MWC Ann Conquest 1 By lilguy MWC- Story that introduce the Mature Women Conquest League. It is a group of dominant older women. They conquer men and gain points. Stars Ann this time around. She is the motherly one who want to seduce her neighbor. Ann needed to rack up some points. She was part of the Mature Women Conquest League (MWC for short) She needed. She was a tall sexy blond. She was 50 years old with the biggest breasts you ever seen. They were filled with milk from her time as a milkmaid. She needed to dominate somebody and get the picture to prove it. She knew this young black man who she called Petey. He was a young black kid who she all ways thought was cute. He wasn't really a kid. Early 20's really. He still seems like a kid to her. He was so naïve. Ann all ways had a motherly way about her and she really loved black guys. She had a nice easy going flower child personality. It caught people by surprise when she let her wild side out. She invited him over because she said she needed some help with her groceries. It was raining outside and the road was dangerous. She had talked him into staying the night. Really she had this all plan. She knew a hurricane was coming and that Pete never watches the news. He was sitting down in his wet clothes Ann walked in she was wearing a nightgown that could barely hold her breast He was use to see them walk around in revealing clothes but it always turn him on. This was a little more revealing then normal. Then he hadn't stayed over in a while. She made sure he could see her breast. At particular time a nipple was shown due to put her bra down low on her breast. She sat next to him. She could see that he was nervous "Thank you for coming over here. With a criminal out it nice to have a big strong man" She said putting her arms around him "Thank you" he said. She could feel her rubbing his leg with his soft hands on his leg. "mmm you gotten so big, I could remember you were a little kid who use to Jump in my arm. All ways was just a nice little boy" She said giving him a little peck on the cheek. He blushed. "Mmmm you shaking do you have a fever?" She said rubbing his chest "your heart beating fast" She said innocently. "He why don't you slip into something nice a comfortable, my nephew stayed here last year and he still has his boxers and undershirt" He looked at her nervously "Come on nothing I hadn't seen, you use to walk around naked as a kid in the front yard, now go. Not going to have you get sick on me with those wet clothes" She said "Yes Ann" He said He rushed over and put it on. He sat back down on the couch and she covered him up. "Come on baby get close to Aunt Ann, yea that my little guy," She said in a pleasant voice Ann smiles at him and start playing with his hair. "My poor little baby all cold just snuggle up to mommy, lay against my breast mmmmm that's it" Ann says. She could see the other to women watching her. She smiled at them and stuck out her tongue like she was licking a cock to them. She had his head in her breast at the time "You not dating right now are you baby" He said "No" He said shyly "What not just handsome young man like you. You have a great body," Ann said "Really" He said "Yea, To tell you the truth, I all ways wanted to fuck you, don't be surprise sugar, you have a great body and cute face. mmmm so sweet. Always helping me out" She said "You ever been with a naked woman or see her pussy spread to you" "No" He said "Shame shame, Bet you don't even know any sexual position. All ways thought your parents should have taught you more about sex. It unhealthy for you not to know these thing, bet you don't even know what a rim Job is" She said "n..No" He said "Well Don't Worry Auntie Ann will teach you these thing, Would you like me to teach you" Ann asked rubbing him "I.I. don't know," He said "Come on baby. I know I turn you on. Don't you want to suck the milk out these things You want to do it while I Jerk your cute wee wee" She said smiling "Been a while sense milk was sucked out my nipples, I'm a nurse maid still have plenty for growing young men" She said Ann smiled and held him. She open her legs to so her wet pussy. "Come on baby no one watching. Your not scared of a little white girl are you" she lied. He looked around. "You have to learn how to eat cunt sometime sugar," She said. "Ok" he said She placed his hand down. He started licking it. She guided his face into the right place stuffing him nose deep into it. She moans loudly enjoying it. She made sure he could smell his aroma. "mmm yes right there, mmmm nice and slowly now fast mmmmm higher mmmm a bit higher ahhh yesss your getting it right there mmm thats a good boy" She said She put a hand in his pants and cupped his ass, slipping a finger in his crack. He was surprise and startled but she shhhh him and he started to enjoy it. She was turn on watching his head bobbed up and down. She could feel his tongue diving in and out. He flicked on the side of her pussy wall back and fourth. He had watch Lesbians do this on movie. He opens her pussy lips with her tongue, going all around the edge of her cunt in a circle motion. The tip of his tongue dived in and out, giving tiny little flicks He started sucking her clit to get it real wet. She took a drink from a bottle of wine and looked down at him smiling. She continued guiding him moaning. She places her head back and started playing with her huge tits. "mmm lick faster mmm lover mmmmmmm that it lap up all my juces make me cum sugar, mmmm see the that not so hard". She rubbed her tits together in ecstasy. He was a fast learner. She pinches her nipples and twisted them a bit. She places one in her mouth and started sucking. Beth and veronica were kissing each other. Veronica had Beth from behind and was finger her clit. She had a dildo that she was shoving in Beth's pussy. "mmmmm cant wait till my turn, going to tear that boy apart" Veronica said "mmm don't be to rough with the guy, he new" Beth said "Don't worry, I try to make this one last a bit but I can't promise anything, as for you I'm going to fuck your rough growwwl" veronica said Fucking her harder Ann kept having him lickign guiding him. "mmm bout to cum OHHH FUCK YESS your going to have trouble breathing for a second" Ann said stuffing his face in. His arms push trying to escape but she held him. "No you don't little guy" She said. She had him lick some more. She slapped him so he wouldn't pass out. She put her head back as jizz splatter on his face as Ann pussy squirted. She had him lick it up "Good boy that my sweet little chocolate muffin" Ann said "Now I am going to show you a special. God do I love your smooth dark skin mmmm. I am going to do something only a big gal like me can do," She said. She took his body and carried him in her arms. Her strength was amazing. She places him down and took his clothes off. She slapped him hard on the ass. He chirped. She lifted him back up in his arms and started curling him. His dick was rock hard. "Nothing like a nice black dick baby. I want to do something for you baby," She said. She took his cock and put it between her biceps. She stated to flex and her biceps squeeze the life out of his dick. It started massaging him as she flex and flex. The force of it was amazing. She kissed him as her muscle stroked his cock. He brought him close to exploding and then back again. She kissed him and had her finger slip in her butt. He moans as he was brought to the edge. She stopped before he could cum "You so weak my cute little bunny" She said. "Just like a child" She finally let him cum. He came like an explosion passing out. She slapped him awake "You ever toss a girl salad before sweet heart" She said patting him on the head "What's that" He asked "mmmmmmm you're so cute" Ann said pinching his cheeks and giving him a kiss. Her tongue went deep in his mouth as she kissed him with her soft lips. She was rubbing his cock. Pre cum was all ready dripping out. "Mmmmm ready for more I see. Thetas a good boy. What I'm asking is have you ever licked ass" He was shocked." I don't know about that" "Come on sugar it not that nasty and even if it some time nasty good" Ann said hugging and rubbing. Her big tits pressing into him as she kissed "o..ok" He said nervosly She pushed him down on the couch. And got up. She gave him a nice view of her ass and slapped. She started fingering her cunt in front of him not letting him touch it. She let him smell the scent of her pussy juice. "You want it baby" she said "Yea Aunt Ann" He whisper "Eat up" She said opening her cheeks. She stuffs her ass into his face. He smelly and shoved his tongue deep in her hole. She push her ass into him smothers him with her ass. She looked at Beth and Veronica who were fingering each other and watching. Ann smiled and winks at them. She opens her clit and starting rubbing. She took Chris's hands and guided to her clit and had him rub. She moans dripping on his hands. She gave a smug smile to a the two women "mmmmm that it lick mmmmmmm lick that mmmmmmmmm nasty boy mmmmmm ohhhh got your cock feel so good in my hand mmmm tell me how auntie ass taste" "Mmmmm that it lick mmmmmmm lick that shit mmmmmmmmm nasty boy mmmmmm ohhhh got your cock feel so good in my hand mmmm tell me how auntie ass taste." "Good" He said timidly "Come on you can do better then that for your sweet Aunt ann. Say it nice and nasty" "It taste...f.f.u. "Come on baby (stroking him) You can say it" "Taste fucking g..Good" "that's my boy and look you made auntie cum all over babies hands got to do something reaaaaal nice for you" She bent down sucking it with her ass till in her face "Breath trough your nose baby. Trough the crack in my ass" She sucked him and came deep in her mouth. That night she put him through the paces leaving the boy passed out. She took her camera and took the picture of him. She kissed him. "My sweet little baby" She said "Night honey because you have a long..long day tomorrow"