd suspected it for even longer. I knew your growth was unnatural, and when I saw funny things happening around school, it became even more serious. It wasn't right for you to have such power. Especially because I didn't." "You were jealous of me?!!" "Not of you, stupid, just of something you had." I'm getting angry. Who did she think she is, calling me stupid? I put the coffee cup down and stand up. "Well tough luck, Rebecca! I mean, here you are, the girl who has everything, the most beautiful girl in the world, as far as I can tell, and you're deciding that it's wrong for me to find a way to improve myself? Jesus!" She stays seated and speaks evenly. "You were a threat to me. I knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt from the day you put that pimple on my nose. Imagine! And then you try to show off, making me grow a little. I mean, I had decided exactly how tall I should be, and all my clothing fit perfectly. Who are you to change that? I had an important modeling appointment that day. You have no idea how that extra one-quarter of an inch ruined it for me." "Are you crazy? One quarter inch! Well, s-o-r-r-y! Anyway, if it was such a big deal, why didn't you just ask me to change it back? I would have done it in an instant." "Ask you for something? Never. I would never have trusted you with my body. You did quite enough of a job on Caroline, and that extra height just played havoc with my balance. It was all I could do to control myself to do no more than send you home." "Oh really? What else exactly would you do to me anyway? Bat your eyelashes? Bounce your tits? Big deal. Anyway, your power over me is gone. It worked before, to be sure, but now that I know what you're really like, drugging me, scheming against me, it won't work any more. I know the real Rebecca Weston now, and I can tell you, she's not very pretty at all." Her face reddens. I'd finally gotten to her a little, and it felt great, until she stood up too and slapped my face. "Don't you dare talk to me that way, Cliffie!" "Oh yeah? Well, don't call me 'Cliffie', 'Becky.' That's not my name." I know she hates it when someone shortens her name. "You little self-important snot! You should be grateful I even remember your name." She slaps me again. Now I've had enough, more than enough in fact, and slap her back this time, knocking her backward onto the couch. Her eyes almost pop out from the shock of my hitting her, and she feels her jaw gingerly. "I can't believe you did that. Nobody, NOBODY hits me! You'll pay for that. You'll pay, Cliffie." Just then, she shoots her foot out right into my balls and I collapse on the floor in agony. Man, that hurt. I try to deaden the nerve endings temporarily, but I can't. My power is still eluding me. So I curl into a ball and let the pain ebb naturally. Meanwhile, Rebecca laughs softly. "Some Mr. Tough Guy. You never thought to give yourself balls of steel, did you, Cliffie. You're no match for me. One way or the other, I'll always win." My blood is boiling from her taunts and drives the remnants of my queasiness from my stomach. I roar and leap up, grabbing her by the throat and shaking her. "I could just kill you, you know that? Just like Brenda. I'd do it too, or even worse, make you into a fat slob. Just you wait until my power comes back, Rebecca, and I'll show you a thing or two about winning!" I shove her back against the cushions and grinned. "Look at you, your face all red, your head messed up. I've never seen you that way before, and let me tell you, you're a lot less formidable. Now how would you look with a little roll of fat around that little waist of yours, or maybe a big one?" "You'd do that? Tell me, you little wimp. You'd do that to me?" "Yes. I would. You'd deserve it too. You're so puffed up with yourself, it would be a pleasure, an honor. I'd be doing the world a big favor too, so that everyone would see how ugly you really are." I grab the photo album. "And this can be my model too. Skinny legs, sharp nose, mousy brown hair. I'd just be giving you back what's rightfully yours." She stands up and regards me coolly, feeling the small swelling on her chin. "I just wanted to be sure. Well then, Mr. Smarty, if you're going to do it, do it now. Do your worst. But I want you to do it right in front of me. I want you to see the result of your destruction of my beauty. Go on. I'm waiting." I have to admire her in a way. She sure is taking it "like a man." I swallow. Do I really want to do this, destroy the most beautiful body I've ever seen, mar the face that could launch a thousand ships? "Well? Can't decide? Or don't you have the will to confront me after all, you little shit." That remark puts me over the edge. I can't believe she's still taunting me. I can't back down now. I concentrate on her tight little waist and imagine a ballooning roll of fat expanding her stomach until it stretches her little red dress to the bursting point, until the fat hangs loosely down in front of her, like some woman in stretch pants at the local Wal-Mart. But nothing happens. Damn, my power is still missing in action. "I'm waiting, Cliffie. Is something wrong? Am I making you nervous? A little performance anxiety? Or maybe this happens to you all the time. Do you need some soothing words, a little mood music? Maybe some porno movies to get your blood racing." "Shut up Rebecca." "Or maybe you just can't do it anymore. Maybe you've lost this wondrous power. Have you considered that possibility? "You wish. It's not something I can lose." "Then where is it? I still feel as lovely as ever." I try again, concentrating as hard as I can. I go through each conscious step of the technique, but something was blocking me. But what can it be? "Does it feel familiar Cliffie, like when you were on the beach with Brenda?" "But that wasn't real. That was just a dream." "Yes, I'm sure. Or when you changed all the women in the world into powerful silicon-based creatures who were immune to your power?" I stare at her. Yes, that was the dream. It had faded from my memory, but now that she said it, that was it. "But how do you know? I didn't -- "I know because I suggested it. You were very suggestible, you know. Nick Brown, babies dying, Jemma beating you up. I gave you the outline of your dream, you just filled in the details." "But why? Why?" She ignores me. "I'm getting bored with this. Bored with you. You're really not very bright, you know. After all, the only interesting thing about you was your power, and now it looks like it's gone. So, you can be gone, Cliffie, too. Go on, out with you." She waves the back of her hand at me, like she's shooing a kitten, then stands up and places the photo album in its drawer, and, after a pregnant pause, turns around, feigning surprise. "What, you're still here? But I thought you wanted to leave. Well, no one's keeping you anymore. I've gotten what I wanted." She stares into my eyes, the blue of her eyes, even deeper, even more intense than I'd remembered. "Or am I going to have to throw you out?" I put my foot down hard. "Damn it, Rebecca! You still haven't told me what this is all about. I want to know and I want to know right now!" "Well! Would you just listen to the little shit who thinks he can order me around. Well, let me see you sit up and beg, like the little dog you are. Then maybe I'll consider your little wish and decide. But you must ask me nicely, or I'll box your little ears." I stand there, open-mouthed. Nobody had ever talked to me like that, at least not since I was in kindergarten and dumped all of the classroom paints on the floor because Miss Lisa wouldn't let me use purple. I try again to make her fat, obesely fat this time, no messing around, but I just give myself a headache, then looking at her haughty, self-confident expression, my blood just boils over and I ram my fist into her narrow stomach. She drops to her knees, clutching herself. Feeling no pity, I kick her hard in her face, smashing her nose so that it spurts blood. Well, I thought, maybe it's less subtle than making her fat, but I've really ruined her now, at least until she goes to her plastic surgeon. She feels her nose and looks down at her blood stained hands, wiping them on her red dress, then stands up slowly, still holding her stomach. "Oooh. That really hurt." She sniffles, and I'm not sure if she's crying, holding back more blood, or just testing out her nose. She stares at me, making no effort to hide her bent nose or the blood that's running down from it onto her chin, her neck and her breasts, then tried to give it back to me, slamming her fist into my stomach, but her blow can't penetrate my stomach muscles. She tries again, this time aiming her hand at my face, but I see it coming a mile away and grab her wrist, holding it tight. She struggles to get away, but she's no match for my strength and I lift her hands in the air so that she's caught, her chest heaving, those tits bouncing up and down in my face. "So are you satisfied now, Cliffie? Feel better? I sure hope you're having fun." "Yeah, I guess so. Not that I know any more now than I did before, but it beats the alternative." I let her go and push her back a few steps. She puts her hands on her hips and stands up straighter, but still gingerly, and glares at me, her eyes blue hot with anger. "Oh, don't worry. You will, you'll know everything." And then, before my eyes, I see her nose slowly straighten until it looks exactly like it had before I hit her, small, sleek and perfect. She takes a deep breath, and stands up straighter, until she's in her usual erect posture, breasts thrust outward, her chin defiant and superior just like before. Even the dried blood seems to fade away and be reabsorbed by her skin. "Oh, how nice! I feel good as new." She pulls her hair back into place and ties it in a pony tail, the motion pushing out her breasts at me. There I go again, I think. My power doing its own tricks, as it had with Caroline and Melissa. But at least it's working again. And I didn't really want to hurt her. Still, there's no way I'll let her keep that body anymore. A little roll of fat, a bit of sag in her breasts, and maybe a stubborn zit would be a nice bit of revenge. She could always work it off later with a little exercise. I pretend that the repair job I did on her was intentional. "Yeah, well, you can see I didn't really want to hurt you, Rebecca. But frankly, I've had enough." I turn around to leave, imagining with relish the two inch roll of fat appearing on her waist. "Oh no you don't!" she calls. "I think we still have some unfinished business Cliffie." I laugh to myself, eager to see the expression on her face. She puts her hand on my shoulder and I turn around to look at my work. But there's no roll of fat around her waist. Not even an extra millimeter. No, instead her hourglass figure of billowing breasts, tiny waist and tight butt has suddenly been augmented by broad lats, cannonball shoulders and melon-sized biceps, stretching the cotton of her dress to near transparency. "I think I owe you something Cliffie." She fires a punch at my stomach, which knocks me backwards six feet even though I have enough presence of mind to brace myself and tighten my abs. "That was just a warm-up Cliffie. Try this one." She steps forward quickly, pivots, and uncoils her leg, powered by thighs at least thirty-five inches around, blasting her foot a good four inches into my stomach. I moan with pain and collapse backwards into the wall. "I'm sure you felt that one!" She bounced forward and grabs me roughly with both hands, lifting me above her head like I weighed no more than ten pounds, and throws me across the room against the other wall, only my arms saving me from a crushing concussion. She keep coming at me, and I hold out my hands to ward her off. But hell, who am I kidding? She's huge. Seeing my eyes run down her arm, she pauses for a moment, flexing her biceps, the rise in her muscles forcing the short cotton sleeve to back up onto her shoulder. Her biceps are easily twice the size of mine, maybe more. But how could I have done that? I can't believe my unconscious mind was that self-destructive, not after I'd just thrashed her. After all, I don't feel a shred of guilt about hurting Rebecca, not after she'd manipulated me so cruelly. Meanwhile, she takes my outstretched hands in her smaller ones and squeezes, crushing my fingers with numbing pain and forcing my arms inward, until they're bent folded across my chest. "You're so proud of that body you've built yourself, but it's nothing compared to mine, Cliffie. I can handle you physically as easily as if you were a tot." She lifts me in the air again, pinning me against the wall, and I have to bend my head to avoid smashing it on the ceiling. Then suddenly, I feel myself shrinking. In her arms, I'm losing all of my size, all of my muscle, until I'm once again only 5'9" tall, with arms and legs that looked like they'd never seen a drop of testosterone. "Well, would you look at this? It's all I can do to keep myself from throwing you through the ceiling." She lowers me a little, holding me by the belt with one hand, my weight not even enough now to make her tense her prodigious arm muscles. "Try it now, big guy. Give me your best punch." She points to her waist, as narrow as ever and looking as tight as a drum. "If you can hit the target." I can't resist and hit her as hard as I can, but my wrist just doubles back against her ironclad abs. "It felt a lot better that time. Now, let me try." "Don't get too cocky, Rebecca. I can take it away just as easily, you know. I've just misfired a little, and when -- "You complete dolt! Don't you get it? It's my power now. I'm the one who's doing this!" "What! No! That's impossible!" "Don't remember your dreams, Cliffie? Especially the ending, when you transferred it to me? For the sake of those cute little animals?" My jaw drops in horror. I do remember now. To drive it home, Rebecca holds up her free hand and flexes her muscle, which rises in a mighty tower, the slender blue veins decorating it like ribbons, and pulls her fist back for a killer blow that will shatter me into a thousand pieces. But then she laughs and drops me onto the floor. "But that would be too easily. I'd enjoy it more doing it with my own body." And in a flash, Rebecca's extra muscle is gone. But she's still two inches taller than I, and her legs about six inches longer. She lashes out with a kick into my stomach and drives me backwards, then another kick to my chest, which knocks me down, then pounces on top of me and pulls my arms over my head. "See Cliffie, even without using your power, my muscles are stronger than yours. But then, I keep myself in shape, and you haven't done a lick of real exercise in years, I'd bet." She presses my arms into the ground once more to make a point, then lets me go, bouncing to her feet. My eyes following the after-motions of her breasts until they settle into place once again. "You little fool. You could have had anything, done anything, and you've let me trick your power out of you. I've reduced you to the pathetic wimp you were before. And it was so easy." I could only stare at her with disbelief. "And now I can have what I want. Endless, unlimited beauty, strength and power. And no one can stop me. No one can complete with me. No one can touch me." Her eyes glow bluer still, and I can see her enhancing her peerless breasts even more, her pectoral muscles hardening, her nipples rising, defying gravity, her hair even a richer tone of gold. Her thighs tighten into a solid mass of sleek muscle and her chest protrudes still more as she gives herself the back muscles of a ballerina, and then some. "Rebecca," I say in a quiet voice. "At least give me back my body. You can hold it over my head to take it away, if I ever say a word about anything. But don't make me go back to living like this. Please." She glances at me, almost having forgotten I'm still there. "Come on, I'm no challenge to you anymore. No one's smart enough to challenge you." "You're sure right about that, Cliffie." "I mean, I hope life doesn't get too boring for you, the smartest person in the world, the most beautiful and the one with the power to control the bodies of everyone in the world." "Don't you worry about me, Cliffie." She thinks for a second. "Well, why not? What harm would it do? There you go." In an instant, my dream body has returned. "You do it a lot more quickly than I ever could, Rebecca." "Your flattery is pleasant, Cliffie, but boring." A moment of regret passes her face. "I will miss this little battle Cliffie. It's the end of what I'd planned for a long, long time." Her expression changes again. "But now, there's other things to do." She looks directly at me. "Go now, Cliffie. Or I'll ...." "You don't have to say it, Rebecca. And I won't bother you again." I stop for a moment. "Not that I could, of course." She shakes her head at my stupidity and closes the door, hard enough to rattle the knocker. I see the light go on in Sally Nelson's bedroom, across the yard, then go off again, and I hop on my bicycle for the long ride home. 14 It's hard to make the most beautiful girl in the world more beautiful. When you reach a certain point, it becomes as much a matter of taste as anything else. Amazingly, Rebecca seemed to get fewer modeling jobs after she took my power than before. Maybe it was her absolute perfection, her lack of vulnerability. Maybe it was her personality. Oh I heard the stories. How Rebecca's competitors for any job, for any part, would invariably come down with a last minute malady. Upset stomachs, the old pimple trick, broken bones. Even unexplained weight gain. Bloating they called it. Poor Julia Roberts -- people wondering whether her mouth had always been that large -- Jennifer Donnelly developing a bizarre paunch that no amount of weight training or dieting could conquer, and Brooke Shields, whose eyebrows just couldn't seem to stay plucked. Still, it didn't seem to hurt their popularity (except for Jennifer's I'm sorry to say), and Rebecca, after a few small parts in movies, started being known for her "personality problem" and soon faded from the public eye. Of course, I'm not as stupid as Rebecca thinks, and I've learned a few things from her, and from the days when I could manipulate bodies by the power of my thought. The power does strange things, I know, acting in ways we least expect. That's the fun of it, and also the danger. Like when Pete Sampras, Rebecca's husband for seven months, suddenly grew three feet taller while he was reaching for a key net volley and lost the U.S. Open, probably because he couldn't control his shots using his longer limbs, or when Steven Lucas mysteriously disappeared like Obiwankenobee not long after Rebecca lost out to Gabriella Sabatini for the part of Princess Leia's daughter in the long-awaited seventh part of Star Wars. I know what happened, but I won't tell. Not yet at least. You see, I'm working on my third great discovery, which will let me do once again, using artificially generated electromagnetic theta band radiation to do what I once could do in my head. It's a more difficult project than my original one; the human brain, with its vast array of electronic and organic processes, being a much more subtle tool than a mere machine. But I am determined, and I've had help. From Rebecca, of course, who, deep down, must have felt that she'd miss the challenge of our battles. And knowing that, her subconscious just could not resist giving me a little help to catch up. Too bad the home IQ tests don't score beyond 250, because I wouldn't want anyone else to know what I can do, just yet. And certainly, it's best that not know about my new abilities. At least not until my discovery is fully operational. And then, with my IQ over 400, and Rebecca back to being a very pretty, but still normal girl, you just don't know what I'll do next. Or do you?