BOYS WILL BE BOYS By Helplesscase elaboration by Marknew This is an elaboration of a story by Helplesscase, posted with his permission. "Please! Don't make me! Please!!" 10 year old Sophie was begging her 12 year old brother, Jason. He had her pinned to the ground in the back yard. His best friend Ricky stood by and snickered. "All you have to do is swallow one little worm and I'll call it even." Jason smiled down at his sister, dangling the squirming worm over her face. She clenched her fists and tried to twist away, but her brother was so much stronger than she was that he held both her wrists in one hand and just laughed at her. There was nothing she could do to him to make him stop. "But I didn't do anything wrong!" Sophie managed though clenched teeth. "You told mom Ricky and I ate the rest of the cookies." "But you DID! And you KNEW those cookies were supposed to be for me and Megan on our sleep over tonight!" Ricky scoffed. "My sister doesn't need to eat cookies. Megan's chubby enough as it is." Jason snickered at the comment. "Go on and laugh, Jason. Everyone KNOWS Megan has a crush on you," he teased. "You watch. She'll get you someday." Jason didn't think that was funny at all. "Yeah, that's all I need. Your fat sister making goo-goo eyes at me!" He turned back to his own sister even angrier than before and said, meanly, "Eat it up, shrimp! Now." Just then his mother's voice called from the back porch. "Jason! What are you doing to your sister!" Reluctantly Jason turned to his mother. "Nothing, mom. Just playing around." He twisted her arm once more to let her know he wouldn't forget what she'd done and then let his sister up. She ran into the house crying. "I am going to have a talk with your father when he gets home." With that his mom stomped back into the house. Jason knew she wouldn't confront him herself. Ever since he'd grown taller than her she let him get away with just about anything. That was one of the great things about being a boy. That night Jason's dad did have a talk with him, but it wasn't a big deal. At dinner his dad even told his mom, right in front of Sophie, that "boys will be boys" and she'd have to understand that. "Girls have their own ways of adjusting and getting what they want. Right, dear?" he said to their mother in his firm but kind manner and she nodded submissively. Jason knew his dad wouldn't really punish him -- so long as he didn't go too far. That night Sophie sobbed in her bed. As her best friend Megan slept she looked out the window at the twinkling stars. "Life is so unfair for girls," she thought. "Why should everything be just the way Jason wants it to be? Why should I be the one to 'adjust?' I wish I could make things different." Jason awoke to a bright sunny morning. He kicked the covers off and jumped out of bed, eager for the next day. The sun was out and it was Saturday. He and Ricky would go to the park for some football. Or maybe they'd ride their bikes into town. He'd just make sure he left before that fatty Megan got up. He hated the goo-goo eyes she always made at him. Girls could be so gross and disgusting! He hurried down to the kitchen and was surprised that Sophie was already up eating breakfast. At least her fat little friend wasn't there. Sophie looked up at him with a snotty, slightly defiant look -- the kind she always gave him when their mother was in the kitchen with them and she was safe, and then she went back to her cereal. It was a bit odd, since their mother wasn't around. He was tempted to goose or tickle her to make sure she knew her place. Then he noticed what she was eating. The cereal was the shape of Cheerios, but it was green. "Ugh! What's THAT?!" he said, grimacing. "Spinakkios," she replied. "And you can't have any. I just finished the box." "Who would want THAT yucky stuff?" he said, pouring out a large bowl of his favorite, Cocoa Puffs. "You SHOULD. That stuff's junk food, and it'll just make you soft and fat. Don't you remember the Spinakkios commercials? 'Good for you and makes you strong!'" she said, eating every last bit and then drinking the greenish milk at the bottom of the bowl. Then, as in the commercial, she flexed her muscle, but of course nothing happened. Jason laughed so hard the milk ran out of his nose. "Yeah, right. Look at little Miss Popeye here! Har-har-har!" He couldn't resist. He reached over and grabbed her upper arm and squeezed hard. "I guess that cereal isn't working," he laughed. "Owwwww. Quit it!" she cried. "That hurts. You're always so mean!" She broke away and ran out of the room as usual but angry this time instead of her usual crying. She'd probably go right to their mother. Well, fine. Nothing would happen to him. It never did. In fact, he was thinking of following her to bother her some more when he started feeling a little dizzy. When the feeling stopped he felt disoriented. Something seemed different. He couldn't put his finger on it. He took a few more bites of cereal but stopped, feeling too weird to be hungry. He got up and called for his Mom. She didn't answer. She must be still asleep. He felt a little silly for needing her. He felt fine and decided to finish his cereal. It shouldn't be soggy yet, and if it was, he'd just pour a new bowl. He went back to the counter. Then it hit him. The counter tops were higher. Jason closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief but when he opened his eyes it was the same. The wall clock was higher too, as was the phone. Panicking, he turned back toward the hall and began to run to the safety of his bedroom but he tripped. He looked up from the floor and there was Sophie standing next to him, her foot out, hands on her hips, laughing at him. She must be out of her mind for daring to do that to him! "There you are, Jason! I heard you calling for Mom. Do you think there's anything I can do?" She leaned over slightly and smiled down at her older brother kneeling at her feet. He looked up at her, frowning, but the dizziness returned and he put his head back on the floor. When the feeling passed he pushed himself off the floor and back onto his knees. He grunted angrily and then opened his eyes again. Something seemed different about his sister's legs and he craned his head upward. "S-S-Sophie?!" It was definitely Sophie's dimpled face, freckles and red hair tied in pigtails. Her dark brown eyes were looking at him, and she was wearing her favorite pink top with a red kitten. But what had happened to her body? She looked bigger somehow, and with broader shoulders and thicker arms and legs. "You don't know where you're going, do you Jason? It's a good thing you didn't run into me! Somebody would've gotten hurt!" She giggled, grabbed Jason under his arms and helped him up to his feet. That was nice of her, unusually nice. He was still feeling unsteady. Then he looked at her. Why, they were nearly the same height! He was just an inch, maybe two inches taller. What was going on? He looked down. No, she wasn't wearing their mother's high heels. Why, he must be hallucinating! Did he have the flu or something? But he'd felt fine when he woke up? Maybe the milk was bad. He wobbled a bit and trembled slightly. Sophie helpfully put her hand on his shoulder to steady him. "What's the matter, big bro? Feeling queasy? I told you not to eat that junky food. Spinakkios are MUCH better for you. See?" She flexed her biceps again, but this time a firm muscle popped up out of her arm. He stared at it in disbelief. Where did THAT come from? Suddenly he had that dizzy feeling again. He closed his eyes and when he opened them she was still flexing, but her muscle was even a bit larger than before. And what was even crazier was he thought he could see on her biceps a faint picture of a green Spinakkio radiating bolts of lightning every couple of seconds. With each flash he felt another wave of dizziness and Sophie seemed to be slightly taller and more muscular, her biceps becoming larger, higher and rounder -- like a Spinakkio. He blinked twice and his vision cleared. He'd definitely been imagining the Spinakkio on her arm. There was nothing there but skin. But suddenly he realized his sister was a few inches taller than he was. And her biceps! They were real muscles, like guys in high school had! What was going on?! He tried to pull away but she had moved her hand down to his arm and held on tightly. He couldn't get free. Her fingers curled completely around his upper arm and she squeezed it twice, painfully showing him she was the one in charge. He clenched his fist and tried to tighten his biceps in defense but she just laughed. "What are you DOING, Jay? Are you flexing your MUSCLE? REALLY? It feels so SQUISHY!" she said, giggling, and squeezed again, even harder, sending shooting pains up his arm. "It feels just like a soggy little cocoa puff." "Let me go!" he cried. In response she just grinned and then stuck her tongue out at him. That was the last straw. With his free hand he reared back and punched her in the stomach. It should have made her double over in pain and let him go, but her abdominal muscles were much firmer than he expected and all she did was grunt and frown a little. Her eyes narrowed in anger and he felt another wave of dizziness. A big one. "Oooough!" he groaned. "I feel so -- hey!" Now he was craning his neck to look up to Sophie, who despite being two years younger than he was now a full head taller. "Wh-wh-what's happening to me?" he wailed. Her shoulders were even broader now and her muscles bulged outward from each arm. Her t-shirt seemed to get shorter on her too and now left a strip of bare skin around her waist, exposing ridges of muscle instead of her usual soft baby fat. She was smirking at him and stuck out her tongue again. "I DARE you to try that again, you soggy little cocoa puff," she taunted. Jason saw red. He didn't care how sick he felt. She had gone WAY too far now! Jason grit his teeth and hit her again, this time putting everything he had into it. But to his shock when he hit her stomach his hand just bent back weakly at the wrist. She grinned at him with a superior expression. "Weakling, weakling! Jason is a weakling!" she sang out. She took two fingers and pushed them into his belly like it was a bowl of jello and then grabbed a handful of his tummy flesh. "I TOLD you that cereal just makes you fat! Look at this!" "I am NOT fat!" he cried out, but he couldn't deny that his stomach looked as soft as a pillow. His arms felt like they'd turned to jello too, and her hand seemed to be able to squeeze his upper arm all the way to the bone. "Then what do you call THIS?" she teased, pulling up his shirt and making his stomach jiggle with one firm slap. She didn't even look like she was trying, but with one short motion she knocked all his breath out. Jason's eyes watered from the pain and it took all his effort to keep from crying. "YOU need to eat better and start exercising. MAYBE then you'll grow a little more and develop a bit of muscle. Then you won't be so weak and clumsy!" "I am NOT weak," he said in a plaintive wheeze. She rolled her eyes. "Oh Jay, you sure are. You're JUST a typical weakling boy. I know boys like to play PRETEND games, but to be strong for REAL you got to have REAL muscles. Like mine." She flexed her arm in front of Jason's face and her thick biceps popped up, peaked and threatening instead of rounded and large. With her other hand she pinched the soft flesh on Jason's upper arm and pulled it upwards in a parody of her muscle, wiggling it back and forth as she stretched the skin. "See the difference?" she teased, pumping her biceps up and down repeatedly. "Muscle," she said, flexing hers. "Fat," pulling on his. "Muscle. Fat. Muscle. Fat." "Owwww," he whined. "Let go!" She grinned and pushed him roughly against the wall. "Strong," she said, pointing at herself while she held him with her hand spread across his chest. "Weak!" she said, pointing at Jason. She let him strain helplessly against her for a moment, then grabbed his arm again. "C'mon. It's time to go out and get some fresh air!" She pulled him out the back door of the house, making him run to keep up with her, her longer legs covering much more ground than his. His arm was throbbing from the tight grip she kept on him. When they got outside, Jason saw his friend Ricky sitting on the grass. Sophie let go of his arm and walked toward Megan, who was standing above Ricky. His eyes were puffy as if he had been crying and he was holding a handful of something. "Show me what's in your hand," Megan demanded. Ricky opened his hand and she shook her head angrily. "I said you had to eat at least 3 worms before Sophie got back. You only ate 2. That's gonna cost you a Charlie Horse." Megan grabbed her brother and pulled him to his feet. Jason was startled. She was so much bigger than Ricky and had lost all of her fat. Instead her waist was perfectly trim and a sizeable muscle bulged out of her arm. Since when did MEGAN have muscles?! She was as muscular as Sophie now, maybe even more so. Megan looked down at her older brother and with a mean grin powered her fist into his shoulder. Her thick arm hit him like a battering ram and sent him sailing off his feet again, back onto the ground. His face contorted into tears while dirt-filled drool spilled out of his mouth. She bent down and grabbed his chin. "Don't you be such a little crybaby. I didn't hit you THAT hard, did I? At least not yet!" All Ricky could do was blubber away. Megan noticed Jason and Sophie. She straightened up and smoothed her hair back into place. "Oooooh! Look who's here!" she said, licking her lips and brightening into a smile. She smoothed her t-shirt down over her powerful chest, which even without breasts had enough muscle to stretch it into tight lines across the top, tucked it into her pants, and clapped her hands in delight. "Sophie! Your brother looks SO cute with his sad puppy dog face!! I just want to squeeze him to bits!!" Jason looked warily at Megan's arms, which used to be thick with fat and were now even thicker than before, but this time with solid muscle that jumped with each clap. They looked strong enough to bend steel, and Jason didn't want to find out what they could do to him! He backed away and then started running away in a terrified sprint, bursts of adrenaline fueling his legs, which nevertheless felt heavy and sluggish. He also started feeling out of breath almost immediately. Still, he had gotten a good jump and he thought he'd be able to get on his bicycle and pedal away before anyone caught up with him, but he reached only the side of the house when he heard heavy footfalls closing in behind him. An arm encircled his waist and stopped him cold, driving the air from his lungs with one sharp pull and lifting him off the ground. "Where do you think you're going, Jason?" Sophie roughly turned him around, holding him by the shoulders, and looked down at him. She smiled and licked her lips. "Now, for being SO rude to my friend, I think it's YOUR turn to eat worms," she said. "You have to be taught a lesson on how to behave." Jason tried to twist his way out of her arms, but she easily held him fast and laughed. "Ha! You obviously don't get enough protein from eating those cocoa puffs, so I'm sure you won't mind eating twice as many worms as Ricky, hmmm?" She had to be kidding! He grabbed her upper arms to push her away but they were unmovable. She chuckled and tightened her muscles, pushing her rock-hard biceps up. His mouth was dry with fear. Her muscles were so large. She looked strong enough to knock him out with one punch. His heart pounded and he started feeling dizzy again. He almost fainted but Sophie held him firmly until the feeling passed. When his vision cleared it was even worse. His eyes were now looking directly into her chest instead of her neck. And her chest was packed with muscle, even more than Megan's. Her shoulders were as broad as a fullback's, and her top now left her stomach completely uncovered, revealing a latticework of hard abdominals. Even the picture of the kitten on the part of her top that remained had changed, transforming into the head of a roaring lion. He had to be dreaming. As if in answer to that thought Sophie shook him and then lifted him into the air above her head. He looked down at her in amazement. Her arms were even thicker than before with bulging, vascular biceps that pulsed angrily. "Poor little Jason's so little and weak. He needs to eat, doesn't he?" she sneered, pinning him against the wall of the house with one hand with his feet high above the ground and then reaching down to take a fistful of fat worms from a pile on the ground, a pile he could have sworn wasn't there a minute ago. A dream! It must be a dream! A bad dream! That's what it had to be! She held a worm in front of his face. "Open wide little boy. You need your protein. Come on, don't be frightened. See what eating worms did for me? Don't you wish you had muscles like your little sister?" He felt another wave of dizziness and now the lion's head was wide open, with sharp, gleaming white teeth! Sophie's biceps were enormous, pulsing killers and her shoulders were twice as wide as his. She looked as if she could punch her fist through the house's brick wall. He pushed against her arm again, but even though he was pushing as hard as he could he didn't even have the strength to make a dent in her muscle, let alone to free himself. He looked at his arm, and saw with horror that his own muscles had practically disappeared. His arms were mere pipestems! "Eat six worms and we'll call it even for the morning, and then you don't have to eat any more until lunchtime. But hurry up! You have to finish them before Megan gets here. And if you tell her I made you eat worms right before she kisses you will really be punished. There are plenty of slugs around here too, you know." She dangled a worm in front of his mouth. Instinctively Jason clenched his teeth. Sophie only had a few seconds of patience. She pushed two fingers into his mouth and easily pried it open. He was completely helpless against the incredible strength of his sister's huge, powerful body. As she pushed the worms into his mouth he screamed. Suddenly Jason opened his eyes. He could still hear himself screaming even as he came around. It was the middle of the night. Everything was dark. His heart still pounded. His finger was in his mouth. So THAT was the worm he was dreaming about! Good thing he hadn't bitten down! In front of him was a figure sitting on his bed gently shaking his shoulder. "Wake up Jason. It was just a dream, son. Wake up." In the dark Jason could make out enough detail to see it was his dad in front of him. It WAS just a dream! Jason was still shaking but he was slowly coming back to reality. "Dad," he panted. "Dad, I just had absolutely the worst nightmare. You wouldn't believe it!" His Dad chuckled. "Really? I was having rather a strange dream myself when I heard you scream. Well, it's all over now, son. You're home in your own bed, safe and sound. We can talk about it in the morning and have a laugh, if we still remember this all by then." Jason felt better and nodded. "Yeah, thanks Dad. Sorry I woke you up." Then another figure appeared in the doorway. He could tell by the long mussed up hair it was his Mom. "Are you okay, honey?" Her voice was soft and sweet as usual, but somehow deeper. His mom entered the room and sat next to his dad on the bed. Even in the dark Jason could tell something was wrong. At first he trembled and then he began to sob again in fear and confusion. His father answered for him. "He had a bad dream. He seemed ok, but now it looks like he's still pretty scared." "Boys will be boys," his mom said with a sigh. She bent down and whispered to her husband, "You go on back to bed, sweetie. I'll take care of this tonight." Her husband rose to his feet and stood eye level with his seated wife. Her large hand engulfed his buttocks as she patted him toward the door. "I'll be right there. I have a new idea how to help him. I think it's time now." Jason's mom turned back to him again and sighed again. "You don't have to be frightened. It was just a dream. Do you want to tell me about it?" Her large hand gently caressed his face, wiping away his tears. Jason shook his head. She hugged him, her thick arm encircling him and pulling him up against her large warm breast. She pulled it out of the nightgown and pushed the nipple against his lips. "There, there, sweetie. Do you want to suck a little to calm yourself down? Poor baby. You know you're nearly thirteen, too big to be sleeping with mommy and daddy, right?" She stood up and lifted him out of his covers, his rump resting on her forearm. Her breast was nearly the size of his head. "You don't want to suck? You think you're getting too big for mommy? Maybe you are. That's all right. I know what we'll do. Come with me." She put him on the floor, gathered his small hand into her own and led him out of his room. She was so much larger than Sophie had been in his dream. His head didn't even reach her waist. Her forefinger was longer than his whole hand! Then he realized that he must STILL be dreaming. Quickly he pinched himself -- hard. Ow! It really hurt! And nothing changed. His mother had led him into another room, much larger than his, with a bed more twice the size of his narrow twin bed. "Sophie, honey. Would you wake up for a second?" "What is it mom? What's going on?" Sophie said quietly, so as not to awaken her friend Megan, who was sleeping over. "I'm sorry to wake you up, pumpkin, but I'd like Jay to sleep in your room tonight. He had a bad dream and I think he needs a little company to help him settle down and get back to sleep. You're getting to be old enough for that now." "What?!" he said startled, but no one paid any attention. "Sure, Mom," she said with a hint of enthusiasm, no longer sounding even a bit groggy. "I always like to help you take care of little Jay. And I'm sure Megan won't mind." "You're such a dear, Sophie. You're going to grow up to be such a responsible girl." The covers flipped back and Jason felt hands gather him in as his mother lifted him onto the bed. "Mom!" he said, more insistently. "I don't -- "Ssshhh, honey. You just go back to sleep. You don't need to be frightened anymore. Sophie will make sure nothing happens to you. And dear Megan can help too." His mother bent down and kissed him and then left the room and shut the door. A thick, powerfully muscled arm encircled him and lifted him over his sister's body, and then another arm took him and held him tightly, trapping his arms firmly inside. He tried to break free but he couldn't move them an inch! "So, we're the ONLY ones who KNOW?" Megan whispered, her long fingers probing his body. Sophie laughed. "Uh-huh. Just us and our 'big' brothers!" she replied, grinning. "They remember everything! For everyone else it's like their old life was only a dream." "Neat! It's sort of better that way! Gosh Sophie! He's so little!" "I know! And really weak too, compared to us and all the other girls. Hey Jay, I think Megan still has a 'crush' on you. Why don't you show him, Megan?" "Why not!" she said with glee. She tightened her grip on Jason. He moaned, unable to yell out the pain from her crushing embrace because her large hand covered his mouth. "I better be careful. I don't want to break anything. He feels as soft as a Teddy Bear." "And about as scary," Sophie giggled. "I don't think you'll call me fatty anymore, will you, Jason?" Megan asked, cuddling him to her warm, hard body like he was one of her stuffed animals and peppering his face with wet kisses. "Oooh, he's so cute! I could just eat him up!" Jason couldn't talk. He'd never had such a painful and horrible dream. And it seemed like it was going on forever. WHEN was he going to wake up?! Megan laughed and played with him, poking him with her fingers. "He's such a little cutie now!! His arms are even thinner than mine used to be and they're so soft, like a baby's! I can hardly feel any muscle on him at all." she said happily, compressing his upper arm with two of her long fingers. "Boys are SO small and weak now! They'll be just like little toys for us." "Yeah, and we girls are so strong. We're SO much bigger than our brothers used to be! And we're still, like, only ten. We still have our growth spurts to go through and then when we hit puberty, our muscles will really start to develop. Not like it is with boys. They won't grow much more, and their muscles'll stay pretty much the same too. It's just their little peckers that get longer and thicker. Wasn't that naughty of me?" Sophie giggled and reached over and turned on her nightlight. It was her usual one -- a glowing little girl with pink overalls and bright red cheeks -- but this one had muscles like Popeye's -- post-spinach! "Look at this sports record book. Fastest 100 meter dash. Women, 8.6 seconds. Men, 21 seconds. Fastest 1600 meters. Women, 3 minutes 11 seconds. Men, 11 minutes, 8 seconds. Weightlifting. Women, 3100 pounds. Men, 97 pounds. "I bet you'd really like to see my muscles, Jay, huh?" Megan sat up in bed, emerging from the covers. She lifted her arm and gave it a quick flex. Biceps larger than Barry Bonds' erupted, stretching the sleeves of her pink night-shirt to near bursting. Megan giggled. "My Mom told me I have to stop doing that, 'cause it ruins my t-shirts. But this is a special night, isn't it?" She squeezed harder and the muscle tore through the fabric of her sleeve. "Whoops! There goes another one!" Jason gasped and Sophie grinned at her brother's expression. "Awww gee! He doesn't look very happy you being so strong, Megan. What's the matter, big brother? Does Megan scare you? You know I'm even bigger than she is." "That's just because YOUR mom already lets you lift weights." Sophie sat up too now. She was wearing a sleeveless tank top which did nothing to conceal her massive biceps or broad shoulders. "Mom says I'll be even bigger than she is some day. I can't wait. It's so cool being strong." She pumped her biceps a few times, the softball size muscles bunching into melons. "Growing up is so exciting, Megan, isn't it?" "Hey, I can actually feel the poor little thing shaking now, Sophie! I think that bad dream is still bothering him," she giggled. "Maybe he's gotten all confused and thinks he's dreaming now, and that he'll wake up stronger than we are. I bet he's planning right now to make you eat more worms tomorrow, just to get back at you." "D'ya think so, Megan? D'ya think we're strong enough to protect ourselves? Boys get such funny ideas about what they can do! Or maybe he's thinking he's gonna tell Mom on us." "Ooooh, now THAT would be really naughty of him!" "As if she'd care! She'll just tell him he's got to learn how to get along with girls. And she'll just tell me I just have to be careful about going 'too far' with him." "Ha! Whatever THAT means!" Megan pulled him closer, her rock-hard biceps just inches away from Jason's wide and frightened eyes. "Well, a friendly cuddle with us girls should make him feel all safe and warm, don't you think?" Trapped between the two powerful ten year old girls, Jason could say only "B-b-b-b-b"