Political Ravings of a Madman By Madman Who else would be dumb enough to write this If you are expecting the usual story of mixed wrestling and domination that I have often written before , you ain't gonna get one here. Our world is facing some serious problems today. Stuff like ISIS and other terrorist groups, climate control, poverty, the shortage of jobs and subpar education are just some of them. For example, Madman himself has a college degree in English from a major university, yet writes primarily crap and garbage. So education has been a problem here for many years. Most people are just too lazy, too stupid or just lack sufficient time to try and solve any of these problems. That is the reason that countries have leaders, often political ones to take care of that shit, while we, the common citizens masturbate or do whatever the hell we do. Since most of the members of this site are British or American, I will limit my comments and observations to those two countries. I can't write about most other countries because I don't know their languages. Hell, I am only marginally fluent in English. But we must address these issues because they are more important and have far more effect on our lives than what Melissa and Kelly are going to do to Zack next First, I will discuss the British or iEnglish situation. I guess British includes not only England, but also Scotland, Ireland, Wales and perhaps some other insignificant islands. England's system is a bit confusing because they have a prime minister and a king and a queen. I believe the prime minister is a politician that is elected by the people. I'm not sure what exactly he does other than kiss the ass of the American president , Tony Blair was good at that. As far as I can see, the last great English politician was Winston Churchill. He might have been the greatest politician of all time , so it was inevitable that the quality would drop on its future political leaders. Becoming a king or queen in England is a different process involving no skill whatsoever. If a member of the royal family fucks somebody and a pregnancy develops, that baby is automatically royalty. The extent of that royalty depends on which member of the existing royalty fucked, what other children are also of royal descent and who his or her parents fucked and who lives the longest. Again, this is primarily a matter of coincidence and chance, the abilities of the individual are extraneous. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but the Royal family is primarily a figurehead wielding little if any actual political power The only thing that could threaten the future of the royal family would be if they were gay or impotent. Without the production of new babies, the line of royal descent would be broken. I'm not sure the English people have sufficient problem solving skills to deal with an extreme situation such as this. You might think that this study of political science is boring and has nothing to do with the the themes of this website, which mostly involve powerful females. Hillary Clinton attempted to become a powerful woman, but was rejected by the Americans in favor of Don Trump, who rivals the madman, himself, in terms of idiocy and a delusional perception of the world. The Americans have no kings or queens and rely upon elected officials to govern the country people running for office are called candidates and they compete for the votes of the citizens. In theory, this sounds like a good system. In realty, it might not be. 87% of American voters lack sufficient knowledge to vote intelligently. The other 13% don't vote because they are busy with wrestling sessions, surfing the Internet for porn or some other form of twisted and perverted neoclassical antisocial activity. Perhaps the United States would be better off if the candidates wrestled for the job. A number of years ago, former pro wrestler Jesse Ventura was governor of the state of Minnesota. If fe chose to run for president, I have no doubt he could have beaten Busch of Obama in a wrestling match. Dr Death would have been a good choice for the Vice President. A lot of people are upset that Hillary Clinton failed in her campaign for the presidency and that sexual discrimination was involved. This is nothing but pure bullshit. NO man can withstand the wrath of a wrestling woman and that includes Don Trump. If Hillary is too busy wearing pants suits to hide her weak legs, incapable of extracting a scissors submission, then she was obviously the wrong woman for the democrats to choose for their candidate. There are so many choices they could have made. Ronda Rousey is still under the minimum age of 35 to run, but what about Leila Ali? That would really be a first. Not only is she an Afro-American but she is also black. Some people might call her a female Afro-American and they would be totally correct. Then we could settle international disputes by having the political leaders fight instead of having armies go to war. Many lives and a lot of money would be saved. The United States would save enough money to buy everyone of its citizens a membership to this website. How about the Rock, Duane Johnson for president. He would obviously be able to fight successfully against foreign leaders of other countries, but he would be the first actor turned president since Ronald Reagon Let us depart from this meaningless rant to make a couple of pertinent observations. Many people, including me, have submitted stories with themes that relate to this website. Stories about strong women, various forms of combat, L&C, muscle worship etc abound in this most exalted worthy website and even i, the dastardly Madman have written stories of those types But I stand alone among the plethora of authors on this website in submitting rants that have nothing to do with the standard themes of this site. In fact, many of them, like this one are not only off topic but also make no sense at all. They have no purpose, no redeeming social values, and minimum social redeeming value. Why you folks even bother to read then is a mystery to me. Why Diana, with her infinate wisdom chooses to post them is even a greater mystery. Who built Stonehenge is also a mystery at an equivalent level, but that is unlikely to be brought up on this site. I promise this will be my last meaningless rant for a while. I do intend to go back to writing trite stories of mixed wresting and female domination. As usual, they will be ill conceived and poorly written as well as totally predictable. You know well in advance that the male schmoe is going to severely beaten and that he will have no way of avoiding it. Well that's about it for this piece of literature. Even a madman must take a break to eat, excrete, sleep, wank and perform the functions that people tend to do whether they are shitty writers or not. So i bid you farewell. Your day is bound to improve because anything would be better than reading this piece of crap