Stockholm Syndrome By Littlesilverstar, A young man develops a severe case when he's taken hostage by a beautiful woman It was an hour before dawn, and the sea was still pitch black. The freighter was moving slowly, about six knots, and its faint glow, along with that from the stars and the distant skyline of San Diego, provided the only sources of light on this moonless night. The small boat, its engines off, went unnoticed by any of the night watch on the freighter as it pulled slowly and carefully alongside the much bigger ship. A female figure, dressed in a black leather catsuit, stood up on the small boat and made a powerful leap, her leather-gloved hands safely gripping the bottom rung of a ladder that was hanging off the side of the freighter. Using her upper-body strength, she pulled herself up, then began climbing silently. At the top, she performed a front walkover to elegantly place her booted feet on the deck. She immediately drew the crossbow that she had strapped to her back, swiftly and expertly inserted a steel bolt, and crouched down in the shadows, scanning the area cautiously. She then began making her way towards the bridge. The officer of the watch was the first to die. The woman silently opened the door to the bridge and snuck up behind him. She executed a high front tuck somersault, landing right on the unsuspecting male's shoulders. Before he could even react, she gave a powerful twist with her hips, snapping his neck between her formidable thighs with a sickening CRACK. She gracefully backflipped off of him, preparing her crossbow as she flipped. The harbor pilot, the only other man on the bridge at the time, whirled in alarm. By the time he saw her, she had already landed neatly on her booted feet and was pointing her crossbow at his head. His eyes widened both at that and at how beautiful she was. She had long silky jet-black hair, large brown eyes, and dark brown skin from her Latina heritage. The skintight catsuit flattered all parts of her athletic body - her long shapely legs, round and steel-hard dancer's ass, small wasp waist, slender but muscular arms, and 34C tits (the front zipper of her catsuit was partway down, the better to show them off). "Wh...who are you?" he stammered. She gave him a dazzling smile. "Now now," she cooed in a slight Spanish accent. "I'm not here to introduce myself to you. I'm here to introduce you to your maker." "Noooo..." he began, but his plea was cut short when she fired, sending the steel bolt right between his eyes. The devastating impact shattered his skull with an eruption of blood and brain matter, sending red and brown goo flying everywhere. She shook her head in slight annoyance at the mess, but at the same time impressed by the power of her weapon and proud that she had the physical strength to draw back the heavy bow. The woman moved over to the security station, looking at the images from the various shipboard cameras. She counted four more men on the night crew. Memorizing their general positions, she set out on a quick tour of the ship. Four more crossbow shots. Four more silent kills. Her markswomanship was perfect, two more head shots, the other two straight through the heart. Returning to the bridge, she went to the navigational controls and set the autopilot to turn the ship around, taking it back out to sea. She then took out the radio on her belt. "All clear, Mr. Big. Night watch has been neutralized." "Excellent work, Miss Velazquez," crackled the responding voice. "We'll be aboard shortly. Meet us at the ladder. Over and out." One by one, six more figures, five male and one female, climbed up the ladder and joined Miss Velazquez on the deck. All were heavily armed with various assault rifles, submachine guns, or shotguns. Mr. Big glanced around for a moment, then pointed to one of his men and said, "Come with me to the bridge." Turning to Miss Velazquez and handing her an AK-47 as he spoke, he continued, "Take the others and go wake up the crew. It's about time we said good morning." * * * Martin, a young deckhand, rolled over in his top bunk and groaned at the sound of the heavy pounding on the door. "Time to get up already?" he yawned. In the bottom bunk, Justin, another deckhand, mumbled sleepily, "Probably that bastard Erickson again." Erickson was the ship's bosun and Martin and Justin's boss. A stern taskmaster, Erickson worked his crew hard, and had no qualms about making them sweat out extra hours. Suddenly, the door was kicked completely off its hinges by an obviously very powerful leg. At the sight of the door flying clear across the small cabin, both Martin and Justin sat up straight in alarm. A beautiful woman was standing in the doorway. She slowly lowered her leather-clad leg and pointed the AK-47 she was holding directly at the two deckhands. "Wakey wakey! Rise and shine!" "Wh...who are you?" stammered Justin. "You can call me Miss Velazquez. Now get up and get moving." The guys hurried to obey. She glanced at Justin briefly before shoving him out of the room. But as Martin climbed down from the top bunk, she gave him a much longer look, almost as if she could see inside him. Her gaze made him uneasy, but stirred other emotions as well. Martin, being short and not particularly athletic, had always had a fetish for female domination and female warrior types. Women who could fight, women who could outperform guys at sports, and women who were skilled and well-trained with weapons. Now, apparently being taken hostage for God knows what reason by this hot, clearly very athletic woman with a machine gun - all his fetishes were being triggered, and despite his very real fear that he might die, the sheer allure of this woman made his emotions very mixed indeed. As her dark brown eyes continued to pierce through him, he wondered if she could tell about his fetishes. No, that was impossible, wasn't it? He had always been very careful to keep them hidden, especially in a testosterone-laden, all-male environment like the ship's crew. He knew that the other guys would never let him hear the end of it if they found out. But it seemed like this lethal and mysterious woman somehow *knew* something. She wasn't that tall - 5'6", the same height as him - and she was quite slender, yet she seemed so naturally dominant. "All right," she said finally, her voice low but the prodding with her gun indicating her seriousness. "Let's move." "Yes, Miss Velazquez." Despite his fear, he found himself liking the feeling as he said those words, the use of only her last name indicating her position of superiority and control. What was happening to him? What was going to happen to them all? Martin and Justin, along with a few other sleepy and confused crewmen, were marched by Miss Velazquez to the mess hall. As they entered, they saw other crewmen and officers already there, seated sullenly on the floor, guarded by three men with guns. As they joined the other hostages, there came a commotion from the entrance. Erickson, the bosun, was shoved into the mess hall. An attractive, muscular blonde woman, armed with a shotgun, appeared behind him. "What the fuck is going on, blondie..." began Erickson. The blonde suddenly rammed the butt of her shotgun into his gut, causing him to double over. She then kicked him in the face, sending him to land on the floor in an undignified heap. "We'll be the ones asking the questions around here, boy," she said coldly. "And my name is Janna, but you can call me MISS Janna. Now what's my name, BOY?" The bosun rolled over and glared up at her and her shotgun, wishing he was in a position to act macho but knowing that he couldn't. "MISS Janna," he replied, reluctantly and submissively. "That's better, BOY." She drew her leg back as if to kick him again, but stopped her booted foot half an inch in front of his face, causing him to flinch in fear like a coward. Several of the crewmen, including Martin and Justin, were snickering at the sight, still terrified at being taken hostage but glad to see the arrogant, cruel Erickson getting a little taste of his own medicine. "What's this all about?" asked the ship's captain. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough," said Miss Velazquez. "Now keep quiet until you're spoken to. You've seen what happens to troublemakers." She pointed at Erickson, still groaning from the impact of Janna's devastating kick, then reached for her radio. "All clear here, Mr. Big. Seventeen hostages secure in the mess hall." "Excellent," crackled the responding voice. "I'll be right there." * * * The officers and crewmen, now separated, sat on opposite sides of the floor of the mess hall. The three male henchmen guarded the crewmen, while Mr. Big, flanked by Miss Velazquez and Janna, addressed the officers. "I'll get right to the point. You have something on this ship that we want, and you know exactly what and where it is. You can make it easy on yourselves and tell us, or we can do this the hard way. It's up to you." The officers looked at one another. Finally, the captain said, "I don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing that valuable on this ship. Most valuable shipments are made by air. We're just bringing in a load of cheap toys from Shanghai. You can take them if you want, but I don't know where you'd have room for them, and you couldn't possibly get enough from selling them for all this to be worth..." Miss Velazquez raised a leather-gloved hand. "I'm going to stop you right there. We all know that's not the answer we're looking for." She glanced around at the other officers. "Perhaps one of you knows something that your captain doesn't. If you do, speak now. While it's still easy." The men looked around at one another again, but still no one spoke up. Finally, Mr. Big said, "If you want to do it that way, then..." Suddenly, his radio crackled. The excited voice of the man stationed on the bridge said, "Sir, a Coast Guard boat is approaching!" Mr. Big looked at his two female henchwomen. "Contingency Plan F. You ladies know what to do." "Yes, sir." Miss Velazquez swiftly walked across the room to the crewmen, looking them over. Martin found himself unable to meet her piercing gaze. Finally, she grabbed a thin, middle-aged crewman with a permanent angry look on his face and jammed her AK into his back. Martin's relief was short-lived, however, when Janna grabbed HIM, prodding him with her shotgun. "Now march. Both of you." His heart pounding, Martin was taken up on deck with Janna's shotgun in his back. Miss Velazquez marched her hostage right ahead of them. The Coast Guard patrol boat sat waiting in the water, perhaps a hundred yards away. A lieutenant shouted through a bullhorn, "What's going on over there?" Miss Velazquez, hidden behind her hostage, whispered to Janna, "Get them to back off." "We've taken control of this ship!" Janna shouted at the Coast Guard boat. "We have a full load of hostages. Now back off, or they start dying!" But the patrol boat stayed where it was. Martin began to quiver, silently pleading for the Coast Guard to turn and go. Janna pumped her shotgun in the one-handed Linda Hamilton style and pressed the business end against the back of his skull. He just barely managed to prevent himself from needing new underwear. "No, not him. Do him instead," Miss Velazquez said, pointing to the middle-aged hostage with the permanent sneer. "All the same to me. Just as long as I get to kill someone." Janna shrugged, then shifted her aim and fired, the slug from her 12-gauge blowing the thin, middle- aged man's head completely off. A massive amount of red and brown goo drenched a terrified Martin. "You see what your stubbornness just did?" Janna shouted to the Coast Guard boat. "Now back the fuck off before I pop this one too!" She pumped the shotgun one-handed again and aimed it right at Martin's head. The patrol boat turned and left. Thank God, it turned and left. Martin sighed with relief as he was marched back below deck. * * * The task force met in the large conference room overlooking the bay. Although sheriff's deputies, state police, and the local cops were all present, it was the FBI that took charge. They were the big dogs; the big, important Feds, as they constantly liked to remind everyone else. Special Agent Bradshaw, the senior FBI man on the scene, began to speak. "Here's what we know so far. A couple of hours ago, a Coast Guard patrol boat went to make a seemingly routine check on a freighter that had made an unexpected turnaround short of the harbor. Couple of terrorists appeared on deck and said they had taken over the ship and had a bunch of hostages. When the patrol boat didn't back off immediately, they killed one of the hostages. That's all we've got. We've repeatedly tried to contact them, but they're not answering." "Perhaps they want something on the ship," said Lieutenant Celine North, the senior representative at the meeting from the San Diego police. "Do we have any idea of what cargo is on board?" "Mostly a bunch of children's toys," said Agent Barrett, the second-in-command of the FBI delegation. "Cheap junk from China. Not really worth stealing. Certainly not worth a fancy terrorist operation." "We should get a rescue plan ready, and fast," said Celine, running a finger through her long brown hair. "That ship is moving farther out to sea every minute." "Our first priority is to negotiate." Agent Bradshaw stamped his foot aggressively on the floor. "They're not responding at all to our calls. They don't seem very interested in that," Celine pointed out. Bradshaw scowled. "All right, we'll come up with contingency rescue plans. But the top priority is still negotiation, and no rescue goes ahead without my personal authorization. I'm still in charge here. Is that clear? Now, Barrett, what would you recommend if we did put a plan into action?" "Well, sir, we wait until dark, then send a small boat filled with stormtroopers to infiltrate the ship," said Agent Barrett. "They take out the terrorists and rescue the hostages." "Even with the cover of darkness, the terrorists might still be able to detect them," said Celine. "I recommend we send divers on self-propelled submersibles. If they approach from underwater there'll be no chance of premature detection." "And how long will it take to get all that fancy equipment ready?" asked Bradshaw. "It'll take some time, since the submersibles have to be taken out of storage and tested, but I believe we can be fully equipped and ready to go in nine hours." Bradshaw looked out the window at the sun, then at his watch. "It'll be completely dark in seven hours, and we can easily have the boats ready by then. As you said yourself, the ship is moving farther out to sea every minute. IF we decide to go ahead with this, and that's a very big IF, we'll do it our way." "Yes, sir," Celine sighed. * * * Meanwhile, back on the ship, Mr. Big was speaking to the officers again. "Getting back to where we were before we were so rudely interrupted. Gentlemen, this is your last chance to get off easy. Tell us where the special cargo is." But the officers remained silent. Whether they truly didn't know or were desperate to keep the secret, Martin had no idea. What he did know was that he was glad that he wasn't an officer right now. "All right." Mr. Big threw up his hands. "You've chosen the hard way." He nodded at the two henchwomen, then pointed at two of his male henchmen. "You two, start searching the cargo hold while the girls do their interrogations. We'll do this thing on multiple fronts." Janna smirked. "Let's go, big boy." She yanked the captain to his feet and marched him with her shotgun out of the room. As she passed by Erickson, the bosun, she backhanded him across the face just for fun, a ring she was wearing leaving a nasty welt across his cheek. Meanwhile, Miss Velazquez pointed her assault rifle at the first officer. "You're coming with me." The wait for the remaining hostages was agonizing, as they could hear the screams in the distance. It was even more agonizing for the officers, as they knew they would likely be next. About forty minutes later, the girls returned, each with her weapon slung over her shoulder and a hostage in her arms, as they were no longer capable of walking. Both the captain and first officer had multiple obvious broken bones, and were wailing in agony. All the hostages began quivering at the sight. "Anything?" asked Mr. Big. "The captain gave me the combination to the safe," said Janna. "Said there's about ten grand in there. But that's chump change." "The first officer told me where his secret stash of booze and weed is," Miss Velazquez added. "But that's not what we're looking for either. Neither of them seems to know." The ship's medical officer swallowed hard and stood up. "These men need urgent care..." "I could put them out of their misery," snickered Janna, raising her shotgun. Mr. Big shook his head. "We may still need them." "What have you done to them!" the ship's third officer cried. "They can't even walk anymore..." "But they can still talk, and that's what matters," said Miss Velazquez. "Speaking of which, it's your turn. Come with me, please." "If I can't pop those dudes, I'll take...where's the second officer?" Janna asked. "I took him out this morning. He was the officer on night watch," Miss Velazquez explained helpfully. "Ah. Then I'll take this guy." Janna pointed to the chief engineer. "Let's go, big boy." "Right," said Mr. Big. He turned to the medical officer. "One of my men will escort you to the infirmary so you can bring some medical supplies. Oh, and you'd better hope that the cat doesn't have everyone's tongue. As the medical officer, we'll save you for last, but your number might still come up." He gulped. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Mr. Big nodded at one of his henchmen, who prodded the medical officer with his gun out and down the hall. Martin's mind was a whirlwind of emotions as he sat with the others, watching the continuing terror unfold. He looked at the two women, both stunningly beautiful. Janna, wearing a black miniskirt, knee-high black leather boots, a short-sleeved white top, and black leather bracelets, wasn't that hard to figure out. She looked young, under thirty, and was likely the hot big-titted blonde ex-sorority girl who had gotten tired of being hit on and decided to use her clear athleticism (and clear sadism) to get revenge. But Miss Velazquez was much more of an enigma. She may have had a similar story in one respect as Janna - a hot woman tired of being drooled over and turning to violence as a response - but she also seemed quite different. For one thing, although she didn't look any older than thirty and probably got carded every time she bought alcohol, she had a worldly wisdom about her that indicated she was likely much older, but looked young thanks to the way she took care of herself. And though she could be ruthless when she needed to be, she didn't seem like a sadist. She just did what had to be done. As Martin watched the girls, Janna stopped by Erickson again as she passed him and again struck him, this time ramming her knee into his face and releasing a spray of blood. Laughing as he fell with a cry, she shoved the chief engineer out of the mess hall and out of sight. Miss Velazquez simply marched the third officer out of the room, her elegant, high-cheekboned face expressionless. She was like a warrior, not a sadist but never showing weakness, never shying away from a dirty job that needed to be done. And the way she had looked at him... "Man, I never thought I'd say this, but those are two hot chicks that I definitely wouldn't want to spend one-on-one time with," said Justin, snapping Martin out of his daydream. "Am I right?" "Uh...yeah. Sure." Martin, although he certainly was telling the truth about Janna, was probably lying about Miss Velazquez. The look she had given him...She hadn't looked at any of the other men that way. She might torture them, but she wouldn't torture HIM...right? The terrifying circle continued throughout the day. More male screams. More brutalized male victims, broken bones galore, brought back for the medical officer to treat as best he could. Poor Erickson, the bosun, had gotten so used to Janna hitting him every time she passed by that he automatically flinched whenever she came near. The last time, she had simply laughed as he flinched, not even bothering to strike him. After dumping the third engineer, who had a broken kneecap, three broken ribs, a broken jaw, four missing teeth, and both arms broken (but was still better off than the guy Janna carried in), next to the medical officer, Miss Velazquez said, "We've gone through all the officers. None of them knows. After what we put them through, I believe them. And the guys searching the hold haven't found a thing." "There's one left," said Janna, eyeing the medical officer. "No," said Mr. Big. "Not yet." He looked over at the crewmen. "Maybe we've been looking at this wrong. It wouldn't necessarily have to be any of the officers in on the scheme. Maybe it's one of them." Janna's blue eyes lit up at the thought of a whole new crop of males to torture. Miss Velazquez's face remained expressionless as usual. "I know exactly who I'm starting with," Janna smirked, letting the sound of her heavy bootsteps sink in as she approached the terrified Erickson. "I've been waiting a long time for this, BOY." Miss Velazquez looked over the remaining men. Martin, although he was shaking like a leaf, forced himself to meet her gaze. Her eyes lingered upon him for a moment, and it almost seemed like she smiled. Then she turned, scanning the group further, finally settling on the chief steward. "I think you're the most likely to know something. Let's go, please." Martin prayed as the men were led away, prayed that whoever knew whatever these guys wanted to know would be picked before him and sing like a canary. * * * Miss Velazquez placed the badly wounded chief steward, with his requisite broken bones, next to the medical officer. Then the door swung open again and Janna entered, dragging a heavily mutilated corpse behind her. Erickson's remnants were barely recognizable. "Holy shit, Janna," said one of the male henchmen. "You really did a number on him." She snickered. "He had an attitude problem, so I solved it. Permanently. And he also looked like the peeping Tom my friends and I caught outside the sorority house in college. We had to be satisfied with kicking him in the nuts a few times because the fucking police wouldn't let us do any more. But now, I'm fucking unleashed." "Put that leash back on. Janna, you weren't supposed to kill him," sighed Mr. Big. "Oh, I made sure he didn't know anything before I finished him off. Trust me, I took my time. Anyway, we still have a whole bunch of other hostages. I promise I won't kill any more...yet. Although they might wish they were dead." She grabbed another man at random. "Your turn, skinny boy." Miss Velazquez looked over the group again and motioned for the head chef to stand up. "Perhaps you're cooking more than just food." * * * Night had fallen. In the mess hall, Martin and Justin were both shaking as they waited, as besides the medical officer they were the only two that hadn't been interrogated yet. The familiar footsteps and battered body-dumping repeated themselves. Then Martin found himself staring straight into Miss Velazquez's dark brown eyes, while Justin found himself looking into Janna's blue ones. "You know the drill." In contrast to his earlier feelings when he had been waiting, Martin discovered that rather than quivering, he now felt as if this wasn't really happening, as if this was all a dream. As he watched Janna and Justin disappear around a corner, he felt almost as if he was watching himself too as Miss Velazquez motioned for him to go down a different corridor. Suddenly, her radio squawked. "Small inflatable boat approaching on your side of the ship. Filled with eight men, look like commandos." "Right. Thanks. I'll take care of it. Over and out." She motioned for Martin to turn. "This way. We're going up on deck. Stay low, there might be a gun battle." On deck, Miss Velazquez, staying hidden in the shadows, flicked the safety off her AK, setting it to full auto. Pulling on her night-vision goggles, she scanned the sea, nodding as she acquired her target. Then she opened fire, her markswomanship lethally accruate, pumping the eight helpless, unsuspecting men full of holes, her muscularity and training allowing her to control the recoil easily. The stormtroopers stood no chance and all were dead before they had any chance to see what was shooting at them. She quickly and expertly slapped a fresh magazine into her weapon, scanned her target again, then lowered her rifle, flicked off her goggles, and reached for her radio. "All targets neutralized. No gun battle, it was completely one-sided. Sitting ducks had no cover at all in their open boat. Over and out." Looking down at Martin, she held out her leather-gloved hand to help him up, then motioned with her arm. "This way, please." Martin's heart was pounding wildly. This model-hot babe had just effortlessly slaughtered eight highly trained commandos with her machine gun. If he had seen a scene like that in a movie, he probably would have creamed his pants, thanks to his girls with guns fetish. But this was no movie. This was real, and after killing those men, this girl was on her way to torture him. "You have quite the confused expression on your face," Miss Velazquez remarked as they walked. "Does my politeness seem to conflict with my...lethal markswomanship?" "" She laughed. "Did you know that when Winston Churchill declared war on Japan, he sent them a very polite, formally-worded letter. Some of his countrymen criticized him for sounding too nice, but he told them, 'When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite'. That's part of my philosophy too. I may be a criminal, a killer, a torturer, even. But that doesn't mean I have to be a rude bitch. I take pride in being a lady." "I guess that's not Janna's philosophy," said Martin. "No. In fact, I don't think she knows what a philosophy is." At that, the two of them shared a giggle. For that brief moment, they could have been two friends...lovers, even...sharing a joke. But the moment passed all too quickly, as Miss Velazquez motioned with her assault rifle where she wanted him to march. Still, she was so much more than just a terrorist, he thought. What if those trigger-happy stormtroopers had shot him by accident? By killing them, she had removed that possibility and protected him, in a way. And back when they had confronted the Coast Guard boat, she had protected him from Janna, by instructing her to execute the other hostage. And she probably was protecting him right now, by being the one to take him for interrogation instead of letting Janna do it. "In here, please." Miss Velazquez led Martin into a small room and closed the door behind them. Looking around, he saw fresh bloodstains all over the floor and furniture, and swallowed very hard. * * * "WHAT?!" shouted Agent Bradshaw as the report came over the radio into the conference room. "ALL of them? Slaughtered just like that?" "That's right, sir. We don't even know who killed them, seeing as how there was no one left to talk and all. We just found the boat drifting, with all eight men pumped full of holes. They must have been caught with their pants completely down. All of their weapons were full. None of them had the chance to even shoot back." "God damn it." Bradshaw jumped up. "Sir, I warned you..." Celine began. "Are you trying to tell me that a local rube like you knows better than a federal agent?" She held back her temper, refraining from using the curse words that she would have liked to use. "Sir, I don't like saying I told you so, but with all due respect, you're just begging for it." At that, Bradshaw stormed out of the room. "Why don't we all take a ten-minute break to cool down?" suggested Agent Barrett. "Yes. I think that's a good idea," said Celine. As the various law enforcement personnel dispersed, Barrett approached Celine. "Look," he said in a low voice. "I want to apologize for my boss. He gets a little too full of himself sometimes. You were right all along. We should have done it your way." She nodded. "Thank you for that." "I'll authorize the rescue operation with the divers and submersibles. I'm sure I can get Bradshaw to agree once he cools off. The only problem is the time it'll take now." She simply smiled. "You told them to start making the preparations yourself hours ago, during the first break we took, didn't you," said Barrett as the realization came to him. "Guilty," she said. She looked at her watch, a man's gold Rolex that hung slightly loose on her slender wrist. "They should be ready to go in two hours." "Excellent." He gave her an impressed look before exiting the meeting room. Celine headed to the ladies' room to wash her face. As she passed by Agent Bradshaw in the hall, he still refused to make eye contact with her. She sighed. As she splashed cold water on her face and rubbed her eyes, she frowned as a sudden thought struck her. How had the terrorists been able to strike so hard and fast and annihilate the men in the boat before any of them could even shoot back? It had been a risk sending the boat, of course, which was why she had opposed the plan in the first place, but not a huge one. Either the terrorists had gotten very lucky...or someone had told them that the boat was coming. And why were they targeting this freighter full of low-value Chinese crap anyway? There must be something else aboard. Some kind of secret, valuable cargo. There was definitely more to all of this than met the eye. She thought about Agent Bradshaw. His reluctance to authorize a rescue. His dramatic outrage when it had been revealed that all the stormtroopers had been killed. A little *too* dramatic, she thought. And one of the breaks they had taken had been right before Bradshaw had finally authorized the operation. The perfect chance to warn the terrorists...She decided to do some investigating. * * * Meanwhile, back on the ship, Miss Velazquez stood a few feet in front of Martin, her AK slung over her back, her eyes looking right into his. He could smell the scent of her sweet, feminine perfume. "Let's not make this hard," she said in a soft voice. "Now, there are ten million dollars worth of cocaine hidden somewhere on this ship. At least one member of the crew knows where it is. If it's you, please tell me now." "I swear, I have no idea. I know nothing about any cocaine. I'm no drug smuggler, I swear!" "I want to believe you." She suddenly did a cartwheel. Martin had seen many girls do cartwheels in his life, but none were as blindingly fast as this one. Appearing as just a brunette blur, she landed right in front of him, then headbutted him. He saw nothing but stars for a few moments. When he got his senses at least partway back, he discovered that his right arm was now trapped in a painful hold by the Latina beauty. Underneath her catsuit, he could see her heavily developed forearm muscles rippling as she exerted pressure. Her wrist looked thicker than his, even though she was certainly far lighter than him - she couldn't have been carrying more than 120 pounds on her 5'6" frame. "But you and I both know that I can't just take your word for it," she continued. "Now, if I apply a few more pounds of pressure, your arm will snap like a twig. I'm going to give you one last chance to tell me what I want to hear." "Please, no, Miss Velazquez! I swear, I'm innocent! Do I look like the kind of guy who would smuggle drugs! Please, I know nothing! Just don't break my arm, please, I'm begging you!" She shook her head. "I'm sorry about this." The pain in his arm increased in intensity. Just when he knew that one ounce more would make his arm snap, it was suddenly relieved as her radio crackled. "Miss Velazquez, you can end your interrogation," came Mr. Big's voice. "Janna reports that she got Justin to confess." The wave of relief that washed over Martin was accompanied by a wave of shock. JUSTIN?! His best buddy on the crew? HE was the drug smuggler?! "I'm as surprised as you are," said Miss Velazquez, snapping him out of it. "Well, almost as surprised," she continued, a small smile appearing on her face at his still-open mouth. "Now come on, let's get back to the others." Martin rubbed his still-aching arm. "If he hadn't called, would you have..." "Be glad you didn't have to find out," she said simply. He gulped and nodded. "Is your head okay?" she asked. "I'm sorry about that. I have a really hard head." "I still feel kind of dizzy..." "You may have a concussion. I'll have the medic check you out." * * * "So how exactly did it go, Janna?" asked Miss Velazquez curiously when they were all back in the mess hall. The muscular blonde smirked. "Well, that trick you taught me worked like a charm. I said, where's the ten million in coke, and he said, it's not coke, it's h...He tried to stop himself, but it was too late. I said, that's right, it's not cocaine, it's heroin, and it's not ten million worth, it's fifteen million, right? So after he gave himself away, he sang like a canary." "And his broken arms, broken leg, and broken jaw?" inquired Miss Velazquez. "Oh, those were just for fun. Hey, don't look at me like that. After we broke all those other people's bones, it's fitting that the guy who was the actual target should get his broken too. Anyway, he got off pretty easy compared to most of my other victims." "Justin, why..." asked Martin. He groaned from his gruesome injuries. "Paycheck too small...deserve more..." "You deserve nothing but the broken bones you got," snapped the captain from across the room, still in pain from his own wounds despite the drugs the medical officer had given him. "Medic, don't let that bastard have any painkillers. Fucking piece of shit, smuggling heroin on MY ship. And he got us all into this in the first place. Those terrorists never would have targeted us otherwise." "You'll get no argument from me," agreed the medical officer, joining the captain in glaring at Justin. "Check Martin's head," said Miss Velazquez. "I headbutted him pretty hard. He may have a concussion." The medic examined Martin, then said, "You should be all right in a few hours. Don't exert yourself too much for a while." Heavy footsteps approached. Two henchmen appeared, carrying a heavy trunk between them. "It's all here, boss. 99% pure heroin, 15 million worth." "Excellent," said Mr. Big. "Now it's time to get going before the authorities send any more stormtroopers. You two, take that chest up on deck, and you, go with them and prepare a lifeboat." He then motioned to Martin and the medical officer. "You guys are the only hostages who can still walk. You'll be our insurance policy. Ladies, put the rest of them out of their misery." Janna's blue eyes lit up with sadistic delight. She pumped her shotgun and snatched up a submachine gun in her other hand. Miss Velazquez simply nodded as she readied her AK-47. "No, please!" "I have a wife and kids..." "You can have all my money, my wedding ring..." The pleas of the men were cut short as the two girls opened fire. Miss Velazquez fired bursts of three or four rounds at a time, taking careful aim and dispatching her targets one by one. Janna fired more wildly, but her aim was still lethally accurate. Firing and pumping her shotgun in one hand, she sprayed fully automatic fire from her submachine gun in her other, her exceptional wrist strength allowing her to operate the weapons one-handed and control the heavy recoil. Some of the brutalized men tried to crawl away, but none made it more than a few feet before hot lead found them. The women pumped round after round into their helpless male victims, only stopping when they were out of ammunition. They reloaded their weapons, but by then all of their targets were long dead. "That was fun," laughed Janna. "That was work, Janna," the Latina scolded the blonde. "Hey, no reason why a girl can't mix business and pleasure." "All right," Mr. Big spoke up. "Janna, go help the boys with the lifeboat. Miss Velazquez, take the hostages up on deck. I'll settle things on the bridge, then meet you at the boat launch." As the groups went their separate ways, Martin briefly glanced back at Miss Velazquez as he and the medical officer were prodded by her gun up a narrow set of stairs. He knew he was "supposed" to hate her for what she had just done, massacre his crewmates, but somehow he couldn't stop thinking of her as his protector. After all, he had been spared. And she was still watching over him... "Stop," the Latina ordered suddenly as they reached the top of the stairs and began making their way across the deck. "What's the matter?" asked the medical officer. "Something's not right." She tilted her brunette head. "Now both of you get down behind those crates, but stay where I can see you." * * * "The submersibles and divers will be ready to go in twenty minutes," Celine reported. "They'll launch from a boat we have positioned just out of sight of the hijacked ship. The journey from the boat to the freighter shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes." "Fine," mumbled Agent Bradshaw. He still wasn't looking at her, but at least he was talking to her. Barely. "Twenty minutes?" said Agent Barrett, looking up in surprise, then looking at his watch. "An hour ago, you said it would be two hours." "Slight change in plans," Celine replied, looking straight at him with her piercing brown eyes. Although at 5'9" she was a couple of inches shorter than he was, the high heels she was wearing allowed her to look slightly down on him. "If the terrorists were warned about this rescue too, I want their timing to at least be off." "What's that supposed to mean?" Barrett's tone had become suspicious and angry. "I'm talking about the ten million in cocaine that's on that ship. That's the terrorists' target. A gang that YOU hired." "What?! You must be crazy. It's not even cocaine, it's her..." He froze as he realized what he had just said. He also felt something warm run down his leg. He had pissed himself. "That's right. It wasn't cocaine, it was heroin. And it wasn't ten million dollars worth, it was fifteen million." "Why, you bitch..." Barrett reached inside his jacket to draw his gun. At that, all the other agents and officers in the room began reaching for their weapons, but Celine raised her hand. "I've got this." With that, she kicked the gun out of his hand as he was trying to aim it, then performed a standing back handspring, her form perfect despite wearing a skirt and heels, kicking him in the face with both feet as she flipped and stunning him. Landing gracefully, she punched him in the nose, breaking it and sending him down. As he fell to the floor, she kicked him right in the crotch. She then drew her own gun, which she had been wearing in a holster strapped to her thigh underneath her miniskirt, and pressed the business end right against his brutalized testicles. At that, Barrett wet his pants again. Celine stepped back a little in disgust, but kept her pistol aimed at his groin. All the men and women in the room were laughing at him, even Bradshaw. "Okay, Pampers," she said when the laughter had finally died down somewhat. "Since you've been caught red-handed and wet-pantsed, you may as well just come clean." Barrett glared up at her. "How did you know?" "Oh, when those men on the boat got wiped out so easily, it made me suspicious that we had a traitor among our ranks. At first, I suspected Bradshaw, so I did some checking on him. But he turned out to be clean, as far as I could tell. He may be an asshole, but at least he's not a corrupt asshole. Then I realized that the leak could just as easily be you. So I did some checking on YOU and discovered that you're the liaison between the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration in San Diego. As such, you have full knowledge of all the DEA's busts, operations, suspects, etc. Through the DEA, you knew that a shipment of 15 million worth of heroin was coming into San Diego from China by freighter. You weren't sure which ship it would be on, but you decided to take a chance. Fifteen mil was worth it. So you hired that gang to hijack the ship, grab the stuff, and deliver it to you." "Why would I do that?" demanded Barrett. "Fifteen mil worth of would I unload all that?" Celine laughed. "What, trying to back out now after you gave yourself away? I can't believe you were dumb enough to fall for that heroin-not-cocaine trick. I had a bunch of other traps lined up, but thanks to your epic stupidity I didn't even need to use any of them. But anyway, back to the original question. Thanks to your relationship with the DEA, you must be familiar with the local drug gangs and their distribution rings. The ones you busted...and the ones you didn't bust. The ones you cut a deal with, to use their networks to distribute your drugs." Celine looked around the room. "So who wants to do the honors?" Her gaze settled on Agent Bradshaw. As a gesture of reconciliation, she asked, "How about you, sir?" "I'd be glad to, ma'am," said Bradshaw. He approached his ex-subordinate with a pair of handcuffs. "Hands behind your back, please. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, the court will provide one for you. And I think they can provide you with some fresh underwear too...Pampers." Barrett's shoulders sagged as the whole room erupted into laughter again. He had been thoroughly outsmarted, physically beaten, and completely dominated and humiliated by this slender, attractive, miniskirt-wearing woman in front of everyone. And to add insult to injury, even his old, uncool, square ex-boss was now scoring off of him! In total defeat, he waived his Miranda rights, confessing to knowing about the heroin, planning to steal it, hiring the gang, and warning them about both rescue attempts. "Who are the gang members?" Celine demanded. "I only hired the leader, he hired the rest of them. His real name is Victor Brown, but everybody calls him Mr. Big. I encouraged that so everyone would think he's the big boss instead of me," Barrett admitted. "What kind of weapons do they have?" "Dunno. Probably just the standard. Assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns. No heavy artillery, don't think they can afford it. I didn't pay Victor all that much in advance." Celine nodded. "Our divers should be able to handle that. And since the terrorists think the divers are coming forty minutes later than they really are, they won't see the attack coming. Well, I think we can get the rest down at the station." She motioned for two of her subordinates to escort Barrett out. As the now former FBI man took his walk of shame, the other cops in the room, still angry at his treason to the thin blue line, called various things out to him. "Don't drop the soap!" "Make sure to tell them your nickname, Pampers!" "Say hi to all the people you arrested! I'm sure they'll be real happy to see you!" Celine and Bradshaw looked at each other. "Sorry about calling you a rube," said the FBI man. "Sorry about calling you an asshole," she replied. They shook hands. * * * Meanwhile, back on the ship, Miss Velazquez advanced cautiously, her assault rifle at the ready, dividing her attention between her hostages and the target of her investigation. She reached the lifeboat launching area and her eyes widened as she saw three male henchmen lying motionless on the deck. Janna...and the heroin chest...were nowhere to be seen. She checked the men one by one. The first, dead, his neck snapped with such force that his head had almost come off. The second, even more clearly dead, his skull crushed. The third, stabbed in the chest...but still alive. Barely. She slapped him sharply with her leather-gloved hand to wake him up. "Janna?" It wasn't much of a question when she already knew the answer. He opened his eyes with a groan. "Y...yes. She was so fast...We didn't stand a chance...urghhh..." He grunted as he expired. "Fuck." She quickly made her way back over to the hostages. "Change of plans. We're..." A look of alarm suddenly crossed her face. "GET DOWN!" She shoved Martin and the medical officer down. Martin in time. The medical officer, however, caught several submachine gun rounds in the center of his chest and slumped down dead. Mr. Big and the last henchman suddenly appeared on the scene. "What the fuck is going on here?" demanded Mr. Big. "Janna," explained Miss Velazquez simply. "Got greedy and decided she wanted it all for herself. She already killed the other three guys." "Janna, you cunt!" cried the last henchman. The blonde's familiar voice rang out in the darkness. "This cunt will be laughing all the way to the bank." She fired more rounds as she spoke. Everyone ducked. Mr. Big, Miss Velazquez, and the henchman fired back with their guns. "You're dumb even for a blonde sorority slut!" Miss Velazquez called out as she fired. "Can you even think two steps ahead?" "What do you mean, bitch? I would have killed you all silently if you hadn't gotten lucky!" "It wasn't luck, it was skill. But that's not what I mean. Fifteen million bucks worth of heroin. How do you think you're going to sell it all? Open a stand on the street corner?" "Well, I..." The blonde suddenly froze as she realized that Miss Velazquez might actually have a point. "You need a network of distributors already in place to sell a big load of drugs!" As she spoke, the Latina signaled to her comrades that she was going to move to flank her target. "And for fifteen million of heroin, you need a really big fucking network! A network like our contact actually has! We sell it to HIM, he gives us our cash, we all get our cuts, and he goes on to make money from selling the drugs through HIS network! Everybody wins!" There was only silence from the other side. "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" demanded Mr. Big. "What, want to go back to the original deal and join us again? Well, it's a little fucking late for that now!" Another hail of submachine gun bullets and two shotgun slugs was the response. "Motherfuckers! I'll just sell what I can! The important thing is I'll have my revenge!" The gun battle erupted again. Miss Velazquez moved closer, closer, almost there... Suddenly, a bullet caught Mr. Big in the center of his chest. He stood ramrod straight for a second, then collapsed. "Shit!" Miss Velazquez, finally in position, fired at Janna, but the blonde, seeing the danger in time, moved away in a lightning-fast series of aerial cartwheels and whip-backs. Her tumbling turned her into a blonde blur, so quick that even the Latina markswoman's bullets couldn't find her. Janna swiftly disappeared behind a stack of crates. "Guard the hostage!" Miss Velazquez ordered the henchman. "I'm going after her!" Martin crouched down, terrified. Here he was, trapped on a ship with a crazy woman who was trying to kill everyone, a criminal man who would likely kill him when his usefulness was over, and a criminal woman who was his only hope. He found himself silently cheering for her. "Come on, Miss Velazquez, get that bitch." There was a soft footfall behind him. Then, suddenly, the henchman's head exploded in a burst of red and brown goo as Janna's shotgun slug slammed into it. Martin, drenched in blood and brain matter yet again, turned around, raising his hands. "Please don't kill me!" "Not yet," she grinned. "I still have a use for you." She stood behind him, using him as a human shield, and called out into the darkness. "Hey, Miss Velazquez! I have your little boyfriend!" The Latina woman appeared, her AK in her leather-gloved right hand. "Drop the gun and kick it away, bitch," growled Janna. "Do it right fucking now, or he gets it!" Miss Velazquez sighed and obeyed. "Not so smart after all," smirked the blonde. "Now you can say goodbye." She aimed the shotgun at her and pulled the trigger. Click. "What the fuck?" She took aim with her submachine gun and pulled the trigger on that as well. Another click. "I counted your shots, Janna. I knew you were out. That's the only reason I dropped my gun." "I could have reloaded." "Would have heard you." Janna's eyes traveled to the spare magazines in her belt. Miss Velazquez reacted instantly, racing towards her opponent in a blazing fast tumbling pass, starting with a roundoff and going into a series of back handsprings. Janna reloaded her submachine gun extremely fast, but the Latina, elegantly backflipping like a pro-gymnast, was simply a brunette blur that was too difficult a target to hit. She crashed into the blonde with both of her booted feet, kicking the gun away and knocking her to the deck. Janna suddenly swept out with her long muscular leg, tripping her opponent to the ground. Using a kip-up to get back to her booted feet, the blonde prepared to stomp on the Latina's face, but Miss Velazquez suddenly kicked her hard in the stomach, sending her stumbling backwards, and used the opportunity to get back up herself with an elegant back walkover. Janna pulled out a knife. "Only losers fight fair." She suddenly flung the knife at the other woman. Miss Velazquez had extremely fast reflexes, but Janna was so strong that she could throw harder than 90% of men. The Latina did manage to catch the the blade. She winced in pain as it cut right through the leather of her glove, making her fingers bleed, but she had the weapon. Transferring it to her good hand, she threw it back before the blonde had a chance to recover from her shock at seeing the catch. The blade flew into Janna's stomach. She doubled over, clutching her gut, then collapsed. Miss Velazquez made her way over to her with a swift series of cartwheels and front handsprings. Yanking the knife out, she stabbed the blonde four more times in the sides. "I'll let the sharks finish you off." With that, she stood up and delivered a powerful kick from her booted foot, sending Janna over the edge with a loud splash. From her screams, the sharks weren't long in coming. Miss Velazquez looked around and saw Martin still standing there. "Thought you'd be in a lifeboat and halfway to San Diego by now. Perfect chance to escape." "I...I didn't want to escape," he said in a small voice. She gave him a knowing look. "You're hurt," he said. She looked at her bleeding hand. "Oh, it's nothing. I've had worse." Mr. Big suddenly let out a groan. Miss Velazquez rushed over to him. " Liked...the fed...bitch to sharks," he groaned. "Too late...for me...I'm...a dead man. Take...reward... you've...earned it.'s contact info." Mr. Big rattled off a date, time, address, and complex numerical code, then expired. She looked at him wistfully for a few moments. "He was a good boss." She then turned back to Martin. "You know this doesn't change who I am." "I know." "You may have been better off escaping when you had the chance." "I know." "Why did you stay?" "I don't know. There's just something about you...The way you were always fair to me. The way you protected me from the stormtroopers, and the other guys, and especially from Janna. You saved my life when you pushed me down." She nodded. "Stockholm syndrome. It can be very powerful. Especially between members of the opposite sex. Although it's usually a male terrorist and a female hostage. But I like the gender role reversal, and you obviously do too. You're a natural submissive. I can tell." "You could tell from the first time you met me, couldn't you. That's why you looked at me that way. And you liked it because you're a natural domme." She simply winked at him. He took a deep breath. "Are you going to kill me?" She smiled. Not a sassy or teasing smile, but a warm, genuine one. "No. I have no reason to. You're so infatuated with me that you'd never want me to get caught. When the authorities interview you, you'll tell them lots of things, but they won't know a thing about me." Martin nodded. "And you told Janna to shout to the Coast Guard boat while you stayed hidden in the shadows." She simply nodded. "Just another bit of planning ahead that paid off. Anyway, you want me to be out there. Somewhere. In the hopes that we'll meet again. And I might have a use for you too someday. And I'm sure you'll gladly help me." "Yes, Miss Velazquez..." was all Martin could say. "Now come on, let's get going. The cops are going to try again, but they'll just find an empty ship, because we'll be long gone." She led him to a lifeboat. She showed him how to navigate it, then stepped back. "I have to go on my own," she said. "I know." "Goodbye, Martin." "Goodbye,, could you tell me your first name?" She smiled. "Maybe the next time we meet." She suddenly gave him a kiss on the lips. He was so stunned that it wasn't until she was out of the boat and lowering him into the water that he was able to say, "Goodbye, Miss Velazquez." She watched as the lifeboat's motor started up and it began making its way slowly towards San Diego. Then she dragged the heavy chest of heroin into another lifeboat and from inside used the controls to lower it into the water as well. She headed in the opposite direction, out to sea. * * * The radio in the conference room suddenly squawked to life. "Finally!" said Agent Bradshaw. Celine, though wanting to conceal her own impatience, found herself nodding in agreement. "The ship is secure," came the voice of the divers' leader. "No one alive was on board. We found the corpses of a whole bunch of hostages, along with five dead terrorists, including Victor Brown, AKA Mr. Big. Two lifeboats are missing. No sign of the heroin either. We're going to bring sniffer dogs to do a more thorough search. I'll call you if we get anything more. Over and out." Bradshaw shook his head. "What do you think happened?" "They must have found the heroin," said Celine. "That was the point where the hostages outlived their usefulness. Then, the terrorists must have taken to fighting among themselves. No honor among thieves." "Well, with all the terrorists dead, and Barrett looking at about 23 consecutive life sentences, looks like rough justice was served. Too bad about the hostages, though, those poor saps." "I'm not so sure they're all dead," Celine responded. "All the terrorists or all the hostages. When we find those lifeboats, we'll know more." * * * "Ma'am..." "Lieutenant..." "Celine!" Celine awoke with a start. Sitting straight up, it took her a moment to realize that she was not in her bedroom, but on the couch in her office at the station, where she had stayed all night. An empty burger wrapper, an almost empty carton of French fries, and several empty beer bottles were on the floor beside her. She looked down at them, then at her wrinkled blouse and miniskirt and tangled long brown hair. Looking up, she saw a neatly uniformed, immaculately groomed sergeant and immediately gave him an embarrassed smile. "It's okay, ma'am. After what you went through, I don't blame you. I'd get rid of those beer bottles before the captain shows up, though." He held out a cup of coffee to her. "Thank you, Sergeant," she said gratefully. "And I've told you before, you can call me Celine." She took a long sip of coffee and rubbed her eyes. "So what happened with the whole..." "They found the lifeboats. One of them was found by a fisherman about six this morning, drifting about three miles off Dana Point. Empty...but the dogs detected traces of heroin on the boat." She perked up, both from that and the coffee. "And the other?" "Came ashore at Point Loma about two last night, right after you passed, fell asleep. One ex-hostage was on board." She jumped up. "" "Kid named Martin, apparently a deckhand on the freighter. They stashed him in one of the fancy hotels downtown under guard. Think he went straight to bed." Celine was already brushing her hair in front of the mirror. "I'd like to arrange an interview with him as soon as possible. Thank you, Sergeant." She brushed down her clothes as best she could, tossed all the beer bottles into the trash can, covered them up with the fast-food wrappers, and hurried out of her office. "Lieutenant!" It was the captain. "Yes, sir?" "I know you've had a rough night, but I'd like a quick report in my office. Just the basics for now. You can fill in the details later." "Of course, sir." After giving her report, she stood up to leave. "Just one more thing," said the captain. "Yes?" "SEVEN beers, Celine?" She groaned to herself. "I left about 2:15 last night. Passed by your office. What are you, about 125 pounds? A skinny girl like you..." "128, actually. But that's not important..." "You're right, it's not." He looked directly at her. "Considering the circumstances, I'll let it go this time. But if you ever get THAT drunk in the office again, I'll take away your couch." "Yes, Captain." * * * "Hello, Martin. I'm Lieutenant Celine North, San Diego PD. I'd do the whole badge flash thing, but under the circumstances, I don't think it's necessary. Anyway, how are you doing?" "Okay, I guess. But they're keeping me cooped up in this hotel room. It's a nice place and I appreciate the free night's stay, but I'd like to get back to my apartment. Settle some things, take some time off, then maybe look for a new ship. All that stuff." "I understand, Martin. But you're apparently the only witness to a very serious situation, and we need you. Tell you what. How about I take you out to lunch? I think we both could use some fresh air. We can have a casual interview there, then they'll take you down to the station for a more formal one. But you should be able to sleep in your own bed tonight. You'll have bodyguards stationed outside, most likely, just to let you know. You're very valuable." "Sounds good." He perked up at the thought of going to lunch with a woman this hot, even though it wouldn't be a real date. Celine was very pretty, and quite young looking, although Martin knew she had to be older than she looked if she was a lieutenant. They went to a seafood restaurant and were seated at a table by the window, overlooking the bay. Over lunch, Martin filled in the gaps in Celine's knowledge about what had taken place aboard the freighter. "So there were six terrorists?" "Yes. Five men and one woman. After they found the heroin, they killed most of the hostages. I and one other hostage were spared for insurance purposes. Then the terrorists got greedy. Everyone wanted all the dough for themselves, I guess. Turned on one another. In the confusion, I stole a lifeboat and managed to escape." Celine placed her hand over his comfortingly. "That must have been a terrible thing to go through." Martin sighed. "Yes. But I'm thankful to be alive. And my only close friend on the ship, Justin, turned out to be the one who smuggled the heroin in the first place and got us all into that mess, so I guess he wasn't much of a friend after all." After gathering as much information she could about Justin so she could investigate his background, Celine told Martin about what the divers had discovered. "They found five dead terrorists on the ship, all male." Martin nodded. "It was the girl terrorist, Janna, who was the most ruthless. Not surprising that she came out on top." "The Coast Guardsmen on the first patrol boat to make contact with the ship reported that she was the one who executed the first hostage," added Celine. Martin nodded, gulping at the memory. The female detective squeezed his hand comfortingly. "A second lifeboat was also missing," she continued. "Janna must have gotten away on it with the heroin after killing all her comrades. We found it this morning, drifting off Dana Point. Empty...but there were traces of heroin. Now tell me everything you know about this Janna character." Martin gave a truthful and accurate description of Janna, leaving out only the part about how she was currently residing in the stomachs of several different sharks. "Now is there anything more you want to tell me?" Celine asked. "Wh...what?" Martin sat up straight. Was there some way she suspected the existence of Miss Velazquez? Celine was clearly a very intelligent woman with good intuition, but even she would have no way of knowing... "Martin?" "Oh. Sorry. Uh, no, I think that's it." "Well, thank you very much, Martin. You've been extremely helpful. Now let's get you back to the hotel so you can freshen up before your big interview at the station." * * * Celine sat in the meeting room with several high-ranking officials, including her captain and FBI Agent Bradshaw, as they shared knowledge on what they had learned over the past 24 hours. "Ex-Agent Barrett made a full confession," Bradshaw reported. "He was to receive the heroin and use the network of distributors he had made a deal with to sell it, just as you suspected, Celine. Victor Brown, AKA Mr. Big, was the only one of the terrorists who knew the arranged meeting time and place with Barrett, and he also had a special code. An insurance policy in case one of his henchmen decided to get greedy. Didn't save his life, though." "Barrett told us the meeting place and we've been keeping it under stakeout," Bradshaw continued. "I don't think anyone will show up, though. Mr. Big was the only one who knew the information, and he's dead." "What about this Janna chick?" asked the captain. "She's the one who apparently got away with all the heroin." "Even if she found out the information, she wouldn't show up because she'd have to know she'd be walking into a trap," said Bradshaw. "No, she'll have to sell the heroin on her own. That's going to be a tall order, and it'll also be our best chance to catch her. Now, Celine, you have more information on this Janna character?" She stood up. "Yes. From the description we got from Martin, the only surviving hostage, Janna is apparently Janna O'Connell, a former USC cheerleader and sorority girl. Three years ago, she was arrested for aggravated assault for brutally beating a couple of guys who had whistled at her. Pleaded down to misdemeanor assault, served six months in jail. After she got out, she disappeared, although there were unconfirmed reports she was working as a mercenary. Guess that's where Big recruited her from." "Well, we have a name, a description, and 15 million dollars worth of heroin floating around," said Agent Bradshaw. "All we have to do now is get out there. We'll get Janna and the heroin. It's only a matter of time." There was a chorus of assent from the other men in the room, but Celine remained quiet. She had a gut feeling, her intuition, both her detective's intuition and her feminine intuition, that Janna, for some reason, would never be found, and that there was still a missing piece in this puzzle. * * * TWO WEEKS LATER "Lieutanant?" Celine looked up from her desk. "Yes, Captain?" "I have something that you may want to hear." She followed him to his office and was surprised to see Agent Bradshaw waiting there. "Hey. Good to see you again, Celine." "Likewise. So what's going on?" "Well, as you know, we're keeping Martin under guard at least until he testifies against ex-Agent Barrett. Just a precaution. Anyway, we've also bugged his apartment..." He paused when he saw Celine frowning. "You know I don't like that," she sighed. "Bugs are meant for criminals. Not the people we're supposed to be protecting." "The warrant to place the bug was signed by a judge, Celine," said the captain. "Anyway, after you hear this..." He pressed a button on the recorder that was lying on his desk. A voice was heard, recognizable as Martin's, obviously talking in his sleep. There were several fearful moans of "Janna," then, after a pause, a less fearful and more aroused moan of a new name. "Miss Velazquez." THE END...for now Contact me at if you liked this story!