Heather Popeye In the Desert By lilguy lilguy4174@yahoo.com Heather trick into a treasure hunt Author note this is a commission I did http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profile Heather was in her kitchen cooking. She was dress in a short skirt showing off her thick calves and thighs. She was quite prouder of her body. Years of being a sailor, working out and eating spinach has played off well. She was hot not only for a girl of her age but of any age. Her hair was still long and blond and her abs was big. Her forearms were huge showing of some navy tattoos. The beautiful cougar was cooking her fabulous cheesy and Spicy spinach. A gentleman caller was coming over and she was going to make some nice food. Hot and Spicy. She would make pies later today. There was an Apron that said "Kiss the cook". She stood 6.4 even in her bare feet. She heard a knock on the door "Coming" She Said She opens the door and was shocked to see Bluto with hat in hand. She was expecting him to attack her and had her fist clench. She and Bluto had gotten into a lot of fights. Most of the time she attacked her. But then he saw a sad look in his eyes "Bluto what is it" "It's my MA!!!" He cried. Tears flowing out of his eyes, making a river down the steps" She it trouble" "Come on in...Come on it" She Said She had him take a seat and made him some tea. His hands were shaking with nervousness and fear. Some snot was coming out of his nose, as tears flowed down his face "What wrong Bluto ... what happen" "Its my Ma. She owed money to the mob. Old mom love betting on the horses. Would have paid of her debt...but you know I been in the hospital...due to all the massive and brutalizing beating you gave me" "Oh dear" Heather Said with the gasp She felt sorry for him and guilty. Sure Bluto started those fights but she always wonder if she hit to hard. She did punch him across town into an abandon building a lot of the time. Although she known for fight. She tended to try to avoid violence if she could. She only did it when press, or when someone else was in trouble. But she got the reputation of being good at it and thus more people tried to attack her. "Worst let think my mom last bet was to raise money for me hospital bills. The poor girl...she so dainty and delicate...who know what they would do to her" She showed her a picture. Bluto mom...look like an older version of him with a wig, accept with bigger arms and more body hair "I will do anything to help. Maybe I should help you with the money...how much does she owe" "They don't want money anymore. She missed the deadline. No the mob wants to make an example out of her" "Cant you call the cops" "Those pigs won't help ... there on a take. I need you to go with me and fight them. You're the stronger person in Spinichville. They see you with me and they will back off" "Find guess I at the least owe you that. Where are they holding here?" "The desert Heather" "The desert ... why so far. Defiantly got to cancel my dinner date if where going there" "It just quick plan ride there ... got a friend that have plane ... it will only be a few hours ride" He Said "Ok find let me call him up" She Said Later they were on a small airplane ridden by one of Bluto drinking criminal's buddies. Heather knew it be hot in the Desert and dress warming. She wears tight Denim Jeans that hugged tightly to her firm ass. It was worn low so you could see a little butt crack. It was tight enough for some camel toe. She wore a sleeveless white T-shirt showing off her biceps. The sun scream made them glisten. Her biceps were 24 inches. Her shoulders were board. They drove deep into the desert. She had some Binoculars "Where is she...don't see her" Heather Said "She coming up" The rode for a while till they got to a small temple. There were a couple of skeletons laid in the sand near the temple. "What those, are the Mafia killing people" Heather Said confuse "No you dumb broad ... that from the monster hiding the treasure" Bluto Said Then he kicked her out of the plane. She fails down hard into the sand. Bluto laughed as the plane circled over her. "Sorry Heather ... my Dear old Ma been in Jail for a few years, your daffy broad you fail for the old water works" "Bluto your SNEAKY...snake ... when I get back to you ... I am going to knock you to the moon just like I did your cousins. And to think I felt sorry for you" "Good luck finding me Heather. You see reason why I brought you here is there a treasure in that temple. That a monster guards. It should be coming out any moment now. It going to kill you getting you out of my Hair once in for all. Hopefully it get tired from finally eating you, and when I come back can taking it out with this big hunting rifle" He Said "Was that Pilot in on this too" Heather said angrily She felt the ground shaking. Some monster was rumble. She heard a loud roar under her feet. Whatever it was it was big "Heck yea he was...he going to get cut of a treasure. My dear old mama set me up with him. She hates her to...Every since Olive Oil got a whole of spinach and knocked her across town...when my Ma tried to rob and orphaned the dear old Gal" The ground was shaking. The roar got louder "Sorry Heather got to go...Be back when your monster for HAR HAR HAR. Oh and don't count on your spinach got it right here in this bag" The plane went off. Suddenly the sand started to sink from the ground as the monster came out. It looked like a big snake coming through the ground. It had big buzz saw blade on it that was part of body. She dodges out of the way "Dammit ... no need to fight old boy...not after you" The giant monster came out of the sky. It was a 40 miles long if it was foot. It blocked the sky. It had long arms that snapped at her. She doge out of the way as the arms snapped everywhere. She rolled across the floor. She went to some of the bodies. One of them had a spear. She held it tight as the worm dive toward her. It opens in mouth revealing teeth. She dodge out of the way as it dugged into the ground all the way "Where are you" Heather said heart tense She saw the ground rumble and tossed a spear toward a mound in the dirt. The spear went through the dirt making the monster scream. She saw the giant worm rises as she ran across it dodging the blades. She went to the spear and held on to it as the monster leaped from the ground. She held onto the spear to keep from falling as the giant worm leaped through clouds. She wrapped her legs around part of the worm and began stabbing it over and over it leaped into the ground again. They were going deep into the ground. Bits of rocks were hitting her as the it drilled. The shaprs rock was shredding her shirt. The monster came out and tossed her out toward the temple. She slid down and held onto the spear. Her clothes were ripped having a huge breast exposed. She tore off her shirt and wrapped it around a cut that was on her arm. She stood by the temple and waited for the beast to come "Now settle down boy" She Said The worm was coming to her. She stood steal as it race like a train. She dodges out of the way as the worm hit the temple; splatter some green blood as it broke through the wall. There she saw inside the temple, what the beast was guarding. It was mound of Gold and jewelry "Wow look at the all that Mula" Heather Said The beast slapped her with the tail sending her flying and crashing across the desert sand. The spear was tossed out of her hand "Had just about enough of this" She clenches her fist as the worm was coming. It went down to bite her and she cold clocked it with her hand knocking it back a bit but it head knocked her back drawing some blood from her mouth. One of his arms grabbed her tearing at her pants. It swings her and sent her crashing to the ground. On the hot sand. She was being slammed down. She saw another skeleton with a sword. It seems to be of Spanish solider. She grabbed the sword and slices though the arm of the beast "All right lets rumble" She Said Her body was dripping with sweat due to the hot desert heat, bearing down on her body. Her nipples were rock hard and her abs nice and firm. She flexes her muscles and embraces herself for the attack of the beast. The worm slammed into the sand creating a dust storm of sanding blind her a bit. She was knocked her by the monster. Her body was slammed in the air. The worm leaped up and slammed it tail down on her. She slammed through the roof of temple and onto some gold coin. She was moving the sand from her eyes and grabbed for something. She felt her hands around a sword that had jewels on it. The monster was coming her way. She couldn't see it but she could hear. She swung it sword hitting it in a face as it went for her. It drew some blood splashing across her face. She clenches the sword nice and tight as she was pushed against the wall. The beast open it mouth nice and wide showing some hot breath. The feel of the breast almost burn as it went to her. It teeth sharp as steal. It opens its mouth and she grabbed the sword putting it between its Jaws to keep its mouth from closing "Time for us to see eye to eye" She got on top of the worm and punched it in the eyes over and over again "You like to blind me...let see how you feel when I do the same. She punches it hard in its eye ball. The animals had multiple eyes. It did a splashed. She rode on top of it as the beast was going through the ancient temple down into cavern and Catacombs "Hate to destroy such a nice and ancient place. But if you mess with the Bull you get the horns" Heather Said She held on tight wrapping her strong thighs around it. Her pants had been ripped down to like she was wearing swords. The rocks of the building were still hitting her. They crashed through ancient pillars, slamming the monster head as she grabbed. The big worm had two whisked that she pulled on to moved it around "Like riding a horse" She Said The worm tried to get her off widely slamming her body against the ceiling of the temple. The dirt was falling down and putting pieces of rock down on the floor "Got you little worm" She Said She saw the one that had ancient statues. She grabbed a sword from some statue of some cat god. She grabbed the spear and slammed it down through one of its eyes. The worm stops making her fly off and slammed hard through the pillow "Damm that hit like a train" Heather Said The big worm tail knocked her through the wall and into an underground river that was going through the temple. She had her ribs bruise due to get tossed into the wall. She blood was dripping from her mouth. She was getting out of the water dripping wet, her tits and biceps were glistening. The pants were wet. She ripped the pants off tossing it aside because it was wearing her down. There were in the dark cavern...only a few shards of light were going through the place. The monster could see in the dark. She held the spear and motions the beast over "Come and get me" She Said She dodges out of the way stabbing it in the side as it went toward her. The hands were swing at her. One of the blades on the worm caught her in the stomach, cutting a gash. She spun around and took another few stabs to the worm's body, death by a 1000 cuts. The worm was moving all around her. It went too wrapped around her but Heather leaped. She ran to escape the temple. But the worm moved fast knocking her down. It screamed giving her a sonic boom that knocked her back. It spit the sword out and rose down on her. She grabbed the spear and stabbed on it as it was going down on her. It tails slammed in the ground shaking it, and creating crates across the ground. The shocked waved knocked her deeper in the ground and made her loose her sword. The worm was on her a bit down. He swallowed her whole "Danger" She Said She grabbed her pipe that she had between her breasts with a match. She lit the match and put her pipe in her mouth. She was stuck into the beast bowls. There was Skelton's inside. "Damm ... Heather...this quite a problem you got yourself into. Your soft heart has got you in trouble again" Heather Said Heather had her hands on one of the beast bones inside it. She looked around. She saw a caravan that the beast had decades ago. She looked through it and smile as she saw what was in it. It was a can of spinach. She squeezed it hard and made the spinach fly out and into her mouth. She started to chew on it as the power was pumping through her veins. She blew on her pipe as the fire was going out of the pipe. She turned it upside down making her fly through the air like a rocket. As she was flying through the worm her muscles and tits were growing. Her forearms grew big like 45 inches big. It crashed through the beast teeth "Damm Feeling good" She grabbed the worm as it went toward her stopping it in it tracks. She opens up its mouth with her bare hands. She went to its tonsils and began punching it like a speed boxing bags. She used her tits to hit forming them to fist shape, as it punched it back and fourth "Warn ... you. You should know to never mess with an American Sailor with spinach" Heather Said She flipped out of the worm as it moaned in pain. She slides across the floor. It tails swung at her. She grabbed the trail and dragged it out of the temple. Her strong arms squeezed around, cracking it flexible bones. She did a big swing and slammed it back and forth on the ground making big clouds of sand "Tried to be nice, guess you down have any ears" She Said The beast other side grabbed her. It tailed wrapped around her and lifted her up. It was squeezing around her breast swinging it up in the air "Didn't anymore tell you it not nice to touch a lady without asking" She Said She put her thumb in her mouth and blew into her. Her breast was expanding, going up letters before her eyes. Her breast was pushing out, giving her big J cups. Her body grew taller stretching out her already impressive 6.5 frame. Her forearms grew in power as she broke the hold. She dropped down landing on her feet. She grabbed the worm and stretch it body ripping it in two. Green goo splashed on him and she tossed them the mile away from each other "That take care of that" She Said The two halves lay motionless. It suddenly started to get up. A head appeared on one of the sides. The worm now were two smellers one. "This is getting ridicules" She Said It was coming toward her from both slides. She jumped up over them letting their head crashed together. She grabbed them by the head and slammed them together repeatedly. The worm's jaws shattered making them toothless. She leaped on them and grabbed the blade out of them. The worms screamed in pain "If you can't behave ... I make you behave" She said She took away it claws ripping it with her might hands. Her biceps flexed it power showing thick veins. The tattoos on one arm form "Extreme" the other form "Force". Her tits slammed together as she flex and tore all the two monster weapons out "Time to go to sleep" She Said She slammed her fist down on one of the worms face knocking it out cold. The worm was seeing stars. It saw its other half trying to escape "I need you, stand still" Heather Said The worm was making a run for it and went underground. She leaped in spinning her body down into the place like a drill "Said come here...aint done with you let" Hour Later Bluto rode in the plane with his pilot "Look like it's a lot of damage down there. See a worm's body. Smaller then I thought" Bluto Said "Oh Damm" The Pilot Said The Pilot saw Heather ride the second Worm like a horse. She was high to the sky at the plane level. She naked dripping with sweat like a wicked valkyie. The sun shines off her blond hair and hit her tits just right creating a halo. The beast was tame and opens it mouth. Bluto saw and scream leaping out the plane. The Jaws chopped down the on the plane with the pilot swallowing it as the plane exploded. The worm came down by Bluto who was running. The other worm woke up. It was playing dead blocking her way. Heather whistled. The worm went to her. She patted them both on her hand "See you survive" Bluto Said nervously" I am so glad" "Yea ... turns out SOME animal can be trained" "Now...Now ... hope there no hard feelings" Bluto Said He stuck out his hand for a hand shake. She stuck out hers knowing what he was about to do. He punches her in the face. All it did was break his knocked. She smiled and grabbed his fist and squeezed, feeling bones break "That right Bluto no hard feeling ... in fact I want to give you a hug" She Said She wrapped her strong arms around him and started too squeezed. He heard his bones cracking under as she buried his face into her massive breast. He was screaming in pain as he was hearing crunched like he was a bag of chip. His face was turning red as he was losing air from her breast "Come on Bluto thought you were always a breast man" Heather laughed Bluto tried to push her off but all it did was massage her breast. Heather moaned "Ahhh who knew you were into foreplay. Thought a man like you would go straight to" She dropped him down before he was about the passed out for lack of air. She stomped on her crotch and flexed her arms. Bluto screamed out loud in a high pitch voice of a young opera singer. The sound could shatter windows. She showed thick 32 inch biceps as she began stomping him again. Her nipples were rock hard as she twisted her foot against him. She smiled licking her lips. She twisted her foot against him making him moaned in pain "Look like someone getting excited getting beat up. You not some sicko is you Bluto...knew you were weird" Heather Said "Owww ... why you Daffy Dame ... get off me" "In fact I think that why you always try to fight me. You want me to beat you up. If that your thing I won't Judge Bluto" Heather Giggled "I know there certain people outside of Spinaichville in the big city you can pay money for it" Bluto blushed with embarrassment trying to stretch him arms to get to her. But she stomped on his crotch again "I am going to murderlize you ... you crazy board. Aint no one talks to Bluto that way. Namely no Skirt She flexed her arms again but this time made her biceps bounce. She had biceps upon biceps. She knew that it was getting Bluto excited despite his protest of the contrary. She was enjoying embarrassing the big man after all the trouble he put her through. "You always did like big muscles Bluto...my biceps. Don't know what you like more my boobs or my muscles. Probably my muscles being the weak schmoe that you are" She let him slipped out. She dusts herself off getting the sand off her body. She walked away turning her back to him "Think you embarrassed yourself enough for the day. Going to enjoy spending you treasure. Hope you didn't have any Plans for it" "That's it ... ENOUGH is Enough" Bluto Said Getting up He went to punched her in the back. She let him. He was punching her back repeatedly. His hands turning into a blur, sweat was dripping down his body as he punched. He gasped and lost lack of air. "Thanks for the back massage Bluto" She Said She turns around with a roundhouse hook. Bluto spun around in a 360. She punched him with a left spinning him around in the other way. She did it against and again from side to side, spinning him like spinning top with ever punch and giving him bruised and black eyes. When she stopped her was dizzy, falling down to the ground. She slapped him awake "Those clothes are too much in this hot weather" She said She was standing over him with a dripping wet pussy. She glistens, sweats flowing through the curves and grooves of her muscles thighs and calves. She picked him up and tore off her shirt making the buttons fly. "Woe now holds on for second heather" His chest was pulled. He went to toss some dust in her face but she dodge in twisting her arm. She did a couple of hard punches to the chest, them coming down like a sledge hammer. She caught him with a punch to the gun so hard his soul flew out. He saw a light and heard beautiful music. He was flying up to heaven. He saw his body getting trashed "Coming for you Grandma ... your baby boy coming" He arrived in heaven only for an Angel to tell him he got the wrong address and should be going down. The angel was Marlin Monroe with big muscles. She punched him down sending him crashing to the earth. He went passed heather who was still pummeling his body and straight into hell. He was still happy to avoid the beating Heather was going to give him He saw a big devil. "All right where my Pitchfork" Bluto Said The devil punched him right back up not wanting the likes of him stinking up his Joint just let. He got shot right into his body "Give me those pants Bluto" She Said She ripped off her belt and pulled down his pants. He had boxer shorts on. He tried to cover it and he blushed. She caught him with a punch under his chin. He fail down like a bag of potato She grabbed his underwear and wedgies him. He screamed in pain as she was swinging him around and around. She put her finger in her mouth and whistled "Come here boy get ready" she Said to one of the giant worms The worms stood up and she swung Bluto toward him making him fly toward the sky. The worm him with it tail back to the other worm and was hitting him back and forth. She smiled and watches him go from worm to worm "Mmmm like a watching a Tennis match. All right put him down you two" She Said Bluto slammed down at her feet. He got up groggy and took a cheap shot into her crotch. His fist went inside her and she smiled. She squeezed her pussy muscles and crushed his hand. He screamed out in pain trying to pull out but couldn't "Given how many children you have, by different mothers ... surprise you ever tried to pull out" Heather laughed Her breast was bouncing up and down with each laughed. She looked like a goddess. She kicked him in the chest sending him across the desert. As he was sliding there was big line across the sand as his ass was getting burn against the sand. He was slammed into the cactus butt first and yelled jumping high into the sky. His screamed echoed. He fails down with his legs spread. He was heading toward the caustus. He prayed in fear as his crotch was about to slammed into the cactus. But he slammed behind it with his legs still spread "Just missed it...thanks the manly god" Bluto Said Heather ran and kicked the cactus, slamming it into his crotch. He yelled and leaped in the air. She looked up and smiled. She took the cactus off the ground and drank the water from it by holding it over her head. The water splashed over her body. She saw a shadow of Bluto over her as he was falling into ground. She caught him by the neck and gripped his neck. She was still drinking as she held him with one hand "Now ... you know it not nice to lie Bluto ... made me miss a very important date. I cooked and everything. You know how long it takes to make 6 layer spinach pies" Heather Said "Ohhhh a couple of minutes" "Nope try a couple of hours. But some Lunk head ruin my date with some sob story. Making me miss my Gentlemen caller, cooked for nothing ... and then pushed me out of a plane and tried to kill me. What do you call that?" "Ummmmm Ahhhh ... delightful shenanigans" Bluto Said "No called that being a grade A Jerk. So I got to clobber you real bad. And then I got to punched you someplace far. Someplace you will be out of my hair for a few months" She was punching him in the ribs keeping him up in the air with her punches and juggling him with multiple kicks and punches. She grabbed him by the leg and slammed him hard to the ground beating him like a rug "Come here you little wimp" Heather Said slamming her foot on her head "Is that an erection. Do I need glasses or is that really that small. No wonder Olive oil ever picked you" "Why you mouthy dame" He Said He went to punched her in the ribs with his bruised hand. She smiled and slammed her tits on the top of his head nail him into the ground like a nail with a hammer. His body was stuck in the ground accept for his head. She put her foot on the top of his head "No you're not a fast Learner Bluto but these getting ridicules" She smiled and showed her his abs. He gasped at how beautiful she was. The sweat was dripping down nook and cranie off her abs showing hard steal. She seem cut from marble. And her nipples have grown 4 inches and were nice and thick. She played with her breast molding them together "You know Bluto" She Said kicking off her shoes "Think it time I get a little tan while I am out of here, taking advantage of the situation" She put her foot in his mouth causing him to suck. She smiled and pulled her foot out putting to his nose. She grabbed an extra can of spinach and started chewing on making her shoulder broader and her legs longer. She chewed on it as she walked giving Bluto a show "My Gawd" Bluto Said The spinach made her breast nice and large. She squeezed them together and bent down to him with her breast hovering over him "Bet you loved to tossed these big Juicy things. You were after me for years. Know you want them. Something to really grab onto" She Said "Ohhhh yes mamma" He said howling like a wolf. A river of drool was coming out his mouth and his tongue hung out a couple of feet long like a red carpet "Ohhhh mama" He was making dog sounds and his eyes popped out of her head and she turn around showing her back muscles "And this butt ... I know you want to touch this nice ass" Heather Said teasing "Couple of kids and still hot like a teenager...still firm. Not so bad" She stomped on his tongue hard making him yelp in pain. The tongue went back into his mouth twirling around. "Ohhhhhhhhh Yesss" He Said turning brought red. His face turns into a wolf for a few second and he howled "Ohhh yea want it so bad" "Well to bad ... your not going to get close to these tits oh ever make love to me. Because you're a sneaky no good snake ... who lays about his mama ... .as a mother doesn't like that. But you will get to see my ass up close now that I am going to get a tanned She lie across the sand and place her breast against the sand. She then wrapped her legs around Bluto face and put her ass against her face "Ahhn you make a comfortable seat" Her ass was against his nose as her strong legs squeezed around him. She squeezed around his legs hard enough that his face turn blue. His nose was between her cheeks and she squeezed hard breaking it "Ohhhh come now Bluto why your struggle thought you like my Ass. You're going to make a girl feel less about her trying to escape. It nice and sweaty...just how you like it" She whistled again and got one of the giant worms to get her another cactus. It brought it to her and she broke it in half and started drinking "Mmmmm that hit a spot. Having rowdy daughters, it very little one can relax. Namely when they constantly have to fight your off spring" "Arrrggg ... you crushing my skull you crazy broad" "Don't worry won't crush your brain? It small enough to hide in that thick skull of yours" Heather Laughed. She looked back at her back and tears running down Bluto eyes "Mmmmmmm getting a beautiful tan aren't I. My gentlemen caller can really like that" "Probably some pencil Pushing wimp" She squeezed harder crushing his Jaw. She slammed her ass in her face smothering him between her cheeks. She laughed as she did as he struggle, tongue sliding between her ass cheeks as he tried to escape "Now ... Now ... don't be rude. Maybe you could have been at home with me if you weren't such a bully all those years. Harassing my friend Olive, poor little thing. I don't like big bullies. None of my family does. But we sure do love beating them," He was moaning in pain. It was like his head was stuck in a garbage crusher. It was sweet torture. He was trapped and wasn't able to get out. The sub beam down on her as she was enjoying the sun against the back and ass giving her a nice toasty tan "Now it time for the front" She Said She turns around and basked in the sun. Her pussy was in her face dripping wet. She smiled enjoying the sun basking off her tits. She was playing with her breast and licking her lips slamming back and forth against her pussy. His lips were against her pussy lips. She moaned as she started sucking her breast "Best it was the first time you had your face between a girls pussy you selfish jerk" She Said She closed her strong legs against her nearly crushing. His eyes were being pushed out and blood was dripping from her nose. She was threatening to break his skull making a splitting pain through his skull as she was crushing his head "Now this is relaxing" She Said She sucked her nipples, letting her tongue flicked across her nipples. She moaned out in intense pleasure as she was making her cum. She was making the cum splashed against her face as she was slamming it against his face breaking his jaw. Her tits were getting dark as the sun was coming down hard. Her muscles and biceps were getting nicely tanned. She waited till her body was nicely tanned dripping with sweat. She got up standing over him. She pulled him up out of her sand. "All right where can I punch you today? Got an idea. Ohhh going to donate most of that treasure and take my boo ... out" She winded up her fist nice and hard. She punched him hard sending him flying hard through the sky. He landed in the middle of the ocean crashing hard against the hidden Inland. He crashed hard against the Inland nice and hard. The dirt was flying through the air. He hit against the tree as the coconuts fail on his head. 3 Days Later She was laying on the beach somewhere. She had her new lover with her as she was standing on a balcony. She had him in her arms. The gentlemen caller was naked. "So lover was it worth a the wait" "Heck yea ... how you even afford this place" "I have my ways" Heather smiled.