Layla Part 4 by Madman Layla and the Oil Wrestling Queen       Madman here.  For the first time, I am going to relate a story because I  was actually involved in it.  Recently, a local bar started a weekly oil wrestling show.  Due to my interest in female wrestling, I decided to check it out.  The bar was in a lower middle class area of town.  It had a long oak bar and the ring was all set up.  It was a large twelve foot circle with eight inch pads around the entire perimeter.  I got a beer and waited for the show to start.  Loud "white trash" music was blaring.  A bunch of bands that sounded like Guns N' Roses, but with even less talent.   Finally the MC announced that the wrestling would begin.  Two girls in bikinis came out from the back and were squirted and rubbed down with oil.  They were cute girls, but looked more like exotic dancers than like wrestlers.  Oil and water were also spread out on the floor of the makeshift ring.  A referee in a striped black and white shirt entered and explained the rules.  A match would consist of three rounds of up to five minutes each.  A pin to the count of five would end a round.  I thought the match would end the horrendous music as they turned it off when the referee was explaining everything.  Unfortunately, when he was done, the music returned.   The actual match was more of a T & A show than a competitive wrestling match.  The oil prevented the girls from getting a good hold on each other and neither of them appeared to have any wrestling skills.  They were laughing as they flopped around on the slick mat and exposed their glistening bodies to the audience in a lot of different angles.  The first two rounds went the full five minute limit as neither girl got a pin and they didn't seem to be even trying for one.  When one gal would slip and fall, the other would just wait for her to get back to her knees.  Finally, in the middle of the third round, one girl straddled the other and the referee was able to count to five to end the match and declare a winner.   Two more matches followed that were very similar to the first one.  While it was fun to watch the sexy gals rolling around on the vinyl mat, it was not what I would consider wrestling.  Then, the MC announced that the final match of the night was next and he introduced the girls.  One gal, Dawn, was a petite red haired girl with a nice tight butt and large boobs.  The other gal, Star, was a bigger girl about 5' 7" and about 140 to 145 pounds.  She was also very pretty but had a stronger looking more athletic build.  She also lacked the playful smile that the others girls had, her facial expression was very intense.   When the referee started the match, Star threw herself into the chest of her opponent immediately, and pinned her with a cross body pin.  The shocked referee counted to five and the first fall was over in less than ten seconds.  For the second fall, Star pushed her opponent hard in the chest to cause her to fall backwards.  Then she straddled her in the classic school girl pin to win another very quick fall.  At the start of the third fall, Star slapped her victim hard across the face.  The poor girl was knocked down from the force of the blow and Star covered her for the third fall victory.  The entire match had barely lasted a minute and Dawn was in tears.   The matches over the next few weeks were very similar to those of the first night.  Most of them were fun semi-competitive sensuous matches except for those featuring Star.  She continued to win all her matches very quickly as none of the other girls could match her strength or aggressiveness.  I happened to overhear the owner of the bar talking to Star as they had cocktails at a table near my seat at the bar.  He told her that she needed to make her matches take longer as the very short ones lacked entertainment value.  At first, she was not happy to hear this, but as she thought about it, a sly smile appeared on her face.  Star had a very pretty face with high cheekbones, long dark brown wavy hair and piercing green eyes.  But she always had a very hard and tough expression like a female gang banger.   The following week, the audience watched in shock as Star showed how she chose to extend the matches.  Rather than put on a sensuous T & A show, she chose to beat the crap out of her victim.  She threw her over matched opponent all over the ring and was not shy about slapping her and using her sharp elbows and knees as weapons.  Pins and not submissions decided the match, so her poor victim did not have the option of giving up.  Plus Star kept her flying around so much on the mat that she never even had a chance to give up.  After four minutes of the first fall, Star straddled the other girl for the pin fall.   After a short rest period, the referee beckoned both gals to the center of the mat for the second fall.  Immediately, Star tore into her vastly over matched opponent.  She picked her up on her shoulders and slammed her down to the slippery mat several times.  Although choking was not allowed, she found that she could get away with wrapping the other girl's arm around her throat and pulling on it.  She slapped and kicked her without mercy.  She never attempted to pin the other girl in this fall and only the five minute time limit stopped her from continuing the punishment.  Her poor victim was on the verge of crying at this point.       During the break after the second fall, the guy acting as a second for the other girl tried to massage her and advice her on what she should do.  He told her to try and stay away from Star as much as possible and just let the time run out.  Star sent her second away and just sat with an evil grin on her face as she looked forward to continuing working on her victim.  The smaller girl bravely came out when it was time for the third fall.  She really had no choice, she need the money and was obligated to complete the match to get paid.  Star took no pity on her much smaller and weaker opponent, in fact she seemed to enjoy inflicting unnecessary punishment on her.  Every time the other girl tried to look at the referee to try to get him to stop the match, Star would grab her hair and slam her face into the mat.  Then she would grind her knee into the back of the girls head and neck just for spite.                                                                                                                                           Finally Star appeared to be satisfied that she had tortured her hapless victim sufficiently and straddled her for the pin.  However, at the count of four, she roughly pulled the gal up by her hair to break the count.  Then she slammed her head back down hard so the referee could start a new count.  She repeated this count breaking technique four times before she allowed the referee to complete the count and end the match.  Star stood and proudly flexed her bicep with one foot on the stomach of her victim.  The other gal was in tears and had to be helped out of the wrestling pit.   For the next couple of weeks, Star's matches were all similar to this one.  They were all totally one sided and Star took great pleasure in maximizing the punishment of her victim.  Now I have written fictional fantasy stories of brutal sadistic female wrestlers who enjoyed gleefully torturing their victims, but Star was for real.  It was like seeing one of my characters actually come to life, yet the reality was not as much fun as the fantasy.  The oil wrestling shows were getting very popular as the guys enjoyed seeing Star work over her opponents and they called her the oil wrestling queen.  One of Star's matches had to be ended early as she dove down on her opponent and viciously thrust her knee into her side.  The girl got bruised ribs, was crying and unable to continue.  Star claimed it was an accident, but I am sure it was intentional.   However, the same over aggressiveness of Star which popularized the oil wrestling was now working to destroy the show.  The other gals were afraid of her and refused to wrestle with her.  Most of them were exotic dancers seeking to make a few extra bucks, but they were unwilling to absorb the beating that Star inflicted on her foes.  So the bar had the problem of having an undefeated champion with no challengers.  I had an idea that could accomplish two goals at once.  Layla, the session wrestler, was traveling through my town and, of course, I booked a session with her.  I thought if she came to the bar and challenged Star, that she could beat her easily.  After all Layla is trained in Bolivian Ju Jitsu and many other martial arts forms.  She could put Layla in her place and open up new competition in the bar to restore the full cards of oil wrestling.   Layla seemed receptive to the idea as she had no evening sessions that night.  I took her out to dinner at Denny's (I always go first class) and then we went to the bar.  Layla was wearing some jean cut offs and a lacy top which gave her a very demure feminine appearance.  No one would suspect that she was such an awesome fighter.  I took her to the bar manager to tell him that she was willing to take on the oil wrestling queen.  The manager told her that it paid fifty dollars and would pay two hundred if she could win.  He actually tried to talk her out of it because he thought she had no chance and was not aware of how Star brutalized her opponents.  But Layla insisted that she wanted to try and he ushered her to the back room to get dressed for the match.   After a couple of the standard giggle and grope matches, the MC announced the main event.  "In this corner at 130 pounds from Lebanon is Layla.  And in this corner at 145 pounds hailing from Berea is our oil wrestling champion, Star."  The audience came to life and they fully expected to see Star demolish yet another girl.  Star was noticeably bigger and seemed a lot more formidable than Layla.  I was looking forward to everyone's surprise when Layla would tear into her.   Hi, this is Layla reporting now.  I realize that changing perspective in the middle of a story is not considered to be good literary technique.  But. I think it is necessary in this case.  Madman is a good and sincere guy, but he tends to get carried away.  I am not the invincible wrestling goddess that he seems to think I am and I wanted to make sure that the match was described accurately.  Anyways, none of the stories on this site, except for maybe those of TKO, are likely to be considered for the literary Pulitzer Prize.   I was not so sure that winning this match would be as easy as Madman had thought it would be.  The slippery oil would make it almost impossible to clamp on most of the holds that I usually employed.  Star looked like a strong tough gal and I had no experience wrestling in oil.  I decided to wait on my knees for her to make the first move. After all, the pressure was on her to maintain her title as the oil wrestling queen.  There was no pressure on me, as other than Madman, no one expected me to win.   Star lunged at me and I merely slided to the side to avoid her.  A bit aggravated, she lunged toward me again.   This time, as i avoided her she fell to her stomach.  I quickly straddled her back.  Normally, in this situation, I would try to secure a kimura arm lock, but that would involve too much entanglement to properly secure in the oil.  So, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm up her back in a hammerlock instead.  Star grunted in pain and began thrashing on the vinyl mat.  As we were sliding around, I was unable to maintain my position, and she rolled to her side and I lost my grip.  Star faced me again, but she was rubbing her shoulder.  I knew that my brief hammerlock had affected her to some degree.   This time she came at me low in an attempt the grab my thighs and tackle me.  I slid back and she fell, one more to her stomach.  Straddling her head, I re-applied the hammerlock to the same arm.  I thought that working one one body part was the best way to go about this.  Without my weight on her back, it was easier for Star to escape, but for the brief time that I had the hold, I was able to exert more pressure than the first time.  I could see that it was going to be almost impossible to maintain a hold, but if I could apply them with force, even for a short time, I could wear her down.   Now, Star had a more determined and less cocky expression.  I think she realized that for the first time, she had some real opposition.  I was quicker than she was and I think that was starting to frustrate her.  This time, I took the initiative.  I charged into her with my arm across her throat.  The force knocked her down, but due to the oil, I was unable to secure the rear naked choke that I wanted to.  However, just the force of the blow to her throat should have taken a little more of her energy away.  I tried to use the same attack again, but she caught me with a fore arm to the chest and knocked me down.  I saw her lunging at me with that knee I had heard about, but was able to roll away, and Star fell to her stomach one more.   Once again, I applied a hammerlock to that same arm, but this time I was beside her with my knee on her back.   As she scooted around the mat, she merely took me with her and I was able to keep the hold on her much longer this time.  She got to the edge of the mat and was partially over the pads, so the referee told me to release the hold.  Now Star had a look of frustration, as she was not able to dominate this match like she had in her previous ones.  She wasted a lot of energy charging recklessly at me while I easily avoided her with very little effort.  The MC blew a whistle to signify the end of the first round.  While neither of us had come close to a pin, I felt that she was getting worn out and that I should be able to handle her with more ease in the next rounds.   During the break, Star's corner man massaged her.  When he rubbed her shoulders, I could tell the her left shoulder was bothering her.  If I continued to work on it, I felt that I could break down her resistance.  I felt just fine, I have always had a lot of endurance and often won matches by outlasting my opponent.  The audience seemed to be really into the match and they were surprised that Star was not dominating it.  Madman seemed surprised that I was not totally dominating, but Star was a tough gal and the oil made it difficult to wrestle.   When the second fall was started, Star looked a bit tentative.  It did not seem that she was afraid, but she had never been in the position of facing an opponent that she could not defeat with ease before and she was unsure of what to do.  I did know what to do and feinted toward her legs.  As Star dropped her arms down to defend, I grabbed her left wrist and twisted it sharply toward me.  This forced her face down on the mat again and gave me another chance to use that hammerlock.  On a normal wrestling mat, one hammerlock should be sufficient to disable the arm, but because it was so hard to maintain a hold in this slippery oil, I had to apply it several times to get that result.  From the sound of Star's grunting, I could tell that the desired result was just about achieved even after she was able to slip out again.   Again, I took the initiative and was going to attempt to attack her before she got her bearings, but I slipped in the oil and landed on my back.  Star intended to take advantage of this by slamming her elbow into my stomach.  I saw it coming and was able to move away, but it still caught me on the hip.  It hurt, but that was not going to stop me.  If she wanted to play rough, I was more than willing to do so myself.  As she came at me to deliver another blow, I shot the tips of my stiffened fingertips into her bread basket, just below the ribcage.  This effectively winded her and she fell to her back trying to suck in some much needed air.  Now it was my turn to use a knee and I dropped it on her stomach to keep her struggling for air.  At this point, Star was helpless and I saw no point in torturing her needlessly.  I laid out high on her chest and put her in a cross body pin.  The referee was easily able to call out his five count as Star was unable to do anything to push me off of her.   The rest between falls did not seem to be adequate for Star to fully regain her strength and stamina.  Even so, she came out to face me for the third round without hesitation.  The gal had some guts and some spunk, I had to admire her for that.  I waited to see if she was going to make any type of offensive desperation move before deciding upon my course of action.  She did try to come after me, but the quickness of her earlier attempts was gone, she was slow and plodding now.  I have never been in favor of needlessly torturing opponents that were already pretty well defeated and I think that after being in that position, that Star could now understand that.  The audience had already seen a good show and this match was probably the best one they had ever seen.  So, I decided that the best approach would be to get that last pin quickly.   I approached her and tried to lock up her upper body as best I could with the oil being everywhere.  Then, I put my foot in her belly and ,while falling backwards. flipped her over me.  Star landed with a thud on her back.  I laid across her to secure another cross body pin as I had before, but she pushed me off her before I could get it fully set.  I had to admire her attitude of battling to the end.  She was struggling to get back up to her knees,so I placed one hand on each of her shoulders and pushed.  When she went down again, I straddled her in the classic schoolgirl pin and trapped her arms beneath my knees.  She still struggled, but was unable to dislodge me as the referee counted to five to end the match.  I got a big round of applause as I got up as the spectators seemed very surprised that their oil wrestling queen had been defeated.   After quickly showering and changing, I returned to my original seat at the bar.  The bar owner paid me the $200 for winning the match and told me that I was welcome to come back any time I was in town.  I thanked him and although this was not my favorite form of wrestling, it was fun.  I also did not mind picking up two hundred for less than fifteen minutes of wrestling.  I wanted to talk with Star, so I invited over for a drink.  I got rid of Madman by giving him some quarters from my change and telling him to play video games.  I explained to Star how I felt about wrestling.   "It's not about beating people up, it's more about real competition.  You can always come across someone better than you and I am sure that you would not enjoy being brutalized when you have no chance to win. I think it is fun to pit my skills against others just to see who will win and I enjoy challenging myself by facing tougher opponents."   Star was taking all of this in and took a couple minutes to reflect on it.  Then she responded  "I see what you mean.  In the future, I will try to put on a good show but not literally destroy a gal.  I'm sure you could have been a lot rougher with me, especially in the last round and I appreciate it that you were not."   Then I told her of the training that I had and explained that the better I got at wrestling, the more I enjoyed it.  "You seem to have a good natural instinct for wrestling and you might want to look into some training yourself" I suggested.  This seemed to raise her level of interest and she barraged me with questions about wrestling, ju jitsu, training and everything else related to the scene.  When I told her of my session wrestling, she became even more interested and said that it appealed to her.   Although we had started out as foes, Star and I were becoming friends.  She really liked the idea of getting paid to physically dominate men and told me that she was going to check out some martial art academies.  "If you would like to get a taste of it, you are welcome to leave with me tonight and see what a session is like.  You can even participate in it, have some fun and make a few bucks."   Star quickly agreed and seemed excited about it.  "I can't believe that I can actually make money kicking a guy's butt, but I'd sure like to try it!" she exclaimed.   "No problem, we'll have some fun tonight," I replied.  Madman had run out of quarters already, evidently his skill at video games was no better than his skill at wrestling.  I motioned him toward us with a hand gesture.  When he arrived, I told him that he had a special treat coming this night, a session with two gals.  This was turning out to be a most interesting evening.  Perhaps Star will report on how things go for her in the session business in the future.