Melissa The College Years The Pep Rally Melissa here to tell you about our football party in our house of female athletes. Our big game with our arch rival was to be played this coming Saturday. It was an important game for our school and for us girls. If our football team would win, they would play in a major bowl game and get paid lots of money. This money helps pay for all the sports that don't generate a profit. None of the women's sports, except basketball make money, so the football game would fund most of our women's sports. Being that we're not an official sorority, we don't attend the big pep rally, but we wanted to do something football related in our house. Kelly and I discussed it and we came up with an idea that would involve everyone in the house, all thirteen girls, and of course our houseboy Zack . .Saturday morning, before the game, we all met downstairs in the basement. We girls wore whatever was comfortable and Zack was ordered to wear his pink jockstrap. We were all going to engage in activities that simulated plays in a football game. We blindfolded Zack because we thought it would be more fun if he didn't know when or where our next attacking football move would be coming from. . .The first event would be a contest to determine which girl could pass a football most accurately. We tied the blindfolded Zack's hands behind his back and then tied him to the treadmill. Kelly had glued a thumbtack to the point of a football so we could see where it went. We put Zack's sunglasses on him because an eye injury could interfere with his duties around our house. . .Zack's navel was our target and we all took turns trying to hit it. It was fun watching Zack react to the thumbtack piercing him. He had no idea when the football would be thrown or where he would get hit and his apprehension made it tougher on him. I thought it was great that all the girls got to enjoy hurting him. So far, it was mostly Kelly and I that did it. I hoped some of the other girls would now become more active on working Zack over. After all there was no limit to the amount of pain and humiliation that we should inflict on him. . .After we all threw the football, Zack was turned into a human pincushion. It was too close to call between Jessie and Rebecca, one of our two new girls, so we had them each throw it one more time. Jessie went first and was only about a half inch to the left It would be hard for Rebecca to top that, and even though she tried, she did fail to win. Her throw was low and went right through Zack's jockstrap and pierced him right in his balls. We all laughed when we heard him scream in pain. . .In football, they frequently kick tnhe balls, so that would be our next event. We took the glasses off Zack, but kept him blindfolded. Then we untied him from the treadmill, but we did tie his hands behind his back. Then while one of us went on either side of him to keep him from falling down, we took turns kicking him in the balls. There was no way to pick a winner for the ball kicking, but none of us cared because we all had so much fun doing it. . I .Next we were going to do a tackling drill. Keeping Zack blindfolded with his hands still tied behind his back, we led him out to the center of our mat. One girl on each side of Zack would hold him up while another girl charged into him to tackle him. The girls holding him up would let go just the instant before contact so the tackling girl could drive him into the mat. Thirteen hard tackles really was hard on Zack, but we didn't care. We were having fun and, of course, we had no concern for him. It was hard to determine who had the best tackle but I think Lisa did. Even though she is small, she has a low center of gravity, is surprisingly strong and accelerates quickly to create a very hard impact into her helpless target. . .Another common technique in football is to try and punch the ball out of the ball carrier's arms. Of course, with his hands tied behind his back, Zack couldn't really hold the ball. We decided just to pretend that he had possession of it. Once again, two girls had to hold him up so we could get our punches in. Each of us took her turn throwing as hard of a punch as possible into his stomach. After each blow, Zack doubled over and coughed. He wanted to grab his stomach but his bound arms prevented it. As soon as he partially recovered, the next girl would take her shot. Again this was difficult to judge but I think the big strong Stacie landed the hardest punch. . .Zack complained that we were torturing him for no reason and that he had done nothing wrong. Kelly told him that he had no school spirit and that he would have to be punished for that. We had one more football demonstration to enact and we wanted to make it as authentic and as rough as possible. . .Unfortunately, sometimes our football team gets called for a penalty. The worst one is "targeting," which is landing a blow to the head of the opposing quarterback. Not only is the team penalized fighter yard, but the offending player is ejected from the game. . .This time, our still blindfolded victim. was held up by two girls on the mat. One girl would deliver a hard clubbing forehand blow to Zack's head. Then the two girls would let him collapse to the mat before roughly hauling him back up to his feet. Zack was pretty groggy before it was my turn and I was the last girl. I wanted to make a big finish, so instead of a forearm, I threw a full force punch right into his jaw. Zack fell down to the mat, unconscious and with blood trickling from his lip. . .We were satisfied that we had both paid enough homage to our football team and sufficient punishment to Zack. After all we all would have been ejected from the game. We untied his hands, removed his blindfold and left him facedown on the mat. We were confident that he would wake up on time to catch up on his chores. If our team won its game and qualified for the major bowl game, we would have to repeat our type of pep rally.