Tarzan vs the Hyena Woman By lilguy lilguy4174@yahoo.com Tarzan battles a hyena woman in a sexual battle to the death This was a commission I did. Check out more and how to get It here http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profile Tarzan had his Jungle attack by Hyena women. They anamorphic women that came to his Jungle. They had been from Africa, sent by Lilah to take over. Tarzan when with some of his men to track her down. He had been the King of the Jungle for a while. He had lived in the man's world for a while and then moved back to Jungle to save it. This made him a smart leader. He was a fit man from being rage in the Jungle. He was tall with while and thick hair. His biceps were huge and so were her pec. He walked sometime like an Animal sometime like "Be careful" He Said to the animal's friends He saw bones of the animals. Some of them been eating alive by the Hyenas. Their bones stripped. Others had the skin, their mouths overflowing with pussy Juice. Their cocks bruised from being constantly ride. The hyenas loved to fucked people to death. It was dark only with the moon light to keep them. Suddenly there were an attack. The Hyena women leaped out. His men fought, fought valiantly taking them out. Tarzan swung a spear and mange to take two out knocking them out. The numbers were too much raining down like a flood of rain. Shenzi came out with her claws. She was tall with wild hair and dreadlocks. Her tits were huge, G cup. Her thighs were nice and thick. They were muscles. Her biceps were big, and ass was nice a plump. It was big over 60 inches off ass. Her pussy dripping wet and her tail swinging back and forth. She was on two feet as she walked toward him. Her nails ran across the floor making a spark. She had a big chest cat smile She came at him with her claw. He blocked it with the wood of his spear "Stop it right now. Stop your laughing you fool. My Army will take you down" Tarzan Said She laughed. She was climbing the trees digging her nails into the tree. She leaped from tree to tree "HHAAHHAHAH you hear that Girls that little fleshy hero thinks he is going take us all on" Shenzi laughed There were a couple of Hyena women who came out the Jungle. Their eyes glowed. She smiled and evil wicked smile "And you think I am fool. You came here ALL ALONE" He said Tarzan thought for as second. He looked around. Before he came back to jungle, he spent some time in a man world "All I see is a coward" He Said "A Coward ... A COWARD" She Said She leaped down. She walked up to him shaking hips. Her legs were thick like tree trunks and her ass nice and wide. The big ass seems to dance "Coward Hu. Think I fear a little fleshy wimp like you" She Said "You want to rise up ... Be BIG QUEEN ... Like Lilah" Tarzan "Of course, I do Ape man" Shenzi Said "Lilah rose because she fought the king in a sex battle. Alone. He didn't need an army to fight him. Anyone can use an army. Take a TRUE ALPHA leader to fight another king one on one" "Yes ... But killing you here so much fun and easy" She Said putting out her arms She turns around spoke to the other Hyena Warriors "Isn't ... Don't you want to pick your teeth with the man cub"" She Said "So are you a Hyena or a CHICKEN" She Growls. She raised her claws at him and nearly struck. He dodges out of the way "Rather I live or Die. It shall be known you were scared to fight a MERE human. What that say for the other people you face" The other Hens were quiet. She growled at him "Your growl sound like a little Puppy" He looked around "Are you LEAD by a PUPPY. I fought all my battles with KINGS one and one. If you too scared ... have you hyenas kill me now. I can't stand the stench of your cowards" The hyena was going crazy, jumping up and down pissed it "All right ... ALL RIGHT kid. Fair enough. You merely Human. I eat people like you for breakfast LUNCH AND DINNER" She Said He smiled to himself. The foolish woman had underestimate him. Like many great beasts did in the past. "So, it be a battle using sex. Submission" "No let makes it fun. Let make it to the DEATH" She Said applauding "Very Well how do I know none of them will attack" "You have my Promise" She Said "Plus if I do, I am sure all your men will snitch on me. They call me what ... did you call me ... A CHICKEN ... I don't know what that is, but I don't like it. They will not interfere ... Your men wont either right" "Yes.You have my Word "All right Man cub it's a deal" She Said putting out her hand after spitting on it "Shake on it" He grabbed her hand for a shake but then she went for a punch. He caught it with the other hand. She was shocked "Guess the fight starts now" He Said He punched her in the stomach lifting her off the ground and then tossed her. He went for a spinning kick knocking her back. She was still on her feet. He ran across some tree and did a two-foot kicked into her chest knocking her into the drink "Your arrogance will be your death" "LUCKY SHOT!!" She Said "When you challenge someone" He said undoing his loin cloth "You should check what weapons they are carrying" He undid it and showed a thick and massive cock. The cock was at lead 18 inches. He thick veins like tree veins. It seems rock hard. His balls were huge like two coconuts. The cock was wide massive around. Bigger than even high mighty hands "And I carry a BIG WEAPON" Tarzan grabbed her and spun her around. He slammed her into a tree. She gasps as the cock slipped into her pussy "FUCK" She screamed Her pussy was nice and wet slipping in stretching his walls. It bangs in and out as she screamed in pain and pleasure. He guided it in as his cock pulsated grinding into. It had a nice curved hitting the right spots. She called again the tree "Not a CUB now am I" He put her arm behind her back and propelled his shaft deep into her. Her pussy was dripping with him. His cock was hanging out. At least part of it as he seems to fill her up. But he pushed beyond what he thought were her limit "Ohhhhhhh" She Said He grabbed her tits with both hands slamming it in and out. She cried out as her pussy started to gush as a climax hit. She sprayed her Pussy Juice "Pretty TIGHT for a wicked SLUT" He Said She is moaning biting her lip as she felt her climax going. He massaged her tits and let him play against her mighty chest. He cocks was corkscrew against her soaked pussy. He held onto one tit and rubbed her pussy lips as he is fucking her "You like that" He Said Her nibbled on his dick and made sure his massive cock was inside her. He had 14 inches stretching her pussy walls as her pussy clamp on him. It slammed against her walls like harpoon. His finger rubbing her clit made a nice comb as she came again "You can't even take a whole shaft" "damm YOU ... YOUR COCK so massive" "That right" He Said He grabbed her by her hair and let out a Jungle cry. He pushed in and out. The sweat was dripping down her might chest "STRONGER than any man" He Said slapping her ass Her ass Jiggle as the sting of the slap went through her ass flesh. She shook it back and forth as he spanked her ass, watching his cock disappeared "And smarter than any animal" "Ohhhh PLEASE YOUR SAVAGE COCK TO BIG" "Then you shouldn't have threatened my land. You're going to pay for that. You are going pay as my MIGHTY jungle Shaft break you beast. It will split you in half" "Ohhhh Your cock so WONDERFULL" "Yes, you should have showed me that respect before you challenge me. Now me TARZAN king of the JUNGLE shall break you" He slammed his fist on her back and made ape noise as he fucked like a gorilla. His toes were bent like an ape as he put it her feet on his back. He was pushing up and down fucking him hard and fast. The Pussy juice was splashing out "Take ever inch" "OH, PLEASE SPARE ME" "No, you much be taught a lesson" "But your cock ... it's so (laughs wildly) Heh heh can't keep this up with a straight face" She said She pushed down against him. His entire cock goes inside her. He gasps as her pussy muscles massaged him. He moaned and feel an intense bolt of pleasure. He tries to pull out but can't. She pulls him in and pushed him out back and forth...like a ball hitting a paddle. She laughs against "Do you REALLY think that cock impressive. I have literal HORSE dick. Your PUNY shaft. Don't get me wrong...it's nice for a human. Soft, gentle and smell goods. But I can tear it off with my pussy muscle" He cried out as her pussy squeezed him tightly. "Does that hurt" She Says He screams out as her cunt squash his shaft. She loosens as it still inside her. His cock pulsating as she pushed against him faster and faster. Jane had never bene able to take so much "Ahhh what the matter man cum can take my pussy" He bangs on her back trying to get out. She smiled as she looked back. A young tongue went across her mouth. She gave a big toothy smiled "Are you trying to escape my Pussy. This little boy trying to escape my pussy" Laugher was ringing through the. He gasps as he was slammed into her, still fucking her Doggy style. It looked like he was in control from an outsider viewer, but he was in pain. He never felt a pussy so wet. It was strong squeezing him "Ohhhhh Fuck" He Said He fails on her back as he unleashes a turret of cum, shooting deep into her. Tears ran down his face Tears of pleasure "Feel like a noodle now. Let me get that hard" She Said It was like her pussy was a mouth sucking him. He cried out as his cock was stretch out. It seems so hard that it hurt. His rode was like steal. He couldn't believe it. She moves her ass, so his cock was halfway out. IT was soaked with pussy Juice, dripping ropes of Juices. His cum dripped from her "OH Fuck" He moaned "You like seeing that FAT cock stuff me boy. Look at it" She said twerking it ass "Seem almost impossible. But (giggle) it not. Going to make you cum till you cum dust" She squeezed his cock the center mass. He screamed as he banged on her back "Thanks for the massaged kid" She pushed an inch in. He heard a gush. She pulled it back out down to the cock head and squeezed that. She grabbed his wrist and pushed back to a halfway point "Ohhhhhh stop stop" He Said "What the matter you can't take pussy. Look at this little wuss ladies. He can't take my pussy crying like little baby" She was shaking her ass back and forth. Sweat was flying off it as she was sucking him in. Her pussy opens and close over his cock. He tried to pull out, but she would suck him in deeper. It was like quicksand "It barely in me. Oh NO ... SURELY I can't take this BIG...PULSATING VEINY COCK" "Is so wet" He Said "You think I can ladies You think I can take all this cock little gals" She said The people cheered her on. The lady's hyenas were Jumping up and down. Shenzi looked back at Tarzan with a wicked smile. He pushed the cock all the way in. He gasps as she was pushing it in and out. His balls were slapping her ass. The sound was ringing through the area. It shook the ground "Ahhhhh shit" She Said It pushed her body backward as she was fucking him. She ran her claws across the ground. She was squeezing him like a vice. Her pussy was soaking him. His big cock head was ringing and getting purple like a plum. She was crying out with pleasure. He held onto her ass tightly. His knees were shaking, and his toes were curling. It dug into the dirty in the Jungle "You're going to DIE here Man Cub" She Said The pre cum was oozing out his head. He felt his veins pulsating as she was slamming inside her. His heart was beating fast "Can kill you right here. My little pussy" She Said Shenzi was in complete control. His cock was pumping in and out. It is pulsating like a Hose that was tied into the knot. He tried to hold back but he couldn't push back the hurricane. It was about to burst like old faithful. It was nothing he could do about it "They say I'm stupid. But what stupid ... being a crazy like me. Or being a MAN CUB trying to challenge a woman like me" "Ohhh fuck please ... No. Can't be defeated by someone a lowly as you" He tried as he could to fight back. He sued his muscles to grab her ass toward him. He pushed up and down and growled pushing his body into her. She was on top of her on all fours. She was fucking him as she was on top of him "Ahhhhh Yesss" She Said He pumps with a force of a Rhino banging into her. His entire 18-inch cock went inside her. She screamed as she was starting to cum "Ahhhhhhhhh Yesss that it ... FIGHT show me what the King of the JUNGLE can do" She Said "Yes, take this fucking cock" He Said He was drilling in and out of her. Her pussy Juice was spraying. He pulled on her hair. His biceps pumping with power. Her pussy was spreading sucking him in. He was drench with sweat fucking this wild and furry woman. She was growling "That its little slut" She Said She pushed her ass upwards and made him lit up. Shenzi was shockingly strong as she was controlling him. She screamed having her tits press against the ground. She was moaning as she was doing it. Her dick was going against the wall of her pussy, slamming back and forth as each side. It soaked his shaft, like he was dipping into soup "Is that ALL YOU got little man cub" She said "Ahhhhhh FUCK" She Said She was starting to cum inside him. She screams as he came deep inside her. It was a huge burst as a multiple climax went through her body. He tried to pull out again as burst of cum was overflowing inside her pussy "Come on fuck me HARDER man cub" She said He was crying out as he came again. His cock somehow remains hard as she pressed against him. The tight walls were closing in on his cock, crushing him "Look at Tarzan KING OF THE JUNGLE. The apes will be first to attack" "No ... DAMM you that will not happen" "Then teach ma LESSON old King. Your so smart. Let's see your dick as tough as your words little man" She Said He pulled out his shaft and cum spilled form it. He grabbed her by her hair and swung her across the Jungle "Oooo BIG BOY you like the rough stuff. Oooooooo Tarzan SO SCARED" All the woman laughed "Tar ... zan ... .TAR ... ZAN even the name sound scary" She laughed He grabbed her and turn her around. She pushed him against the tree. He spat on his hand and rubbed it between her ass "Ohhhhh you don't need lube for me" She Said He pushed the head of his cock and spread the walls of her ass. Her asshole puckered up. He pushed deep inside her "Ahhhhh Fuck" she Said clawing against the tree "You're going to pay for threatening me" She said He grabbed her tits and squeezed. He was massaging them together. He tits were big and firm. She thrusted against him as he spread her ass hole and thrusted his tree trunk cock inside her. She screamed with pleasure "Yea nothing like a nice cock up my asshole. Your fuck your mother with that cock. Or that little Girl Jane. Going to pay her a visit" "You don't put her name in your mouth" "It be more then her name I will put in my mouth" She Said as her head got slammed into the tree His whole cock was inside her, he slammed against her wall and pushed it further. His cock was slamming with expert skilled "Bet she never took this WHOLE cock before. She probably to prim and proper to get fucked in the ass. What a wimp. Going to put on a thick strapon made of Bamboo and fucked her cunt, make the girl scream. Wonder will she screamed as loudly as you" "You shut up" he Said He slapped her as making mound of ass meat Jiggle. There was a split in a tree, where the tits were hanging over "That it FUCK this DUMB SLUT. Fucking my Dumb crazy head straight" She Said She pushed against him. He gritted his teeth. He pulled on her arms and twisted them as she was propelling his shaft inside her. She felt amazing. He was using his rage to stop from cumming. His lip was quivering "May me Dumb but I know something you don't know" She squeezed his shaft like a fist. He screamed "You want to know what it is ... do you ... DO YOU" "Shut up your mad woman" "It that a little Human cant outfuck a BEAST. That you are going die here man cub" She Said "Damm you ... You will take every bit of me" "Well.Well So scared. The tears flowing down your face much be your battle paint" She said as she continued to milk "You know your not the first human I fucked" He screamed out as he came against inside her. His cock was pulsating inside her. His cock was spraying big amount of cum inside her "Yesss ... YessS" She took his hand and used it to massage her tits. She was grinding into him. There bodies were sticking together in sweat. "Used to visiting the human village, drag them out and fuck them senseless. Sadly, none of them last. They weren't as strong as you. But I can really stretch out your death" She Said She wrapped an arm around his neck as she was milking his shaft. Another spray of cum was shooting into her, "Ahhh your scared now. I can smell the fear" She Said She was feeling his cock burst out cum. It was spraying into her ass. IT was dripping out of his shaft. She moaned with pleasure. She was squeezing against his shaft. She was moaning as the cock was pumping in and out of him "Yesss" She Said "Please Don't make me Cum anymore" He Said "You surrender" She Said He hesitated. She felt his tears on his back "Good little man. Want to make you last a bit longer" She Said She pushed her ass forward and had him pop out. He falls on the ground. She straddled him and close her strong legs round him. She was squeezing his thighs. She was making her thighs squeezed around him. She is squeezing his ribs "Argggggg" She Said She pumped up and down. Her big tits were slamming together. The sweat was flying off. Her nipples were rock hard as she ran her nails across his chest drawing some blood. She sucked on her finger enjoying it "Ahhhhhhhh Fuck" He Said She pulled his cock , stretching the root of it. Tears flowed down his face as he was crying out. She licked his face tasting the tears "Delicious" She Said "Ohhhhhhhhh Dammit" He Cried "Ohhhhhhhh Yes the smell of sex in the air" He was close to passing out. She gave him a slapped across the face "Get up little man. You're not DYING On me let. Some people Can be so rude, dying before I fucked you to death" She slammed her fist on his chest to keep his heart beating. She was moaning with pleasure as she squeezed his cock tightly "Ahhhhhh POOR WITTLE BABY ... Am I hurting you" She was hearing some ribs crack as she rode his cock faster and faster. Her tits were going into a blur. She licked her lips screaming out. She cupped her breast and licked the sweat off "Love fucking Humans.so soft and hairless. Like little meer cats" She Said She wrapped her hands around her neck and squeezed. She was choking him. The cum was rising. The cum was pointing against his cock head. His cock head got bigger. Blood was rushing against his veins. His cock was expanding growing. It was an extra inch big "You going to cum for me little man ... .CUM till you die. Got and ASS FULL of cum and soon my Mouth will be filled wot" She grabbed his head and buried his face between her tits. She was smothering him. He couldn't breath as she was slapping her tits against him. The heaviness of her tits had nearly crushed him. Her tits were making him moan in pain as it slapped her "Yes, take those big old tits" She Said She straddles some more and grabbed her tits. She grabbed it and started to suck the tits. Her salvia was dripping down her breast. It was dripping down her breast. "Ohhhhhh Yess can feel that cock pulsating" She Said She grabbed her wrist and put them over each other as they were fucking her. She is massaging his cock. Shew as twisting her pussy "Ahhhhhhhhhh Yesssss ... No ... No" She cried out in pleasure as she felt him cum inside him. He was spraying his shaft deep into him. His cock was pulsating. Steam was rising from his cock. His cum was heated as she slammed down on his ball. He was trying to get up. His arms were weak "You trying to get up little man" "Kill you" She Said She pumps up and down at his shaft that was pulsating. She moaned as his cock was ready to cum again. He gritted his teeth. His heart was beating fast "You trying to get up" She Said He was putting out his hand. He was trying choke her "You want to choke me" She Said She looked into his eyes and rubbed her tits against him. He felt her hard nipples against him. She was moaning. She squeezed his shaft "Come on choke me" She Said She took his hand and let him squeeze. She laughed as he did it. He squeezed as hard as he could putting his muscle into "That it ... take out your anger. Think of all the nasty things I am going to do to Jane" He necks was very muscle as she rode him bouncing up and down as she fucked him to oblivion. He cried out "Damm you ... KILL you" "Ahhhhhhhhh So scared" Great pleasure washed over his body as his knees were turning into Jelly. His gripped loosen. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head "That it is fucking choke me" She laughed "Stop laughing" He Said "Make me" She said picking up the pace This time when he came the climax went all through his body. His hand went limp as he fails down. She licked his chest "Please I ... " "Say it loud boy" "I SURRENDER!!" he Cried His men look away in shame "That nice kid but still going to kill you" "Please you beat me why" "Because I can silly" She Said She moans. He bodies quivered as she came against him. Her tits were waving back and forth as she was enjoying the victory "Ahhhn yes it an endless supply of cum" She Said She was running her nails down his chest. His cock was pumping ropes of cum inside her as she was cumming. "You like looking at my tits man cub" She Said She was swinging her tits back and forth and did some pec flexed. Her tits were bouncing up and down. She then flexed it on and a time. The sight was driving him crazy. She had a wild look in her eyes. Her eyes were going into different directions "You people LOVE tits don't they" She grinded into him. His cock was pulsating. His cock was spraying from his cock head. The cum sprayed from his cock hole "Ohhhhh Please stop" He cried "Think it all that time being raised by your mother. Us Hyena women grow a lot faster. You want to suck my tits little baby boy" She put her tit in her mouth and made him suck her. She grabbed his balls and gave it a big squeezed. She was pushing up and down on his shaft as he was cumming again and again. She slides down and started sucking his balls "Fuck" He Said She was stroking his shaft. His balls were rolling around in her mouth. She gave it a big suck as she was pulling on his balls. She was licking the sweat off his balls stroking him. She pressed her fingers against his shaft. Shew as playing it like a flute "Ohhh fuck" He Said His cock was pumping. His cock was ready to spray. His cum was shooting out of his cock and spraying on her belly. She grabbed his shaft and took it deep into his mouth. She swallowing it making his cheeks red. "Mmmmmmm Tasty" She Said She was rung her tongue against his shaft and stroked it. She put his shaft between her tits and squeezed around it "Told you I would have cim and every hole" His cock was getting lost in her tits as she sucked the part of his cock that was out of her tits. She was sucking up and down. Her salvia was dripping down his shaft. She sucked the pre cum from his cock head she was moving up and down "Little Jane never sucked this cock. She certainly didn't deep throat it" She had her ass up in the air shaking and twerking it. She moaned with pleasure as her ass cheeks were slapping together. She enjoyed the power. His cock was ready to burst. It dripped pre cum down her tits and soaking it "Ohhhhhh fuck" Said "Yes, want to coat my tits with that cum" She Said The cock was spalling against her large tits. She pushed her finger in. He could already see the cum dripping from her ass hole from when he shot the load into her. It was raining out like a volcano. Shenzi moaned loving the taste of his shaft "Come on CUM for me boy" She Said He cried out digging his finger into the dirt. He was trying to fight and relax. He was trying to stop his heart from beating to fast where he would have a heart attack. He slammed his foot against the ground making dust come up "OHHH FUCK" He Said He gritted his teeth. There were some veins appear in his forehead. He clenches his teeth and cried out. Bubble of spit dripped down his shaft. He was screaming her name "Ohhhhh fuck about to cum" He sprayed out the cum like of faithful. It was coating her tits. She got on her knees and licked the cum off her tits "Mmmmmm Tasty" She Said He was trying to crawl away and screamed for help. The Hyena grabbed his men and held their claws to their necks "Going to kill you little man" She Said She let him get up. She stared out him and said "BOO" He ran through the Jungle. He is running was weaken but fear was carrying him on. She let him get some distance "Going to taste that cock little cub" She Said She was running at all fours as Tarzan swung on the trees. She seems be getting closer. He turns and didn't see her "Think I lost her" She Said She leaped form the sides. She grabbed him wrapping her legs and arms around him. She took him down and slammed him to the ground "You can't run from me. I can smell the fear from miles away" She Said She grabbed his cock and licked the shaft. She stroked it and put it in her mouth. She was sucking on his shaft making him moan "Mmmmmmm the taste of victory" She Said She wrapped her legs around his chest and squeezed. She squeezed with a strrengh of the most deadly anaconda "Argggg" He moaned "Look at all this blood rushing to your cock. In like a big mushroom" She Said The pre cum dripped down his cock "Ohhhhhhh Yes I know my Darling. This is such sweet torture. But I am here to tell this is the beginning. Know your cock sensitive. Just running the tip of my tongue is enough" She slurped around his shaft and just sucked the head. She eases the cum out of the cock hand stroking it with her hand. Her tails whipping back and forth against his ass. He was moaning as her lips stayed around the cock head, but the spit dripped down his shaft. She stroked his shaft easing the cum out "Take a peek of my Ass little man" She Said She was making her ass twerk letting his cummed dripped out. She had filled him out. Tarzan moaned in pain and pleasure. His army was shocked and applauded at how much her was being hamulated ""Smell my ass ... my scent" She Said She wiggled his ass in front of him and let the ass juices fly off. He was shaking and gritting his teeth as she was doing this. She stroked faster and pulled her lips away. She just teased it with her tongue lapping up any cum that was dripping out. She slapped his cock "Come on this ins mind" Her asshole was spread nice and wide. Winder then he thought was possible. It closed on him making hi moaned with pleasure. Her legs squeezed hard "Can break you with these legs" "Please Your killing me" "Of course, I am that's the whole plan" She laughed She sucked his head again. This time she squeezed the center letting the cum spray out deep into her mouth. She enjoyed the sweet taste of victory as she was sucking him clean "Ahhhhhh Yess mmmmm" She said drinking it like a straw She sat on his face putting his nose into her ass. She played with his ass hole giving him a rim Job and she stroked his cock "Bet Jane never did this" She wrapped her legs around his head now she sucked his shaft as she fingered his ass. Her fingered pushed in. She let go off his cock and then licked his ass. Her longer tongue went down into him. It was a new feeling her never felt "What the matter boy you never had a girl do this" "Damm you" He said under her ass "What the matte man Cum can't hear you" She said She fucked him as she sucked on his tant. Her mouth wrapped around his balls, making him shake. He tasted the saltines "Man, cum fear tease to great" She laughed Tarzan cried his ass muffled by her. She slammed her ass down on his face and continued to work his shaft "Man, world should be easy to conquer Your NOTHING without your Boom sticks. Will sneak into the night and take you all" The hyenas cheered. She smiled a big smile then went ear to ear. She was craving sex. Cum dripped down her mouth. She continued teasing his cock as she stroked him. Necklace of spit connected her mouth to his ass and cock. Bubble of spit dripped down his shaft. His shaft now was covered in veins pumping with blood in them. She stroked it "Ohhhhhhhhhh Yesss" "Look at the KING OF THE JUNGLE crying like a little Girl from a simple blow Job. I hope Jane last longer then this. Well you like your crown KING ... You're like your crown of ASS on your head" "Please Leave Jane alone" She stood up a place a foot on his chest. Her nails from her feet scratch his chest. She laughed. Laughter filled the room "Let her GO...Let her Go. Hmmmm Should I let her go" The crowd cheered no. They were on Tarzan men twisting their arms. They were brought to their knees "This STUPID hairless ape wants me to LET that little Human go" "No way" The woman shout '"Weren't you supposed to save her with that BIG COCK of you. Tarzan and Jane isn't that what you do ... Come to her rescue" "That look like much a hero" One the ladies laughed She whipped her dreads back and forth , getting it out of her face. She licked her lips "I going to ride her DAY AND DAY OUT. Going to hang your body in our bedroom. So, they know who failed her" "Damm you WICKED bitch" "Stick and Stones Tarzan" She said She stood up against the tree and had a wicked look in her eye. An evil thought crosses her head. She laid her arm against the tree explosion her breast "All right gives you a chance to save her" "What do you mean" "Fuck me" She Said "Against this tree ... Won't even hold back" There was opening where the tree split. She sat in it and spread her legs. She put her legs against her shoulder leaving her ass and pussy expose "Come hero ... give it your BEST shot ... BREAK me" She Said He looked around. He was nervous. He thought it was some type of trick. She had her legs over her head. She pressed her arms against her tits and made them stick out bigger "Come your not SCARED are you" She Said He stood up. He let out a big breath. He slammed his fist to get his chest to pump himself off. He stuck out his pegs. His cock got bigger. He growled. He was going to put all his energy into this. He ran his cock into her "Ohhhhhhhh Fuck" He grabbed her tits sucking them as she was being fucked by him. He rams with a roar, with the force of a tire stampede slamming into her tits. She had her tits against him as he licked them. She moaned as his entire cock spread her wide "Fuck ... FUCK" She Said "Like that you BITCH" He had his mouth wrapped around her tit and grabbed her neck choking her. His cock was like the strongest metal, fucking her with a speed of a cheetah "Ahhhhhhhhh Yess cumming" He roared, he dripped with sweat as she came. He thought he had it as her brought another multiple climax to her. Her pussy was filled with his cock meat "Shit...Shit" "Feel the power of the Juggle" His strong arms gripped around him. Her pussy muscles massaged him as she was dripping wet. He fucked as hard as he could not letting up for a second. He puss splayed "Take it all" He Said Her eyes rolled back into her head as she chokes her. Another climax soaked his cock as it remained thick. He moaned. His heart beating fast. She looked into his eyes "Is that all you got" She Said He was shocked at this. Her neck muscle got strong as she tried to choke. It pushed his hand way. He went to massage her tits fucking her. His teeth gritted. It was the best pussy he ever had. He was close to cumming as she is screaming with climax. Her breast glisten slapping against him. He pulled on her nipple with his tongue pulling the tits flesh. He massages the other tits feeling her pussy constantly pulling him in "Look at me shoved that FAT cock inside me. Fill up my gut, Fucked the back of my throat as you shoved it up my pussy passed my stomach" "Fuck your pussy crushing me" "That because my Pussy is not a woman pussy. It can slam with a force of crocodile mouth, slammed against your cock. Now fuck me harder. Yea get rough ... SLAP my those" He slapped her tits and then slapped her. It didn't stop her. Only turn her on. She came against him splashed against her chest. Her hair hung down half of her face. She blew it "Your really are trying hard ... to bad you're going to die in this cunt" "Fuck you" Tarzan said "I am TARZARD ... KING OF A JUNGLE" "more like little princess" "damm you ... ..fuck" He Cried He came deep into her pussy with long ropes of cum coating it. He continued to fuck her. He grabbed her tits to hang on. His knees were wobblily. He was sobbing as some hope was left. He tried to thrust, grinded into her "Ahhhhhh he really trying" She laughed She adjusted her pussy every so light and he came again harder the before. He was sobbing into her tits. He couldn't stand. He laid against her tits. With each thrust hope was going away "Where you are going ... don't you want to save Jane" "I can't ... I can't" He Said cumming again "Fuck My cock so sensitive ... let me pull it out She didn't allow him to "Beg for it" She said "Beg you to let me go" "No beg for me to make her my SLAVE Tarzan and maybe I will stop" "No damm" You She vibrated her pussy causing him to scream in ecstasy. She moved her pussy around sucking him in and out. His balls slapped against her. He soaked her tits with her pussy "You got a nice cock kid can do this all day" "Please Don't" She smothered him with her tits. She kept him like this for five minutes. She let him go and talk. Her tits flowed with his tears ""What do you say" "Please ... PLEASE rape Jane and make her your slave" "As you wish I will" "Will you let me go" He Asked "No ... NEVER I lied LITTLE WIMP "You should of never went back to the Jungle" She Said "What were you THINKING man cub trying to challenge me" "Sorry ... Sorry She tossed him down and spun him around. She put the foot against her tits, tit fucking him. Her legs were wrapped around them. Her foot was nice and sweaty. The foot was sliding between her feet "Look at the king" She Said His head was laid against her breast. It was stuck between her. Her foot was moving up and down. Her toes were pressed against her foot. It felt the veins. Her toes pressed against different pressure point on his cock. She gave it a nice squeezed "Ohhhhhhhh Fuck" "Look at sweet little princess. He can't even take my feet. Look at him get hard as a rock" She Said She licked his tears and then scratches he chest. He moans as scratch mark were on his chest. He was shaking with pleasure as her foot made a nice pussy for him. His cock was pumping and pulsating as it was between her feet "Ohhhhhhhh" She moan with pleasure She made her shake as he was using her tits like two pillows. She was grinding against him. She patted on his head like a baby "Poor little Tarzan ... abandon and alone. Raise by Apes. Don't worry I will take care of you my little Dying man" He screamed as he started to cum. His cock shot out a stream of cum as he cried out with pleasure. Tears ran down his face as he moaned. His heart was beating fast "Can kill you anytime I desire man cub and it nothing you can do to stop me" She Said He was shaking with pleasure as he was cumming and cumming. There was s big rope of cum shooting out of his cock. It coated his cock she used her toes to massage his cock. She pressed against his balls. His lip quivered as she was doing it "BEHOLD THE WIMP king, This the best the Humans and the apes have to offer, taking them over will be easier than to Mufasa wimp" She let him go. She had a foot on the back of his chest. Her foot moved up and pressed against the back of his neck "Going to Tell Jane what you said Man cub before I have my way with her" She Said She picked him up "Now RUN MANCUB ... run" She Said She slapped him on the ass. He ran as fast as she could. She stops her women from chasing him. She sniffs the air catching his scent. She wanted to let him get some distance away from her, she then gave chase. Tarzan took the trees swinging across branch to Brach. He moved fast, faster than he moved before. He ran on top of the speed and leap "Where you think you're going" She Said He looked behind her. She was on all fours running toward him. She moved at top speed herself making short cuts. Tarzan screamed for the animals. The ran into the forest only for her claws to cut them down with one little swipe "Come on little man" He was in a panic. She took the trees herself. He tripped scared of what behind her. He was losing his balance as fear overtook his sense. He legs was weaken from the fight as he got up grabbed another tree vine and swung across the cavern. "Your fear makes you weak" She Said She leaped after him over a cliff. She was on him. It was like she was hunting a wounded animal. Tarzan grabbed a large tree branch and swung. She caught it with one hand and did a round house kick knocking him back "Silly little Cub She cracked it across her knee and stood over him. She got on top of him riding him. She whistled for her women. The came toward her, following Tarzan screams of sex. His cock shot a stream of cum into her pussy "Ohhhhhhhh Fuck" She Said She clenches her legs around him and made him rise and down. She held on top him making him cum inside her "Ahhhhhh Yesss" She Said She stood over him and slapped her. She shook as she spread her legs. "Stick it in me little cub" She Said He hesitated, wiping the tears from his face. He could smell her scent. It was intoxicating to him, hypnotic even. She shook her ass "What the matter scared cub" She Asked She walked up to him and rubbed her ass against his cock. She took his hand and put it on her breast and had him squeezed them like ripe melons "Tarzan KING OF THE COWARDS" She giggled wildly She turns around and grabbed his neck. She pushed him against the tree "Fuck my Ass or I will SLAUGHTER YOUR MEN" She Said She walked up to other tree and dug her claws into it. He braces himself. He thought maybe he could do some damage "Come on man cub go ahead" He braces himself. He may die having sex with her, but he was going to go out fighting. He hopes to do some damage. He ran toward her and slammed his cock inside her. He forces his cock between her warm cheeks "Ohhh Yes fuck my as snice and deep" She moan She was pushed against him sucking in his dick with his ass. His big cock was pulsating showing thick veins as she was banging her ass. "Ohhh fuck" He Said She whipped her hair back and forth hitting him like a whip. He saw her ass cheeks spread nice and wall. He was parting the walls as the ass making him shake with pleasure. Her pussy was dripping and nice and soaked. He slammed with full force shaking the tree. The leaves flowed "Ohhh fuck yes" She Said She pushed and grinded him making him moan. He was making a lathered of cum in her ass. His cock was dripping against him. His cum was already dripping from his ass "That it FUCK me ... FUCK me hard" His muscles flexed as his plunges. Veins appeared in his neck and forehead. His face turns red as he fucked with a force of a king in a mission "That right feel my cock with that MAN meat man cub" "I am a man...not a CUB" He Said He pulled on his heard, his cock growing inside her. She grinded herself against the tree moaning. She licked her lips as the sound of balls slapping against her filled the jungle. It slapped against her with a force to make a bruise "I am LION" He Said "Is that so" She giggled "I ate a whole bunch of lions. I have room for your elephant Trunk. Still got piece of Mufasa in my teeth" "You VILE WOMAN ... You will not defeat me so easy" He watches her ass twerk on him, it sent vibration up his shaft making him moan. He gritted his teeth as the pressure built. Her ass Juice was soaking his cock, going into every pour of his shaft. It made him glisten as his cock pulsating. The head of it pushed against him. His heart beating fast. Fear was creeping back in "You men think you conquers of the Jungle but really us ANIMALS live free. Least the one on top of the food chain like me. We take what we want, fuck who we want, live free without your pathetic mortals" "Shut up" She pushed her ass pushing him back. Her ass clench pulling him back into her ass "That it FUCK my Ass pipe little man. Fuck my Dirty ass with that fat fucking cock. Fill me up. Bruised me with those heavy Donkey balls you little princes. You want to be BIG AND BAD. You got to fuck me. Fuck me like you're a KING...AND I AM LITTLE DAMSLEL" "Fuck" He Cried out "Come FUCK me harder ... Or I skin you here and now" He grabbed hold of her ass pumping in and out. Her ass was shaking against him as her eyes rolled into the back of his head "Don't hold back HURT ME" She Said She squeezed hard enough make me scream in pain "Like the Jelly ass ... NICE AND Juicy FOR YOU" She Said She looked back at him struggled. She smiles a big tooth smile. She felt his cocks stiffen against her. He cum dripped down the wall "Tell me the KING NOT DONE" She said She pushed back and saw cum dripping from her ass as she looked back. His cock was soaked in her. He held onto her shoulder and pushed in as she arches her back "such a hard cock ... bruise my Ass Hole" She moaned and shook back and forth. His hand was shaking. He tried to pull away "Where you think your going put that cock back in there. I am the QUEEN HERE ... I am the ruler of this Jungle Today" "Fuck ... Dammit" He came deep into her ass pumping "Yea fill me with that cake batter. Fuck my nasty hole. Did you like the taste of my pussy man cub. Did you like POUNDING my ass" She roared She made him cum against. Even bent over she was in control as he fucked wildly. He was sweating so much he could barely see. His toed cured as he pounded her. He got lost in the rhythmic beat of him fucking her ass "Ohhhhhhhh shit ... shit" "I fucked a horse cock, a lion cock and elephant cock ... you think your LITTLE SHAFT can do anything" "I am sorry" He Said "Sorry ... what" "Sorry My Queen" He Said as he nearly collapsed She kept him up by pushing against him not letting him back. The tree was shaking some more as she scratches the words "Tarzan died here" with her nails "Sorry for WHAT ... little cub" "Sorry for trying to challenge you ... Please I am no match" He cried stuttering "Sorry for trying to fuck my ass when you're a baby cub ... SAY IT" "Sorry for fucking your ass when I am Baby cub" He whimper All her army laughed echoing through the Jungle as the moon rose. Darkness came over as the sound of the Jungle was heard. He was crying out in pain and pleasure unbale to take it. His lip quivered as he was getting fucked hard by her "Ohhhhhhhh shit" She Said She laughed feeling him struggled. She kept him like this for a half and hour. He was mumbling. She sighed and had him pull out. She had him on her knees "apologize to my ass" She Giggled Cum dripped from her ass hole. He felt embarrassed "DO IT!!" "I am sorry ... ass" He Said speaking into her ass "Kiss each cheek to show it your sorry for wasting it time" He did smooch each one. His only satisfaction was that he saved his men. She pushed him down and sucked her ass Juice off his cock devouring it "No ... Not that" "Tell you what man Cub ... .how does this feel" "It tortures" He Said "Well good new I want slaughter your men ... But my Ladies on the other hand." "No, your promise ... If you do I will ... " She straddled him. She then pushed him inside him riding his cock. He moaned and gritted his teeth. She had his cock trapped between her pussy wall "You DO WHAT" She Said raising his claws "N ... .Nothing" He Said She smothered him with her tits. She raised her ass up and down as she plunges her pussy on him. He was getting smother "Don't talk for the next minutes" She said She smothered him for 5 minutes as she rode his cock. He couldn't breathe. His face was stuck right between those big globes of her as pumping his cock draining him of cum. She came on him and screamed as fireworks of pleasure went through his body. For him he seems like he was floating on a wave of pleasure days. She lifted he tits up and he gasp for breath "You do what ... tell me" He was about to speak only to be slapped with her tits. She smothered him again. She grabbed his hand and put it on her ass. He slapped it squeezed "That it massages it ... slap it hard" She Said Her cheeks got red as he spanks it. She was enjoying having all that beef stuff inside her like a glove. She purred and played with his hair. This time she did it for six-minute cumming with a huge gusher "You will DO WHAT" "Nothing ... Nothing. It nothing I can do" He sobbed She grabbed him by his hair and stood him up. She pointed at his men who was captured "Tell them they will die because your DICK FAILED TO STOP me" "I failed you ... my dick wasn't enough. He pussy is to great" The hyenas Jumped on one of his solider tearing him apart. She was grabbed his cock. She stroked his cock "I am not even my Queen greatest Warriors. You had ZERO CHANCE. Tell them how foolish you were" "I was foolish ... No one can challenge them" The people looked away in shame at there would be king now reduce to sobbing like a child. She stroked his shaft "Look he is getting hard from this. WHAT A SICK PUPPY" She Said She stroked his cock licking his neck as another one of his men were slaughter. She ran her nails across his chest leaving a mark "Tell you what if you can avoid cumming I won't kill them" "Please Stop this" "Come on shouldn't be to hard, you shot about a gallon of cum inside me boy. Surely you can survive and now fail so miserably again" She Said He looked back in anger. She spat on his hand and stroked it. He knew he would fail but he struggled anymore "Try not to think how good that cock feel between my tits" "Come on TARZAN you can do it ... fight the bitch" One of the men said Tarzan could even look at them. He was held down under a mountain of shame. He wanted to die. He begged for it to end "Come on think you can do it" She Said sarcastic "That it CHEER FOR YOUR HERO KING" His army cheered his named. She laughed and stroked faster. She added pressure pointing, stroking up to under the head of the shaft. He moans and shook. The men eyes had horror on them as their king came "You fail Tarzan ... you failed again" "You're a monster" He cried as some of his men was eaten "Come on one more time surely you can do it. Surely you're not THAT PATHETIC" She Said massaging his shaft "Come on" "Why ... .You know I can't your horrible woman" "But I am only using my hands. Are you really that weak that you can't survive just with my hand little man? How pathetic your Humans are"? He sputtered. He was hopeless "That its little boy" He came with an explosion this time. He cried as it flowed like a hose. Cum hit the ground making a river. The sound of the forest got louder and scarier. The hyena's eyes glowed in the darkness like red lights all around "Keep a few alive to tell the tell. He certainly won't be" She dropped him and licked her hand. She pointed to her ass and had him lick it as she fingered herself "That it gets deep in there" She Said Tarzan knew he couldn't resist. She massaged his ass and licked it. She moaned feeling the confidence of victory standing in the moon light "The Dark Jungle no place for a BOY" She Said "Save some for me. Want a heart on my Table" She Said The women cheered as she fingered herself to a to a heavy climax. She turns around him and had him eat her pussy "Look up at me want to see the failure in your eyes" She laughed as he ate her pussy. She played with her tits enjoying the power. His tongue was lapping her up between her pussy lips. He licked around the clitoral hood. She sucked her own breast enjoying the power. Shenzi was in sweet bliss "That's a good boy Tarzan" She Said "Higher ... lower faster ... faster" She smiles laughing manically. She pulled on his hair "Enjoying your SUPPER" She Said wrapping her legs around her head "Maybe if you did this at first, I let you live. Who am I kidding was always going to kill you"? She came against his face, soaking him. It went into his eyes and mouth and it slashed everywhere. She bent over "Crawl over here" She command He did as tell. She spread her pussy for him and arch his back. He knew this would be the end of him. He didn't even fight it. He pushed his cock into her pussy and fucked her. He rode her hard and fast. Then he knew that she had been holding back. She pushed against him and he came again. This time the ejaculation was quiver and more intense "That its man cub" She Said gripping the ground "Ohhhhhhhhh shit that cock feels good. Does my pussy feel good for you"? "Yes" He cried ... "It too much" His heard was beating fast. It was about to explode in his chest. His whole body was turning into Jelly as his cock dispersed into her ass "This will be the last sight you see" She said He scratches her back as she screamed. His whole body was heating out. He could believe he was going out like this. So easy "Going to kill every human who step in here. Going to find that little man village you sometime go to. Going to find the boats that come here. There all gone" "Fuck" He said He came as his heart gave out, a long and steady climax that last 5 minutes. He body collapsed on her. She made him ejaculate 2 more times after his death "Pathetic" She Said She pushed him out of her ass "He shall make a good trophy girl. Drag his ass away" She Said