The Newlyweds Part 2 Training Session by Madman         Ever since Julie trounced me in wrestling, our relationship has changed.  She became the alpha or dominant partner.  Not the leather clad whip toting type as we still had a loving and sharing relationship.  But she no longer asked me to do things, instead she told me.  Whether it involved washing dishes or social plans, she calmy told me what I was to do and I complied without reservations.  Today was Thursday, she had the afternoon off from her health club job, and she always prepared a really nice dinner.  I was a few minutes late leaving the office and rushed home, as I was hungry.  I looked forward to a good meal and some quality time with Julie.   When I got home, Julie was wrestling with another girl on her aerobic mats.  They arose and Julie told me that this was Carla, a new aerobics instructor at her club.  As Carla and I exchanged greetings, I noticed she was a beautiful girl, although much different than my wife.  Julie was a tall muscular girl, 5'10" and 150 pounds, while Carla was slender and much smaller, about 5'4" and 120 pounds.  Carla was hispanic with beautiful olive skin, long wavy black hair and very dark green eyes.   Julie told me "I told Carla how beating a man in wrestling is not only fun, but gives her control of the relationship.  She was interested and asked me to teach her how."   I said "That might be true, but Carla is so small.  How could she beat a larger man?"   Julie answered "Her boyfriend is bigger than you, but if she learns the right techniques, I'm sure she could.  Maybe you'd like to help us?"   I declined and told her that I wanted to rest for a while before dinner.  Julie approached me and stated "I think you will help us."  As she spoke, she took hold of my arm with both hands and flung me down on the mat.  She sat on my chest, pinning me down, and spoke to Carla as if I wasn't even there.   "The first thing to do is to work on one body part, like an arm.  This does two thing.  First, you can disable the arm which makes it hard for him to fight back.  Secondly, men are such babies.  Give them a little pain and they can't deal with it, they will break down for you.  Since you're new at this, I'll help you by holding him down and showing you some holds."  "The easist one." she said as she demonstrated, "is to grab his wrist with one hand and bend his fingers back with the other."  Julie ignored my yelps of pain and told Carla to try this with my other hand.  Carla eagerly complied, and not knowing her own strength, actually bent my fingers back harder than Julie.   "That's very good," Julie commented, "but most holds are easier to use if you put him on his stomach."  She rolled me over without getting off me.  "Now he can't see what you are doing and he can't reach back with his other arm to defend himself.."  "Here's one that is very effective," she stated as she twisted my arm behind my back in a hammerlock.  "Now you try it."   Julie got off my back, but befor I could move, Carla replaced her and applied her hammerlock.  With both her arms forcing my arm to an awkward angle, I was helpless and in a lot of pain.  I begged her to let me go.  Ignoring my pleas, Julie told Carla to hold my wrist down on my back with one hand and to pull my elbow up with the other.  She informed her, "This is called a chickenwing and its another good way to attack his arm."  As Carla employed this variation, Julie asked me which one hurt more.    "I think this one does," I grunted in agony.   "I'm not sure," Julie observed.  "Try the hammerlock again Carla."  Julie had Carla sitch back between the two holds several times.  Each time, she asked me which one hurt the most with the cool detachment of an eye doctor testing lenses.  They both hurt a lot and my arm felt like a limp noodle.   "Here's another good one, watch me" Julie announced.  She grabbed my free wrist and placed one foot above my shoulder and the other foot in my ribs below it.  She pulled my arm while pushing both her legs against me.  "See'" she told Carla, "I'm using both my legs and both my arms against his arm.  This works no matter how big he is.  It's like the rowing machine at our club."  She sat up so she could see and told Carla to apply this hold on my other arm.   Carla really pushed hard into her hold, Lacking any concern that my wife may have had about my welfare.  Excitedly Carla exclaimed, " This is great, Julie, why don't we both do it together.?"   "Sounds good to me," Julie replied and she leaned back into her hold.  All I could do was to helplessly kick my feet and it felt like both my arms were going to be pulled out of their sockets.  I tried to protest but both women ignored me and continued to stretch my arms.   After a while, Julie informed Carla, "Now we are ready for the next phase" while she rolled me over to my back.  She did'nt even need to pin me down, I was too weak and sore to move at the time.  "Use your strongest body part, your legs, to squeeze any remaing resistance out of him.  Just wrap your thighs around his head, cross your ankles and squeeze the hell out of him."   Carla did just that.  Although her legs were much smaller thatn Julie's, they were siry and strong and she applied a lot of pressure.  "You know Carla," Julie said, "because your legs are thin, you can probably do something that I can't.  Use your calves and get him right around the throat."  Carla adjusted her hold so that my neck was trapped between her sleek hard lower legs. She was pressing into my adam's apple and it was much worse than the head scissors.  I tried to gurgle out a plea for mercy, but could not speak.  I doubt that they would have had any mercy even if they could hear me.   Julie told Carla not to squeeze too hard or she would knock me out.  "The idea is to control him and punish him for as long as you want," Julie said as she continued Carla's lesson.  "If you knock him out too soon, your fun is over."  Carla let up just a little on my next.  She continued to maintain her powerful hold and was gleesfully enjoying my discomfort.  She told Julie how much fun she was having.   "Now you have total control, you can do anything you want," Julie continued with her lesson for Carla.  "If you want to talk to him, sit on his chest and pin his arms under your legs.  Now he will be completely helpless."  Carla followed the instructions, and even though she was a small girl, I was too worn down to  push her off.  Julie told her, "If he doesn't say what you want to hear, you have both of your hands free.  You can choke him, slap him, tweak his nose or anything else that you can think of.  He'll come around to your way of thinking."   Carla amused herself by trying out all of Julie's suggestions.  She added a few of her own tortures as well.  She pulled my ears and pinched my cheeks hard.  She bounced up and down on my chest, making her weight feel like a lot more.  I was pinned for several minutes with now way to escape.  I knew that I would remain pinned down until the women decided to let me up.  Once again, they ignored me, and talked between themselves as if I wasn't even there.  They gossiped about other health club employees and discussed fashion, cosmetics and their favorite movie stars.   Finally, Julie told Carla that by now her victim would agree to any demand in order to be set free.  I thought the session was over.  But Julie told Carla, "Just so he remembers who is the boss, it's a good idea to put him in one more painful hold before letting him go.  There's lots of the, try this one."   Julie told Carla how to lock my ankles under her armpits and flip me over face down on the mat.  She instructed her to sit down on my back while pulling up my legs.  "This is called a boston crab and it is a very effective hold," Julie continued.  Effective was an understatement, as my lower back was being painfully stretched to its limit.  I slapped the mat in agony and pleaded for release, but again was ignored by both women.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Julie told Carla that she could stop now and that she had punished me enough for one day.   As I laid on the mat, trying to recoup my strength, I heard Julie talking to Carla. "You did great for your first time, we'll have to do this again.  Soon you can take on my husband without my help."  She gave Carla a couple of my mixed wrestling videos and told her to study them to learn new ways to dominate a man in wrestling.  By this time, I was able to sit up and I asked Julie what she had made for dinner tonight.   She replied, "With all this time helping Carla with wrestling, I had no time to cook,  I think you can take Carla and me out to dinner.  Wrestling sure has built up our appetite."