Injustice 2 battle enchantress vs superman By lilguy Superman gets into the fight with the wicked Enchantress A commission I did. To find more Superman's solider fired at the Museum, with all their weapons. There was a force field of black magic around. Their weapons just sparkled around it. It was once the Flash Museum till Flash betrayed the Regime. Now it was a museum celebrating the exploits of Superman and his army. A reminder and tribute of the people who died by Joker's Bomb. A Bomb that killed his wife along with millions. It was a remind of how far they come, before The Justice League pulled them out of the carnage. A reminder that Earth needed an IRON FIST to rule ... and not a soft hand Enchantress was in there, she took over the museum and did a magic spell to trap people in. The Suicide Squad he made manage to sneak in, but they never came back "Never seen boys to do a man's Job" He Said He floated over the museum with his arms on his chest. He shot some heat vision down into the forcefield. The heat was shooting through the force field. A steady stream. It was weakening. He knew not for long. As it was weakening he flew up in the air at super speed through the clouds, till the city got small. He flew down with his fist pointed out. He flew down like a rocket and smashed into spot of the force field he was blasting. He broke through it and went into the museum. There were people wrapped in tentacle that were floating in the air. The tentacle was wrapped around their sexual organ sucking it fluids from them "What type of Depravity is this" Superman Said He stood strong, cape flowing in the wind. He made a sneer. He scans around in X-ray vision. He saw a woman in another room riding Dead Shot who was tied to the ground. Deadshhot inside a woman. The woman hands were tied to him. Superman flew to trying to save him. Deadshot had a ball gag in his mouth. A blond woman was riding him. He freed the blond woman first. The Blond woman ran for cover. He took the ball gag out of Dead shot mouth "You BIG red and blue idiot ... that's her" Deadshot Said He turns. The Blond woman was Judy Moody "Run ... she is coming" She Screamed Out of her body was hooded figure, a woman dress in silk garb. Her eye glowed Green. She was coming out Judy moody stomach and then form into replace Judy Moody body. The Enchanter was tall and walked in a lustful way. She wore fishnet stocks and had an exotic beauty; her skirt was green and short. She appeared to have no panties. She had a Green vest that was open showing a Green bra. It showed off her cleavage. Her hair was black "Kill the bitc ... " Deadshot screamed Suddenly before Deadshot could finish his mouth started to close and disappear. Enchantress made a shhh motion. Superman went to attack her with heat vision. She put up her forcefield that absorbed the energy "What do you want" He Said The forcefield Absorbed the energy then shot it back in a green ball. It knocked her back. She forms a Green energy Sword and slice him. It cut his suit and drew some blood. He surprises. She kicked him in the chest. His body flew skipping across the museum. He crashed into a ship that was on display. It was the first ship that brought him to Earth when he was baby "Not so good when dealing with magic. So strong ... but like men they have many weaknesses." She Said Superman grabbed his ship and tossed it at her. She was sent flying as hit her sending her across the room crashing in a replica of a fight of The Amazon invading IRAQ. She knocked down a mannequin as her body flew. Superman saw her coming toward her. He blew his freeze breath and froze her into place. He punched her sending her flying in the ground "What ever you want it will fail" He Said He flew in the sky and grabbed her by her legs as she was still flying. She slammed her down and shot some heat vision down on the ground. Smoke was rising as the heat vision shot at the ground. The smoke clear and she was gone "What Do I want" She Says her voice echoing He looked around with X-ray vision for her "What I want is your SEED Superman. I already drain these pathetic humans. Now I want a seed of a Krypton" "Sorry ... You're not my Type" Her voice was sultry. He could find where she was. She laughed. Her voice echoing through the air. She appeared behind him and grabbed him as he was in the air. She punched him repeatedly and sent him down. She was on his back and she slammed his face into the floor repeatedly, slamming her elbows down on him. She picked him up and put her hands down her pants. Her hands were soft. Her voice was hypnotic ... Digging into his brain. She felt his stiff cock. She licked his face "What the matter Superman afraid of your own hidden desires" She Said He tossed her over her back. He went to punched her, but she went into a puff of smoke around him and kicked him in the head. He was tossed as she forms magical knives in her hands and stabbed him slicing him and drawing blood. She kicked him the face knocking him through the pillar in the museum knocking him down "ahhahah ON YOUR BACK superman ... where you belong" She laughed "Damm you witch" He Said He flew at her, but she trapped him in a magical trapped shape like a diamond. He banged on it and she closed it on him crushing him. She tossed him through severally. The force of the crash knocking down Light fixtures "Kneels to me ... . And maybe I will give you a safe word" She Said He slammed his fist into the ground and the force sent her flying. She landed on her feet as he flew toward her. He punches her in the stomach sending her flying "All the seed I took made me Powerful enough to even deal with you Superman" She Said She blew some Green smoke in his face. He was daze. She motions her finger in a come here motion making him walk like a Zombie. "Come to me" She Said She ran her finger across his chest, across the symbol "Think I let the boots and cape stay on" She Said She ripped open her shirt using the tear she already made. He ran her fingers across his chest and licked his nipples. She sucked it. Something he haven't had in a while. She took out his cock and saw it was a thick and throbbing 12 inches "I bet Dianna can't do anything close to what I can do. Defiantly not that Puny Reporter" He Said The mention of Lois made him break the spell. He grabbed her by the neck "DON'T YOU DARE MENTION HER!!!" He Said He tossed across the museum. Her body was slammed through an old Giant Toy man robot. The toy man robots were a wind-up Robot, that was 100 feet tall and once attack the city. It crashed on the ground. Superman went to attack her. She disappeared. This time he was ready for her. He turns around as she appeared behind her and punch her. She was sent flying. She wipes some blood from her mouth "That no way to treat a lady" She Said They face with each. They ran at each other. Their first crashed. The force caused the glass on the window to break and the sprinkler system to come down soaking them "END THIS NOW!!.... Your magic is no match for my power" He said "Bet this the first time you ever made a girl wet" Their hands clench. She smiles changing her form to Lois Lane. "Please Don't hurt me Clark" She Said This stun Superman a bit. She punched him sending him flying. She felt a surge of energy, like a part of her life essence had come back "Silly boy ... your mind so easy to probe" She Said and slid her hand down her body like she was removing clothes, but she was just removing the illusion "Now to prove that you bleed" Superman tried to get up, but she slammed her hands through his body magical. She pulled out his very soul. Superman saw his body still as he was out of it. She slammed him down into his body and kicked him. She winded up a haymaker and punched him through the wall and out of the museum. His body flew into the street skipping over car after car. He was in the middle of the road when a Bus crashed into him. The bus skidded on the road driving fast, losing control while he was still in the bus. It crashed through a magic shop. Superman was daze "You dare come in here" A Woman Said The Woman was dress in Gypsy type clothing. She was knowing as Madame Xandu. She was with two women. One a Goth like girl name Black Alice and another was a magician known as Zantana. Zantana Waved his hard and said "FFO stanp" Superman pants disappeared. Xanadu waved her hand and lifted him up by his cock with telkentics. She squeezed her hand. He felt his balls in a tight gripped. Black Alice drank a bottle of scotch and said "Shazam" borrowing some magic from someone She grabbed Superman and uppercut through the ceiling and into the street in front of the theater. He last conscious for a second but was getting up. Enchantress floated down "PATHETIC ... for the last time Superman BEND the knee" Superman willed his power. He tried to do big attack. He ran at her at top speed. Enchantress waved her hand in front of him and a monster appeared out of the ground. A demon straight out of hell rose. It took Superman hit. The monster exploded with the punch. She leaped at her and did a kick to Superman chest knocking him down. She grabbed him and slapped him. It sent him flying into the front of the theater knocking down the letters "Get up and fighting" She Said Superman was dazed. She kicked him in the ribs and began stomping on her. She grabbed him by his head. She slammed his face onto the car. "Little boy your mind" She Said She grabbed his ass. She was licking a back of his neck. She was grinding into him. Her crotch was rubbing into him "Your body will be mind Superman" She grabbed him by the cock from behind. He felt humiliated as this woman grinded against him. She was slamming her crotch into him. She was going back and forth. She had soft hands but a strong gripped. She grabbed his cock and nibble on his ear. She lifts him up into a suplex slamming him down. Superman body bounces "Must say, find your body quite exciting" She Said "It shall be a great Trophy Superman got to his feet and trees to hit him with his hit vision. She blocks it with his forcefield. It close body. Superman is desperate. He was punching her with multiple punches all around her. The forcefield was breaking. She heads butted him and sent him bac. She kneed him in the balls "Arggggg" He said She grabbed his cock and swung him. He was flying back, and she did a kicked to his face knocking her. Her fist glowed with green power. She punched him in the stomach. She did an upper cut to his chest and knocked him back. "All your power ... Let you seep with weakness" She says in a sultry voice She leaps and kicks him the face. His body get knocked back and she moved fast making a stream of green light as she was coming toward her. She punched him and hits him and nice hard. Superman clench his fist. He tried to hit her, but she blew green smoke in his face. He stops an inch away from her face. His eyes glowed green. He felt his mind in a haze. Soon he found himself hitting himself by her control "Silly boy ... why your hitting yourself" He was trying to shake her influence. "Weak little krypton ... Farm boy. All that power Wasted" She Said She slapped him again into the theater and made him bounce back. She grabbed him up by his harden shaft. She smiled and stroked it. She pushed him against her. The hard-veiny cock was between her legs. She clamped her legs around his shaft. She kissed him. She pressed her soft lips against her. She had salvia dripping against her. Her tits grew in her chest "Time to walk on the wild Side" Enchantress Said She grabbed his face and smothered him. The woman dripped sex and power. She held the back of his head slamming her firm tits in his face. She floated in the air as he struggled. He went to punch her "Yes ... used your Rage" She Said Her voice sounded like she was speaking in a 1000 voice. She felt power surging through her. She slammed down on the ground making a dent in the street. Superman was tossed against a Van. He tried desperately to attack her by ripping off the door and tossing it. She dodges it as the door passed her. Her hands glowed, and she fired a multiple string of arrack in her chest. She leaped out of Judy moons body and was on top of him with multiple punches before doing a back flip back in "Time to end this" She Said She tossed him across the street. She waved her hand and a portal to some dark realm open over him. A gigantic Demonic fist smashed him he felt some bones break. She walked over to him. Superman got up groggy as the clouds got dark. A swarm of dark cloud and dust twisted around the both as they were stuck in the eyes of the storm. Superman stood up as she blasts a long stream of Green Energy. He felt pain through his whole body as he felt part of his soul ripped out. It turns around control by him and punch superman over and over a super speed. The soul upper cut superman in the air. The soul leaped in the air and grabbed him tossing him to the ground. It then slammed into him causing an explosion. Superman was passed out "Foolish mortal" Enchantress Said Superman was woken up. He found himself with his legs spread. His arms as well, tied with some magic energy to the ground "What..where Am I" He Said She stood over him naked. Her pussy hair shaved into a patch. She waved his hand and his cock sprang to life. Her pussy pink and wet. She grabbed him and straddled him. His cock went deep into her. He was helpless as he tried to pull away. She gripped him tighter and ran her nails across his chest leaving a scratch. Her pussy Juiced dripped down her "No ... No" He moaned She was grinding into him laughing. It felt amazing, like nothing he ever seen before. Such lust and sexual power he never felt from a woman. He was at her Mercy. He was close to coming but she stopped edging him "Not let" She said He eyes glowed as she moved faster into a blur. She grabbed his neck as her tits bounce. She moaned gripping her legs around him. She screamed in a multiple climax, one after the other. She slapped him and whispered some spells. Her veins then glowered as she came again. It was only the thirst time of her climax, squirting on his cock she let him cum. Long ropes of cum shot out of his cock. She felt her power, her muscle growing a bit. He felt his power leaving. Still he was hard riding him again "No ... to must" He cried "Your body is mind to do with as a I desire. It no escape" She Said He felt himself a cum again. Even more intense then before. His muscle getting smaller, lighter. He felt himself getting smaller. The muscle left his body with each ejaculation. She was absorbing his energy. She had made him cum multiple time riding him for hours. He was soon skin and bone. He weighted 99 pounds. She held his weak body by his wrist "Is this the GREAT SUPERMAN" She laughed "Please ... Don't kill me" "I won't kill you. Want you to heal by the sun. So, I can drain you again later. Your going to be a snack for me Superman. But next Time Don't want to ask twice. Understood" "Yes" She slapped him "Yes GODDESS" She Said "Yes GODDESS!!" He was meek. While she appeared taller and stronger. She flexed her muscle. She could make her biceps grow 33 inches "Lick me out. LICK OUT YOUR FAILURE" She said He was meekly licking. She wrapped her strong legs around. She Humped his face as her tongue went up her clit. It was banging against her clitorises like a boxing bag "Yes ... YESSSS" She came again his face as her legs squeezed around him threatening to crush his Skull. He licked out ever dropped. The force of her climax shook his body. His face was coated with her climax. She slapped him knocking him out "Be seeing you around Superman" She Said