Huntress By Littlesilverstar, A victimized woman turns the tables and becomes the Huntress The three men waited impatiently at their campsite in the middle of the vast California desert. Although it would have been 115 degrees Farenheit here on a summer day, it was currently evening in December, the temperature was in the 40s, and the men were shivering. "Can't we build a fire?" the youngest one grumbled. "And have the Border Patrol catch us?" the oldest responded. "I don't think so. Now quit whining. Our compadres will be coming across the border soon with the goods." "I don't like this, getting involved in human trafficking. Why can't we just stick to smuggling drugs?" the young man asked. "We smuggle what El Jefe tells us to smuggle. That's what we get paid for," the third man spoke up. "What's the matter, amigo? Getting cold feet?" "No, it's just...What if the Huntress catches us?" The oldest man snorted. "You believe that ridiculous myth?" "Wait," said the third man. "Who's the Huntress?" "Well, I'll tell the story," said the young man. "Looks like we've got plenty of time." He cleared his throat. "It was a night like this one, many years ago, cold and clear. Somewhere in the middle of this God-forsaken desert a young couple was camping..." * * * Keira and her boyfriend, Judd, sat by the fire at their campsite in the middle of the desert, a hundred miles away from the nearest town. Thousands of stars lit the clear sky above. Keira snuggled contentedly against her boyfriend's warm body. His confidence, handsomeness, and charismatic personality had made her feel an instant connection to him, even though she had only known him for a few weeks. Keira stretched and yawned, looking at her watch, a large-faced man's model that hung loose on her slender wrist. "Wow, it's after midnight. I think I'll turn in. I'm getting tired." Judd rubbed her hand affectionately. "I think I'll stay out for a little longer. You don't see stars like this in the city." "Don't stay up too long, baby. I need you to help keep me warm in my sleeping bag." Keira gave her boyfriend a wink and a kiss, then opened the flap to the tent and disappeared inside. * * * Keira awoke with a start some time later, a nightmare she had been having giving her a gut feeling that something was wrong. She opened her eyes sleepily - then jerked fully awake and sat up straight in horror as the sight before her revealed that her gut feeling had been very, very right. Three strange men were in the tent. Two of them were pointing pistols at her, while the third, who appeared to be the leader, was simply standing there, arms folded and a smirk on his face. "Wh...who are you? Where's my boyfriend? What have you done with him?" she demanded. "Oh, he's right outside. Perfectly safe...for now. Now let's go, nice and easy." The leader continued smirking as he spoke the words. Keira was forced to march out of the tent at gunpoint. Outside, Judd was on his knees, a gun pointed at his head by a fourth thug. "Judd!" she cried. "Keira!" Judd glared at the thugs. "Whatever sick shit you fuckers are up to, leave her out of it!" "Oh, she's going to be in it. Big time. A pretty little thing like her," snickered the leader. "It's not safe for a girl to be out here in the middle of nowhere with just a BOY like you. I think she needs some real MEN to take care of her." At that, the other thugs snickered, while Keira felt a lump develop in her throat. "No!" In a sudden move, Judd tackled the man guarding him, taking him completely by surprise. At that, Keira felt a surge of adrenaline wash away her fear and leapt into action, kicking the leader in the face and knocking him into one of his henchmen. She jumped at the last henchman, trying to grab his gun. Suddenly, a single, terrifyingly loud gunshot echoed through the stillness of the desert. Keira whirled. Judd clutched his chest, then toppled over onto his back, his eyes staring blankly up at the night sky. "NOOOOOOOO!" she screamed. While she was distracted, the thug she had been wrestling with took the opportunity to hit her in the face with the butt of his pistol. With a cry, she was knocked down. All alone now, her body shaking from both cold and fear, she looked up at the four thugs. "A valiant effort," chuckled the leader, rubbing his injured jaw where she had kicked him but still looking down at Keira cockily. "Unfortunately, this isn't a movie, where the hero and heroine overcome the odds and defeat the bad guys. This is real life, and a boy and a girl don't stand a chance against four real men." He turned to his henchmen. "Make sure that boy is finished, then bury him. By the time you're done, I should be through with her and you can take your turns." He kicked Keira in the head, then dragged her into the tent, shutting the flap behind him. Semiconscious, Keira felt almost in a dream state as her clothes were roughly removed. The gang leader licked his lips as he examined her nude body, and despite her dizziness she couldn't help rolling her eyes. Her petite and slim 5'4", 120-pound body was surprisingly muscular but still very feminine. With her perky 32B breasts, slender wasp waist with hard six-pack abs, and round hard dancer's ass, she was used to being hit on. Her long dark brown hair, large blue eyes, darkly tanned skin, and high-cheekboned face added to her natural beauty. Her dark brown pussy hair was neatly trimmed into a landing strip. "I'm going to enjoy this," he smirked as he unzipped his pants, exposing his already fully erect cock. "I'll teach you..." Keira struck like a viper, suddenly kicking him in the throat with the full strength of her dancer-trained leg. He collapsed to his knees and his hands flew from his zipper to his neck. His mouth opened, but no sound came out. Sitting up, she smashed her right fist into his nose, breaking it, then drove her left into his eye, turning it black. "Teach me what, baby?" she taunted him. "What's the matter, can't speak? Cat got your tongue?" She stood up straight. "I'd love to hear you scream, but I don't want your henchmen to hear before it's their turn." She kneed him in the face as she spoke, releasing a massive spray of blood. She then kicked him in the groin with all her strength, sending his testicles back up somewhere into his body. This time, he did emit a sound, a faint but horrible high-pitched squeal of agony. "You like my muscular legs?" she mocked him. "From being a dancer, a soccer player, AND a kickboxer, they're really strong. Now you're about to find out how strong they REALLY are." With that, she smashed her elbow down onto the top of his skull to stun him, then clamped her slender but heavily muscled thighs tightly around his neck. She sneered as he wriggled helplessly, trying to pry her thighs loose but failing completely. "What's the matter, baby? I thought you wanted to get between my legs." As his struggles grew weaker, she blew him a mocking kiss as she looked down at him. "Too tight? Want me to give you a break?" He nodded his head desperately. "Okay!" she said. With that, she gave a quick twist of her powerful hips, breaking his neck with a sickening CRACK. Opening her legs, she let the dead body fall to the floor of the tent. She looked down at it as the rush from the fight - and the kill - slowly faded and she realized the terrifying situation she was still trapped in. And Judd...even though she knew deep down it was too late to save him, she still didn't want to admit it to herself. How could things have gone from such a peaceful night to a fight to stay alive? She was a 24-year-old woman who worked as a makeup salesgirl in a department store. Now she was alone, a hundred miles from civilization, and facing three armed thugs on her own. How had she gotten herself into this... No. She couldn't let those thoughts take over. She had to remain calm. She had to prepare herself for the next stage of the fight. She quickly put her underwear, pants, blouse, and boots back on. Her small, perky tits didn't require a bra. She then looked back down at the body. The dead leader didn't seem to have any weapons on him, but her bow and arrows were waiting in a corner of the tent. Like her namesake actress, Keira was a talented archer, and she enjoyed practicing out here in the desert. Grabbing the elegant longbow and quiver of white-feathered arrows, a determined expression appeared on her face. If these fuckers wanted a war, they would get one, and for the last time. She opened the tent flap a crack and peeked out. All clear. She slipped outside, looking around cautiously. She knew she could wait and ambush the enemies when they came back to the tent for what they foolishly thought were "their turns" with her, but she felt the need to find her boyfriend, even if he was dead. At least then she could look at him one last time instead of never even knowing where he was buried... She took a deep breath. Starting off in the direction she had seen the men go off, she headed out, using the moonlight to pick up signs of their trail here and there. Suddenly, she heard voices from the darkness. She quickly ducked behind a large boulder, drawing an arrow from her quiver and inserting it into her longbow. Sure enough, the other three thugs came into view, laughing and joking as they made their way back towards the tent. "Finally, time for some pussy," said one. "How do we decide who gets to go first?" asked the second. "We could play rock, paper, scissors," suggested the third. "But how does that work with three people..." Keira let her arrow fly. Her bow had a powerful draw, and she was proud that she was one of the few women who had the strength to effectively use a weapon like that. The arrow was driven into the speaker's torso with devastating force, ripping through weak male flesh before finally piercing his heart. He stood ramrod straight for a second, then collapsed. "Arrow beats everything. Looks like you all lose." "GET THAT CUNT!" The two survivors opened fire with their pistols. Keira gracefully performed a swift series of one-arm cartwheels back behind cover, bullets flying safely between her legs as she was upside down. She landed and a moment later popped up again, giving a man a perfectly aimed arrow right to the center of his forehead. Like a scruffy-looking unicorn, he crashed to the ground. Now alone, the last thug, panicking, turned and ran. The tables now turned, Keira chased after him, readying another arrow as she raced across the desert sand. She felt the rush she had gotten from her first kill, back in the tent, coming back. She was no longer the victim. She was no longer the hunted. She was the huntress now. She took careful, deliberate aim and let the arrow fly. It impacted the running man right in his ass, penetrating deep into his gluteus maximus. With a cry of pain, he stumbled, dropping his gun. His mind overwhelmed with terror, he didn't even stop to pick it up, instead simply continuing to run. The slightly out of shape middle-aged man would have stood no chance of escape anyway, as Keira had been the fastest girl on her college soccer team, and his injury just made the inevitable come that much faster. On her way, Keira scooped up the pistol he had dropped, tucking it into the back of her low-cut pants. Although she preferred archery, she was expertly trained with firearms as well. She then continued the chase, closing the distance to her wounded quarry rapidly. She fired another arrow. It whizzed by an inch from his left ear and embedded itself in a boulder. "Stop right there, asshole, or the next one goes right into the back of your skull!" she shouted. The terrified thug, one white-feathered arrow still crudely sticking out of his buttocks, froze and turned around, raising his hands. Keira, her next arrow already inserted into her bow, aimed it at his heart. "Where's my boyfriend?" she demanded. His eyes going from side to side like a cornered animal, he stammered wildly, "How do I know you won't kill me after I tell you?" "You don't," she said simply. "But if you don't tell me, then I'll start shooting you in some very painful places." She lowered her aim until the arrow was pointed directly at his crotch. "Your groin will get the first one. I have half a dozen arrows left, and you'll get each of them in places you don't want them. Then I'll use the gun you thoughtfully dropped and give you each bullet one by one in places you don't want them either." He hesitated. Keira, who had had her bow at half draw, drew it back the rest of the way. "Now this arrow will penetrate your scrotum with full force." "No! Wait! I'll talk!" he shouted. "I'll show you where we buried him. And I didn't kill him, it was that other dude!" Keira rolled her blue eyes. "Save it. Just lead me to him. And no funny stuff." As soon as the thug's back was turned, she began to shake, not wanting him to see it. Judd, the man that she had developed such a connection with in such a short time, lost... After about half a mile trudging through the desert sand, the thug stopped. "This is the place." She tried to keep her expression calm, though emotions were raging inside her. "Dig him up." "But I..." She aimed her bow. "Get to work." "Well...ah...okay..." The thug's expression suddenly changed. Keira, realizing something was up, whirled around...and saw a familiar face standing there. "JUDD?!" "Did you miss me, baby?" he said. It was only then that she noticed the pistol in his hand. "What the fuck..." "There'll be plenty of time for explanations later, baby." Judd struck her in the head with the butt of the gun, knocking her out. * * * Keira awoke with a terrible headache. Trying to reach for her aching head, she discovered that her hands were tied, a rope wrapped around her slender wrists. She looked around. She was at a different campsite now, evidently one well used, judging by the number of footprints in the sand. This one was at the edge of a cliff. Two tents were positioned near a small campfire. The henchman that she had shot in the ass was guarding her, a pistol pointed at her. The arrow had been removed, but he was standing, evidently finding it too painful to sit. She allowed herself a small smirk at that. "She's awake, boss," he called out when he noticed her looking at him. The flap to one of the tents rustled and Judd stepped out, a gun in his hand. She glared at him as the full weight of his betrayal sunk in. "I should have known," she growled. "It was too much of a coincidence that those men just happened to find us in the middle of such a vast wilderness. And of course you were wearing a bulletproof vest when that guy shot you." "Right," he snickered. He looked down at her cockily, then turned to his henchman. "Nice work leading her to me. Too bad you guys didn't listen to my warnings about her combat skills. Three men dead...But that's spilled milk under the bridge. Just means more money for me." "But WHY?!" Keira cried. A distant look came into Judd's eyes. "In high school, I was on the football team. I waited three years on the bench, then finally made starting quarterback my senior year. After three years of waiting, I finally had it all. The starting quarterback position and the super hot cheerleading captain as my girlfriend. But then, a new transfer student came in. He stole the QB position away from me. Then, I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me with him! Word got out and I was the laughingstock of the whole fucking school for getting cucked! The whole fucking school! Nerds from the chess club that I used to pick on were now taunting me and mocking me. I quit school, lost my university scholarship, turned to drugs and alcohol...I could have had it all, but instead I had to work miserably at menial jobs instead of going to college. Always thinking of what I'd lost..." He looked at Keira as if expecting sympathy, but instead her expression was one of disgust. "You think of yourself as a victim just because some guy was better at football than you and your girlfriend left you?" she demanded. "Don't you get it? You did it all to yourself! If you had just taken things like a man and gotten the fuck over it, you could have kept your scholarship, gotten a fresh start at college, all that stuff. And maybe if you hadn't been such an asshole and a bully, kids wouldn't have laughed at you so much when you finally got your comeuppance, and your girlfriend probably wouldn't have cucked you in the first place! YOU chose to quit school. YOU chose to do drugs. Nobody else made you do that shit! You're not the victim of anything except your own bad attitude by taking things like the weak little CUCK you are instead of like a MAN!" "Shut up, bitch!" Judd kicked her in the side, then continued his rant. "So I was stewing in my miserable life, always looking for a way to get revenge on the world, a way to get back on top. Because I was such a loser, hookers in illegal brothels were my only source of sex at the time. I was rough with them, taking my anger out on them. One day, the pimp who owned the girl I'd just fucked said he liked my style, and asked if I wanted to work for him. I finally saw a way out of my shithole life, so I agreed. Became an enforcer, shook people down for money, both hookers and johns, made sure it all flowed into the pockets of the organization. Worked my way up through the ranks, and as I started feeling more alpha I got my confidence back and was able to date hot girls again. Girls like you." "And you started delivering girls like us into sex slavery," said Keira as the realization dawned on her. "Guilty," he chuckled. "Wine and dine and romance them, then as soon as they trust me lure them out someplace where they're vulnerable and deliver them to my comrades for a big fat wad of cash. Soon, that will be your fate too, Keira. After my friends take you into custody, you'll be resold at auction. Judging by how hot you are, I'm guessing you'll fetch an excellent price. And maybe you'll even be one of the lucky ones, being bought by a guy who likes to keep a lifetime mistress instead of constantly disposing of girls and buying new ones. But that's in the future. Now, while we're waiting, we're going to have some fun with you." "Yeah," snickered the henchman, an erection already visible underneath his pants. "I'm boss, I get first fuck," said Judd. "You can have her after I'm through with her. Keep watch outside." He forced Keira, her hands still tied, into the tent at gunpoint. Inside, Judd struck Keira across the face with the pistol, knocking her onto her back, then unzipped his pants. "Unlike that fool I told to play the role of fake leader, I'm not taking any chances with you," he growled. He waved his gun. "I'll have this on you the whole time. Any funny business and I'll shoot a load from this gun into you before I shoot my load from my cock into your corpse." Keira simply glared up at him icily, her heart racing but her mind busy working. All she needed was one single moment of distraction. His cock - and his ego - were in control of his thinking right now. That would be his downfall. He roughly yanked away her boots, pants, and underwear. Now fully erect, he prepared to mount her. "What's the matter, baby? You've let me fuck you before. Of course, it may be a little rougher this time," he smirked. Rage flowed through Keira as she remembered the times she had given her body to him, but she kept control of herself instead of letting her rage control her. Instead, she said, "Good. I couldn't even feel it last time, considering how small your cock is." "Why, you cunt." Judd, losing his temper, drew back his arm to pistol-whip Keira. That was all she needed. With a lightning-fast flick of her leg, she kicked the gun out of his hand, then, before he could react or cry out, snaked her thighs around his neck, squeezing hard, cutting off his air and his voice. She taunted him as she choked him. "I was worried that I wouldn't be able to distract you until later, but I shouldn't have worried. Your stupidity came through for me, big time." "Keira, pleeeaaatthhhh," he moaned faintly. "Aww, you're begging me now. Isn't that cute. If you're worried that I'm going to choke you to death with my legs, don't be. Your death will be far more slow, painful, and gruesome. I just need you out for a bit while I finish off your henchman. Then it'll be your turn again." She gave an extra-hard squeeze and felt him go limp. She opened her legs and he flopped unconscious on his back. She worked the ropes around her slim wrists free, then quickly got dressed and picked up the gun. Looking down at Judd, she smirked, "Sleep tight, sucker." She kicked him in the groin for good measure, then went to the front of the tent, opened the flap a crack, and peeked out. Then she gasped. She was staring directly into the henchman's face! A wild struggle ensued as both combatants tried to put their guns into play and both swiftly lost them. Her male opponent was much bigger than her, but Keira had the advantages of superior fitness, athleticism, and martial arts training. She headbutted him to stun him, kneed him hard in the stomach, then lowered her aim and kneed him in the crotch. She kicked him in the chest, sending him flying backwards. Performing a roundoff followed by a back handspring to take herself over to him, she back kicked him in the gut, sending him flying again, then whirled back around, her long dark brown hair whipping behind her, and positioned herself in a fighting stance. The thug, holding his wounded stomach and groin, finally removed his hands from his injures and charged her, swinging his fists. She dodged or blocked all of his attempted punches easily and nailed him with a quick left jab to his cheek followed by a devastating right to his jaw that broke it. She backflip kicked him in the face, shattering his jaw bones further, then pivoted and fired a powerful side kick into his chest, sending him sailing over the edge of the cliff. He grabbed onto the edge with his fingers. She rushed over to him, reaching her hand out. "Help...I'm falling!" he begged. She smiled at him coldly. "Oh, you're not falling. I'm letting you go." With that, she bent one of his fingers backward painfully. He screamed, losing his grip, and continued screaming for several seconds during his long final fall. After he landed a hundred feet below with a gruesome SPLAT, she looked down at the mess and said, "Happy landings!" She hurried back to the tent to check on Judd. Seeing him groaning and stirring, she kicked him hard in the head with her long black size 7 leather boot, knocking him out again. She then began putting the rest of her plan into action. * * * Judd awoke with a terrible headache. Trying to reach for his aching head, he discovered that his hands were tied behind his back. In addition, he had been stripped completely nude, and his legs had been spread wide apart, with each of his ankles tied to a post. Taking a closer look, he saw that his ankles appeared to be tied "Welcome back to the land of the living," said Keira from where she had been watching him. "Though, of course, it won't be for long." Noticing him staring at his ankles, she remarked, "I didn't have enough rope left after tying your hands, so I used my hair." A few locks were indeed missing from her long silky dark brown hair. "Easy to cut them off with a knife this sharp that I took from your henchman before kicking him off the cliff. And of course, a sharp knife has other uses." She looked directly at his exposed, vulnerable manhood and he swallowed very hard. Judd, trying to think of a way out, said, "If you let me live, I'll tell you all about the sex trafficking organization I work for. I'll help you take them all down. You need me..." Keira interrupted him by holding up his iPhone. "Actually, I don't need you. I have all the information about your criminal contacts right here. And since I'm your ex-girlfriend, I already know your password." At that, his face fell and cold sweat dripped down his forehead. She twirled the knife in her right hand as she slowly approached him. "I trusted you," she said. Her tone was emotionless, and her blue eyes, rather than flashing with rage, instead looked completely empty. That terrified Judd even more. "I gave you my body. I even loved you. And you destroyed all that in the most cruel way imaginable. You were going to sell me to some rich pervert to live the rest of my life in never-ending sadism and suffering as a sex slave. You ruined me. You ruined me forever. I can never trust anyone again. I can never love anyone again. Every time I even think of it, the paranoia hits me. What if the next guy is just like you? No matter how hard I try, I can't get that thought out of my mind. You destroyed my womanhood. So now, it's only fitting that I destroy your manhood." "No, please, Mistress Keira!" he begged. "I'll do anything!" She snickered. "Mistress?! Not quite the word you should be using when you were so angry about being a cuck. But I guess that's just what you are. A natural born cuck." She drew the knife back. Judd, utter panic in his eyes, struggled wildly against his bonds, but they were far too tight and expertly tied. She paused, savoring the moment, before plunging the knife deep into his scrotum and giving it a vicious twist. His pleas were replaced by a scream, a high-pitched soulless scream, more full of agony and terror than anything she could have imagined. And as she listened to it, she felt the closest thing she could to healing. She knew that now, cold, heartless revenge would forever be the only thing that could ease her pain from the betrayal. She continued working the knife inside his scrotum for a full minute before finally pulling it out. Judd looked as if he was about ready to pass out from the pain, so she slapped him hard across the face to keep him awake. Moving swiftly now, she cut off the remnants of his testicles one by one, throwing them into the fire, then cut off his penis and threw it into the fire as well. "Oh, don't be so mad. It's not like you were much of a man beforehand." She grabbed a poker, its tip glowing red hot from the fire. "Now I'll cauterize the wound. You're not ready to be put out of your misery yet." All throughout the process, Judd's screams had been continuous, dropping in volume occasionally when his lungs reached their limit, then rising again. He howled and howled until he finally passed out from shock. She punched him in the face several times to wake him up, working him over like a trained boxer working a punching bag. When his eyes opened, she held up the red-hot poker. "Do you know how King Edward II of England died?" she remarked casually. Judd's eyes went wide with horror. "Well, looks like you know your history," Keira continued. "That's right. He was an unworthy king and a weak-ass bitchboy, just like you. His wife needed a real man, so she and her lover shoved a red-hot poker up Edward's anus. He got cucked, and he died like a cuck." "No, please," Judd whimpered faintly, unable to do anything more because of the pain. But she had already circled around behind him. Her voice hardened. "When you were going to sell me into sex slavery, you fucked me over. Hard. So now I'm going to fuck you. Hard." "Nnnnoooo...AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" The scream began the instant the tip of the poker made first contact. She shoved it in deeper and deeper, destroying his rectum and colon with metal and fire, taunting him as she sadistically brutalized him. "That's it, bitch. Take it up the ass like the good little cuck you are. Hmm, you're pretty loose. Have you done this before? Do you like taking it in the stern? Seems like you do...bitchboy." "Oh my God, can't hold it back any longer, gonna cum..." she mocked. She made several rapid, jerky thrusts with the poker to simulate a male orgasm, then pulled the poker out rapidly and roughly, savagely rupturing his anorectal system on the way out. "So was it good for you too, baby?" she couldn't help saying. She walked back around him, threw the poker back into the fire, and looked into her ex-boyfriend's sad, agonized brown eyes with her cold, empty blue ones. She waited for his screams to die down into whimpers before speaking. "Unlike ol' King Edward II, your end isn't quite here yet. I have one last game to play with you before I destroy you forever. See, you already destroyed Keira forever. Keira could love, and laugh, and go out for drinks with her girlfriends after work, and do all the other things that are part of a normal life. But I can't. I am no longer Keira. I am Huntress, and I will do the only thing I can do. Hunt for revenge." She used her knife to cut him loose and he collapsed to the ground in the fetal position. "I'll give you fifteen minutes to recover and get as much of a head start as you can. Then I'll hunt you down with my bow and arrow." Judd spent the first few minutes of his time alternating between whimpering and begging, still lying in the fetal position. Keira ignored him, instead going through his iPhone and planning her next revenge on Judd's sex trafficker comrades, only glancing up at him occasionally and then glancing at her watch. Finally, he stumbled to his feet and staggered away from the campfire, naked and shivering, almost collapsing several times. Several weeks later, a hiker found the remnants of a nude male corpse, missing its penis and testicles, severely burned around its anus, pierced with nine arrows in various parts of its body, a tenth, final arrow in its head, and a look of not just utter terror, but pure hopelessness permanently frozen on its face. No suspects were ever found by law enforcement. * * * "Over the next several years, people involved in human trafficking, pimping, and sex slavery in southern California began disappearing," the young smuggler said. "None of them were ever found alive, and most of them were never found at all. But the ones who were found had always been killed by arrows." "Keira herself was never seen again either. No confirmed sightings, anyway. Officially, she's still listed by the authorities as a missing person. But over the years, a few campers and hikers in the most remote parts of the California desert have reported seeing a woman with long dark hair and a bow and arrow. There are a few blurry pictures supposedly of her, but Keira, or Huntress, as she is now known, always vanishes before she can be caught." The older man couldn't help shaking his head as the story was finished. The third man said skeptically, "Sounds kind of like Bigfoot to me." "Exactly," said the older man. "Sightings, blurry pictures, but never any proof. That's how you know Bigfoot is a myth, and so is Huntre..." At that moment, a perfectly aimed, white-feathered arrow came flying out of the darkness and embedded itself in the older man's skull, right between his eyes. He sat ramrod straight for a second, then collapsed. The two others looked at each other in horror. "Hello, boys," came a female voice from the darkness. "I'd introduce myself, but I think you already know who I am." At that, both men both pissed and shat their pants. "Now, boys," the woman's voice continued, "I suggest you start running." THE END...for now Contact me at if you liked this story!