Melissa the College Years. Fruits and Vegetables by The Incredably Indecent Madman The girls at the girls' athletic house at State University decided to eat more fruits and vegatables to get healthier and improve their performance on their chosen sport. Several of us girls wanted to emphasize to our slave houseboy, Zack, how serious we were about it. Since Zack prepared all of our food,it was essential that he understand it. To make him totally aware of our new diet, the usual group of us girls took him down to the basement to insure his cooperation. Joining me were stacie, Rebecca, Lisa, and, of course, Kelly. We were going to have some fun emphasizing how serious we were about this to Zack. One of our healthy foods would be an ear of corn It just so happened that Zack had two ears so they would be our first focal point. Stacie and I both charged into Zack, each of us slamming our shoulder into one of his thighs. Our double team tackle took him down to the mat hard. Once we had him down, Stacie and I each held one of Zack's legs down and Kelly and Lisa each held his arms down, This allowed Lisa to pull both both his ears hard. Zack was in pain, but this was only the beginning. We wanted to eat a variety of food and we wanted Zack to experience a variety of pain. After a couple of minutes pulling Zack's ears it was time for our next healthy food. I really like broccoli spears and wanted to see the effect of spears on Zack. Two of us would hold Zack up while another one of us would drive our shoulder into his ribs with as much force as possible. Kelly always wanted to make things as rough as possible for Zack and she came up with a great idea to do so. Instead of holding Zack in the center of the mat to spear him we should position him just to the side of our treadmill. That way the back of his head would be slammed against the metal post when we nailed him. When it came time for Kelly to spear Zack, she wanted to do so differently. She had Zack stand right against the side of our weight bench, facing away from it towards her When Kelly speared him, he was tripped by our weight bench, knocked completely over it and landed hard on his back on the other side. The jarring fall, combined with the repeated blows to the back of his head left him groggy and barely conscious. Now, we were running out of fruits and vegetables, and Zack was approaching the point where he would no longer be capable of feeling pain. Hurting him was always the main reason for these sessions, so we knew this one was coming to it's end. We wanted to finish with one final torture of the highest magnitude to cap off this successful and enjoyable session. We intended to really relish this one. Since relish was made with, cucumbers, another healthy vegetable, that would be our instrument of torture. Since Kelly had previously raped Zack with a golf ball, raping him with a cucumber should be a piece of cake. We gave Kelly the honor and each of the other four of us held down one of Zack's limbs. Before inserting the cucumber, Kelly coated half of it with the hottest jalapeņo pepper sauce she could find. The insertion of the large cucumber, augmented by the burning of tender skin by the pepper sauce put Zack in extreme agony. Kelly pushed down hard with both her hands and twisted it like a screw to get as deep of penetration as she could. This was so effective and caused such great pain for Zack that we wanted the raping to last four hours. We moved our weight bench right up against our treadmill. Then we tied his wrists to the part of the weight bench that went straight up to hold the barbells. Next, we secured his ankles to the treadmill so his legs were spread out as far as possible. Kelly reapplied more hot sauce to the cucumber and jammed it into Zack's ass again. To keep force on the penetration cucumber, we draped a bath towel over the cucumber and tied a ten pound weight to each side. Kelly didn't think it was enough pressure, so we replaced the with twenty five pound weights. Zack's groaning and grimacing told us that this was the proper weight to use. Kelly was so sadistic that even this extreme torture did not inflict enough pain on Zack to satisfy her. The one thing I loved most about my beautiful roommate was her insatiable appetite for totally devastating Zack. The more worn out and beaten down he was, the greater her desire to inflict even more pain on him. So, she thought of another torture to augment the excrutiating rape. She harshly lifted his head up and placed a dumbbell under it. Then she draped another towel across the back of his head and tied five pound dumbbells to each side of it. Zack's neck was forced against the dumbbell, but not quite hard enough to choke or strangle him. However, it did make breathing extremely difficult and severely stressed his neck muscles. As Zack's neck muscles fatigued and the lactic acid built up, he would be in unbelievable pain. Kelly was all smiles as she bent down to examine her work. Just for spite, she gave Zack several hard punches to his ribs and a devastating elbow drop to the middle of his back. Only then, was Zack's extended punishment considered complete and we went upstairs to let him suffer by himself. When we went back downstairs to free him three hours later, Zack was a total mess. He was babbling incoherently, as the pain had far surpassed his tolerance. The inside of his ass was reddened and swollen. He was exhausted from the effort it took to breathe and his neck was so stiff that he couldn't even move it. He needed help just to stand up and then Kelly drove her knee into his balls. When Zack crumbled down to the mat, we left him there and went upstairs to have some fresh fruit for a snack. It took about twenty minutes for Zack to literally crawl up the stairs, but we ignored his pain. In fact we made him core a slice a few apples and pour honey in a dish for us to enjoy. It was a sweet ending for us as the only fruit sweeter than fruit dipped in honey is fruit used to torture Zack.