OH NO! I: Neil and Debra by Marknew (Marknew742@aol.com) Short stories with a similar theme 1 Neil was just getting used to college life when the bottom fell out. Carl, his best friend from high school, had just phoned him from Rutgers to give him the news. Debra was transferring to his college. Even worse, she would be living on his floor, not 100 feet down the hall from his room. At one time, nothing could have made Neil happier. He'd had a crush on Debra for years -- from the time he'd met her in seventh grade until the middle of his senior year. Somehow, she'd been imprinted upon him as his ideal type. Her dark, lustrous hair, her petite, but proportionately shapely figure, and the pronounced wiggle her butt traced as she walked though the high school halls were deeply etched in his mind. He loved to watch her around the school. She stood very erect, her arms back, her chest thrusting out to make the most of her small breasts. Her eyes were animated, her voice rose and fell excitedly with everything she said. She stood so proudly, so strong, even though she was short. And since Neil was just 5'8", she was just the right size. When fate brought them together briefly in the form of a two- month work study project in New Brunswick, a forty-minute round bus trip they took together, Neil made the most of it. To his shock, he learned even has he had idolized her, Debra had her own insecurities and was flattered by his interest in her. With that, the flood of desires for her he had kept bottled up for years burst out. He loved her, yearned for her, would do anything for her and told her willingly. And she listened, at first with suspicion, then with pleasure, but soon with suspicion again. Wasn't Neil a little odd for liking her so much? Debra knew she was popular. She knew she was cute, and she knew how to dress to make the most of her figure. But she also knew she was far from the first rank of girls. She just didn't have the stature or presence those girls had. And Neil was a bit of a nerd. She liked working with him on the project and figured he could be relied on to make sure they got an "A". She even didn't mind his company on the bus. It kept the creeps away, at least. But his crush on her was getting to be a little much. It was a fateful day in December, a week before the project would end, that Neil went a little too far. Debra had asked him, out of curiosity, what he liked in girls. At first Neil was a little embarrassed. After all, he liked Debra and everything about her. But the fact was, Neil had another more hidden secret. A fantasy even more impossible than scoring with Debra. Because it was not only having Debra. That would be great, of course. But his wildest fantasies included that idea that somehow, in that compact little body of hers, she possessed immense strength and could handle him, either in love or battle, as easily as a young girl manipulating Barbie, or Ken. His heart pounded as he tread more and more closely to revealing himself. "Well, you know Debra. I mean, every guy likes a girl's breasts and her figure." "I know. Mine are kind of small." "Yes, but they look so firm and round, especially when you wear that pink sweater with all the fuzz on it." She blushed. Debra knew which one he meant, and gave him a point for noticing. It was the best sweater for showing off her breasts, especially after she shrunk it "by accident." "Well, thanks. Uh, what else?" "Geez, I don't know. I guess girls should be nice and smell good and . . . ." "You're kind of embarrassed. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "Oh, but I do. You know, I love talking to you Debra." "Uh huh." She looked out the window and thought there was definitely something yucky about Neil. She couldn't put her finger on it, but it definitely was about time this project ended. Oh the other hand, he still had a lot of work to do on it, and she needed the "A." Neil saw he was losing her attention. He hated wasting a single moment with her. And he knew he was being a bit vague. "Well, there's something else too." "Yeah?" "Some girls . . . I mean, you for example, just give off this special sense of . . . I mean, it's probably just in my head . . . ." She turned back to him. "What?" This sounded more interesting. She smiled and he felt it to his core. "I'm kind of . . . "You shouldn't be embarrassed with me, Neil." "Oh I know. But I've never . . . I mean, I've never told anyone about . . . ." "About what? Come on!" "Well, I have this idea that you, you know, that you could do just anything." She looked at him strangely. "What do you mean?" "I mean that you're really special and you could . . . ." He trailed off. She shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about. Is this something about my 'potential'? I get so sick of hearing -- "No. It's like -- They were at their stop. Neil got up and they stepped off the back door. Neil was torn inside. He'd never come so close to talking about his long-held fantasy -- with its prime object, no less. He grabbed her arm. "Can we just talk for a minute before we go in. We're always early!" "All right," she said evenly. "We can walk to the Rutgers campus and back." She stuck her hands deep into her pockets and started decisively. Neil quickly followed. "You have such purpose, you know." "What are you talking about? I'm just cold!" Then, realizing she sounded annoyed, she smiled at him again. "I mean, like, I'm really not sure I understand what you're talking about." Neil paused for a minute, then hurtled forward. "Well, I just have this fantasy, see, about you being really strong and I can just play it in my mind, seeing you, you know, like you could do anything you wanted with me." She stopped and stared at him, uncomprehending. "You mean, strong, like ... my personality?" She was puzzled. She didn't think she was that forward. He couldn't really mean anything else, could he? "Yeah, well it could be that, or, well, like you grew these really powerful muscles, or like Supergirl, who can be really strong even without big muscles. The thing is Debra trembled with shock and her eyebrows arched upward, then down into a frown. This was too weird. She had to say something quickly -- the right thing. "THIS is your idea of something special about ME? That has nothing to do with me. You get a picture of me with muscles, like that guy Tommy Henders who's always in the weight room, or Schwarzenegger or something? That is so GROSS!!" She stopped short, replaying what he said and backed away. "Where did you GET that idea? Do you jerk off thinking of me like that? Oh my god! I can't believe I'm even TALKING to you!" "Debra! Please! It's not like that." "Well, what IS it then?" Neil couldn't actually think of what to say, especially because she was precisely correct. "I mean, it's only because I like you and "You don't even KNOW me," she insisted loudly. "That's OBVIOUS, for sure. Just get away from me, ok?" "But I thought we were . . . and our project!" "You do it! You do it, and get me an "A", or . . . or . . . just do it! She turned and stomped away. Then, seeing the bus home she ran for it, looking back once to make sure Neil wasn't following her, and jumped on. Neil watched her disappear. He was crushed. And in fact, she did crush him as completely as if she did have super-strength. Neil did finish the project, which earned Debra and him an "A," but he had a terrible feeling of foreboding, which turned out to be well-founded. Even though she had her "A", Debra didn't keep quiet about Neil's revelation. Before long, most of the school knew about Neil's fantasy. The tough girls would run up to him, push him and then run away laughing. Their boyfriends would flex their biceps at him and pretend to flirt. Someone laid a superman t-shirt on his desk in homeroom and peppered his locker with the "S" emblem on stickers. Even his yearbook entry was doctored. At the last minute, the line, "Most likely to be caught in an S&M bar" was added to his description. It was no surprise that he decided to go to the University of Washington, thousands of miles away from Raritan High, even though he could have attended better schools in New York and Philadelphia. No one from Raritan had gone to U. of Wash. since 1971. 2 So why would Debra follow Neil to Seattle? Well, she did go to Rutgers, along with a third of the high school class. That was boring enough, and she had tried to lose her old friends soon after she arrived. But she hadn't counted on the fact that for most students there high school cliques just continued, and she found it hard to break into a new set. Part of this was Neil's doing. Through Carl, he managed to spread a few embarrassing stories he'd heard in high school about Debra's "squeaking" whenever she got in a certain sexual situation. That produced a few giggles and comments that unnerved her. What made it even harder was the old "freshman twenty," which on Debra's petite frame proved very noticeable indeed. So now she not only felt alone, but fat, ugly and alone, and she became so depressed during her sophomore year that she almost dropped out. It was just by chance that she read in the Raritan News about Neil making the honor roll at University of Washington. So, she decided, he thought he was safe in Washington. Maybe I should see about that. Of course the trauma of Neil's last six months in high school did not cure him of his fantasy. In fact, it made it even stronger. But his experience with Debra taught him to keep his interests completely private. Even the girls he'd dated at college knew nothing of Neil's fantasies: the way he would imagine their arms bursting with muscle in the middle of sex, or crushing him to their steel hard chests. He learned a number of tricks to satisfy his interests. Magazine subscriptions were too risky -- too much tangible evidence. But he frequented the usual amazon web sites regularly as well, downloading stories and pictures, chatting on IRC, even trying cybersex with one purported amazon, although he suspected that "she" wasn't really a girl, or at least wasn't an amazon. Neil also began a program of regular workouts in the gym. This let him freely observe the few girls at school who had real biceps. Unfortunately, however, his own body hardly responded to the workouts, and with his lack of visible progress his body stood little chance of interesting them. Out of frustration, he turned to the occult. Not that Neil was spending Saturday nights sacrificing virgins and drinking their blood. But he made it a practice to follow up random leads that offered the possibility of indulging his fantasy. It was a little like playing the lottery. Rationally, he knew he would be better off investing money, but what if lightening struck and he suddenly was $10 million richer? After all, it happened to at least a dozen people each week, and it was only a couple of dollars. The occult was the same way. It only took a few minutes each day to send notes to a few practitioners of black magic, asking if they knew a way to give him the ability to make others, or even himself, muscular and powerful. At least among this group, no one would laugh at him. After all, who seeks occult powers for day to day normal problems, to find a quicker route to the office? 3 Neil returned from his summer job a couple of weeks before junior year classes began. He liked having the campus largely to himself, especially before the dreaded arrival of the girl who had destroyed his high school life. But something distracted him. A letter was waiting for him from the town of Czegngy in Hungary, along with a recipe and a note promising him his wildest dreams in return for a rather large payment, in dollars, for the first order. The second order, however, would cost fifty times as much. It was a strange way to do business, and even the first amount would cost him a few weeks of his summer income but something told Neil it was the real thing so he complied. He waited eagerly for the two missing ingredients and detailed instructions, which would arrive by mail once payment was received. Neil checked his box hourly for a week, barely able to sleep, until the long-awaited envelope came. He read through it quickly. If it worked, it would do everything he'd ever wanted -- stimulating both muscle growth and the desirable secondary sex characteristics. The note warned that the ingestion of amounts in excess of the recommended dose would have some unpredictable effects; however, if used properly, the amount provided would give him, and ten others he could select, the kind of body he had always dreamt about. Neil set to work. It was, of course, on this fateful night that Debra arrived. She noted the location of Neil's room, then immersed herself in unpacking and planning her next days at school, especially how and when she would reveal Neil's little secrets. But as she realized just how far she was from home, she started having second thoughts. He was, after all, the only person she knew here. And who knew how everyone would react to her? They knew Neil, while she was new. Maybe she should at least try to patch things up. Maybe he had grown up a little. And she did have a confession to make. She did feel a little guilty about the way she treated him, especially because -- Well, the more she thought about it, the harder it was to resist saying hello at least. So at 1:00 am, seeing Neil's light was still on, she knocked a bit timidly on the door. She heard him moving inside and then it opened a crack. "Who? Debra! What are you doing here?" He opened it a bit wider and took in her new appearance. He couldn't resist a small smile of satisfaction. He'd heard she had put on weight, but she was even plumper than he had imagined. So there was justice! "Hi Neil," she said shyly. "You knew I transferred here, didn't you?" "Uh, yes. I guess so." He kept the door open just three inches. "Yeah, well, can we talk a minute?" Neil didn't say anything. He looked at her impassively. "Hey, uh," she went on, "I know I wasn't very nice to you at the end of high school. You got your licks on me too, I guess. I mean, I came here to get you back, but maybe we should just quit, I mean quit fighting, and be friends." She looked at him. "You're looking good. You're working out?" "Uh huh," he said, noncommittally. "Not that it does much good." "Well, I can see it a little, and I'm sure it's good for you. Can't I at least come in and talk?" Neil looked behind him at his room. He had finished mixing the formula and was now studying the instructions, which were extremely obscure and written in tortured English on exactly how much to ingest. He tried to brush her off and get rid of her. "Now's not a great time. I'm busy." But he also felt a little pleased. After all, she was pursuing him now. He liked the shift in the power balance. And then, wait until she saw him tomorrow -- a foot taller, bulging with muscle, just as he had always dreamed, and able to choose any girl he wanted to change into the image of beauty he had always imagined. Debra's insistent pleading brought him back to earth. "Come on. Don't kick me out. Please. Maybe we can stop this little war now, before it all starts again. I mean it's been a long time. I'm uh sorry about, you know and ...." He didn't respond and she barged in and sat on his bed. "It's such a mess already. What are you doing? Chemistry?" "It's just a project, uh, left over from last year. Can't this wait until tomorrow?" "Oh Neil!" She muffled a laugh and rattled on. "Your room looks like a mad scientist's lab, like -- hey that's a recipe for --- She took the instructions and scanned them quickly before Neil grabbed it back, folded it and stuffed it into his pocket. "It's none of your business." Debra slapped her thighs and squeaked, "You're not actually -- She laughed very loudly. "I don't believe this! Here I thought you were like an all-star here -- an honors student at that. But you're still turned on by this stuff! I mean, no offense, but you really should see a therapist or something, you know. It's not healthy." As she spoke, she watched carefully where Neil put the letter and looked around the room. "I don't have to listen to this, especially not from you. So why don't you get your fat ass out of my room. And don't come back!" Debra's lip quivered and her face blushed beet red. She stood up, angry. "You, you . . . jerk. I came in here to -- Geez, you really know just what to say to a girl, don't you. And I DON'T squeak. I -- but you'll never know, will you!" She looked around the room again, hesitated and then turned back to Neil. "You're such a loser." He caught her wrist and held her, watching impassively as she struggled against him ineffectually. "Let go of me! Let go, you pathetic little bully." He glared at that last remark and gave her a little shove toward the door, but she tripped on a shirt on the floor and stumbled, catching herself only by grabbing onto a bookcase. "I hate you!" Suddenly spying the quarter-full glass of thick liquid on the bookcase in front of her, Debra grabbed it. "I bet this is your little project. Well, kiss it goodbye. I'm gonna dump it!" His horrified look told her she was right as he jumped up and raced across the room to grab it from her. Not expecting him to move so quickly, she froze for a moment, allowing Neil enough time to reach her, but not enough to grab it. He bumped her arm, knocking the glass out of her hand. "Oh no!" he cried as the precious concoction flew out of the glass into the air. "Aaaagh!" she cried, as his legs collided with hers, upending her so that she fell, screaming, directly into the stream of falling liquid, a sizable portion of which intersected with the trajectory of her open mouth, which snapped shut with the impact of her landing. "Uck!" she cried and shivered. "Shit! What was THAT?" Neil looked at her in shock and moaned "OH NO!" once again in anguish. She couldn't have! She not only spilled the whole supply, which was quickly absorbed by his disgusting carpet, but she'd drunk some too! "I feel so strange, so light, like I'm floating in space," she said softly, ignoring him, slowly standing up again. Her eyes were dreamy and unfocused. But Neil's weren't. They were focused tightly on Debra and what was happening to her. It was as if her body was passing through some kind of lens, perpendicular to her body, first concentrated around her stomach and then splitting into two, with one part rising to her head and the other running down her legs. Where it split, the fatty folds around her waist disappeared, leaving the waistband of her blue jeans drooping almost as far as her crotch. As it rose, her body was transformed. First, her shirt was loose, and baggy, but once the lens passed her breasts it tightened, pushing outward so that stress marks showed in the fabric between her breasts and pulling the lower part of her shirt upwards, baring her small waist and navel and creating a several inch gap around her midriff. Her chin lost its puffiness, her cheekbones reappeared and her dark hair sparkled. Meanwhile, Debra was returning to full alertness. She felt her waist and ran her hands down her sides, feeling the sharp curves of her restored figure. "Ohmagod! Look at me!" She turned to see her image in the mirror and then swiveled from side to side. "My bust! My waist! I'm better than ever!" She turned to Neil, who was staring at her open-mouthed. "Looks like your little potion wasn't just a bunch of junk after all. Just look at the snazzy body I've got!" she added, spitefully wiggling her new butt. "I can't believe it. You . . . you . . . you wasted it all. All I needed was just a few drops, but you ruined the whole thing!" "Yeah? Well it was your own clumsiness and stupidity. If you weren't such a jerk, I wouldn't have grabbed it. What's the big deal anyway? You know it works; just go and make some more!" "It's -- it's not that easy. It's expensive." "Oh? Poor boy! Now show me what I've just taken." She held out her hand for the rest of the papers. Neil's lips trembled. That hand. He wanted to kiss that hand, run his lips up her arm, bury his head on the soft pillowy breasts that billowed so far out from her chest. She was such a neat little package, oozing with sensuality. But he hated her. Oh how he hated her! His blood boiled. "No! Just get out of here. Get out of here now!" She laughed. "Can't bear to look at me, Neil? But why not? I feel so PRETTY!" she teased. She got serious again. "Hey Neil, I really think I need to know what I -- uh oh, something else is happening." Her eyes became glassy and to Neil she looked fuzzy and indistinct and then diffuse. When she came back into focus, Debra was no longer 5'1" tall, but had grown ten inches, with long shapely legs and round womanly hips. Her shirt now hardly covered her growing breasts, squashing them tightly so that they peeked out above and below it, and leaving her slender waist wholly bare, while her pants rode up her calf just below her knees and tore in the back, her wider hips bursting through the faded denim. Disoriented, she shook her head and her eyes almost popped when she realized she was now looking down at Neil. "Look how TALL I am! I'm gorgeous!! I could be a model, a SUPERMODEL even! And nobody knows me here, except you. What a way to start out in a new school!" He stared at her. She WAS gorgeous, her body was flawless, her skin fine and perfectly unblemished, her legs were endless, and he'd never seen breasts like the ones that seemed poised to fly upwards out of her shirt at any moment. She was absolutely irresistible. It filled him with rage. It should have been HE who had grown the ten inches, he who had become irresistible. "Now, how about that piece of paper? I want to know exactly what you've done to me." She flashed her emerald eyes at him and tossed her thick, lustrous black hair, the slight turn of her body sending off seismic waves within her shirt. Neil shook his head wildly, unable to trust himself to speak, and took a step backwards. "Neil!" she repeated loudly, giving his name at least three syllables. "Give it to me!" She walked toward him, reaching for it, but Neil, filled with frustration, surprised both of them and pushed her away again, his hand landing on her firm but still cushiony soft breast. Her bosom absorbed most of the force, and she now weighed at least ten pounds more than Neil, but she still stumbled backwards awkwardly and landed heavily against the door. She rubbed her shoulder. "I can't BELIEVE you just did that! You HURT me -- ohmagod; here we go again!" Her eyes turned inward again and an opaque purple haze surrounded her. Neil swallowed. He dreaded to think of what the potion was doing to her now, how much more beautiful she could become. Would she grow still taller? Could her breasts become ever larger? They already must be 40-D! Before too long the haze dissipated and he once again could see her. Neil swallowed hard, very hard. He looked up at her form before him, back at the small window and then at the door. Could he get by her before she returned to full consciousness? He made a beeline for the door. An arm shot out and blocked his path, stopping him cold. "Going somewhere Neil?" she asked. She held his thin arm tightly in her large hand and briefly compressed his biceps with her thumb and forefinger. "YAAGH!" he cried out. "Awww! Did cute, little Debra hurt the big, strong man? Oh lookie here! You're the man. I should be frightened of you, shouldn't I? Have more respect?" She laughed, looking down at him from eyes 6'3" above the ground and admiring her long arm, brimming with muscle, then flexed her biceps. A towering mass exploded into the air, throbbing veins barely visible beneath her soft skin. She tightened it more and watched it soar further until it was the larger than a softball, while her pectoral and back muscles bulged in sympathy. "Will you look at this? I've never seen muscles like I have. I'm so strong now I've got muscles on my muscles!" Neil felt he would explode with envy and lust. His mind searched desperately for something to say to salvage his pride. "Yeah well so much for your modeling career. You're just a freak now!" Debra snarled and went to slap him, then stopped herself just in time. Instead, she pulled him up a few inches so that he looked directly into her eyes and pinned him against the door. Her chest tightened in her anger, pushing her breasts out further to graze his chest. "Don't tempt me. I could smash you with one blow. Anyway, I know I've got what you wanted, that I look just the way you fantasized me, so don't pretend you don't like it. I'm your dream girl, and you'll never have me. Never!" "I don't want you. Just get out!" "Liar. You can't even bear to look at me. You can't bear the thought of how powerful I am. The very thought of it is eating away at you. You're dying with envy!" "Shut up! Shut up!" "I'll let you in on a little secret Neil. The reason I got so upset at you that day in high school and told everybody about your little fantasy was -- it was always my fantasy too. But I was embarrassed about it, especially being so small and 'cute.' Everyone would have laughed at me, as they laughed at you. Telling everyone was kind of a way of indulging in it for me, safely. But now ... now I've got the body I've always dreamed of. She let him fall to the floor and look up at her, her imposing bosom looming at his eye level, the round muscles of her arms huge, even when relaxed, taunting him. "NO! NO!!" Neil could hardly breathe looking at her play with her new muscles, her biceps flexing obscenely large. "I can't listen to you. Stop it!" "Make me," she said sweetly. She turned slightly and bumped him with her hip, which reached almost to the middle of his chest, sending him flying into the wall. "Ooops! I'm sorry! Let me help you up." She reached down and lifted him again, holding him high above her head balanced on one hand. She pretended to yawn, stretching higher and pinning him against the low dorm room ceiling, her ballooning biceps stretching the upper arm of her shirt to transparency. "Put me down. Oh, put me down." "O.K. You're a weak, stupid, disgusting nerd who'll never amount to anything! How was that for a put down? Ha-ha-ha! Wait!" She reached into his pocket and withdrew the letter from Czegngy, slipping it inside her shirt. "There! I've got it! Now, Neil, let's see you take it back!" laughing as the length of her extended arm left him pawing the air futilely, his hand barely reaching far enough even to graze her sumptuous bosom. "Uh, uh, uh! Mustn't touch!" She held him outstreched, and twisted her arm to squeeze her biceps once more in front of him. And with that, she tossed him across the room onto his bed and left, whistling the Wonder Woman theme.