The Time Machine alternative version by Marknew inspired by original story by Steve the Z Joe and Jenny Blake sat in Joe's greatest invention - a Time Machine! "Well, Dear, are you ready?" Joe asked, making the final adjustments for their amazing journey. "Yes, Honey, let's visit the past!" She gave her husband a glowing smile and batted her eyes at him. "Remember now, we cannot do ANYTHING that may change history. The consequences could be catastrophic. We could even cease to exist!" "I remember, Dear. Under no circumstances can we leave the Time Machine," she repeated, sweetly but somewhat mechanically. "That's right Jenny," Joe said, patting his petite, black-haired wife's dainty hand with his much larger one. "Or even communicate with the primitive beings we will observe. Well, here goes!" He flicked some switches, then pulled the lever that sent them forward into the past! Neither of them noticed his secret copy of LH Art Growth magazine that was pulled into the timstream with them by the sudden inrush of air when the Time Machine disappeared. Joe and Jenny visited the year 19,300 B.C. They hovered just out of reality and watched the primitive cave people go about their daily lives, unaware of the two invisible visitors. Right below them, a tall, well-built cavegirl squatted down, dug up roots and carried them several hundred yards to an older woman for her to grind and cook. "This is simply fascinating!" Jenny said as she took pictures with her palm-sized camcorder. "Indeed," said Joe, snapping picture after digital picture. Then, sadly, their batteries nearly exhausted, it was 'time' to go back to the future. They put their recording instruments away and Joe reversed the lever's position. For just a very tiny fraction of a second, they flickered into existence, a necessity for space-time reorientation. The copy of LH Art Growth was released and fell to the ground, unnoticed by the travelers, who were immediately swept away into the timestream. Neither Joe nor Jenny saw the inquisitive cavegirl pick up the brightly colored magazine that had appeared miraculously out of thin air. It was OBVIOUSLY a communication from the gods! She leafed through its pages, her eyes widening in delight and surprise at the magical pictures of goddesses who were so much stronger and more muscular than the little men-gods, easily dominating them. Why, unlike their own tribe, the women in the pictures forced the men to service and pleasure them! So, THIS is how they were MEANT to live. Big women must take little men for their mates. But there were no big men in the book. No little women. She puzzled over this for a moment. That was part of the message! The big men and little women must be killed. Then the human race will be like the gods! She grunted in satisfaction, happy that she was big -- like a god! How pleasant the life the gods lead must be, and how right it was that we should try to be like them. Obviously. She couldn't wait to show the others! They would all do as the gods commanded. How glorious it would be! They would live as the gods wanted them to even though they must kill the unworthy ones, for then the gods would bless them and make them prosper! * * * * * * * * As they fled through the years back to 2003, Jenny felt strange sensations coursing through her body. "Honey, we couldn't have done anything that would have changed history, could we?" she asked as her shoulders grew wider and rounder with added muscle and longer and thicker bones. "Of course not, dear!" he said, his eyes glued to the gauges and needles in front of him. "We were extremely careful. We took nothing with us except our cameras, which we have here. And therefore, we could not have left anything behind." "What you say is true," Jenny said, as her black cotton slacks converted into tight spandex stretched across her rapidly developing thigh and calf muscles. "I didn't think we did. Yet I can't say I'm entirely sure." A note of uncertainty and defensiveness crept into Joe's voice. "But do you think anything was left? I had thought everything went very well. Perfectly, in fact. Don't you think so?" Joe asked, making a slight adjustment on the dial to compensate for a slight imbalance in the machine's orientation. "Oh yes!" said Jenny, her midriff now bared as her blouse became a white spandex top, revealing the extremely deep cuts of her phenomenally developed abs. "It surely did. It has been -- and continues to be -- a wonderful experience!" "I'm so glad you liked it. I had so hoped my Time Machine would work. The authorities at the Academy will see now that they were one hundred percent wrong about it," Joe said as he began to ease the lever back just a bit, still compensating for the continuing fluctuations. Obviously, reversing their course back to the future had reversed the frictional effects of moving through the time stream. Instead of the heavier side dragging, the lighter side, Jenny's, was apparently creating the drag. Funny how his calculations hadn't picked that up. He struggled with the lever to compensate and brought them back on course. That was funny too. The lever seemed stiffer than it should be. He monitored the instruments more closely to check for other unexpected variations. He felt his confidence slipping. He hoped he could get them back! "Yes, well obviously those silly men were completely wrong!" Jenny said, emphatically, her voice a tad lower now as her chest deepened, her growing pectoral muscles thrusting her chest outwards, while massive biceps blossomed on her upper arms. Meanwhile, her pants shortened into culottes above her softball size, split calf muscles which were now twice the size of her husband's, while all of her muscles thickened and hardened into dense, iron balls of power. Joe was silent while he closely attended to the controls, making frequent adjustments. Finally they stabilized as he slowed the machine's movement through the time-stream in preparation for arrival. "I can't wait to prepare my write-up in the scientific journals," Joe continued, turning off the first of the relays. "Of course, I'll show it to you first, dear. You always have important insights to add." "I look forward to reading your draft, honey," Jenny said, extending her long legs across the leather seat, her culottes shrunken into bicycle shorts barely visible above her long and hugely developed thighs. "Thank you, dearest one," Joe said, flicking off the last two relays, his hand on the lever, ready to bring them to a stop. He'd done it! Thank goodness. "Good work, Joe. I certainly enjoyed it. It will turn out to be a life-changing experience! For both of us!" Jenny said in a resonant, commanding voice as her now skimpy micro-shorts stretched around her curvaceous thighs, leaving her magnificently muscled, deeply tanned legs nearly bare. "I think so too. And I feel it was extra special doing it with you!" Joe said, deciding that the changes in her voice were caused by the distortions in the temporal field as they continued to shift through time. He pulled with all his strength and managed to bring the balky lever to the stop position. He'd need to lubricate it much more thoroughly before their next trip. "I know," Jenny said, admiring the way her biceps, even unflexed, had swelled into mighty twenty-nine inch guns of rock-hard, blood-engorged mountains of muscle. She glanced down at them and gleefully gave her right arm just a little flex, grinning as even that small effort made it burst outwards and upwards, its circumference immediately expanding by another six inches. "Here we are, home again!" Jeff said as the Time Machine came to a halt. He shut down its field generators, releasing the two time travelers once again into the normal space-time continuum. Jenny unbuckled her seat belt and hopped out of the Time Machine, while Joe climbed down from his side, puzzled that the machine seemed to have grown, noticing only now that his scientist's coat had morphed into a bright yellow flannel t-shirt. He ran around the machine to Jenny, shouting, "Hey! Look at my -- oh my GOD! Jenny, what's HAPPENED to YOU??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He stared at her, gobsmacked. Six feet, nine inches tall, her skin flawless, her shoulders nearly three feet wide, and every muscle developed to an incredible degree, Jenny had become a veritable goddess, especially compared to Joe, who had shrunk to five feet, two inches tall and now looked up directly into her spectacular, and very intimidating, chest. A tidal wave of fear flowed through him and he began to tremble. Even the thought of daring to look his wife of seven years directly in the face suddenly required more courage than he could ever muster, so instead he looked downward. But he only became more frightened by the sight of her bare abdomen, plated with solid, armor-like muscle, and then her massively thick legs that reached nearly up to his shoulders. Near panic, he averted his eyes from his supremely muscled spouse, then noticed his own painfully thin arms, stripped of any sign of his masculine strength. Why, no wonder he could barely move the lever. He had almost no muscle! What had they done?!! They must have completely changed the evolutionary path of man and woman!! But how?? And how would he, just one man, change things back to the way they were supposed to be? Meanwhile, Jenny looked down at her little husband, half-hidden beneath her protruding breast. She did love the little creature. He was always so attentive and obedient, so responsive to her every whim. And right now she wanted a few things from him. She felt horny, hot. She would take him soon, take his "offering" (as she realized it was now called) inside her until she was sated. He would give it to her whenever she called for it. After all, physically, he would be able to do nothing else once her desire emerged. But first she wanted his adoration, his worship. And worship required more fear. She knew that too, instinctively it seemed. It did seem a bit cruel. He WAS her husband, her soul mate. But those words seemed empty to her now, out of tune with what everyone knew were the essential truth of the universe -- women were made in the form of the gods, and men, like animals, plants, even the very earth itself, existed to serve the gods through their service of women. How right that was, and how good it was to be as a god. Her voice boomed out, "Well, well, well, my little Joe, what a tiny weakling you have become compared to me!!" She knelt down so that she was only half a head taller, forcing him to look into her eyes. Men found looking into the face of a woman so terrifying, perhaps because we read their simple thoughts so easily. She saw him glance quickly to his time machine, and then back to her body. Well! So he wants to change history! I think not! She reached toward the machine, gripping one of the two time-stream nullifiers, and pulled it off the hull, easily snapping the supporting metal strut while Joe looked on in amazement and horror. "Now that I have your full attention, Joe, I think you should have a look at the size of my biceps!" she said, flexing her anvil-like muscle and caressing it with her fingers. She pulled his soft cheek against it, letting him feel the hard pulse of her power. "I bet I have more muscle right here than you have in your whole body!" She flexed harder to push its delicious peak even higher. She loved the way it made Joe quiver with fright. Joe tried to speak, but overcome by an overpowering need to bend down and kiss his wife's toes he couldn't utter a word. He must show her his worship, his adoration, his complete submission. And quickly!! "You see, Joe, it appears that, somehow, we did change the past," Jenny said, enjoying the gentle tingles generated by her husband's flickering tongue on her toes. She inclined her ankle, forcing him to look upwards. Flexing both mighty biceps and inflating her chest, she thrilled at Joe's expressions of astonishment and fear. "And the present and future too, little Joe. And I, for one, am going to LIKE it!"