MWC- Veronica 10 knockouts part 1 by lilguy Veronica take on 10 guys one at a time. Only knock out win. Veronica stood in the ring like a tigress. She was dripping with sweat and blood. None of the blood her own. It made her breast and he whole body glisten. Her pussy dripped and dripped with lust of the violence. She took a water bottle and washed the blood off her gigantic breast. Years of training made her body pure perfection. 5 men laid knocked out. Their bones broken. Their bodies batter. None of thought this mature woman could crush them so easily. One by one they fail. They were 5 more remaining. She flex her muscles knowing the fear in their eyes and moved her hair through her flowing graying hair. "Come and get it boys...this is all yours" She said She looked beautiful and she knew it. It was just bait for the trap. The remaining men stood outside the ring. The big brute was coming out soon. His name was Big Al. Hammond was coaching him " her arms ok. There very deadly" Hammond said "Find I know." "She got to be tired by now ware her down" Hammond said Big Al entered the ring and started circling her avoiding her shots. He wasn’t coming at her strong let. "Come not so cocky now are you. Big AL hu? Big faggot is more like it. To scared to fight a girl" She said "Don’t let he get to you" Hammond said "Come on bitch" Veronica said parting her legs "Come fuck this sweet pink pussy so me who boss. Use that big cock. Bet your not man enough to do that. You know your friend cried like little bitches when I beat them" "You fucking bitch" Al said She laughed standing still. This was when he moved in and caught her with a left grazing her as she went to duck. He caught her in the ribs a couple of time as she blocked most of it. "Ain’t so cock now bitch going to fucking kill you" Al said She smiled "That smarted a bit but it got you close enough for my fist to reach" She said and caught him with a right. "You had you shots my turn honey" She move around him making him miss every shot. She caught him with ribs the sides, and stomach shots. She wearing him down and making him stagger. She ducked down and did and uppercut to her ribs shattering one. Even though she took some shots it only seem to feel her with aderailing. The battle was getting good. She loved getting their hopes up and crushing him. She shatter a second rib and then slammed a fist into his shoulder breaking it. A roadhouse shattered his jaw and second closed his eye up. He felt like his liver bust Big Al dropped to his knees. Tears ran down his eyes. He knew he had no change. Veronica bent over with her ass in her face and her pussy dripping.. He got the view of the tightest ass he ever seen. It looked perfect sculpted. She spread her butt hole because she figured he was an ass man. Veronica was just oozing sex now. "To bad you could have had this AL if you were a little bit more of a man" Veronica said. She spun around and knocked him out. "Get this bitch out the ring" She said Smooth Eddy tried to run but the remaining guys pushed him in. "Now listen sweet heart we can’t talk about this" Eddy said "Well I would hate to ruin that face" Veronica said in a girl voice "Maybe I can avoid that" "See you’re a reasonable person" She ran at him like a speeding car and planted a fist deep into his gut. "Just work on the body" She said She slammed a fist on his spine nearly shattering it. He stagger up not thinking and she caught him in the gun. He felt like his inside exploded. Veronica lifted his chin up "If I want to I could shatter you spine and make you crippled. Play ball and I make this quick" Veronica said "Anything..I will do anything" Eddy said She loved breaking the ounce smug ladies man down. "Eat my ass out. In front of your bitch friends" He cried "Yes Veronica" He said "Don’t try anything slut or your dead" He was force to the degrading deed of licking her ass. She stuff her smelly ass cheeks in his face trapping his nose and mouth. Her powerful as sucked his face in. Eddy cried a bit as he was force to look ever dirty spot of Veronica. Veronica moan as she stood in front of the 3 men. "How does it feel that all you live for going to be lost on a stupid bet Hammond" She said flexing "How does it feel to know you all fought your best but fail so easy" She flex her muscles back and fourth and made them bounch "It not over let" Hammond said "Like what you see little boy" Veronica said facing baby face. Eddy was still eating her on. She rubbed her sticky finger in her clit and started finger fucking your self "Going to break you in half little boy..going to make you cry" The men could do nothing without breaking the contract. They were force to watch Eddy please her. Baby face was shock to find herself harden as he saw Veronica in all her strength. The Amazon orgasm cumming on her finger. She clench her ass trapping Eddy’s tongue. Eddy tried to get ou banging on her back. She just laughed and started licking finger clean in front of baby face. His nose was crush. She unclench her ass and made eddy drop. "Get up" Eddy got up "Please..I" She went for a fake punch making him flinch. She saw Eddy pissed himself and Veronica laughed. She slammed her fist into her head. His brain shook in his head as his eyes went glazy. He fail side ways hitting the ground. Salvia dripped out of his mouth. Veronica pushed him out of the ring Baby face came in the ring and desperately went for a swing to his back. He bang and punch on her. "Thanks for the massage sweetie" Veronica said and back handed him She smother him in a boxing hold till he nearly passed out. She pulled his face out and stuffed him working the body with punch. She left big giant bruise on his chest. "Isn’t that cute baby think he can fight mama" Veronica laughed Crack "Ahhh baby rib crack, Ahhh poor baby there goes another rib" She laughed She pushed him and uppercut him into the ring post. She attacked with a punch to the gun sending the man’s back into the post so hard it cracked. She whisper in his ear "You I’m going to keep" She said She followed it with a storms of blows all over his body and finish it off with an uppercut. The boy was a bloody mess. His eyes was close up and lip was broke. She made sure not to in irreversible face damage. She wanted to keep him. She carried him over her shoulder and push him out of the ring knocked out. "Me and you Hammond" Veronica smiled Hammond circles around her trying to keep distance but she had a long reach. Her legs were long and she was on him with punches staggering him. She drew first blood with a hit to the jaw. She miss one and was caught with a couple of ribs blows and uppercut. He moved around trying desperately to keep some distance She smiled as she saw blood on her mouth. It was her own. "Pretty nice Hammond" She said She spun around as he tried to punch her. She caught him with a jab to the ribs cracking half his rib cage. Hammond screamed as punch went down on his face. A flurry of punches hit his body staggering him but he didn’t fall. His legs were weak. He was staying a float on pull will power. "Look like he got some fight in him" Veronica said She caught him a tornado hook sending him down. Hammond staggered up "Damm you" Hammond said She upcut him. His body flew tied to the ropes. A wicked smile cross his face. His arms were trap in the ropes "No rules right Hammond. Remember that was your idea" She said His eyes went to fear as she knew what she was going to do. It was nothing he could do about it. It was like she was moving into a slow motion. She slammed a fist into his nuts. "ahhhhhhhhh" He screamed It was like his balls was hit with a sledge hammer. Another slammed into his balls till another till he was just a mess. Veronica ripped his pants off and continued the onslaught for 10 minutes. She smiled back at Lenny. Hammond was in tears. "Sorry no more babies hammons for you" She said She slammed a fist into his face knocking him. Veronica stood face to face with the champ. Lenny. Lenny snuck her before she could turn around and staggered her. He send jabs to her ribs and guts. He wore nor gloves and was fighting for his life. He was a champ and he wasn’t going to make any stupid mistakes. She caught him in the jaw knocking her down. "That’s RIGHT" he said " Your good but I’m better" Suddenly he was shocked when she sprang right up. He went for a punch but she blocked it and sent a lift to the chin knocking him back. She had a reach but he block a shot. Even that hurt her hand. She laughed. "Can’t believe it" She said "Believe what" "Your really thought I was giving it by all back there" She said He went for a right hook but she dodge it ducking her body down like a limbo artist. She pushed him with a fist. His arms staggered catching himself off balance. This left him open for an upper cut that drew blood and push him in the ropes. When he was push back a fist slammed into his gut and then two into his chest. He felt his heart shake in his body by the force. She was behind him before he could react. God she was fast. A right hook caught him in his face knocking him down. He staggered up bleeding. He caught her with a left but she got her right up before he could catch her again. One slammed into his ribs cage doing those hammer punches of hers. He was caught in the ropes getting punch after punch. He fail down to stop it. She move back circling. He knew some ribs were broken as he got up. She smiled wicked. This sexy predator smiled. Then he did something that frighten him. She took his gloves off. "You got you gloves off..I got mind..fair is fair" He didn’t even want to imagine what those fist could do without gloves. He went to run to the ring but she blocked him with punches to the gut. His whole body shook as her bare fist slammed into his body. 4 more hits his ribs and rabid concession tearing through his bones like foil. He was slammed into the ring post. A might combo of shots hit him hard and amazing speed. He was blinded by his own tears from without knowing he was crying like a baby. She started slapping him with her tits for extra embarrassment. He passed out from pain. She shook him awake "Passing out is not a KO faggot." She said with rage The punches continued "You like that you little pussy like that. Stop your crying and fucking take it" She said She punch him so hard the ring post ripped out of side. She grabbed before he could fall out of the ring and punch him in the gut and then his ass as he staggered. He fail. She grabbed him up "Didn’t even punch you in the face let" She said He saw those dangerous fist and cried. It was no reasoning her now. He saw it coming and then he black out. All he could feel was pain. He lost count on how many times she hit him before he was knocked out. She took the belt and spit on him "Sweet dreams slut" Month later He awoke from a coma. Lenny saw a newspaper waiting for him. It said "Veronica’s new Gym big success Specialize in empowering women" Under the paper was a photo album "I got copies at home. Thought you like to keep this. I am coming for you next sweetie. Don’t dare try to run away. Love Veronica" There were picture of the men new roles. Picture of them being dominated and abuse be women. Sold. Listen true to Veronica role was dress as a woman with implants and force to do degrading feminists acts. Hammond was being walked around like a dog. There was a picture of Veronica slamming him with a strap on while she wink at the camera. Lenny closed the book. His body was broken. All he could do was just wait for her. His new mistress. The end