Female baddies win director cut part 4-Goldeneye By lilguy theexpert31@hotmail.com Xenia onatopp fights James Bond Xenia Onatopp was on top of James bond squeezing him for information. She was a deadly assain who would kill men with her fabulous legs. She had lured James bond into the Sauna with promise of loving. His ribs were about to snap. Ounce he was gone her boss could finish the plan for the golden eye. "Prepare to Die mr Bond" She grind Suddenly James picked her up and put her on the hot coals. She screamed in pain as James kicked her. James pulled out a gun "No more foreplay" He said Dammit. She was tricked and now the gun was on her. She had to think fast. "You wouldn’t hit a woman would you" She said "No of course not. I am gentleman. But I will shoot her if it come down to it" He quipped. The gun was a silencer. She saw a pot use to heat the coal. She slammed her foot on the handle and it flipped in the air. She went for it. James fired. She caught the pot in the air and use it to block the bullet. She grabbed his balls and gave it a twist. She dugged her nails into it and punch. James screamed in pain as he dropped the gun. She lifted him up by the balls and slammed him into the wall "You amrerican arent much with out your guns is it. Is this the greats James bond screaming in pain. She slammed a knee into a his balls and grind it. He yelled in pain. Xenia smiled. His pain was getting her wet. Maybe she would have some fun with him. James shopped down in on her shoulder and pushed her back. He dropped the towel and went to dive for the gun but Xenia grabbed his by his penis and flipped him over. She kicked the gun and twisted his cock. He tried to pushed her off but her gripped was tight. She bit down hard on his balls for good measure. She laughed as he was being dragged by the very weapon he use to seduce female spys with. Xenia stomped down on his balls and grinded into it. It made a hedious snapped. James screamed in pain as she raise it again beating his balls into a nasty jelly. She slammed a bare foot on the neck. Not hard enough to kill him but hard enough to slow him down. She followed it by kicks to the ribs and face. A smile of intense sadistic pleasure showed on her face as she trampled the spy bloody. She grabbed the gun and empy the chamer. She wanted to have some fun. She held a foot at his neck. "Move and I twist it. I can kill you that easy. The foot right above the atoms apple" She said James bond was still She slammed her foot on his balls repetedly "Jerk off for me Mr bond" She said "No" She stomped on his balls 10 times in the row. James was in tears "Do it!!!" He started jerking off. She smiled laughing. A cigaret rolled in her finger and she started to watch the show "Wow it still hard...guess you like being dominated by me" Xenia laughed The foot was still on his neck "You...pay for this" She raise her other foot again. James shook a bit. Then she place safely down as he saw his fear "Do not push me mr Bond. Hurry up. You have 2 minuts or I kill you. Cum" She said rubbing his foot on his balls He came with in 1 minut shooting cum on her foot. She place the foot near his mouth "Lick mr Bond" She said He knew he had no choice but to lick his cum off her foot. She moan playing with her clit as she please her toes. Xenia came and licked her fingers clean of her own juices. "Get up weakling" She said He got up "Come at me" Xenia said James swung at her but he was bruise. She dodge it and slammed a knee into his stomach and then his balls. He elbow slammed on his back and she followed it with a kick. James was falling back. She did a flying kick to the face knocking him out. "Get up" She said slapping him awake She was on top of him with a force of punches to the face. One after another rain down on his face making him to a bloody pulp. "Well Well so this the great mr Bond" She laughed She put him in a scicors hold. He tried to get out but her legs squeeze around him. She yawn as he treid to struggle. She had him like a vice. She twisted her legs and it was a big snapped cracking his ribs. She was on top of and grabbed his arm. She held it down and added pressure with her legs. It snapped. She did the same to the other arm. Snap!! She took his legs and snapped it with her bare hand. James laid their usless. She smiled and straddle him. She took him inside her and started riding her. She felt his hard rock. She could say one thing...he had the best tool she ever saw. The cock filled her pussy as she rode him like her own personal dildo. She came with multiple eruptions. His cock shot inside her emptying again and again. He legs close around his spine crippling any movment in most of his body. She made sure his cock could still feel and he had movement in his mouth. She got up dripping with sweat. "Well your worthless as a I Spy but you could be a good slave. I will sale you out to all the female spies you left alone. You will be there own little fuck toy mr Bond" She said She grabbed him and dragged him out The End