For Old Times Sake-Melissa and Shannon Team Up By the Incredibly Adorable Madman Melissa here. My sister Shannon and I were reminiscing about how much fun we've had in teaming up to beat up some jerk. Teaming up when either of us could easily beat him by ourselves is a blast but we haven't done it for years. So, we decided that the next time Shannon visited me at State University, we would do it again. This time, we would be rougher on our victim than ever before. Shannon was so excited about it that she came on the very next weekend. She brought her red bathing suit to wrestle in. I figured I'd wear my favorite blue one. We would wear them under our clothes so that we could be ready immediately when the opportunity came. Now all we had to do was to find our victim. Both Shannon and I are good looking and have no trouble attracting boys. They're so stupid. If they think that we're going to make out with them, they'll agree to anything. We decided to go to a coffee shop. The nerds love drinking overpriced shitty coffee and talking pseudo intellectual babble. They might as well call the place nerd heaven. When we got there, we spotted our target right away. He was a total geek sitting by himself reading a New Yorker magazine. Shannon is better than me at flirting, so she smiled at him as she approached him "That drink looks yummy," she cooed "What is it?" The idiot said it was some kind of mocha expresso latte or something and even volunteered to buy Shannon and me a cup of it. Shannon thanked him sweetly and the idiot paid about ten dollars for two cups of this surgery sweet horrible crap. We sat down with him and it was all I could do to drink that vile thing, but I just slowly sipped it. I left most of it behind when we left. We weren't here to drink coffee, we were here to pick up a victim. Shannon took control of the conversation because the guy was really stammering. I'm sure he had never been approached by two beautiful girls before. Shannon sat next to him and crossed her shapely legs toward him. She was wearing a white miniskirt and he was already captivated. He told us that his name was Phil and that he was a math major. We both kept smiling demurely at him, but we were really sizing him up. He seemed to be about the same height as Shannon, about 5'7" and about ten pounds lighter than her solid muscle laden 145 pounds. I was about two inches and fifteen pounds bigger than Shannon and it seemed obvious that both of us would have a substancial strength advantage. Phill had real skinny arms with absolutely no definition. Shannon had easily befriended him, but now she had to con him into coming home with us to wrestle. She told him that we liked to wrestle around with cute guys. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing at Shannon calling this creep "cute." She had the fool hanging on her every word as she baited the trap. She told him how much fun it would be to roll around and feel each other's body. Then she informed Phil that we don't want the boys we play with to know where we live because they would keep bothering is to do it again. Of course, the real reason is that we didn't want them to be able to call the police for assault. To do this, we would blindfold Phil and drive him to our house. When we were done, we would blindfold him again and drive him back to his car. Even though, these terms should have sounded suspicious, Phil quickly agreed them. The fool would have agreed to anything for the opportunity to grope our firm athletic bodies. I'm sure he was a virgin because of the overly enthusiastic and trusting attitude he had to this admittingly bizarre request. When we arrived at our house, we took Phil down to the basement and stripped down to our swimsuits before removing his blindfold. I thought his eyes would pop out of his head when he saw our firm athletic bodies. He fumbled to nervously remove his clothes to reveal white jockey shorts. It was now time to start. Phil just stood there, unsure of what to do. He was such a jerk. I gently took him down to the mat and sat on his chest, facing his feet. I had very little weight on his chest, putting most of it on my own lower legs. Then I gently massaged his inner thighs, hips and lower abdominals. I was rubbing all the area around his dick without ever touching the dick Shannon sat behind Phil and placed his head on her lap. Leaning forward, she stroked his hair with one hand and gently brushed against his cheek with the other. She blew softly in his ear. Phil was getting totally turned on. This must have been a dream come true for him having two attractive girls fondling him. His penis stood straight up inside his shorts. It was a small one, but when I brushed the back of a finger against it, I could see he was hard as a rock. His breathing became more rapid and I could tell the idiot was nearing a climax without even any direct stimulation of his cock. I glanced back at my sister and without a word, we knew it was time destroy our unsuspecting victim. Shannon snared Phil's head between her muscular thighs with a good tight head scissors. I lifted his butt off the mat in order to slide my leg under him to apply body scissors. He gasped as the wind was forced from his lungs. Shannon and I commenced a sixteen count sequence for applying our scissor lock. The first four, only Shannon would power her hold. I took the second four and neither of us powered the third set on order to let our victim get enough sir to remain conscious. The final four, both of us put full power into our holds. Any longer than a four count of full power would knock him out and we wanted him awake to feel the pain. We kept this up for several minutes before deciding to vary our attack. When we finally released our holds, our breathless victim complained that we were hurting him. Shannon responded, but she was not so sweet this time. "You wanted to wrestle, so you're going to have to suffer in our holds and we're just getting started." We were really going to put our double teaming to good use to work him over now. This was the fun part and we intended to savor every moment of it. We started out with a nice pair of arm stretchers. Each of us braced our feet against the sides of his chest and neck. Then grabbing his wrist, we each pushed with our legs while pulling back with our arms. Phil screamed in pain as it must have felt like we were going to dislocate both his shoulders. "What's wrong honey?" Shannon asked as we pressured our holds. "Please stop," Phil pleaded, but of course we ignored his request. I spoke to Shannon. "Let's make a wish." Shannon laughed as she agreed and she knew exactly what I meant. People pull chicken wishbones apart to see who wins. We used Phil's legs. We each grabbed an ankle and pulled. Phil screamed as we strained and hopefully sprained his groin. We were getting excited watching Phil suffer and both wanted to make him suffer even more. We are both very sadistic when we wrestle jerks like Phil. ".Lets go after his back and neck," I suggested. "That will continue to hurt him for at least a couple weeks." Knowing that our victim is still in pain well after we're done with him is such a good feeling. I roughly pulled him up to his feet and asked Shannon to keep him standing. Phil was already too beat down to stand on his own. Once the was done, I stood back to back with him. Reaching behind me, I cupped his chin with my hands and bent forward, lifting him off the ground. This made his back, but mostly his neck support all of his weight. He lacked the strength to support. Phil was really in pain, so much that he couldn't even scream. Of course, Shannon and I weren't satisfied with the intensity of his suffering if we had a way to increase it. Shannon placed her hands on Phil's shoulders and hung on them. She had added her weight to the weight his overworked back and neck were forced to support. Of course he could not do so and shockwaves of pain surged through his spine and neck. I held him there for a few minutes before allowing him to fall to the carpet. Phil was in great pain as he lay on the carpet. Shannon was still not satisfied. She grabbed his hair and pulled him up to a seated position. Then she took hold of his head and twisted it violently from side to side and backwards and forwards. She wanted to insure that he would have a very sore neck for days to come. Finally, we decided to make good on our promise to return Phil to his car. While Shannon held him in a painful full nelson, I put his blindfold back on him. We lead him upstairs to our car and told him that if he removed his blindfold that we would break his arm. Phil tried to ask about his clothes, but before he could finish, Shannon ordered him to shut up. We drive him back to his car and told him to get out. Phil complained that he didn't have his clothes or his car key. "That's your problem asshole, not ours," replied Shannon. We literally pushed him out of our car and drove away laughing. That's how to enjoy a nice afternoon. Sent from my iPhone Sent from my iPhone Sent from my iPhone