The End- Episode 1 remix By lilguy What happens After a supervillaness takes over the world. 200? AD Princes Destruction walked on the grass of the white house lawn. There were blown up tanks and down planes behind her. She had shown up recently. Nobody could stop her. She stood 8 feet. Her breast were the size of beach balls. She wore tight green latex pants that showed off her ass. She had a short leather tank top and green boots. Her hair was also green. Her was black with sexy red lipstick. Her abs were nice and hard. She wore green gloves. She looked about 21 The president was on the ground totally naked. Whip marks covered his body. Camera were on her. The world could see. "Lick the dog shit off my boots" She said The president was force to lick her. The world was stun. They heard of Princess Destruction power. She had a sadistic pleasure when it came to raping and beating men. She also high a female following. "See this world. This world is MIND!!!" Princess laughed The End 2200 AD The new begging The world had change quickly over the time. Princess Destruction thought that women were the dominant sex and that men were just sex toys. The women of the world seeing whole power followed suit. She gave them power. Power beyond any man. Soon the smallest size woman was 20 feet. They were big breasted, goddesses. They were given powers. The men just became weaker and weaker. They couldn't handle the women. They were soon brought to tear during their sex sessions. A lot of times they died during it when the women didn't know to control it. Not that there cared. The side affect seem to be that the women because nymphomaniacs and sadistic. The women soon figured that if they kept this up they would run out of men soon. Fourtionunlly the power raises the IQ of the women. They now use all their brains making even the dumbest women IQ in the 4 didjets. They created generic engineering to clone men so they won't run out. This way they could destroy as many as the wanted. Some men were made just for that purpose. They were called the HUNTED. Men made for women to make out some of there most deadly wishes. Other cocks were enlarge to satisfy the women knew powers. Most men could go without breathing for longer so they could go down on the women. There were medicine chambers where you could heal certain fatal wounds. Soon there were men who came to like being used. They liked being pets and protected. There were certainly no wars. Women got out there sadistic and violent urges using the Hunted. Technology increase and went light speed in the first 10 years of Princess rain. Technology shot up centuries. Soon they could reach the far reaches of space and cure most diseases. The even made strap on with sensors where to women it felt like the real thing. They felt every thrust and it even came. Chips were put in men to keep track of them. Lifespan were increases 10 fold. The sex roles seem completely reverse now. Women ran the world. That is not to say they were protest. For instance in 2050 the first male teacher sense the Princess Destruction rule started. It made a lot of controversy. It was a famous case men cheered that it was a step up. That was until a teenage named Peggy Mitchell stepped in. 2050 I local High school Peggy had the teach benter over the table. She was fucking him with a strap on. Peggy had pig tails and a bright smile. She held his hair down as she chewed on her gun and blew a bubble. "Like that MR Reynolds" She said The classed cheered her on. The teacher cried as the rubber balls slapped his ass. She slapped his ass leaving red hand prints "You going to send who to detention you little shit" Peggy said She came and pulled out. She dropped him to the ground and took him inside her. He sent him to a screaming orgasm. His small legs wrapped around the teenager. His fist bang on the table. "Come on Mr Reynolds. Thought you were going to teach me a lesson? Well your going to be taught a lesson aren't you Mr Reyonlds" Days later A woman in a suit spoke to the crowd in front of the school "This rape proves that men have no place in the workplace. For there safely they shouldn't be allowed to work. They can't even handle young girls. I say we thank Peggy for showing them their place" The woman said Peggy came out chewing her bubble gun. She had her teacher by the leash. "I just felt like fucking him iz all" She said The reporters laughed "Who the little toys I got" The reported ask Peggy held the man up by his leash. "This my new toy Mr Reyonld. Say what I told youz Wimp" She said She put the microphone to his mouth. "Please ... don't fight back. It useless ... Where ... little wimps. A little pussies" Reynolds said Seeing a young teen crush them so easly was a blow to the men. Peggy soon became one of the leader in crushing the men movment. She was a bully at heart who love any excuse to smash something. Month Later Men rights march About a Million Man headed to what use to be Washington City. It was Destrutiontroplis. It was name After Princess Destuction. The city now had statue of her the reach the sky. The men were marching to get their rights back. They were lead by a charismic leader who was tall by men standard. He was around 6.7, handsome and very strong. He was witty and brilliant. The man had charisma. His name was Roger Corrigan. He got a millon men to march with them. The were heading to the White house with signs that said "Men rights" "People now Sex slaves" They had camera around them to show the world. They were stopped as Peggy flew in the sky and landed in front of them. She was wearing and short T-shirt that showed off her belly button. He belly button was over Roger's face. He stomach looked flat and tone. Her skirt was very short and she wore cute little shoes. She had a power puff girls book bag Peggy smiled as the shirt showed off her big breast. She chewed her gum and played with it and look down at him like he was a toy. "Where you think you going little wimp" She said "This is a peacfull march" "Go away before I clobber you" She said raising her fist Roger put his nose up in a smug of superiority. "Violence Tsk. Clearly the sign of ignorance. That is why your brute force will never win over our superior minds..for you see Peggy..the greatest muscles is the brain. The great force is the heart. I think it was socratease who said ... " SLAP!!! She slapped him and sent him flying into the crowd "Shutz yea trap" She said She pushed men aside like they were nothing.Men were sent flying in the sky. Peggy grabbed one of the sign and then Roger. She pulled his pants down and put him over he knee. Peggy started spanking him hard with the sign. A super speed the sign slapped his ass quickly making it red. Roger started crying. The men tried to come to his resucue and pry her off but Peggy brushed them aside. Peggy blew. Her breath was like a tordoe blowing the men back. Her eyes glow and shot some heat vison out of her eyes. She made a wall of fire that sent a lot of men running for the hills. "You ass look nice and red now. Ahhh does that hurt don't worry wipe off the tear with my ass Hahahhaha" Peggy said She took out her gum and put it on the floor. She dropped the sign and use her own hand. The slaps sent shocks waves through the town. Roger screamed. "No more." He screamed "Say YOU'RE A WIMP." She said "Please nooo" "Say it loud enough for everyone to hear it" Peggy said "I'm a wimp" The camera saw this might man getting spanked by the young teen. It was another blow to the men. Other girls flew through the sky and grabbed the men up who were running. They were girls from her school. They were like eagles chasing run away mice. The swooped down and grabbed them in the air before the men could even see them. "Louder" Peggy said "I A WIMP!!" "Say you're a sissy wimp" "I'm a sissy wimp" She though for a minute and played with her pig tails "Say that Peggy is the greatest in the world. The most beutifull and coolest. She has the most tastiest pussy and that you're a little sissy wimp" "Perggy is the greatest in the world. The most owwwwwww beutifull, the owww coolest. She has the most tasties pussy and I'm a sissy wimp" "Gee thanks your to kind" She teased She wasn't wearing any panties under her skirt. She stripped him down and started straddling him. The little roger screamed with multiple orgasims. His arms went limp and legs became useless as Peggy milked him and milked. She put her head back and had and intense orgasim of her own. The strong power made the women enjoy sex even more. It made the orgasim more intense and more multiple. The difference is they had the bodies to be able to take it. They could control a man with ease and make them orgasim as many time as they want. Most of the time it was to much for the men and they begged them to stop. Of course most women didn't. She gave him slaps across the face as she rode him. "Open your mouth" Peggy said He did as told. Peggy spit in it. She took the gum and put in his hair. He couldn't move as she spit on him. Peggy added insult to injury as she took his limp hand and slapped him with his own hands" "Why you hitting your self you little wimp" She laughed "Why you hitting yourself" "Stop it." He cried "Was that an ORDER!!!" "No I AHHH.." SLAP!!! Peggy stopped "Tell me that I am a Queen." She said "You're a Queen" "Why thank you. You so polite. Queen Peggy. I like the sound of that" Peggy mocked him "You better stop cumming. Your going to have to clean me out soon. But first thing first. I know you little wimps build hidden towns in the moutons. Where you hide out. Your going to tell me where some of them are wimp" He blurted out the location. Peggy laughed at how easy it was. The women had been searching for the men towns for a while. Some men tried to escape to the mountins and build there own government. Peggy went into her book bag and pulled out some bread. She grabbed some dirt and grass from the ground and put it in there. "I made you a sandwhich wimp" Peggy tease Roger saw as the men were being picked off one by one. Women flew in the sky at the speed of comment. Looking up at her he saw how powerfull they really become. These were girls and they were crushing armies of men. "Please don't make me!!" "Now Now I spent all this time making this food and your not going to eat it. You may make me mad wimp" He started eating it "Cant beleave he eating it. Awesome..hahaha fucking wimp. " She laughed "How does it taste. Tell me it taste good" "I love it" He said weekly and ate the dirt sandwich. Now it time to eat some pussy wimp" Peggy laughed She put a drench pussy in his face and made her clean her out. He was choking on her clith. Peggy put her head bag and squirted out streams and streams of cum almost drowing him. Later Peggy landed in the men town filled with strays. The strays are what they called men who weren't taken as slaves. The men fired bullets at her. The bullet bounches off her body. Tanks and missles fired at the teen but to no avail. All it did was tear part of her clothing. This intimidated the men more as they saw the Amazon. She kept coming and took the town. They were no match for her. She made quick work and turn the town to Ash. That night Peggy was given medals. Her new slaves had help dolled her up by doing her nails and hair. They also was force to scrub her down. At the ceremony they female reporters ask her do they think they should enslave men. She said "I don't know..I just like smashing them and stuff. So I guess yea" That night ended in massive march from men. Peggy became a ledgen in female power history. Authors note- If you like that please check this out and where some of the pictures will be drawn soon