The Amazon Twins Get an Ally By Madman who missed Mensa by only 85 IQ points This is Melissa, once again with the lowdown on my new protégées , the Amazon twins. You make recall from the last story on how the over six foot tall twins, Terry and Sherry, beat up Dr Sydney Melbourne, the podiatrist from Australia for being an asshole about buying Girl Scout cookies. They live only a few blocks away from me and told me all about it when my house was on their sales route. I am rarely at my parents house because our college home is way more fun. However, a cousin was getting married so I had to come in for the wedding. I listened carefully to what they said because I knew they were both coming to State University. They would fit in perfectly in our girls athletic house and we needed to replace the girls that graduated. I loved the way they tore into the creep, but I wanted to see them expand their techniques. They used lots of punches and kIcks, but very little in the way of wrestling holds. I find tough submission holds to be crucial, because it enables us to control our victim's pain and enjoy their futile struggling. We can talk to them and humiliate them when we have total physical control and they are in pain. I wanted the twins to learn how to get this enjoyment for themselves. If a girl hasnot done done this, she doesn't know the exhilaration she is missing. So our plan was for me to accompany them to Melbourne's house when they picked up the balance of the money. Then, I would give them a hands on lesson on how to apply painful wrestling holds They should catch on quickly. The twins are extremely athletic and aggressive and are used to being coached. I'm really going to enjoy this one. Two young athletic amazons vs one old small out of shape unskilled wimp is just the type of wrestling I love. When we knocked on his door, Mr Melbourne timidly opened it. The three of us just walked in liked we owned the place. We might not have owned the house, but we were about to own Sydney. "I have the rest of the money," Sydney stayed as he held it out toward the twins. "Of course you do, replied Sherry, " but I don't like your attitude. You need to be taught a lesson on how to treat your superiors." The man stepped away from her in both shock and fear. Then he nervously glanced at me Glaring at him, I said, "I am a very skilled wrestler and I'm going to teach these girls how to demolish you with painful holds. We're going to have a lot of fun and you're going to really suffer." Turning my attention to the twins I told them that I would teach them how to work him over individually as well as some real cool ways to double team him. Sydney was literally shaking with fear and that's why I took my time getting his beating started. It was fun intimidating him while actually doing nothing. We had all day to work him over so there was no rush. Sydney started whining. " I didn't do anything wrong. I have your money, why can't you leave me alone?" I responded for the three of us. "This isn't about you. We couldn't care less about you. It's about teaching these girls how to wrestle and you just happen to be our practice dummy. So shut up and prepare for a lot of pain." I told the twins that it was always best to take the breath away from their victim to render them helpless to resist any attack that you use against them. In this case, our victim was so weak and puny that this wasn't even necessary, but I wanted them to learn this in case they faced a guy that wasn't a total wimp sometime. An idiot like our Doctor Melbourne would be an ideal training dummy for the twins. Terry strode toward him and locked her strong arms around his waist with a bear hug. Grabbing her left wrist with her right hand, she used herb strong arms to literally squeeze the breath out of him. She lifted him off the ground as she applied full force to crush her victim. I heard Sydney groan and the air being forced out of his puny body. I had to tell Terry to let him go before he passed out. I wanted him to remain conscious so the twins put him in some painful submission holds. The object was not merely for them to defeat him, this was pointless and served them no purpose. The goal was to inflict pain on him and enjoy watching him suffer. She released her hold and I told Sherry that it was her turn I told Sherry to roll the jerk over so that he was lying on his stomach and to straddle his back, facing his head. I was already enjoying my role as coach and the tough painful holds were just starting. Sherry looked at me for instructions and I had her force his left arm up behind his back with a hammerlock. This is one of my favorite holds. It is easy to apply, very painful for the victim and almost impossible to escape. I asked Sherry to spread her legs further apart so her weight would be more on his back and less on her own knees. Sydney screamed in pain as Sherry worked her hold and I could see the glee on her face. These girls were really enjoying hurting their vastly overmatched victim and I admired their newfound sadism. They would be great members of our college house. Sydney pleaded for Sherry to let go of his arm and I didn't have to teach her how to handle this. Maintaining her excrutiating hold, she asked him why should she release her hold. His reply was that she was hitting him. "Of course I am, idiot, that's why I'm doing it," Sherry informed him. "Please stop," he implored. She informed him that she would stop when she felt like it and not before. Then Sherry got delightfully nasty. She told him to count to five and then she would release his arm. Quickly Sydney blurted out "one, two, three, four five." Still cranking his arm, Sherry told him that he counted to fast and to do it again more slowly. She was being such a bitch and I loved it. When he completed his slower count, Sherry lived up to her word, released his arm and got off him. Terry knew just what to do without prodding or any instructions. Immediately, she mounted Sydney's back and reapplied the same hammerlock on his already aching arm. He screamed in pain saying he was told the hold would be released. "She did release it, asshole," Terry told him. " I didn't agree to it and I enjoy applying this hold. I intend to maintain it for as long as it pleases me, so shut up or I'll keep it on even longer." I decided it was time to step up the beating and diversify our attack on the dear Doctor. I asked Terry to put her knee on his arm to hold it in place. Then I asked her to cup his chin with both her hands and pull back. She now had added a camel clutch to the hammerlock. But, I wanted Sherry to join in to maximize the jerk's suffering. I had her get on his other side, grab his ankle with one hand and pull his leg up toward his head. With her other arm, she put Sydney's free arm in a hammerlock. It was no problem for her to apply it successfully with just one arm as she was so much stronger than the wimp. Now we really had him in a great position. The twins had two hammerlocks, a camel clutch and a half Boston crab all at the same time. It was beautiful to see. The asshole couldn't even scream because the camel clutch prevented him from opening his mouth, but we all know he was really suffering. I left the twins to apply this awesome combination of hold's and went into his cushion to get a cola to drink. When I came back with my drink, I was pleased to see the twins still applying their savage combination hold.