The Private Wrestling Club Part Six  Scissor Challenge by Madman       Rick here to update you on the events of our private wrestling club.  I still had an overwhelming desire to get my revenge on Lisa for the several beatings she had subjected me to.  It was not so much the fact that she had won that upset me, but rather the way she did it.  On each occasion she had brutally maximized my punishment and beat me far beyond the point necessary to achieve victory.  Her biggest advantage was her legs which were as strong and deadly as they were beautiful.  In most cases she had used scissor holds to win,   So, I spent three months working on my legs.  I ran, worked on stairmaster machines and excercycles to improve their endurance.  I also did squats, leg lifts and other excercises to strengthen them.  My improvement was noticeable especially at our last meeting when I won my match with a bodyscissors.  My opponent was forced to tap out in less than a minute after I applied it.  While the other club members congratulated me, Lisa approached me and said "I can see uou've been working on your legs, but you've got a long way to go to match mine."   Caught up in the glory of my victory I responded "I'm sure that you would have to submit to my scissorholds."   "Honey, you're sadly mistaken..ZZ Top was referring to me when the wrote "She's Got Legs and She Knows How to Use Them."  Why don't you and I have a special scissor challenge at next month's meeting and I'll demonstrate,"   Her arrogance infuriated me but her idea intrigued me.  The club menbers had a group discussion to devise a format that would be decisive, yet prevent our hostility toward each other from making it too viscious.  We came up with a best of three format with a fifteen minute time limit for each part to eliminate excessive punishment.   In part one we would take turns applying the scissorhold of our choice.  The victim would not be allowed to attempt to break free of the hold.  When a submission occured, the other person would apply their scissorhold.  Whoever extracted a submission in the least amount of time would win that round.    Part two would have us both apply simultaneous headscissors while on our sides in a "69" type position.  Again, the first submission would win that round.   Part three, if needed, would be an all out fifteen minute time limit one fall submission wrestling match.  The submission must be obtained with a scissorhold.   Lisa and I both agreed to these terms and the club members were confident that this would ensure a fair, yet reasonable contest.  As an added precaution, three different people would referee to eliminate collusion.  Jim, the club president would keep time for the first round as well as the other rounds.  I would choose the referee for the second round and Lisa would choose the third round referee if needed.  For the next month, I increased the intensity of my workouts to make sure that I could finally defeat her.  By the time of the club meeting, my legs were quite a bit stronger than before and I knew that I could make Lisa eat crow for a change.   Finally, the much anticipated meeting occured and Jim called Lisa and I to the mat.  I wore my usual grey running shorts.  Lisa had on a red leotard with tennis shoes and mid-calf athletic socks.  The way her calf muscles bulged over the top of the socks looked ominous as did her striated thighs, but I was still confident.  I told Lisa that it was ladies first and that she could try to make me submit to start part one.   "That's so sweet, Rick" she said sarcastically as she had me lie on my back.  She laid on her side at a right angle to my head and applied a side headscissors.  As she locked her ankles and applied pressure, I could feel the crushing force on my head.  However, I felt that I could tolerate it for a while and I needed to do that so I could beat her time.  Since I was not allowed to escape, I concentrated on relaxing my body and trying to breathe evenly to conserve my energy and hold out longer.  It was hard to estimate time in my position, but I thought that I had already survived for several minutes.   Lisa propped her head up on her elbow and peered with amusement at my reddening face.  Then she quivered her thighs adding painful jolts to my neck to the pressure of her scissors.  The hard muscles of her legs contrasted her soft smooth skin as they punished my head and neck for several more minutes.  She spoke.  "I've just been playing with you, Rick, now it's time to get serious.  I hope you enjoy it."  By pulling on the back of my head, she forced me deeper into her thighs for better leverage.  Then bracing herself with both hands against the mat, she raised her torso and put full force into her crushing scissors.  In only a few seconds, I was tapping the mat and trying to utter my submission.   Jim said "That's a submission, release him Lisa."  Lisa complied and looking at his stopwatch Jim declared "Lisa's submission took eight minutes and forty three seconds.  After a two minute break, Rick will attempt to better that."   After the two minute break, I was still feeling weakened and dizzy from enduring Lisa's hold for so long, but I wasn't worried.  Being that she could not escape my hold, I planned to scissor her loosely for a few minutes while I recovered.  Then, if felt sure that when I was ready to crank up the pressure, that she would have to submit quickly.  I chose to get behind Lisa's head while she laid on her back and use a figure four headscissors.  This way, I could hold her securely and get some payback by pulling my ankle back with my hand for a few minutes until I had rested enough to force her submission.   As soon as I set my hold and before I had a chance to apply any pressure, Lisa submitted.  Jim announced "Submission in four seconds, Rick wins round one.  Now I realized what Lisa had done.  By waiting several minutes to employ enough pressure to make me submit, she had gained another opportunity to work me over and tire me out.  Her immediate submission had denied me the chance to reciprocate.  Obviously, she was sure this strategy would give her the advantage for rounds two and three to win the whole challenge match.    Surprisingly, I felt pretty good after the two minute break, and if I could wim part two, I would finally have defeated her.  I chose my friend and former partner Don to referee.  As Lisa and I lay on our sides, both securing our headscissors, my mind was racing.  This time I would get a chance to squeeze her with my well conditioned legs.  She couldn't submit this time without losing the entire challenge match. Don declared "Ready- set-go!"  The moment I started to squeeze, Lisa raised her arm and slammed her thumb knuckle into the outside of my knee.  As I yelped in pain, she separated my legs and held my top leg down with her hands to prevent me from re-applying my hold.   I protested that this was unfair, but Lisa stated that there was no stipulation about escaping the hold in this round.  Unfortunately for me, she was right and Don had to let us continue.  I attempted to duplicate her method of escape, but she anticipated it and deflected my hand away.  Then she grabbed my wrist and sat up so that I couldn't get my legs around her again.  She told me "I'm not playing with you this time and applied excruciating pressure to my head.  Her strong thighs were both smothering and crushing me.  She grabbed my other wrist which left me helpless to attempt any escape.  The pressure was even greater than at the end of her round one scissors and I was in tremendous agony.   I thrashed with my legs and tried to utter a muffled submission.  Don told her that I had submitted and to release her hold.  While still squeezing me with her powerful legs, Lisa replied "Are you sure?  I couldn't hear him and it's so quick."  After Don told her that he was sure and that she would forfeit round three if she refused to release, she let me go.  However, that extension of an extra twenty or thirty seconds had really taken its toll one me.  I was dizzy and lightheaded as I had been on the verge of passing out.  Jim, who was still keeping time, declared Lisa the winner of the round in one minute and fifty six seconds and stated that the deciding round would take place in two minutes.   This time the two minute break was far from sufficient for a complete recovery and I was forced to face her much less than full strength.  To ad to my troubles, Lisa selected Becky to referee this fall.  Becky had been Lisa's partner when they conspired to demolish me in a previous tag team match.  My only chance was to avoid her legs for a while until I had time to recover.  Since only her legs could extract the winning submission,  I still had a chance to win or at least to tie by lasting fifteen minutes.   Lisa smiled as she adjusted her socks and stroked her thighs before the fall.  She bounce up and down on her toes to emphasize the sleek strong muscles with which she intended to deafeat me with again.  She looked cocky as she told me "If I didn't let you win the first part, I wouldn't get to wrestle you now.  You know how much I enjoy wrestling you, but I'm not so sure that you'll enjoy it."   Becky announced the start of the fall and Lisa slowly walked toward me.  My eyes were focused on her legs as I both admired their beautiful curvy shape and feared their incredable capacity to torture me.  Lisa suddenly grabbed my right wrist with both her hands and spun around to apply an arm wringer.  She spun a second time and twisted my arm so severely that I was forced down to my knees.  Then she stepped over my arm with one leg and bounced her butt on my shoulder to push me face down all the way to the mat.  Without releasing my wrist, she sat on my upper arm and pulled up to bend my elbow while still twisting my wrist.  She was definately not playing with me now and it felt like she would break my arm.   Then I felt the pressure let up and I figured that she thought I was ripe for the scissors submission.  Evidently she didn't, as Lisa now straddled my back and put an excruciating hammerlock on my aching right arm.  As she forced my arm up my back, my shoulder was being punished as brutally as my elbow and wrist had been.  Still, Lisa was not satisfied.  Keeping my bent arm trapped under her knee, she reached forward and locked her hands together under my chin.  Then she pulled back hard.  Sharp pain waves jolted through my neck and back so strongly that I almost forgot about my arm.  I could feel her gorgeous soft long dark hair gently brushing the sides of my face, but I was in far too much pain to enjoy that sensation.   Normally, Lisa like to play cat and mouse games with her victim by increasing and decreasing the pressure of her holds at her whim.  This time. she was far more viscious as she applied intense pressure to all her holds constantly.  I was in extreme pain and could barely move,  There was absolutely no way for me to escape this devastating combination hold.  Pounding the mat with my left hand, I cried out my submission.  Becky knelt down in front of me and peered into my uptuirned face.  Smiling she said "This fall must end with a scissor submission.  Lisa doesn't have you in a scissor hold so the fall continues."  She gave Lisa a friendly pat on the head and said "Have fun, girl."   There was probably close to ten minutes left for this fall and Lisa was obviously more interested in punishing me than in ending it early.  Once again, she had outsmarted and outwrestled me.  I was angry and in pain, but there was nothing I could do about it.   Lisa got off my back and pulled me to my feet by my sore arm and my hair only to shoot her knee into my stomach.  As I doubled over, a clubbing forearm to the back of my head knocked me back down to the mat.  This time Lisa turned me so that I was on my back and told me "I want to see your face.  It's much more fun when I can watch you suffer,"  Holding me down with her hard shin across my chest, she applied an overhand wrist lock to my already injured right arm.  She merely grinned down at me as I pleaded for mercy.  "Rick, you should know by now that wimps like you don't deserve mercy, ' she stated as she bore down even harder on my trapped wrist.    Although this match was to be shorter than our previous ones, Lisa was trouncing me more visciously than ever.  She was applying more force to her holds and was really concentrating her brutal attack to my right arm.  My arm hurt like hell and had no strength left at all.  It was always a good idea when wrestling to weaken an opponent's body part, but Lisa was torturing my arm far beyond that point.  I could see her gleeful expression as she watched my face contort with pain.   Still holding my wrist, Lisa removed her leg from my chest and sat beside me.  Bracing one foot against my neck and the other against the side of my ribs, she leaned back to painfully stretch my arm.  Pushing with both legs while pulling with both arms easily overpowered my weakend shoulder as she continued my torture.  She asked how much time remained and Jim replied that two minutes and fifty seconds were left.  Lisa gave an especially hard tug on my arm and slid toward me.  Then she wrapped those awesome socked legs around my head while bending my arm back across her thigh.   She told me "Rick, I'm going to count to ten.  When I reach ten, you will submit.  If you submit too early or don't submit, I'll break your puny arm.  Do you understand?"   Before I could respond she tightened her legs so firmly that I couln't speak.  I wanted to submit, but I knew she would break my arm if I did.  I heard her count very slowly "One - two - three - four - five."  Then she tightened those legs even more and increased the pressure on my elbow.  Even more slowly she continued "six -- seven -- eight -- nine."  She paused her counting and squeezed my head so hard that I thought she would crush my skull.  "Nine and a half -- nine and three quarters" and another pause.  Finally she said "Ten" and I submitted.   Lisa released her devastating holds and stood up sith her foot on my chest in a victory pose.  After checking with Jim, Becky announced that Lisa had won the deciding fall in fourteen minutes and thirty seven seconds.  I laid on the mat for a couple of minutes before I was able to muster the strength to slowly get up and stagger off the mat.  This match actually occurred three weeks ago, but my severely sprained and strained right arm has been in a sling until now, so I couldn't type this account.  I still want revenge on Lisa, but I'm not sure that I can take another of her sadistic beatings.  Do you have any suggestion?