AmaCorp 2: Virago By Little Man Little Mike learns about AmaCorp's infrastructure, laws and way of life for men and their Amazon Masters. Before reading this, may I suggest? These intriguing stories are about world domination by the most industrious, intelligent and gorgeous Amazons in the world. I suggest that you read all AmaCorp stories sequentially. All of the stories are short and easy reading. This is an ongoing saga, so it will be much easier for you to understand the stories that follow. Now enjoy and keep up the loyal Amazon worship. Part 4 The Infrastructure, Laws and Customs We had now been in flight for about 1 1/2 hours. Before starting the meeting, Anita suggested, "You should have a cocktail while we talk." "Why?" I asked. "Do I look like I need it?" "Yes, you've been a nervous wreck ever since Cindy sat down and introduced herself. Have a drink and relax!" "Yeah OK, you're right." I said. "She did have me trembling a bit. I'm not afraid of her size anymore, rather I'm afraid of doing something wrong and having to answer for it. A drink is a great idea. I'll have a...." Cindy interrupted me before I could finish. "Tanqueray Gin and Tonic, with a lime." I said, "Well actually, I was in the mood for......" She interrupted me again. "A Drambuie on the rocks, heavy on the rocks. Right?" "Yes. That's the ticket. But how do all of you know so much about me?" I asked. Anita said, "I'll answer that later. First I want to make sure you're not afraid of Cindy." Then turning to the giant policewoman, Anita said, "Cindy, why don't you take a moment and reassure Mike that you're here for his protection, and not to hurt him." "OK!" Cindy said extending one of her long arms towards me, holding her palm face up. I put my hand in her gigantic one, thinking she wanted to shake hands and make up. "No, No! Sweetheart." She said smiling. "What am I suppose to do?" I asked, quickly removing my hand. "Get on it. Come on." She prodded. "Come on sweetie! I won't hurt you. I want you to feel the security I'll be providing you. You have to trust me!" I looked at Anita. She smiled and gave me a nod of encouragement. All the other women around me were encouraging me to do as Cindy had asked. I succumbed. Reluctantly, I stood up and put my hands on Cindy's enormous fingers to prop myself onto her hand and climbed aboard. Once on it, her fingers engulfed my entire derriere and thighs while her palm, wrist and forearm supported my back. She pulled me closer to her face and placed her huge soft lips on the side of my face smothering it with a very wet, gentle kiss. Then she put her tongue at the edge of her lips and wiggled it against my face. The tingling sensations reverberated throughout my entire body. My penis stood at strict attention. Smiling down at me she said, "You see? I'm just a gentle giant. I won't hurt you. Besides, you haven't been informed of AmaCorp laws and customs yet. I can administer penalties and punishment only after you've become very familiar with and break any laws. In the meantime, I'll hold and protect you from any harm. Nothing will be able to hurt you. You're in good hands with Cindy. Protecting you is my assignment for a while so you and I will have to stay very close to each other. You're safe as long as you're near me. Now give me a big hug and kiss you cute little man!" I wrapped my arms around her huge neck propping myself up to her cheek to give her a kiss. I squeezed her neck and head as hard as I could while kissing her face. Squeezing that hard hurt my arms but didn't phase her one bit. She just wrapped her huge hand around my torso, pulling me closer against her face with a gentle hold. Laughing with joy she said, "Aauhhh, now that's a good little boy. Why you're so cute and cuddly that I want to gobble you up right here." I screamed and tried to break free of her hold, "NO, NO! PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!!!" Realizing the poor timing of her comment, Cindy retracted, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I looked at the other women. They were all giggling. I said, "OK, OK. Whew! I wasn't sure." I rested my forehead on her neck, hugged her closer and gave a sigh of relief. "There, there." Cindy said tapping my back. "Feel better now? Something in your pants sure seems very happy." All the other women laughed out loud and I realized my erection was obvious. Embarrassed I said, "Yeah, I'm much happier now. Can I sit in your lap for the rest of the flight?" Cindy and all the other women busted out in laughter. Laughing, Anita said, "He's so adorable, isn't he?!?! But I'm afraid the answer is no. We have to get down to business now. Cindy, Why don't you give Mike a ride then set him down gently." Cindy put both of her massive hands around my torso and held me high above her head. With my body engulfed in her hands she said, "Ready sweetheart? Here we go!" Cindy extended her long leg and easily brought me down to her enormous foot. She situated my body so that I sat on the crown of her foot with my back leaning against her lower shin. Spreading her long thick toes apart, my legs somehow slipped between them. She held me securely in place by gently closing her toes around my legs. Then Cindy proceeded to move her foot and leg up and down slowly. I went high in the air and back down like rollercoaster ride, never moving an inch off her foot. "Weee! Weeeeeee! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!" She yelled as the ride on her foot took me higher and higher. My stomach felt like it was going from my throat to my feet with every thrust and movement of her powerful foot. I extended my hands and arms out to my sides for balance even though I was completely safe and secure on the reclining chair that was her huge foot. After being easily foot ridden for about 15 minutes, Anita told Cindy to stop and set me down. Cindy stopped just when I was starting to get cozy and comfortable on her strong and enormous foot. A disappointed look fell upon my face. Seeing my sadness, Anita said, "Mike, Believe me, you'll have plenty of time for that kind of play later. And remember, the reason you're here is to consult. Business before pleasure." Cindy gently put me on the floor. I felt very secure on her foot and was impressed by the way she maneuvered me to the floor making sure I stood firm before letting go. Sheila then handed me an ice filled glass of Drambuie. I started to drink and relax as Anita was preparing to explain what I was so anxiously awaiting to hear. Anita walked over to a flip chart that had just been brought over and started to speak. AmaCorp is short for Amazon Corporation and was founded 50 years ago. It is actually a country with a Royal Family and Government. The country is called Virago. We only operate under a corporate name and structure to the world outside our country. Virago owns and controls 85% of the corporations worldwide in every industry there is. We also control 70% of the world's nations. Most of the world's organized crime is also under our control. Our goal is complete worldwide domination. Our mission is the total betterment of humanity. Virago citizens are spread out all over the world. Ninety percent of our citizens are women. They are strategically placed in every company, nation, government and controlling interest. We are peaceful nation. However there are occasions when we have to become the aggressors. We never have wars with other nations or factions, although we are prepared to do so at a moment's notice. We also don't acquire Corporations with money. We simply negotiate and lure them in with gentle persuasion or coercion. That is how we gain control. Men easily become weak and helpless puppets in our hands. All it takes is a seductive woman's soft touch or a gentle whisper in his ear. Most men think with the wrong head anyway. They forfeit and surrender all their assets, holdings, stocks, or country's riches and resources to Virago. Once a man has experienced us in any way, sexually or not, they can't resist. We break down their will and desire. So you see, we rarely resort to violence or force to gain control. There is no need because men give in so easily to a beautiful woman. Especially if she is big, tall and strong. They succumb to our mighty, all-powerful control and enjoy it. Virago, or AmaCorp as the world knows it, is invincible. You had asked our Field Agents what AmaCorp makes, and what we needed your services for. AmaCorp makes everything because Virago owns everything. We need your services and knowledge to advance and enhance our technology. We may have other uses for your services, but that will be determined and decided once we're on Virago. I can't tell you anymore about that right now. You will be advised when we get there. Now, let's start with our infrastructure. First I'll explain citizen Status Levels. I'll explain the basics only, because there are too many intricate details. By order of authority, the various Status Levels that every female citizen must earn or inherit are: 1. Royal 2. Executive 3. Junior Executive 4. Premier 5. Elite 6. Associate Every female citizen under the age of 13 is Associate Level only. An Emeritus Status within each Level is for those that are awarded, but not full-fledged in that Level. Think of Emeritus as the rookies or retirees of each Level. Now, let's move on to the various positions. Every position or job function on Virago has a Status Level within it except Royal. That means if someone is Royalty, they cannot be anything lower. The only way someone can be Royal Status is to be a blood relative or get adopted into it. Only The Queen has power to award Royal Status to someone without any blood relations. Every key female position has a minimum Status Level that is required to hold that position. The hierarchy, positions and minimum requirements of Virago is as follows: 1. The Queen -Royal. The Sovereign Ruler. 2. The Princesses -Royal. Heirs to the throne. By default, the oldest one would inherit the Throne should The Queen ever become incapable of performing her duties for reasons beyond her control. Otherwise, The Queen selects her successor. 3. Attorneys -Executive. Counsel and Public Relations for Virago. 4. Scientists -Executive. Research and Development, Design and Engineering. 5. Doctors -Executive. The Medical Staff. 6. Public Safety Officers -Associate (Minimum age requirement is 15). These women serve as Virago's Police and Military. 7. Escorts -Elite. Accompany and/or Monitor men during off-site projects. 8. Clairvoyants -Junior Executive. Mind readers with consistent 100% accuracy. 9. Bodyguards/Transporters - Premier. Drivers, Pilots, Protection. 10. Field Agents -Premier. Lure, coax men to AmaCorp. Have the ability to give men heart attacks and nervous breakdown by giving them sex or teasing. They are that good. These women close most acquisition deals for AmaCorp or Virago. 11. Trackers -Premier. Permanently assigned to monitor men at off-site companies owned by AmaCorp. They typically hold Management or key positions there. 12. Hunters -Associate. Hunt down and eliminate men that have escaped, disobeyed or broken laws. Now I'll speak about our male citizens. The male citizens are placed in various categories based on their values, health, contribution, performance, abilities, attitude and the overall value they add to Virago or AmaCorp. The history of the way he treated women in the past and present is a huge factor in determining his category. Their potential or candidacy for a category is determined by a simple 5-Star rating system. The more points he earns after investigation the more stars he earns. There are possible 10,000 points that can be earned. All 10,000 points are required for a 5-Star rating. Regardless of points or stars earned, The Queen makes the final determination of which category a man will be placed in. Male categories and the rating required for each are: 1. Producer -5 Stars. The highest category a man can be placed in. These men serve Virago exhaustively and in its entirety. They do not perform any slave activities. Producers are extremely rare and held in high regard. Statistics show that only 1 out of every 500 million men is a candidate for this category. Producers are allowed and encouraged to make love with all female citizens at every level over the age of 13. They don't need permission to do so and are the main breeders or studs. 2. Honorary Slave -3 Stars. These men have limited but good qualities that are useful to AmaCorp. They serve the Royal and Executive levels as slaves. They may only make love to female citizens at Premier, Elite, and Associate Levels with permission from The Queen. 3. Emeritus Slave -2 Stars. These slaves are assigned to females in mid level positions and can make love only to Elite and Associate Levels with The Queen's permission. 4. Slave -1 Star. These men serve female Associates under the age of 13. They cannot make love to anyone without permission. Never to the females they serve. 5. Street Scum -Never earn more than a few hundred points at best. These men exist for amusement purposes only, usually during sports to be tortured. Sometimes they are abused for no reason at all. These men are the lowest form of humanity and have a history of abusing women or children in some way. They are the scum of the earth and totally useless. Obviously, they cannot make love with anyone including each other. The penalty is immediate death. Some men have permanent positions at companies owned by Virago under the AmaCorp name. Serving as figureheads only, they have been pre-assigned into categories and perform their respective service when visiting Virago. They must also perform at their assigned locations for their Trackers and any Viragoes women that visit. Once a man has been placed in a category, it is for life. A minimum 10 years of impeccable service is required to even be considered for a higher category. One mistake made and the 10-year period starts over again. A man may be demoted to a lower category should he repeatedly fail or err in his service. The same 10-year rule applies. Of course, The Queen makes the final decision. Male children under the age of 16 do not qualify for any category. They are schooled in Viragoes laws, customs and culture. The young men learn proper mannerisms and methods of serving our female citizens. Their scholastic achievement determines their future category. They graduate at the age of 16. So far, every graduating class and new generation of male children has consistently earned higher points. We are constantly making progress towards perfecting the male gender to suit our needs. Virago's securing its future goals and mission by educating our male children properly. At this point Anita paused for a 15-minute break. We all got up and went our separate ways. Cindy and Sheila were constantly with me as I made my way about the huge jetliner. They waited while I used the lavatory. It was huge. It had to be if these giants were to use them. We toured the plane for a few more minutes then headed back to our seats and the beverage cart. "May I have another drink?" I asked. "Certainly." Sheila said as she poured. "Please make it a double. I have a feeling I'm going to need it." I joked. As I was sipping my Drambuie, Anita came over and sat next to me. "What do you think so far?" She asked. "I understand what I've heard so far. But I still have a bunch of questions in my mind." "Everything will be answered in due time. You've been very patient up to this point. Hold out a little longer and your questions will be satisfied." She said. "Will you answer a few little questions now?" I asked. "That depends on what they are, but go ahead and ask." I rambled off as many questions as I could. "Does every male candidate get this kind of first class treatment like I am or just the ones to be placed in the higher categories? Am I slated for a Producer category? Please tell me." She just smiled without answering. "Come on Anita, please tell me." Still no answer. Just a beautiful smile as she stood up to resume the meeting. "At least tell me if I should get some rest. Or, Or, maybe take lots of vitamins. Huh? Should I? Is that what I need?" I said jokingly. Busting out in laughter, she turned around smiling at me and said, "Now you know I can't tell you something that I myself don't even know yet. Can I?" Then she winked. Motioning for the other ladies, she resumed the meeting. "Ok, Let's do it people." She started explaining about the laws. Most Virago laws are not unlike the ones you are familiar with. There are some additional laws and rules however and THEY are the most important ones. Now don't let them worry you to the point of not being able to concentrate on your job. Besides, I don't think you'll break any laws now that you and Cindy have an understanding. Right? OK! All males, with the exception of Producers, have no rights. Producers have rights and privileges far above and beyond any other males. Let me elaborate. All female citizens have a license to punish men. Punishment is defined as humiliate, beat up, torture, abuse and kill in public or private areas. There are no restrictions or limits on the amount, method and manner for any punishment. Doesn't matter whether it is carried out on or off Virago soil. It's very simple. If a male disobeys a female, he is subject to punishment. In order to maintain control and prevent unwarranted and widespread punishment, Virago has two simple rules. They are: 1.The lower the female's Status Level and position, the more justification she needs to punish him. 2.The higher the female's Status Level and position, the less justification she needs to punish him. These rules are due to the maturity level and responsibility a female acquires with higher positions and Status Levels. The only exceptions to these rules are: 1. Males in the Street Scum category. Anyone can punish them for no reason at all. 2. Public Safety Officers may punish any man if it's in the line of duty. Even females under the age of 13 can punish but only with permission from The Queen or Public Safety Officers. As I mentioned earlier, Producers have rights and are held in the highest regard. No female, including Royalty, can punish a Producer except The Queen. The only other exception is Public Safety Officers if the situation warrants it. Even then, The Officer's actions are reviewed and investigated. This has not been a problem because Virago has not had a Producer in over 20 years. Females must also abide by the laws. Punishment for them is less severe. They are usually demoted to a lower Status Level or position. This means less power and authority. The demotions can be permanent. Depending on the severity of the crime, a female may be given the opportunity to re-establish or regain her reputation and Status Level. Usually, she must start from the very beginning and work twice as hard for any promotion. Most of the time it is extremely difficult. This form of justice prevents females from committing crimes. The Governing Committee: Virago has a Governing Committee that rules on laws and situations that need arbitration or hearing. The 10-Member Committee consists of a female from every position and Status Level except The Queen and Princesses. They are rotated with a new group every 14 days. The higher the female's Status Level and position, the more often she will serve on the Committee. The incumbent members select a Chairwoman for their group. Their final rulings are by unanimous vote. If they don't reach a decision within 24 hours of hearing all the facts, they are immediately removed and the next group takes over to re-hear the facts. The Committee may overrule The Queen's decision on any matter, although it has never happened in Virago's history. The Queen always makes fair decisions. Should it ever become necessary, The Committee may impeach The Queen if her actions and decisions impede or negatively affect Virago's mission and goals. We had now been in flight for 5 hours. We still had 6 hours to go. Anita suggested I get a few hours rest before our arrival. My brain was tired from all the laws and rules I had just heard, so I agreed. Anita told Cindy and Sheila to show me to the master bedroom. As we were walking away, Anita said to Sheila, "Set up the audio for Mike on Virago channel 1." With Cindy leading the way and Sheila close behind me, the three of us made our way through several tall and wide corridors to the bedroom. When we reached it, Cindy opened the tall huge double doors slowly and told Sheila to wait outside with me. Cindy walked around to inspect the room for a few moments, then motioned for us to come in. The master bedroom was magnificent. The huge room had a 25' by 20' bed with furnishings for different size people. It had a private bath with a huge bathtub and separate shower. Sheila said, "OK Mike, why don't you go in the bathroom and change for bed. Get as comfortable as you want. Cindy and I will wait out here for you." I turned to walk toward the bathroom to see my favorite sleeping shorts twirling on Cindy's gigantic pinky finger. I smiled and grabbed my shorts as I walked by. After changing, I walked out of the bath and climbed directly into the huge bed. Cindy and Sheila pulled the covers to tuck me in. Sheila lay her big powerful body on the bed next to me while Cindy knelt down on the floor beside us. Cindy leaned her giant body over to bring her huge lips down and kiss me on the forehead. Then Sheila kissed me on the cheek while patting me gently on the chest with her strong hands. I asked Sheila, "What about you? What are your statistics?" "Hmmm! Let me see! What can I tell you about myself?" She pondered. "Well, I'm 18 years old, 6'11" tall and weigh 345 pounds. The doctors say that I'll probably grow to between 8 or 9' and 1000 pounds. I've been very strong since I was a young girl. I can crush a bowling ball into a fine powder with one hand and turn a boulder into a bunch of small pebbles with a stomp of my big foot. I can one-arm curl 700 pounds for 20 reps with ease and bend a cast iron bars by just squeezing my thighs together. Hmmm! What else can I tell you?" Sheila paused for a second and continued. "Oh yeah. I once ripped a big Oak Tree from the ground, roots and all with my hands. Then I put it behind my neck and snapped it in 2 pieces by just bringing my arms down on it. I was only 12 years old at the time. My older sisters had made me mad about something. Ahh! What was it?" I stopped her before she could continue. "OK then! That's good enough for me!" "And oh yeah," she said as a thought came to mind. "Captain Terri and 1st Officer Toni are my older sisters. You know?!?!?! The women that are flying this plane." Then both women smiled, kissed me again and stood up. Cindy said, "Sleep tight. If you need anything, just holler. We'll be standing guard right outside the door." As they walked out the door, Cindy dimmed the lights very low and Sheila pressed a series of buttons on the audio panel. A few seconds later, I heard soothing ocean sounds blended with music coming from all around the room. I could also hear Anita's faint voice dubbed over the music. It was the recording of all the information I had just heard about Virago and AmaCorp. The repetitive and suggestive words and soothing music was having a subliminal effect on me. As I lay there in the dim light, I couldn't help but think about the Virago laws and method of life Anita had just explained. I wondered if a place existed. It seemed impossible and too good to be true. Was it a dream? A world without crime!?!?! No assholes hurting people anymore. Men being treated according to the history of how they treated others. Whether it was good or bad treatment, men got what they deserved. A world where women were perfect in mind, body and soul. A culture that seemed perfect. I fell asleep thinking about all of those things and what role I would play in that society. I awoke about 5 hours later feeling amazingly rejuvenated. Hearing me walk about, Cindy and Sheila opened the door and said in unison, "Hi there sleeping beauty. Hope it was good for you." "Great," I replied, "it was incredibly refreshing." "Good." Sheila said. "Why don't you wash up and get dressed. We have less than an hour before we land." I went into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. To my surprise, I saw all of my toiletries on the counter. I brushed my teeth, dressed and walked out. Cindy and Sheila escorted me back to the lounge area in the same closely guarded fashion as before. We made it to the lounge as Captain Terri announced that there were only 20 minutes left until landing. I walked over and sat next to Anita securing my seatbelt. Cindy and Sheila sat in the huge seats across from us. I could see the other Escorts seated on the other side of the aircraft. My heart started beating faster as we got closer to Virago. I had an idea of what was in store for me there, yet, I wasn't sure of anything. Anita noticed my anxiety and said, "Mike, why don't you go sit in Cindy's lap until we land. Go ahead, hurry!" When I looked at Cindy, she had her long arms and big hands extended out in front of her. Her hands were motioning as if to say `come here'. I unbuckled my seatbelt and walked over to her. Climbing onto her lap, I turned and leaned backwards against her body. She hugged me close to her huge torso and chest with one of her massive palms and wrapped her long fingers around my chest. She lay her other hand on my legs. I started feeling more comfortable. Once relaxed, I asked Anita how they knew so much about me, what and when I ate, drank and so forth. Anita replied, "We know from all the expense reports you submitted. Also, all the reports on your trips and seminars. Many of the clients you entertained were AmaCorp employees. They informed us how you preferred your coffee and what kind of cocktails you always ordered. Think back on all the hotels, airplanes, restaurants, cocktail lounges and rental car companies you've used in the past 20 years. We have employees at over 80% of those companies. We have informants in the entire world and every company, remember?" "You've been tracking me for that long?" I asked in disbelief. "Just about, 18 and a half years to be exact." Anita answered. "AmaCorp certainly is everywhere, aren't they?" I commented, shaking my head in astonishment. I became silent and stared out the window. The bright sun was still shining on the Island that would be my new home. No one had officially told me so, but I just knew. I was hoping that I was the new Producer the females of Virago had been waiting for. At the very least, I wanted to be an Honorary Salve. As the plane descended, I saw a tropical paradise with lush greenery and white sand beaches. The ocean water was so clear that I could see schools of fish swimming about freely. It was magnificent! I wanted to reach out and touch it. And touch it I would, for the rest of my life. End Part 4 Stay tuned for the next AmaCorp story coming soon. The fun has only just begun!