Chronices of Judy black part 9 By lilguy Still in the Sancturary could Judy have met her match. very bloody "I got to go protect the Mercedes babe. Got to go kick some Ass." Judy said She gave the now well muscles nun and kissed. The two Amazon swat spit. Star sat near her son gripping the new slave (soon to be sold) by the neck. "Have fun. Make sure you kill lots" Star purred "You're a deliciously Evil know that" Judy said "Yea that why you love me" Main Pirate Ship "Captain there firing on our ships. Two fail down "Fire on there ship. They are no match for us" He fired the missiles. The Trinity ship rocked back and fourth. Captain Dread put his secret weapons on and EMP field shot through knocking out the communications. Captain Fired on the ship. Huge explosion tore through the Trinity. It wasn't moving. "We took out there weapons. There helpless. Gravity is off to" The pilot said "Good put the Tractor beam and Board them. I sent a crew down to handle these would be Pirates and shown them what true power is about" Judge Dread Judge Dread beam down The women attack taking out a few but they were no match for the Tece that Dread's men had. The busty women were trap in force field created by the pirates. "Hahhaha you have women. All ready I beat your army. Where is your leader" Dread said "Right here bitch" Judy said She slammed a fist into him knocking him down. She looked shocked when he started to get up and smile. "Good one. Now try this" Dread punched her and sent her flying. She ran at the tall Amazon with heighten alien speed and seem to catch her in the ribs in stomach faster then he could moves. He did a spinning kick. "So This the GREAT Judy black I heard so much about. Doesn't seem impressive" He uppercut her "Stupid girl. I was doing this for over 100 years. This is not Earth. This is the Dark Quadrant. The most dangerous Quadrant around" The hybrid Dred said "Yea and I'm the most dangerous bitch around" Judy said Judy ran at him but he used her own momentum to slam him through the floor. Dread Jumped down. He spit on her. "Going to rape you. You stupid whore" Dread said "Captain" A voice said in the intercom "What is it you fool" Trinity ship The solider was on the Trinity with gravity boots surrounded by solider. Furniture was floating around "Nobody here. Just the Slaves" The solider said Down on the surface. Suddenly Dread watch as two of his cargo ships exploded. Women in flying armor appeared on various ships in flying armor. They cut through the metals of the ships "When you read up on me. You must have not read a whole thing. A while back I ran into an Alien race called the Confident * you see they have this armor that can cloak. They can attack them self to ships and cut through it with the sharp instruments on the metals. Hard to see them. I kill each and everyone of those mother fuckers but kept the armor for my ladies. It wasn't a coincidence we came here today. You have a lot of Cargo and I need extra ships to house some of my slaves to sale. So figured two for one" "Fire on the ship" Dread said Judy moved at Amazon speed. She punches him hard in the gut making him shoot out green blood from his mouth. She grabbed his hand and crushed it into paste. "That for me having to hold back with you while my girls did there work" Judy said She grabbed his other hand and crushed it. "That for spitting on me" Judy said Her uppercut him cracking his jaw like it was glass. Judy lifted him over her head in a show of amazing strength. "That was for the whore comment" She said He tried not to scream but soon they all scream. Judy was pounding on him with her fist of steal splatter blood all over her naked tits. She slapped him with his tits humiliating them and putting his face into the bloody mess. His army was on the ground set there guns on him. And EMPH field shot down deactivating their weapons and freeing the women. The women attack the men from behind in a slaughter. "See you got the main ship" Judy said in her intercom. On the main Pirate ship Tifa stood with a guy eating her out. A man she forces. The co Captain laid skin Alive. Judy had riding him to intense orgasm. She now jerked his cock off into cumming. Tifa had madness in her eyes. "He surrenders to quick. It ruin my FUN" Tifa pouted as played with her pig tails "He RUIN my fun" Tifa said smashing his skull in She lifted the man who was eating her out up. She spoke in a girly voice "Your not going to ruin my fun is you pet. Your going to bleed real good for me isn't you. Cum real hard" He cried "Mmmmm that better. Love the sound. Love the sounds of your screams. Better not be like the others" She pointed to dead men in there room. All of them fucked to death. "We don't need all these ships. Put them in the tractor beam and take them out" Judy said Tifa pushed the man face down to eat her cunt "Mmmmm goody fireworks" She squeezes his head slowly crushing it. He knew he soon be dead. She pointed to the only other man alive on the ship. The man was force to obey. He was too scared. "Take out say ... 32 of them" Tifa said. "Release the Trinity. Don't be tricky and take out the ones with my friend on it. Right now I am going to make a whore wardrobe of outfits made of skin. This cutie eating my pussy going to be my boots. I could all ways use and hand bag so don't FUCK with me!!" The youngish Asian girl said "Yes mistress" "Goodie" On the Trinity The Pirate was ready to escape. "Not Every girl left Sugar" A female voice said It was Roxi. She had a thong that showed off her famous tattoo that said Man on one cheek. Crusher on the next. She was about as tall and strong as Judy. She had blond hair and long finger nails. The x hooker was wearing a tight wife beater that said "If you can read this your fucking dead". It barely held her big breast. It showed off her belly button and tight abs. The shirt was wet showed you can see her Thick nipples. Judy ran her tongue across her thick lips. She held two giant guns that no man there could lift. She held them with ease. They were like gating guns. They were shocked by this Amazon. Roxi fired taking a lot of them out. Bodies were torn apart as bullet sprayed through them; she kept some Alive taking out her legs. She walked over to run and held her big ass over him. She stripped him. He knew what was going to happen. He begged and cried but it was hopeless. Judy smashed her ass in him breaking her nose and forcing him to lick his crack. She was jerked him off as she slapped her ass cheeks together slowly crushing him. She made him cum just as the eye socket pop in her whole. She smashed again. "Keep licking that shit bitch" She said making him cum with the most intense and last orgasm of his life. She came smiling and licking her finger. The men were force to watch the slaughter. There was nothing but the man blood under her. She got up and showed her ass to them. There were pieces of brain matter in it. She showed it to them and smashed another. She grabbed another and made him eat her pussy to orgasm. She squeezes her strong legs together popping his head. It exploded pussed and bone matter out. Roxi laughed and walked up smashing them with her feet like she stomping grapes. Her tattoo on her foot said "Boy stumpers". They never saw anyone so sadistic. Roxi snapped her fingers and told a man to crawl over to her. He hesitated but Roxi looked made him obey. He put his face under her ass. She smiled and lowered it. Another ship Camm stood tall with her wire brim glasses. Her blond hair was in a bun. She held a man in her arm with his arm and legs broken. He was sucking milk from her breast and it overflowed. "See Children. See how nice it is when you obey Auntie Cammy. Mmmmmmm look at that sweet cock squirt" She said She calmly wipes the men blood of the glasses "You really gave us a lot of trouble little pirate. But you will all be darling boys for now on won't you" The pirate in the wound had limbs broken, some were just beaten and fuck senseless "Yes Auntie Cammy" The pirate cried as he was brought to another orgasm "Now darling you really mustn't scream or I will be force to smash your head in. I know it hard because you weak little body can't take this pleasure and it will never be able to but you must know you are a piece of shit without any rights. A cute one though..But a piece of shit none the less" She said pinches his cheeks and rocking him The surface "Get your punk ass up" Judy said He was a bloody mess crying and pissing on him "Aint so tough now are you." Judy said spitting on him Judy straddles him and rode him till they both orgasm. Dred was enough to knock him off his feet and made him scream. She milked him of his jizz with her pussy. Of all the women he had he never saw just a beautiful sexual beast. She would slapped and hold her hand on his neck. This must have been what the slaves felt when he use to violate them and rape them he thought. He was all ready broken. How cruel can she get? She slapped him hard again making her cry hysterically. "Hey Star come out here. Fuck this bithche's mouth to shut him up" She said Her pussy was squeezing his dick and bruising it. It took all 22 inches of him in with ease Star walked out with her 18 inch strap on and fucked his mouth savagely filling it with jizz. "Hey star. You a good pilot" Judy said kissing her The two amazon's tongues kissed each other as the spoke and use the man as a toy. "Yea. We all get training" "Need to fly one of those Pirate ships to Places. Don't worry girl. Had some scientist made some special VR training.Only works on us chicks? Your ass will be natural bad girl. Need someone with connect to some of the prude out there. Some one to infiltrate places we I need to be more suddle..sense that clearly not my thing. Want to help me enslave some of you old buddies and trick some new ones" Judy said "Hellz yea. Loving this shit" "Good need an Extra pilot" Judy said "Can I keep this little one?" "Sure the bitch is a crippled now anyway accepts for his dick. That all you need. Tossed in some of these priest and pirates. Start you off nice. Make sure all my girls rich. Where going to spread operation out. Make a franchise girly" They didn't even seem to notice dread screaming with multiple orgasms. The ships rain down crashing. The fire made the girls bodies glow 2 days later A lot of pirates were sold as they traveled to the destination. Sold to women that would demean them. That the way Judy wanted. They were all totally broken and taught to eat pussy perfect. Only then did they get to Judy braining. Her slaves were all ways the best. No talk back. The arrived at the destination. Some Hellish little planet of discos, fire, brimstone and sex clubs. The people worship the dark forces. Some look like winged demoness, other were Goth chicks. It was run by some woman who fed on blood. If she was from Earth you would called her a Vampire. Her name was Six. The planet use to be Six. She had taken it over long ago with dark forces..oh so the story was told. People knew she was powerful and love depravity. The planet was soon referring to as planet 666. She loved that name. She was tall with long black hair and very busty. She was beautiful and very exotic. She slithered over to Judy who was drinking a Beer and smoking cig. "Love the slaves you brought me. It was expensive but worth every credit. My girls loved her. The idea of raping some people so pure is AMMAZING. But what about my special gift. The one I gave you the big money for" Six said. Her voice was sultry and hypnotic. She floated on air. She had powers of persuasion but she knew not to try that on Judy. She tossed Jacob naked and on the ground. Six began dripping wet. "So lovely..mmmmmm so pure. Worth every credit. Judy Every Credit. Me and my girls will put this one through all type of hell and depravity. He would be fuck for weeks straight" Six said "I do my best" Judy said "So Judy you want to party for a little bit" "Always" Judy smiled Elsewhere A priest opens the door to a woman in from a cold "Come in my dear. We don't normally let in stranger but you seem lost" "Thank you" "I heard abut you Sister. You're the one who wrote "Joys of Virginity". Where teaching a similar class sister. Would you please teach?" "Sure but call me STAR!!"