Annabelle VI: The Continuing Femdom Story By Littlesilverstar, Annabelle, Cassie, and May continue to dominate weak males "Oh yeah. This is the life," said Annabelle, sitting on the second-story balcony outside the master suite in the five-bedroom mansion. She took another sip of her mango margarita. "For sure," agreed May, sitting across from her, as she reached for her beer. "We sure are making better use of this place than Elliott ever did." "Indeed." Annabelle gazed out over the trees and the lake in the distance in the expensive neighborhood. "What a waste it was when that cuck douchebag owned it. Never had any parties here, never brought over his hot female friends because he didn't have any...He had all that money and he still failed at game. He had to hire prostitutes for sex! Anybody can do THAT! What a loser." "Speaking of the devil," said May. Elliott, dressed in a girly French maid's outfit, hurried out onto the balcony, carrying a tray. Elliott was a former senior vice president at Triumphant Sporting Goods, the company that had hired Annabelle to be their spokesmodel. He had once been a proud man who had enjoyed all the luxuries of the good life. But after his terrible performance at a company softball game, Annabelle, seeing his physical weakness and sensing his mental weakness underneath, had pounced on him like a she-wolf on an old, sick deer, enlisting the help of her best friends, May and Cassie. Together, they had beaten him up, brutally dominated him physically and mentally, filmed the whole thing to add to their growing series of videos that they sold to femdom, gay, and cuckold porn sites, and finally turned him into the broken shell of a man he was now. Eventually, he had even signed the house over to them. "I have your food, Mistresses," said Elliott, bowing his head submissively. "Your grilled cheese sandwich, Mistress Annabelle, and your turkey sandwich, Mistress May." He set the tray down on the table, then stood there, fidgeting nervously, frightened of these bigger women and desperate to please them to avoid beatings like they had given him in the past. He had learned through their leather-gloved fists and booted feet not to leave without being formally dismissed. The physical contrast between the two women and the wimpy male was striking. Annabelle, at 5'8" and 130 pounds, was tall and slender like most successful models, with a dark brown tan from her half Filipina, half European heritage. Her sexy 34B-25-35 figure was perfect for the standard size clothes pro models wore. She wore a black miniskirt, knee-high black leather boots, and a white blouse with the sleeves rolled up to show off her thick, heavily muscled, but still feminine forearms. A black leather bracelet was on each of her wrists, covering up the thinnest part of her arms and making them look bigger. May was buxom and powerfully built, with her 5'6", 143-pound figure and D-cup breasts. She had an hourglass figure with a 26-inch waist and 38-inch hips, and loved rubbing it in Elliott's face that her waist measurement was smaller than his despite his scrawny build. From her Middle Eastern background, she had skin as tanned and brown as Annabelle's. Today she was wearing black leather pants, black ankle boots, and a tight white T-shirt that showed off her big, well-toned arms. Her wrists were even thicker than Annabelle's, and she drew attention to them with a man's gold Rolex watch on her left wrist and a large silver bracelet on her right. Both girls had long, silky black hair and elegant, high-cheekboned faces. Elliott was short, scrawny, and ugly. At only 5'5" and 128 pounds, he was shorter and lighter than both of the women, yet still had the beginnings of a gut from his total lack of athleticism and exercise. His pale skin contrasted sharply with their dark tans, and he had no visible muscles. With his unmasculine body, it had been easy for the girls to destroy his false bravado and expose the cuckold underneath. "What are you just standing there like a dumb muffin for, Ellie?" demanded Annabelle, using the feminized version of his name that he had gotten used to. "You think we like looking at your ugly ass when we're so hot? Get outta here." "Yes, Mistress Annabelle." He bowed and turned to leave. "And make sure the kitchen's clean," May called out. "I'm going to check it later. You know what'll happen if it isn't." "Yes, Mistress May." Both girls laughed and high-fived each other as Elliott disappeared back into the house. "Can you believe that guy ever thought he was good enough to be a real man?" snickered May. "And can you believe that any woman, even a whore, lowered herself enough to fuck him?" Annabelle smirked. "I wouldn't fuck a dipshit like him for ten million dollars." "Well, we sure put him in his proper place. Hey, is anyone at work suspicious about the way he suddenly resigned like we told him to?" "No, not at all. People resign all the time. Anyway, he was such a loser that I'm sure everyone secretly hated him and is glad his wussy ass is gone. That's the impression I got from Veronica," said Annabelle, referring to the executive vice president of the company. "You're buddies with her. Do you think she'd be interested in joining our little enterprise?" asked May. The tall model shook her head. "We're friends, but she's also basically my boss. I can't be a hundred percent sure she'd go for something like this, and we can't take the risk." May nodded, then yawned and stretched lazily. "I'm thinking about quitting my job at the mall. Sure, it's easy work and I make a decent amount from commission, but we're making enough money from our videos now that we don't need regular jobs anymore. And Cassie said she's thinking about quitting her dental hygienist job." "I think both of you should go for it," said Annabelle. "It'll give us more time for fun. What time is it?" May looked at her watch. "It's a quarter past four. Cass should be here any minute. In fact, I hear her car now." Cassie came bounding up the stairs and onto the balcony. "Hey, guys! I have some exciting news that we can use for our little project..." She looked at the sandwiches on the table. "Hey, Ellie! Get your wimpy butt up here, you little fag!" Elliott came hurrying upstairs. "Yes, Mistress Cassie?" She looked at him dominantly. Although Cassie was rather petite at 5'6" and 120 pounds, she was far stronger and more athletic than Elliott, and her wrists and forearms, though slender, were still bigger than his. With her shoulder length blonde hair, green eyes, and small perky 32B tits, she was as hot as her friends. She wore jeans and a white T-shirt with no bra underneath to show off her assets. A man's silver Rolex watch hung slightly loose on her slim left wrist. "I'm hungry after spending four hours working. Make me a roast beef sandwich and bring me a glass of red wine. The good stuff, not that cheap shit." "Yes, Mistress Cassie." "So what's the big news, Cass?" asked Annabelle when Elliott was out of earshot. "This new patient came in for a cleaning. Short, scrawny guy, kind of like Ellie. I thought there was something familiar about him, but I couldn't quite place it. He was really nervous, not at-the-dentist nervous, but like, you know, douchebag loser who can't even talk right to a pretty girl in the most mundane situations nervous. I was going to just forget about it until the receptionist told me that he had specifically asked to make an appointment with me instead of any of the other hygienists. So I thought about it a little and I finally remembered. I can't believe I forgot his wussy ass! I went to high school with him. In tenth grade, I humiliated him good." "Ooh, exciting," said May. "Tell us all the juicy details." "Remember in high school physical education, they gave all the students various tests?" said Cassie. "One of them was how far we could throw a softball. Well, at my high school, it was coed. They divided us into two squads and had each of us come up one at a time against a member of the other team. Whoever had the further throw earned a point for their squad. It was random, sometimes boy against boy, sometimes girl against girl, sometimes girl against boy. Every time it was a boy against a girl, the guy threw further...until I came up. I threw it 145 feet, which wasn't even as good as the top girls...but that loser could only throw it 70 feet! Not even half as far as I could. Everyone was laughing at him. But that wasn't even the best part. Or the worst, depending on how you look at it." "So what was the worst part?" asked Annabelle, snickering at the thought of a wussy omega male who couldn't even throw half as far as a girl. "He got a HARD-ON!" giggled Cassie, holding her sides at the memory. "A genuine, honest-to-goodness woody. A real boner. A true stiffy. He got a hard-on at the idea of a girl throwing further than him. Just like Ellie, and Stephanie, and Benita. It seems like every wimpy male who throws like a girl gets aroused by a girl who can throw like a man." "Oh my God," said May. She and Annabelle were both holding their sides as well. "So what happened after that?" Annabelle asked. "Well, as you can imagine, that caused the laughter to multiply by a thousandfold. Even the teacher was laughing at him. He just ran away and never came back. I mean never. Transferred to another school." "And now, it looks like he wants to get back in touch so he can use you to get off on his creepy-ass fetishes," said May. Cassie nodded. "He asked me if I liked sports and if I played any in school. I guess he thought I didn't remember him. He was trying to make it sound like he was just making conversation, but I could tell something was off even before I remembered who he was. I bet he wanted to ask how far I could throw now, but couldn't come up with a way to bring it up that wouldn't make him look like a total weirdo. I checked with the receptionist and he made another appointment with me in four months. I guess the wimp thinks he can work up the balls by then." "Well," said Annabelle. "Ladies, I think we've just found our next target. Cass, do you have his information?" The blonde nodded, taking a piece of paper out of her pocket. "Sure do, Ana. I made a copy of his personal information from his file when no one was looking." "Hmm," said May, looking at the paper. "Matthew Chump. Well, he's a chump, all right." "Looks like ol' Matty here is about to become Madeline," smirked Annabelle. "Just like Elliott became Ellie and Stephen became Stephanie. And Ben was Benita for a while before that damn FBI bitch rescued him and made us leave him alone. But enough about him, let's start making plans for our new target. We'll need more to drink. Hey, Ellie, get your dumb ass up here with some refills!" * * * "Hi, is this Matthew Chump?" "Yes. Who is this...?" "This is Cassie, from the dentist's office. I did a cleaning on you yesterday." Matthew's heart began beating very fast, wondering why the hot blonde would be calling him. Usually it was the receptionist who called when it was dental business. "I couldn't place it yesterday, but you looked familiar," Cassie continued. "By any chance did you go to Fillmore High School with me?" Matthew decided to admit it. "Yes, I did," he said in a small voice. "I thought I recognized you. Look, you probably know by now that I remember that softball throwing contest in the tenth grade and how I beat you and everyone was laughing at you. I want to apologize for that. I was rubbing my athleticism in your face and acting like a bully. I'm sorry." "T...that's okay. I f...forgive you." Matthew's heart rate had increased even further. He simply couldn't be mad at her because she was so hot. Now he was almost panting with excitement, wondering what she wanted with him. "I still feel like I should do something to make it up to you. I think I know the perfect thing. How about we meet at Burton's Park tomorrow afternoon? I can teach you how to throw. That's a fitting way for me to atone for my bad behavior, don't you think?" Matthew almost shrieked like a little girl into the phone. He had looked Cassie up and made that appointment with her when he had found out she had become a dental hygienist. He hadn't really had a clear plan on what he was going to do, he had just wanted to get in touch with the sexy blonde. After seeing her and thinking of how far she could throw and how sexy he found that, he had wanted to ask her questions related to that and go home later with that in his mind while he jerked off to her, but hadn't had the courage to ask her those things in a dental office full of other people. But now, here she was, offering him the perfect opportunity! The thought that it was a little too perfect, the thought that it might be a trap, never entered his mind. He was thinking with the part of his body that wasn't very good at thinking. "Y...yes, that would be perfect, Cassandra." "Great. Does four work for you?" "S...sure, Cassandra." "All right. I'll see you at four tomorrow. I'll bring a softball. Bye!" Cassie pressed the End Call button on her iPhone. "It's done. The sucker has no idea." She and her friends giggled. "Perfect," smirked May. "We'll leave at 3:30 tomorrow. That should give us plenty of time to get everything set up and for me to find a good hiding place in the bushes with the video camera." All three girls snickered and high-fived one another. * * * Matthew stood on the grass, looking around, and sighed in relief when he saw Cassie, waving to him. He had been a little worried that she would stand him up. Later, he would be wishing that that was all she had done to him. But she was there, and she had even brought another hot girl with her. "Hey, Matt. What's up?" "Hey, Cassandra. Wow, you look...great." Cassie was wearing low-cut white pants, a brown belt, and a tight white T-shirt with no bra underneath. Though of course she wasn't as dark as Annabelle or May, she was still quite tanned, and her all-white outfit showed off her golden brown skin well. Part of her hard six-pack abs were showing in the gap between her shirt and pants. She still wore the silver Rolex man's watch on her left wrist, and she had added a studded brown leather bracelet on her right. She had to resist the urge to tell this dipshit off here and now for hitting on a woman so high above him on the totem pole. Soon, she promised herself. So instead, she forced a smile and said, "Thank you. Oh, this is my friend Annabelle. She's even better at throwing than me." Annabelle gave the weakling male her well-practiced fake smile. She was wearing her trademark white blouse (she owned at least fifteen identical white blouses), skintight black leather pants that showed off her round, muscular dancer's ass, and knee-high black leather boots. The sleeves of her blouse were rolled up as they always were, and she wore two of her newest bracelets - a white beaded one on her left wrist and a red leather one on her right. Although Matthew felt plenty of sexual attraction looking at Cassie and Annabelle's bodies, he also felt a powerful sense of inadequacy and shame as he compared his physical inferiority with their superiority. Though at 5'6" Cassie wasn't particularly tall, even for a girl, he was still shorter than her. In addition, he could see that her wrists and forearms, though slender, were bigger than his. He loved girls with bigger wrists than him (which was almost all of them) and hoped he could bring this fetish up too sometime. Though her arms were bigger than his, her petite 24-inch waist was smaller than his scrawny but flabby gut, and she had the muscle tone of a fitness model. As for Annabelle, she was even taller and more muscular than Cassie, and her wrists and forearms were bigger than hers as well and far bigger than his. Cassie and Annabelle smirked to each other when the chump wasn't looking. They could practically read his thoughts. These losers - Elliott, Stephen, Matthew - were all the same. The same fetishes, the same perversions, the same cuckoldry. Cassie handed him the softball. Taking his wussy ass down was going to be fun. "Here, let me see your form." Matthew threw the ball as hard as he could, but thanks to his physical weakness and lack of experience, it was a complete girly-girl throw. It was probably even shorter than the one he had made in high school, probably only about 65 feet, Cassie figured. She suppressed a giggle, seeing Annabelle doing the same out of the corner of her eye. "I think you should watch us." Cassie retrieved the softball, waving for Annabelle to move back to catch it. The blonde threw it hard, farther than she had done in high school, sending it over 150 feet. Despite the strength of the throw, Annabelle caught it neatly with her bare hands and threw it back. Her toss was even stronger and farther than that of Cassie, who had to scurry backwards to catch it, making a nice barehanded grab as well. "Damn," said Matthew, hoping the girls wouldn't notice his growing erection. "You're amazing. You ladies throw like men. And I throw like a girl." Annabelle and Cassie looked at each other and tried not to roll their eyes. A real man should be able to throw farther than his woman, and if he couldn't, he at least shouldn't have a fetish about it, and if he did, he should at least hide it. But Matthew failed at even that. "Yeah, you totally throw like a girl," laughed Annabelle. "Here, let us show you how to do it right." Cassie and Annabelle proceeded to give Matthew lots of fake advice. Not that real advice would have done much good for a scrawny weakling like him, but the girls were determined to make sure that he didn't get anything useful. Of course the chump fell for it hook, line, and sinker, thinking they were really helping him, even though his throws remained as weak and girly as ever. "It takes time," Cassie explained. In between their "instruction," the young women played some more catch with each other, always making long, powerful throws and always catching them perfectly barehanded. They also threw the ball to Matthew a few times, always making him miss with the strength of their tosses. Finally, they finished the session with a little tumbling demonstration just to show off. Cassie did a front tuck, roundoff, two back handsprings, and finished her tumbling pass with a high split-leg layout. Annabelle performed a standing tumbling run, starting with four back handsprings, two whip backs, two more back handsprings, and finishing with a full twist. Matthew's cock grew harder at the display. Girls who could do back flips were another of his fetishes. He applauded loudly, hoping to seem like just a regular guy impressed by their athleticism instead of a pervert. But Annabelle and Cassie gave each other knowing glances. They could see right through him. "It's getting dark," said Annabelle. "We'd better get going." "Yes," agreed Cassie. She turned to Matthew. "Did you have fun? Were we helpful?" "Oh, yes! You were great! Thank you so much." "You're welcome." Cassie rolled her green eyes and winked at Annabelle as soon as the chump's back was turned. "Say," said the sexy blonde, as if struck by a sudden thought. "I'm going out shooting in the desert tomorrow. Want to come?" Matthew's heart rate soared. Girls with guns were another of his fetishes (of course). But while the fetish itself was common, most of the men who had it were shooters themselves, so they could express it without looking like losers. But as for himself... "Well, um, I'd love to, but, um, I've never shot a gun before." "That's okay. I'll teach you." Cassie resisted the urge to pump her fist. This was perfect. "You guys have fun," said Annabelle. "I wish I could go - I love shooting - but I have modeling assignments all day tomorrow." "I'll bring another of my friends," said Cassie. "She's just as much a firearms expert as I am. The three of us should have a good time." Yet another sexy alpha female who was great at "guy" stuff? Matthew should have at least known by then that it was too good to be true. But he was still thinking with his little head. "Sounds great," he said eagerly. As they left the park, Matthew walking in front, Annabelle and Cassie glanced behind them to a nearby bush, giving May a wink. * * * Cassie parked her brand-new blue Mazda CX-5 SUV in front of the Cheapo Studio Apartments Complex. With her good salary plus the extra income from her share of the cuck video profits, she had been able to pay cash for it. And of course the chump lived in a shitty place like this. Their opposite economic situations were one more reason why the dim-witted fool should have realized that a woman like her should never want to hang out with a douchebag like him. She got out of the vehicle. She was wearing jean cutoff shorts, black ankle boots, and a gray T-shirt. Of course her firm, perky 32B tits were braless - she never wore bras except for sports bras when working out. She smirked to herself at Matthew's obvious arousal at her manner of dress. "Hey, Matt. This is my friend May." May climbed out of the passenger seat. The Middle Eastern beauty was wearing a tasteful knee-length black skirt, knee-high black leather boots, a tight black T-shirt, and spiked black leather bracelets on each of her massive wrists. Matthew's hard-on grew larger at the sight. He knew his girly wrists were tiny compared to hers, and it filled him with a strange mix of shame and extreme arousal. "Hi, Matt. Nice to meet you." May had to use all of her restraint just to say that instead of telling his wussy ass off like she wanted to. "Well, let's get going. I've got all the gear in the trunk." Cassie got back behind the wheel, May getting in next to her. Matthew climbed into the back seat, impressed by the leather upholstery and the new car smell. He wished he could afford a nice new car instead of the shitty old Chevy Aveo he had now. At least the girls hadn't seen it, he thought. He was wrong - before picking him up, Cassie had filmed his shitty vehicle with a comical narration about the broke-ass loser who owned it. * * * "This should be a good place," said Cassie as she parked her SUV on a flat spot in the desert. As they all got out, the blonde looked at May and nodded. While May distracted Matthew with her D-cup tits, Cassie waved to Annabelle, who peeked out from behind a boulder, holding a video camera and giving a thumbs-up. Annabelle had made sure to park her black BMW 7-Series out of sight. May and Cassie set up three paper targets on a portable stand about fifty feet away. Cassie then took out a large, black, intimidating-looking .45 caliber pistol. She chambered a round in a dramatic manner, knowing how cheesy it was in movies but wanting to make a scene for Matthew, and flicked the safety off. Holding it in a casual one-handed grip, she took aim at the target on the left, knowing from experience that she had enough wrist strength to handle the powerful weapon in that manner. She fired ten rapid shots, emptying the magazine, then ejected it and handed the gun to May. The Middle Eastern beauty expertly reloaded the pistol and took aim at the middle target, using a one-armed grip like her friend. Thanks to her thick wrists, May could shoot any handgun one-handed with no trouble. She fired ten rapid shots of her own, then passed the weapon to Matthew. "Okay, you've seen us do it. Now you try it." He took the gun very nervously. In awe of these pretty girls' markswomanship and confidence, he was feeling highly intimidated, but also turned on schmoe-style. Examining the pistol, he said, "Um, I don't know how to..." "Oh, right," said Cassie. "Here, let me handle that part." She removed the empty magazine and expertly loaded a fresh one. She did it so fast that even though Matthew had been watching her closely, he still had no idea how to do it himself. "There, all ready to go." Matthew took a deep breath. This was it. This was his chance to show these girls that he could be a man. Imitating the stance that Cassie and May had used, he aimed at the third target. He jerked the trigger. The combination of his improper grip, the heavy recoil from the large-caliber handgun, and his weak, girly wrists resulted in the exact outcome that the girls had hoped for. The gun jumped, striking him right in the face. With a high-pitched, incredibly gay sounding squeal, he dropped it like a hot potato. Cassie and May both barely managed to conceal their laughter, knowing that Annabelle had gotten the whole thing on video from her hiding place. Matthew turned bright red with shame. "It's okay," said Cassie, wanting to say, "It's not okay, you wimpy-ass pussy." She picked up the gun. "Here, try holding it with both hands." Matthew obeyed, taking aim again and holding on for dear life, looking like a wussy douche for Annabelle's video camera. He jerked the trigger again. Although he managed to avoid getting hit in the face this time, he was holding his thin wrists in pain. "I don't think I can handle this one." He was filled with that same old mix of shame and cuckold schmoe arousal. "Did you bring any others?" "I did, but I'm not sure that'll be right for you either," said Cassie. Meanwhile, May had gone over to the trunk of the SUV and taken out a genuine AK-47 assault rifle. "Whoa. Where did you get that?" asked Matthew. "Oh, we have connections," said May. The AK belonged to Triumphant Sporting Goods, the company that employed Annabelle as a spokesmodel. Veronica, the corporation's executive vice president, had given Annabelle the access code to the gun safe and full permission to take the guns out whenever she wanted, and the Filipina beauty had borrowed the weapon for her friends to use in this little session. "Let's get the new targets set up," said Cassie. They went out to collect the old paper targets. "How'd you do?" "Only seven out of ten in the bullseye," May answered, letting out an exaggerated sigh. The blonde checked her target. "I got eight out of ten." "I'll get you next time." May playfully slapped her friend on the butt. Then she removed Matthew's target. Of course neither of the two shots he had fired had even hit the paper at all. He hung his head as he saw his shameful result. The girls set up a pumpkin and two watermelons. May led off this time, completely annihilating the pumpkin with a single long burst, emptying the magazine. She tossed the rifle to Cassie, who caught it neatly, swiftly and expertly reloaded it, and took aim at one of the melons. "Watch me," she said to Matthew. Cassie leaned backward slightly, deliberately using an improper stance instead of the proper forward lean that she used whenever she wasn't trying to set up a chump. She pressed down on the trigger, going through the full magazine in a single long burst, having enough skill to send all of the bullets into the melon despite her improper stance. The large piece of fruit exploded in a burst of red goo. "Now you try it," said the slender but muscular blonde to Matthew as she reloaded the weapon. "Remember, just like me." She winked at May. Matthew gulped nervously. After his epic fail the first time, he had to at least not humiliate himself this time. He took the AK, imitated Cassie's stance, and pulled the trigger. The sudden, strong recoil knocked the light, weak wuss backward to land flat on his ass. Behind his back, May and Cassie high-fived each other. Annabelle gave a thumbs-up from behind her boulder. Matthew looked like he was about to cry. Earlier, he had been thinking that if he showed he could act like a real man, these hot girls would like him and he could maybe even score with them and lose his virginity. But now, that seemed farther away than ever thanks to his long streak of epic fails. He knew it was horrible, but he had no idea how horrible it was going to get. Cassie put on her best fake smile and helped Matthew up. Meanwhile, May picked up the AK. "Shame to leave that last watermelon just sitting there." She took aim one-handed, pressing the stock of the weapon against her well-built body, and emptied the remainder of the magazine, destroying the melon. Matthew had a hard-on in his pants. "So how did you girls get to be so good?" "Oh, our dads didn't want their pretty daughters getting attacked," said Cassie. "Yeah," May added. "They started teaching us to shoot as soon as we were old enough. We both liked it. Annabelle, too. All three of us got into it and we've done competitions together." "T...that's really cool," Matthew stammered. "I wish I could be that good." "I guess I should have brought some guns that were easier to handle," said Cassie. "Sorry about that. When I'm teaching a girl, I usually bring smaller-caliber weapons, but I thought that since you were a guy..." "It's okay. I was totally girly," said Matthew. He was swiftly approaching Maximum Schmoe. The girls had to suppress giggles. Soon, they told themselves. Very soon, it would be time to drop the bomb on him. "I'm getting hungry," said May. "Let's go to the mall where I work. We can grab some chow at the food court and then just hang out." "Sounds good." Cassie reached for her iPhone. "I'll text Ana and let her know where we're going so she can join us. She should be done with her photoshoot by the time we get back to town." Matthew, who had been feeling worried, let out a sigh of relief. Apparently, despite his lack of manliness, these girls still wanted to hang out with him. He let hope rise up within him. All his life, he had been a loser. Unpopular, bullied by both boys and girls. Not only was he a virgin, he had never had a date and had never even had a female friend. But now, it seemed like he had three extremely hot female friends...and hopefully it would turn into something more. He had no idea how hard a fall he was being set up for. * * * "Here, follow me," said May, unlocking a door with a key from her large ring. "This is one of the empty stores in the mall. I have access because I'm a store manager. It'll be a nice private place for us." May, Cassie, Annabelle, and Matthew entered the dark room. May turned on the lights. They all sat down on the slightly dusty floor. "Matt, there are some things I need to know from you," said Cassie. "Did you look me up and make an appointment with me because you're attracted to me?" Matthew hung his head. Realizing there was no way to get away with lying, he confessed. "Yes." "I'm not mad," said the blonde. "I just think we need to be honest with one another. I want to like you, Matt. We all want to like you. But in order for that to happen, we need the truth. Every guy has fetishes. Simply having them is not wrong. But being deceitful about them is." He nodded. "What else do you need to know?" "Was your attraction to me based, among other things, on how well I can throw? Do you have a fetish for that?" Cassie asked. "Yes," Matthew admitted. "And do you also have a fetish for girls with guns?" asked May. Again he answered in the affirmative. "How about the tumbling Cassie and I did at the park? Oh, by the way, May is a trained gymnast too, so we can all do flips. Do you also have a fetish for girls who can do back handsprings?" Annabelle inquired. This time, Matthew simply nodded. "Any other fetishes we should know about?" said Annabelle. "Well," "Come on. Spit it out." He took a deep breath. "It's what you have on now. What it shows off." He pointed to Annabelle's trademark white blouse with the sleeves rolled up. "Your thick wrists and muscular forearms. All three of you have bigger wrists than me. I feel kind of feminized next to you, which both fills me with shame and turns me on schmoe-style." He couldn't believe he was blurting all of this out, but he figured that they knew most of it already anyway, and they seemed to be the kind of chicks that appreciated total honesty. "Thank you for confessing, Matt." Cassie was just barely managing to keep a straight face. "We appreciate your honesty. Now that we've got the tough questioning part out of the way, we think we should give you a reward. We're going to let you jerk off to your fetishes about us." Matthew's jaw almost literally hit the floor. Choke his chicken to these insanely hot babes? His heart began pounding. He would have been more than happy to have these girls as friends, but if they would let him beat off to their hotbods? Fuck yes! He stripped naked, exposing his already fully erect cock, which had a shameful maximum length of only four inches. His motions were automatic, not even thinking about what he was doing. His little head was doing all the thinking for him. "Let's inspire you," said May. She began doing a series of standing back handsprings around the room, being athletic enough to do them on a hard floor and in a knee-length skirt. Meanwhile, Annabelle gave him a close-up view of her big, dark brown forearms, clenching and unclenching her fists, causing her exceptionally well-developed forearm muscles to ripple. "Oh yeah, that's it," moaned Matthew as he began spanking his monkey. "Backflipping like a pro-gymnast, that's so hot. Having bigger wrists than me, I love that." "This should spice things up even more," said Cassie. She tied a blindfold over Matthew's eyes. "Yeah, baby, that's it. Work that cock." The sudden darkness brought a new level of excitement for Matthew. "Oh, fuck yeah, that's it. The way you girls can shoot like men, while I shoot like a total wuss, that's so fucking sexy. The way you can throw like men, while my throws are so pathetically weak, I get off on that so bad. I am such a cuck. I am such a schmoe. Oh my God, I'm gonna cum. Can't hold it back any longer, gonna blow...unnhhhh!" With that, Matthew shot off a massive load of cum, wave after wave of semen surging out. As the high from his orgasm slowly faded away, he felt his heart rate slowly return to normal. With a dumb, goofy grin on his homely face, he took off the blindfold...then froze in pure horror as the most terrifying sight in his life unfolded before his eyes. The curtain that covered up the empty store had been raised, giving everyone going by in the mall a full, clear, perfect view of him! A huge crowd had gathered, and every single person was staring at him and filming with their phones. And Cassie, May, and Annabelle were nowhere to be seen. The dead silence continued for a second longer. Then came the laughter. Young and old, male and female, tall and short, cool and dorky...everyone in the crowd joined together, pointing at him. Holding their sides. Mocking him. "I'm such a cuck! I'm such a schmoe!" His brain overloaded with complete and utter humiliation, Matthew was simply frozen. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't even move. All he could do was sit there, surrounded by cum, and wish that he was dead. "All right, you vile, disgusting pervert." Two policemen approached him. "Let's go. You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent..." * * * Matthew sat like a statue in the police station as he was fingerprinted. His brain was still in an ineffective state, trying to process the level of pwnage he had received and how completely and utterly his life was ruined. He had been a loser before, but at least back then he had been an anonymous one, just one of the millions of omega males at the fringes of society. He thought back to how much he had hated it at the time. Oh, how he wished he could go back to that state now. "All right, time to go to the holding cell," smirked an officer. "As if your scrawny, faggy body wasn't reason enough, after the other inmates realize who you are and what you did, your butthole is going to get very large very fast. And trust me, they all know. So many people at the mall posted their videos of you jacking off, and your public shame was so uniquely humiliating, that it set new records for how fast viral film clips spread. Prisoners have seen it, people working on oil rigs have seen it, monks in isolated monasteries have seen it...hell, I heard that the astronauts on the International Space Station have seen it." Matthew's lower lip quivered. He was just about to burst into tears when a female voice spoke up. "I have bail money." He sat up straight and stared. It was Cassie! Professionally dressed in a businesswoman's suit and skirt combo, she looked as sexy as ever. Despite his rage at the betrayal by her and her friends, he still couldn't help being sexually attracted to all of them. "You just going to sit there? You can stay if you want." Cassie began turning. "No! I'll go. I'll go." "Excellent." The hot blonde smirked. * * * After all the paperwork had been taken care of, Cassie marched Matthew out to the parking lot. Annabelle was waiting at the wheel of her black BMW. May was sitting in the passenger seat. Cassie shoved her male victim into the back seat and climbed in after him. As Annabelle drove away from the jail, Matthew, with an agonized look on his face, turned to Cassie and spoke one word. "WHY?!" "Why? Oh my God, I could write a novel on this, but I'll try to keep it short. Don't you get it? You're a loser. L-O-S-E-R. You're short, scrawny, ugly, dumb, weak, perverted, and a virgin. You're a zero, and we're all tens. Actually, you're a negative number. When you showed up at the dentist's office like a creepy-ass stalker, you brought this on yourself. How dare you think that a worthless omega male like you has any fucking right to hit on alpha females like me and my friends." Cassie's green eyes were flashing with anger. "But...but...I just wanted to be..." May turned around. "What, you just wanted to be friends? You mean you're such a loser that you've never even had any female friends? That just makes us hate you even more, douchebag." "But...but..." Matthew couldn't think of anything else to say. "That's another reason," Annabelle spoke up. "Girls, especially hot alpha females, love guys with quick wits and sharp humor. You're the exact opposite of that. All you can do is stammer and squeak like a total cocksucker." "And your fetishes," Cassie added. "It's only okay for guys to be into athletic girls if he's athletic himself. It's only okay for guys to like girls with guns if he can actually shoot like a fucking man. That day in tenth grade when I utterly pwn3d you at the softball throwing competition was the day you guaranteed your virginity forever. God, you disgust me. Having to be in close contact with you at the dentist's office, even with gloves and a mask on, still makes me want to throw up." Tears streaming down his face, Matthew moaned, "What are you going to do to me?" "Oh, you'll see," smirked May. "You're our property now. You're no longer a man. Not that you ever really were one. You're a cumslut now. Your new, properly feminized name is Madeline. Got that, wanker? If you don't like that, we'll be glad to take you back to the jail. I'm sure the other inmates will give you a proper welcome." "Yes, Mistress May, I've got it! My name is Madeline. I'll be good!" "What are you, Madeline?" demanded Annabelle. "I'm a cumslut, Mistress Annabelle!" All three girls broke into laughter. "What a complete, total, natural-born cuck loser," snickered Cassie. "Who do you think is the lowest, faggiest, wimpiest, uber-mega-schmoe cumslut in the universe?" May asked. "Madeline, Stephanie, or Ellie?" "Hmm, that's a good one," said Annabelle. "It's really close." "Yeah," agreed Cassie. "We'll have to think about that one for a while." The blonde began playing with something on her iPhone. "Well, since pretty much everyone on the planet has already seen the utterly humiliating video of Madeline whacking off that tiny four-inch wang, we can't really sell that one. But it can be like the free sample of heroin that dealers use to get their buyers addicted. I uploaded the videos of Madeline throwing like a girl and shooting like a girl to our regular list of cuckold, femdom, and gay porn sites a few hours ago, and we've got record sales for those so far." " filmed those too?" Matthew cried. "Well, DUH," laughed Annabelle. "What, did you think we spent time with you because we enjoyed your company or something?" "Yeah," sneered May. "Didn't your retarded ass ever wonder why there were always only two of us? Guess you were too dumb to ever think that the third girl might be hiding in the bushes or behind a rock filming." "We're going to make more videos with you, Madeline. Lots more. You're going to be a star. If current trends continue, you should be our best seller," Cassie smirked. "No, please..." Matthew began to beg. Annabelle stepped on the brakes. "Wanna go back to jail?" "No, Mistress Annabelle! I'll be good!" May leaned back and backhanded Matthew across the face, her spiked bracelet opening up several vicious cuts on his cheek. "You said that already. Now take your punishments like a man, even though you're a girl now." "Yes, Mistress May." * * * Elliott, who had just finished vaccuming the living room, looked up when he saw Cassie, Annabelle, and May enter the house. His former house. A few wistful memories of the good life he used to have flashed through his mind, but they were quickly suppressed. He was fully broken in now. An obedient slave. Thoughts of escape or going to the cops no longer entered his brain. "Good evening, Mistresses," he said submissively. "Hey, Ellie," said Annabelle. "We brought you a present." May shoved Matthew forward. He was wearing a slutty blue dress with a cumstain on it, and his face was still bleeding. Cassie caught him and kicked him in the back, sending him flying forward to land face first on the carpet. "Ellie, this is Madeline," said Cassie with mock politeness. "Madeline, Ellie." "Uh...hello, Madeline," said Elliott uncertainly, not sure what was going on. "Get up, Madeline," Annabelle ordered. She stomped on his face with her size 10 black boot. With a cry of pain, Matthew struggled to his feet. "You two cocksuckers are going to fight each other for the privilege of who gets to be the second lowest cumslut on the totem pole," announced May. "Now fight!" Elliott, still in his French maid outfit, saw a tiny ray of hope for the first time in weeks and charged Matthew, tackling him to the ground. They began catfighting like wimpy girls, neither of them having any idea how to actually fight like men. May and Annabelle were holding their sides watching them, and Cassie, who was filming with her iPhone, could barely hold it steady because of her laughter. "Jesus Christ, this is pathetic," said Cassie. "Yeah," agreed May. "The skinny, unathletic girl who works with me at the mall could curb-stomp both their asses at once." Although both guys were equally weak, scrawny, and unskilled, Matthew's mind was still in shock. Eventually, through blind trial and error, Elliott managed to trap and twist Matthew's arm and force him to submit. "Very good, Ellie," Annabelle snickered. "You win. You are now allowed to give Madeline orders, as long as they don't contradict ours, and you may beat and physically abuse her as long as you do not do any permanent damage. Be warned that if she fights back and beats you, you will switch places on the totem pole. And of course you are still our slave, and will obey us without question. Is that clear, Ellie?" "Yes, Mistress Annabelle! Thank you!" Elliott breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that he was no longer the lowest cumslut in the world. "Well, what are you waiting for?" asked Cassie. Elliott threw off his French maid's outfit. "Put this on and finish vaccuming the house!" he ordered Matthew. When Matthew hesitated, Elliott made a fist. He looked incrediby weak, non-threatening, and wussy with his small, girly fist, but Matthew was such an even bigger wuss that he was actually scared by it. "Yes, um, uh..." "Elliott. You will call me Elliott, Madeline. These girls have the right to call me Ellie. You do not, cumslut." "Yes, Elliott." Matthew took off his blue dress and began putting on the French maid's outfit. "Very good, Ellie," said May. "Now we'll need something new for you to wear. My skirts are too big for you, but I'm sure one of the others has something. Keep this up and we may even allow you to wear pants someday." "Thank you, Mistress May." * * * Elliott and Matthew stood at attention like obedient soldiers as the girls inspected them. Matthew was still wearing the French maid's outfit, and Elliott wore one of Cassie's miniskirts along with his own undershirt. "Good morning!" Cassie greeted her friends. "Sleep well, girls?" "Oh yes," said Annabelle. "Such a nice house," added May. "Five bedrooms are perfect. Three for us, two for guests, and the basement for our obedient cumsluts." "Time for your first chores of the day," Annabelle instructed the frightened males. "We need someone to make us breakfast, and someone to clean the toilets. Ellie, as the slightly less wussy wanker, you have first pick." "I'll be happy to make you breakfast, Mistresses!" "Excellent." Annabelle smirked as she turned to Matthew. "That means you're going to be cleaning the toilets, Madeline. And you'll be cleaning them with your tongue." "But..." Annabelle performed a blindingly fast front tuck somersault to take herself over to her male victim. She punched Matthew in the eye, turning it black, then rammed her knee into his groin. Matthew fell to the floor, clutching his brutalized family jewels. "I will not tolerate backtalk, you pathetic piece of shit," she snapped. Yanking him up, she threw him against a wall. Matthew wanted to explain that he hadn't intended to talk back, that he was willing to be a good, obedient cumslut, that he had just blurted it out without thinking because cleaning toilets with his tongue had sounded so shocking. But he knew the girls weren't interested in excuses. So he kept his flap shut. Cassie did a pair of cartwheels over to him. She swung her fist at his face, stopping at the last second, laughing as he flinched like a coward. "Annabelle told you to clean all the toilets in the house with your tongue, and that's exactly what you're going to do." May performed a roundoff followed by a back handspring over to them. "Yeah. We'll inspect the toilets and your tongue in an hour. If the toilets are dirty, or your tongue is clean, you know what you're going to get." She made a big fist. "Is that clear, pussy?" "Yes, Mistress May! It's clear! I'll get right on it!" Matthew immediately headed towards the nearest bathroom, still clutching his damaged balls. Annabelle turned to Ellie. "Go to the kitchen and start cooking breakfast." "Yes, Mistress Annabelle." As the weakling males hurried off to their chores, all three girls high-fived one another. They were truly dominant alpha bitches who turned men into their bitches. With Matthew, AKA Madeline, they had put another notch onto their belts. And he wouldn't be the last. THE END...for now