More stupid ravings from Madman From Madman Madman is about to make an announcement that is both shocking and could effect the future of our planet. Since earth is a vital part of our solar system and the solar system is a vital part of the universe, this announcement could be cataclysmic as well as a poorly written run on sentence. Madman has been associated with this sacred website for many years. His first so called story was posted over eleven years ago in April 1905. Since then, this site has been barraged by many poorly written clique ridden stories from this sub par writer. The plots are all similar and totally predictable. A female, or a group of females punish and or destroy some hapless male by wrestling or some ridiculous form of torture. He is so stupid that he thinks the slightest variation in this hackneyed plot will make the story interesting. Well they're not! They're an insult to the English language and to the communication of all life forms strewn about throughout the universe So far, only the obvious has been stated which is also typical of madman. But here's the real kicker, the absolute truth in this matter. Madman does not exist. Yes you heard it correctly. Madman does not exist. Just as red is a pigment on the colour wheel, Madman is a figment of your imagination. The stories you believe you have read do not exist either. Obviously if Madman does not exist, then his stories can not exist either. Unless some God wrote the stories and was so distraught at their poor quality that he pawned off the credit to a fictional writer This would be an act of genius, but most people agree that if there is a God, that she is not an idiot or a slut. Had she pawned off the substandard work on a real person, he or she would certainly deny it. But by pawning it off on an imaginary Madman, there is no one to dispute our Lord's word. We really can't have a God that is a fucking liar anyways. It would put the charlatan religious leaders, such as priests, rabbis and shamens out of business. Then some other organization would have the opportunity to move in and rip mindless idiots out of their hard earned money Perhaps Vince McMahon would step in to capitalize on it with his pro wrestling pursuits. God could wrestle the devil and the winner would go up against John Cena in the Wrestlemania main event. The co- main event could be Mother Nature vs Poseidon. If they want a mixed wrestling squash match, it could be Charlotte Flair wrestling Madman. Just a little more creativity could really help the WWE. Approximately half of the population of this planet is male, people that will become men if they live long enough. Of that group, about half of them are mad or have some tendency toward mental disease or have some socially unacceptable fetish. Thus, about 25% of adults are mad men. Are any of you readers smart enough to have caught the major contradiction recently made in this so called piece of literature. First it was stated that Madman does not exist. Several incoherent poorly written paragraphs later, Madman is named as a potential wrestling opponent for Charlotte Flair. Now, Miss Flair is an outstanding wrestler, but she does need a real, rather than imaginary opponent. How many of you readers are perceptive enough to spot a major contradiction in this inane rambling substandard essay? I doubt that many of you have the intelligence to notice it. If you had any brains or judgement at all, you would have stopped reading this crap several paragraphs ago. Okay, it's time to stop this mindless banter and get down to the real purpose of this essay, or composition or whatever you want to call it. I receive a complimentary membership to this website in exchange for submitting stories or some kind of writing to this fine website. While the honorable Diana has never specified an actual number of how many stories need to be submitted in order to maintain that comp membership Now I may be a moron, but I am a conscientious one. I don't want to take advantage of Diana's generosity and would rather submit more stuff than necessary than risk not sending her enough stuff However, I now have a bad case of writer's block and can not currently think of a single plot to write a story about. In case you are wondering, shitty writers are just as prone to get writer's block as the good ones. I imagine even the great writers, such as Billy Shakespeare, Peter Chaucer, not many people know his first name actually was Peter, Hemingway and others all had writer's block at sometime Obviously, if the best writer's like those people can be afflicted with writer's block, the worst writers, such as Madman can also fall prey to it So until my block dissipates, I won't be submitting any more stories. This probably won't happen until January of 2017. Since this is probably my last writing submission for this year, I wish you all a merry Christmas, happy Chanukah, happy Kwanza or any other holiday that you might observe or celebrate. I love you all and will see you all in cyber world soon. Goodbye to all you outstanding perverts With love, Madman Sent from my iPhone