Kim Daughter of Ann Episode 4- Confrontation in a Alley By lilguy Young man saved By Kimmy but it more to it then what it seems Author Note- This is a commission I did For more or to get one for yourself go here Many have heard Rumors of the Texas beauty Name Ann. She was a blond Amazon who was part of the underground group of Female muscle...called the mwc...mature Woman Conquest league. They were sexual conquers taking what they want whenever they wanted, wield great power and influence. People knew she was a cougar...but people didn't know she was also a milf. One of her daughters was Kim...aka Kimmy...or Big K to some of her friend. She was a student in college and part of a sorority Darnel had left the arcade. It was a new one up in in the college part of a town. It was part bar part arcade. It played a lot of old school games. Some even flown in from Japan that were never in America. He was a bit of game geek loving the old beat em ups. He played this one all night and lost track of town "Crap" He Said He walked outside and it felt like his car was cities away when really it was a few blocks. He never been in this part of town this late and he heard rumors of men going missing. The disappearance hit no patter. Some people who went missing were athletic tough guys, some criminals. Other were bookish, or boyish types. He was more a of bookish looking type. He was dark skin with short hair. He was dress ins sweatpants and batman shirt. Something that said "Please Rob me" basically "Ok just walked to your car, it's a college town how tough can it be" He Said thought His home was a couple of towns away. He was here because the arcade been open for a week and I was discounts on tacos because of it. He was walked down the alley looking for a tax or anything. The streets suddenly got quiet. He heard some footsteps. He looked and saw nothing. He kept walking and more footsteps. He saw a shadow cast over him and swore he saw something dash away as he turns. He started to pick up the pace running. Faster footsteps were heard. "Fuck" he Saud His heart was beating fast. There he saw something down the street. Someone in a big coat. He couldn't make out who it was. "Umm may I help you" He said He ran. The figure seems to pick up the pace but wasn't running that fast. It was stalking him like some slasher movie monster. His hands were getting sweaty "HELP HELP!!!" He tripped over and the figure seem to be a couple of feet away form him. No one responded. He ran down a dark alley. He crashes into four men waiting in the alley. There were four men "Help someone chasing me" He Said One of the men looked out of the alley "Aint see nothing" The Man Said "Wooo Out of danger" The man he was talking to was tall with slick back hair. He was wearing a Denim Jacket. On closer look he seems to have tattoos up and down his arm "Well Wouldn't say that" He Said The feeling got dark. Darnel tried to back away, but someone grab him "Now where you think you're going" The man Said His name was Hank. He was in his 40's. He seems to have a scar down his eyes. He pulled out a knife that glisten "You got to pay a toll mother fuck" The man holding him said The man was black with a gold tooth. He pushed him down kicking Darnel in the back. . Darnel hit the ground hard. He had a mohawk "Shit Am I get rob by Rock stead and Bee Bop" Darnel Thought The man with the mohawk name was Darius. He pulled out a lead pipe and cracked it right near his head. Darnel backed up "I ... I got money" Darnel Said He tossed some money at him. The third man name was Gob. He seems to be well built...white . He was Built like a Linebacker. "This all you got you think this a fucking Joke" He Said He grabbed Darnel and picked him up like he weighted nothing and slammed him into the wall. He punched him in the stomach dropping him like a bag of clothes. The fourth man looked insane. He pulled out a big knife. His name was Raymond, he had big switch blade. His hair was fiery red, and he had some freckles "We should cut him" He Said Hank went through his wallet and looked over the cards "Maybe we can get something from these. Let bash this little wimps head in and then go on a spinning speed boy's "What ... Can't you just rob me and be done with this ... What with this clock work Orange shit" Darnel Said "Shut him up" Hank said "Now ... NOW ... is that anyway to treat such a cute boy" A voice Said It was the figure with the trench coat. The voice was feminine let strong. It was a sultry voice. There was a small light in the alley way flicker on and off. The robe drip revealing a drop dead gorgeous Blond name Kimmy. She was tall busty woman. The Shirt was wearing was a blue sorority shirt with her Greek letter on with No Bra. Her firm G cup breast had a nice bounce to them. Her hard nipples pushed against the shirt and she had huge pecs that pushed her breast up further. Her shoulder was broad and big. Under the darkness Darnel could notice some muscle definition but the lights hid "Damm we got some DINNER AND A SHOW" Hank Said licking her lips "Meow...You LOST little kitty ... .Here pussy pussy" Raymond Said "Pussy...where? Oh, wait I see four little ones ... picking on someone smaller than they are" She said She smiled. Her here eyes were the bluest blue Darnel ever see. Her lips were Juicy with some pink Lip balm. She smiles with perfectly White teeth "Bitch got a mouth on here time to shut it up" Raymond Said He ran at her with the knife that glisten. She back up into the darkness as he came. There was a cracking sound a bone as Raymond scream. Then punched sounds and kicks. Raymond was sent flying. He had a tooth knocked out and two black eyes. He was out cold. She came out. The light shine on her again. Her biceps were huge, 24 inches of huge biceps, showing veins as she flexed. They seem to grow as she made them dance. The men were stun at this goddess standing before them. The shirt was a belly shirt showing some abs that seem like they were cut by pure diamonds. They were layers of muscle over each other nice and dense. She had a firm six packs showing not a bit of fat on her belly. Her sweat was dripping through her shirt showing the outline of her breast. Kimmy rarely wore a bra. Not that there were many bra's that could match her size. Her pecs always gave her tits an extra pushed. She knew these guys mouth would he agape, so she struck. She struck faster then they thought a big girl like her could. She knew Hank was the leader by the way the men looked at him. Striking at him would be send a message and he was closest to Darnel getting him out of danger. She moved and put her whole body into it. She struck him in the gut, grinding her fist in it for a bit. He was lifted off the ground as he gasps for air. His eyes got red and full of tears. It was like his soul left his body. There surprise took him more then the pain and it was plenty of pain. She then moved with at his side and took a punch to his chin that came down like a sledgehammer. Hank's jaw was busted. She looked back at Darius who eyes were filled with awe. His mind had trouble comprehending what he was seeing. She was like a superhero from his comics come to life, or a hot street fighter character now kicking ass. His cock was rock hard. She gave him a wink and licked her lips. She tossed Raymond body into Gob knocking him down. Darnel scream as he saw Darius coming toward her from behind. She already knew it was coming. She dodges as he swung and grabbed his arm as she stood up. She grabbed his arm and cracked it over her shoulder. He screamed in pain as it broke "Fuck" He Said As the pipe fail, she caught it. She swung the bat with a force of a home run batter. She heard some ribs snap. She took a spinning kick and hit him a jaw. She took a round house kick and broke his Jaw. Gob came at her and swung. She dodges his blows tiring him out "Are you trying to hit me or give me or a fly near me" She said "Stand still you bitch" She said She parried left and slam the pipe against his knees. She back up as she fails to his knees. She swung the pipe in her arm spinning it like a fan. She hit him in the back making him fall to the ground. She took the pipe and bent it. She bent it against his chest. Gob turn around and saw her. A big smile went across her Ruby red lips. Her tongue went across the bottle of her lips. Her nipples were rock hard as she stared down at him. "The Fuck" He said She tossed the pipe across the floor "Come on big man" She said She looked at his that was now stuff in pants, it showed thick veins as it was big enough to stick through the top of pants. Pre cum dripped down "Could use that maybe I hang it on my wall like a deer head" She Said Gob got up with rage. He didn't think he just came at her with rage. Adrenaline help him move through the pain, but his knee still slowed him down a bit. She moved out of the way of the punch but kept close to him. She started punching him in the stomach and then the side of his kidneys making him stagger. She hit him a nose breaking it. She dodges left and punch him with a hard punch drawing some blood. He moaned in apian "Fuck" He Said Gob felt injury on the inside. She moved around "Damm should be hitting faster than that" She Said He grabbed a garbage can and tossed it. She dodges. He swung at her. She grabbed Gob's arm and flipped him over and made him land on his back "You know what slowly me down" She Said She took off her shirt showing her massive G cups. They had a nice bounce. Her muscles under it made her tits looked even bigger. Her nipples were rock hard and pink. They were thick like two milk bottles. The sight of her sent a spot to Darnel mind and made him cum. She laughed. It was a loud , sultry laughed. It was warm and comforting but drench in sex and power. She stood over Hon and slammed her foot on his cock. She was wearing some boots. It had a steal tip. Darius cried in pain. She pressed on a part of his cock that causes him to cum in a fantastic orgasm. It sprayed over his chest "Heard of a two-pump chump ... but not a one stomp one" She Said waving his foot up again She twisted her foot against his balls as he shook with the after effect of the climax that he had. The bog giant man was under her control. She saw Darius moving "Hold on a second" She Said kicking him in the face She skipped over and grabbed Darius by the hair. She slammed a knee into his face. He was daze. She lifted him over up over her head. She bent his back over the back of his neck and shoulder. Darius screamed in pain as he was getting bent . He screamed. Tears ran down Darius. She stared at Darnel and made her pecs bounce "Enjoying the show. Are you glad I stop...this BAD ... BAD man? Do you feel sorry for him for all his pain ... or deep down do you wish you were him my kinky little boy"? Darnel gulped looking at her "Really Wish I had time to play Sweetie but Got places to be" She Said to Darnel "But I got to go soon: She spun him around and slammed his back over her knees. She heard a crack on his back and laid there. She gave him a quick Kick to the face knocking him out. Gob Got up "You BITCH ... you CUNT ... you are fucking bitch" "Now am I bitch ... or a cunt. Make up your mind. One is a Dog that will bite your balls of. Other is something else is something strong enough crush your cock" She Said "Least when it comes to mind" He swung at her with quick haymakers. She dodges easy. She punched him into the ribs and kidneys and did an upper cut. There were bone breaking punches. Then she did quick punches to his face. She caught him from all sides not letting him fall. He staggered caught in a storm of punches that seem endless. His eyes were close. Soon his nose was broken and then his lips were busted "Please ... PLEASE no more" gob Cried But she kept going working his stomach and ribs. She had him against the wall doing vicious punches. The punches behind him made a dent into the wall. She was working him with multiple combos that seem to move in a blur. She pressed her tits against him and put her hands at his side "Bet their few girls that tall enough to meet you eyes to eye like this. Always been a BIG girl. My Mama Fed me Well. This is some cord fed body" She Said There was a bit of southern twang in her voice. She slammed her chest into Gobs chest hearing another crack "Aint that easy fighting me as it is fighting little wimpy boys" She Said. She then looks at him "No offense Sweetie" "None taken" Darnel Said She wrapped her arms around Gob and squeezed. She heard some more cracking as she lifted him up. Veins were showing in her biceps and triceps as she squeezed. She then picked him up into a back suplex. She tossed him across the alley and slammed him into the wall. She walked over to him "Your still awake" She Said She grabbed him by the hair and had him to her knees. He was begging for Mercy "Ahhhhhh poor baby" She laughed She did a punch to him face and knocked him out. She walked over to Darius and picked him up. She had him up against the wall. Her was nervous. She could feel his heart beating "You ok little man?" She Asked She hugged him and cried a bit. She held him to her "Poor baby that guy really scared you. Got you don't worry" She Said "Those men won't hurt you" "Thank you" He Said and stop crying "No I look like a big wimp" "You were outnumbered. You need to be a BIG woman like me. Shame them picking on such a cute little guy like yourself. What were you doing running down this dark Alley anyway"? He laughed "Sound silly now" He Said "What ... tell me cutie" She Said "I thought ... I thought ... .You were the person kidnapping people. Just aw a big figure walking toward me" She laughed "Really" She Said "Yea" "Well Your CUTE and smart because that exactly what I am going to do" She Said He was shocked. She held him with her breast not letting him go. She went into her pocket and pulled out a bottle of chloroform. A very small one and poured it between her breast. She held him against him warms and bottomless tits trapping his head "Shhhhhhhh. See that Arcade one of my hunting grounds. Where I take cute little things like you. Other places, churches, comic book shops, got a few D&D players there, churches, schools and the like. But you one my cutest and sweetest finds let" She Said He passed out. His body went limp. She laughed and draped him over her shoulder. She then took out her phone "Can you bring the car around" She Said A pink car came zooming in. The windows were tinted. She put him a padded a trunk. The trunk had shackles in it as she shackled him nicely. She opens the door "And Oh Yes ... can someone get a car for that Trash I left in the street" She Said Hour Later. He laid laid in a bed. It seems to be some college Girl room. It was a Lava lamp in the room and posters of female Rock bands. There was a book self with books about female empowerment, and femdom fetishes. It had phycology books, sex books, fighting strategy books, and book on hypnotism. There also was the Hunger game and pulp books. He heard grunting. There was Kimmy naked bench pressing. Her pussy was shaved, with big thick pussy lips. It had been shaven into a nice little patch showing the carpet did match the drape. Her thighs were huge, 55 inches thighs. Large and massive. He couldn't take his eyes off it. She gritted her teeth. Each weight had 500 pounds on it. She put it down and smile. Music was playing in the background. Something from Billie Ellish "Well you're up" She Said She continued lifting showing her biceps pulsating. Her pussy got wetter. She seems to be getting turn on from lifting She put the weight down and looked at him. He gasps as he saw her oiled-up body. Her biceps looked MASSIVE. Her tits were shining and her nipples rock hard "Let me guess you don't know if you should faint or Run. Doing both would be pointless. Catch you and slam you back down on the ground the bed" "I will scream" He Said She laughed. The laughter echoed of the walls. "Of course, you can" She Said She opens the door and screams of ecstasy went into the room. Sound of whip were hear and pleads of Mercy. She slams the door. He got up but she held him down with easy. One hand on his chest. She ran her finger up and down his cock. He moans shaking "See the I study the Human body. Studies a lot. Their things a Human body do little boy, that a little boy like you can't imagine" "But ... not a boy ... I a man" He Said nervously She laughed at and grabbed his cock. She put it between her biceps and squeezed. She licked his chest and nipple causing him to convulse. She squeezed like she squeezing tooth paste out tube with her muscles. He moaned in pleasure as her muscle flexed and vibrate. He was on the edge of cum "Well that just SILLY. Sweetie. A MAN can look a girl in the eyes without nearly having a heart attack. A man doesn't need rescuing. Or get snatch up by big girls. But being a little boy like yourself have it perks. They get to snuggle. Tossed around and fuck senselessly ... and I am VERY good at that. More then a little boy like you can handle. I can make a body do thing you didn't think was possible. Multiple climax, that bring men to tear, and shatter your little mind. A little mind that I will rebuild. I can make a man heartbeat so fast with orgasms that it explodes like a big old microwave apple. Or fuck you so good the little electron in your brains could piff POOF ... and you lose concept of time. Time is a construct after all took a class on that. A second seem like hours. Now Ask your little question all your cute" "Why You are doing this" She put his cock between her tits and put her shoulder at his side. She rubbed his cock between her tits "I was taught by my mother women are Goddesses. That their race, religion and not what separate us. It submissive and Doms. When a submissive know their place and reach the level of ULTIMATE submission it EUPHORIC ... a HEAVEN on earth. You can then regress the submissive mind into any age you want and rebuild them. Almost to infancy ... or keep them that way if you choose. Going back and forth. That what I going to do little pet. Going to fuck your silly little brain out. You will beg, you will cry because your body can't take it. But you will LOVE it" She pulled his cock out of her breast and slowly licked from his balls to his cock. He screams as his body shook. He came harder and more then he ever did with her slowly licked. Each taste bud hit him as she enjoyed the creamy taste. "Ohhhhhh Fuck" He Said She smiles and licked her lips. She pushed her finger in his ass and pushed it against his prostate. His cock sprang to life bigger than he thought was possible. She got on top of him straddle him. He was taken inside her as she rode him up and down. He grabbed his big thighs as she squeezed him. She made it clear she could snap him into two. She even bruises his ribs, but she held back bouncing up and down on his cock keeping him close to the edge. It was like nothing he ever felt before. She rode his cock for 5 minutes in an impossibly wet pussy He saw her "Ohhhh fuck ... your ... your ... " "Don't Hold back little man" She Said "A SO BEUTIFULL" He cried Tears flowed down his eyes "Ahhhhh such a sweet little boy toy. Hmmmmmm. Still trying to part my legs I see though. You have to learn that impossible for someone as weak as you" She Said She was lifting his body up and slammed it down as she rode him. She screamed in pleasure fucking him wildly. At the 8th minute., his legs went limp. The room was spinning. His toes curled. It was like holding back a tidal wave of cum. Her tits swung hypnotically and light flash and flickered in the room. The music played. Taylor swift blaster. He thought he heard the words "SUBMIT" in the muscle like little whisper. Minute 12 he was beside himself. She flexed both arms making her biceps dace to the beat. She had a big smile on her face "Please CAN'T TAKE anymore ... NEED to cum" 'Say ... the magic word" Kimmy Tease "Please" "Pretty please Princess KIMMY WITH SUGAR on top" "Pretty ... ohhhhhn P ... p ... princess Kimmy with Sugar on top" "Well OK but only because your so ... so sweet" She plunges down on him as he came. It was a long gusher deep into her pussy. The climax seems to last 6 minutes as he rode the roller coaster of love. His looked at her with passion, fear and worship. She sucked it up with pussy muscle but continued fucking him. His cock was extra sensitive. It only made him harder "OH ... NOOOOOO" He screamed Darnel came against shooting another load it was even more intense then before. She lifts him up and slammed him against the wall. His face was buried in her tits. Tits that seem so warm and inviting. He was getting lost in there. She gave him little slap awake "Don't you passed out now" She said He held onto her breast as the climax went through him again this time it last minutes as his cock sprayed like a hose "STOP ... .STOP CAN'T CUM anymore" "Silly boy ... first you beg for me to not have my way with you, then you beg to cum. Now your begging NOT to cum. Little boys can't make up their silly little minds" She Tease There were mirrors in the room. She like the way his dark skin looked against him. She grabbed her cell phone and took some pics with hashtag "ALPHADIVA" . She slapped his ass and grunted. She hugged tightly around him burying his body in her tits as she got close to climaxing herself. She screamed a long climax as he rode the wave with her. She rode the wave like an expert surfer, and he rode it like a man who never swam like in the world longest tidal wave. His arms hung down as she stood up fucking him. He passed out a few times only to be slapped with her tits. He felt his body floating as she saw the climax in her face as she came again. She LOVE the power ... a TRUE dominant. "Ohhh fuck ... I LOVE YOU" He Said He said it with a conviction that showed it was the most truest thing in the world. She just smiled and continued to fuck him. Soon he cried like a baby, as he lost track of time. The lights dancing against the wall looked like trillions of stars dancing just for him. He felt himself floating. He was weightless in her arms. "That's its kid cry your little wimpy eye out" Kimmy Said She put her arms behind her back and fucked him against the wall. She laughed as he helpless hung there. 20 minutes passed. He looked into her blue eyes and got lost in what seem like an ocean. She came some more against him knowing her dominance "Tell me Kid ... when you call me name ... what the first thing that pop in your heard" He could barely speak "Come on get it out" She Said "mommy" "Ooooooo interesting. Some men say Goddess, Queens, Auntie ... princess ... But only the most cute and wimpy of boys say mommy" She Said "My mother would love you boy" She slammed him on the bed and grabbed him from his ankle. She hung him upside down and sucked his cock. She was milking as; he lips wrapped around it. She drunk his cum like a straw as it flowed into her mouth. She enjoyed the sweet taste, gargling it before she swallowed. After making him cum multiple times by this she held him against the wall and spit in his mouth. She could see the last bit of resistance slip away. She held him upside down against and put his cock between her tits and fucked him. Her tits were nice and firm and soon filled with cum. She tossed him on the bed. She looked like a giantess. She could see his will gone as cum flowed down her tits like a bowl of milk. She cupped them and slurp the cum. The boys mind was lost. She straddled him riding his cock as she let out a massive climax knowing the young man was broke. It was like fire works erupting in her body as she was drench in sweat. She could have ripped his arms off at that moment. Instead she punches the granite wall making a huge dent. She smiled wickedly as she rode the poor man. What she said came true. Second seem like hours and hours as she rode the climax. Each second was heaven on earth to him, a transcendent experience. As he felt like they were the only things in the world. The universe opens them as any worried his had disappeared. He was there to serve his Goddess. She fucked him for two more hours. He couldn't move. She picked him up by both wrist and held him in front of a mirror "Tell me little boy...what you see. What am I holding" She Said? "A little baby" He Said meekly in complete submission "But thought you were a man" "No ... How can I be a man when a goddess like you mommy" He Said She laughed "Yes, that would be silly how could you be a man" She Said She gave him a big hug "Now baby you have to clean up your mess" She Said She laid him on the bed and stood over him with a big clit. Her pussy was filled with him cum. She came down on his and squeezed her legs around him. She knew she could crush him but wouldn't. The taste of her pussy made him cum as she rode him. It was intoxicating to him. She grinded into him and came into his mouth. It was a big squirting of pussy Juice. It soaked his lungs and left in ecstasy. She came multiple times using his face as a dildo. Half and hour passed. She let him rest as her sex soaked in his pours. He was dragged out of the room. There he saw he was in sorority house, filled with busty and powerful women. He saw some of men that were missing. They didn't show back up in life again because none of them wanted to. They were loyal to their goddess. Why would they leave heaven? "Got a new PET BITCHES" Kimmy Said to her friend They cheered. They bent him over the desk. Her gal pal Meg was riding some man's face "Damm hear that boy screaming from a mile away" Meg Said Meg had dyed her hair blue. She stood up as Kimmy over the table "Well K ... this been a best hunting trip let" Meg Giggled She got a tattoos gun. The sorority name was tattooed over his ass. "Fucking these wimps always a good work out. But Get all worked out. Nearly killed this kid. Need something I don't mind breaking. Care to go into the brutality room with me" Kim Said "Sure, thing big K" Meg Said She kissed Darnel deeply "Now you eat their pussies like their mind ... won't you" She Said "Yes Mommy" Darnel Said Kim tossed him to the girls and walked into the room. There were the men she beat up earlier. They had ball gags in their mouths and the women were using them as boxing bags. Kim got some beer from the keg and gulped it down. The men looked beaten to a pulp. "All right let's BREAK these guys" Kim Said and stared punching