Patty Popeye muscle test By lilguy A man does Test on Patty only it to be revealed it was for perverted goals This was a commission I did. Check out more and how to get It here CHAPTER 1 - Tomas was walking down the street toward Patty Popeye Dorm room. Tomas was about 6.2 and 224 pounds, stocky but not fat. His hair was short. Her was wearing a short sleeve shirt with a name of a local band on it. He always like spinnachivlle. It was small town with a lot of fun to her had there. He looked at a local gym. It was a man shape hole. Patty Popeye had punch Bruno Bluto right through the wall and then some said to the moon. It was after Bluto cause some trouble and tried to force herself on her. Patty of course wasn't having it. He had his laptop in his book bag. He was going to help her with an IT project. She looked up at the moon. "Hi up there Bruno" He smirked to himself He had plan this for a while. He plans were coming together. It was all going to be set up. Hopefully it would go to plan. He did have some back out plan. He didn't consider himself a Machiavellian genius, but he did plan He had done IT worked for her before. He was recommended by DR Egg head who thought he was above help people with the phone and Instagram accounts. Tomas always liked to help her. She was quite beautiful, young smart, with long flowing blond hair. She was a cover girl, tall and athletic. A born fighter and smart enough to get Doctor egg Head attention. The wild old man was picky in who he allowed to work with her. Being pretty didn't hurt though. When she worked with Patty, he made it clear he wouldn't just do the work for her no matter how hot she was. He didn't say the hot part out loud. He was must to shy. Patty was cooler, tougher, and smart any many ways. He never thought she go for a man like him. Patty of course knew about his affection toward her. She would tease him a bit, but she found it cute his fawning, his staring. It was done in a non-creepy way. . He went into the lab by the dorm "You here early" Tomas Said Patty was working out doing some pull up. She was wearing a shirt pink shirt showing her flat stomach that he could bounce a quarter out of. He had seen her in spinach form it was amazing "Hi" She Said swinging around the pole She leaped off and landed on her feet. She waved her hands through her dark blond hair. Her jeans were nice and tight showing off her long legs. She had some sneakers. She was walking toward him "You ready" She Said She had a redness to her cheeks. She was young and vibrant. They walked over the table they were working on. There was some computer hooked to some planets "So, what the project" "Basically, I am studying plant growth around the state, to monitor which areas have the best soil and study the rain flow of and growth of each plants. Basically, want to be able to log it in a data base, and do an algorithm to study which is the best tactics. When the water and best sun going to come. IT still some glitches" "Pretty smart "Aint all good looks you know" Patty Said "You don't mind that I had you bring in your gym equipment" He Said "Don't worry ... needed the work out. We both do" she Said and poke his stomach "Get that little Doey body some muscle" "Have you known I am built like a god" He Joked "Sure, you are cuter. Ok show me your little nerdy skill" He Said He blushed a bit. He cracked his knuckles and got to worked. They went over the number he found some of the area. He went into his book bag and pulled out a lunch box. "You want some" He Said Patty had her feet up on the table. The feet were nice manicured. Some of the sweat was dripping down. She went to get a sandwich "Not that one ... It has spinach wouldn't want your Superpowers kicks in" He Said He made a quite signs with her his finger "Oh ... you don't believe it. Many people have seen it. People saw me lift a truck before and tossed it at people" "you can LIFT a truck" He Said "Yup with my Bare hands. Tossed it like a baseball. What you don't think spinach can cause you to get that strong with my family I can" She Said "Oh, think someone can lift spinach.your mother ... .not you" "Oh " She Said raising and eyebrow "Yu don't think I am strong enough HOT SHOT" "Well I know a lot of muscle women. Lot of them. Spinach from what I call even with your family pushed the potential. But it can only push it so far. Your more ... .CUTE then strong" He Said He was trying to hold back a smile. He wanted this. He wanted to push her to show off "So, you know a lot strong women Hun. You ever see pictures of them" Patty Said with a smile "Maybe" He Said a bit on a spot He crosses his legs. He was hiding an erection as he looked at her for arms. Forearms he had seen before blowing up to huge heights "What KIND of pictures" "You know regular pictures. Women you know lifting and competitions" "In BINKINS" She Asked with a smirked "Hey there wear all kinds. The human body is beautiful" "The Human body is beautiful" She said playfully mocking him "Don't get Jealous. Just because people may say Kari little prettier" "Me Jealous" Patty Said "I am not a Jealous kind of girl" "Don't worry Kari much prettier" He Joked "HEY" She Said giving him a playful punch to arm "Jerk" He rubbed his arm it stung a bit "Seriously thought ... Truck not sure you can even LIFT me" Tomas Said Patty Sat by him. She touches his hand and got close. It sent sparks on it. She grabbed his sandwich bending down. His hair cross by his face and nose. He got a nice smell of her hair. Her shampoo gave her hair a bounce and it was honey scented mixed with some flowers. It was her little special blend. She would sometime sale sometimes "You want to bet" She Said "Ok ... You can lift me ... you get a free pizza" His hand was getting sweaty. He was very excited. His hearts were pumping. He was still a little nervous. He tried not to touch her out of fear of showing off her sweaty palms "Ok let's try this" She Said She stepped back and took a bite. He saw the transformation before his eyes. She flexed her arms growing a bit. The biceps were inflating showing thick and beautiful mighty muscles. Her tattoos on her arms change into fireworks. It was exploding all over the place. She seems taller showing thick and mighty legs. The thick thighs ripped through the pants tearing it to shred. Her thighs were thick, about 60 inches. IT spread nice and wide. Her chest was expanding ripping the shirt. They soon were like two beach balls "My God" Tomas Said She looked at his pants and smiled. She flexed her arms moving them like two planets coming together. Her shoulder got broad ripping apart her shirt "Look like I am not the only one GROWING" She Said "Just a side effect of my headache medicine" He Said She grabbed her shirt and started to rip her clothes. Her breast was growing as her tits slapped together. Her sweaty was flying off. Her nipples were rocked hard and pushed out. The nipples were thick and nice and Juicy. Her shirt was into pieces. Her areolas were nice and big showing lines off her breast. They were firm "Do you like my Arms or TITS first" She said Her forearms were nice and wide. They were 40 inches. She looked amazing with six packs abs "I see BIGGER" He Said "Ohhhh REALLY" She flexed her bicep. There were bigger than his head. She ran her tongue up and down her bicep making hit bounce. His cock twitches "After All heart SHANON MUSCLE WERE A SIZE about 5 feet" He Said "I mean it NCIE......cute and all but can those muscle do anything She is getting cranky. She snapped her fingers "Now don't get emotional and girly because I said that" He teased She walked over to him. He can see his reflection practically in her glistening her abs. The flowed down her 8 packs abs getting lose in the groove of them. "Come here little man" She Said "You are telling me you seen girls as big as me" Her tits were bouncing up and down as she made her pecs flexed. The bounces up and down at their own beat. "Well I got a GUINESS book one time. The WORLD records" "They haven't come to spinach Ville let ... .they didn't believe us when we said someone BENCHPRESS mountain. They didn't show up because ... ." "it was WILDY ... WILDY unbelievable. Just like lifting me. Good for the find people at Guinness" "Will SEE little man" She grabbed him by his sleeve and lifted him up with one hand. She held him there like a small child. She flexed his arms. He gasps at her amazing power. She flexed her other arms. She waved her beautiful hair back and forth feeling her power. She was absolutely stacked with wall to wall to wall muscle "Ok I admit impressive ... But not by much" He Said "Oh, Think the blood from your brain rushing to other places" He Said He wiggled out the clothes trying to part her hand. She smiled as his hand did nothing to part her fingers. She had his hands on his shirt "Are you trying to escape" She Said "Ohhh I can" He Said He slipped out of his shirt dropping own. But she caught him by his neck gently. She held him on the back of the neck carrying him around like a puppy "Bad Doggy" She Said She ripped off his belt. Her pants were ripped but she still had stretching panties. He tried to wiggle out struggled. He was getting excited at her having her hands near him. She walked toward the mirror show he could see her glistening body "Now what do we have here" She Said She pulled down his pants with one hand and tossed him in the air. She caught him in her arms. "Got tired of holding me with one hand" She Said She grabbed his underwear and ripped it off. His cock was dripping pre cum. She held him rocking him. "Just need both hands to take this off" She said He felt lighter than air. It was a great sensation. She grabbed him by his hair. He looked like a little skinny doll compared to her. "Ok you LIFT me but I only 225 pounds" "Seem like you're moving the goal post honey" She Said She had a nice warm voice even when she was cranky. It had a nice country girl vibe with a slight bit of southern swing. But it was mixed. Part of spending some time as a navy brat with her mother "Just want to see what the great POPYE girl have to offer. Mayne I should get Catherine instead" She Said "Find" Patty Said She draped Tom over her shoulder and walked down to the bench-pressed set. There were 500 pounds. He felt his cock against her tits as she carried him "500 pounds aren't that big" Tomas Said She grabbed the bara on the bench press machine and with one hand she lifted the machine doing curls. Tomas eyes widen in amazement "Well that what 725 pounds for sure. Plus, the weight set let's say 950" "Don't know about that we really don't have a measurement. Could be made of plastic. Not steal" "Well I feel something made of STEAL" She Said She felt his rock-hard cock against her breast. She continued to do some curls lifting it. The sweat dripped down her biceps "You appeared to spring a leak" "Hope it not distracting" He Said "Maybe a little, you are dripping you cum on me" "Well You're the run her ripped my clothes off" Tomas protested "Didn't have to do that" "Well what can I say spinach makes me a little craze. PLUS ... you seen me Naked only Fair I seen you. Let me guess you want me to REMOVE the distraction" "Maybe" She laughed and put him down "Trying to tease me Hu to get distracted that you can't lift" Her back was turn to him. It was thick and sweaty. He ass cheeks were big and massive. He was ready to cum "You're not just looking at it for an excuse to Jerk off to me are you" Patty Said "I me ... NEVER" He Said acting shocked "Have I ever made a past at you. You're not the QUEEN of the world you know young lady. That pompous to think I would ogle at someone I am tutoring. I have a right mind to leave" "Find Find don't do that ... sorry" She said "After all I am more interested in say Kari ... I like strong Athletic women" She narrowed her bra and clench her teeth "All right buddy your about to get a spanking" She Said He ran hiding over the table. He hid his erection. The table was nailed down and made of the strongest metal. She lifted it up with one hand ripping it from it hinges. Tomas looked at the might shot. He moaned. He had a note pad in front of her cock. The window shine moon light in over her hitting her muscles at the right side. It was like two moons rising over a sand dune. He looked at it and came on sight. A hot sticky load shot out. It was a long extreme satisfying ejaculation "You want to see me Lift" She Said "Sure ... .sure" He Said She grabbed the metal floor. She dug her nails ripping it apart with her bare hands. The carpet was bending as she bent the metal back like a rug rolling it up. She rolled him up in the metal and stood over him. Her pussy was dripping wet with a thick clit. It dripped down hitting his face. The smell of it got his cock hard, and cause him to cum "What should I lift now" she Said She walked over to the two-weight set. There was a bench press one and leg press one. The leg pressed one she added 1500 pounds. The bench presses one "Hmmmmmm Let see ... THE BENCHPRESS or the LEG PRESS? Tomas was thinking trying to wrap his head around this muscle queen. Her plan was going to to work. It was all coming together "I don't know let me thi ... "Why choose one" She said She grabbed the legs of each weight machine and started curling them. Her massive muscle pumped and pulsated with amazing power "My God" He whispered to himself "That Amazing: She was pumping the muscle hard. Her breast slapping together with each pull of the muscles "What was that" She Said "That Ok I guess" "You guess this more than any man can lift" She Said "Hmmmm Lifting more than a man impressive? Hmmmm odd you didn't say more than any woman ... not very progressive. I expected more from a college student" ":Uggg when have you seen anything like this" "Well I seen pictures that take place in the 40's of people pulling a truck. One man on Juice cleanse pulled a truck with his teeth." "Find I will lift a truck" She Said "But where to find one" "I just so happen to know one that parked outside. My friends let me drive it sometimes. It used to deliver food to the cafeteria" In actuality he set the Truck up. He set most of the stuff up that was going to happen tonight. He had plan it for months. It took a lot of time and pretty penny. She walked toward him and stood over him. She was glistening and sculpted muscle. It was like she was cut from marble. He was hard again just looking at her. "All Right Let's Go" She Said Chapter 2- She walked outside not caring of the nakedness. She had him draped over her shoulder carrying him like a doll. There was a big mac truck which was red. Want to those big rigs. He has special stuff in it "Watch and learn" She Said She put him down. He heard rumors but he couldn't believe it was about to happen. She got in front of it. He had a remoted hidden in the bushes that activate hidden camera. He took pictures. She took the front and gritted her teeth a bit. She started lifting it up with two hands. She lifted it off in front wheels "Pretty nice" Tomas Said stroking his chin "But it said a mother who child in danger can ... " She stopped him and made a shhh motion with her finger. She held it up with one hand and slowly walked under it. She didn't want the truck to fall apart so she had to balance it. She was under the center of it and grabbed it with both hands. To his amazement she was lifting the truck up over her head. He looked at it and couldn't help but touch herself. She looked like a female atlas. It only took a few stroked to get him to cum again. He quick wiped the cum on the floor and tried to get his composes "So is this impressive" She said She was pumping it up and down. Her biceps were flexing as her biceps were pumping in and out with great power. She then switches to one hand lifting it up. She was carrying it like a pizza "yes ... that pretty impressive ... .But still with-it normal realm. Saw someone actually PULL a truck" She said "Spinach still doesn't match SCIENTIFIC power. The Full power of a mack truck" "Oh, now I have to beat a machine now" She said a bit angry "Well there are stories of you smashing robots. Unless those lies" "I did I fight a Robot once. Dr Brain dead sent a giant Robots through city. It was on the NEWS for crying out loud" "Meh it may have been one of those DEEP fake. Sure, you can do a lot with photo shop" She Said "Get in truck" She said with gritted Teeth "Find" He Said walking to the truck and tried not to skip "Just don't get hurt" He went to the back and open it. He grabbed some chains. He was had trouble carrying it. She grabbed it and wrapped it around her arms "What are these for: She said getting suspicious "Why do you have chains" Tomas got a bit nervous. Patty was some of the smarter Popeye girls also one of the one willing to kick some ass more than the others "Ummm keep the fragile materials together from rolling around when you're driving" He Said "Makes sense. My mother was a trucker for a bit" She Said "We used mostly ropes" "Well ever trucker different, I guess. Wouldn't know. It's my friend who owns this" He ran to the front seat and got it. He had the key hidden. Patty grabbed the chain and wrapped it around the bumper. She gritted her teeth and wrapped the chains around her fist. He put it in gear on neutral. She pulled on it is flexing her arms. The muscles were rolling around his arms as she flexed. She pulled on it is moving the truck. The wheels were in motion. He got a nice view of her ass. Tomas had some lube in the glove compartment and touch himself. He looked at her ass her ass cheeks clench as she was pulling it down the streets "Ready for some gas" She Said "Sure" She said turning her head He took his hands off his cock quick enough for her not to see and put her arms behind is back. He then put it in reverse. She stopped it. He gave it some gas. The car was kicking up dust as she kept it from moving "Come on is that all you got" She Said He saw her back muscle; it was map of all the years of working out and the power of spinach. It was lines of muscle definition. He pushed the pedal to full speed. The truck was going into reverse at a 150 miles per hours "So much for MACHINE power" She Said She said pulling it down. He smiled and ran her finger over a button. It was Nitro. He hit it and the nitro boost CUT on. She felt the car pulling. She moved and inch and smiled and pulled on it. The tuck wasn't moving "Ohhhh Fuck" He Said The sight of it made him cum. He lost composer and accidently hit it into drive. The Truck slammed into her back. But it didn't move. The front of the car bent, bending metal as she stopped the car from moving. The car flipped over in and was in it front. He nearly crashed. He grabbed the truck to make sure it wouldn't crashed digging her nails into the front bumper. She lifted it up. He slammed into the wind shield. He saw her face and her big blue eyes as she was lifting up the truck "Could have crashed in that library in front of us...and hurt someone" She said "Be careful" "What about you. Could have hurt you" "Oh, you could never hurt me" She Said She put the truck down and saw the front of the truck smoking. He cut the truck out. He staggered out. "Well thanks for acknowledge me being a gentleman in never trying to hurt a woman" "Well didn't say you wouldn't hurt me because You would try. Not sure you would. I am saying I don't think you could ever actually hurt me" She was checking his head to make sure it didn't crack against the glass "NEVER hurt you HU" He Said "Not An insult just fact" He grabbed her arm to trying to flip him over. She grabbed his wrist and continue d to try to flip her over. She laughed "Come on this is Silly" She Said She lifted him up off the ground as she he hung from his wrist. She shook him around "you're no match for me" "Oh, yea put some money on it. If I win ... you give me say 20 bucks. If I win you get free IT WORK for a week" "No don't want to hurt you" "Shame" He Said dropping down "those the Popeyes were BRAVE and never back down from a fight" "Well I don't fight for no reason" She Said defensive "Get it ... get it you don't want to get hurt" "Get hurt from you ... COME on" "Sorry Can't hear you ... I don't speak CHICKEN!!" "NOW SEE HERE MR! You could try 20 times And I will PIN you EACH AND EVERY TIME. Now don't pushed me. You been on my back" "And you will be on YOUR back if you ever challenge me" "Oh, you're a fighter" He brushed some imaginary diary off his shoulder with his fist "I took a few self-defense classes at a mall. That more than enough to BEAT a girl" "You saw you me LIFT A TRUCK!!!" "There more to fighting this bicep. I have you beat with the greatest muscle ... .the BRAIN. My skill as a fighter were surpasses you" "Ok let me it 300 dollars ... and you give me 4 months of free IT" That was a bet. 4 mounts of IT were payment well enough to wrestle with the great Shannon Popeye. Plus, he got to be near her during the IT time "First I want that Pizza" She Said "Here I order pepperoni ... no spinach make it easier" "No ... NO order it ... want no excuses" CHAPTER 3- They order the Pizza, spinach and Broccoli. He ate the pizza, but it didn't seem to have any effect on him. She was eating it feeling strong. They both had some tight leotards on and went to the Gym. Shannon had to be unclothed due to not having anything that fit. He had made sure none of the clothes in the gym fit "So, when do we start" She said eating a slice "NOW!!" He Said He leaped on her back. She was still eating the pizza as he had in in a headlock. She took a sip off her soda "OK!!" She fails back and held him down. She crosses her legs and took a slice. Her weight was on him "Grrrrr" he Said "Caught me by surprise" She counted to three. She lifted herself and stood over her "You read for Round two ... because it going to be rough for all the junk you were talking" "Luck Shot" He Said She grabbed his hand. He went to punch her as she was helping her up. A move that was rather ineffective. It wouldn't hurt at all, but he knew it would tick her off using just a cheap move like that. He like her a little ticked off. It was kind of sexy. It was like pulling on a girl with pig tails that you like when you were a kid. Accept this girl would punch you into the moon. Even then he was surprise how little it did. She didn't even budge. He wasn't exactly a prize fighter, but he wasn't small. He put all his pound into that punch, and it did nothing "Wow ... really" She Said "Your toast" He backed up and got ready. He took some nice distance away and was getting ready to crash into her. He was a pretty big, but he didn't seem to budge by his attack. He ran into her. She stood still as he fails back "You didn't hurt yourself did you little man" She Said Patty stood over him like a huge state. A droplet of sweat was dripping off her hard nipples. She was glistening off her big breast. Her abs were thick and glisten with power. Her muscles were absolutely magnificent "Mind helping me up. After all you wouldn't want to be not sporting" Tomas Said He put on her hand. He put out his hand have it a grab. Her hand dwarfs his size. As she is helping him up. He grabbed her big breast and squeezed trying to bring her down "Wow you dirty cheater" She Said "All fair in love and war" He granted trying to pull on her He got under her and tried to lift her up. He was trying to put her arm under her crotch to try to lift it up. His finger slipped in. She blushed "Oops" He Said "What you little worm" She said She grabbed him by the back of his neck and lifted him up. She was lifting him up as if she was holding a dog. She shook her finger at him with her other finger. She looked at him with her deep blue eyes "Your naughty little boy" She said She draped him over her shoulder and spun him around. His worlds were spinning around and around. She slammed him down on the mat and slammed her crotch down on his face. Her pussy was dripping against his face. It was soaking his face with her pussy. The pussy juice dripped into his mouth "You want" She Said "You can have it" Tomas felt her heavy weight. The scent was going through his nostril. It was a strong intoxicating since. He tried to get his elbows up wanting it to last. His cock sprang to life despite cumming early. It was something about her scent that pushed his body to the limit "Stay down" She Said She held his arm down. It was like his wrist was chain down. He was helpless to pushed against him. He could do nothing to fight this big titted tighten. He views was blocked by a waved of pinkness as she absolutely soaked. He was about to cum just by meeting her. He squeezed her legs around her. He was about to cum. He was trying to keep her attention "You can't hold me for me long you wimp" He said "Wimp hu" She Said lifting her pussy over her his face She had a droplet of pussy Juice dripping down her pussy lips. She waved it over his face and let the droplets of pussy Juice dripped down on his face. It glistens. He saw the clit pushing against the clitoral hood. A nice thick Juicy clit. It slammed back down on him. Her back was turn. He let loose. His cock shooting out an intense ejaculation. She counted to 3 as the cum was still shooting out of it. She hit the 3 making the second pin. She watches him shake "You ok your heart beating so fast, can hear it from here" She Said His heart was beating out of his chest pushing through it in a cartoon manner He grabbed moaning his eyes had big heart in them. She looked up at him seeing her power. She grabbed him and check his heart. The organism had been intense. There was a spot of cum on the floor "GOT you" he Said He got behind her. He pushed her foot against the puddle of cum to try to spread it and cover it. She had him in a headlock. He was trying to apply a sleeper hold. She stood up quick with him still on there "You mind if I get a drink" She Said He was holding onto her, but he necks as strong as steal. He felt his cock against her strong and thick arms. His cock was sliding against his big muscle bound back. His cock was pushing up and down against it. He went to refrigerator. It was a small one in the Gym. He took out some orange Juice and took a bit sipped "Ahhhhh That hit the spot" He Said He was banging on her and punching her head. She stood there like he wasn't doing anything. She put the drink down and parted his arms. She picked him up and swung him around. He was lifted over her head. It was like he was standing on a skyscraper. He put his finger under his chest and started to hold him up. She slammed him down on the ground and slammed her ass down on his face. He faces was being flatten. He knew he could crush his skull. But she held back. She may have been a goddess. His head was lost into his ass. He smelled her ass and nearly fainted in lust. His arms went limp "Oooooooo Are you smelling my ass GROSS" He Said She saw his cock. He was hard. His pre cum was dripping from his cock. He was struggling "Opps you can't breathe" She Said She moved her ass a bit, so his nose was between his ass cheeks. He gasps for air. "Wow you're really getting turn on by this aren't you" She Said "No ... never you're my student kind off" Tomas Protested "I don't know that cock really thick and veiny. Look at the way it twitches when I twerk my ass on you. Look at it the head all PURPLE" "It from Blood rushing to it ... can't breathe" "Hmmmmmmm maybe I should see how my sweaty ass really make you feel. Knew people LOVE my muscle. But my ASS didn't know ... .wasn't known for my Butt" She pushed the heel of sweaty foot against his cock. He moaned as she continued sit on his face. He squeezed her ass pretending her was trying to push her off. But he knew it be no point. He just wanted to feel it. He gave it a slap "HEY!!" She Said He slapped it again "Cut that out" She Said lifting her ass up and let it come down on him again She pushed her foot against his cock playing with it. His cock slide against her heel as the muscle goddess continued to hold him down. She stepped on his cock nice and gently adding pressure "You even like my sweaty feet" She Said She put his cock between her feet and started moving it up and down. He moaned. She giggled as she did it "Served you right for feeling up my ass" she said She had his nose back deep into her ass making it hard to breath. He moaned gripping the floor. She is lifting her up to let him get some air. Then she went back down. She played like this for a few minutes "Don't you cum" She moved her foot faster and faster. The she moved down letting her long legs wrapped around his shaft, fucking him with her thick thighs. His cock was trapped between her muscle thighs as she took her ass off his face. She held him down "Can't hold it" He Said He started to cum shooting his cum against her thick thighs. Cream filled down her thighs and it soaked "Look at the MESS you made" She Said She held him down for a pin and got up. She went and got rag and put her leg up on the table showing her long legs. She took the wet nap and wipe herself Chapter 4 "And I thought the DOC was a pervert" She Said He got up and secretly grabbed a steal chair "What you are doing with that" She Said "Where WRESTLING ... surely you seen a CHAIR shot before" He clangs the chair against her. She didn't budge. Her bis body started to shake and eyes rattled back and forth in his eye socket "Yea MOM and Shannon use to watch all the time. NEVER got into it. Bit unrealistic and set a bad influence" She grabbed him and held him upside "See the PILE drive. MOST people won't get up from it ... NO MATTER how much you hear it from the fans" Patty Said "If I would drop you from this HEIGHT" She grabbed him and put him and sleeper hold. She held him as her feet dangle. She squeezed her strong biceps "See If you're not careful with his ... one could do PLENTY OF BRAIN damage" "And punching someone to the MOON is safe" "Hey those were DESPERTE TIME buddy. Kidnap me and try to force me to marry you like the BLUTOS do ... you are getting a one-way ticket to the moon Buddy" He was rubbing his cock with his legs, tucking him in. He was close to seeing starts. He was held onto her a tapped out. He gasped "That FOUR for me" She Said "SUBMISISON DON'T COUNT ... WE SAID PINS! You should pay more attention to instruction maybe you would get better grades" "What I am STRAIGHT A student" "But not A+" Tomas Said "All right MR ... .you really Asked for it" "But will I GET IT ... I only soften you up. GAVE YOU false sense of confidence" She gave him a big boot to the chest and knocked him back a bit. She frogs splashed tit first and went for a pin ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 "NOW it four" He Said He circled her and tried to grab a thigh. He wrapped his arm and legs around it like a dog "OOOOOOOO ARE you trying to HUMP MY LEG" She Said "No, I UMMM trying to flip you over" She Said She picked him up and tossed him high in the air. He was floating like he weights nothing. She caught him and did it against "uppise daisy" She Said She caught him and 3td time and slammed him on the mat. His thoughts were still together, and he came into his leg. She went for another pin. She got it off against. He was dazed. Knees were shaking. He had cum so much "need DRINK?" She Asked He walked over the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle or orange Juice. He drank it down to the bottle then he tossed it to her. She caught it "HAHAH FAIL FOR THE DISTRACTION" He Said He leaped at him and did a flying kicked. She caught him and slammed him down on the mat...1...2...3 again. This time he tried to punch her tit as she was helping him. She used her pec muscles to trap him hand between her tits. She lifted him like this with his arm hanging out. She slammed him down and went for another pin "That Seven" She Said He got up and locked hand. She easily took him down. Her face was trapped between her tits again and she went for another pin "SILLY LITTLE MAN you have to CHANCE" She stood over him and put a foot on his chest. She flexed her arms. He muscles went to the ceiling as she flexed "my gawd" Her back as turn as he came again. She counted to three. "Silly man your NO MATCH for a MUSCLE GODDESS" She got on her knees and slammed her tits down his chest. It was like a heavy bag. She didn't break anything, but she made it clear she could "These muscles going to be with me ALL DAY AND NIGHT little man" She Said She pits him with such her tits "Well these things are BIG ... let me try something a little smaller" She let him get up. The circled each other. She tripped him with a leg sweep and pushed her finger down on her chest. It was two fingers. He grabbed her wrist and tried to push off against. She put his wrist over each other and held it down with her other hand used two fingers "Ready to give up little man" "NEVER" She counted to 3. He saw her intoxicating face was breath taking. Her blond hair flowed as she held him down "Now let's make this an even 10 ... shall we" She Said She held him under her arm and walked him the mirror. He looked like a small child compared to her strength, as the muscle body blond with the killer forearms flexed her MASSIVE muscle. She made he pecs dance "Ready" She Said She spun him around and held him into the rock bottom positions "Not a wrestling fans but picked up some moves" She Said She slammed him and went for the 10th pin Chapter 5 Patty stood up. He was tried and exhausted by all the pins. But his lust was making him move forward. Even if it may have been over a cliff. She stood there unfazed by all he could moved "Those fancy moves won't help in a real fight" "Fancy moves, just being tossing your cute little butt around" "Oh, so you think my butt is cute" She blushed and then waved her blond hair. It flowed like huge golden waves. She was stunning attractive young woman, so full of energy , strong and vibrancy "Going to be tanned little butt if ... ." He grabbed a wooden chair and hit her "You got to be ready to the unexpected" He Said She went to grabbed him and he rolled under her legs. There was a case filled with weapon. He had a metal baseball bat. He swung at her abs to try to see if that did anything "You want to fight ... give me your best shot. No hold bard, want no excuse because going to take advantage of that free tutoring" As she said that she bent the bat into a nice pretzel shape. He grabbed a bat with some bare wire. He had a whole case filled with different stuff. He hit her with it and the bat cracked. He grabbed several more bats off different sides "where you get all these bats" She Said "Ummm think they're a baseball practice near here" He lied He set it all up before. He grabbed out a big gun. He took on a Jack hammer, extra strength for hard steal rocks "What that doing in here" She Said "construction I guess" He Said He pushed it against her abs and turn it on. It hit her abs and the jackhammer started to steam up as the metal was bending against her diamond cut abs "Thanks for the massaged" She Said She turns around show the Jack hammer was against her stomach abas. The Jack hammer vibrate making her body vibrate. The blade was smoking "Better get another one" She said She grabbed the Jack hammer and pushed it against her pussy. He looked up and shocked as she pushed the blade deep in. Her pussy wrapped around the Jack hammer as she moaned. She was pushing in and out.She cried out with pleasure as did it "Doesn't this thing go any higher in power" She Said She turns it up as high as she could. The metal was bending, and smoke was coming out of her puss. She moaned with pleasure pushing the Jack hammer deeper "My God" She Said The Jack hammer went deeper as she started to cum. The pussy splashed on her face She grabbed the Jack hammer and tossed it away "Better get something stronger than that" She Said She walked toward him. He grabbed an extra strength Jack hammer. With a set that was to dangerous for most construction sights "Step back She grabbed the Jack hammer and pushed her chest out knocking him down. He fails down on the floor. She grabbed him and held him down by his arms. Her chest was against his feeling her heavy breast as she was holding him still. He struggles but he steals grip was to strong. She went for a pin and got the 11 pins off. She was dripping with sweat soaking against his chest. Her breast glisten as she got up. He quickly went into the big case. He had some bricks "Really you just Happen to have bricks" He tossed them. She caught two and crushed them in her hands. The bricks turn to dust. She caught another one in her chest. She squeezed her chest together and it crushed. He imagines how it would be to have his cock between them. The muscle-bound amazon barreled through him like a trailed. He got knocked in the air flying through it. He thought he was going to crash down on the ground. She caught him in her strong arms and gently brought him down for a pin "Let see what you got in this chest" She said She walked over to her. She had him back turn. He quickly touches himself. In the excitement it didn't take much. He had to just looked at those glutes, and thick thighs and he was already done. He covered his mouth to block the sounds of his moans. She grabbed a lead pipe and bent it. She grabbed a grenade "REALLY" She said "Probably from shop class" He Said crawling away to fighting something ""may not work" She pulled the pin. Tomas ducked for cover thinking the woman had gone mad. Maybe he pushed her too far. The grenade explodes in her hand. She had closed her fist around it and absorbed the blast. She opens her hands and it was smoking but no harm. Not a skin was out of place "THE RUMORS WERE TRUE" He thought to himself She grabbed him and pushed her hand against his chest. It was still warm from when the grenade exploded her palm. She lifted him up and held him with the palm of her hand. He was lifted like ballerina and swung around. She put her finger out and held him with one little finger "Really little man you should have done all that" She tossed him into her other hand holding him with one finger with perfect balance. He stretches out his arms like he was flying. She took him down and went for a pin. She got it off with a quick 1 2 3. She was in heaven with this woman "And you shouldn't play with toys" She looked in the Case and pulled out some more grenade. She opens her mouth and put one down it. She pulled out the pin and it exploded it. She made a little girlish burp. She put one between her breast and squeezed her breast around it. The grenade explodes sending smoking "Come here" She Said She grabbed him and put his head between her large breast and took him down. His legs were pressed against her waist. It was not wrapped around because she was such too big. She grinded against him making him moaned "Fuck" He whispered "Language professor" She buried him into her chest. It was warm plump pillows thanks to explosion. She had him cum against her strong abs "Needed RUSH" She Said Chapter 6 She stood up her abs glisten with some cum coming down them "Look like you made a mess again" "That may have just been motor oil from when the Jack hammer exploded" She raised an eyebrow. She wrapped her legs around him. She squeezed tightly. He moaned in a bit of pain. Not enough to break but just enough to know she had the strength to do what she wants. She fixes her hair fluffing it off "Not nice to like MR Tutor" She Said She squeezed tighter. He moans as he started to tap against her. She squeezed a bit more "Tell the truth" She Said "ok ... Ok I came" He Said She got on top of him straddling him. She loosens her grip and went for another pin. She lifted his body up with her legs and slammed him back down to the ground ""AND WHAT was all this stuff did you PLAN this" She Said She looked down at him. She had a pinkness in her lips. It was perch. Her eyes ocean blue sparked when she looked down at him. He had young nubile flesh "Yes ... YES" She grabbed him and in her arms. His cock was place between her breast. She lifted him up to the mirror. He was between them "and was THIS what you wanted to look at these muscles ... and these breast" She pushes her breast down upon him moving them up and down with muscle control. "It ... was PURELY academic ... want to see how far your muscles go. Doctor Egghead went on and on about you ... but didn't think it was true" Took a few flexed o her but he came "Writing a science book ... Want to expand SCIENCE" "Sound suspicious ... but any chance to expand science even if it's a SLIM one" She Said She slammed him down and put a knee on his chest and counted to 3. She grabbed the three grenades left "You know if you want to stare go ahead. Don't mind. The Docs a pervert but least he honest about it" She Said She grabbed the four Grenades "I assure You I am purely academic" "There be NO pictures or videos of this" "Sure ... sure madame I am MAN of my words" "Watch this" She Said She took the grenade and shoved them inside her pussy and ass like anal beads. He was shocked. She pulled the pins "Better STEP back. There may be a shockwave" He couldn't help but stare. There was an explosion inside her. She moaned causing her to climax. A shock wave from the force of her climax and not the grenade came out sending him into the wall. He was daze and knocked out. He woke up with her standing over him "SILLY little man ... 1 ... 2...3" Hold after Hold match after match ... He was pin one after the other. She would pose teasing him and telling him how light he was. She went well past the 20 pints that they agreed upon overpowering him in every turn. He was LESS than a fly because fly can be bothersome. One time thought thing turn. After a couple of slams, it started to crack the floor, slowly sending the cracks up the wall where the hidden cameras were "WHATS this" "Nothing" He Said She walked over to the wall and pulled on a wire "Don't touch that" Tomas Said She pulled with a yank and it brought down several hidden cameras that were taking pictures "Were you taking picture of me you PERVERT ... well destroy them really quick" "Won't matter got in UPLOADED to my phone" He didn't expect this to happen so early but this where the other part of his plan was to go to effect "Give me that" She said He tossed down a smoke bomb and made a run for it, to a Jeep he had waiting for him. ""Hey come back here" His hands were shaking with fear and excitement. He felt his heart beating out his chest. He had trouble turning the key his hands were some sweaty. The fear made him hard. He couldn't believe it. He had heart the combo of fear and lust being intense but he never though it be this intense. This was working better then he thought and going off the rails at the same time. He hadn't expected him to find out about the camera so early. But the fact she did made him excited. It was the unexpected. He pressed a button on a remote and metal door close on the door on The Gym "That caught me quite a penny" He Said He heard the metal doors being hit. A big fist shape came out of the metal doors as patty pushed against it "Crap" He Said He started the Jeep and it roared "I just slow down so she can ... . The metal doors slammed apart and hit the back of the Jeep. She was faster than he thought. The big titted Southern Girl came out. The hair was hanging down her back "Crap" He Said He hit the gas and the car speeded out. She dug her hands into the ground and pulled on the road. The road folded like a big rug. He was falling down the hill in the car as she was pulling with her hands. Her big biceps pulsated as she was doing it "Got you" She Said She took a big grabbed of the road and he was slowly falling toward her as she was doing this. She held onto it tight. Her breast heaving "Got you little man" "Don't want it to end like this Let" He Said He opens up some nitro booster. The Jeep had bene decked out. The nitro booster hit her lighting her up. But it only barely tanned her breast. It was giving her breast a nice glow as he was working himself up the road. He had camera in the car "Ohhhhhh Yes" He Said He pressed the button and it snapped pictures in the back "Ooooooo You pervert" The Jeep was sent flying over the hill. The Jeep was heading down the road "See you soon" He Said He ran at her. She was moving fast. He took a tight turn down the road scrapping some railings and a mailbox. It sent mail flying across the road. He manages to smash into several meters sending coin flying. He didn't try to hit these things, but he was filled with panic and excitement. Luckily this part of town was quiet and didn't have a cops.due to the Popeyes driving a lot of the mob out of town "Come back here" He Said "Let's see what this baby can do" Tomas Said He pressed a button and a compartment. A few missiles came out opening and showing a big missiles launcher. He designs it himself. It took him months to make this car. The window was bullet proofs and it was made with special armors :Don't make me BREAK you" She Said He shot a missile out of the missile launch. She caught it. She was sent flying by the force across town, but she held onto it. "Guess you forgot about gravity" The busty tighten stopped in his tracks holding the missiles. "Crap" He Said The missiles were tossed toward. It hit the side his Jeep. It damages the armor sending the Jeep screeching. He changes a gear and as his head hit against the window. He was parked in the street as he tried to get the car started again. It was smoking right now. Patty was running toward him threatening to T-bone him. He pressed a button and side doors of the passenger seat up revealing a Gatling gun. It came out and fire at her "Hey" She Said Surprise The bullet knocked her back. It bounces off her boobs not breaking the skin. She swats the bullets aside. "My God" Tomas Said He started touching himself. The bullet should be able to tear through metal, but it barely annoyed her. She grabbed the Gatling gun and ripped it from the car. She held the Gatling gun in her hands "Think this can hurt me" She Said He sped off as she was talking. She smiled and put the gun between her legs. He stopped the car to watch "She not going to do it" He thought She pulled the trigger and the bullet hit inside her, banging against their pussy. She is screaming with pleasure as each bullet hit her inner region.nothing more than a dildo. Her pussy smiles up the funeral of the gun as she let ever bullet fire "OHHHHHH fuck" Patty Said She moaned massaging her huge breast. Her biceps grew 10 more inches getting nice and wide with thick veins as if the bullet were feeding her. She let out a great cry as she climaxes. Her pussy squirting. They splashed against the cars. She pulled the Gatling guns. The window wiper cut on cleaning the Juices off the back of his car "Was this expensive" She said Pulling it up She held the huge gating gun and licked her Juices off it. He knew he shouldn't watch. Every second was giving her time to catch up. But he couldn't help but watch this titanic beauty. She put her hand against the metal Gatling gun. She squeezed letting the metal bend between her fingers. There were still a few bullets inside. She deep throated it and let it go into her belly. She pulled out the Gatling gun and blew smoke in the air. It went through her nose "Your amazing" She Said She then spat the bullet out of her mouth hitting the wheels. The bullet bounces off. She sighed as the bullets didn't to break the wheels "HAHAHAH it won't hurt this car. BULLET PROOF" "Didn't you make the under-carriage bullet proof" She asked "Why wouldn't I need ... . She spat bullet out her mouth near under the car. The bullet hit the ground and bounce back up under the car. The bullets were bouncing and nearly hitting him. IT took him out her Jerk off fest. "We'll see how you like the rest of my missiles" He Said He pressed a button. The bullets were shooting all around her with heat seeking missiles. She let it hit. It bounces off her exploding. It only gave her a tan as the fire was going all over. It created huge balls of fire around her. For a moment he thought maybe he killed her. Something that worried him. She walked through the fire like a Big titted Valkyrie. Large massive G cup that seem nice and firm but when she walked it Jiggled just right "One of missile let" He Said He fires at the ground creating a ball of dust it hit the concreted. He used the fire to speed off down the corner "I design this Jeep myself. Nothing can stop it" He Said He went down the corner where he could see a straight away. When he would hit that he would have a clear path to escape. "Shame wanted this to last longer" He is heading down the road. Patty had grabbed a dumpster and lifted it over her head like it weighted nothing. She tossed it in front of him blocking him his path. He figures she was trying to kill him in a mad spinach rage. But if she wanted to, she would have let it land on her. She could make the dumpster crush the car if she wanted. He turns left. He tossed a truck in front of him "Crap" He Said She was making him escape to where she wanted him to go. She knew the town better than he ever could. Her family grew up in spinach ville. Soon he turns and saw her standing in front of the road. Her hair flowing in the wind. He pussy dripped leaving a big puddle "Where you think you're going little man" He pressed a button and two machine guns came out front. He fired his weapon shooting at her. The Bullets bounces off her breast vibrating her. He thought it would least knock her down. But he saw ever bit of her tits flesh vibrate ass the bullet pushed against it flatten like coins. The bullets were nice and flatten. The bullet clicked empty "Out of weapons" She said cracking her knuckles He pressed the pedal again and send off at top speed. The car went down the heel and made a huge Jump "He Loved the excitement of the chase" He turns on the microphone "Got to go faster to catch me" He Said He saw her in the rear-view mirrors. She disappeared taking the right corner. "Think I lost her" He Said She came out of the other street corner. She T-bone him hitting him from the side. She lifted him up. She was carrying him running across the street. She leapt din the air holding the car. She flew in the air "Time for a ride little man" He huge tits were pressed against the window. The sharpness of her nipples scratched the window. She pushed against it as she was leaping. She landed on the top of the roof a building. It broke a piece of it as she was running. He was banging into the car. The car was bullet proof by her nipples were breaking through the window. She landed hard and tossed the Jeep. The Jeep was rolling down the floor. He found himself laid on the roof of the car. She leaped on top of it was ripping it apart from the bottom. She pulled back the bottom of the car like a tin can "Come here little man" He had a suitcase in the car. He grabbed it and escape from outside the window. "You can run but you can't hide" She said He opens the suitcase and grabbed something that he could trapped onto something "Why run.or hide. When I can fly "Tomas Said He had on rocket pack and shot in the air "A ROCKET PACK...come on" " I am a NERD with a toolbox ... .sue me. Had to sale a lot on eBay to get these parts" She Said He was going across the city as she ran toward him. She knew she would find him soon by knowing where to find him. His plan had to be speed up. He had some traps he was going to sue in the street, but he had to skip passed that. He saw an abandoned military base that he had set up with traps. He flew down and went into a building. He barricades the door and went down an elevator "Where are you" She Said Out of a ground came torrent guns. The shot at her. The bullet bounces against her hard abs flatten. It made a bling bling sound like it was hitting steal. It was Popping out every which way. She grabbed the two Gatling guns and turn them by force. The metal creek as it turns at each other. The turrets hit each other and explodes "You can't hide forever" She Said Tomas was in his secret bunker. She saw her outside looking for him. He knew it would take her a while to find him. It was a lot of bunkers. He took off his pants and grab some lotion and lit some candles "All right let's get ready" He Said There were speakers all around the place. He pressed a button "Hello Patty" "You're in big trouble little man. You better come out and take your spanking" "Come on you have fun chasing people don't you. Jeeps...missiles ... .can see the smile on your face when you were tossing that Jeep around" "I have more fun beating you up" "Could of crush me many times. Think your like to play with your food" He said "Well I am feeling hungry" She Said "Well Let me give you appetizer" He Said He looked at his controls. He was like a kid with a toy. He saw some Joys sticks. Out of the Bunker was a tank crashing through the door. "Took me a while to build this toy chest" He said The tank shot a big cannon at her. She dodges letting it go back. IT hit a bunker causing an explosion. Four more tanks slammed through the door. "Little purchase I made on the dark web. You be surprise how cheap you can get a used tank for if you're willing to fix it up. They think it was useless because it too hard to find someone who can fix those old parts. But luckily, I like old things" She leaped in the air letting the tank shoot passed. She leaped on top of one of them. The tank flattens like a pancake. Parts were seen flying. She dodges left as another shot for the tank came. She leaped in the air and smashed it from the side. She grabbed the gun barrel and leaped on the ground. She held it lifted it up over her head. The Tank made even her look small. She was lifting it up with ease. He was amazed knowing the tank weight a couple of tons. She gritted her teeth lifting it up. She could taste her own sweat as she had a tight gripped on it "Going to smash those toys to pieces" She Said The lights cut on shining on her like a spot. He was controlling the tank. He turns one of the tanks around to fire over her. She leaped over the Shell that whisk passed it "SMASH" She Screamed The tank she was holding smashed into the 3rd tank. It broke the front hole of it as. I t was sending sparks and fire as she smashed it again and again crushing the tank. The tank she was holding was almost flatten. "Danger" He Said trying to redirect fire But the tank moved slow. She leaped in the air and smashed it against the top. It broke the tank she was holding. "One more left" She said She didn't have a weapon now. The tank battle was facing her. She leaped on top of tank as the tank move at top speed. He was trying to knock her off as it smashed into empty barracks. She leaped over the barrel running on top of the roof. She leaped off the roof and landed on the tank. She grabbed the tank barrel and took a big hold. Her tits were pressed against the cold metal. The big tank nozzles were between her tits. There was a camera on the tank. He got a view of her ass and pussy. The sight of it made him cum after her masturbated "These tanks should have stayed in the cold War" She Said She slammed her elbow down on the top of the tank. She ripped off the tip and tossed it. She looked at the wire and ripped it apart. An attack Helicopter came out of another Bunker and was in the air. It was an old helicopter. It ready the missiles "You're not the only one with skill" She said She leaped inside the tank. She messes with the wire and change took control. The control looks like toys in her hand. She fires a missile at the tank. Tomas grabbed the control the remote-control helicopter. The missiles passed the helicopter "Not so fast" He Said "I played plenty of video game to dodge this" There was gun turret that fire at him. It hit was hitting the tank as she fires. She took out the side of it crashing through the bunker, spinning it "Got you" She said The helicopter spun. He aimed toward the tank. IT was sent crashing into the Tank as she leaped off. The blade bounce around coming toward her. She grabbed it scratch the blade by slamming her hand over it. She caught both propels slamming her fist against it chopping it into pieces. He zoomed the cameras in on her. She knew he could see and hear her "How are your mad scientist able to make so many of these toys" She Said "We take our time" He Said "Because we can't rely on muscles" "You mean muscles like THESE" She Said She fleshed her titanic muscles. They grew like mountains a foot over her head. She could expand it till her body almost disappear. She was getting taller growing in amazing sides. The giant biceps made her body disappear hiding her face "Fuck" He Said cuming Her shoulder expanded like a linebacker. Her legs grew as she stood about 7 feet taller of a sold wall of muscles. Her breast expanded and slamming together. They stuck outgrow to like big blimps. Her nipples were nice and thick. They tuck out 6 inches. They were thick dripping milk. Another tank approach behind her. She smiled. She didn't even look at the tank. She let it fire. It hit against her back with a big explosion. She turns around and showed her smoking back. It didn't have a scratch on it. She walked toward the tank "Take a good look" She Said "Hope you have the camera real close" She waked slowly not caring about the tank firing up "You better run" He Said "Don't think I will little man. So, zoom in" She Said Patty walked toward the tank. The sound of the gun loading was loud. It shot at her. She took it in the chest. It was like her breast were vibrating in slow motion. She caught the tank shell with her breast. She smiled and pushed the tank shell out. The tank shell was sent flying. The tank shell hit the tank causing a big explosion to it hole "Let me show you my power" She Said She over toward the tank and started ripping it in half. It was like she was ripping a small piece of paper. She did it with ease. Her muscles were flexing as she did this. The metal was sent flying like large blade into the walls of the barracks "Bring more of your toys and I will crush them too Chapter 7- She stood there as her thighs expanded with huge power. Her ass got bigger with big glutes to pushed them up made it firm. Her veins were nice and blue pulsating with huge power. Her sweat was dripping down and glistening against her power. Her lips were nice and thick as she licked her lips seductively "Don you want to let me in" "Wait what" "Weill have fun ... just tell me where you are. Don't you want this. Don't you want to slide your cock between my biceps. Watch me squeezed around it. I want you to cum between my biceps, shooting a big stream of cum all over these muscle" "I am not falling for that" Tomas Said She flexed down her muscles to something of 40 inches. She was filled with muscle and power over her. "Or maybe you could run your cock against these strong biceps. I know you like looking at them. You get turn on so much from starting He was getting turn on. His finger was circling over opening the metal doors that block the bunker. "Won't you know smash me" "Me ... SMASH SUCH A HANDSOME ... .sexy man like you handsome. So smart and cute. Why I just want to hug you up" She bent down and put her arms muscles against each side of her breast. She squeezed them pushing her breast up "Don't you want to snuggle you head right between these bosoms "Why ye ... yes I did" "And these muscles look good oiled up. You can oil these thick thighs. Bet you can't even get your arms around them now" "Wow you amazing" "Come be a good little BOY and let me in" She Said "You don't want me doing it the bad way, where I got to HUFF ... AND PUFF and blow your house down ... .let me in. You can film it and we can make such sex videos" Tomas slap himself and tossed some water in his face. He knew it was a trick. He wouldn't let his dick that was raging get him beat up "Come on Let me in" She Said She looked over to one of the tanks that destroyed. She ripped off the gun holster and put it between her large breast. She started stroking it with both hands. Her finger molded, shaping the metal into a phallic shape "Imagine yourself between tits Tomas" "Ohm fuck" He Said "Imagine it slide against my Abs, my chest up to my glorious. And tits. Wouldn't that drive you wild make you just go crazy" "Yes" ... .yes", He Said to herself "You don't have to go through life Jerking off" She grabbed the thank gun she shaped into a dildo. She lifted it up and stared putting it down her throat. Her cheeks turn red as she was working it in. "Imagine your cock even tastier than this metal" she said She was taking over 3 feet of metal down her throat. Tomas was amazed how much she was taking into her bottomless mouth. She pulled it out "Come on you know you can't resist these tits" She Said She made them bounce in front of the camera. They were making heavy African drums sounds as she twirls her large tits. She flexed both her arms "Come know you want to know it like to fuck a muscle woman" She turns around showing her lines of back muscles. Blood moves down her veins. At a closer looked, it looks like a large free way as she made her tattoos in the ink of cars. They drove down her muscle's freeway. She shook her ass "You wonder what all these muscles can do you . My biceps are over a foot thick of muscle. SOLID baby. You can squeeze as hard as you want. She licked her lisps seductively "Come on didn't you always imagine what these muscles can do to you" He was beginning to masturbate again. This woman was amazing. She fled against pushing her arms against each side of her tits "Wow your amazing" He whispered to himself; Her Jerk off faster hoping to cum to help him think right. He figures if he had a release he could think clearly and wouldn't be seduce. She took the gun barrel and pushed it in her pussy. She came down on it splashing against "OH PATTY" He Said Her pussy gripped the metal of the tank barrel. It squeezed it tightly. The metal was bending. She was pushing up and down riding it. She cried out and started to cum. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had dream of Popeye girls before, but this was better than a dream. His mind couldn't comprehend such power that was going through her. She squeezed on the metal. When the barrel was pulled out it was bent. Her PUSSY muscle was bending solid steal. He couldn't even imagine such great and immense power "Look at me" She Said with a gasp "Ohhhhhhh Dear God" Tomas Said He came against the screens "Ahhhhhhhhh Fuck yes" She Said She took whole barrel into her pussy. She left a big river coming down from her pussy was she was cumming. She grinded onto the floor Chapter 9. She got up and pulled out the metal "So, you going to let me in" "NO WAY" "very well" She Said "Guess I just got to grab you "You won't find me" "Got a way to find you" She grabbed a part of down helicopter and slammed it down on the ground. It was making sound waves. She listens closely as it bounces off the barracks. She studies which one seem to be hallow. The one barracks the sound bounce off "You're in THAT one" She said "Wait ... .how ... I mean no I am not" She walked toward the barrack with a determine look "I am not all muscle ... I am brains to" She walked toward a barracks. The door looked like it was metal plated "Hmmmmmm" She Said and held her hand against the metal "Recognize this metal" She knocked on it "Very strong ... can absorbed heart. They use it on those mars' rovers. Egg hear clang showed it to me one time. The metal is nice and thick" She Said She slammed her fist against it and made it an. She put her hand again it and felt some heat. She then put her ear against it "Hear a lot of machinery here" she Said" "Better um not come in" "Hear the fear in your voice little man. I much be closer than I thought. It was guessing really. Could have been multiple barrack that now hallow" "Shit" Tomas said "Language got to watch your mouth out with soap" She backs up. She then ran toward the door. The door was made that it could take a tomahawk missile. She slammed down with a running kick. She knocked the door of his hinges. She saw some turns guns come out the wall. It was six of them. She picked up the door and blocked multiple bullet. She lifted the metal door and flatten one of while it was still firing. The metal on the door was . She tossed it at another one as it was still turn ""Where do your mad scientist shop for all your toys" She Said She then tackled the third one. She grabbed it. "You need faster torrents" She Said She grabbed it and ripped the turret out of the floor. The floor was sparking sending electricity going through her. IT made her hair stand up and spark. She moaned as she held the guns "Take it on advisement" He Said looking over his notes "And make most of my stuff" She turns the gun turns around and let it fire on one of the turrets ripping bullet through it. She hugged the turret and pointed it at a fourth one. The bullet ripped through it. The gun turret exploded. She leaped din the air and smashed her feet through the 5th turret. IT exploded "Maybe you should buy better stuff" She said She walked toward a turret that was left. She dodges the bullet flexing her arms as she was walking toward the turret. He first smashed through it "Is that all you have" She Said She pulled out the wire as oil and gas fluid sprayed on her. She was tearing apart the metal tossing it and bending it with her body "None of your toys enough for me" She smashed it some more tearing them apart piece by pieces. She moaned with pleasure as she kept smashing the equipment it took him months to build "Hope you get a good look" She Said She stood over the smoking rubble of the metal. There was smoke and fire coming through the place. She looked like a Valkyries. Guns came out of the walls and fire at her. She stood and open her arms. She let it bounces "What this armor piercing" She said She laughed shaking her breast as the bullet bounces off "Been shot plenty of time. You need stronger bullet then this" She Said She held out her hand and let the bullet hit her hand. She scooped it up and flatten it in and head hands. He like the way the bullet vibrate doff her. She looked like a superhero. It was hard for him to take in the stupendous muscle that he was seeing. The glutted and trips burst with pure power. The Biceps dance a glorious dance in front him "How are you doing this" "Good old fashion spinach little man" She Said Bullet shells filled the ground. She was walking on the bullets. The bullets were hot. She walked over the bullets. She pressed her feet on the bullets. It was flattening her. Some even shot her eyes bouncing off showing her power "Going to beat you little man" She said She flexes her arms "Going to tear those arms off. Going to twist you into a pretzel. Hope you get a good look, so you have pleasant dreams while you in your coma" Tomas looked the barricade door. He was deep underground. There were plenty of traps before she got to them "Even you not unstoppable ... how long that spinach last" He Said "Could run out before they get to me" She walked toward a door. She wonders how many rooms they were. The doors were metal. She looked around for a secret door. There seem to be no doors and windows "Scared let little man" Patty Said "No ... " Tomas Said heart beating fast "You know how many people I punch to the moon. It was enough to start a moon base" She Said "There the door" She Said She drugged her nails into the slit of the hidden door and started to part it. She walked down the thin hallway. The walls started to close "You better get out of here" Tomas Said "You don't have an exit to this place did you" Tomas was quiet. He wasn't expecting her to get this far. This quick. He didn't have much of an exist. He was going to go through the front door while she dealt with the tanks and helicopters. He was going to keep hiding from barracks to barrack. He didn't have much of an exit "HAHAHAH YOU DIDN'T think that far" She said She made a sultry laughed. She looked around "Let me guess the sewars" She said "You know I know this place to well. And you don't seem to be in shape enough to run through the dank and dark sewers" The door was closing in. She put her hands out and pushed it back. Her muscles were flexing as she did it. The walls were metal "What do you think this was would hold me" She looked like a Titan holding back the walls like a god would hold back mountains. But Thomas thought even her couldn't hold it back. It could crush trucks and tanks "Sorry brains always beat brawn" He turns up the pressure. The gears that were pushing the wall smoke and creek as the walls were pushing wanting to crush her like a grape. He figures she would pop back like all the times they flatten the Blutos like a rug. She pushed her finger into the wall and gasp. He breasts heaved showing some blue veins "Brian Hu" She Said She pushed the wall and let the walls pushed in on her. She gritted her teeth "My fist going to meet those brains" She did a heavy pushed pushing the walls apart. She crushed the gears as she did this. She walked toward another set of metal door "How many of your toys I have to crush little man" "I g ... g ... .got plenty more" She thought for a second "Are you still masturbating" "I can't help it with you" She said Secret cameras smashed pictures of her. She stood up and looked over her shoulder at the camera. She pushed her ass back. She whipped her blond hair "You going to give me all those pictures" "Already in the cloud bane" "Then I got to punch you into the clouds" She kicked open the door and walked into a gray metal room. It was like an oven. She walked on the floor. The floors and walls heating up like an oven. She walked on the hot floor and laid against the wall. The heat could melt metal. She felt the steam rising off her body "Thanks for the tan" "GASP ... that ... that ... 10,000 degrees" He Said "10,000 degree ... I fought a monster in a volcano one time. This is just a nice tanned" she said Steam was rising from her nipples. The sweat was soaking her. Getting trapped against her biceps. She was glistening giving her extra layers of muscle. She flexed both arms letting the sweat dripped down her biceps like two waterfalls "Can do this all day" She said Tomas thought of bracing himself and escaping through the sewers, but he couldn't help but watch. And the sewers were smelly to go down in it. The heat hit the gas on her body, and it burst into fire. She moaned with pleasure as she was flaming "Mmmmmm That's nice" She Said The fire didn't hurt her or burn her skin. She rubbers herself laying against the steaming hot walls. She looked the camera and licked her lips. "Only a matter of time before I find" She rubbed herself. She pushed her finger into her pussy and started rubbing it. She pushed back her clitoral hood. Due to be a muscle goddess her clit was nice and thick. She was rubbing it back and forth, slipping between her fingers "Thin O have you suck on this" She Said She whipped her hair back and forth. She bit her lip enjoying the powers of rubbing her clit back and forth "Going to make you make me cum and then wrapped my legs around you and make you heard get nice and crush as I cum" Patty Said Patty grabbed her big tit and started to suck it. She wrapped her lips around the fat nipple as she was doing it. She stretches out her nipple as she held what seem like two boulders "Your driving me Crazy" Tomas Said to himself The cameras were made behind glass that were protected. But even then, it was starting to melt. The camera exploded. She pushed her finger deep into her pussy and started playing with it. She was rubbing the inside of her clit "Ahhhhhhhh Yes baby yess" Patty Said She squeezed her tit letting the tit flesh go through her fingers. She slammed her ass into the wall bending the metal. The camera started melting and it was destroyed "Noooooo" He Said He pressed some buttons and some drones came into the room. He saw her getting multiple angels on her body. She cried out with pleasure. She started to cum. Her pussy squirted out and hitting the floor. The wet pussy Juice started to evaporate due to the heat. She started to get a nice tanned as she stood in "Nice little drone" She Said She grabbed one of the drones. The drone shot out little machine guns. The bullets were bouncing off her chest. The Bullets were flattening. The bullets were flattening like little coins. They were dropped down on the floor "Heh that tickles" she Said She crushed the drones in her hands watching it spark. Some of the metal was melting in the oven room that there were in "Your turning up this place to much" She Said She put her hand against the wall as the drone was melting. She rubbed her fist against the shoulder and made a yawn. The drones were shooting bullets against her skin. The bullets were bouncing off them "Really not impress by you weapons" The gears and machinery that ran the oven walls were popping and exploding "Told you turn it up to far" She Said "Getting closer. Even if you tried to escape you know how fast I run. Will catch you" It was going to fast. He didn't expect her to catch up to him that quick. She looked at the metal doors that were blocking. Part of it was melted. She slammed her fist through the doors and sent it flying. She walked out of it as the room exploded behind her. She walked up. Her hair burning. She spins her hair around in a long circle. It was a wheel of flame as she put the flames off her. Some blades came down from the ceilings. It was attaching to long metal arms. The blade spun and hit her sides. Her body was still hot "Silly little toys" She Said She held the arms of the blades. It was creating sparks as the blades hit her chest. The metal bent. She pulled off the arms. Blow Torches came down and shot her. She took the arms with the blades and slice off the blow torch as she is walking through. Tomas gulped "Getting closer little man" Tomas franticly press some buttons on his console. A wall was coming toward "Another moving wall" She Said She walked toward the wall coming toward her. She pushed against it. Their door she needs to get to was at the side. The wall moved past "May not crush you but will keep you from me" He said over the microphone "Nothing will keep me from you" She moved toward the wall and pushed against it. The force of the wall had positions that could pushed back 2000 Tons. She was held there flexing as she pushed. She gritted her teeth and started to push the heavy wall. He turns out the pressure. He knew it would break the machine, but he didn't have much choice. The force was 40.000 tons. She moaned as it pushed her back a bit. She breath. Smoke coming from her nose. She roared her biceps growing showing big veins. She pressed her tits against the all and started to push "Is this all you got" She Said She pressed her feet deep into the floor. He toes were bending the floor. IT pushed back the metal. The biceps were rolling around like two big wheels. The wall was creaking as she was pushing toward her. The sweat was going down her back and collecting on her ass. The ass cheeks twerked as she was pushing it. Her ass cheeks were slamming together as she pushed. The muscles on back showing her shoulder blade moving like heavy machinery. Her ligaments moved like heavy metal molding into each other and her spine arch forward showing her ass cheeks. Her heavy thighs moved, pushing tons of muscles into it. She seems to have a power to move the muscle "Silly little man ... this won't hold me. These huge biceps" She Said She was punching the wall making a huge dent into the wall. With each punch she was moving the wall further and further. She was getting close to the side of the door "This in inevitable" She Said She winded up and did a huge punched. It sent the wall back ward. She smiled as the door was open. She walked in and found herself falling. She landed in a deep hole with some Junk down in there. "Ooooooo Gross" She Said "Have fun getting out of that one" Tomas said She looked around for something to grab onto. There were pieces of parts and trash that was left in the places "By the time you get out of there, I be long gone" Tomas Said She put her fee on one of the pieces of trash and leaped up in the air and landed on the front door. She dug her nails into the wall and climb up. She was digging her nails into the wall. She climbs up with one hand. She held onto the edge and started punching the door "Open up ... little Piggy" She slammed her first through the door and made the door open wide open. She was standing in the doorway. There was a cannon waiting for her. The cannon fires. She caught it in her hand. It was still smoking. She tossed it at the cannon "What was that antique" She Said "Yes, a very expensive one" He Said "To bad ... voice getting closer" She Said She walked toward another room. The room was ice cold below zero. She of the heat from her body was melting the ice turning it to water. The ice was raining down. It soaked her body down on her like a shower. She breath seeing her cold breath. "This is nice and frosty" She said Her nipples were rock hard as she was walking toward her. She ran her nails across the wall making a spark as she was walking toward her. "Come on a PLAY little man" Watching her, he couldn't help but jerk off. He was cumming. He shot another huge load out of his cock looking at her. "That ... .that ... is BELOW zero ... .1000 degrees" "Nice little Chill isn't it" She put her arms behind her back and pushed her stomach in and out like a vacuum pose. She was showing off her belly and biceps muscles. She is walking toward the door passed machine gun fire that just went passed her "The coldness makes my nipples nice and hard" She Said She walked toward the door and open it up it up. It was barricade. She punches the wall and sent the pieces flying "Where you think you're going" She Say She saw him trying to get to the vents. She grabbed him by his legs and held him upside down. She looked around and saw all the cum on the ground "You been making quite a mess" She Said She took a seat and put him over her knee. She gave him a slap on the ass. He moaned as his ass cheeks got nice and red. She gave a big slap against this ass cheeks making it red "You like peeping you little pervert" She Said He moans feeling his cock trapped between her legs. He grabbed her thick thighs. He held on top them nice and thigh. She rubbed her thighs against his cock. His cock was pulsating feel his cock between her thighs "You are getting turn on by this" She Said She was spanking his ass faster and faster. He felt the heat from her ass cheeks. It was rising from each cheek. His ass was red like an apple now. It had a nice glowing glazed. She was moaning. She was slamming her thigs into his ass "Yes ... Miss Popeye" He Said He came against her thighs. His arms went limp. She grabbed him by his arms and held him by his arms with both wrist into her one hand "What you got to say for yourself" She said Chapter 9 He whimpered and pleaded with her "Sorry Miss Popeye ... didn't mean to do it. I WORSHIP you my Love ... your so great. Your so Wonderful. Just had a crush on you ever since I saw you. Please You can smash me ... but just wanted to say that. Was never going to share the pics. Just wanted something to remember you by. You're so wonderful and Beautiful" "So, all that teasing what that was" She Said "I just really wanted to talk to you and don't know how. And It was kind of sexy when your angry and dominate me" She sat on her lap and patted his head "Well most people who attack me want that. But they won't admit it. But least you admit it. But won't be controlled" "Would NEVER control you. Your so strong" She Said He hugged her big arm and wrapped his arms around his biceps. He licked his arms arms kissing it. She patted his head. He kissed her biceps. She smiled and flexed her arms holding him up. He was hanging down from her arm. His legs dangled "Well you can't peep on people little man" She Said She grabbed him and put her hands under her arm pits. She kissed him and pushed her tongue down his mouth. His toes curled. He was hanging down. Her tongue enters in his mouth. Her tongue was rolling around in her tongue. "Well you're too cute to get mad at" She Said She rubbed his sore ass. She gave it a nice pinch as she pushed her hand against her ass cheeks. Her finger pushed in "Now Now ... You won't be doing stuff like that again will you" She Said She picked you held you to her breast. You shook her head "I know ... .I am sorry Miss Popeye: "Find guess I can forgive you She put Tomas down and took a seat. She looked at the videos and loaded it on a flash drive. She opens her legs "Show me how much you like me" She Said Tomas eyes gasp. He saw her dripping wet pussy "Come on if Your good let you keep some of these picture" She said He didn't have to be ask twice. He pushed his face between her legs. Patty felt him lick up and down her clit. Her wetness covered his face as she was rubbing against him. She grabbed his hair and pushed him deep in there "Don't be gentle" She Said She watched him licked his clit up and down with long and stead licked. She pushed back her clitoral hood and fucked her mouth. She was making him gag with her thick clit fucking his mouth. She was tapping his head. The scent was going through his nostrils "Ohhhhhhhhhh yesss" He said She moaned and looked around. There was a small refrigerator. There was some Junk food in the place. There were some chips as well. She closed his legs and closed her thick thighs around him. She was lifting his body up and down and slammed him down. Her pussy juices were dripping down her mouth. It was dripping into his mouth "If where going to hang out we have to get you eating better. Make you loses the belly fat" She grabbed some spinach deep and trapped his head in her legs. She dipped her chips in the dip and started eating it. She felt flushed with power. Her nipples were nice and fat. It was sticking five inches. She moaned. He got hard "Faster ... HIGHER ... HIGHER ... lower. That's it. Let me guide you" She Said Tomas felt her strong thighs. He touches them. His hands felt child like compared to her power. He rubbed her thick thighs "Getting hard down there aren't you" She Said She loosens her legs a bit. He made a big gasp for air. She pushed his face back in. He was buried into his pussy and he was loving it "Ohhhhhhh POPEYE" He Said He was about to cum just from eating her out. She played with her tits looking down on him. She took his camera "Some pictures for myself" She Said She looked at his eyes looking up at him with lust. She was taking picture of his face as he was eating her out. He licked against her pussy walls, exploring it. He sucked on the pussy lips and stretch them out. "That's its lot of salvia. You like how strong my Legs are ... Nice and THICK ... like solid steal baby. The strongest legs in the universe" She had him give long licks as she sucked her massive breast. Her lips were wrapped around her nipples going up and down "How does my Pussy taste little man" She Said "It tastes wonderful Goddess" Tomas Said "Ahhhhhhhh Your sweet. NOW put your nose in and take a whiff" He did as tell, and she held his head down there for a few second. He roared out in big climax. He was cumming shooting his big load. He cried out having an intense climax. It felt like a multiple climax. It was the biggest orgasm he ever had, and it was just from eating her pussy "That's a good boy ... almost there" She Said Chapter 10 - She was making him fuck his voice. She pushed him down and got on top. She put her weight on him. She was riding his face. She closed legs around Tomas head. She was picking him up as she slammed her pussy on his face. She was grinding into him "Yes ... .almost there" She Said She had her large breast flexing up and down. She knew there was still camera filming in there. She flexed her arms kissing each bicep. She fucked his mouth nice and fast making him gag. Her pussy juice dripped on his face "Ahhhhhhhhh Yesss ... .YES" She Said She came with an intense climax. Her pussy juice was filling his lungs. She smiled screaming with climax. She picked him up and laid him on the table. Her pussy was dripping with cum. His mouth was filled with her pussy juice. She kissed him. She slides her arm against his cock "Going to put you between my biceps" She Said She slid his cock between her bicep and squeezed. She knew she could crush it like a paste of toothpaste. His cock was sliding up and down. She left and added pressure on his cock. Her biceps were adding pressure and lessening it back and forth "You're scared" She Asked "Yes" "Good" She Said licking his chest She held him down with ease and sucked his balls. His cock went into his mouth to wet it with his spit. Tomas moaned. He was in heave "Kiss my Biceps" She said stroking him He did as tell happy. He hugged around them licking her biceps and worshiping it "You're a goddess" He Said "I know" She Said putting his cock between her biceps "You think I am going to crush your cock little man. If I wanted to do that I would already little man. It would be quite easy" "Ohhhhh Your going to make me cum again" His cock was lost in her thick biceps as she squeezed her arms around him. She smiled as she was doing. She looked deep into his eyes with her big blue eyes. She felt it pulsating against biceps. Her big vein was pumping against this cock. His pre cum was dripping from his cock. She licked against his cock head "Come on get that cock" She Said He screamed. He could barely move. He grabbed the table. She kissed him deeply and pushed her tongue. It was taking his breath away. He felt butterflies in his stomach. He screamed out as she was on the edge "You thought about me before this" She said "Every day since I met you with or without spinach" He Said "Did you touch yourself to me" "Yess ... Always" He Said ready to cum. He screamed out as he started to cum. It coated her biceps like snow on a hill. He cried out as it kept going "Ohhhhhhh It soc much ... It so much" He Said as she rubbed him "Never came so much" "Look like I am not the only one who been taking some spinach. Let me see that cock of your little man" She grabbed his cock and sucked it as it was still cumming. She kept him hard deep throating his shaft. She held him up and put his legs around his neck. He pushed against the wall. He cried tears of pleasure as she lifted him up with ease "Your so light I can do this forever" He cried out moaning. It was like he was floating in the air. He felt weightless. Tomas was in the clouds. His arms went leap after the 5th climax. He fails down "Come here my Little man" She Said She held him in her arms and rocked him back and forth. She gargled the cum and the swallowed it "That it my darling little man just lay in my arms" He suckled on her breast like a little baby. She rocked him back and forth Jerking his cock. She gently massaged his cock "Just lay your head against my Bicep like a good little boy" She Jerked him off till he fails asleep in her arms. She then carried him over her shoulders and walked out of the damage place. She leaped in the air going through the sky. She moved from roof to roof running at top speed "Sleep tight little man" He had the most restful sleep of his life. He woke up with some picture she printed out. Picture that she allowed him to keep. One of them was her flexing and blowing a kiss. It was a picture she took herself because he was draped naked over her shoulder. Written on it sad "Be seeing you soon Xoxo Patty Popeye