Shannon's Wrestling Club Part 9 by Madman Melissa Returns Shannon here with some more news about our Girls Wrestling Club. We now have almost thirty full fledged members and at least a dozen pending ones. The pending ones need to beat up some guy in order to become initiated as members. Our control at school has become even more obvious. Not only are the halls littered with our dothead wimps, but the lockers validate our wimps. The dothead wimp refers to the way we girls dig our knuckles into their foreheads and create round bruises to mark them. The other girls loved the way Joan and Sharon made their boys post "The property of the Girls Wrestling Club" notices on their lockers and all of them started doing this as well. We also forced many of the boys to change lockers to make things more convenient for us. All the wimpiest boy's locker were now in the same hallway. We called it the "wimp wing." All these lockers had the notices and were used by our dothead wimps. A girl seeking an easy victim would merely have to stroll down that hall. We often would do that just to savor the fearful intimidated expressions on their faces that just our mere presence would create. It was a lot of fun for several of us girls to stride four or five wide down that hall and send the wimps crashing into the lockers. I also worked out a mandatory schedule for them to come to our wrestling club meetings to be used as practice dummies for the girls. The boys knew that refusal to attend would result in a much more severe beating. Sometimes we took the wimps into the weight room to make fun of them for not being able to lift hardly any weight. When they saw how much heavier we could lift than they could, it increased their fear of the wrestling action that was sure to follow. Sometimes we made them lift weights to the point of exhaustion just to make them even easier to thrash on the wrestling mats. Having such total control of these guys was way kewl and we were always looking for ways to make things even harder for them. The girl who thought of the best new way was rewarded by being selected to beat up the next wimp at our club meetings. My older sister, Melissa was coming home for a week in between quarters at State College. I asked her if she would make a guest appearance at a club meeting. Since this was Melissa's second year at college, very few of the club members had actually met her, but they had all heard about her. Melissa was considered almost a Goddess and a legend by most of them. Melissa said that she would be happy to come and speak to them, but that she wanted a boy to work on for demonstation purposes. "Do you want me to line up a wimp for you?" I asked. "Shannon, all the boys at your school would be wimps to me" she answered. "I could destroy any of them in about one minute, but I will will take my time so that we can all have fun. Why don't you offer $100 to any boy that can beat me and pick the one that looks the toughest. It will be a much more convincing demonstration if I thrash a guy that is supposed to be tough." So I put the word out about the $100 prize and several idiotic macho type guys were interested. As Melissa had requested, I picked the one that looked the toughest, Kurt. He was 6'1" tall and weighed 220 pounds. He was the best lineman on the football team and threw the shotput for the track and field team. Many colleges were offering him football scholarships and I wondered if Melissa realized what she might be getting herself into. But, she asked for the toughest guy and I was just fulfilling her request. When Melissa came home, I showed her pictures of Kurt and asked her if she was still willing to take him on. "No prob, sis" was her answer. "I prefer the bigger guys, I can use more of my stength that way." It was hard to see how much stronger Melissa had become as she was wearing jeans and a baggy sweatshirt, but she had never been wrong about a fight before. In fact, no boy or man had ever been able to give her any competition at all. Melissa wanted to speak to the girls first and then demonstrate how she could easily demolish Kurt. She seemed so confident that it would be no problem for her to handle him. I insisted that only club members and Kurt would be at the meeting and made all involved pledge to secrecy about it. Otherwise, so many kids would come that it would attract the attention of the teachers or something. The prospect of seeing my legendary sister take on Kurt would overflow the gym. Finally the day of the meeting arrived and over thirty eager girls, plus Kurt, were there. Melissa casually strode out to the middle of the mat wearing a loose warm up suit. Slowly and silently she removed her outer garments to reveal a brief posing bikini. At 5'9" and 173 pounds, her muscularity was amazing. Melissa had competed in both bodybuilding and powerlifting contests and the reason for her success was blatantly obvious. She flexed her arms and large well defined biceps proudly jutted up. Her shoulders had those hard balls of muscle on the outside. Her stomach was flat and every muscle was outlined clearly. But the most outstanding musculature was in her incredible legs. The tendons on her inner thighs stood out in bold relief. Her quads were huge and each section of them was well defined. Melissa's calves were like huge knotted balls that tapered down to her ankles. The gym was silent as her awestruck audience watched her go through a posing routine. From any angle, front, back or side, her powerful muscles were clearly visible. Melissa then told the girls of the dedication and work required to develop a body like hers. "You should do some kind of workout everyday," she stated. "Between lifting for various bodyparts and cardio, there is always something to work on. Those that claim three times a week is enough to work out will never achieve my level of strength and fitness." One if the girls called out "I heard that getting that big makes you muscle bound and inflexable." "Not if you stretch properly" Melissa responded. To demonstate, she very slowly lowered herself into a full splits. Doing it in such a slow and controlled manner showed not only flexability, but also her great strength. Now Melissa started to discuss kicking butt, which was the theme of our wrestling club. "It helps to be strong and fit, but training in fighting techniques is the most important thing. I have a blue belt in Brazilian jujitsu and have studied kickboxing and karate to learn how to strike. So I can take a guy out with strikes or grappling, whichever I happen to feel like using at the time." Another girl asked "Do you bully the guys at college like we do with the boys here in school?" Melissa responded "Of course I do. We should control them whether we are in a school or not. At your job, in your social life - at every aspect of life, we must dominate them as we wish." Evidently Melissa felt it was time to demonstrate her fighting prowess. She did not even dignify Kurt's presence by talking to him, she merely gestured for him to come to the mat. The moment he stepped onto the mat, she attacked. I don't think he was even ready for her yet, but that was his problem. Placing one arm under his crotch and the other around his neck, she scooped him up and bodyslammed him down to the mat. It was amazing how easily she had lifted Kurt even though he weighed well over 200 pounds. He looked up at her with a dazed and astonished expression. She merely pulled him back up to his feet and lifted him for another bodyslam. "Let's make this one a little rougher for him" she announced. As she threw him down, Melissa dropped to one knee and slammed his back over her thigh. She pushed down on his head and legs to punish him in this back breaker before rolling him off her thigh and back down to the mat. Now although Kurt was writhing in agony, Melissa impassively hauled him back up to his feet again. "Here is my favorite bodyslam," she announced. "It is called the power slam." She stood in the corner of the mat with Kurt hoisted up on her shoulders. With a running start, she leaped and threw him down to the mat without releasing him. Melissa went down to the mat with him, on top of course. Kurt was forced to bear their combined weight of almost 400 pounds slamming into the mat. Melissa stood back up and smiled down at her winded victim. In less than one minute, she had totally thrashed him, but we knew that she was far from done. Usually the gym was noisy during a match, but you could hear a pin drop in it now. The girls were in total awe of Melissa's power and with the noncholant ease that she had handled Kurt. Once again, she pulled him up to his feet. Kurt was pissed and not as worn out yet as I had thought he was. He pushed Melissa and she almost, but not quite lost her footing. Then he charged at her in a crude attempt to secure a headlock. As he was rushing towards her, Melissa gave him a sharp jab to his stomach with the tips of her stiffened fingers. That stopped his charge and he stood there, doubled over in pain. Melissa then moved behind him and wrapped her left leg around his right one. With her left arm whe pulled Kurt's right arm behind his back. Then she brought her own right arm over his left shoulder and locked her hands together behind his back to apply an abdominal stretch. Although this sounds like a complicated hold to get set, she did all of this in an instant. As she pulled back and twisted her body, incredible pressure was tearing his midsection apart. Even though Kurt was bigger than her, Melissa's muscular leg seemed to dwarf his trapped leg. This was a way kewl hold. Her powerful arms and legs not only enveloped him, but her amazing muscles seemed to be all flexed as she tortured him in this most punishing hold. Kurt was trying to submit, but Melissa only smiled and continued with the pressure of her devasting hold. Kurt was unable to move as she had him tied up so completely. Never had we seen such a big guy so hopelessly tied up and in pain as with this hold. Melissa was well aware of it and was milking it to the limit. Finally, after applying an especially hard twist to his body, Melissa released her hold and Kurt collapsed down to the mat. Melissa stood over him, briefly proudly surveying the situation. Then she announced "Just to make things more interesting, I will let him get on top." I wondered what she had in mind. Most people think the one on top is in the winning position, but in jujitsu, that is not always the case. As he tried to climb on top of her, Melissa wrapped her legs around him in what is called the guard position. However, I noticed that she placed her left leg over his right shoulder instead of around his midsection. I had no idea what she was doing, but it did not take long to find out. She bent his free right arm behind his back with both of her arms. Quickly, she shifted her legs to place a triangular lock on that arm and pressure it further behind his back. "This is called an Omo Plata lock," she informed us. "Notice how completely locked his arm is and how easily I can apply the pain." As she tightened her awesome legs, Kurt's suffering was obvious. In an attempt to escape, he stepped over her head. "Now we can't have that, can we Kurt?" Melissa asked sarcastically. She locked both her arms around his exposed ankle and bent his foot down to add a toehold to her very painful armlock. Once again, Kurt was totally tied up and in great pain. It was so way kewl that Melissa had both great strength and so much technique to use against him. Even though she was still on her back, she had total control of the situation and looked almost only casually interested as she tortured him with both holds. Kurt was screaming in pain and pounding the mat with his free left hand, but Melissa just ignored him. The entire hold was a thing of beauty to see, but watching her use both of her powerful muscular legs against just one of his arms was awesome. She not only had an immense advantage in strength, but she also had leverage in her favor. And, of course, she was milking all her advantages to the fullest possible extent. Now Melissa's expression clearly showed her pleasure resulting from her total domination. Although she knew that Kurt would be no challenge for her, she enjoyed seeing how shocked the girls were at how easily she was defeating him. Melissa had never worked before such a large and appreciative audience. I could tell that this was going to make things even tougher on her now helpless victim. It turns out that I was right about this, but I know how my sister thinks very well. Once again, she released Kurt and stood up. Kurt was in pain on the mat and seemed to have trouble deciding whether to rub his sore shoulder or his ankle with his left hand. Melissa prevented him from having to make a decision by grabbing his left hand and pulling him back up to his feet again. Kurt could stand but was hobbling around due to that awesome footlock. She bent his arm up and back as she put him in a tough wristlock. Kurt was trying to get down to his knees, but Melissa forced him to remain standing by continuing to force his trapped arm upwards. "Stand up and take it like a man" she chided. Kurt was in a lot of pain and was just thrashing the air with his right arm. By chance, he happened to club Melissa across her face with his forearm. That caused Melissa's expression to quickly change from a playful one to an angry one. He was going to pay for that and I looked forward to seeing how that would happen. She swept his leg from behind with hers and forced him to fall to the mat on his back. She kept hold of her wristlock and the falling made it hurt even more. Once he was on his back, she slammed her shin and knee down on his stomach. Not only did that cause him pain, it prevented him from rolling away from her. "So you want to hit, do you?" she asked. Without waiting for an answer, she released the wristlock and began slapping his face. She alternated stinging forehand and backhand slaps to her helpless victim. They might not have hurt as much as punches, but she was slapping him very hard and the slapping was more humiliating than punching would be. By the time she stopped, both of his cheeks were reddened. Now she slid over to his side,lifted his head and wrapped her legs around it. Melissa had not used any scissors yet and watching her awesome legs crushing his head could not be anything but a pleasure to watch. I wondered how much pressure she would apply, with her power she could probably pop his head like a balloon. When she crossed her ankles to lock in her hold and started applying pressure, her immense thigh and calf muscles looked like they would explode. Melissa's thighs were as big as his head and it appeared that she was powering her hold just short of the point of knocking him out. Melissa had taught me long ago that knocking the guy out only served to end the fun. And about thirty girls were having fun, so Kurt's obvious discomfort was well worth it. It was so kewl watching Melissa maximize the torture of her scissors to an already totally defeated victim. She was so good at this and much of what I had learned was from her. Finally she unclasped her legs and asked "Have you had enough yet, Kurt?" Kurt could barely speak, but he mumbled "Yes, please stop." "Well, I haven't had enough" was her cruel response as she reapplied the scissors. This time she rolled around the mat with her hold inflicting brutal jolts to his neck to accompany the constricting pressure on his head. Besides making him suffer even more, she gave us the change to see her devasting scissors from a variety of angles. It was a thing of beauty. Never had a seen a guy demolished with more grace and style and this was not even with the usual puny wimp. After several forced painful rolls around the mat, Melissa released her scissors and mounted her victim with the classic schoolgirl pin. She had him securely pinned with his head, once again, between her incredable thighs. "It does not seem like you are going to collect that hundred dollars, does it?" she asked with a taunting tone of voice. When she got no response, she bounced her weight on his chest and restated more firmly "Does it?" "No, just let me go" was his anguished answer. "Not so fast, I think you should give me a hundred dollars" Melissa demanded. "After all, fair is fair and I would have paid you if you had won." "But there was no mention of me paying you, that's not fair" Kurt protested. Melissa ground her knuckles into the sensitive area under his chin and calmly stated "I don't think you are in a position to say what is fair. In case you haven't noticed, I call the shots around here." "I never agreed to give you money, and I only have twenty dollars with me" Kurt told her. He was whining and it was so funny to hear a big guy whine like that Melissa became very stern with him as she ground her knuckles deeper into her victim. "I think you should agree to do so now. Give me the twenty now and the rest to Shannon tomarrow. I will be in town all week and you will see me again if you don't pay her." "All right" Kurt was almost screaming through his pain. "Just get off me and I will pay you." Melissa gave him one final hard twisting dig with her knuckles just to make sure that he realized that she was not fooling around. Then she got off him and stood impatiently while he fumbled through his pockets for the money. When she had the money, Melissa came towards me and handed it to me. "Put this and the rest of his money in your club treasury" she requested. "Have some fun on the wimp."