A Crappy Science Fiction Story by The Totally Deluded Madman When I was a mere boy, many years ago, there was no internet with sites like this one, or any type of websites at all. Many of us use the Internet for a type of escape from our rather ordinary lives, as well as a type of entertainment. Even television was not very good. There was no cable so all we had was three basic channels with no porn or fetish oriented programs. One way, I escaped reality was reading science fiction books. Authors such as Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlen, Philip K Dick were among many sci-fi writers that I read. There books were entertaining and made me think. Nowadays, reading is almost a loss art due to our increasing reliance on high tech machines such as cable tv or the Internet. Since most of these books were very well written, I thought I could balance it out by writing a shitty science fiction story. I couldn't write a story that would be even close to as good as these master writers, but I feel pretty sure that I can write the worst science fiction story of all time. This is not only restricted to the English language, but also in any language ever used for written communication in the history of our planet To understand this story, you must be aware of the tremendous impact and effect on mankind resulted from Kelly jamming a golf ball up Zack's butt. This is illustrated in several shitty Madman stories such as "It Happens Every Spring" and "From the Game Show." Now for some of the science fiction crap. Imagine it is a couple hundred years in the future and man has established self sufficient colonies on our neighboring planet of Mars. Shortly thereafter, all communication to Mars was discontinued due to a glitch in technology, so the Martian society and culture developed on its own, with no guidance from Earth. The Martians developed a society with a lifestyle and customs similar to earth bgb. That stood for before golf ball, since Kelly's act with the golf ball had obtained such great importance that it was now a major influence on all major religions on earth. When a boy turned thirteen he had a bar mitzvah and a girl had a bat mitzvah. They would mumble a bunch of prayers in Hebrew and the rabbi would shove a golf ball up their ass. Muslims did it daily, always facing east. Agnostics and atheists did not believe in God, but they still had golf balls jammed up their asses anyways. Religion has a long history on earth. The Greek and Roman religions were complicated and unwieldy. They had many Gods, so people had to figure out which God to pray to depending on what they sought. Judaism is generally attributed to be the first religion to have only one God. This made religion must easier as its followers did not have to make any choices, they would pray to the same God for any and all reasons. Most of the religions that came later also had only one God, except for Christianity that muddled the situation by adding a son and some vague concept called the Holy Ghost. When it came to paying homage to their God. each religion did it slightly differently. Each combined their original religious rites with shoving a golf ball up someone's ass. Christians were among the most brutal as they shoved in the golfball up the baby's ass when it was consecrated. Jews waited till the child turned thirteen years old. At this point, we have the setting for a shitty story, but it does sound like science fiction. No actual story has been told. There are no characters, no plot, no anything except a vague description of the setting. There is a reason for this. I'm going to state that reason in the first sentence of the next paragraph so you will be sure to read it. This is because the stuff at the end of a long paragraph is less likely to be read and understood than at the beginning of one. The reason is that I have absolutely no fucking idea of what happens in this story. I have developed a bad case of writers block. Yes, even shitty writers can have this problem. That is seldom mentioned because nobody cares about shitty writers, they probably weren't going to read it anyways. Keep following this delightful website and you will see when the story is posted. Until then, will see you later and nba IHowever lousy my works may be, I still have enthusiasm for writing stories. If and when I break through this writers block, I will think of characters and a plot to make what I started into a complete story. Then I will submit it to Diana and you can read it if you want. It might actually be a blessing in disguise. You don't have to read more of this crap now. You can decide whether to read the complete story if, and when it is ready. If you choose to read it it's no big deal. If you choose not to read it, at least you would be releaved of the arduous tasks of reading this shit.