Shannon's Wrestling Club   Part 12   Spring Dance        by Madman       Shannon here with another update on what has been going on at school.  First of all, my parents finally let me take ju jitsu lessons.  They like my friend Jessie and she has been studying judo.  Also they fell for all the bull the instructor told them about gaining balance and inner strength.  The only purpose of martial arts philosophy is to waste time so that they can teach us more slowly and charge us for more lessons.  Each time, he talks about this nonsense for at least fifteen minutes.  The only reason to study ju jitsu is to learn how to kick butt and anyone who says otherwise is full of crap.  Even with all that wasted time, I am learning a lot and can beat up the boys at school even easier than before.  I can glide from hold to hold and can attack with more than one option for my hold.  Then I can take the one that is more open or just pick the one I feel like using.  We spend a lot of time learning defense which is interesting but not even needed against the wimps I take on at school.   At the academy, we must release our holds as soon as the victim submits.  This is fine with me as during the drills and the open mat time, I am sometimes the one trapped in the hold.  Of course, away from the academy, I do what i want and can keep my holds on for as long as I feel like.  I have only had about ten lessons so far, but I have already become a much better fighter than before I started.  I will teach as much of what I am learning as possible to the girls in our wrestling club so they will be better able to beat up the wimpy  boys as well.  If they thought we were rough on them this year, wait till they see what we do to them next year.   Our school just had it's Spring Fling Dance.  The seniors all go to their prom so this dance is for everyone else.  Most of the girls in the club went to it.  We run the school and wanted to make our presence known at the party as well.  Some of us actually went with dates and some of us went with groups of other girls.  I went with Paula and Pam.  Paula is the muscular black girl who is the sprinter on the track team and Pam is the little gymnast.   There was no real dress code for the party although jeans were not allowed.  Some girls wore long gowns, some wore dress pants and some wore regular dresses.  We wrestling club girls all decided to wear very short skirts.  We are all in good shape and wanted to show off our fit muscular legs.  It would make us stand out more and remind everyone that we were there and in charge.  It is fun to see the difference in the way guys react to our legs when they are staring at them and when we are crushing them with them.  They always want to feel our legs, but not the way we make them feel it.   There were quite a few of our dothead wimps at the party and they always stepped aside to let us pass.  It is way kewl to have them so intimidated.   On the way to the refreshment table, I saw a bunch of kids standing around a table and they seemed very excited.  When I went there to see what was going on, I saw two wimpy boys armwrestling.  I called out "I got the winner."  The wimp named Eddie won and I quickly sat down and readied myself for the armwrestling before he could leave.  He did not look happy about having to armwrestle me, but chickening out would really make him look bad in front of his friends.   When we started, I made no attempt to force his puny arm down but just started squeezing his hand harder.  It did not take long for his face to contort in pain as I smiled at him.  I said "You're stronger than you look, Eddie, I can't get your arm down," as I continued to squeeze his hand even harder.  Now he was in a lot of pain and I could hear him groan.  That inspired me to really put the pressure on and he was on the verge of crying.  All the kids were laughing and teasing him, especially the girls.  I loved that - I was hurting and humiliating Eddie at the same time.  Glancing up, I could see old Mr Dunning coming toward our table.  He is an old grouchy teacher that was a chaperone at the party.  The commotion must have attracted him.  I quickly slammed Eddie's arm down to the table and let go of his hand.   "Is there a problem here," asked old Mr Dunning.   "No sir, not here" I said.   "Well, just make sure it stays that way" he said and walked away.  What a grumpy old fart he is.   I could not resist asking Eddie if he wanted to try it lefty.  I knew that he wouldn't, but wanted to humiliate him as much as possible.  The other kids thought that was funny and kept teasing him about losing so easily to me.  My friends and I started walking around and noticed a lot of our dothead wimps were there.  Those were the boys that we beat up and ground our knuckles into their forehead at the end to mark them with a bruise.  Somehow, Eddie had never been a victim of any of the girl before and I wanted to include him.   We just walked around checking things out and this party was pretty lame and boring.  It was fun watching Jessie and her date,  She kept sending him to bring her drinks and food while she talked and danced with everyone else.  When he did bring her a plate of food, she told him that she didn't like that kind and to bring her a different kind.  She had the jerk tending to her every need and most of those needs were made up solely for her own enjoyment of bossing him around.  It was fun walking around like we owned the place and making our dothead wimps move out of our way, but I really felt like kicking some butt and using some of the new stuff I learned at the BJJ academy.   Paula and I decided to take a break and walk around outside for a few minutes.  The fresh air might cool me down as I could not attack some wimp in the middle of the party.  When we walked around to the side of the building, Eddie was there smoking a cigarette.  This was too good to pass up.  I went up to him and said "Smoking is not good for your health, Eddie."   "So what?" he said, "It's none of your business."   Ignoring his remark, I asked "Do you know what else is not good for your health."  Before he had a chance to answere me, I grabbed his arm and flung him into the side of the building.  His cigarette went flying and he fell to the ground.  I pounced on him immediately and started using some of the new stuff I had learned in ju jitsu.  The new version of the kimura we learned was particularly effective.  A kimura is sort of like a hammerlock, but the arm is also pulled away from the body.  But this version was applied by my legs.  I wrapped them around his arm, braced my foot against his shoulder and pressured it by bending my knees and scissoring at the same time.  Just the slightest bit of effort brought a nice cry of pain from him.  His right arm was so tied up that any movement on his part just added to his suffering, so I had total and virtually effortless control.   I enjoyed the ease of my victory, but I wanted to use some power on him as well.  All this energy I had needed to be released.  So I released my leg kimura and rolled Eddie over to his back.  "Let's try something else" I suggested, like he had any choice in the matter.  From a right angle from him, I locked in a good headlock and trapped his sore right arm between my legs.  I locked in the headlock by grabbing my wrist with the other hand rather than interlocking my fingers as it is a better way to really power the hold.  While pressuring the hold, I leaned my weight into him and forced his elbow back with my legs.  Eddie's face was turning bright red and I was proud to see that I could do this with my arms instead of the usual headscissors.   I was really grinding into him and overpowering with brute force was very satisfying to me rather than just beating him with technique.  I had to teach the girls in our wrestling club how to win with technique as most of them were not strong enough to just crush them with strength like I could do.  I really leaned my weight into Eddie and put even more power into my headlock.  This time, I did not taunt him like I usually do, but concentrated on putting my full force into the hold.   Paula was pacing back and forth and  I could tell that she wanted to have some fun for herself.  As the top sprinter on the girls track team, she had powerful legs, but she also had strong arms.  Vicki, Paula and I are the three strongest girls in our club.  Eddie was begging me to release him.  "Please, Shannon" he cried out "Let me go.  I can't take this."   Usually I refuse to let them go, but this time I said "Fine, I will let you go, you stupid wimp."  I did release my headlock and stood up, but in a flash, Paula pounced on him and captured him in the same hold.  How kewl is that?  She also pulled his head up to add pressure on his neck.  Paula was not fooling around and really put it to him and was hurting him at least as much, if not more than I had.  I loved the way her face looked with her eyes flashing and her teeth gritted with determination as she continued punishing our helpless victim.  Eddie was weakening and he could now barely thrash around in his futile attempt to throw her off, but Paula could care less.  She just continued to pour on the pressure and continue his suffering.   Finally, I could not stand just watching it and said that it was my turn again.  Paula reluctantly released Eddie and I pulled him up to his feet by his hair.  Easily moving behind him, I put him in a full nelson, another hold where I could just overpower him.  He tried to sink down to his knees, but I would not allow that.  I held him up in my hold and just continued to punish him with it.  Eddie tried to submit, but I ignored it.  This was not about getting submissions, there was no challenge in that, but it was about beating him down and torturing him with our superior strength.  A couple of times, I leaned back with my nelson and lifted him completely up off the ground.  Not only did that further demonstrate my strength, but it also seemed to make the hold more painful for him.  So that was a kewl thing to do for both reasons.   Now, Paula said that it was her turn again.  Before I even had a chance to unclasp my arms, she drove her knee into his exposed belly.  As I released my hold, he doubled over, gasping for breath.  Paula was in no mood to wait for him to regain his bearings and she scooped him up and lifted him chest high.  Then she got down on one knee and slammed his back over the outstetched thigh of her other leg.  Eddie screamed in pain as she casually rolled him off her leg and back down to the ground.   Now Eddie was writhing in pain on his back and still struggling to regain his breath.  As usual, Paula was in no mood to extend him any mercy and pounced on him.  She now wanted to bring her awesome legs into play so she laced them around his legs with a grapevine.  As she pressured her new hold in her short skirt,  the muscles in her glutes, hamstrings and calves seemed to explode as her well defined muscles became prominent.  The contrast of her powerful muscular legs and his skinny toothpick ones was almost comical.  She pinned both of his wrists down with her hands and arched her back upwards as she really gave it to the jerk with this one.  Eddie was in a lot of pain and could not even move as Paula continued to bear down on him.   Finally, Paula declared  "This wimp need to be branded"  Without releasing her grapevine, she used her right thumb knuckle to grind the familiar bruise into his forehead.  When she was done, she merely regrabbed his wrist and continued her excrutiating grapevine pin.  I loved the way she methodically had taken care of his wimp branding.  Usually  that signalled the end of it for the wimp, but there was not much happening at the party, so Paula decided to continue working on him.  Eddie's face was still red and drenched with a mixture of tears and sweat.  Paula was probably the most brutal of all of us girls and if left alone with him, she might keep this up for hours.   I was getting impatient and either wanted to get another shot at Eddie or to move on, so I started pacing back and forth.  At the edge of the building, I looked around and saw old Mr Dunning coming around.  Evidently, he wanted to check the area around the building.  I told Paula to let him go and we helped him back up to his feet.  Eddie was very shaky and I told him that a cigarette might be good for him now.  He could not even handle getting and lighting one, so I did it for him and handed him the lit cigarette.  Then, Paula and I left him there and walked around the building toward Mr Dunning.   When we met up with him, he asked "What are you girls doing out here."   I said, "We just felt like getting a little fresh air.  Oh, by the way, there is some boy smoking on the side of the building and he does not look too good.  Maybe he is drunk or on drugs or something."  Paula and I walked past Mr Dunning and headed back toward the door.  Mr Dunning picked up his walking pace to see what we were talking about.  As soon as he turned the corner. Paul and I burst out laughing.  Not only did we get to beat Eddie up but we also got him in trouble with the school.   A few minutes later, Eddie got even more humiliation and everyone got to see it.  His parents came into the room to pick him up, Mr Dunning must have called them.  All the kids laughed at him as he walked across the room with his fresh wimp brand.  His face was still flushed, his hand was bruised from the armwrestling and he walked with a limp from Paula's awesome grapevine.  For the rest of the evening, just looking at one of the wimps would scare them, they did not want the treatment that Eddie got.  Of course, they would, anytime we felt like it.