Kari Popeye fights Blutista By lilguy lilguy4174@yahoo.com Power of Spinach trade between ladies with each getting the upper hand This was a commission I did. Find prices and more here. http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profile http://fanfictionman2015.deviantart.com/ It was a sunny Day in Spinach Town where Kari Popeye in her friend was walking in the back after school. Kari always liked walking into this park. This was because she could find wild vegetable to eat. It had a lot of fresh goodies. She was currently in some short Daisy Duke hugging against her nice firm butt. The Daisy Dukes were blue and showed off her legs. She had on some blue sneakers and a tight pink button under shirt. In the pink shirt was small but Perky breast. She was pretty girl, straight girl next door with blond hair with some brownish blond streak into them. Her hair was perfect and her smile was warm and inviting. Her looks and general attitude made her a popular girl in school. Her body very fit from all the sports she was involved in. Her lips were pink with strawberry lip balm. Kari had her Duffel gym bag on where she had her books and can of spinach. She always likes a good snack after Jogging through the park "You're going to the party after the big baseball game" Susan Said Susan was a black girl with long hair that was black. She had a bit of curves and was on the basketball team. She had red lipstick and some tight sweat pants on. She had a T-shirt with the basketball team on it. She was working up a sweat keeping up with Kari "Yea...The coach said if we win the game, he gives us some Pizza. Who ever get the most runs get to pick the toppings. Figure I pick some spinach some of those girls could use a boost" Kari Said stopping the smell the flowers "Cant wait for the party so many hot Fellas going to be there" Kim Said "Oh Kim you just a man eater" Kari laughed "Guilty as charge" Kim giggled Kim was an Asian girl and play Lacrosse and Volleyball. She also did some piano. She was wearing a pink skirt and some sandals. She was slimmed and had some of the biggest breast of the two. She had a button up shirt. She had pearl ear rings and short black hair with some purple high lights in it. Her lipstick was red "I hope They Jon serving drinks there. He makes the best malt shakes in town" Susan Said "Well what do we have here ... walking by looking all pretty" She Said Bluto came out where a Tight White Shirt and some Jeans. He had big hairy arms and big muscles. He kids much of had hair on his chest when he was 5 years old. A big teen he was pretty big. He had his older Cousin Jimmy...a big burly dude who was kept back a few years. Another Tall man name Eric tower over the guy. He had big beauty eyes. He was Bluto Brother Jason. Kari lost track of how many sibling they had. It was a whole clan "Where you're going Kari" He said getting close. He ran his hand through her hair "Pretty girl like you should walk alone She pushed his hands away "I am just going through the park on the way to practice before the big game" "Girls shouldn't be playing sports ... could get your little delicate hands messed up. Mess up your hair" Bluto Laughed "Tell you what going to do you a favor. Going to do you an Honor of taking you to the dance. Be with a hero instead of a zero. You get carrying my bags...and know what it likes to be with a winner" He gave her a slapped on the butt "Hey cut that out. Like I go with an OAF like you" Kari Said "Ohhhh think she insulting you Bluto...teach these Dame a lesson" Jimmy Said "Give the old 5 fingerer Lesson in Manners" Bluto punched her in the stomach catching her by surprise. Susan went to help But Jimmy knocked her down her down "You should skadallde...Amscray ... disappear if you know what Good for yea, you dumb skirt." Jason Said Kari kicked Jason in the crotch catching him by surprise. Bluto laughed. He always found cheap shots hilarious. Kari hit him with her Gym back. Bluto slapped her and knocked her down. Kim tried to get up only to being kicked again her glasses fail "Not so smart now ARE you" Bluto Said Jason grabbed Kim by the hair with one hand and lifted her up. He planted a big kissed on as she pounded on his chest with multiple hits. Jason just laughed as the punches did nothing. They laughed as Kari tried to escape "Off me you big Lug" She Said "Come boys; want to see behind that shirt" Bluto Said Kari was crawling over to her bag while he was distracted. Kim saw this and decided to distracted them for a bit "Ohhhh Yea like you guys can handle a woman like me. You're too busy picking fleas of each other backs...you big ugly smelly Jerks" Kim Said "Ohhhh this girl need a to be taught a lesson" Bluto Said Kari grabbed a can of spinach form her Gym bag and squeezed it. The spinach was open as she squeezed it and some spinach popped out. She felt a burst of energy and stood up. She flexed her arms as her sleeve started ripping. Her muscles were growing big and large. She had some big gigantic biceps that were growing and ripping through. Her biceps grow 14 inches as it was tearing through it "You like BREAST boys...were your about to see some" Kari Said The Bluto boys turn around. Her chest was expanding, growing cups size before their eyes. The buttons were popping out at top speed. The buttons were flying through the trees with the speed of the Bullet. Her breast was huge now like two giant Basketballs. They had a nice bounce and farness "Come on boys...muscles and no muscles...she just a girl get her" Bluto Said Kari laughed her breast were bouncing as she laughed. They watch as the abs was growing before her one...popping out layers like popcorn kernels. She looked like solid steal. The other two boys gulp. She flexed her arm as and kissed them "You come on boys ... get get me" She Said Jason struck first. She ducked his punched and got him in the stomach. Jason gulped as she was lifted up and put over her now broad shoulders. She spun him around and body slammed him down making a dent in the ground. Jimmy ran at her and Kari ducked. She moved at top speed using her now 30 inch thighs to move at top speed. She caught him with a right hook spinning him around and then a left. That one spun him the other way. She slammed him again and old tree that she knew had to be taken. She was waving her hair back and forth catches him with a roundhouse punch. She slammed her fist down on the top of Jimmy head like a hammer, slamming him into the ground like a nail. She had her breast over his head and used them like two hammers "Are you still teaching me a lesson" She laughed "Yea gets them. BEAT them up" Susan Said "Going to tear you apart you crazy Dame" Bluto Said Bluto Fist connected to his stomach. It braces herself... She was able to take the punch as Bluto knuckles broke. Kari laughed. She slapped him upside the left of his face with her mighty breast. It was slapping her back and forth. "Come on Bluto though you were a breast man" She Said She grabbed his face and stuffed it between her chests. He was being smothered trying to break her hold. He couldn't. He was just squeezing her breast massaging them as he tried to get out. She tossed him around like a rag doll and let him out as she gasped for air. He was daze. She got up under him and punched him knocking into a tree making a dent. Jason grabbed her from behind to help her brother. He squeezed her chest trying to flipped her over "What is with you Bluto and sneaking a feel" Kari Said She flipped Jimmy over and grabbed him by his arms. She was flipping him back and forth like an old rug. The ground was shaking each time she was doing this. She tossed him far across the forest and slamming into the ground "You guy going to give up or you thirsty hungry for more Fist Sandwiches" Kari Said "Why you DUMB Skirt" Bluto Said pick up a giant Tree branch He swung it against her back the tree ranch broke. She caught him with a few punches to the stomach. Her fist was twisting into him. Her fist was moving like blurs unto her stomach and chest. It was laying bruises all over her body. She then socked him across the face. Jason was coming behind her as she backhanded him and knocking him back. She pulled Bluto by the hair and trapped his head against her thighs. She squeezed making his face blue. His eyes were bugging her out. He could feel the sweat going down her calves dripping. Kim kicked him in the butt as revenge "Take that you big Jerk" Kari calves were closing hard around him making sure to keep eyes on any sneak attacks around her. Her strong thighs and calves were like solid steal as they were closing around him, threaten to smashed him into tow "Now what was that you were saying Bluto...you were giving me a 5 finger lesson plan. Well this class going" She punching him into the head with multiple punches, her thighs was like two walls of steal going around head. He could feel the muscle definition as she squeezed harder as he was trying to escape. He tried to part her legs but didn't seem able to do it "First lesson birds WATCHING" She Said punching him so hard he saw birds flying around She slammed her fist down like a hammer from each arm. He had two black eyes on his face as her fist came down like a storm "Now for some Astronomy." She Said. She hit him till he saw some stars "And a little bit of music class" She slammed her fist by each arm. The ringing was going through his ear. It was bouncing around her ear drums in a loud song. Elsewhere in the other park of the Park Jason was lying on top of a broken table? He got up bruised and with his clothes ripped. He decided he needed to help his family. He grabbed the leg of the table. He took a big gripped and was running. That was when he saw his Cousin Blutista "He Coz" He Said Blutista was taller than all of them. She was a red head girl with big pig tails. She had some freckles on his face and was a tall busty, bruiser. She was a stocky girl and may be one of meanest of the family. She was wearing some overalls and boots. She had her boot on some nerdy kids head. Her hand was around another one head "What you want ... I make my runs collection Lunch Money" Blutista Said "I ... was wonder...if maybe y ... y ... you can ... you know.." He Said nervously stuttered "Speak up you little squirt" Blutista Said chewing on some gum "There nerds not going to beat himself" "Bluto in trouble. He tried to beat up Kari...but she got her hand on some spinach and now beating them up. Tossed me against the Park" "Well Danger ... you wimps can't stay out of trouble. Well Tell you want your little wimp. I help you beat her up if you give me your allowance for the next month in fact I want you to do my chores for another couples of weeks" Blutista said tower over him "Sure ... sure Blutista whatever" Later back on Kari end of the park. Jimmy was bruised with some black eyes and a bloody lip. He was lying against the tree. Kari was grabbing him y the tree with him against the tree. She had her fist clench "Now you are going to stop bothering me. Or you going to get clobbered" "Oh don't think him going to stop anything. He going to do whatever he wants and you're going to sit here and take it like the nerd you are" Blutista Said "Now going to let you guys go with a light beating...if you drop all your money and kiss my butt." Kari turns around and saw Blutista standing there with Jimmy behind her looking onward. He was standing hiding behind her like a child. "Why don't you guys back off and Let us walk in the park you big red headed Jerk" "Hey you little wimp ... You better shut your mouth before I snapped you like a twig you little bean pole" She Said flexing her arms "You and what army" Kari Said "This army" Blutista said grabbing a can of spinach "I normally hate spinach but I make an acceptation to even the odds" Kari got scared a bit as Blutista ripped open the can and poured it into his mouth. He started to chew on them. Her muscles started to grow "This taste likes crap but I am feeling great" He muscles started to grow into big basketball size muscles. It was ripping her outfit revealing her body. Her skins looked radiant with big cut muscles and deep muscle definition. She had thick veins in her muscles as layers and layer of muscle was being added. It was growing like Jiffy Pop popcorn. Her shoulder grew nice and wide with inches wide. Her breast ripped apart her shirt popping the shreds. The shreds were flying around. Her breast were like two big beach balls as they were bouncing up and down swaying back and fourth "Ahhhhhh you scared now aren't you" Blutista Said smile "I ... I aint scared anyone" Kari Said She grabbed her breast and scooping it. Her nipples grew nice and hard and twisted it. Her nipples were 4 inched long and nice and thick. They were like the top of two baby milk bottle. She was fresh and Juicy. Accept for her breast and ass her fat was disappearing. She had some nice Biceps. She slammed her fist into her palm shaking the ground. Her thighs were thick, 45 inches. Her triceps and Quads grew expanding like balloons. Her forearms grew nice and wide as muscles grew on top of muscles "Going flatten you like a pancake and your friends" She Said She ran at Kari and tackled her. They grabbed her in a tight bear hug and crashed into multiple trees. The trees were getting ripped out as they were crashing into it. She wrapped her hand around her neck and squeezed. Her face was turning blue as she was squeezing. Kari was choking her making her feet dangle. Kari face was turning blue. Blutista gave and evil smile "Ahhhhhh what the matter you can't breathe" She Said She slammed her down on the ground and got on top of her. Blutista was over her sending waves of punches against her breast "Spinach or no Spinach your still a little geek" Susan tried to run and get help. Blutista stomped her breast shaking the ground. Susan fails as she was running. Blutista grabbed the ground and pulled it like a rug "Where you think you're going to little wimp" Blutista Said Kim was grabbed by John and grabbed her. She put Kim arm behind her back and ripped his part of her shirt revealing her bra. She used the shirt to tie her to a tree. "Go ahead and watch the show" John said punching her Blutista picked her up on her feet. She punched Kari in the stomach making her gasp for air. She laughed as she was grabbing her by the hair. Kari was trying to punch her stomach and ribs. It didn't seem to affect Bluster that much "Is that all you got you little wimp" Blutista laughed her big breast bunch up and down She held Kari to her feet and began punching her with super speed and rabid punches. It was leaving bruises on her face as she was punching her around the Park. Kari was daze with her arms hanging down. Her legs were wobbly. She did an uppercut under her chin and sent her up in the air. She leaped up and grabbed her by the leg and slammed her down. She put her foot on her chest. Blutista smiled as she flexed both arms showing her huge biceps. Her biceps were glisten with sweat. "You know think my little Cousin Bluto was to nice to you if you nerds thought you could actually handle this. I mean look at me. Look at these muscles. Look how thick and solid they are. Even without muscles make you look like a twig. I am real woman, strength and beauty. I mean look at these breast" She was making her breast bounce up and down with pectoral control. Blutista loved being strong. She was making her biceps dance with a nice big right. Her biceps were slamming together. Her tits were slapping together making the sweat fly off with every strike. She tweaks her nipples "Even my breast could crushed you little woman. Yea going to teach you a lesson. Things going to change for now on. You're going to be my own little punching bag after am done with you. You're going to like my boots, doing my homework's. Let maybe the little nerdy girl tied to the tree do that" She laughed "Get off me you big meanie" Kari Said "As strong as you are...you going to still be a big loser" "Ohhhhhhhh is that so mosquito's breast" She Said She grabbed Kari up by her breast and gave her a nice squeezed. Kari screamed as she was being shaken by him. Her finger prints were pressing deep into her breast. She was leaving some finger prints into her breast. It was leaving black and blue finger prints into her breast "Hu...Do I look you're a loser" Blutista Said "No ... you right you're not just the loser" Kari Said "Yea ... finally your getting some sense hu" Blutista said smiling showing her beautiful red lips. Her piercing blue eyes were looking at her "You also SMELL to" Kari smiled "Wow you SNOT nose...skinny little geek" Blustia Said and tossed her against the tree She was running toward her and caught her with some punches into her stomach. She was bent over and slammed her fist down against her back. She was slamming her fist into her face making her a bit daze as the punches were coming toward her with multiple attacks. Blutista was moving like a blue laughing as she beating her. She got on top of her and ripped off her clothes down till she was naked. She draped Kari over her shoulder. She started spanking her. Kari moaned in pain trying to escape. The ass was getting bright red as she was spanking her "Going to treat you like the little baby you are. You little wimp. In fact you got a cute butt for a little nerd. Hahaha. Going to drag you around the room you little geek" She slammed her down and stomped on her head twisting it in into the ground. She was flattening it like a pancake "What a matter little wimp ... can't fight back without an extra bag of spinach" She Said "Don't passed out on me let you little weakling. You skinny girls are going to learn not to mess with your better. Think you're so smart. But all the books in the world going to stop you from beating these big muscles" She picked her up and stretches out Kari body. She was being stretching out like a rubber band making her moaned in some pain. "Hahahhah like some taffy" Blutista laughed. Blutista was a bit of a sadist "Going to tie you into a pretzel your little geek. Going to beat you up and take your entire boyfriend. Teach you not to cross Blutista the town bully" "Yea get here" Bluto Said "Shut up your wimp. Before I clobber you to" Blutista Said making Bluto go silent "Going to do a little Jump rope" She was stretching Kari out like a rope jumping out around her. Blutista was laughing. Her big breast was bouncing up and down as she was doing. "Look can make one of those exercise videos. After all I look like a super model" Blutista laughed "Let he go" Susan Said "Shut your trap your little wimp" She said tossing Kari Down She walked up to her and started punching her in the stomach. Susan moan in pain as and then got lifted up over her head. "Hey let me get a shot in" Jimmy Said "Shut...up you just mess it up. You get your looseness all over my great plan" Blutista Said lifting her up over the head. She slammed her over her knee making her moaned in pain. She lifted Susan up again and did it two more times "Bet you thought you were all cool with your little sports. Was going to be on the basketball team...but dang coach got mad because I knocked him out? Well if the coach think I beat him up before wait till they see me now" Blutista slammed Susan down and gave her a big punch. She held them by the Hair. She lifted them up one with each hand. She was holding them up making them dangle in the air "Damm didn't even try that hard and I beat both these bean poles butts. Think you're going to be some great trophies you to. Maybe I hang you over my bed. Then your little friend Kim can massage my feet" The two women arms and legs were hanging down. There tongue was hanging out. They had to black eyes "Where is that little wimp anyway" She Said Jason looked over to where she tied up Kim and was surprise when he didn't see her. "Danger you had ONE job you big Dummy. Now I got to find her" Blustia Said "Ohhh you don't have to find me ... Right here" Kim Said Kim took some cans of spinach. It was one in each hand. She squeezed it letting the spinach fly off and started chewing it "Think that scares me ... I have enough muscle to take you out" Blutista Said "I still have bigger muscles then you" Kim started to grow. Her legs were stretching with power. Her shirt ripped out with bigger and larger. It was ripping her clothes. It was tearing her into big. Her tits were growing big and large, like two ripe water melons and wicked smile was on her face. Blutista still had her fist clench ready to fight. Blutista was smug because she knew how to fight. Her smug smile to fear "You were saying" Kim Said Her muscles were now twice as big as Blutista. Her breast seems to have a natural bounce and filled with milk. It was swaying back and forth so the milkiness could be heard. Her abs was to die for, nice and thick. It was layer upon Layer. She was now taller than Blutista and her shoulder were nice and broad. Her legs were long with thick 50 inch calves. The sweat was dripping down the curves and vines of her thighs and triceps. Her thighs and glisten. It was like little rivers were dripping down on "Give me your best shot" Blutista ran up to her and was punching her. It was moving against her stomach hitting her hard with multiple punches going at top speed. Kim was standing still as Blutista was giving it all she got. She was pushing her feet in the air as she was punching Kim. Kim smirked as Blutista looked up in shocked "Are you quiet done" She caught him under his chin and sent her flying in the air. She grabbed his legs as he went high in the air and slammed her down on the ground back and forth. She grabbed Blutista by the arms and legs and stretches her body like a rubber band. She pointed it at a tree stretching her arms and legs nice and long. She sucked on her tongue and closed one eye as she aimed. She let go of her and sent Blutista flying. Blutista was hitting the tree and bouncing off from tree to tree like a pin ball game bouncing all the way. She was going from tree to tree. It came toward her and Kari punches her sending her back to the tree. Points were popping up as she was doing it "Arent you going to help your Sister boys" She Said Bluto and the boys attack. She caught Bluto with a haymaker knocking him out of his clothes. He was skipping around like a rock. She punched Jonny in the stomach lifting him up from the air with a punch. She grabbed her and pushed her face deep into her breast. She squeezed her breast together, nearly crushing his head. Jimmy head was being flattened like pancake, literally flat. She smiled as the walls of Flesh were coming toward him. He had trouble breathing. Jimmy arms were hanging out as he was trying to push against her. The tit flesh was going through her fingers like water "So you like punching a girls in the stomach...don't you" She Said She was swinging him back and forth as Jimmy was going toward her. She stuck out her hand and pushed her hand out to keep him away at arm's length "You're trying to hurt me little man. Not very nice. Hey Susan Didn't he punch you in the stomach" Kari Said. She caught Blutista by the neck as she squeezed him. Her eyes were popping out as big as an orange. Whenever she let go a bit the eyes would go back to normal. She laughed as she was choking him and shaking her. Blutista eyes were turning red showing thick veins. A big vein was appearing on her forehead. Susan was getting up "Matter of fact" She said Groggy she did She swung Blutista down on the ground and stomped on her head making her dig into the ground. Kim grabbed a can of spinach and put it between her now huge and firm butt cheeks. It was over 70 inches wide and had a nice curved to it. It fit nicely against her ass. She squeezed her ass cheeks against the spinach letting it pop out. Susan opens her mouth and the spinach. Susan started to grow. Her basketball shirt ripped showing thick, she smiled feeling the pleasure of having thick ebony breast. She felt filled with energy and power, her ass was going nice and thick. It had a nice bounce swaying together. She was making it clap. The ass cheeks were hitting each other. Her lips got fuller and she seems a lot more beauty. She smiled looking at her ass and seeing her muscle back. Kari was getting up dusting herself off "Here catch" Kim Said She tossed het toward Susan. Susan stuck out her huge breast and let Jimmy bounce off her chest. It bounced hard in the air. She was bending her back backwards as she was using her breast to make him bounces. She was using her basketball skills to keep him in the air. Her breast had enough control as she was punching him with her tits and keeping Jimmy up. Her giant breast slapped him in the face creating two black eyes "Great ball handling" Kari Said getting up chewing on some spinach that was still in the cans. She chewed on "Love working together. Time for some baseball" She grabbed a Tree that was knocked down and held it in her arms. She sucked her thumb and blew into it. Her biceps was being blown up like a balloon. It was growing like a beach ball. She swung it toward John and hit her hard. It was sending him flying "Damm ... think that may be a home run" Kari Said Kari ran fast and caught John very fast. She grabbed him and wrapped her arms around him. She squeezed her arms around him having him in a bear hug. The women were tearing the Bluto apart swing them around. "Come here you little squirt" Susan Said She held Jimmy in a headlock. She squeezed her biceps around her. His face was turning red as her head was lying against her tits. She was squeezing him hard as her muscles were growing behind him. She grabbed his wrist and gave him a twist "You know I been practicing wrestling. Thinking about taking it" She Said stretching her arm "Hmmmm Let me try out some moves" She grabbed Jason and put her over her shoulder and neck. She was bending him back in a torture rack bouncing him up and down. Her breasts were swinging back and forth as she was jumping up and down. The pain was going through Jimmy Spine making him screamed "Saw The LATINO CRUSHER do this on a wrestle match against The Dark Huntsman's. It was awesome. He tapped out in 10 seconds. They normally let go if they person tapped out you know" Jimmy screamed tapping out "But unfortunly...that wrestling isn't real. This is real wrestling. Tapping out won't work silly" Susan laughed "Now how does it feel be the little stick figure hu. You were happy to pick on someone who was skinner then you" Susan was bending her around her neck like a sleeve making Jimmy screamed in Pain. She walked over to Kari who was on top John again giving him rabid punches. Susan was in front of her. Susan now had her pants ripped showing her big legs. The pants were now shorts "How you like my new scarves" Susan Said spinning around Her skin was nice and brown. It was radiant as she spun around showing how Jimmy was tied around her neck. His body stretch to cartoony levels being tied double. "Looks sweet girl ... fabulous" Kari laughed "And it can be stretch out into a bra to" Susan Said and stretching his body over her breast. She was pulling on his arms and legs tying him up "You want to help me with my Strap" "Sure thing Love but let me just put on my belt" Kari Said picked up Jason up in her arms. She grabbed him and put him around her waist stretching him "Seems like this belt is made out of cheap material" She helped Susan out and tied Jimmy hands and feet together. She had it times in a knock. She was admiring her body. Kari was checking her out squeezing Susan muscles. She flexed her arm. Kari couldn't get her hands around. She was foundling Jimmy body. Jason was still wrapped around her screaming in pain. "Dang girl that bra looks nice. Really let out your muscles out. Does it padding to it" Kari Said "Go ahead and take a hit" Susan Said Kari was punching her chest. She was slamming her fist against Jimmy back leaving big bruises all over her body. Her punches were moving like blur. Susan smiled enjoying watching Jimmy body bend. She took the Human bra out. She sat on his face and pulled his legs up. Jimmy face buried into her fleshy cushions "Think I make this into a one piece" Susan Said He stretches his legs around her shoulders. It was being stretch like taffy as she stood up. Kari grabbed his arms and stretches it tying him together. His face was still between her cheeks and wrapped around her as a once piece bikini. Kari made sure to tie the arms together. Susan strutted around like a super model "Look at I can be in picture. I am so fancy" Susan laughed Kim was dragging a beating Blutista and Bluto by the hair. She slammed Bluto and Blutista heads together and draped them over her shoulder. She smirked as she watches the both of them "Dang I got to get a picture of this" Kim Said She grabbed the camera from her bag and took some picture as the girl's poses together. They were high fiving into each other. Their breast was pushed together as they gave thumbs up to the camera. "You like there new outfit guys" Kim Said to Blutista "Don't they look nice. Think I could use a an outfit to as well" She put Bluto between her legs and squeezed hard around them crushing her hand. She then stretch his legs so he could tie him up into some make shift underwear. Arms and legs were tied around each other. Blutista tied to run but she was grabbed and punches Blutista. She tied Blustian into the human bra. They were all taking pictures of Susan now as she kissed her biceps "Maybe we should post them all over our school" Kim giggled She gave two arms flexed. She pushed out her legs showing thick glutes that the Bluto couldn't get her arm around if she tried. The 3 girls felt like Amazons now. She flexed both arms showing some veins in her muscles. It also stretch her breast out adding more pain to Blutista "Think my swimsuit passed out" Susan giggled "Thought he always like my butt." "Ahhhhhh let him take a nap ... he looks so cute when he sleeping" Kari giggled Their bodies were nice and sweaty and the sweat was on the Bluto. The three women loved the way they looked as the Bluto were passing out. They took Bluto family off her. "Time to kick these guys out of town for now" Kari Said She punched John with a wound up punch. John body was sent high into the air flying into the next part of town "Air KARI...flying off again" Kari giggled "These two about to Fly coach" Susan Said and slammed Blutista and Bluto head together "On a family pass" She punched them and sent them flying over a horrriozne. Susan slapped Jimmy awake and the girls surrounded "When you wake up, after we knock you out" Susan Said "Tell you friend an important bit of advice. Don't mess with a girl and her spinach" She punched him in the air with the rest of her group "Well girls where going to be like this for a bit...where you want to go" Kari Said "Say...we go to malt shop. Pick up some boys...LITTERALY' Kim giggled Kari put her arm around her and laughs "See that why where friends" The 3 girls skipped happily away whistler Kari's family theme song.